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The Events Leading up to Year 2012

Michael P. Mau PhD

The Amanuensis

The Sanctus Germanus Foundation

Alberta, Canada
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Worldwide Copyright 2003;


edition 2009



Germanus Foundation. All rights reserved.

First Published 2003 by Arberton International Ltd. under the
title of Beyond Armageddon.

















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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Mau, Michael P.
The Sanctus Germanus prophecies : the events leading up to year
2012 I by Michael P. Mau. -- 7th ed.

ISBN: 9780978483531
1. Twenty-first century--Forecasts. 2. New Age movement.
I. Sanctus Germanus Foundation. II. Title.
CB161.M37 2004


Sanctus Germanus means Holy Brother and is one of the names of
the Master of the Violet Flame in Brotherhood of Light.
The Sanctus Germanus Foundation
Publications Division
Alberta, Canada


Message from The Brotherhood of Light









attention through this book a few c osm ic events

that are soon to beset you.

Our wish is that you

understand and take to he art what we p resent you

with the idea that this information is being g iven to
you out of love . It is not meant to frighten you but
to re ady you for what is inevitably to befall the
e a rth








information in advance will be p re p are d , for your

spiritual gui d e s stand re ady to lead you out of
danger or hardshi p . Those who choose to ign ore the
information will need your c omp assion when they

themse lves

under the

he avy c l oud

of the

A rmageddon.
What may a p p e ar to you as bad news can just as
we ll be considere d good news when seen within
the broader context of a c osmic house-cl e aning . For
those who understand what is g oing on, we ask you
to stay the c ourse throughout these events .
the Path up the steep mountain trail.


Weather the

hardships with a c l e a r vision of what is ahead. And

when you re ach the summit, oh, what gl ory as you
g limpse what lies on the other side !

This we can

promise you.
We of the Brotherhood of Light stand re ady to aid
each and every one of you.

Call upon us , and we

will find some way to re spond to you d e e p within

your soul. Probe deeply into your inner selve s , find

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

the prelate within you. and communicate with us.

We approach you from the world within. And as
you begin to sense our presence we will lead you by
the hand back into the outer world of illusion with
an entirely different perspective. This is the
dawning of the Age of Aquarius; thi s is the
dawning of the sun within.


Table of Contents




Chapter 1 Reintegration of the Feminine Energies 13

A Schem atic of Our Pres ent Earth Cyc le

......... ..........

Cosmic Origins of the Gre at Brotherhood of Light

Cosmic Origins of the Dark Forc e s

....... ......................

The Project of the Ma ster Sanctus Germanus

The "I A M" Dispe nsation



.................................. . . .........

The Last Phase of this Cyc le


Chapter 2 The Great Brotherhood of Light

Re cent Revelations of the Brotherhood



Tactic al Retre at of the Brotherhood

Hierarchy, A Cosmic Re ality



Inne r Governing Structure of the World

The Masters of Wisdom



Government by the Divine Plan


Externalization of the S p iritual Hierarchy

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today


.................... . . . . . . . . .

Why the Dark Brethren Incarnate on Earth

Atlantean Themes of the Dark Forc e s



Waves of Incarnations from the Astral Plane

Negative Te lepathic Influence on Earth
Dissemina ting Confusion



Earth Plane Agents of the Dark Forces

Creating Sheep out of Mankind
The E ffec t of Te levision





The Dark Forces Among Us





The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1


Control of the Nation-State



Hijacking Tax Revenue ................................................ 67

Bureaucracy: Funneling Tax Revenues...................... 71
Bureaucratization of the World................................... 74
Mischief in Huge Bureaucracies................................. 76
Mis-Directed Priorities ................................................. 79
Bureaucratic Invention: A Dark Instrument .............. 80
Sellout of Nations: The National Debt ....................... 83

Pillaging the Private Sector



Three Crude Oil Shocks ............................................... 90

Shock #1
Shock #2 ............................... .......................................... 91
Shock #3 ......................................................................... 92
Looting the People's Life Savings .............................. 93
The Great Ponzi Scheme of the 1990s ........................ 93
Investment Banks.................................... ...................... 94
Stock Brokerage Firms .......... ........................................ 94
Mutual and Hedge Funds: Unregulated Groups
to Entice the Reluctant ............................................. 95
The Myth of Stock Market Losses.............................. 100
1. Corporate Thieves ................................................... 100
2. Corporate Debt ......................................................... 103
3. Derivatives: The Black Hole .................................. 104
4. Mergers and Acquisitions ...................................... 106
5. The Mutual and Hedge Funds: The Ultimate
Black Holes .............................................................. 107
The Other World ......................................................... 109
The Slow Agonizing Death of the Dragon ............... 112
The Price of Consent................................................... 114


Masters of War



Wars - Planned and Orchestrated Events ............... 117

War at All Costs........................................................... 118
The Ultimate Triumph of Light ................................ 123
A Note on Disease and Pestilence ............................ 124


Chapter 7 The Armageddon: A Cosmic Filtering


....... . .......................... .. .................... ....... . . . . . . .

The Filtering Proc ess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...



.... . . . . . . . . .... 1 28


Vi c tory on the Higher Dimensi ons . ..... .



... . . . ..... . . 1 28

A c c e l e ration of Earth's Evolution . . . . . . . . .... .. ......... 1 29



General Effects of A c c e l e ration .. . . ... . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . ... .. 1 30



Malign Manifestations of A c c e l e ration . . . .. ..


. ..

. . . 1 32
. .

Proc ess of Economic Disp ossession .... . . . . ... .. . . . .



1 34

Dispossession to Change Mankind . . .. . . ... .. . . ... . .. ... 137


Thre atened Bureaucracies Resort to War. . . . .. . . .. . . . .

Some Practical Suggestions . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .


1 38

.. .. ... . . . . . 141

Dealing with Insanity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . ....... .... 141



Money Matters . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . .




... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. . . . 143


Me ditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... . .. . ... . 144




Chapter 8 The Year 2012 .......................................... 147

Workers of Light . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. ...... ..... . . .. . . . ... 1 48



We Can Hasten but Cannot Avoid the Process . .. ... 150


Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction




New World Constitution ... ... . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . . .. 1 55


. .

Making of a New World Union . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . .......... 155


The Pa ssing of the Nation-State .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 56


. .

Law of Hierarchy .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .



. . ... . 1 58

.. .

. .

. .

Re -Educ ation of Mankind: The World

Te acher Appe ars n 2020 ........................................ 1 59
Re making Human Soci ety: The Return to
E arth's Bosom . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... ... . . . ..... . . ..... . ... .. ... . 162

Ci ties No Long er D ominant . . . . . . .... . . ... . . . ... ...... . .. 164



Basis of Group Structure ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..



Re maining Human Re si stanc e . . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .





1 65

Transitional Ch ang es . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . .... ... . . . .... ...... ... . 1 68


Resolution of Hung er ... . . . . . . ... . . . ...... . . ........ . ... . . . 169



The Banking System . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . ... . . . . .......


Re levance of the Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .



.. . .

. .

.. .

. .. . .

. . ... . . . .. .. .


. .. 1 70


. 1 71

Geological Changes . . . ... .. ... . . . .. . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . .. .... ... 1 71


Ep ilogue


.. . ....... . . . ..

......... .. . ...........



. .. . .....



1 75

On January 1, 2001, the feminine ene rgies latent







acce l e rated

d ominant


energies of mankind. This p rofound event wil l last

several decades and bring about untol d changes on


p lane ,

for whenever the

" new"


replace the " ol d " there is turmo i l , and this is what

we are destined to exp e rience in the c orning years
up to and beyond Year 2012.
The ye ar 2012 has already been inscribed in the
mass consciousness as the end of the current two
thousand ye ar c yc l e , an age when the masc uline

d ominated




e arth.


anothe r


al ways

a c c ompanied by physi cal and mental uphe aval as

the way is cleare d for the fre sh new energies to take

So the tumultuous d e c ade p re c e ding 2012

will test the resolve of mankind as the masculine

energies re si dent in certain Dark Forces stage their
final battle in a desperate attempt to c l ing on to
the i r curre nt reg ime of monetary gain and warfare.
This battle is known in biblic a l terms as the much
feare d and dre a d e d A rmage d don.

Yet 2012 does

not mark the end of the world as oft pre di c t e d but

the birth of a new Gol den Era , p opularly known on
the e a rth p lane as the Age of Aquarius .


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

We base our opinion on the ancient wisdom of

the Masters of the Great Brotherhood of Light. They
have assured us that the Armageddon is indeed
upon us, and its function is not to annihilate the
world but rather to flush out the evildoers and make
way for the reintegration of the feminine energies
with the masculine. When this cleansing is over,
the good and innocent will remain on earth and the
new Golden Era of Aquarius - one characterized by
a perfect balance between the masculine and
feminine energies.
It is thus, through this book that one of the Great
Brotherhood of Light, the Master Sanctus German us,
the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, has directed us
to inform you of the signs and events leading up to
and beyond the year 2012. During this time many
will wonder if the whole world has not gone insane.
for as the feminine energies reintegrate at every
level and sector of society, all evil connected with
the masculine energies will be expelled from earth.
Mankind will again be balanced and can then look
forward to resuming its marvelous journey of
evolution and ascent to enlightenment.
To help us through this difficult period, the
Masters of Wisdom of the Great Brotherhood of
Light are ever-present in spirit, well within the
purview of earth but in another dimension. At
times, they materialize physically to communicate
with their initiates or disciples or they transmit
their messages through mediums as they have done
throughout time. Many great spiritual works of the
past and present have resulted by such telepathic
communication, and they continue today.
The Brotherhood today influences the thinking of


writers ,

musi cians ,

scientists ,

phi losophers ,

p oliticians, bankers , and others from all walks of

l i fe, as they have done for millenn i a . Its mi ssion
throughout the ages has been to raise and expand

inte l lect







p res ent. Many great luminaries in human history

have chosen to re incarnate today in order to help







c a p able of communic ating tele pathic ally with the

Ma sters of the Brotherhood . It is through this book
and oth ers , the Brotherhood hopes to communic a te
its views to the open-min ded on e a rth today.
During my present inc arnation, I only re ce ntly
c ame to know about the Gre at Brotherhood of Light,
a lthough in past lives I was very much p a rt of them.
My main task up to the moment when I rejoined my
Brothers wa s to learn as much as possible about
what makes this world function. I re c e ived a normal
e d ucati on in Ameri c an and European universitie s ,

eart hly logic a n d scientific









knowl e dge





assi stanc e , and busin ess , all of which enabled me

to travel wi dely to the far c orners of the worl d .
As I was drawn back into association with the
Brotherhood, certain Ma sters under the direction of
the Master Sanc tus Ge rmanus rekindled my ability


telepathically with


It is

through this channel of communic ation that I have

written this book.
The final battle betwe en light and darkne s s , the
Armageddon, is now upon us . During the re mainder
of this decade , the fi nancial towers the Dark Forces
have metic ulously woven will c ollapse and bring


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

about a deep economic depression upon humanity,

for it seems the mass of humanity will acknowledge
the Truth only from the pits of despair. The forces
of darkness will take their last stand and plunge the
world into another world war, unless the world
musters the wherewithal to stop them. This final
battle will touch every level of society - from time
tried family relationships to international alliances
- and we will all experience this insanity in one
way or the other.
In this book, we hope to put the insanity of the
Armageddon into its proper perspective and show
you how this decade of great turmoil will play out
and what lies ahead after victory is in hand. We are
confident that once you realize how the Dark Forces
have divested you of your wealth and rights, you
will be glad that the Armageddon is upon us, for
everything can be so much better than it is now.
We present you our ideas as food-for-thought. We
do not seek to argue, convince, or coddle you into
accepting them. We merely wish to raise certain
questions and present you with a different, yet very
plausible way of looking at world events. Our views
are often in direct contradiction to what is
commonly presented in the world's media and may
be difficult to fathom. We will raise questions
concerning terrorism, war, the national debt,
taxation, bureaucracy, and the stock market within
the context of this period of earth's evolution. In so
doing, we hope to explain the reason for the
Armageddon and how it will lead to a Golden Age,
the likes of which the earth has never seen. So hang
on. We're in for a rough ride, but the glory and light
at the end of the tunnel make it all worth it.


Chapter 1
Reintegration of the Feminine Energies
On January 1, 2 001, as planned on the cosmic
calendar for earth, the feminine energy commenced
its reentry through every soul of mankind on the
earth plane. The masculine energies reacted
violently. The terrorist attack on the World Trade
Center in New York, the War in Afghanistan, and
the War in Iraq flared, while regional conflagrations
in the Congo, Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia,
Middle East, and South America boiled over. More
conflagration and turmoil are in store as this
reintegration continues.
Is this a takeover of one energy by another? The
answer is emphatically, " No". The feminine energy
seeks to reestablish a balance with the masculine,
which is the only way "Peace on earth, goodwill
toward men " can be achieved. This energy does not
seek to dominate, for any imbalance, either
feminine or masculine, would cause the world to
continue its present fractious journey.
The reassertion of the feminine energy requires
that each and every individual, male and female.
balance the masculine and feminine energies
within. No one will be spared, which is why the
perturbations we will experience during these

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

trying years will cause families, marriages,

partnerships, businesses, governments, and nations
to reassess, change, and absorb these new energies.
relationships break apart, turmoil and constant
readjustments to change will reign. But what will
emerge will be more balanced individuals ready to
build a world of peace and harmony.
In this book we will explain 1) how the
masculine energies came to dominate the earth in
the form of the Dark Forces, 2) how these dominant
masculine energies will fight desperately to the
end, causing havoc and destruction on earth during
the next decade, 3) how the outcome of this battle
is already pre-determined, and 4) how we will come
full circle with the reemergence of a "new" Age of
Aquarius, when the balance has been achieved.
Added to this reintegration will be the element
of accelerated time, which will stir the pot, so to
unprecedented rapidity - all of which may drive
some insane. But why not get this whole dirty
business out of the way as fast as possible?
A Schematic of Our Present Earth Cycle

When God or the Creator breathes out, sparks of

energy of all levels of power scatter throughout this
comer of space, some traveling millions of years to
take their positions in space as solar systems with
planets, moons and inhabitants, according to the
Divine Plan. The "out breath" of the Creator is thus
the great creation in all its multitudinous forms.
When the Creator inhales, all the sparks of

Chapter 1 Reintegration of the Feminine Energies

energy are drawn back to their Creator. The drawing

back takes millions of years and each spark must
work its way back at its own speed. Thus we have a
cycle of God's "out breath" and "in breath" that
take millions and millions of earth years to
The fireball that is Earth reached its destination
in our particular corner of space several hundred
million years ago. After it cooled down, the Creator
sowed the DNA seeds of life forms that were to
develop into more complex beings. As these life
forms evolved into more advanced forms that could
host spirits of a higher vibration, the Great Ancient
of Days, Sanat Kumara, arrived on earth with an
entourage of advanced spirits. They took on bodies
of advanced life forms and began to propagate a
more refined and evolved form of the human race.
The great civilization of Lemuria arose from this
effort. Helena Blavatsky, in her work The Secret
Doctrine, learned of Lemuria in the Book of Dzyan,
which the Masters of Wisdom had shown her, as
well as from Sanskrit documents, which made
reference to the former continent. Most occult
scholars agree that Lemuria was a gigantic
continent located in today's Pacific Ocean, the
remnants of which are the Pacific Islands,
including the Hawaiian Island chain, Easter Island,
Fiji, and the Australian sub-continent. Some
speculate that it stretched all the way to India,
connecting the subcontinent with Australia.
Blavatsky describes the Lemurians as the third
root race to inhabit the earth, whose primary
characteristic in the beginning was its perfect
balance between the masculine and feminine

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

vibrations. This balance accounted for the lack of

conflict and peace-loving existence. The Lemurians
were androgynous, egg-laying beings with a third
eye that gave them natural psychic powers and the
ability to communicate telepath ically.
During the latter part of the Lemurian
civilization, the delicate balance between the
feminine and masculine vibrations ceased, and the
Lemurians evolved into the two sexes.
resulting discovery of sexual relations soon led to
the downfall of the civilization, and the whole
civilization was completely wiped out when it sank
into what is today the Pacific Ocean.
hundred thousand
followed until another great civilization, Atlantis,
rose up on a large continent where most of the
Atlantic Ocean exists today.
Although the
Atlanteans were also divided into separate male
and female sexes, there still existed a balance
between these two energies that enabled the
civilization to flourish initially. As we shall see in
the later chapters, this balance was to be
compromised in favor of the masculine vibrations
that took over the civilization's technological
achievements in order to oppress people with a
culture of money and war. This led to the sinking
of the last remnants of Atlantis, the island
continen t of Poseidonis, 11.446 years ago.
Despite its demise.. souls carrying the dominant
masculine vibrations of Atlantis continued to
reincarnate into the ancient Egyptian , Greek.
civilizations up to our modern civilization today.
This is why our civilization today is marked by

Chapter 1 Reintegration of the Feminine Energies

conflict on every level

dominance of money.





Cosmic Origins of the Great Brotherhood of


The Great Brotherhood of Light, under the

direction of the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, was
created to oversee mankind's evolution throughout
the ages.
Throughout the evolution of these civilizations,
highly evolved entities from other planets were sent
to earth to help guide earth and its inhabitants.
These advanced entities provided the initial DNA
from which the multitudes that comprise the
human population today have evolved. They
observed humanity's evolution and recruited
disciples from among the earth's population whose
souls had passed through countless earthly
incarnations and trained them to take over their
work as earth's cosmic guides.
These disciples evolved at a faster pace than the
rest of humanity. They finally attained to more
ephemeral bodies when they ascended into the
higher dimensions of evolution and became
Masters. Some of these Masters have reached such
a high degree of perfection that they visit other
more advanced planets. such as earth's sister planet
Venus, and beyond. Some of them choose to remain
within earth's realm instead of moving onto higher
evolutions so that they can help further mankind's
Over many millennia, these highly evolved
beings formed a core known as the Great

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Brotherhood of Light whose purpose was and is to

guide earth's inhabitants on its evolutionary path
back to the Creator. These Masters work under and
coordinate their activities with those great solar
cosmic beings who guide the evolution of earth
itself. Having evolved at a faster pace, the Great
Brotherhood of Light is in a sense the vanguard of
the human race - the role models of what we
ourselves will be like millennia from now.
Cosmic Origins of the Dark Forces

One of the peculiar characteristics of earth is

that it lies in the free-will zone of the universe, and
as such, can attract entities from other planets that
have failed or have chosen not to evolve with their
own populations. In other words, throwbacks or
dropouts from other planetary evolutions can
choose to live on earth to continue working out
their salvation. By the cosmic Law of Attraction
those dropouts from other evolutions tend to be
those of the same degree of evolution as we are on
Many of these dropouts date back to the days of
Atlantis. As our present civilization has reached
the very same stage of evolution as Atlantis when it
destroyed itself, these Atlantean dropouts have
been waiting in the wings on the astral plane to
rejoin earth. Those benighted ones, who were in
part responsible for the Atlantean demise, have
now found a home in our present civilization.
Some dropouts rejoined earth and rediscovered
the Path of Light and righteousness.
many of them have held stubbornly to their
Atlantean ways and now form the core of what we

Chapter 1 Reintegration of the Feminine Energies

call the Dark Forces on earth. These benighted ones

hijacked their highly evolved spiritual leadership
on Atlantis and took over the power structure. They
experimented with martial force and money to
bring vast segments of the Atlantean population
under their subjugation. In the end, their methods
caused the ultimate collapse of Atlantis.
Today they incarnate as both male and female
and mix with the good and innocent souls of the
earth to create a heterogeneous mix of souls quite
unlike any other planet in this solar system. Their
presence on earth accounts for all the strife and
conflict we have been experiencing over the
centuries as they thwart mankind's attempts to stay
on the Divine evolutionary path. Throughout the
tumultuous Twentieth Century, we witnessed the
likes of Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, and the
generals of the Emperor Hirohito slaughter masses
of humans in their bid to subjugate the populations
of earth. Others have carried out genocide and
ethnic cleansings of a scale that boggles the decent
person's mind.
Today, their likes exist in greater numbers. Some
engage in activities as cold blooded and ruthless as
in previous generations. Others wear sheep's
clothing, while using much subtler tactics to prey
on the weaknesses of humanity and gradual l y
enslave it.
The Project of the Master Sanctus Germanus

The Great Brotherhood of Light will direct the

reintegration of the feminine energies and by this
very event will cast the Dark Forces off the earth
before it enters the "new" Age of Aquarius. But the

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Dark Forces will not leave without a fight.

Over the past few decades, the battle lines of a
final conflict have been drawn and the forces of the
Great Brotherhood of Light under the guidance and
direction of the Master Sanctus Germanus are now
poised to fight the final battle on the earth plane.
Many advanced souls, past luminaries in human
history or associated with the Brotherhood, have
chosen to reincarnate on earth at this time in order
to join the battle on the side of mankind.
The outcome of that battle has already been
determined, for this time the light forces shall
prevail and the benighted souls will be banished
from the earth plane forever, leaving behind
balanced masculine and feminine energies.
This is why the Armageddon, rather than being
the end of the world, is actually the purging of
these evil influences from earth through the
reintegration of the feminine energies. The playing
out of the Armageddon will set the stage for a new
Golden Age where earth regains its momentum up
the evolutionary ladder and back to the Creator.
The "I AM" Dispensation

Knowing full well that those on the earth plane

would be engaged in this final battle, the Master
Sanctus Germanus introduced the
"I AM"
movement in the 1930's. He reminded the West
again what the Theosophists had given them fifty
years before and what the Buddhists had known for
centuries: that within each of us resides a " piece"
of the Creator, and as a drop of water from the ocean
has the same properties as the ocean itself, each

Chapter 1 Reintegration of the Feminine Energies

one of us is thus a god or goddess.

This rad i c a l departure

from standard western

theology permeates most thinking of the New Age





shortc omings


disseminating this information, its Truth remains

inta c t . The "I AM" disp ensation teachings are a g i ft





transitional pe ri od.





tribulati ons



Th at it had its most marke d

revelation between the two great world wars was

not an a c cident.
Many Masters of the Gre at Brotherhood of Light
who oversee this battle "c ame up from the ranks ," of
earth's tortuous school.

Their example serves to

i llustrate a major p oint in the evoluti onary scheme




indivi dual

a c c e lerate its evolution.


c an

d e c i de


The individual soul need

not conform to the slow evoluti onary p a c e of the

mas ses of mankind .

Those adepts or luminaries

who live among us are souls who have broken rank

with the rest of mankind and chosen to follow the
Path of evolution at an acc elerated p a c e .

How is

this possible?
Of these billions of souls sent to earth , there are
no two alike and therefore no two human beings are
a like .

Even i dentic al twins house two different

souls , which a c c ounts for the difference in their

p e rsonalities. Some souls evolve faster than others.
Some wil l have had more incarnations than others
and have spent more time on earth than others .
These obvi ous differences a c c ount for why some
are more spiritually evolve d than others , but it is
the nature of fre e will in earth's zone that p ermits


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

the soul to make its own decision concerning its

own evolution back to the Creator. In other words,
some souls choose a fast track while others take
their time.
Some souls become so imbibed with earth's
material pleasures and pains that they choose not
to follow the path of evolution. As the Dark Forces
have taken over the mass media and propagated
their short-term views on life. many innocent and
weak-minded have been drawn into their ranks.
They become ready victims and tools of the Dark
Forces primarily in the form of flunkies, fall guys, or
petty criminals, whose activities are designed "to
take the heat," and distract the public's attention,
while they commit greater more heinous crimes
against humanity. This of course is a temporary
condition for all must eventually follow the Path,
even if it takes millennia to accomplish.
Those who consciously take the decision to stand
on the side of light must come to the realization of
the divine presence within, the "I AM. " or the soul
that resides within them. Their protection is
immediately assured during these times of tumult
and the balance between the feminine and
masculine aspects of the soul is reasserted.
When they come to realize that the "I
AM"presence or soul, already perfectly balanced
with respect to the masculine and feminine
energies, is the spark of energy linking them
directly with God, the Creator, they learn to call
upon it as something to be adored, to be
acknowledged, and to be grateful for. They realize
that this magic presence of the soul in full balance
is the gift of all gifts, the God-Self of the individual.

