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Ancient churches(Scaveg)

Favoured skills:Knowledge(religion),Knowledge(history)
+2 as misc bonus on one Knowledge skill
+2 as misc bonus on Heal skill
+1 on fortitude saves to survive with lack of food or water also +1 on Con
checks with same.
Favoured skill:Survival
+2 as misc bonus on Survival and Search checks
+2 Fortitude saves vs weather
+1 on Fortitude saves
Favoured skill:Craft
+2 misc bonus on Survival checks and
+2 as misc bonus on Knowledge(Nature)
+2 on Fortitude saves vs disease and +1 additional for Endurance check
specialization(running, swimming etc)
Favoured skill:Sense Motive
+2 as misc bonus on Knowledge(Navigation)
+4 on Sense motive checks when dealing with informations
+4 on Swim checks
+2 on Bluf
+2 on Fortitude and Con checks when involving water
Favoured Skill:Diplomacy
+2 as misc bonus on Knowledge(Underworld)
+2 on Bluf when dealing with informations
+2 on Knowledge(Stewardship) checks
Favoured skill:Knowledge(warafare)
+2 as misc bonus on handle animal checks
+2 as misc bonus on Knowledge(Nobility)

Armor check penalties in heavy or medium armors are reduced by 1

Favoured skill:Spot
+4 on Survival when in deserts or sand territory
+4 as misc bonus on Diplomacy when dealing with money
+2 on Fortitude saves vs heat
Fire damage is reduced by 1 when taken.
Favoured skill:Bluf or Survival
+3 on Survival
+1 on Bluf
+2 on fortitude saves vs poison,disease and against shock
+1 armor class when fighting animals
Favoured skill:Knowledge(stewardship) Householding +1
+4 on Knowledge(history)
+2 on Diplomacy checks
+1 on all checks vs unnatural
+2 on checks to recognize Kas family members
Six yamenese
Blind fury 1BP
Favoured skill:Knowledge(Nature)
+ 2 on Knowledge(occult)
+1 on Reflex saves
+2 on Intimidate
+2 on all saves vs intimdation fear
-2 on Diplomacy
-1 on Influence checks
Gray-main Nine yamenese

Marked 3 BP
Favoured skill:Move silently
-4 on all social checks
+1 on sense motive
+2 on Hide
+2 on move silently

Favoured skill:Bluf
+2 on Survival
+2 on Spot
+1 attack and armor class when on sea or coast
Tide:DC 25 wisdom check to sense unnatural things in sea or other large
water surfaces this DC is reduced by 1 per dorrosian dread pirate level.
Kassian heritage***
D100% strength of blood(below 25% cannot become Dark
knight),strength of Kassian blood influences how available are some
of the feats.
Marked 1-2 BP(some of Kassian features)
Outcast 6BP
Amnesia 2-3 BP
Dark secret 1BP.
Kassians have unusually broad shoulders most of the time.
Kassian heritage people are extremely rare they will rarely make
their appearance public so they inherit dark secret.All kingdoms kill
Kassians on spot whole island is dangerous.
Favoured skill:Sense motive
Carrying capacity increased by 25%+2% per strength modifier
Armor check penalties reduced by 1
-1 influence per level
Doubles bonuses of vitae.GMs discretion.(explained in other chapters)

****People from Kass bloodline or heritage are extremely rare since they are
hunted to the last man they are as rare as direwolf in Wardaria.GM
advised(should be given only in tie to story arc if at all).Such people cant be

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