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The role of accounting in enabling strategic corporate social responsibility: A

functionalist, critical and post-modern reading of a case study

The relationship between the audit fee premium and industry /

regional specialization in HK SAR
Audit committee accounting expertise and financial reporting
The composition and effectiveness of audit committees of New
Zealand listed companies
The Evolution of Auditing in China: From 1978 to 2006
Internal Control, Corporate Governance and External Audit Fees:
Further Evidence in New Zealand
The Effect of Audit Specialists on Financial Reporting and Market
Audit Industry Specialisation and Earnings Thresholds
The Effect of Tax Policy on Corporate Capital Structures: Evidence
from New Zealand
Book-Tax Differences and Inland Revenue Audit Adjustments in
New Zealand
The Relationship Between Industry Specialization and the Audit
Fee Premium in New Zealand
The Effect of Auditor Industry Specialisation and Audit Tenure on
Earnings Management Around Seasoned Equity Offerings
Does the Usefulness of Accounting Numbers Improve by IFRS?
The Impact of Internal Control and Corporate Governance on
Audit Fees
Are Audit Fees Sticky?

Auditor Regulation: An Examination of the Oversight of Auditors

in the United States, The United Kingdom, Australia and New
Zealand with an Analysis of the Situation in New Zealand
The Impact of Internal Controls on Accruals Quality: Evidence
from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Mandatory Auditor Rotation: An Analysis of Independence Related
Auditor Industry Specialisation, Audit Fees and Going Concern
Reporting Accuracy: New Zealand Finance Industry Evidence
The Role of Auditors in the Accounting Information Disclosure
Process: A Review of Literature from an Audit Quality Perspective
Big 4 Auditors and Audit Quality: Evidence from New Zealand
Auditor Market Share and Earnings Management: Evidence from
New Zealand

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