Chapter 1 Reintegration of the Feminine Energies

This is the Self that one must re pair to constantly

and daily, to give all gratitude to the g re a t "I AM"
p resenc e. Wh en we me ditate , we can ask " I A M" to
fl ood our world with all its perfec tion , and in doing
so. we syste mati cally set loose the forc e of light that



foolishne s s ,

blindnes s ,

stup idity , and those evils that surround our lives.

This simple re alization is the David that slays the
Goli ath in the battle of the Armage ddon that is
be fore us .

The Last Phase of this Cycle

As everything in the cosmos m oves in cyc l e s ,
today we are ne aring t h e p oint o f t h e grand cyc le
where our journey back to the S ourc e has begun , as
mentione d above , the in-breath of Brahma.


journey ba ck inc lud e s , among many other things,

reg a ining


balanc e








en ergies

Lemurians .

In the years to c ome mankind wi ll

ac hieve this reintegration and thus c rea te a Golden

Age of pe ace and prosperity.
















Chapter 2
The Great Brotherhood of Light
The Gre at Brotherhood of Lig ht l e a ds the fin al
battle on the side of light.

Rather than the blatant








p l ane , the Brotherhood works through the souls of

each and every one of us. This is why every soul on
e arth must at one p oint or the other make a choice
during this period:

will you stand on the side of

light or darkness?

Recent Revelations of the Brotherhood

At the end of the Nineteenth Century, He lena P.




O l c ott ,


re p resentative sp irits of the Great Brotherhood of

Light, founde d the The osophic a l S ociety in 1875
and revealed in their writ ings the existence this
body of highly evolve d beings , which pl ayed a
major role in the evolution of earth's affairs .
emphasize d






religious body and did not endorse any particul ar

Its influence p e rmeates every religion, every god


worship p e d ,



historic al

event , every artistic tre n d , every p olitic al, or social


Great luminaries such as the Master


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Jesus, the Lord Gautama Buddha, the Prophet

Mohammed, and the Master Confucius were all
incarnations of highly evolved beings of the
During the early days of the Theosophical
movement the Masters of the Brotherhood often took
on physical bodies and communicated directly in
person or through letters with members of the
Theosophical Society. This was nothing new for
the peoples of India and the Far East including
China and Japan who for centuries revered and
worshipped the many adepts of the Brotherhood
walking among them.
The revelation to the west of the Brotherhood's
existence and influence created an uproar in
intellectual circles. Victorian intellectuals wanted
solid, scientific proof of their existence. However,
even when the famous Mahatma Letters, epistles of
wisdom from the Masters themselves, were
precipitated to certain people, they were branded
as fakes or forgeries. Christians condemned
Theosophy as heresy, the teachings of the Masters
as pagan philosophies or utter blasphemy. Even the
Spiritualists, who communicated regularly with the
" dead"
considered claims of
intervention to be verging on insanity.
Yet, the Theosophical Movement pursued its
path under the guidance of the Masters Kuthumi
and El Marya.
Its cofounder, Col. Henry Steel
Olcott, described the Great Brotherhood of Light as
. . . (T)here is and ever was but one altruistic
alliance, or fraternity, of these Elder Brothers of

Chapter 2 The Great Brotherhood of Light

humanity, the world over; but it is divided into

sections according to the needs of the human
race in its successive stages of evolution. In one
age the focal center of this world-helping force
will be in one place, in another elsewhere.
Unseen, and suspected as the vivifying spiritual
currents of the Akash, yet as indispensable for
the spiritual welfare of mankind, their
combined divine energy is maintained from age
to age and forever refreshes the pilgrim of earth,
who struggles on towards the divine reality. The
skeptic denies the existence of these Adepts
because he has not seen or talked with them, nor
read the history of their visible intermeddling in
national events. But their being has been known
to thousands of self-illuminated mystics and
philanthropists in succeeding generations,
whose purified souls have lifted them up out of
the muck of physical into the brightness of
spiritual consciousness; and at many epochs
they have come into personal relations with the
persons who are devoting or inclined to devote
themselves to altruistic labor for bringing about
the brotherhood of mankind.
(Olcott, Henry
Steel, Old Diary Leaves, vol.1)
Tactical Retreat of the Brotherhood

But why is it that the Brotherhood remains

unseen and unknown to the vast majority of
humanity today?
With the outbreak of the World Wars 1914 to 1945
followed by fifty more years of insanity, the
Brotherhood retreated into the background to wait
for the right moment to reappear. Its influence
continued through certain mediums and through

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

te lep athic

communic ation

individual s .




The Brotherhood c ontinued to revea l

parts o f the Anci ent Wis dom that would counter

the negativity gen erated in the Gre at Wars through
the Alice Bailey and the Master Djwa l Khu l's works
the I AM movement , and various other attempts,








humanity as the world was drawn into a post-war

fre nzy of materiali sm .
As Christian mystics in the churc h -dominated
c enturies following the Ma ster Jesus ' mission on
e arth




conta c t



Broth e rhood , post-war mystery s c hools and esoteric


c ontinued





information about the Brotherhood, this time p itted

against wave after wave of materi a lism .

Many of

these organiza tions died from internal strife and

p roblems.

desp ite



tacti c a l

retre at,


Brotherhood re mained a fact of life and c ontinued

to influence world affairs from the background,
p rimari l y through medi ums and i ntermediari e s .

Hierarchy, A Cosmic Reality





en ormous



p ool


c osmic

hierarchical structure stretching from the infinite

Crea tor all the way down to the ba sic atom.


structure is reflected in our own human s oc iety.








hierarchical manner.

Everyone has someone above

him and be l ow him .

Even in the smallest g roup ,

there is a le ader.

It is noteworthy to observe that

even advoc ates of human equality, e .g . , democracy,


Chapter 2 Thii Great Brotherhood of Light

socialism, and communism have all ended up

creating some of history's largest hierarchies.
A proper, spiritual hierarchical structure does
not dominate - it is by nature a hierarchy of love,
one that promotes upward mobility. Each soul
occupies a certain level of the hierarchy according
to its level of spiritual evolution. Those on the
upper levels guide and help those on the lower
rungs to advance upward. As the soul advances in
spiritual growth, it moves up the ladder of
The Cosmic Law of Hierarchy is a fact of life, a
cosmic reality in the Universe. Hierarchy's main
function is to preserve and protect the divine order
and wisdom. The individual can take comfort that
there is always someone superior to him whose
greater knowledge can help and protect him, and
someone below him, whom he can in tum teach
and protect.
Here on the earth plane, hierarchy translates into
a condition in nature where there is always a
leader, a ruler, or one of superior position. The
lower kingdoms - mineral, vegetable, and animal are also organized in some sort of hierarchy. And
within each kingdom is also a complex hierarchy of
sub-kingdoms. In the human kingdom, each family,
society, institution, and governmental structure
reflects this universal hierarchical structure.
Any individual who claims he is an independent
entity outside hierarchy is deluding himself, for it
is usually one who has been subjected to
domination within a hierarchy who fears and often
rebels against it. And yet, they unfortunately end

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

up often being told what to do by everyone.

Inner Governing Structure of the World

The world today is divided into nation-states

within which each has a hierarchical governmental
structure. On the international level, there is a
network of international organizations such as the
consisting of member nation-states. Above this
earthly political structure exists another rung of
hierarchy, covering the whole earth, a divine chain
of command or governing structure. This is the
Inner Government or power structure of the Great
Brotherhood of Light operating on the etheric plane
from Shamballa located on the northern stretch of
the Himalayas in Central Asia. From there they
communicate with their brothers and sisters all over
the world instantaneously through telepathy. From
time to time, they take on physical forms and walk
among men.
This inner spiritual government is in charge of
implementing the Great Divine Plan that was
drawn up for earth millions of years ago. Each of
the billions of souls on earth is part of this Plan and
each is guided to carry out his or her particular task
and role.
A council comprising three offices- the World
Teacher, the Executive and Facilitator (Divine Will)
- heads the current inner spiritual government.
The Lord Kuthumi now heads the Office of the
World Teacher and will set forth the cosmic
principles that will govern the New Golden Age.
He works with the Masters Jesus, Babaji, Hilarion,
an English Master, and many others who have taken


The Great Brotherhood of Light

on the vast task of educating all of mankind of

these principles.
The Office of the Executive is held by the Master
Sanctus Germanus, who coordinates multitudinous
activities to prepare the world for the return of
World Teacher.

He leads the battle of the Light







Armageddon with the Lady Master Quan Yin.


office requires massive coordination of the various

Masters and their respective groups, initiates, and
activities, all working to fulfill their respective
tasks according to the Divine Plan.
Finally, the third office of this triumvirate body
is the Facilitator, occupied by the Master El Morya.
He represents the Divine Will, the impetus and
power that implement policies and educational
programs of the two other offices of the World
Teacher and the Executive. Representing the Divine
Will, the Master Morya finds the most effective
path; the path of least resistance to go from A to B;
and the power to implement and realize a policy in
the most efficient, energy-saving way.

The Masters of Wisdom

Working with these three principal Masters is an
army of 155,000 Masters. These perfected beings
have consciously chosen to remain within earth's
atmosphere to help the rest of humanity evolve
instead of moving on to more advanced planetary
bodies. They no longer need to wear the dense
physical bodies we carry but exist in lighter, more
ethereal forms of matter which we call spirit.


can, however, materialize temporarily to the point

where the common man can perceive them.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

c an be in several places at the same time, and their

extraordinary intelligence and perc eptions make it
possible for them to discern our thoughts and
instantaneously respond to them. By their level of
perfection, they represent the future race of
mankind and thus the direction of evolution that
humanity should take.
The Masters of the Brotherhood go where they are
needed. There are regional headquarters of the
Brotherhood on every c ontinent, all existing on the
etheric plane beyond the limited five senses of the
common man.
The Masters have traditionally communicated
with the earth plane in a number of ways. One is
through telepathy - thought transferenc e from spirit
to the human brain. Their messages of truth touch
our Higher Selves or individual souls and are then
subconscious minds, then to our c onscious minds,
and finally to the brain. Much of this transmission
is carried out while we are in a state of sleep and
when the physical body does not pose too much
resistance to receiving telepathic messages. During
our waking hours, those of good heart and motives
receive these thoughts clairvoyantly often not
realizing from where they come.
The nature and breadth of the activities of the
Inner Government reach every sector of life on
earth. Some clairvoyants are aware of their
intervention but the vast majority of mankind
remains c ompletely ignorant of their influence. For
example, the Master Djwal Khul assists in the
liaison work between the Office of the World
Teacher and those initiates and disciples on earth.

Chapter 2 The Great B rotherhood of Light

The Ma ster Justin Moreward Haig assi sts the O ffic e

o f the Exe cutive i n areas o f international p oliti c s ,
e c onomic s , a n d finance a n d intelligenc e a n d the
Ma ster Je sus helps sup ervi se and guide the work of
the Light Workers on the e arth plane.

Each Master

supervi ses his or her ashram with thousands of

workers in various c ommittees to c arry out the final
transition into the A quarian Ag e , in line with the
Divine Plan.
Under the Master Kuthumi , there is a c ommittee
made up of ex- p relates of the major world re ligi ons
who are e diting all the scriptures (the Bibl e , Koran,
Kabala, Gita Bhaghava d , etc.) so that they c onform
to the needs of the coming Golden Age .
c ommittee

under the

Master JMH 's

financ ial


ma chinati ons

financiers behind the Dark Forc e s.



Some Lady

Ma sters of the Brotherhood p re p a re men and women

for their advanc e d



peac emaking



Feminine Ray descends u p on the events of the

Armaged don.
p e rforming

Others work among


c reative

arts ,


religion ,

in the
culture ,

literature , scie nc e s , a c a demia, and the like , all with

the aim of lifting man's thinking and culture .
The work of the Masters is in c onstant motion
and, from the examples above , are intertwined and
c oordi nate d in a most complex way.

What then

governs all the activities?

Government by the Divine Plan

The Divine Plan for earth has been in existenc e
since time immemorial and is unfathomable to the
limited human mind.

However, from time to tim e ,

avatars a n d messengers appear o n e arth t o reveal


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

bits and pieces of the Plan. At this particular

juncture of the Plan, the triumvirate body is in full
swing preparing mankind for the eventual approach
of the World Teacher. Traditional religions have
often spoken of the second coming of their
principal teachers. But this time, there will be one
Teacher which will represent a vast body of
teachings aimed at all levels of mankind and will
demonstrate how much can be achieved on earth
once the balance between the feminine a nd
masculine energies has been struck.
But before mankind can receive these teachings.
earth must perform a massive housecleaning, for
without this purification, the teachings of the
World Teacher will go unheard or again fall into the
morass of conflicting religions as in the past. This
is the reason for the so-called Armageddon, which
will purge and sift out all the evil elements on
earth, throughout the vast hierarchy from the lowest
to the highest and vice versa. Only after this great
purgation will humanity be ready for the
revolutionary teachings of the World Teacher.
Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy

Today, as the femi nine energies reintegrate, the

Masters of the Brotherhood including many of the
Lady Masters of the Brotherhood are revealing
themsel ves both telepathically and physically more
and more to mankind. Thi s is one part of the
process known in certain esoteric circles as the
externalization of the Spiritual Hi erarchy (another
name for the Brotherhood).
In order to i mplement their work on the physical
earth plane, the Brotherhood requires persons in the

Chapter 2 The Great Brotherhood of Light




m ankind.








p art



externalizati on proc ess which involves thousands

of advanced souls who have inc arnated in places









Brotherhood's initiat e s , adepts and disciples. They






c orporations ,



leve ls

p ositions





g overnment ,

institution s ,

banks ,



chariti e s ,


organi zations and the like all over the world. Many
have achieved full knowledge of their particular
fields and function with much authority and know
This externalized body of souls , the extension of
the Brothe rhood on the earth p lane , is known as the
New Group of World S e rvers or simply a s light
workers .


rep resent

advan c e d



disciples, the " troop s " p l a c e d on e arth to do battle

with the Dark Forc e s during the Armage d don under
the overall dire c tion of the Master St. Germain, the
Masters and the ir re spective ashram members of the
Brotherhood . They can c ommunicate telep athic ally
with their Masters . They can also serve as m e diums

whi c h



c an


c ongregations of peop l e .





wi ll

externaliz ation


p roc ess,

temp orari ly


c ommu nicate something imp ortant to a p arti cular

p e rson, and then d ematerialize.



They c ould even

adept to instruct

a group


disciples over a p eriod of time and then eva p orate .

Or they may s p e a k to a person in his dreams and
i mpress his c onscious mind with c e rtain i d e a s .
However, a s t h e battle o f the A rmaged don re aches


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

its peak, the Masters will appear more and more

markedly to mankind for reasons we will cover in
the next chapter.
According to the Cosmic Law of Free Will, the
Masters can only impress and suggest ideas to their
initiates and disciples on earth. They cannot
impose. So the recipient is free to reject, modify, or
follow them. Some of the incarnated initiates and
disciples may be so taken in with the m aya or
illusion on the earth plane that they may choose
not to listen to or act upon the suggestions of the
Masters and will have thus failed in their mission.
Such a situation is a source of constant frustration
to the Masters.
Some Masters, who regularly materialize among
us, are already known to the occult world. The
Master Sanctus Germanus usually takes on the form
of his most famous incarnation as the Comte de St.
Germain, although this does not stop him from
masquerading as any personality he chooses. The
Master JMH is known to " crash" important meetings
of the world's finance ministers, trade and
economic bodies, and the more sinister meetings of
the Seven Sisters, the seven main petroleum
production and distribution companies. Like other
Masters, he will masquerade in whatever form that
will accomplish the task at hand.
Other Masters of the Brotherhood prefer to
impress their advice through telepathy and transfer
their thoughts and ideas to those clairvoyant minds
willing and developed enough to accept them.
innovative ideas upon statesmen, artists, scientists,
writers, clergy, and other open-minded individuals,

Chapter 2 The Great B rotherhood of Light

often without their knowledge.


reve lation

a c c ounts

This c onstant fl ow



scienti fic

breakthroughs, sublime artistic achi evements, and









exp e rience on e arth .

Another way o f externalization is through a the
p rocess of " wa lk-i ns . " Disciples of the Masters who
rem ain in spirit and who are working diligently on
the Divine Plan are known to take over the bodi es of

alre a d y

agreement ,

incarnate d .



inc arnate





physic a l body to a c e rtain stage of development. A t

t h e a p p ointed time , a new and higher soul will
" walk in" and take over the body while the ori ginal
soul exits. The new occupier of the body wi ll retain
all mem ory and characteri stics of the body, but
often their friends will note subtle chang e s .
The I n n e r Government o f the S p iritu al Hierarchy








Working with devas or ange lic creature s ,

they influence t h e lower animal, p lant, and mineral


The physi cal phenomena and app orts

produce d by g reat occult luminaries such as Helena








c e rtain trans-physi c a l me diums today dem onstrate



of benevolent c ontrol


Brot herh ood

maintains on these kingdoms.

Some may ask, " Why d on 't the Masters just t a ke
over the whole world and straighten it out once and
for a l l ? "

The answer to this is quite simp l e .


Masters must abide by the Cosmic Law of Fre e Wi ll

that is p articular to this z one

of the Universe

Besides, if the Masters were to d o everythin g , how

would the pupil learn?















Chapter 3
The Dark Forces Today
"By their fruits, ye shall know them. " Master Jesus
Terrorist attacks and spot conflicts around the
world, including the ongoing Israeli-Arab war, the
Indo-Pakistani conflicts, the Tamil-Singhalese
guerilla war on Sri Lanka, the war in Afghanistan
against the so-called Al Qaeda terrorists, the
ongoing war in Iraq, the Muslim uprisings in the
Philippines, the tensions in the Taiwan straits
between China and Taiwan, and the host of other
ethnic and genocidal wars taking place in the
Balkans and central Africa are all designed to keep
the world in a state of perpetual division and
conflict. As soon as one conflict is resolved, other
flares up in a never-ending state of warfare.
The aerial attack on the New York World Trade
Center on September 11 shocked the world as it was
designed to. But the true story of this attack and
other conflicts in the world today are not what the
popular media portrays. In essence, what is
manifesting on earth is the reflection of the battle
being waged on the astral plane between the Great
Brotherhood of Light and the Dark Forces that
inhabit the earth. The mighty spear has already
been lanced through the heart of the great dragon of
evil, spelling the end to the heyday of the Dark

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Forces on earth. As the dragon succ umbs, its tail

flails in agony, and when the tail whiplashes, we
feel yet another wave of turmoil sweep through the
earth plane. On the earth plane, the Dark Forces
are desperately trying to make a final grab for all
the power they will need to suppress the mass of
humanity and plac e themselves on top of the world
. . . so they think.
But the forces of light armed
with the inc oming feminine energies have already
determined the outcome of this battle, the
Armageddon, and the Dark Forces are doomed.
Most esoteric literature has treated information
on the Dark Forces quite gingerly, for it was always
in the heart of the Brotherhood that these benighted
ones, also creations of God, would one day choose
the path of light. Some have indeed been
transformed, but many m ore have not and continue
to follow a dark path that wrecks havoc on earth.
In this chapter we wish to share our observations
of how the Dark Forces operate today, for the better
informed humanity is, the better prepared it will be
to mentally resist the shadowy works of the Dark
incalculable power to speed up the inevita ble
demise of the Dark Forces.
We must first remind you that the esoteric facts
put forth in these chapters should be taken as food
for-thought. Some of you may be shocked or
outraged at what we say, but whatever human
reaction our words may provoke, our intention is
simply to inform and to educate, with the hope that
all things shall be understood in due time. We are
not here to coddle, neither are we here to flatter, nor
to frighten. Nor are we here to bring some kind of

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

protective salve against some evil forc e , because in

re ality we do not be lieve in evil to begin with . The
c l osest thing we c a n call evil is ignoran ce. For it is
only when the soul is profoundly ignorant that it
tends to do those things that p e ople call evi l .

Why the Dark Brethren Incarnate on Earth

We mentioned in the p revious chapter that the
Dark Forc es c onsist of dropouts from more advance d

You m a y a s k why t h e y are permitt e d to



to carry


their da stardly

d e e d s . Earth is in the free will z one of the universe

and any soul can decide to incarnate on e a rth.


our p articu lar level of evolution , we learn by trial

and error.

That is the way of things at E arth 's

Plane tary Sc hool Board , so to speak.

We all come








individuals and en m a sse as part of our culture and

society. We must choose between the high and low,
the g ood and the bad , and the right and the wrong .
This way only shall we truly discover truth .


p resence of the Dark Forces on earth provi des a

p olarity, so that all incarnates can choose thei r way
between good and evi l .
When a choice i s ke pt from you o r something is
not permitt e d , you gain nothing by n o t partaking of
i t . Where al c ohol is forbi dden, for exam p l e , you
would tend to fi nd more alcoholi c s .

Where it is

p e rmitted , you wou ld tend to find less abuse .


is just plain, human nature .

So in this p lanetary school , those inc arnating as
the dark brethren also p ossess fre e will and are
given the prerogative to try again and again to make
their choice betwe en right and wrong . One is never


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

condemned to this status forever, for in the light of

God's Love, the dark brethren always have the right
to choose the Path of Righteousness. It may take
eons but eventually that soul will come into line
with the Path. Many of the bright spiritual lights of
today have at one time been part of these Dark
Forces and have since chosen the path of light.
Some of today's mediums have also experienced a
past lifetime or two as black magicians.
So despite their dastardly deeds which often
make life on earth an ordeal, the Dark Forces are
still creations of God, albeit souls which have
chosen the path of ignorance.
Atlantean Themes of the Dark Forces

The Dark Forces on earth today are the same

dropout souls from evolutions that hijacked the
Atlantean civilization centuries before. They have
been waiting in the dark wings of the astral plane
for earth to reach the same level of civilization as
that of Atlantis at the time it was destroyed.
Although some of these dropouts may have chosen
the path of the light in the meantime, many of them
chose to reincarnate on earth to continue their
activities in two major areas: 1) the accumulation
of money to control the mass of humanity and 2)
warmongering as a means of forcing an agenda of
oppression on people while generating more
monetary gain. Both these Atlantean techniques
are used to prevent or thwart mankind's spiritual re
evolution to its Creator.
Going back about 24,000 years ago, we find in
Atlantis, a rather sophisticated community and
culture at a similar juncture in evolution as earth

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

today, that i s , transiting from the Piscean to the






Atl anteans

science and tec hnology than e a rth today.

sp iritual


an even higher level of knowl e dge

leve l , however, a

spi ritual


On the


of the

c itize nry of Atlantis at that time would reve al that

today's souls on e arth are much farther along in
sp iritual attainment than those of Atlantis. This is
because every great spiritual luminary in earth's
h i st ory has most likely re inc arnated during these
times to play a role in the c oming events in order to
p revent


re petition



de structi on


h a p pened to Atlantis during its latter days .

On the sc ientific-technological leve l , Atlanteans
had disc overed the p ower of sound that could be


t e chnology






disc overed



c ould be used for military purp oses - by aim ing

sound waves at any organ in the body, they could
c ause i t to exp lode .

Many scientists wanted to

experiment and develop this te chnology s o that it

c ould be " tune d " to c ause the greatest harm to their


A lthough

c ontroversy






and women stood


e qual footing , this c ontroversy caused a great ri ft

between the two sexes.

Wome n , functioning then

as they do today as the c onscience of humanity,

di sagreed with the men who pursued this line of
research merely to see just how far they could carry

In the end , the men prevailed.

