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A) DESIGN OF E CAPS - APPROACH TRESTLE a+ A Hy a x a] | I t 1) Loads 3) Self welgth of precest beam = [1%0.9x8.5x25] 191.25 kN (0.2%114%25] 220 kN Total = 411.25 kN ») Self weight of pile cap [2.9%0,8%2.0*25) 116 kN Void [1x 1.37/4x0.8%-25]= -27 KN UpN300 Stee! channel {46.2 ka/m x2m] = 0.9 kN Tota 90.4 kN «) We of insitu concrete on pllecap =[2.5x2x1.0*25] 125 kN 4) Construction live load on beam = [1.5 kPe x4x 11m] 66 kN 2) Design of pile cap 2) Design of steel member P P 300mm ft ~1000 + ua a) Reaction P = 1,3 * 0,5 x Weof pile cap = 58.7 kN ») Beding moment M = Px0. 27.6 kNm ©) Shear forceV= 1.3 P= 58.7 kN 4) Section modulus required =Se = M/(0.6xty) 112,949, mm? ) Web area required = Aw = V/(0.4xfy) 587 mm? Provide UPN 160, Se = 116,000 m2, Aw = 1260 mm? Hence OK f) Bearing stress at contact of pile & UPN. Allowable bearing stress in steel = fba Pr(exbf) 75 MPa 200 MPa ok 3) Design of pile plug After placing the precast pile cap, pour insitu concrete to fill and form pile plug. Then place the precast deck beams and the insotu concrete on top of pile ‘The eccentric loads from precast beam, shall be reisted by moment couple on sides of pile a) Bearing stress at pile plug interface assuming linear elastic distribution Reaction at each end of pile cap R =1.3x (OL+LL)/2 = 310 kN Overtuming moment M = R x 1.235m 383 kNm 1) Bearing stress fb = 6M/(bxh) where Projected width b= 1m Effective depth d= 0.65 m fo= ama Allowable bearing stress in concrete = 0.4xfck = 16 MPa ii) Alternatively, the horizontal reaction at pile plug (1 Ho = 3/2x[M/d] +5/4H Ho. 884 KN Bearing stress (max) = 6xHo/(2xbx0.5%¢) foma) 8.2 Mpa Allowable bearing stress in concrete = 0.4xfck = 16 MPa Hence pile plug wil form an interlock with ple and resist loads from precast beams when placed b) Shear stress at interface of precast pile plug & insitu concrete (punching) Diameter of void in pile plug = a 1300 mm Total axial load = P [(2R)+Wt of insitu stitching+ We of pile cap) 836 kN Eff. shear stress f = P / (Inside surface area of vold) 0.31 MPa Allowable shear stress in concrete (w/o shear reinf) = 0.57 MPa (Assume 3mm roughness) c= 04 (Refer EC2, section 6.2.5) fetd 1.42 MPa Since shear stress is less than allowable, OK) 213 ° Reinforcement inside pile cap aa Compression strut R/cos 39, 399 kN Tension Tie = T1 = axtan 39 = 310 kN Area of tle steel required = As = T1/400 Mpa = 776 mem? ‘Three dia 20 bars minimum should cross the void & in between pile plug bars ‘The compression struct shall form over the concrete pile, assume 0.9m wide {ans 200mm long bearing area at each end conservativiey Bearing stress = C1 / (900200) 2.22 MPa Provide minimum reinfrcement in pile cap ‘The side walls of pile cap can be cast before or after placement of precast corss beam, depending fon contractor preference. It is recommended that side walls be cast after placement of precast beams t a \_Y Ye yy YY Yj, YU UW, SQ 00 ; Hence the pile cap can be made 290mm long by approx 2000mm wide ‘This will also allow to lap 32 dia bars both at top and bottom of precast beam

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