Meanwhil e ,





Atl antean

financ i a l c a pitals discovered that by ac cumulating

huge sums of money and driving the majority of the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

common people into poverty, they could better

control them to do their bidding. Not long
thereafter, the leaders of both the scientific and the
combining high-tech military technology with huge
fortunes of money, they could dominate the whole
of civilization. Ultimately, this marriage between
money and warmongering brought down the
Atlantean civilization.
Many of these soul-shells have re-embodied on
earth over the past centuries, practicing what they
do best as despotic monarchs and emperors,
monopolizing power and resources to wage war.
One need only refer to world history books to read
about the succession of empires and their wars.
Presently, they have adapted to modem democratic
technology to again accumulate huge wealth and
power. Rather than being limited to certain
geographical areas, as in the past, their activities
stretch worldwide without respect to nationality,
country or race, in effect, fulfilling the prophecy of
the hydra-headed monster in the Book of
These benighted ones constitute today's form of
the Dark Forces. They have embodied in human
forms of all races and gender and, consistent with
their past, they constitute a genre of souls that
knows how to amass huge fortunes of money, to
wage wars for further gain, and to control the
masses with the aim of stifling their soul evolution.
They have been able to deflect these blatant themes
by generating every conceivable sophism among
intellectuals and practitioners alike - economic

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

c ommunism, cap italism , and the like - to justify or

c loak the i r actions.

H owever, stri p p e d of whatever

" ism" they operate under, we see at the very root of

all the c onflict and strife on p lanet earth these dual
themes of money accumulation and warmongering .

Waves of Incarnations from the Astral Plane

Just on the other side of d e ath lies the astral
p lane .

Here a vast array of discarnate beings that

have passed through the p ortal of de ath resides.

Th ese individuals still possess what are c onsidere d
mate rial bodi e s , only in a more ethereal form , a
lighter form of matter vibrating at a slightly faster
rate than our dense phys ical bodies.
A s in the rest of the universe , the astral p lane is
divi ded




leve ls,


disc arnates c ongregate a c c ording to their re spective

levels of sp iritual development.
live ,





They c ontinue to

sp iritual

a dvanc ement just as they did in the p hysi c a l body,

only there is no need for money as everything they
want is mere l y thought into existenc e .

H e re they

review over and over again the mistakes they made

during their previous incarnation, and with the
help of higher being s , design a re inc arnation that
will balance out the wrongs and teach new lessons
on the physic a l e arth p lane .
Passing through the portal of de ath d oes not
make instant angels out of the dead.

A disc arnate

arrives on the astral p lane at exactly the same level

of sp iritual evolution a s it was in the inc arnate .


on the astral p lane , there are disc arnate beings who

are both the g o o d and the ba d , but with one big
difference - they are not mixe d together as they are

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

on earth. Those of similar spiritual dispositions are

grouped together: the good and benevolent
discarnates band together, while the discarnates of
the Dark Forces congregate in their own domain.
What defines the difference between these two
groups is: 1) The good are still connected to their
Higher Selves or souls and continue to work on
their spiritual growth. Guides and teachers from
the Great Brotherhood of Light continue to lead this
group upward in its spiritual evolution. 2) The
benighted discarnates or those of other evolutions.
which we cited above, have disc onnected from
their souls and thus do not follow the Path of
evolution. They could thus be called in san e ,
although they can decide at any time to reconnect
with their souls and c ontinue their spiritual
evolution. Many do not and therefore never evolve
further than the astral plane. They languish there
together, often bored with each other's malevolent
company and await another opportunity to
incarnate on earth.
Bad c ompany begets more bad company.
Imagine an array of unrepentant discarnate beings,
the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito,
Franco, Salazar, Trujillo, and Kim 11 Song in the
company of a host of other minor dictators, thieves,
and criminals, biding their time and chomping at
the bit to reincarnate!
So just when the earth thinks it has rid itself of a
crazed dictator, an oppressive monarch or an
executed serial killer, this same soul can
reincarnate or possess another human body and
continue to cause harm and conflict on earth ! They
can choose to reincarnate as infants. but these days,

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

this proc ess might be too slow, for why bother with
a l l the growing up pains ! It is easier to simply
p ossess an individual entire ly and make him or her
a sl ave . In these days of insanity, such p ossessi ons
are ever mom fre qu ent.
Even i f the se benighted ones have been executed
by the c riminal justi c e system , shot or ki lled in

circumstanc e ,




p roject

mischief and evi l from the astral plane or c ome









c riminal justice systems on both the national and

internati onal levels have been unable t o stem the
tide of c rime and c onflict. And i t seems t o get
worse and worse with each pass ing gene ration .

Negative Telepathic Influence on Earth


menti oned



benig hte d

sou l s ,

unable to fi nd an a d e quate ve hicle of embodiment

on e arth . can p roj e c t mischief from the astral to the
e arth p lane ! A c e rtain pe nt-up frustration develops
among the se benighted sou l s , for they have no one




am ong



discarnate c ompany. Tormenting themselves wou ld

be too bori n g , for thei r insanity drives them to
s p read as much harm and diss ension as p ossible.









re c e p tive



influ ence

their prey




Wh o ,
pl ane?

the n , becomes


First and most obvi ous are those incarnate

beings of the Dark Forces who have manag e d to



l oc ations



worl d .

S e c on d , uneducated p sychi c s who are open t o the

d i scamate 's fl att ery and who c o mmuni c ate with

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

any and every " spirit" voice. Third, the naturally

communicating with another dimension, not
realizing the potential danger of the contact.
Fourth, persons of weak character who are prone to
certain obsessions or habits such as drugs and
alcohol and lose control of their physical faculties.
Fifth, the weak-minded or easily possessed whom
these astral forces force to commit heinous crimes
in the name of God or on their behalf. And sixth,
the criminally prone young souls who are easily
manipulated to commit a lot of dirty work for the
Dark Forces to gain quick riches and power.
The Dark Forces on the earth plane are masters of
black magic. Through telepathy they can broadcast
or control individuals who are working for them or
who are too weak to resist them. These black
magicians are programmed to speak the same
vocabulary as the workers of good and many take
positions in charitable organizations both of a
religious or governmental nature.
Just as some of us respond to guidance from
spiritual guides or Masters in the Great Brotherhood
of Light, the embodied agents of the Dark Forces are
also programmed to follow commands emanating
from their " colleagues" on the astral plane. Highly
emotional in character, they respond to urgings
from the astral plane like automatons and often
without realizing it, they are manipulated
according to plans the Dark Forces have laid out to
oppose the Divine Plan.
Disseminating Confusion









Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

communicate telepathically with the emotional

bodies of individuals and spur them on to carry out
their evil orders from the astral or lower mental
planes. Yet the Masters of the Brotherhood also
communicate telepathically to humanity but from
the higher mental and spiritual planes. From either
source, all messages must eventually fi lter down
first through the human subconscious mind and
then through the conscious mind and brain, before
the individual takes cognizance of them. And this
is where the problem lies: The untrained minds of
the mass of humanity cannot distinguish the
telepathic messages corning from the Dark Forces
from those sent by the Brotherhood.
The Dark Forces' astral waves, often in
coordination with the earth's mass media, can
easily sway people in one direction or the other.
Concurrently, the Brotherhood beams its messages
of love and wisdom through this smoke of
negativity in a constant battle to neutralize them.
This often accounts for the " tug and pull" that goes
on in humanity's thinking.
It takes the trained esoteric mind to reject the
misleading messages of the Dark Forces and seize
upon only those messages of wisdom that flow from
the upper spiritual planes from the Brotherhood
and hold them untouched and unswayed by the
media's bombardment.
Earth Plane Agents of the Dark Forces

Conspiracy theories abound about a powerful

group of financiers that exercise such control on
world affairs from behind the scenes that even duly
elected governments become mere puppets to their

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

benighted wil l .

For years , people only whispere d

stori e s about the Seven Sisters , t h e Illuminati , the







Re lations and the like , all of which purported to

wi eld enough power so a s to bring any g overnment,
democratic or autocrati c , under its influence.



p rimary

p urpose

of these

I t is


societies is to bring about a One World Gove rnment

that would subject the whole earth to its dark rule.
All these stori e s , sounding more like grist for a

fiction nove l ,

some extent.


unfortunately true


However, we should elucidate one

fact for your attention: if any of these susp ected




to the


by any name

whatsoever, you can be c e rtain that they are but

front org anizations for more sinister and hidden
forc es who wal k about in the halls of Geneva 's





cre ations


distract and mislead the p ublic into thinking they

can identify the Dark Forc e s , whi le the re al culprits
are sp inning their ignorance and bad works under
different guises.
The earth p l ane incarnates of the Dark Forc es
appear as human beings who live and work among
us on earth.

Those at the top of the DF hierarchy

are fu lly consc ious that they are part of a hierarchy

that in many ways mirrors the hierarchical struc ture
of the

Brotherhood .





palac es of Geneva and other large urban c e nters in

the worl d , wear the finest suits that money c an buy,
dine in the finest restaurants , and wear the finest
p e rfumes.



attractive ,


s e duc tive , their influence passes into the highest



p ower



around the world.




Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

Their influence is so pervasive that they can

order a transfer of funds to cause the stock market to
rally one day or to p lunge the next. They can pass a
brief note to order a leader of a country to start a war
with a neighbor. No power structure on earth is
without their influenc e , and they are placed all
over the world. And over the years their puppets
have accessed legitimate p ower by occupying the
highest offices in government and taking positions
on the boards of directors of various private or
publicly held corporations.
They do not hesitate to mimic the work of Great
Brotherhood of Light, speaking the same words but
using instead black magic phenomena to impress
the p liable and dormant minds of the mass of
humanity as to their validity and sincerity.
Moreover, they have develop e d telepathic abilities
to c ommunicate with their sort all over the world
and with their c ohorts on the astral p lane . Through
telepathy they often impress the media to spread
mass discontent and conflict.
Mass hysteria is
often the result.
They even pose as God, sending messages from
the astral p lane to various religious group s on the
earth p lane .
Religious groups , in tum, rec e ive
contradictory and c onflicting answers to their
prayers in the name of God , and thus religious
c onflicts around the world are born.
The earthly agents of the Dark Forces are
obsessed with the accumulation of vast sums of
money in order to c ontrol all aspects of human
soc i e ty. They control the financial and banking
systems , governmental taxation and regulatory
agencies, the military, stock markets, capital

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

markets, gambling casinos, and public corporations

from which they draw in vast sums of money from
every country in the world.






Wars also stir up fears and dependence

among the combatant populations so that they are

docile and easy to control. The result is suppression
of the rights of the individual.
These malevolent beings or throwbacks from the
Atlantean period are organized in a hierarchy much
like organized crime. However, their hierarchical
structure straddles both the astral and earth planes,
which gives them a wider and more flexible field of

It also reflects the stymied evolutionary

state of their benighted members, for the light and

inspiration that come from the higher spiritual
planes are blocked.
The Dark Forces embody in all races and genders.
To understand the depth and


of their

power, we must lift our thinking above the concept

of nationality or the nation-state.

We cannot think

in terms of American versus Swiss versus English

versus Chinese or any such national identity, for the
Dark Forces exist without allegiance to any country.






arbitrary, for they view nations as pawns, useful for

pitting one against the other for their gain.


though America has become the most desirable

country to promote their insanity, we still cannot
really say the Dark Forces are American, although
America unfortunately seems at present to be its
major tool, instigator, and even victim.
The Dark Forces regard the Cosmic Law of Free


Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

Will with disdain, and often use force or telepathic

manipulation to imp ose or p ossess weak recipients
to carry out their agenda. This accounts for periodic
wave s of criminal activity we encounter on earth a spat of school shooting s , a rash of child
abducti ons with no apparent c onnection, random
sniper killings, infanticide by unsuspecting
mothers , irrational
murders, terrorist attac ks - all carri e d out by weak
or criminally-incline d individuals responding to
evil broadcasts from the Dark Forces on the astral
Most of these perpetrators often cannot
account for why they have committed heinous
crimes because they were in reality possessed . Our
legal systems call it " temp orary insanity . "
The Dark Forc e s employ powerful black
magicians who are c apable of astral travel , that is,
leaving the body and traveling to p laces outside
their body. They have also perfected the use of
telekinetic mesmerism which enables them to
astral travel to machines of any sort - buses, planes,
produc tion lines, missiles, satellites, and the like and cause them to malfunction. This accounts for
rashes of plane crashes that seem p eriodic ally to
happen in spats during a given period.
S ome of these broadcast orders are often so
p owerful, that those who are mentally weak, under
stress, or suffering from mental imbalance pick up
the signal. These p oor individuals, often innocent
and without premed itated mali c e , walk into these
broadcast waves and are led to commit c rimes that
their original nature s would never do. And when
they awake , they often do not have any rec ollecti on
of their evil deeds.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

The Dark Forces thus repre sent a negative force

that uses mental telepathic means to counter the
p ositive and uplifting mental impressions of the
Great Brotherhood of Light. They can appear as
intellectually advanced persons all the way down
to the p etty street criminal. Their u ltimate bid to
accumulate money and control humanity is dead
ende d , a virtual cul de sac, but what can be
expected from such benighted ones? Such
nevertheless been devastating for earth at its
present stage of evolution.
Creating Sheep out of Mankind

You might ask how it is that the Dark Forc e s have

gaine d so much control on the earth? By design, we
Many of the Dark Forc e s have chosen to embody
en masse at this p oint in earth's evolution for the

following reason: this is also the period when good

and innocent souls on earth have reached a stage in
their cosmic evolution whe re they must decide
whether to g overn themselves or let others govern
them. The Dark Forces have taken advantage of this
quandary to herd those who still feel they need to
be governed like sheep and who readily give up
their sovereignty and willingly allow themselves to
be c ontrolled. In these latter, the Dark Forc e s have
found ready victims .
The Effect of Television

Television became the marvelous invention in

the p ost war years . Its presence in the lives of
mankind has been phenomenal , so that there are

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

one or multiple sets in almost everyone's home.

Even in the remotest places on earth, one can see
people g athere d around the televisi on set be ing
entertained in a cafe , the central square or in a
neighbor's home . With satellite broadcasting
blanketing the earth , no place need be without
From our persp e ctive , we see invisible signals
from broadcasting stati ons all over the world
reaching into each and every household every
second of the day. Yet, far beyond the innoc ent
signals beaming reruns of " I Love Lucy," are
electronically calibrated signals designed to cause
varying degrees of retardation , autism, stupidity,
mesmerism, and a gene ral sense of malaise in the
billions that comprise the world's te levision
audienc e . This is why you must often make a
willful effort to pull yourself away from the
television set. People often jokingly refer to being
" glue d" to the television sets. A better way to put it
would be " me smerize d " by their television sets.
Turn off your televi sion set. Hang a piece of
string in front of the screen. Turn the set on again,
and you will observe the string jump forward as the
rays from the set enter the room. Again, these
signals have been calibrate d to numb and placate
you, and the more hours you and your chi ldren
spend watching television , the more you are
susceptible to its deleteri ous e ffects, among which
are to render you lax, lazy, and unable to think
In addition to these e lectronic signals , television
programming caters to the emotional rather than the

rational thought processes of mankind, often at the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

level of the lowest common denominator. Programs

depict characters, often beautiful and attractive on
the outside, but who are not in control of their

Watch these programs objectively.


popular ones are full of people screaming at each





Somebody is cheating.







Every role is in violation of






Unfortunately, these are the programs people find

the most interesting.
Where are the programs where a brave soul is
pitted against seemingly insurmountable obstacles
and spiritually overcomes them all?

We see very

few, if any, victories of that type portrayed these

days. Instead, you find people constantly involved
in the most intricate and convoluted relationships
with one other, invariably in violation of cosmic
law. It is as if someone were trying to say, "This is
who you are, this is what you are. Accept it. This is
your lot. You're a bunch of squabbling animals and








according to cosmic law, what you place your

attention upon is what you become. What man
meditates upon he eventually becomes.
Television is also used to divert public op1mon
away from heinous mischief.

A few years ago the

world was kept riveted to television carrying the

trial of an individual by the name of O.J. Simpson.
For months they watched and heard the blow-by
blow accounts of Mr. Simpson and whether he did
or did not kill his wife. How interesting? What else
might have been occurring while people were being

In the U.S., a missing Congressional

aide who had an affair with a U.S. Congressman

gripped the American public in the days leading


Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

up to the attack on the World Trade Center in New

The majority of mankind, glued to their
televisions , has in effect ceded the God-given right
to think, create , and exp e riment to outside forces.
The deleteri ous effects of the well-calibrated
electronic signals reaching into the living quarters
of almost every family on earth and the humanly
deme aning programming have such a numbing
e ffect on humanity that the Dark Forces are able to
sway the public in one direction or the other, march
them into war, herd them to their own executions,
and take their hard-earned money right out from
under their noses.
The Dark Forces Among Us

Listen to what your business and g overnment

leaders say and discern what is really going on.
The words of wisdom left us by the Master Jesus;
" By their fruits ye shall know them" applies most
p oignantly here.
S ome of you serving in the vanguard of the
Brotherhood may find yourselves in the unfortunate
situation of being in the presence of such being s .
You will note the marke d absence o f anything that
could remotely be called human emotion,
sentiment, and certainly love . Like robots , they
have no souls, for they are simply energy units
programme d to control this planet in human form.
They are not wholly human as you would define
human. One could say that they possess the same
mindset of a serial killer who thinks nothing of
killing one , two, thre e , four, five , six up to fifty or
more p e ople and would continue doing the same ,

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vo! 1

unless stop p e d . As leaders of any power, they can

summarily order the slaughter of hundreds or
thousands of individuals without flinching .
What kind of being can do this'? Certainly not
the type of human being you would associate with
willingly, for his conscious mind, the so-called
daily working state of mind , is separated from the
super-consc i ou s mind or Higher Self. So, by
definition this being i s insane .
Where do these beings operate? In the next two
chapters , we shall cover in more detail the two
worlds of the Dark Forces occupy - money
accumu lation and w armongering. So pervasive are
these two activiti es today that their implementers
exist in virtually all sectors, all levels of society,
and in all cou ntries.
Every day in the newspapers we read about
violent individuals , p erp etrators of violence ,
thieve s , embezzlers , and the like. These are the
noticeable ones who pepper our society with their
mischief and at the same tim e divert our attention
from the huge crimes against humanity being
perpetrated by those who remain unseen, hidden
behind a thick veil of secrecy and who move about
the financial cap itals of the world unre c ognized
and imperceptible to the c ommon people. They
meet in the great halls of Geneva to plot and plan
wars for gain and conc eive of schemes for taking
people 's money, as if it were a game.
They do not belong to any p artic ular country,
nationality, or rac e . In fact, they view . nati onal
borders as p etty obstacles they can easily surmount
through the advent of electronic money transfers

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

and a complex nexus of multi-level c ontacts. They

p opulate an international network of banking and
financial instituti ons , top ranks of government, the
military. the military industrial complex, and the
diplomatic services. They move in c irc les that best
promote their fluid and mobi le existence , passing
across borders unannounce d and transferring huge
sums of money to undisclosed places.
These hidden c ontrollers of the financial system
of this planet also have their c ounterp arts: the
promoters of the virtue of p overty. Many groups
preach the rejection of money and the virtue of the
p oor Some convince their followers , like so many
sheep. to give up all their worldly belongings in
favor of a movement or religion while their leaders
build , in the name of the movement, a more than
c omfortable life for themselve s .
They occupy high offices in the traditional
church hierarchies. Many sect leaders are of such a
bre e d . They parrot the religious and sanctimonious
outer coverings to dec eive the onlooker into
thinking they are indeed souls of the good and
ang elic typ e . But you will also note that they are
often illogical when speaking of g ood because they
cannot think very deeply of it.
In the
weap onry
exp osing

war-making business, the Dark Forc es

from afar industrial enterprises of
and so-called defense contractors , never
themselves to scrutiny by directly
such enterprises.

Curiously, their warmongering activities also

have a counterp art, and that is the p e a c e
movement. Today, this h a s manifested as the Pan59

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Anti movements . Although many good and

innocent souls belong to these movements, many of
the active leaders might be called agents of the
Dark Forc es, for they promote division and spew
hatred against symbols or i c ons of warmongering
who are not necessarily the real perpetrators of war.
This is often done to divert the public 's attenti on
away from the real p erpetrators and render these
movements a farc e . For example, peace movements
often burn in effigy figures of leaders they think are
promoting war, whereas their targets are but
puppets of the real planners and makers of war.
The me dical profe ssion has also c ome under the
influence of the Dark Forc e s . Rather than healers ,
w e now have those who merely s e e k to make a lot of
money. This accounts for the exorbitantly high
pri c e for medical servi c e s and insurance in the
United States and the lack of any national health
servic e for American citizens.
There is also a whole p opulation of pre ssure
groups. Many mouth the virtues of the servi c e s and
sabotag e .
Sometimes the loudest advocates o f p e a c e a n d anti
globalizati on movements are essentially divisive ,
promote the
" we-they"
syndrome and
uncompromising solutions . The environmental
movement has become such a victim. The good
that could come out of such a movement i s tied up
in regulatory red tape, so as to render it ineffective .
There are also those who mouth truths in the
occult movements. They purport to repre sent this
and that Master, using innocent p sychics to c onvey
their twisted and distorted versions of the truth.
Their shallowness is often revealed as they chant

Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

mantras but show no deep understanding . They are

souls ,
programmed to act in the name of good.
Incarnates of the Dark Forc e s are often highly
intelligent and physically attractive , exuding a
certain material magnetism or charisma that
enables them to draw in p e ople. They can create an
aura of maya around themselve s , much like a
spider's web, so that once in their presence, you
might find yourself a semi-hypnotic state d oing
things against your will .
They have accessed the top ranks of world
organizations or sit on boards of directors as the
p ower behind the throne . As we stated above, they
inhabit the financial and banking systems of the
world, bourses and stock markets, tax collection
agenc i e s of government , c orporate enterprises
(public ones of huge dimensions and by nature hard
to scrutinize) and basically any organization that
takes in money through contributions such as
religious organizations.
The clerics in the Muslim religious orders who
advoc ate Holy Jihad wars are not consciously aware
of their c onnection with the Dark Forces yet , they
have been put there as rec e p tors to these telepathic
orders . Their p ositi on in the earthly religi ous
hierarchy affords them much power and influence,
and they are able to press the buttons of hatred at
wil l , justifying their acti ons by scripture. When the
mesmeric orders are sent forth or directed at them,
they often react as if they have seen a re ligious
vision, one that justifies even further the
righteousness of their heinous actions.

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1














susceptible to the influences of the Dark Forces. It

would be unfair to say that all those who have been
elected are agents of the Dark Forces, although
there are many in the rank and file who receive
advice from them in the back rooms of power.
Rarely, do you find a member of the Dark Forces as a




scrutiny in an election.





What you are likely to see





anonymous influences from behind the scenes.

Elections are the playgrounds of the Dark Forces.
An electoral candidate, who covets the position to a
great degree, is readily compromised, and often
"sells his soul to the devil."

The narrower the

results of a primary election, the more vulnerable

the candidate is to those influences that arrive at
the last minute to guarantee him the election.


elections are closely watched in the halls of the

Dark Forces.
The Dark Forces have been here on the planet for
generations, and they sense the forces of light are






Although it does not appear so, they are "on the

run." Like fleeing desperados who rape and pillage
before defeat, the Dark Forces are going in for the
kill during these final days and years.
Fortunately, cosmic law will not allow them this

Their reign on earth is destined to end,

and due to cosmic cycles, a grand new awakening

at the grassroots level, of which you, the reader, are
a part, will ultimately awaken people to the point


Chapter 3 The Dark Forces Today

where they will start to question things . And just

like the French p easants in the French Revolution,
they will storm the Bastille and shout, " Enough !
Enough! O ff with their heads ! "















Chapter 4
Control of the Nation-State

In the post World War II era , the world was

divided into three major zones: 1) the so-c alled free
world, 2) the communist bloc , and 3) the third
world of non-aligned nations. In each of the three
zones, the Dark Forces adopted different methods to
carry out their Atlantean legacy of money
accumulation and warmongering .
In the Soviet bloc, the Leninist/Stalinist style
bureaucracies that monopolized all sectors of the
e c onomies in the Baltic , East Europe an, Balkan,
Central Asian, and East Asian sate llite states . The
Communist Party drained money and resources
from their p opulations and spent huge sums on
dictatorships were the starkest examples of the
reincarnation of the Atlantean model of money
accumulation and warmongering.
In the non-aligned world, there were also
egregious examples of the Atlantean g overnance
that exacerbated the already impoverished p ost war
conditions. For the most part, these third world
c entralized
"republic" models that tended to impoverish their


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

nations through the voracious appetites of their

bureaucracies and gave rise to strongmen leaders ,
often military men, who were surrounded by a
favore d class of syc ophant businesses and extended
family members . Again , wealth was c oncentrated
in the hands of the favored c lass, while the
government spent much on the army (as opposed to
their navies and air force) because the armies c ould
be used to oppress the p e op l e and engage their
immediate neighboring countri e s in war. So in the
third world, the same Atlantean themes playe d out:
concentration of money in the hands of a few and
In the so-called free world of western
democracie s , the Atlantean themes have also been
played out in subtler ways . The famous arms ra ce
with the Communist Bloc resulted in huge military
expenditures and many wars such as: the Korean,
Nicaraguan, Lebanese , Israeli-Palestinian , Cuban,
Vietnam, and Iraqi c onflagrati ons , to name a few.
Western countri e s loudly promoted free trade on
their terms, often themselves violating these
agreements and c ontrol of the international finance
system that governed the terms of trade , they
engaged most of the non-aligne d countries and to a
very limited extent the c ommunist bloc in
commerc e . With virtually no competition from a
massive p ortion of the globe , the Soviet Bloc and
China, the western nations traded freely with the
rest of the worl d . The result was a massive
accumulation of wealth in the western democracies
unpre c edente d
modernization of western society, primarily in
material well-being.

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

Working in democratic nati ons as opposed to the

more blatant dictatorial forms in the communist
and non-aligned worlds, the Dark Forces had to
devise subtler methods to bring this massive wealth
under their c ontrol. In this and the following
chapters , we shall describe how the Dark Forces
were able to enginee r the larg e st transfer of wealth
in all the history of mankind through their control
of the national taxation systems , the national debts,
and the stock markets.
Many would say, " My life i s so simp l e . Why
would the Dark Forc e s be bothere d with me?" Then
there is the old saying , " The only two things c ertain
in life are taxes and death . " If you pay any kind of
tax, you are touched by the Dark Forc e s .
The Dark Forc e s bring their sophisticated ability
to attract and accumulate huge sums of money from
their days of Atlantis. Their general strategy i s to
accumulate the major part of the world's wealth in
their corner, then leverage this financial power to
c ontrol mankind . The obvious sources of money
accumulation are national g overnments, which by
fiat have the ability to take money from their
citizens under the threat of force .
Hijacking Tax Revenue

Governments today like the feudal lords of yore

have the right to tax or, to put it more bluntly, to
force their citizens to pay taxes . A citizen pays
taxes ostensibly to pay for law and order in the
society, build and maintain the communications
and transp ort infrastructure s , regulate utilitarian
services such as the p ost office , air transport ,
defend o f h i s society from outside incursions , and

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

pay a host of other expenses the government incurs.

S ome functi ons of government are without question
for the common g ood of its citizens, yet some are
highly questi onable. Yet most citizens never
question the validity of ever-incre asing taxes and
willingly pay their taxes as a civic duty.
Governments on all levels of society impose
taxes on every aspect of life to support their ever
increasing demand for revenue. For instance , they
levy taxes on gasoline , cigarettes , alcohol, luxury
goods, travel , schools , water, heating oil , airp ort
security, border security, port charges , customs,
sales taxe s , surtaxes on taxes , value-added taxe s , air
trave l , the food you eat at restaurants - in other
words, on just about everything you p ay for to
survive . Even retire e s , the sick and infirm, the lame
and disabled must pay taxes on their living
surreptitiously so much cash from its p opulations
that the average citizen must borrow money to make
ends meet. Private lending agenci e s extend credit
in the form of personal and e quity loans, credit
cards, and consumer cre dit that indebt the weary
taxp ayer to some external org anization. They wil l
even lend the citizen money so h e can p a y annual
income taxes !
In the
States , where taxes
constitutionally mandate d as voluntary, the agency
charged with collecting tax revenues, the Internal
Revenue Service , was created without any legal
mandate . Yet today,
operating on a very
questionable mandate , it collects trillions of dollars
in taxes with the help of arme d p olice cadres who
will throw citizens in jail if they do not p ay. The
murky legal status of the IRS kee p s its activities

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

outside the purview of the law. Yet, it promulgates

tax rules and regulations under the threat of force .
Further research into the tax collection functi ons in
other countries in the world should reveal similar
Whether the tax revenue s e rvice in the country is
legal or not is one matter but all these agencies
share one common characteristic: they are
inviolable and never audite d. In other words,
taxpaying citizens never know the exact amount
their tax agencies collect. The fact that huge sums
are appropriated for covert activities under the
guise of national security but do not appear on the
national budget or are never reported publicly
indicates but the tip of the iceberg of this egregi ous
Every citizen of the world should ask the
question: How much tax revenue is my country
really collecting?

To confuse the taxp ayer and obfuscate this

situation, complex tax regulations make it virtually
impossible for any p rivate watchdog org anization to
calculate the amount the government receives in
tax revenue . " There is an exception to every
regulation. We consider e ach taxpayer on a case
by-case basi s , " the tax service will say. This is why
any effort to simplify the tax code and adopt a
straight universal tax rate for everyone meets with
such opposition. A straight tax would make it too
easy for the citizens to figure out how much money
the tax system is actually collecting.
p ositioned to collect not only billions , but also

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vo] 1

trillions, of dollars every single year from citizens.


to aid

them further,

the World



recently funded a one billion dollar project to boost

the efficiency of tax revenue systems in developing

However efficient these tax collections

services become, they are never accountable to

anyone for the revenue they take in.
Agents of the Dark Forces first skim what they
want off the top, and then the tax revenue service
publishes its figures. There is never an independent
third party verification.
But one thing is certain, from our perspective;
the Dark Forces fatten their own pockets first at the
expense of the country's citizenry.

For example,

the U.S, reputedly the richest and most powerful

nation in the world, has yet to create a viable
national health care system for its citizens.

Yet, it

spends billions on the military and space programs

and much more on covert activities.
The general public must wake up and question
all taxes. There are already dissidents who rail
against these injustices but compared to the vast
majority of people, who follow along like so many
sheep led to the slaughter, they are but a very small

Each one of us should mentally cry out

every time the cash register in the store tacks on a

sales tax or TV A and ask, "Wait a minute! Where is
this money going?

Why should we pay it?"


mental resistance invokes energy from the spiritual

dimensions that loosen the grip taxes now hold on
the world.





representatives if they know the exact amount of


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

tax revenue their government takes in. But do not

be surprised if you meet with a blank fac e . Has
anyone ever thought of asking this que stion?
Furthermore, ask them if an independent auditor
outside the g overnment has ever audited the tax
revenue agency.
You don't have to carry signs and demonstrate in
front of your tax collection agencies. S imply asking
these pertinent questions does immeasurable good
to loosen the grip the Dark Forces have on the
world's money supply. It invokes not only the
p ower of your Higher Self but the resources of the
Brotherhood to correct this situation in another
dimension, for once this is done, the solution
manifests here on the earth plane. Your que stions
and probes will have a snowball effect in bringing
this sad situati on to the surfa c e .
Bureaucracy: Funneling Tax Revenues

No one dares to subject any bureaucracy in the

world to a serious c ost-benefit analysis, for the
foregone c onclusion would be that the cost of
maintaining them far exce eds any benefits derived
from them. We all know deep down that
government bureaucracies waste money, but when
faced with the prospect of challenging these
behemoths, we usually sink back and try not to
think of it. In the meantime, our taxes increase as
bureaucracies grow. Ec onomists and financ ial
analysts just throw up their hands and call the
burden of maintaining government bureaucracies a
" sunk cost" or something we must tolerate .
This is understandable, because these inventions
are like steamrollers that cannot be stopp e d . They

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

are designe d to: 1) concentrate huge sums of money

in one place and 2) spend huge sums of money
without produc ing any themselves . They serve as
one-way funnels through whic h money i s passed
and provides the sole justific ation for taxation, for
without them no one could justify the systematic ,
forced taxati on that pervades our whole planet.
A government bureaucratic organization touches
in some way or the other every person. Its tentacles
reach into every person's pocket, 24 hours a day, to
satisfy its insatiable appetite for money. There is a
tax on everything you consume , even the air you
breathe and the water you drink. Year after year,
rarely does the ope rating budget of a bureaucracy
decrease . Although at times it may remain at the
same leve l , in the end while public attention is
diverted, these budgets always incre a s e .
So b y i t s very nature, a bureaucratic organization
is parasitic , for it cannot produce anything but
paper and regulations. Some create licenses ,
permits, identification cards, certifi c ate s , and the
like to generate more cash in addition to their tax
allotted budget. S ome have even instituted express
services, so that they can charge a premium pri c e
for their services, much like t h e under-the-table
payments bureaucrats take in some countries "to
fac ilitate" matters by hurdling the barriers they
themselves have cre ated.
Since they operate under an official c apacity,
government agenc i e s c an c ommandeer the news
media. Government officials c onstantly praise
themselves with laudatory speeches to justify the
servi c e s their particular agencies are rendering to
the public. The y must c onstantly remind the p e op l e

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

how much g ood they are doing for them.

On the grassroots leve l , small local g overnment
servi c e s are vital to maintaining a c e rtain order in
the society. On the national leve l , however, their
justifications are highly que stionabl e , for it is only
on these upper levels - provincial or state, national
and international - that the most expensive and
solidly institutionalized forms of bureaucracy exist,
for they are farthest from p ublic scrutiny. Citizens
can kee p a hawk eye on their local government
workers but they are helpless to scrutinize
bureaucracies on the state , provincial, national. and
international leve l s .
On a l l issues facing mankind today, the
bureaucratic mindset injects a general paralysis
into the decision-making process so that its self
preservation i s always considered above all other
issues on the tabl e . Most bureaucratic institutions
begin with lofty ideals and a certain vibrancy and
optimism. Gradually the organizations' se lf-interest
creeps in. Salari e s , medical benefits , retirements,
travel and e ducation perks become its primordial
c oncern. Low risk and the preservation of their jobs
color the thinking of the bureaucrat, and rarely does
one find there is one brave enough to stake his
p osition on principle . It is hierarchy gone amuck, a
c omplete distortion of the original idea.
The p ublic complains c onstantly about " the
bureaucrats," their c ost, their ineffi ciency, and
burg e oning
growth ,
c ontinue to dominate our lives and grow despite
the harm they are doing to the citizenry of the
world. Why is this? The answer is simple: the
organizations were not created to s e rve humanity;

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

they were established to serve the interests of the

Dark Forces.

Bureaucratization of the World























literally controlled all activities of the country and

every aspect of the common man's life. The spread
of communism into East Europe, the Balkans, the
Baltic States, North Korea, North Vietnam, and
Cuba resulted in massive bureaucracies for even the
smallest of countries.







socialist movements in Europe that created more

social and health services, government parastatals,






bureaucracy on top of the traditional ones in a bid

to meld capitalism and socialism.






The result was






business and commerce.

During the 1950s and 1960s, National Liberation











metropolitan colonial masters and created a host of

new countries in Asia, South Asia, and Africa.










government bureaucracies according to the socialist

or communist models.

Ponderous bureaucracies

grew out of countries barely able to feed their own


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

In the countri e s of the so-called free world,
federal, stat e , provincial and local bureaucracies
grew at an unprecedented p ace. On the national
level , the Cold War increased the need to maintain
large military establishments , while citizens
g overnment
S o light
intervention into every facet of life.
laissez-faire g overnments took on more and more ,
the heavy bureaucracies of the rest of the world.
As if these cumbersome national g overnments
were not enough, the p ost war euphoria gave rise to
a new idealism that a new era of world peace was
achievabl e . War-weary nations formed the United
Nations system, a supranational nexus of p olitical,
social, cultura l , agricultural, banking , investment
technical regulatory
agencies that sought to blanket the world with more
redundant bureaucracy.
To make matters wors e , each region set up
regional supranational org anizations such as the
Org anization of American States , the Organization
of African States , the Associati on of Southe ast
Asian Nations ASEAN, the Europ ean Community,
etc., all of which added yet another layer of
citizens, already groaning under the weight of their
voracious national g overnment bureaucracies, have
cre ated yet another layer in the European Union.
And NATO , void of its anti-Soviet Bloc , has
survived by inviting new members , some of them
former S oviet Bloc c ountries, to join in an even
bigger, more c ostly, defense organization.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

In addition to these " official" governmental

purported goodwill began to sprout up everywhere.
The Roman Catholic Anglican, Episcopal and
Baptist church organizati ons exp anded their
servi ces worldwid e . These re ligiou s , nonprofit. and
amounts of wealth, all claiming to re distribute a
portion to the p oor and needy.
Some of these
organizations stretch around the globe and may, in
some cases, be larger than some national
g overnments. The international association for
nonprofit organizations in the worl d lists over
twenty thousand of these agenc i e s .
Most bureaucratic organizations were found e d on
certain principles or ideals. Yet onc e established,
the Dark Forc es infiltrate them and sabotaged any
initial idealism that may have existed. The United
Nations is probably the best example. The result
has been to neutralize these org anizations .
rendering them bloated, useless and ineffective.
while draining the worldwide resources of a
starving world.
Mischief in Huge Bureaucracies

Most bureaucratic organizations consist of three

levels of employe e s . The top tier of managers and
leaders is whe re the Dark Forces operate . O ften
ambitiou s , yet p osing as managers for the common
good , they c hannel tax revenues to support the
ongoing maintenance of the bureaucracy and
sec ondarily, the bureaucracy's programs . They live
a fine life of c hauffeur-driven cars, private planes,
and mansions and enjoy all the acc outrements of
the rich and the privileged. Their status and

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

signature enable them to move trillions of dollars

around the world for various purp oses.
The second tier of bureaucrats consists of
relatively idealisti c individuals who provide the
technical backbone to the org anization . Exp e rts in
their respective fields with good to noble
intentions , at least in the beginning, they learn that
their ideals have no place in the bureaucracy, and
their growing cynicism becomes a threat to the top
tier. To placate them, top tier management
guarantees them a steady salary, job security like no
other in the worl d , seni ority, and lifetime
retirement bene fits.
Few on this second level
would give up this security to exert their ideals.
The last tier c onsists of the supp ort and
administrative staff. They are the expendable one s ,
especially during downturns i n the economy. The
bureaucracy exp ands and c ontracts on this level
leaving the other levels relatively intact, yet
despite this show of contraction from time to time,
the overall bureaucracy continues to increase ,
especially during crises and war.
It is on the top tier where we observe the Dark
Forces operating in their stri d e . They speak the
same language and espouse the same pat g oals as
the rest of their colleagues in the bureaucracy.
Ambitious and p ower-hungry, they clamber to the
top and step on whomever gets in their way. They
invariably reach the top. It is also on this level that
the secret movement of tax revenue funds takes
p lace, for this is the main underlying purp ose of
these bure aucracies. The departments, ministri e s
o r agencies
o f foreign
international intelligenc e , the diplomatic servi c e ,

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1







organizations, all branches of the military, and

international commerce of agricultural goods enjoy
freedom of movement across borders not accorded
to the ordinary citizen.

In every government in the

world there are equivalent, counterpart agencies, so

that there is always a ready contact point. The
agreements on diplomatic immunity allow much
secrecy - secret budgets, projects and movement of
funds- that the public never sees.






"official" channels, the work of the lower two tiers





"store front"










demands the services they are supposed to provide,

the bureaucrat will often choose to take no action or
expend the least amount of energy either to block or
drag out matters.

Mired in internal, self-imposed

regulations and procedures, few have the energy or

the desire to surmount all the obstacles to serve the
As internal bureaucratic decrees accord more
and more perks, the comfortable bureaucrat seeks
more and

more to



preserve what he has.

survival thus








packages take on greater importance than any lofty








downturn in the economy, government workers in

one state in the U.S. continued to demand a pay
raise regardless of the hardship it would cause the
citizens of the state.

And during these times of

turmoil leading up to the year 2012, more and more

public sector workers will try to demand higher pay
despite the economic hardships endured by the


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

populations they are meant to serve.

In order to carry out its clandestine acts, it is all
too common for the top tier to summarily cut the
two lower layers of the bureaucracy off from any








The top tier bureaucrats acquire the

best of government mansions, ride in expensive

cars, hold seminars in expensive country clubs and
hotels, and travel internationally in private jets, all
in the name of service to the people.

State affairs

are among the most lavish in the world today. Even

in some of the least developed countries in the
world, caviar and spirits flow among the glitterati,
while their impoverished populations peer through
the garden gates watching the spectacle of wealth
before their eyes.

Mis-Directed Priorities





bureaucracies make beyond public scrutiny, they

must decide how the governments will spend the
tax revenues. Even if their decisions bear the stamp
of the Congress or Parliament, it does not mean they
reflect the will of the people.

It is ironic that the

only superpower to emerge out of the Cold War

should feel the most threatened by terrorism. The




maintaining a high-tech



military superstructure.

while millions of the planet's inhabitants live on

the brink of starvation, defies common logic.
Other regimes on earth today keep people in a
state of abject poverty so that they are too weak to
resist, that is, they control people by depriving


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

them of what money could buy - food, medicines,

clothing, housing, fresh water - to meet their basic

We also have whole continents of human

beings dying from disease and starvation while

countries allocate billions of dollars to their space
programs to bring back rocks from other planets.
Yet, when we consider the Atlantean roots from
where these priorities come, we can understand
that these spending priorities are not meant to serve
humanity but instead the Dark Forces.

Bureaucratic Invention: A Dark Instrument







government plays the chief role in the economic,








examples of how bureaucracy can literally drain

whole countries of their resources and reduce them
to vassals of more powerful nations.

A country

whose bureaucratic structures depend on foreign

aid from another can but do the bidding of the















citizens to the point that even tax collection at






At one time,





populations. Many now exist primarily on handouts

from the developing nations in the form of foreign
aid and the balance of payment loans.
A position in the government bureaucracy is











Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

c ountry's wealth or " gifts" of foreign aid into

private accounts in Switzerland, while their
impoverished countrymen speak in awe at such
audacity and wish for the same . Is it not curious
that some of the richest individuals in the world
c ome from some of the most imp overished nations
on e arth? While they live in their palaces, their
p e ople struggle to find enough food for the day.
S ome countries have been reduce d to the p oint
where even the bure aucrats are not paid. Even
then, the bureaucrats retain certain p owers so that
their fellow citizens must pay them under-the-table
gifts to avail themselves of certain g overnment
servi c e s . The long lines seen across the globe of the
p oor trying to rec e ive some basic servi c e s from their
government social agencies is a p oignant p icture of
the c omplete disregard these bure aucracies have for
the welfare of the p e ople they were created to serve .
The arrogance of the c omfortable bureaucrat as he
throws up obstac le after obstacle before the
common man seeking relief, paints an even more
p athetic picture that these organizations are but
alien structures meant to TAKE rather than GIVE .
S e e n from a higher perspective, bureaucracies
resp ond not to the p leas of the needy but to p ower
and money in the form of baksh ish , guanxi, fear, or
un der-th e-table paymen ts.
They are instruments
that shift money away from the rea l problems that
fac e the world such as starvation and disease. More
rec ently in the richer nations, manufactured
terrorism has struck so much fear in the citizens of
each nation that bureaucracies have allocated
themselves huge sums of money for security and
defense , a lmost without opp osition or resistance
from the p e op le, this again , whi le the basic

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

problems of the world fester.

But all should know that th ese huge national and
internati onal bureaucracies are not a necessary
result of mankind's e volution or in response to the
modern way of life , as some would like us to
beli e ve . What they consume in resources far
ou tstrips the most grandiose of monarchi c a l
entourages in t h e history o f mankind. They are in
fact, aberrations and distortions of the c oncept of
hierarchy, the hydra-headed monster referred to in
the bible , whose main function is the justi fic ation
of the ever-growing tax burden and the funnel in
surre ptitious
destinations .
While earth 's problems linger with out apparent
solution, the grand bureaucratic structures on earth
have created a world of their own. Like parasite s ,
they draw money and resourc es from mankind, and
then realloc ate the funds to suit their own dark
objective s . In a sense , the peoples of the world are
paying these bureaucracies to suppress them! So as
this c osmic cycle comes to an end, and earth
evolves toward its general enlightenment, mankind
will hopefully be jolted into mentally resisting the
bureaucracies' c onstant demands and justifications
for more taxe s , for it is only money that keeps these
bureaucracies alive . De prive them of this life
stream and they will wither away and then a new
form of service organization can manifest itself
By c osmic law, you say " ye s " by default i f you
remain silent. If you do not resist, reject or say "no"
to something , then of course you remain tacitly in
agreement with it. Yet, there is no need for you to
get yourself arrested and thrown into jail in this

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

type of protest. If we are all derivations of the

Godhead, we as gods and goddesses can firmly
resist the Dark Forc e s ' p loys to take our money, and
you will be surprised how powerful your thoughts
are to stop them. It is the sleepy mental mindset of
sheep -like acc eptance that gives them carte
blan che to do what they will.
Sellout o f Nations: The National Debt

Most of us at one time have borrowed money.

When you buy a house on cre di t , you sign a
mortgage agreement with a bank or lender that
indebts you to them for twenty, maybe thirty years .
If you buy a c ar on cre di t , you sign a debt for three
to five years. Most p e ople try to honor these debts .
But if you do not make payments on the mortgag e ,
for instanc e, the lender will seize the property and
throw you out on the streets. If you do not make
your car payments, the lender will take back "your"
car. S o the lender always holds a threat over your
head, and you feel an obligation to him.
Today, c ountries around the world borrow
trillions of dollars from unknown lenders. It is only
logical to assume that these lenders in tum exercise
enormous influence on the leaders of indebted
countries, enough influence to render even the
pre sident of the most p owerful country on earth a
mere puppet.
During the Twentieth Century, most nations in
the world abandoned the gold standard. This meant
it was no longer necessary to back a currency with
gold bullion. Instead, nations printed and minted
their own mone y out of paper and other cheaper
metals and decreed these instruments to be of

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1


The nation would support its currency by

good fiscal management of the economy and this







confidence to use paper for commercial exchanges.

More recently, cash as a medium of exchange has
become obsolete. Now, commercial exchanges take
place using even more ephemeral forms of money,





credit/debit cards. This has given money even more


Huge sums of money can move from one

end of the earth to another in a matter of seconds,

and when manipulated properly can disappear or
reappear at the flick of a switch.
The use of cash in the form of paper and coins is








transactions, but even on this level, people are

using debit and credit cards to purchase even their
most basic groceries. In fact, anyone carrying or
dealing with too much

cash is now branded a

money launderer or an illicit dealer of drugs or

Once off the gold standard, governments took
advantage of this less restrictive environment to
increase their spending exponentially, for all they
had to do was print or mint whatever they needed.





operating and program budgets ballooned to the

point that these same governments claimed tax




no longer cover there spending











inflation, dilute the value of the currency, and

undermine worldwide confidence in the currency.


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

To cover the yearly budgetary shortfall,

governments decided to borrow the money
necessary from the financial markets to cover the
runaway deficit. The U . S . Government, for example
issued Treasury certificate s , long-term notes, bonds,
and other ad hoe instruments - promissory notes to anyone who would lend them m oney and in
return , it woul d guarantee the lender a good
interest p ayment on the principal. To date , the U . S .
Treasury has sold 44 trillion dollars o f these
instruments on the open markets worldwide and
p ays a yearly intere st of about 400 billion dollars or
1.5 billion dollars per day! And this debt is growing .
So in debt is the U . S . government that the dollar
bill is also a debt instrument known as a Federal
Reserve Note . We use the U . S . as an example
because of the size of the debt, but it i s c ertai n tha t
every country on earth today is in debt.
During the highly speculative years of the 1 990's,
government debt instruments were not p opular with
the most c onservative of investors, yet someone was
buying up every issu e . The U . S . government claims
55 p ercent of the debt is held by private investors ,
while the rest is being funded by borrowing from
the Social Security Trust Fund. This is only on e
such case .
While the national leaders have hawke d the
assets of the c ountry to unknown lenders , they
continue to tax the citizens to pay the interest on
these loans. Trillions of tax revenue flow from the
taxp ayers ' p oc kets directly into the c offers of these
lenders in the form of interest payments. Many
pe ople shrug their shoulders when c onfronted with
this problem, for it is difficult for them to c onceive
that a g overnment c ould g o bankrupt, especially if

The Sanctus Gerrnanus Prophecies Vol 1











whenever it needs more funds.

Yet no one seems to ask the most pertinent of






INDEBTED? In other words, what forces are lending

the nations trillions and trillions of dollars?


this whole debt structure have been created by

The answer to this simple question will reveal
an unimaginable power - the Dark Forces - that
owns the assets of your respective countries!


like all lenders, they exert a tremendous bargaining

power on the leaders of countries, to do their
bidding. One of the most shocking examples of this
power is what happened to President Kennedy. For
refusing to enter the U.S. into a war with Vietnam,







before the world.

Borrowing money is not free. The government
must pay interest on the national debt, and to get
the money to pay the interest, it taxes its citizens.
Each taxpaying citizen is in essence paying an
indirect tax (the interest) to the Dark Forces. In the
U. S., this debt interest

amounts to $ 3 . 3 trillion

annually, and it is growing monthly.

But even if your governments will never tell you
the truth about this situation, we but ask you to
stretch your imagination a little further and use a
bit of logic. If you were a leader of a country, would
you not be beholden to the entity that owns trillions
of dollars of your country's debt? The answer is
obvious, for calling such a huge debt at any time
would cause the immediate collapse of a country's


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

e c onomy!
Today, we have examples of governments in
S outh America and Africa that are so in debt that
they can no longer make their intere st p ayments.
They are in effect bankrupt and in their struggle to
meet their financial obligations to the lenders, their
leaders have literally turne d on their own c itizens
and rai de d their savings . These countries p ortend
the future of every country that c omes under the
grip of the Dark Forc e s , for these will not stop until
they have drained each nation of its resourc e s .
Realize that this situation d o e s indee d exist and
simply start asking you or your g overnment officials
and representative s , " Who really owns the debt of
my c ountry? Whenever was the debt made? Why
weren't we consulted before you indebted our
c ountry, our community?" The answers would
startle you , for most would pretend not know.
When you exert your right to ask these questions,
you invoke the Brotherhood's p ower to wag e a war
against this egregious situation in the upper
dimensions, then as that battle comes to an end, the
veil of ignorance on the earth p lane will gradually
be lifted and the yoke the Dark Forces hold on each
nation will be knocked loos e . Peop le will wake up
and realize the extent of the problem.
It should be apparent to you that any
organization with trillions of dollars to lend
governments must be a formidable forc e . It should
also be c lear that these force s hold the world in
their grip to the p oint that they c an dictate what
course nations must take regardless of what their
peop l e want. This i s one of the reasons that the

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

United Nations has been rendered usele ss, for it is

not the will of the community of nations that drives
things during these times but the will of the Dark
Force s.

So, is it not surprising that some nations

will engage in warfare and not heed the vociferous

outcrie s of the world community to the contrary?
From where do these force s draw their revenue to
be able to hold the tremendous debt of the nations?
One of the sources we have already cited above the unreported revenue taken from tax collections.
A second source comes from pillaging the private


Chapter 5
Pillaging the Private Sector
"The more there is of mine, the less there is of yours. "
Alice in Wonderland
We have seen from the above , how it is possible
for the Dark Forc e s to use the threat of force to
accumulate huge sums of money through taxes and
channe l
" official"
g overnment
bureaucracies for their own c overt uses. They then
lend gargantuan sums bac k to nations and earn
billi ons more in interest. Moreover, they use the
national debt to leverage influence on national
In the past, when despots and monarchs c oveted
their subjects' prope rty, they either seized it by
royal fiat, or i f the subject knew what was good for
him, he would pre sent it to the king as a gift. In the
p ost-World War II years , one-half of the world fell
under Communist dictatorships that summarily
seized all prop erty in the name of the people as
represented by the state. In essenc e , national
communist parties and their dictators resumed the
place of the despots of the p a st and took what they
wanted from the p e op l e .


The Sanctus Gerrnanus Prophecies Vol 1

In the Western Democracies, where vast amounts









concentrated , the individual's right to own private









enshrined in the capitalist system, so the Dark

Forces could not easily dispossess people of their

By working in the so-called free market




ingenious ways to seize people's wealth.





target was primarily the United States and Western

Europe and more recently, the so-called Tigers of







Singapore , South Korea, and Thailand) where much

of the world's wealth had accumulated.

Three Crude Oil Shocks

Shock #1
True to their Atlantean heritage, the dictators,
monarchs, or military strongmen, who dominate the
governments of the OPEC oil cartel as well as the
faceless CEO's and board members of the world's










pocketed untold trillions without a glitch and with

remarkable acquiescence of most of the world's
The first major postwar transfer of wealth came
in the early 1970s with the oil shock.

The despots

of the oil-producing countries that grouped under

the cartel known as the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) in collusion with the
Seven Sisters , forcibly tra nsferred trillions of dollars

all over the

world into their

Swiss bank

accounts simply by manipulating production to


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

keep crude oil prices artificially high. Most of this

transfer c ame from the western democracie s , which
were thriving at the tim e . The p oorer countri e s ,
a l s o dependent on oil , suffered deeply.
To double the pain on the individual consumer,
national g overnments seized the opp ortunity to
tack on huge gas and environmental taxes to the
alrea dy swollen c rude and gasoline pri c e s ,
ostensibly to discourage p e op l e 's consumption of
and dependence on oil products. Taxes on gasoline
account for up to fifty p ercent of the price of
gasoline in some p arts of the world and gave
governments more tax revenue . This latter tactic
did nothing to disc ourage oil consumption , for in
fact the world's dependence on oil remains at all
time highs .
Shock #2

After both g overnments and the oil industry

p ositioned themselves into the price of gasoline ,
the world gradually adjusted to higher energy
pri c e s over a period of twenty-five years and
rec overe d . However, the higher pri c e s attracted
more exploration and non-OPEC producers . By 1 998,
the price of crude had fallen as more non-OPEC
produce rs entere d the crude oil market. The fall
came during a time of relative prosperity in both
east and west and justified yet another massive
transfer of money. The OPEC cartel in collusi on
with the S even Sisters again restricted production
output in order to cause an artificial shortage that
tripled the pri c e of crude oil. This time non-OPEC
oil producers , fee ling the p inch of the lower oil
pri c e s , jumpe d on the bandwagon this time .
Government taxes fixe d as a perc entage of crude

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

also rose.
The second wealth transfer was well tim e d , for it
coincided with the roaring nineties ( 1 990-2000) in
the west, where a raging stock market bubble
obscure d any shock to the west and the burge oning
e c onomies of Asia. The c onsumer by this time was
alre ady ac customed to ever-higher or fluctuating
pri c e s of gasoline but this time his p oc kets were
flush with earnings from a stock market bubble .
The p oorer nations of the world suffere d greatly,
although OPEC compensated them by transferring
foreign aid p ayments.
Shock #3

The final coup was carri e d out with Iraqi War of

2003. Behind the rhetoric of democratizing the
Mi ddle East, the primary motive behind this war is
the control of oil . The Seven Sisters no longer want
to collude with or share their profits with the
corrupt governments of the OPEC c ountri e s . In
these days of insanity and acceleration, the S even
Sisters are aiming for full control of the world's oil
supp ly. By c ontrolling the enormous oil reserves of
Iraq and rebuilding the petroleum infrastructure to
exp loit these reserves , the Seven Sisters intend to
pump all the oil necessary to force down world
crude oil pri c e s and thereby drive the OPEC
government oil monop olies out of business. They
will then take full control over the worl d 's
petroleum and thus control the world's economy.
However, this final c oup cannot succeed and bears
the seeds for the final conflagration, World War III,
which will expose many of the hidden dark forces

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

and exp e l them from the earth p lane.

Looting the People's Life Savings

Much of the wealth that had accumulated in the

west during the p ostwar years became " lodge d " in
the personal savings and tax defe rred retirement
acc ounts of an aging baby-boomer generation. Huge
p ension funds, government retirement accounts ,
c orporate retirement accounts , social security,
personal savings accounts , and real estate
investments accumulated trilli ons for a generation
that was preparing for a comfortable retirement. In
addition , the parents of these baby-boomers passed
on substantial inheritances to their children.
To seize this money, the agents of the Dark
Forces devised a strategy to trick individuals into
investing their retirement savings in the worl d 's
stock markets. At this writing , the money has
already disappeared in a proverbial black hole so
that by the time the general public awakens, more
than thirty trillion dollars will have been
transferre d to p oints unknown in The Great Ponzi
Scheme of the Nineties - the larg e st transfer of
wealth in the history of mankind.
The Great Ponzi Scheme of the 1 990s

Innovators of the 1 990s brought us the Internet

and the personal c omputer, two instruments that
are destined to p lay a major role in the coming Age
of Aquarius. To bring these two inventions to
earthly embodiments, the Brotherhood impressed
several " g e niuses " who in turn created small,
innovative c ompanies that develope d proprietary
software and hardware . Within a few years , these

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vo) 1

companies had developed such

" user friendly "

software and hardware that millions in the world

could be connected to each other via the Internet.
Alongside these revolutionary developments of
the incoming Aquarian Age a major sideshow took
place that resulted in the largest transfer of wealth
and cash in the hist ory of mankind.

Investment Banks






upon these two innovations and created ancillary

companies that would exploit anything tangential
to these two inventions.

They created the dot.corn

companies out of virtually nothing, staffed them




personnel, and


" took


public." They

offered these dot.corn company stocks to the public

promising exponential returns to the investor.

Stock Brokerage Firms




brokerage firms posing




" Financial


Advisors "

peddled shares of these new companies to private

investors on the international stock markets in the
major financial capitals of New York, Hong Kong,
London, Frankfurt, Paris , and Taipei.

They t outed

these untried companies as the coming New Age ,

the New Paradigm, and promised investors such







millionaires and retire early with a comfortable


But . the








experienced speculators jumped into the market.

The real targets, however, were the reluctant ones

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

who had stashed away billions in their retirement

accou nts.
Mutual and Hedge Funds: Unregulated Groups
to Entice the Reluctant

Mutual and Hedg e Funds have been around for

several decades. The concept is fairly simple : to
p ool the money of uninitiate d and inexperienced
i nvestors and place it with an expert manager who
would invest the grou p 's money. The group would
divide the profits among themselves after p aying
the manager a fee
In the 1990s , thousands of these funds sprung up
out of nowhere . Totally unregulated, they are under
no government authority and thus make up their
own rules. Anyone can form a fund and thus much
mischi e f has been the result.
The funds were sold to the public as the safest
way to invest in a very complex roaring stock
market. Some funds sold their servi c e s under the
guise of retirement p lanning and financial
planning . Their brochures bulged with twiste d ,
convoluted legal language designed to give them a
semblance of legitimacy. Most of all, they toute d
themselve s as experts in " p ortfolio management"
and promised the public handsome returns on their
i nvestments for a prosperous retirement.
The strategy worked , for they were able to draw
in trillions , as neighbors and friends emptied their
savings and retirement acc ounts to take p art in the
financial orgy of the 1 990's. Mesmerized by the
prospect of high returns, unsophisticated investors
never questioned the fact that the mutual funds

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

were unregulate d. By giving the mutual fund their

money, they gave up complete c ontrol of their
money to the mutual fund manager, who had no
obligation under any law to rep ort to investors what
he was doing with their money. In fact, fund
managers need not report to anyon e , so the investor
does not know how much he is really gaining or
losing or with whom he is dealing .
Curiously, mutual funds fall into a very gray area
of legitimacy, somewhat like the tax revenue
agenc i e s , yet they manag e d to dupe the public into
giving them trillions to manage . How these mutual
funds managed to multiply and flourish for a few
years , without any apparent government regulations
to govern them , will be the subject of future
revelations of the p ower of the Dark Forc e s working
within national governments and banks.
This trio - the investment banks , stock brokerage
firms, and the mutual funds - forme d the
instruments that drew trillions of dollars of hard
eamed savings p e ople had tucke d away for the
future . In addition , they controlled certain finance
media c onsisting of daily 24-hour financial
channels and newspapers that provided a sort of
che erleader corps on the sidelines that would whip
up a frenzy that would send hordes of p e op le to
p our their life savings into equitie s .
The trio worke d in this way: Investment bankers
created thousands of unviable compani e s and
hawke d them to the general public and the mutual
funds. Dup e d investors p oured their money into
mutual funds, and the mutual funds bought stocks
in these c ompanies that had neither products, nor
business experienc e , nor any track rec ord of

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

In order to enable the mutual funds to give
initial high returns to their initial investors and
thus attract even more into the marke t , they
c olluded with the investment banks in a classic
Ponzi Scheme .
With much media fanfare , brokerage firms wou ld
introduc e a " public offering " of shares to a new
Internet c ompany. By previous arrangement the
mutual funds would buy huge lots of these stocks at
a low pri c e . The effect was to drive the price of the
stock higher on the marke t . By previous agreement,
another mutual fund would then bid a higher price
for these share s , and then still another would buy it
for an even higher price and so forth. As the media
rep orted the mete oric rise of a particular c omp any's
stock, millions of private investors sought to " g e t in
on the action" and jump e d into the market paying
highly inflated pri c e s for these worthless share s , as
much as several hundre d time s their fair valu e .
The smart mutual funds that h a d already bid the
price upward, gladly sold these overpriced stocks to
the private investors . As share prices s oare d , more
investors p oured money into the stock market and
mutual funds. The more p e ople saw prices go u p ,
the more they empti e d their retirement savings into
the mutual funds.
After a c e rtain critical mass had been
accumulate d , the floodgates had open e d . Friends
and neighbors bragged about the huge returns they
were receiving from the mutual funds. They c ould
now retire early on a handsome inc ome. The really
reluctant investor soon cracked open his safe
retirement savings and handed it to the mutual

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

funds. If peop le did not have enough cash to buy

stocks , they borrowe d it. S o much money flooded
the market that the mutual funds, investment
bankers, and brokerage firms could not produce
enough dot.c orn wonders to fill the demand.
Worthless stocks c ommande d astronomical prices.
To make use of the flood of savings hitting the
market, the trio then began speculating on the
traditional manufacturing sectors and the so-called
blue c hip stocks , doing exactly the same thing ,
artificially bidding prices of stock up , and then
unloading them on the gre e dy latecomers . While
the public focused on the hype in the dot.corn
boom , the telecom, energy, financ e , entertainment,
public re lations , banking , and pharmaceutical
sectors were busy inventing ways to grab more of
the p e oples' retirement savings.
Paper millionaires holding highly inflated stocks
sprung up overnight, and the financial capitals
rejoice d that a new era of prosperity fueled by the
New Ec onomy had arrive d. Individual investors
loaded with p aper profits leverage d their share
holdings and bought m ore shares at the peak of the
market hoping it was going to go even higher. On
the sidelines, broke rage analysts on the financial
television networks che ere d the investors on t o buy
more , promising ever-higher returns and tripling of
the stock indi c e s . Prosperity for all, they declare d .
New York, London , Taipei, H ong Kong etc . , boom e d .
Brand name de signer shops sprouted out o f
nowhere .
cafe s ,
restaurants ,
disc os,
exc lusive hotels, luxury cruises, and berthed
airliners catered to this new boom-time class of
paper millionaires. Finally, the New Age , the new

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

ec onomy, a new economic system had arrive d ! It

would toss out tired old theorie s of supply and
demand and profit and loss to bring in prospe rity
for all.
Then came March 2000. The great dragon was
slain in the astral dimension , and the earth moved
into accelerated evolution mod e . The flow of new
investors into the market began to slow, and the
latecomers who had already bought inflated stocks
started to panic .
" No one wanted to buy their
stocks at such a high pric e ! " They began to unload
them at any price in a panic sale , and thus the first
leg of the stock market crash began. Stock markets
around the world p lung e d and a general panic
But no market goes straight down, for like a
dying beast, it flails about, strugg ling to resuscitate
itself until the final moment it suc cumbs. The
stock markets rallied, then p lunged, all the time
ratcheting lower and lower: rally, crash , rally again ,
then crash to lower levels in a death process that
will hit bottom p erhaps in five years . Yet with each
rally, the stockbrokers and the media che ere d their
clients to rush back into the market only to lose
more money.
Such will be the fate of the huge stock market
bubble of the 1990s. Millions of private investors
and the mutual funds now bemoan the huge losses
they suffered as the sell-off wip e d out their
retirement acc ounts. Yet no one asks the c rucial
question: Where did the trillions in retirement
savings go?


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol l

The Myth of Stock Market Losses

Money is a condition found only on our planet.

It is a form of energy that is represented in c oins ,
bills, credit cards , and automatic wire transfers.
Money, like energy, is never lost, unless you are
insane enough to de liberately set fire to the bills .
Money just changes hands. During the days of the
gold standard , you could even melt down a gold
c oin, and it would still retain its value. In other
words, money is indestructible. It just goes from
hand to hand .
You " lose " money when some one robs or
swindles you of it. If you are the loser, there is a
winner. It's quite simple because money is a
manifestati on of indestructible cosmic energy. So,
who are the winners in this great money orgy of the
1 990s?
1 . Corporate Thieves

Today, newspap ers qui etly mention the vast

sums that c orporate officers misspent to create a
system of underwater broadband cable s stretching
around the world that no one can use , high tech
skyscrapers ,
complexes and
centers , satellite s , private jets, mansions , country
clubs , and the like . Company executives looted
their firms with grossly inflated salaries, redeemed
stock options profiting from " insider information , "
dumped worthless stocks for t h e public t o buy,
made illegal loans to themselve s , and transferred
huge sums to offshore corporations, and plotted
with highly paid auditors to fu dge the accounts a nd
dupe the public.

1 00

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

By design, government regulators reacted, rather

than anticipated the great crimes of the corporate
world, and thus were too late to stop any of the

Today, they must try to reconstruct






corporate officers










absconded with

their booty leaving their companies bankrupt shells

in the hands of debtors. Many have disappeared to
offshore havens, which were set up years before in
order to protect finance fugitives from prosecution.










Too much money flowed into corporate hands,
and the temptation became irresistible:


boards of directors, chief executive officers, and







accounting auditors to abscond with billions by











stocks and derivatives.






considerable losses, but they also do not realize that








Investment banks set up these companies,

put their own people at the helm, created the

media hype about their future, cheered investors to
buy stock in the company, manipulated the price of
these stocks on the stock market until the company
had on their accounting books an artificially high

They then pillaged real assets of the

companies. When the stock value crashed, all that

was left was a bankrupt shell.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

These blatant crimes against the investor should

have been enough to close down the stock markets
forever, but they continue to trick those who are
trying to recover their losses into investing even

Stockholders are now fighting back; lawsuits

abound against accounting and brokerage firms,

corporate executives, and the people who were













unfortunately, we wish to point out again, that this







sideshow to divert your attention from the real

crime being carried out.
Although in collusion with the Dark Forces, most
of the corporate leadership are but front men - the
attractive, seemingly competent ones placed in key
positions to draw in investors' money with their
charm and media exposure.

Many of the corporate

elite in the investment banking and stock brokerage

firms industries are young, impressionable souls,
naive in that they are dazzled by the money making
prospects those of the Dark Forces' fostered. By








notoriety, they in essence serve as fall guys of a

scheme so much more insidious and complex than
the public can imagine, for the ones pushing the
buttons and manipulating the markets are never

The fall guys got caught with their hands in





cunning enough


escape scrutiny and prosecution.

The public will continue to vent their wrath
through the courts and media, but one thing is
certain, the public will never get its money back.
While the public's attention is tied up in the
plodding prosecution of corporate thieves, trillions


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

more will disappear.

Again, where will the money

really go?

2. Corporate Debt
The private investor who bought equity shares or
securities essentially exchanged his money for a
piece of paper called a corporate stock certificate.
He thought he bought a piece of a company and
thus would share in the profits (or losses) of that

These new corporations spent most of

the capital from these stock sales on wild schemes

until nothing was left. To survive, they pledged the
corporation's assets and borrowed huge sums of
money to keep them afloat.
Without his knowledge the equity share that the
investor thought he bought became worthless when
the corporation pledged the company assets to
borrow money. Unsophisticated investors continued
to purchase the corporation's worthless shares on
the stock market at inflated prices as the media
painted a rosy picture of the corporation's future.
These bogus inflated share values became the sole
worth of the company.

As long as the raging stock

market kept going and everyone believed in the

bogus stock value, the corporate debt would not be
The stock market crash of March 2000 exposed
more and more corporations to be but empty shells,
heavily in debt, and on the brink of bankruptcy.
What happened to the cash these


borrowed on the corporation's assets? It disappeared

into the derivatives' black hole.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

3. Derivatives: The Black Hole








Singapore who lost a fortune on derivatives and

brought about the downfall of one of England's most
venerable banks. How could one employee bring
down a whole bank?

Merely by speculating in







derivatives to draw more cash into the marketplace.

With a derivative, the speculator buys the right to
place a bet on the direction of a given market.


example, an investor will purchase a gold futures

contract on the hope that gold prices will either go
up or go down. We emphasize that the investor can
make money if a given market goes up or down, not
only up.

If he bets the market will drop, and the

market indeed drops, he wins and vice versa. If the

markets do not go his way, he loses his money.
Investing in derivatives is simply a bet, a form of
gambling, although it is cloaked as a legitimate
form of investment. It is highly speculative and

In addition to public derivative offerings,

there is also a private derivatives market, which we










What is important to remember is that

in these derivative markets, for every winner there is


loser. This is the key to elucidating where all the

money is going.
It is a treacherous game because the markets are

So powerful are the Dark Forces that

they can cause prices of commodity futures to go in

any direction they want. For example, they will
manipulate the price of gold by buying thousands


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

of futures contracts to "go long." This very act will

cause the gold price to go up. They spread the word
through the media that gold prices are soaring and
will reach a certain high price at the end of the
year. An upward trend is thus established.






corporations, banks, and mutual funds rush in to

buy gold futures contracts betting that the price of
gold will be at a certain level by the end of the year.
The rush into the market itself has a momentary
self-fulfilling prophecy, for it causes the price of
gold to mount even higher. When the price reaches
high enough levels for a healthy profit, these forces
jump out and realize huge profits.
If the gold market continues up a little more,
then these forces jump back in,

"sell into"


"short" the gold market, or bet that gold prices will

start to fall. This creates a small panic and people
start selling.

As the price of gold plunges, these

forces bag another huge amount in profits.

Because of their financial power, the Dark Forces
can determine in which direction they want the
market to go. In the beginning they entice investors,
corporations, pension funds, and banks to invest
"allowing" them a fine return on their money. This
encourages them to invest even greater sums in
derivatives. Again, they realize some handsome

Confident after these gains, they invest an







derivatives. With the derivatives market bulging

with expectation that a given market will move one
way, the Dark Forces step in and force the markets

the opposite

direction. These



everything and the Dark Forces haul away the


The Sanr.tus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

massive sums of cash.

This is one of the principal ways trillions in cash
have been drained from the world's corporations
and banks into the coffers of the Dark Forces.


all of the corporate or individual losers, the Dark

Forces were winners.

And the winners reaped


4. Mergers and Acquisitions

At the height of the great stock market bubble


a surge of






mergers and








Riding on the inflated values of a

company's stock, companies paid top dollar for

their acquisitions, defying all business sense of
buying low and selling high. In most instances the
only value left in the acquisition was its inflated
stock values.
When company A wanted to buy Company B, it
not only bought Company B's inflated stocks, but it
also had to pay an extra premium of goodwill.
Some companies paid billions in goodwill, which is
to say they bought billions worth of air. Media
fanfare and sideline cheering accompanied each of
these deals to entice more investors to buy the stock
of the newly created merger and keep the values






frenzy of mergers and acquisitions and those who

walked away with their pockets full were the same
ones who had manipulated the market to such
heights. This seemingly endless and lucrative game


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

ended as the stock markets began to plunge, but it

would be safe to speculate that the stock market






investors, are safely tucked away in the banks of


5. The Mutual and Hedge Funds: The Ultimate

Black Holes
We pointed out above the unregulated nature of
mutual or hedge funds. They can do anything with
your money. and you have absolutely no recourse
except to draw out your remaining funds. There are
no third party audits and their annual financial
reports to the investors are fine works of fiction. All
we can say is what happens in the secret back
rooms of these fund headquarters is detrimental to
mankind. The fact remains that like the tax revenue
services, they answer to no authority. They can do
what they want, and there is no one to check or
verify their actions.

Managers say losses in the

general equities markets are causing these losses,

but are they? How can the public know since these
funds are not required to report their holdings,
gains or losses?
The mutual or hedge fund phenomenon also
distorts the so-called market forces in the stock
markets where free exchange of equities is touted.
Instead of millions of small investors in the market
exchanges, a few thousand mutual fund managers
control trillions of dollars of equities and are thus
able to manipulate the rise and fall of certain
stocks. They also control the rise or fall of the stock


corporate stocks.






Finally, through the huge blocks

of stocks they hold in companies, they also decide


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

who sits in the boardrooms of these companies.

In the meantime, mutual fund investors watch






hoping that the great promise of a secure retirement

will come to pass.

The smart ones have already

withdrawn what's left of their capital, while the

hopefuls hang on as these "losses" gradually fritter
away their principal. By the time the public wakes
up to this massive deception, these funds will have








Part of the trillions that investors

"lost" will be traced to the dark underworld of

transactions that these funds engaged in without






derivatives markets.
All these sinister inventions of the Dark Forces
form the ultimate black hole, the funnel into the
banks in Switzerland. Yet as the markets gradually
collapse over the next few years, these once towers
of finance will wither away.

The End is Nigh

Many who pulled their money out of the stock
market early enough and saved what was left of
their capital rushed to invest these funds in real
estate, but again this mad rush created yet another
bubble of inflated real estate. Finance companies,






mortgage loans to these buyers. Once they obtained

the signature of the borrower on the loan papers,
they sold the mortgages to non-bank secondary
mortgage corporations.

In order to purchase these

mortgages, these secondary mortgage companies

later borrowed the money by issuing bonds and


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

derivatives on these bonds.

In essence, through this convoluted maze of
borrowing, these non-bank financial institutions of
the Dark Forces own indirectly most properties
purchased with a mortgage.

In other words, if you

do not own the real estate 100 percent, the mortgage

holder, which is itself indebted to the Dark Forces,
is the true owner.
As the world economy deflates, more and more
people will lose their jobs, they will default on their
house mortgage payments and be thrown out into






corporations will take possession of the property.

When mortgage defaults reach a critical mass,
the secondary mortgage corporations will collapse
leaving a wasteland of properties.

This will spell

the end to the financial grip the Dark Forces hold

on the world and the towers of finance they have
spent centuries to build will fall one by one like

The Other World

In the sections above, we learned how the Dark
Forces concentrated their efforts on the wealthy
countries of the world during the last years of
Twentieth Century.

They have been able to drain

the affluent populations of the world of their money

through cleverly devised schemes that exploited
the free market system of the West.

But this does

not mean that they have ignored the rest of the

The majority of people on this earth can barely

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

scratch out a living, much less, invest money to

speculate on the stock market.
masses of


world are


The impoverished

divided among






"sovereign," for under this rubric much can be

accomplished within the borders of impoverished
sovereign states, away from international public
Unable to squeeze any significant tax revenue
from poverty-ridden people, except at gunpoint,
and moreover, fearful of pushing the impoverished
so far that they will revolt out of desperation, the
Dark Forces have used more feudal means to control
There is a certain favored class that invariably



of impoverished





connected to those who hold power

within the government bureaucracy.




The intimate




favored class usually involves the exploitation of

the country's major natural resources, like mineral
mines, plantations, drugs, cement or crude oil. The
favored class pays government officials handsomely
for certain concessions and applies or obtains the
know-how and capital to exploit the resources.
Handsome amounts from these concessions pass
between these two parties and invariably flow out
of the country into foreign banks in Switzerland or
other offshore havens.
Government officials enrich themselves and live
in the country's finest mansions. The favored class
enjoys the life of the jet setter.

They often live in

fenced-in or walled communities surrounded by

tight security usually on a plateau or higher ground


Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

overlooking the city capital.

Many flaunt


wealth before the impoverished masses, for often

they are blind to the misery around them.


the families of the favored class intermarry with

those of other countries so that there is a social and
business network linking them together.
They own private jets that wing them to the
major capitals of the world where they wine, dine,






domestics and bodyguards in tow.



On every trip

they carry massive amounts of cash, to deposit in

bank accounts in

Switzerland or other offshore

The Dark Forces exploit what they can, using the
less sophisticated methods of their Atlantean roots.
The impoverished populations provide the cheap








give out








that limit

person's intake of food to what is prescribed on the

ration card.

This is one of the means by which the

forces can control the masses, for what hungry








controls his food supply?

Although the exploitation of the impoverished
continues in a most feudalistic manner, they are
minor players compared to the lucrative schemes of
the equities and financial markets in the more
advanced economies.

What is noteworthy here is

that the Dark Forces are in every corner of the world

weaving their financial grip on humanity.


matter how poverty-stricken the people are, they

never stop from extracting more, even when the
countries' people are on the brink of starvation.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Fortunately, some good and advanced souls have

elected to incarnate into these favored classes and
do battle with their practices. All should come to a








dictators and entourages have on humanity will be

a thing of the past.

The Slow Agonizing Death of the Dragon

When the new millennium arrived, the Great
Cosmic Beings who oversee earth said, "Enough!"
They stepped on the accelerator and earth spun
into high speed acceleration, one that would drive
the Dark Forces insane and finally weed them off
the earth plane.
The effect

on the stock

markets was


The party ended in March 2000, when

the first panic selling began.

The more intelligent

investors suspected that such a party could not last








holding worthless inflated paper. They got out right







investor, the one following his greedy instincts

rather than reason, stayed in the market hoping for
the good times to come back. But the stock markets
around the world continued their downward slide,
wiping out the unviable dot.corn businesses and








corporations to the brink of bankruptcy. Millions of

investors, who remained in the market at the urging
and advice of their stockbrokers and advisors. lost
trillions of dollars. Those who hang on with the



hope that


markets will

recover will lose even morP..

The managers of the world's stock exchanges

Chapter 5 Pillaging the Private Sector

today continue to convince investors the plunge is

only a short-term correction.

"Just stay in there for

the long-term. Weather the downturn and in a few

years everything will be fine," chants the media.
Yet the economies of the world have continued
down the slippery slope.

Trillions more are to be

lost as the top-heavy towers of the world of finance

plunge into the abyss.
But like derivatives, the markets are structured so
that the knowing manipulators can win on the
upswing as well as the downswing. The forces that
reaped the profits while the markets went up, will




they go


The big

difference this time is that the institutions and

instruments used to steal and amass the wealth will
be so weakened on each downturn until they are
destroyed, never to be resurrected.

It is the great

dragon gasping his last breaths of air before its

ultimate demise
The Dark Forces know their days are numbered
and in desperation they will try to take everything
and everyone down with them.

They have poured

billions into the stock market to stave off a plunge

and spread an illusion of a genuine economic








skeptical investors, only to run off with their money

when the fundamentals of the markets take over
again and force the markets down again.


many times they can pull this trick on the public

will depend on how gullible the public is, but
gradually over the next few years, this process will
die out and the stock markets will be silenced.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

The Price of Consent

The massive transfer of wealth from millions of
retirement and savings accounts into the coffers of
the Dark Forces could only have happened with the
consent of the good and innocent souls of mankind.
When people finally awaken to what has happened,
they will tum against all these institutions that
have stolen, rather than served them.

They will

storm the mutual funds, outlaw the derivatives

market, and






What no one will be able to deny is that the Dark

Forces merely set the trap, and the unthinking,
weak souls, motivated by greed


the dreams

painted by the agents of the Dark Forces, willingly

walked into it.
As these towers of financial systems and markets
gradually crumble and are drained of their money,
the Dark Forces will tum to their other specially warmongering - in a desperate attempt to maintain
their grip on mankind.


Chapter 6
Masters of War
"The first casualty of war is truth." Rudyard Kipling
The threat of terrorism preys on the minds of
everyone today especially as one terrorist attack
after another fills the media screens. But if we step
back a bit, is it possible that these events could be
nothing more than part of an orchestrated scenario
to further the ends of the Dark Forces? Is it possible
that the struggle against terrorism is but a game
being played on a chessboard, rather than


crusade it is made out to be? Could acts of terrorism

in reality be well-planned events designed to instill
fear and direct public opinion to war?
It would be so much easier to accept the scenario
of events leading up to the attack of September 11,
as presented in the mass media. Using a bit of logic
we should question the accepted scenario of what

How is it that the greatest military

country in the world could have been so lax in its

security measures to allow a motley rogue force
from the caves of Afghanistan to suddenly come
over and very successfully, within a matter of an
hour or so, attack the two most famous financial
buildings in New York City and then go on to attack









The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Yes, as hard as it is to imagine, the attack on the

New York World Trade Center on September 11,

was choreographed very beautifully before

live news cameras throughout the world. It all went

off like clockwork, because that's precisely what it
was, not a coincidence, but a well-choreographed
Is it not odd that so few question these events
and those who do are branded as fools? From where
we sit, we can affirm that this was not the work of
terrorists out of Afghanistan. This was not the work
of some cult group called the Taliban. This was the
work of the Dark Forces we have referenced above.
It is part of a greater plan to create world crisis and
prepare everyone for a state of war.
The World Trade Center attack and the way it has
led up to the War with Iraq is quite similar to events
leading up to the War in Vietnam, except in the
case of the latter, it was the threat of Communism
instead of terrorism. Again, using a bit of logic, was
this little tiny country in Southeast Asia really a
threat to the U.S.? Any intelligent person could see
that Vietnam posed no direct threat to the security
of the U.S., yet after assassinating their principal
obstacle, President Kennedy, and engineering the
Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Dark Forces impressed
upon Washington, D.C. to deploy thousands upon
thousands of young men to lose their lives, lose
their minds, and lose their limbs. For what?
What was really being defended? What was the

Communism? But after the long tragic war,

the Communists did indeed take over Vietnam,

which posed little or no threat to the U.S. Any
thinking individual would have known in the early


Chapter 6 Masters of War

sixties that there was no threat at all, any more than

there is any threat to you today from any of the so
called terrorists groups you might

find on this


Wars - Planned and Orchestrated Events

You might ask, for what purpose do the Dark
Forces create war?

There is nothing like modem

warfare, now so dependent on high technology and

a broad range of logistics materiel, to keep the
factories humming, employment up and the bank








incarnations, the Dark Forces continue to plot, plan,

and execute wars for gain.
Could the attack on the World Trade Center be
viewed as merely one scene in the unfoldment of a
complex plan to create a public mindset for war?
Wars are not spur-of-the-moment events:

They are

planned events, carefully laid out, and plotted

years in advance.

For example the recent war in

Iraq took at least ten years to plan. Planes, missiles,

ships, satellites, and all the war materiel take years
to design and build.
"being prepared"

This is often justified as

for defense purposes.


even the media is briefed and broadcasts the step

by-step mobilization of war these days?

Does war

coverage not look like a vast show for the public to

view from their television sets?







insidious goal: they divert people's attention away

from their normal lives so that laws or decrees can
be passed to strip away whatever rights they might

Martial law in an emergency can erase

decades of hard-earned rights.


And when the

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

c onflict is over, p e op l e suddenly re alize that an

e ven more re pressive regime has taken over.


n e e d only l ook at the afterm ath of World War II,

wh en


Europ e ,



S oviet



Ch ina,

Union ,

N orth




S outh east Asia - came under repre ssive, dic tatori a l

regimes. E v e n now, t h e so-c a l l e d s e c urity mea sures
at the airports and borders are all d e signed to get
p e opl e used to being searched, t o being submissive ,
to not qu estion, to giving u p t h e i r s e n s e of free dom,
and to p re venting them from c oming and g oing at
wi ll.

The se






te dious

re inventions of past practi c e s of rep re ss i on.

Further bi lls wi ll be introduced into legislat ures
and c ommunities to wear down the rights previ ous





can justi fy any legislation. For e xample, the private



fire arms





Ameri c a n Constituti on as every man's right . We are

not diehard fire a rm advocates but wish t o re mind
you that the original intent of this provi s i on was





to make




Ameri c an

that c itizens

cou l d defend their right to be governed by the

p e opl e and for the p e ople , if and wh en the insane
who c laim to g ove rn them tum against them.

War at All Costs

When a war has been meticu l ously planned, it
develops a momentum of its own.

Exe c ut i on will

proc e e d at all c ost, and the Dark Forc e s wi l l mow



or thing




their way.

Governments, the main p e rp e trators of wars, will

boldly and ba l d l y lie to th e i r c itiz ens about the


materi a l

c osts




th eir

Chapter 6 Masters of War

consequences. What will seem like the enemy is in

reality also part of the game.

They will engage the

full force of the media to mercilessly chant their

justifications and viewpoint of the war until it has


into every citizen's



sounds brutal and bestial at best, but very much in








In the Oliver Stone production of the movie


the credits should have read, "Directed by J.F.K

himself," for indeed it was. That the spirit once
known as President J.F. Kennedy had lobbied the
authorities of the Brotherhood for some time to get
the true story of his assassination told to the public.
And indeed , he got his wish. Give or take a few
facts , the movie presents the true scenario of what
unfolded. It exposes the fallacious theory of the
magic bullet, the one that felled the President, then
zigzagged , turned around and hit the Governor of
Texas. Recently, out of the blue, an article appeared
in the newspapers declaring the official version of
the assassination valid , yet in a recent television
interview, the former Texas Governor and his wife,
who were in the same limousine as the President,






testimony, the government's official report on the








Most shockingly, Mr. Oswald did not fire one
shot, yet he is the one whom history records as the
assassin of John F. Kennedy.

In fact, he served as

the fall guy, the scapegoat of a much deeper plot.

The movie also pointed out that within 24 hours,
Mr. Oswald's whole biography was splashed all over




if it had





The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

broadcast. How quick!

In truth , President Kenne dy was a ssassinat e d
s i m p l y because he refuse d t o give his consent to
carry out a war in Vi e tnam.

We p oint out this sad

e ve nt t o show the reader t o what extent the Dark

Forc e s will forc e their agenda of war on the p e op l e .
They wanted to prove that e ve n i f the Presi dent o f
the United States were t o opp ose their plans for
war, he woul d be elimina t e d .

"We c a n blow the

head off of your President at high noon, in front of

all of you , can't we?"
The assassination also highlights how the Dark
Forc e s can pressure many lead ers throughout the
world to adhere to their agenda.


It did not take

suc c e ssor long t o sign the

orders to send five hundred thousand troops into

Onc e the War in Vietnam was well on its way,
the Dark Forc e s unleashed their p ower t o sabotage

Vietnam p e a c e

movem ent. Many newspape r

rep orters of the day agree that p e a c e a dvocate and

singer, Miss Janis Joplin, had been murdere d .


did not die of s e l f- administere d heroin overdose ,

any more than Mr. Jimmy H e ndrix did that same

I t was c ommon knowle d g e they all indulg e d

i n dru g s , but using a b i t of logi c , m ost p e op l e who

indulge in dru g s , like g ood chemists , know what it
take s t o get high.

They are not likely to take huge

a mounts of the drug all of a sudden.

It's a matter of p ublic rec ord that the L.A. County
c oroner reported in his autopsy that Miss Joplin's
body c ontaine d an am ount of heroin that was forty
or fifty times more p ot e nt than anything one would


Chapter 6 Masters of War

ever find on the street.

Could it be that someone

fed her this high dose? We are sorry to say that this
was the case.









O ne year before their death, in 1969,

the Woodstock Peace Concert took place and much

to the amazement of the authorities, young people
from all over the U.S. came together to rally for
peace without any incident. There were no deaths,
no murders, no violence - everyone actually got







realized that this event risked being reproduced

over and over again, they immediately targeted
their leaders and within one short year, in 1970, all
of them were dead. What a coincidence!
Efforts to thwart the warmongering activities of
the Dark Forces often meet with tragedy, for they
are always on the alert for people or forces that
successfully promote unity or cause people to work

Their methods have not changed since

the days of Mr. Adolph Hitler whose motto was to

" Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer."
Then Dark Forces deliberately perpetrate and
inflame racial tensions, ethnic conflicts, and any
differences in order to keep people focused on how
much they hate one another and how this country
differs from another, and why this race is superior
to another.

UNITY is their enemy.

Anyone or

anything that promotes similarities over differences

will be their enemy.

Today, these same methods

apply. The Dark Forces have planned puppets of

hatred like Osama Bin Laden.

He is put before the

eyes for the world to promote hatred and to be

hated, in this case, along religious lines.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Warmongering is thus the ir ultimate activity, the


of years

of p l otting



With their c onsiderable financ ial p ower, they c a n

g oad nations into warring with e a c h in order t o
make even more money. This te dious c ycle has
been repeated over and over during the c e nturie s of


c ivilization.



p roc e s s ,


tighten the noose around the sheep that follow,

stripping them e ve n m ore of the ir fre e doms and







organizations that hold the national debts of key


c a n exert

p ower and

leaders of indebted c ountrie s.

influenc e

on the

If they were to c all

in the debt of the U. S . al one , it wou ld bring that


c ountry



kne e s .


whe n

c e rtain

c ountries wag e war in the name of whatever ide a l

t h e y might c ite at that moment, w e m u s t re m e mber
that they are re sp ond ing to forc es way beyond their
own borders.
Thus whe n we analyze the wars being g e ne rated
during these times, we c an conc lude that both sides

e ssentially






s ide


darkne ss. Ag ain, we emphas iz e that the Dark Forc e s

have no nationality. They mere ly expl oit division
and c onflict in the world in order to cre ate wars.
And if a p otential c ombatant nation is re luctant t o
c onduc t war, t h e s e forc es will create the c onditions
and justific ations so that the nation will want to g o
t o war!
Every war is a battle betwe en light and darkne ss.
The forc e s of darkne ss manipulate the c ombatants
into war u sing wha t e ve r financ ial leverage


s ophistry to egg them on. These " trumped up" wars


Chapter 6 Masters of War

succeed if we do not take the right stance, for by

cosmic law, we give our consent if we remain silent
and do not say, "No, enough!" Each and every one
of us being directly connected to God can stand on
the side of Light and beam upon the warring parties
Love and Light. This is the true stance to take.
As we beam Divine Light and Love on the two
warring parties, the world will observe how their
war plans will go awry, missiles will miss their
intended mark, grenades and mines will lie dead,
and "friendly fire" incidents will increase. The
workers in the war ministries will question daily









innocent being will repulse his killer. The warring








realization that there will never be a victor out of

all the misery and hardship they have caused, and
as we continue to beam forth Light and Love, the
guns will gradually fall silent.

There is always an

end to war.

The Ultimate Triumph of Light

And so we have reached these times so long ago
predicted in the holy scriptures of many of the
world 's religions.

It is the end of a cycle when

earth has decided it will no longer put up with this


It is also a time when the Dark Forces

will muster the last of its dark power to forge one

last stand, yet another world war, the Third World
War in the years to come. But this time, the Masters
of the Great Brotherhood of Light will take up this
ultimate challenge and rid the earth of the Dark
Forces, once and for all.

It is the time when the

Master Sanctus Germanus will lead the forces of







The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

liberation will at last return to earth.

It is a war of

s orts between them and H e , and all s ouls will have

t o c hoose on which side of the battle they will

This is the e ssence of the Armag e d d on

A Note on Disease and Pestilence
During the Armage ddon we can e xp e c t the Dark
F orc e s



to many d e sp erate



reg a in their foot ing on the world stag e .

They will




everyone ,










th e

prote ction of g overnment.

During their last days , one disease after another
will be broadcast over the airwa ves. to intim id ate

c ower

uns e en


microbe s



of these


mysteriou s ,

(c omp uter


inc luded) g overnments and the media will seize

the opp ortunity to create mass fear and hysteria in


c ower


int o



g overnment c ontrol that promis e s to prote c t them.

Frightened p e op l e c a nnot exercise their liberties

fre e d om s






submissive , an id eal c ondition as far as the Dark

F orc e s are c oncerned.
In return for this prote c tion, gove rnments will
inva de the last bastion of individual privacy - the
human body it s e l f. Individuals will be subj e c t e d t o
t e sts


quarantine d.

p robes


their vital

p arts


All in preparation for getting p e op le

used to be ing re straine d.

It is no accident that the origins of these dis e a ses
are always exotic p l a c e s , for the u nknown a I ways

Chapter 6 Masters of War

causes more fear.

We hear about the Asian flu,

Avian flu. the West Nile Virus, AIDS, Ebola, the

Hong Kong flu, and the like, which strike fear of
certain races purported to be the originators of the

Divide and conquer has been the motto of

these Atlantean souls for millennia.





















Chapter 7
The Armageddon: A Cosmic Filtering

Many who hear the word


conger up

pictures of the whole world blowing up in some












Christians believe that they will be lifted off the

earth in a great rapture, leaving the sinners to battle
it out until earth's ultimate demise.






proclaimed the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, even

as we wallow in starvation, wars, and materialism.
That earth's problems should be so easily resolved
and with such finality could only be the result of a
profound misunderstanding of the whole process of
human evolution, for as we noted in Chapter O ne,
our journey of millions of years is far from over.
Our view of the Armageddon differs considerably
from current thought in that we see it more as a
filtering process - separating the tares from the
wheat, the light from darkness - in every pore,
level, and sector of human society, for the true






comprehensive housecleaning designed to rid the

earth plane of all negative influences, those of the

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Dark Forc e s , so that the c onditi ons nec e ssary for the
flowering of a new golden a g e , the A g e of A quari u s ,
c a n prevail.

The Filtering Process

In this fi ltering proc ess, e veryone wi ll be given a
c hance to play out his or her true self and those
who are not suited to remain on the e arth p lane , by
their chosen acti ons or beliefs , wil l be shifted to
other p lane t s



m ore

i n line with their

The fi ltering process will touch e ve ry

being on e arth , without exc e p ti on, for a s trological

pulls and influenc e s as we ll a s the a c c e leration in
the e arth's e volution (se e below) will bring out
e veryone 's true c ol ors. And how wi ll you know how
to di stinguish one from another? " By their frui ts, ye
shall know them," said the Master Je sus.
The signific anc e of this c omprehensive fi ltering
proc e s s is this:

there will be disturbanc e on e very

level of human society until e very stone has b e e n

turned and t h e dark characteristi c s or forc e s are
fi ltere d


Your ne are st


affe c t e d and turn against you.

de are s t



Brother will turn

ag ainst brother, father against son, sister against

sister, wife ag ainst husband , husband against wife ,
and so forth, until the whole p op ulation o n the
earth plane is purifi e d.

Victory on the Higher Dimensions

The fi nal battle betwe en light and darkness is
the proj e c t of the Ma ster Sanctus Gerrnanus.


great Ma ster of the Gre at Brotherhood of Light has

taken his p la c e as the Hierarch of the New Age, the
Age of A quarius. H e leads the battle.


Those souls

Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

who are for Him stand on the right, while those who
oppose him shall be banished from the earth plane.
O n the higher dimensions, the Master Sanctus
Germanus has already plunged the sword of truth
through the heart of the symbolic dragon of evil. As
it lies clinging to life, the dying beast's giant tail
periodically whiplashes from side to side, and each



down to the


So what we are experiencing are the clean

operations of






messy. Its agents on earth are desperately trying to

reverse their inevitable demise, creating the turmoil
and conflict we sense here on earth as they struggle
to save themselves.

But cosmic law has already

determined that their cycle is up - finished - and

that the Forces of Light shall prevail in this battle.
Be reassured that the battle has already been won
on the higher planes, which is why we can be so
sure of the outcome on earth. As painful as it might
be, however, the final battles will take place over
the next decade.

Acceleration of Earth's Evolution

Have you not remarked how time flies these
days? Days, weeks, months and years seem to streak
by. Barely into one month, you awaken to find
yourself starting a new one.

And so from the point

of view of time, you begin to perceive events in life

take place at an accelerated pace.
When the clock struck midnight on December 31,
1999, the earth spun into an accelerated mode of

Great Cosmic Beings concerned with

earth decreed this acceleration.


Did the planet

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

have any p owe r to resist? Certainly not. The soul of

E arth is organi c , alive , and also in the proc e s s of
be c oming . Earth and other plane tary bodi e s are but
the ve hicle s , the bodies, of great souls that inhabit

Each pl anet has a s p irit, a being in the

proc ess


e volution






p hysi c a l mass. Thus each planet has its nature, its

qu alitie s just as you do.

So, when Gre at Cos mic

Being s assoc iated with the planet earth de termined

that it wa s lagging in its e volution, they sim p ly
sai d , " Move a little faster," and the e arth obe ye d
and s p e d u p .
B y c osmic de sign , the a c c e le ration o f t h e earth
also serve s as the agent provocateur of the e vents of
the Armageddon - a c a ta lyst that starts the c h ain
rea c tion in final battle betwe en Light and Darkness
on e very l e ve l of socie ty. Earth becomes like
bullet train headi ng for higher e nlightenm ent.


bright light at the end of the tunnel disturbs s ome

The y turn away from it and d o not want to go there.
S o those who c annot take the light must get off and
find an other train m ore suitable for their state of
mind at this tim e .
Those good innocent souls who search only that
great obj e c ti ve o f liberating their souls so they can
blossom forth, j oyfully stay on for the high-sp e e d

for they know that when they re a c h that

de stination of light, they wi ll all have g otten there

because they wanted to. A nd what great ioy it is to
travel with those with whom you are c ompatible!

General Effects of Acceleration

A c c e l e ration



of insanity on

earth, in sh ort , bedlam. A tempest. A gale. It won't


Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

be easy for the next few years to come.

Those on

earth who were barely hanging on until now will

begin to find themselves going a little haywire. The
effect of acceleration is like ordering a driver who
can barely keep his car on the road at 25 miles per
hour to suddenly accelerate to 100 miles per hour.
He'll lose control and run off the road !
A mother-in-law suddenly turns sour toward her
lovely daughter-in-law, your son turns inward and
becomes excessively involved in the computer, a
daughter snaps back at her mother, father scraps
with his son and vice versa, your dear spouse
suddenly turns cold and uncommunicative, and an
old friend no longer wants to see you. You, yourself,
might find yourself screaming at a store clerk or
furious at another driver cutting in front of you, and
wonder afterwards what got into you.
These general manifestations of insanity are of
the more benign variety.

They touch everyone, for

everyone is sort of " edgy."



This is due to a slight




conscious mind and the soul, due to the speed of

things and the lack of conscious control to realign
oneself with the soul in meditation or prayers.







fortunately temporary.







temporary insanity or imbalance of the mental

body, the first thing you must do is ascertain to
what degree you should be out of striking distance















You must take care of yourself , but

at the same time, you cannot blame them.

13 1

At the

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

same time you need not play the martyr either and
think, " Oh, she'll respond to me ! "

She or he might

just strike back at you or say something that is








your relationship.






perhaps you were on good terms with this person.

Then suddenly, he or she begins acting quite rudely
to you. What have you done wrong? Nothing?
Know that the situation is temporary, and hope
that the relationship will eventually be restored ; if
indeed there was true love and respect in the








If you must leave someone's presence

because there is some danger in staying, then move


Do not waver when you feel that you've done

nothing to warrant the treatment.

But if you have

done something wrong, you'll want to admit it. But

when you are insulted , slighted or ignored for no
good reason or suddenly someone you thought you
were on good terms with treats you like a stranger or
worse, it's time to ascertain if the situation is one of
temporary insanity. Then get out of the range of fire
during that temporary period.

Malign Manifestations of Acceleration

Acceleration also affects those harboring more
malign forms of criminality. Rashes of crimes break

A student goes berserk in a high school and








Another student does the same thing in another






abducted in various parts of the world.


Or serial

killers start stalking women in various countries.







victims from the ends of their rifles.



Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

stalk their estranged wives and shoot their own


Mothers beat their i nfant children until

they succumb. Wives run down their unfaithful

husbands with the family car.

This is bedlam but

symptomatic of the times we are in.

More heinous crimes come to light such as mass
murders, serial killings, ethnic cleansings, mass
torture, wars, and the like. Those hidden, lurking
criminally inclined individuals suddenly cannot
take the pressure any longer of the acceleration.
They go berserk and expose themselves for what
they really are. These will be one-by-one eliminated
from the face of the earth.
O ld religious sores will rise to the surface such
as Islamic fundamentalists striking out at their old






different sects within one religion will contradict







Christians brandishing white supremacist ideology

lash out at their black brothers, while another sect
attacks the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus. All
religious differences come to the surface, some
resulting in outward conflict, while others resulting
in healing.









hi ding

prejudices or agendas of a less noble nature will

suddenly find themselves blurting out their true






intentions or their outright stupidity in front of the

cameras or in public.




World leaders contradict







nations turn against one another behind the scene .


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Many fa llen lead ers wond er how they manag ed to


c ontrol


their tongues,




exposed themse lves. Their former power to block or




bene fit

ma nkind


mesmerize the public i s fortunately stunted.

Again, these are the signs of the Armaged don,
the filtering out proc e s s of the bad eggs.

Process of Economic Dispossession

In March 2000, re ac ting to the a c c e leration, the
New York stoc k exchange suddenly plung e d after
a lmost a decade of wi ld s p e c ulation. Other markets
and bours e s around the world followed suit and a
worl dwi de melt down of these towers of financ e
c ontinu e s .
e ve ntual

p lunge


Forc es


anti c i p ated

financ ial



p e rhaps were taken by surprise at the suddenne ss of

the downturn.

Like the dying dragon in the u p p er

dimensions, these stoc k exchanges struggle to rally,

only to be hammere d to new lows.




Up again then




slip p e ry slide. The Dark Forc e s p ump huge sums of

money into the markets to create an illusion of
rec overy. Th e innoc ent investor, thinking the worst
is over, rushes back into the market, while the Dark
Forc e s dump their share s on these naive ones and

Again the market p lung e s taking with i t more

inve stor c a sh. It is obvious that the Dark Forc e s

intend to drag everyone down with them as they
drain the last c e nt out of all the cash cows they
cre a t e d.
In a se cre t hall in the middle of Europ e , the

l e aders

be hind


benighte d

indivi duals plot yet more wars, c onc e ntrating on


Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process


















righteous nation fighting against the evil one. Both,

one could say, are on the same side, for it is but a
game. But during these times, these games will run
amuck as the light from the Brotherhood is directed
toward these events.
Wars are coordinated with the collapse of the
stock markets where the Dark Forces take massive
short positions to bleed as much money as possible
from the markets as they plunge. A war victory
produces a false sense of well-being on the side of
the victor and the euphoria causes the markets to
rejoice and soar upward. On the upward swing,
more innocent investors pour their last bits of cash
into the equities market hoping to recover their
losses from the previous downturn. The-forces-that
be will again sell (short sell) their inflated equities
to these innocent investors and mutual funds in
order to reap more money as the stock markets again

The investors, never learning and always










worthless stocks.
With each plunge, companies that relied upon
their stocks to give worth to their balance sheets
will be hammered and will eventually go bankrupt.
The stock exchanges themselves will shrink as more
and more investors get slaughtered.

The kingpins

of the world of brokerage will one by one close their

doors and the investment bank will wither away for
lack of new business.

Banks will fail, one after

another, as their arrogance gives way to revelations

of activities that will be their own undoing.


unregulated mutual funds will close their doors,


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

and their irate investors will storm their empty

offices only to find that someone has walked off
with trillions of dollars of their life savings.
As the dragon dies in the upper spheres, these
top-heavy towers of finance that so controlled the
world 's financial system are being slain.


five or so years they will be lowered into the pits

from whence they came.
But those who planned and perpetrated these
institutions for as long as they could, will end up
taking trillions from the people and storing them in
the caves of iniquity.
With the capital markets virtually annihilated ,
corporations large and small will begin to deflate.
So heavily in debt are these corporations from their
speculations in the stock markets and derivatives,
that their debt holders, primarily banks , will be









deflationary spiral will gradually wipe out business

after business leaving only those that were wise








businesses that cater to the barest survival services.

As businesses close their doors, millions will








possessions. Prices as a consequence will deflate.

and deflation will cause even more businesses to
close down. Then the banks will be so overwhelmed
by "non-performing debt" that they themselves will












advanced and developed world will be hardest hit,


Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

while those who have been writhing in poverty

during these years of inflation and plenty will see
little difference in their sort, for how could they get

The giant economic bubble that inflated

over the past fifty years and rode on the inequities







underdeveloped will pop.

Finally, the cycle will end. Ever remembering
that in every war during this period, the warring
parties are on the same side and are manipulated to
make war so that the Dark Forces may reap more
gain, but the light of the Brotherhood shines ever
intensely on the situation , directed there by the
good souls on earth.

Like two adolescent boys who

begin by " horsing around " and eventually end up

fighting, the warring parties will be caught up in
their own insanity and destroy themselves.


markets will take their final plunge. This time even

the money the Dark Forces inject into the markets
will fail to revive them, for the money will no
longer have any value.



The world's economy will





accumulated much of the world's wealth on their

side, only to find that the wealth is worthless as the
currencies collapse.

Dispossession to Change Mankind

If the mass of humanity allows the process of
dispossession to take place without protest, and









compliance, then perhaps once they have nothing

left, they may be ready to listen to the God-Within.
No force can take away the soul, although some
have tried.


No force can steal one's intelligence,








The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1







trappings, mankind will rediscover the scent of the

rose, the dew drops on the leaves, the sea breeze
floating in from the vast ocean.




creativity, a true sense of money and its uses, barter,

and most of all, the substance of soul that the God
Within can provide will keep the true souls of earth
going as the towers of the Dark Forces crumble
about them.
People will stop to listen to the new teachings of

Brotherhood that will

come from the light

workers already being planted throughout the globe.

As communities band together to survive, the last
















Threatened Bureaucracies Resort to War

With no jobs, no businesses, no savings, and
moreover no tax base to exploit, tax revenues will
shrink considerably.

Bureaucracies will lose their

sole source of sustenance. Those on the lower ranks

of the bureaucracies, who thought they had a secure
job for life, will lose their jobs. Those on the top tier
will fight to survive, to preserve the huge cash cow
that has served them so well.

Many ministries and

government services will be curtailed for lack of tax

The world is





numerous examples


countries have literally withered away from lack of

tax revenue.

Tax collectors can no longer squeeze


Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

any more money from imp overished p e op l e for fear

of insurrec t ion or of their own live s . Yet e ven in an
imp overished





m a inta ins its right to issue p e rmits and create red


for those


purp orts


serve .



sp oradic salarie s , bure aucrats res ort to und er-th e


p ayme nts







mundane paperwork suc h as lic e nse s or permits.

Anything that ever gets done in the burea ucracy is





p rivate


fee s



p opulation



real iz es

that there is little semblance of enforcement of







eventually pass into irre levance.




m ore


c l ose



bure aucra c ies, it will become e vident that those

who survive the s queeze on tax revenues will be
those who hija cke d the g ove rnment structures years
be fore. The military, p olice and intel ligenc e forc es
- again those martial s p e c ialties s o characteristic of
the benighted Atl ante an s ouls - will take their last
S inc e they lack any productive capacity of their




bure a u c ra c ie s a live.




kee p


Arms fa ctories will buzz and

p e op le will be put to work making war.

Th e wars

and c onflic t we see today are merely pre p aring the



wid espre a d




e ve n




m ore

inve ntion


these forc e s , ke e p s a nebulous international thre at

in the minds of the masses, and enables the re al
p e rpe trators of war to c a p italize on this threat that
can be trump e d up at will.
The surviving g overnmental forc es will try to


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

make people accept that war is the only way to








warmongering activities are thrown into action, the








prospects of jobs and an economic recovery will

draw the helpless back into the hands of these

So shall the last stand of the Dark Forces be

characterized by warfare,

the very



This time, however, the Great Brotherhood of
Light has launched its own forces on earth.


before in the history of this present civilization

have there been so many reincarnations of the
noblest and most heroic souls on earth ready to
stand battle against these forces.

Never before has

the Brotherhood penetrated mankind with so much

light and ideas, pouring forth counter ideas of love
and peace through the force of the Feminine Ray of
the Holy Mother energy.
And by dispossessing people of their material
well-being, the Dark Forces will encounter exactly
the opposite of what they expect.

They will meet

head-on the people they have tried so for many







dispossession will unleash the creative force of the

universe, the God-Within each individual.

As the

balanced feminine-masculine force is awakened in

each individual, the masses will finally resist the
Dark Forces and no longer be lead like so many

They will realize that they are gods and

goddesses able to recognize the twisted voices that

call on them to do their bidding, and they instead
will dig in and refuse to be moved. " No more wars.
Enough! "



symbolic Bastille !






And thus will come tumbling


Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

down the last vestiges of the Dark Forces' empire.

Anyone who comes to their defense will be
struck down, for they will stand out as sore thumbs.
No longer will they be able to hide, for not only will






surface, but also people will recognize them for

what they are.

And one-by-one will they be thrust

off the planet never to return. The Master Sanctus

Germanus and his disciples will be in place to lead
the clean up.

Some Practical Suggestions

Dealing with Insanity
Insanity engulfs our planet, but when you are
engulfed in a fog, you intuitively seek the light, for
it's your only way out.

Now you know what to







Expect more insanity to come.

the beginning.

But know this:


will not get caught or lost in it, even though you

might have temporarily slipped, just a little bit, as
one might walk in through a large puddle of mud.
Just because you have slipped does not mean you
need be soaked in mud. Regain your balance as you
can. Take a bit of leisure.

Get away from whatever

it is that is stressful, but more than anything, call to

the Great Lords of the Brotherhood for help, for they
stand waiting to issue help, for according to cosmic
law, they can only help mankind if you invite them
through prayer or invocation!







overwhelmed by the insanity that is overtaking the


Recognize it and when it seems to want to


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1







we l l .



ashamed of it, neither re primand your loved one s

wh en they


it ,




oth e r get

through it as best as you can.

Know that this Armaged don is l ike

a sort of

p lague of a very physic al nature that will cause

p e op l e t o have temp orary dementia, t o go crazy,
whate ver, to throw something at you.

Know that it

is temp orary, that it p a s s e s, and afterward you will

be so happy to have your loved ones back, safe and
sane, for by then you will ha ve passed through that
photon belt , which causes this

insanity we are

experienc ing.
But always re member that while the insane are
insane, always temp orary of c ourse, they may not
know what they are doing and may strike out at you.
So beware.

Do not place yourself as a target, for it

can crea te a rift and a re sentment that might take a

long time to heal. Take c a re.
If the vipers of insanity strike at you too many
times, do not be a fool and think, " Oh, I can take it.
I c a n stay around here for more."

Such foolishne ss

can only be rewarded by the gravestone!

So do not

overestimate yourse lves and do not underestimate



m ore


anything ,



underestimate the p ower of your inner Tru e Self,

that which is intimately and c ons c iously taking
your next breath for you, that which is a part of
every molecule or c e l l of your physical body.
not about to cast you



away but



dis c over sanity (c oming

is putting

from the



It is



healthy) as the true and natural state of things in

the fourth dime nsion, which is whe re we sha ll be


Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process

when the process is complete.

The whole process should
perhaps a few more years.

not take so long,

Then you will come out

to a sane world. You will all be so happy, for those

who insist on the present insanity shall have been
swept off the planet along with the insanity.

Money Matters
By 2012 the towers of economic and financial
control will have crumbled and all attempts to save
it will be in vain.

The world will experience a

serious economic depression that will last several


This situation will be temporary until the

new form of economy that the Great Brotherhood of

Light has planned can take root in the minds of







economic and financial superstructure will mean a

bit of chaos in your daily lives.

All assumptions

about your life will be challenged as those financial

and governmental institutions that disappoint you
reveal their true colors.
To be prepared for these challenging economic
times, we would suggest you take the following






precious metals and color gemstones.








This is your



Store them in a safe place other than a

bank, as bank failures will multiply.

will survive.

Few, if any,

The U S and other country currencies

will collapse just as the Confederate currency did

after the Civil War in the US.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1



unne c e ss ary


e ve n



g overnm ent and the media cheer you on to ke e p

spending to help the e c onomy.

I t i s not your duty

t o save the e c onomy by spe nding aimlessly and

going int o debt. Buy only that which is nec e ssary
and sell what you do not abs olute ly ne e d for c a sh.

I f you are still inve sted in stocks , real e state ,

or mutual fund s , get out immediately and save

what is left or buy pre c ious metals and gemstones
with these funds.

The s e paper " inve stment s " are

not de stined to c ome back for a very l ong time , if


Wh at you salvag e and c onvert into gold will

be worth more in terms of buying p ower as d e flation

overc omes the e c onomy.

More over, just re member

that the s orrow and su ffering you will obse rve are
temp orary and p ortend something infinit ely better
in the form of a New Age.

Fina lly,





p l anet

a nd

p e op l e awaken to and sense it, they will seek their

sanity, which is only fou nd in their divinity.

S ome

of you are not c omfortable with that word Divinity

because you probably have not visite d your cele stial
parent , your Higher S e lf, re c e ntly.

We suggest you

do s o , in your he arts and thoughts through re gular

S o the Armageddon is that terrible filter you
must all pass through , and it m ight just snag you
here and there.

But you cannot get c aught in its

web, for your eye s have been opened.

You will

instead slide through it under the prot ec tion of your

Divine Mother.

Sl ide on through! You will g lide

through this ocean of insanity.



Chapter 7 Cosmic Filtering Process



















Chapter 8
The Year 2012

The year 2012, a time that is embedded in the

mass consciousness of mankind, marks the end of a
5042-year cycle on the Mayan calendar and the end
of the Piscean Era.

Preceding this landmark year

we foresee the following events:

Year 2004:

The financial system in the world

will struggle to maintain a semblance of recovery,

yet millions will continue to lose jobs despite the
happy face the government paints to keep the
people ignorant that the bottom is falling out. This
is also the year of the U . S. Presidential elections,
and the Dark Forces will try their best to paint the
rosiest picture possible in order for their candidate
to be elected.
Year 2005-06:

This is the time of the meltdown

of the world's financial system.

to fall apart.

and will plunge in value.


Everything begins

Paper currencies will suffer greatly

This is the year of no

To divert the world's population from their







engineer wars, most likely arising from the Middle

Years 2007-2011:

These years will be the most


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

trying of the Armage d d on, for the world ec onomy

will hit rock bottom and the world will enter a great
war. Toward the end of this p e riod, it is very likely
that barter will take over, as the U.S. d ollar and

paper b e c ome

worthl e s s instruments of exc hang e .

other world

curre ncies

ba sed

Gre at material

p overty will be e vident through out the world, much



m ore

wid e spre a d




Depre s sion of 1929. Ma nkind will begin t o listen to

the messages of love and supp ort emanating from
the Brotherh ood and its representative s on the earth
plane and ing e st new and revolutionary ide as for
the new era.

Yet the age nt s of darkne ss will still be

pre s e nt trying to dis c re dit the work of light and s e ll

mankind on their dying ag enda until all of t hem of
expel led, one way or the oth er.
Year 2012:

The side of Light hopefully rea c h e s

critical m a s s , unlea shing a chain rea c tion that tips

the scale in favor of the Light Forc es and begins the
healing of e arth.
It is said that on December 21, 2012, all the
p lanets in our s olar system will line up with the
sun, and the e ne rgy flowing from the sun s ourc e
wi ll shoot through the line-up of the planets. S ome
Mayan sch ol ars exp e c t the oceans to boil but a more
reasonable estima tion is that the o c eans will warm
c ons ide rably so that the melting of the North and
S outh Pole ic e c a ps will be a c c e lerate d.

Workers of Light
In the previous chapters we c overed in detail the
heinous work of the Dark Forc e s .

tim e ,



Howeve r, at the

of Light




orga nizing the ir re spec tive forc es to meet the ne eds


Chapter 8 The Year 2012

of the post-Armageddon period.

Starting in the year 2002-2003, the Brotherhood
will sound a clarion call to the Workers of Light
(also referred to by Alice A. Bailey and the Master
Djwal Khul as the New Group of World Servers) to







incarnated throughout the world in every profession

and field of endeavor, will find themselves in a
state of limbo,

sometimes between jobs or just

wondering what to do next, when the call comes.

Something - a visit to a website, a word dropped
here or there, a book, a movie - will touch each one
of them and signal a process of awakening.
The Workers of Light will, under the guidance of





dispersed throughout the world in thirteen regions.





thirteen organizations will





their resources,



activities on earth.










The Masters will pour forth

messages of import via mediums and other forms of

direct communication that will aid mankind to















teachings of these thirteen organizations and their

branches will witness miracles and phenomena
rarely seen in the past two centuries.






responsible for setting up branches, an intricate







throughout the fabric of humankind, cajoling and


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

opening the concrete mindset to the fascinating

world of the Brotherhood.

More and more, those

dormant Workers of Light or New Group of World

Servers will awaken and be enlisted into the work
of the Brotherhood.
The year


is the pivotal year.

Here the

activities of the Workers of Light will reach critical

mass versus the Dark Forces, and the chain reaction
of changes that ensue will transform the earth,
beginning a process that will rid the earth forever of
these negative evolutions.
Beings whom we consider extra-terrestrials from
higher evolutions will incarnate among our ranks
on earth.

The Workers of Light will protect and

nurture these highly advanced beings as they bring

with them innovative solutions to earth's problems
from more advanced planets.

Many who read this

book will play host to these wonderful beings and

glean from them wisdom never before tried on the
earth plane.

We Can Hasten but Cannot Avoid the Process

Do we have to wait until 2012? No, is the simple





marvelous day forward as soon as we want.


2010? For as more and more individuals wake up to

the events around them, and see the truth that all
the present turmoil is essentially a battle between
light and darkness; they will be lifted from the fray








individual prayer or invocation enlisting help from

the Brotherhood is sent forth as one coming from a
God or Goddess, for each individual is of God.

1 50

Chapter 8 The Year 2012

We cannot stop the above unfolding of events. for








individual's true colors be exposed and seen for

what it is.

Instead, each prayer, each invocation

quickens the whole filtering process so that this

bloody mess can be mopped up sooner and Peace
the threshold to the New Age, can come a bout
much faster.
So it is in mankind's hands. We can bring about
an end to this Armageddon in a matter of a few
years or we can suffer through it for a longer period.
Whatever the time frame, the LIGHT forces will

for they have already celebrated

victory on the higher planes!








..... .













Chapter 9
Period of Reconstruction

After the great c hangeover of 2012, a period of

reconstruction will follow to prepare earth for its
full entry i nto the new Golden Era - the long
awai ted Age

of Aquarius.

According to


astrologers, the actual beginning of this New Age

should take plac e between 2060 and 2100.









Aquarian Age can see by the events facing us today

that we are still in transition.
When we speak of reconstruction, we do not
mean rebuilding that whic h has been destroyed, for
it is evident that what had been destroyed did not
serve mankind.


The reconstruction will take place







different footing, on c osmic laws.

The awakening to a



is free of the

influences of the Dark Forces will lift a tremendous

burden off each individual. The sky will look bluer
than you c ould ever imagine and the flowers will
glow with such lovely titillating color and perfume
that you will no longer be able to i gnore them. You
will be thankful for every breath of air you take in
and you will feel truly happy for the first time. You
will express a H U GE sigh of relief that the bad

1 53

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

dream is over.

Everything will look brighter and

You will know i t whe n it happens, for the

situation will be so markedly different from what

you currently perceive d .
People will continue doing what they have been
doing - going to work, to school, doing chores,
visiting fri ends - but with an entirely new upli fte d
perspective of real optimism and hope that they are
on the brink of building a truly won d e rful new
world .
Despite the dire economic con ditions , many will
find she er joy in simplicity.



They will barter or



n e e ds .


relationships, if still intact, will be enhance d , and






rosi er.



continue to work at their jobs, but will find new








opportuniti es with the ir fellow workers that are not

based solely on salary or monetary gain but on how
much good their common actions will do for their
fellow man .

Compatible family and fri ends will

surround us all .
The lifting of n egativity will clear the air for the
host of spiritual guides an d elementals that hover
round e arth to participate with those increasing
number of clai rvoyant and clairaudient incarnat es
on the earth plan e . Those souls working against the
i nterests of mankind on the astral plane will also be
banishe d and will no longer be able to influence
people t elepathically.
Evolve d beings on the higher planes, the Masters
of Wisdom, will use telepathic means to gui de their
ini tiates and

disciples on

1 54

earth in the task of

Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction


They will prepare the world to

receive the teachings of the coming World Teacher

on the media waves and the Internet, principles





Bits and pieces of the divine plan for earth are
revealed with each passing day.

Today, we know

that its main goal, promoted by its major exponent,










All mankind must entertain this lofty


New World Constitution

The United Nations will have discredited itself
during the Third World War, and the greatest and
concerned minds in the world will come together to
draw up a new world constitution for the coming

In a way similar to the drawing up of the U . S.

Constitution, the Master Sanctus Germanus will







principles t hat will govern to the new era.


exact shape of this constitution will depend on the

application of the l essons learned in the previous
era and the openness of the peoples ' minds to the
suggestions of the Great Brotherhood of Light.

Making of a New World Union

The reconstruction of a new world union would
be the natural outcome of the battle between light
and darkness. The victor, the forces of light, would
naturally align a new world order with the Spiritual
Hierarchy. for only in that way could mankind's
evolution reflect the more spiritual track the earth
wil l h a ve taken. To set the world aright will require

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

a group comprising adepts and initiates who have

so long toiled


the back rooms of power to

influence world leaders.

They will telepathically

guide mankind in building a new world order.

We mentioned that in the initial years of the






mankind in cosmic laws and principles would take

precedence over all activities.

The hierarchy that

stretches forth from the O ffice of the World Teacher

to the man on the street will pour forth teachings to



principles and laws.




Spiritual guides will coach

individuals telepathically; media programs will lay

forth examples of the principles; adepts and their
disciples will come forth to teach in new mystery
schools and universities; and the school systems
will finally grasp the underlying basis of all that
they teach.
O nce these principles and cosmic laws have







mankind will be left to its own devices to rebuild a

new world




are given


The Passing of the Nation-State

The role of nation-states in the lives of mankind
will gradually fade out, as i ts true colors as an
instrument of war and conflict come to light.

relatively recent invention, the world we see today

divided into a couple hundred nation-states grew
out of past monarchal kingdoms, then imperial







decolonization. As a secular state, it represented at

one time a step in the liberation of mankind from

Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction

the dark concepts of church, but unfortunately. it

took other forms of oppression.
The concept of nation-state sovereignty within
clearly defined territorial borders promotes a state
level selfishness that allows its leaders to oppress
their citizens with a range of bestial techniques,
including physical torture and mass horrors.








manipulate the thinking of the people within their

borders, feeding them when they are good, and
starving them when they are naughty.

The whole

range of horrors to oppress mankind takes place

under the shadow of state sovereignty.

So, the

concept of the nation-state once thought to free

mankind from the shackles of religious oppression
was merely hijacked by the Dark Forces to promote
the " kingly syndrome. "
I n line with the Atlantean characteristics of the
Dark Forces, the nation-state became the unit of

having led the world more times than


into war and destruction of




Today, it is on the level of the state







deployed, and with this military power, one nation

state can oppress another or force others to make
war. Even civil wars grow out of the desire to create
two separate nations out of one.





Thus, the nation





provided them with the vehicle to accomplish their

two specialties of money accumulation (through

and warmongering. Part of the

awakening will be the realization that the nation
state will no longer be useful. This implies that the

forced taxation)

state, province, district, and urban administrative






1 57



The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

organizations will rise out of their ashes during the

Period of Rec onstruction that will reflect the New
Age groupings linked through advanced broadband



limitations of the nation-state.

the Internet



Today, we see how

has overridden many areas of the

traditional nation-state jurisdi ction.

More of these

breakdowns will become apparent in the coming


More we cannot say at this present time, for

much depends on how mankind will collectively

create alternative units.

Law of Hierarchy
In the absence of the old Atlantean institutions
of domination, the cosmic Law of Hierarchy will
kick in and fill the void.

That the universe is and

has always been organized in a hierarchy in order to

preserve the wisdom that must be passed down
from beings of superior intelligence to the masses of







governance in line with the Law of Hierarchy will

emerge as the Spiritual Hierarchy visibly extends
downward onto the earth plane.





The preservation



pureness of their teachings.

If aligned to cosmic principles and laws, the new
world order would necessarily be an extension of
the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Great Brotherhood of
Light, for the marc h upward in individual spiritual
evolution must necessarily follow the path blazed
by the Sisters and Brothers, the Masters of the

Whatever level we find ourselves on










Reconstruction and eventually the Aquarian Age,

the path of ultimate soul liberation has already


Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction

been mapped out for us.

Re-Education of Mankind: The World Teacher

Appears in 2020
The Master Sanctus Germanus once said, " If they
knew better, they would do better. "

This statement

rings with the hope that mankind, given the proper

education in the immutable cosmic principles and
laws and their application to life on earth, can
rebuild a world fit for the Aquarian Age.


the p rinciple of free will shall apply and mankind

will be given yet another chance to learn the
building blocks of wisdom to construct the New
Golden Era.
The World Teacher in whatever form foreseen
will be overshadowed by the Planetary Logos, the
Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, the Lord
Sanat Kumara. The Teacher will emerge early as an
extraordinary being with extraordinary talents and
abilities. He or she will begin teaching the Word of
the new Golden Era in the year 2020, if all goes
according to plan.






department of the Christ or World Teacher and will

have been disseminated telepathically to receptive
disciples p receding the period of reconstruction. A
core of incarnate disciples and workers is already in
place and will have been trained to reinforce the
teachings of the World Teacher as it pours forth










pop ulation.
Communications will be vital in the remaking of

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

the earth 's institutions. During the craze of

the 1990s, a m a ssive fiber-opti c s c ommuni cations
i nfrastructure was laid upon the seabed j oining a l l
c ontinents.

This network i s t h e brainchild of the


Germanu s ,





bottom of the sea protected from the turmoil of the


At the appropriate time p ri or to the

awakening , this network wil l be re a ctivated and

new surg e s in broadband Internet technology wi ll
e n sue that will make today's advanc es seem quite
primitive .

Every television set and c omputer wi ll



c onned

c ommunicati ons





high-sp e e d


te chnology wi l l play an inc a l c u lable unifying rol e

in t h e years of re c onstructi on t o c ome
In a d dition, throughout the Armage d d on period ,
the wire l e ss satellite telec ommuni c a ti ons sys tems
wi ll remain intac t . The s e

marve l ous systems


c ommunication wil l bring about a truly adva n c e d

form o f the Internet that will link all c orners of the
g l obe



never be fore

kn own.

pre c ursor of the principle of onene ss.




Even now,

a c c e s s to the world via the Internet is p ossibl e , but

the future will bri ng even greater p ossibi liti e s , so
that individuals

and group s of individuals will

i nteract with great ease with similar c ounterparts

all around the worl d . No l onger will information be
the m onop oly of the big broadc asting systems.
An individual will be able to produ c e a movie
and disseminate it in a far more e fficient way than

pre sent


of distributi on . Think of the

wireless c ommunic ations and how p e op le today


u p on


pers on




fu ll

c omputers and instant c ommunications u p on the

airwave s .

There wi l l be no need for cumbersome


Chapter q Period of Reconstruction

wire s .

You will be able to c a rry your c omputer

anywhere in the world and sti ll remain c onnec t e d




c ommunic at i on


The s e


pre c ursors



of telepathic

c ommunications that will follow.

The highly s ophisticated fiber optics network
and wireless telec ommunications systems await the
c orning of the World Te a cher, for this time H e
c omes not n e c e ssarily i n the form of a m a n , like

or Buddha, but




of c osmic

governing principles that wi ll be disseminated in






fil m s ,


progra m s , ed uc ational c lasse s , g a m e s , and the like

- into the far c orne rs of the e arth on this broadband
c ommunic ations





whi c h

humanity abs orbs these princ i p l e s will dete rmine

the extent to whi c h human s o c i ety can c a rry on in
s e l f-g overning units, quite unlike the pre p onderant
governmental structures of the Pisc ean era .
Those in c harge of the disseminati on of these
p rinciples are now be ing trained for this task.
That you must re adily c onjure up visions of Big
Brother be aring

down on and brai nwashing the

human p opul ations would be natura l , give n our

exp erience





H owever, wh en you imagine a world minus the

negativity of the

Dark Forc e s , there wi ll be


op pression or dominati on involve d in the use of

these systems for the enlightenment of mankind.
The pri n c i p l e s of the World Teacher emitted
through the Internet wi l l be that which g overn the

They are p owerful princ i p l e s backe d by

the Love and Wi ll of God.


And so far, over the past

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

millions of years, the universe has been doing quite

well and in good hands !
judge them. "

" By their fruits, ye shall

The teachings of the World Teacher

shall be judged on the basis of how it affords the

individual soul its path toward l iberation.
Earth must fall into line with the other planets
under this holy governance, for that which causes
every atom to orbit in its own sphere in total
harmony with the rest of creation must prevail on







Earth's Bosom







acceleration the earth is going through to catch up

with its evolutionary schedule. We as inhabitants
on earth are carried along this wave of acceleration
and are in a sense forced to either evolve with earth
or get off. Those who remain on earth after the
Armageddon will have elected to stay, moving with
earth into greater light. There will be many who
will elect not to stay and pass on to other evolutions
in the universe.
Since the great LOGO S , the spirit that inhabits
the body of earth, will have evolved further along
its path, those who remain on earth will find many
of the answers to their individual evolutionary
search in the earth. There will be a de-emphasis of
the urban area and a return to the land. People, as
one of the Brothers puts it, will scratch the earth
with their feet to find the wisdom that was there in
the past.

During the great economi c depression of

the Armageddon, food shortages will have driven

people out of the cities to seek more stable supplies
1 62

Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction









farming and gardening to supplement their tables,

and their children will reengage in the hard but
satisfying work of cultivating food.

This trend will

bring people back into contact with the earth and

closer to their salvation. The towers of the city do
not hold the answer to the liberation of man 's soul.











religions are valid, for the Great Brotherhood of

Light placed gods and goddesses on different parts
of the earth for a specific purpose - to communicate








wisdom at the level that they could understand .

Yet for centuries, other more aggressive religions,
primarily Christianity and Islam, hijacked by the
Dark Forces, systematically destroyed these earth
gods and goddesses and imposed their brand of
belief on others.

ALL ethnic religions and beliefs

will be renewed and will allow mankind to rekindle

its contact with the earth.

After a period of time,

they will realize that these ethnic beliefs










Almighty God.
In the spiritual dimension, there is currently a






diligently to harmonize the scriptures of earth's

fractious religions so that eventually ALL religions
and beliefs will come under ONE world religion,
taught by the World Teacher.

looks ,




The closer to earth

will come to the

realization that there is only O NE religion.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

Cities No Longer Dominant




larg e





finan c i a l c enters of the world will be c onsiderably

diminished in s i z e and influenc e . Some s e c ondary
e c onomic are as such as Canada and S outh Ameri c a
wil l rise as c enters of learning , culture and the arts

wi l l


re c onstru c ti on.





c ourse


P e op l e wi ll no l onger be forc e d t o

flock t o t h e c ities for opp ortuniti e s b e c a u s e what

they are looking for wil l be available in their h omes
via more a dvanc e d forms of the Internet.

In other

words, they will not be obli g e d t o live in urban

areas to survive , and the fre e choice of where one
wants to live wil l be avai lable to a l l .
Communities wil l band together t o rebuild their
d i fferent



Armageddon wil l have be e n very s e l e c tive


a im e d at that whi c h did n ot serve m ankind .





localiti e s .

u s e fu l



de struction

survive .

Muc h


pre p onderant g overnment p resence wil l no l onger

exist as it withers away for lack of tax revenue and
rel e vanc e .

P e op l e will thus s e t up se lf-governing

bodi e s at the l o c al leve l , and t o their gre a t surprise ,

wil l find they can g e t a l ong without the top heavy
government structure above them. They wil l re alize
that their governments were really doing very little
t o help the m , e xc e p t t o overtax and drain their




ac tiviti e s .

Fre e do m from the yoke of g ove rnments a n d their

insatiable n e e ds wil l be one of the hallmarks of the
Peri od of Re c onstruction.
Who should ke ep law and order then?

In the

P e ri od of Re c onstruc tion, the earth wil l be rid of

those e l e ments that c a u s e d s o much c ontention and

Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction

conflict that huge police and defense structures







these elements eliminated , the police and military

will be relics of the past and people will be guided
by principle instead.

The one-man sheriff concept

will return.






maintain essential transport, communications, and

educative infrastructure in their respective locales




interconnect with each other.




As for the surviving

national infrastructures such as the super highways

and air and sea transport lanes communities will
have to decide if these are indeed necessary for the



of soul






depend on mankind's orientation, a choice he will

be given once


Will there be a need


transport thousands of containers of goods as we do

now or will we fulfill our God-given abilities to
think things into existence? Will we again displace
ourselves to rely on great transport machines such
as trains, airplanes, or ships, or will we develop our
innate abilities to appear in places we wish to be






awesome choices before mankind in the New Age.

Basis of Group Structure

During the past centuries, communication with
the so-called dead on the vast astral plane gave us
an idea of how life on earth could be organized.
Testimonies from those who have left the body but
still reside in a more refined physical (etheric)
body, unseen to the physical five senses, reveal life
without the toil of earning enough money to pay the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

rent and feed the kids.

These hints show us life

where one need only think of a Tudor house to live

in and it is thus or of having afternoon tea and it is
thus. etc .
Mankind as a whole may not reach this level of




an advance


mankind will reorient


man 's








toward the innate abilities generated from the God


They will pattern themselves against new

heroes instead of the Marlboro c igarette man , rock

singers, or tycoons.

The Masters of Wisdom of the

Great Brotherhood of Light will serve as examples of

what individual souls can achieve while yet on the
earth plane.







mankind will be destroyed in the period of the


In line with the basic cosmic Law of

Attraction, those of similar vibrations will band

together to form groups as wide and divergent as
you can imagine, yet all will claim their source in
the one Godhead. Individuals will almost instantly
be put in contact with those whom they are most


the most natural way.

The great

complex of ideas that make up God's creation is yet

beyond limi ted human reasoning, but the groups
that will make up the human society shall reflect
the multiple diversity of the Mind of God and bring
out all the ric hness of the Creation.
Since it is the vi bratory level of the souls that
draw together individuals, there will be no conflict
within the groups.

Not only will the vi bratory

levels of each group be in harmony , their specific

purpose according to the divine plan will also be in


Chapter q Period of Reconstruction






Everyone and every group will be i mbued with

divine purpose as the new teachings of the World
Teacher flood the mass consciousness of mankind.
Those who resist these trends will simply have to
change planets.

Remaining Human Resistance

By the year 2012, the critical mass on the side of









to rebuild the earth in line with the


integration of both the feminine and

masculine energies. Their understanding at that

point of the higher principles will be no higher
than at the point before the great pop.

The main

difference will be the absence of the Dark Forces

tha t m a de l ife so difficult in all endeavors.
This does not imply that everyone at the time of
the reconstruction will be in agreement with one
another. Just as the hierarchal structure is based on
the individual's spiritual development, differences
in intelligence and levels of understanding among
individuals will exist.

The differences, however,

will not be translated into domination of one over

the other.

Discussions over policy or community

decisions will take on a different flavor, one of






constructively to the formulation of policy rather







outright sabotage that often characterize today's

political process.
In this new atmosphere, man must still face the






longer will he be a ble to lay the blame on others or


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

on negative circumstance s .

The new c onditi ons

put forth be fore him will favor his sp iritual growth,



c hooses t o g o that path.


fre e


principle remain intact , but the c h o i c e s will be


There will no longer be the hard-hitting

manipulati ons and twist e d logic for good and bad

em anating



forc es



mankind. The only c onfusion that will remain will

be within man himself, and if he listens to his s oul,
the path out of this c onfusion wi ll be obvi ous.
So then, one of the main tasks i n the initial




re c onstru c ti on

l o ok inward ,



into h i s

re educate

s oul



explore the inner space, whi c h i s in essence the

re ality of all things.

Transitional Changes
The vestiges of the world today wi ll be gradually
phased out over time. There will c om e a time whe n
m oney, banks, a n d e c on omy will n o longe r exist, a s

know it t o day.

A s soul liberation a dvan c e s ,

mankind will gain t h e skills to mentally meet h i s

n e e ds.

He will be able t o invoke Divine Will t o

meet his needs, muc h like t h e etheric dimension

that hovers above the physical.

If the indivi dual

soul desires a c e rtain h ouse, he may " will it" into

be ing. I f another pre fers to live under the stars , that
is his c h oi c e .

The ultimate fre e dom c omes when

the in dividual soul c an truly do what it desires

without harming its neighbor.
Such a fre e organization c a n only exist on higher
materi a l

plane s ,




etheri c

plane .

Mankind will re discover this etheric vision and the

ability t o p rosper on that p lane , while the ve stiges


Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction

of the dense p hys i c a l world institutions will have

to serve his n e e d s .

H owever, without the c onflict

and barrie rs inherent in the pre s e n c e of the Dark

Forc e s , mankind wil l witness a s p e e d and acc ura c y
of evolution like never before .

Resolution of Hunger
As p a rt of e arth 's evolution i nt o a higher cycle ,




Peri od


Rec onstru c ti on will favor bump er cro p s . Food wi ll

grow abundantly throughout the earth 's surfa c e s o
that n o one group will c ontrol food produc tion and




agri c ultural

influenc e .








c ommunities with foo d , s o that one area i s not

dep endent u p on the other for surviva l.
food s el f-sufficie n c y,


de sired

The goal of

by all, wi ll


achieve d .
The hungry belly s h a l l b e no more, for hunger
was but a means of c ontro l , a means of ke e ping
parts of the world oppre s s e d , s o that wealth c ou l d

c onc entrated

exp loitation.



c e rtain


re c onstru c ti on



adva n c e s ,

changes i n t h e g e ological make-up o f t h e e arth will




crop lands


S outh

Ameri c a .

Canada a n d p resent desert are a s . Gre at stretches o f

fe rtile virgin land, wh ich by design have been held
in trust during the s e years of turm oi l , will come
available for food and i ndustrial c rop c u ltivation .
Can you imagine agri c u lture without n e e d for
p e sticides and fertiliz ers?

That is what l i e s under

the i c e c ap s , in the d e se rts, and in the jungles of


These reg i on s will play a prominent role

during the Pe riod of Rec onstruction.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

The Banking System






P e riod


Re construction wil l undergo a rap i d

d e c line


these towers of inequity c ollapse, h owever their

distribution infrastructure, such as the e l e c tronic
m ovement of m oney, will be preserved for a p e riod
of time.

Spiritual adepts trained i n banking wil l

manage the banking system during this transition

p e riod.
At the end of the Armageddon and during the
beginning of the Period of Rec onstru c ti on, p e op l e
wil l have

set u p


of bartering

absence of any money of va l u e .

in the

Money energy,

store d in vari ou s p laces on the e arth, primarily in

the form of gold, wi ll be distribute d through the
bank infrastructure.

F or a short transition p e ri o d ,

s ome vestig e s of p a p e r m oney c an b e exchanged for

gold units. All wi ll get their e qual share in order t o


they n e e d


their normal

bartering to meet daily nee ds.

A new system of c urrency wi ll be one of the first
orders of business in the Period of Rec onstru c tion.
The genera l e c onomic deflation that would have
taken p la c e during the Armage ddon p e riod should
return the value

of goods and services to their

l owest c ommon denominator.

When this p oint is

re ached, g ol d as the standard of currency will again

c om e into e ffec t and fix the va lues on a solid basis.




g oods


servi c e s

worldwide c a n b e achieve d i f there is a c ommon

world currency base d on a c ommon va lue such as
g old.


Chapter 9 Period of Reconstruction

Relevance of the Arts

The art s , musi c , and s c i e nc e s will flouri s h , and
the twisted forms will be re leased.
order of nature.

Look at the

That is the pattern for the future

arts and s c i e n c e s. Forms and sounds will rise up as

the earth evolves spiritua lly.

A new openness to

energ i e s from other p lanets


fu e l

c e rtain

c osmic ri chness in the arts and s c i e n c e s , and as a

res u l t , the arts will c ool and tranqui lize the p syche
of man, enabling him t o progress up the ladder of




inte lligent



sciences will open up new vistas and breakthroughs

that render phys i c a l life easier.

Geological Changes
Geolog i c a l chang es have already started. We are
told to wat ch the l eve l of the oceans, whi c h is
e xpected t o rise and a ffe c t the c oa stal and l ow
lying areas.

These changes will affe c t many of the

large urban c enters , whi c h are located along p orts

and waterways. Coul d it be a coincidence that most
of the g reat

finan c i a l centers

located in the s e are a s?

of the

world are

Yet all e fforts to p reserve

the status quo of e arth's atmosp heric conditi ons





because ,




a c c e leration of the e arth's evolution , m ore energy

than ever is being p oured down onto the e arth

So the same energy that is c ausing the

present i ns anity will also a ffect the atmosphere and

g e ography of the e arth profoundly.
Ice c a p s on the s outh and north p oles will melt
down at a m ore a c c el e rated rate or drop i nto the sea
c ausing the p re s e nt oval shape

of the e a rth to

change to a spheri c a l one. This will cause a natural


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

shift in the axis that will have ramifications on the

present geography of the world.

Many low lying

areas will be flooded, and old seas that existed, for

instance, in the Sahara, the Gobi, and the Death
Valley deserts will fill up again.

This will have a

profound effect on the surrounding climate and









agriculture. The ratio between land and water will

no longer be what we know today.

These changes

will erupt gradually over the course of the decades

to come and should be completed by the time we




( See


San c t u s

Germ an u s Proph ecies Volum e 2 for more detai ls.)



A l l things are truly for the sake of g ood.


d i s p e l the myth of the Armageddon as something to

be dreaded and avoi ded is t o understand the great
Good that the Cre ator always bestows u p on His
creation. H ow c ould we p ossibly usher in a Golden
Age without first p urgi ng the e arth of all that is
ignorant and dark?

steadfastn e s s ,

So let us g o forth with courage

beari ng





c om ing years and knowing that the A rmage ddon

wi l l ultimately make our world more bal anc e d and
p e rfe ct
A sequel to this book wi l l fol low to provide


Armaged d on.
c oming




p art

of the

It will a l s o prepare thought for the



Rec onstructi on,

whic h



crucial imp ortanc e , for t h e choi c e s mankind makes

then wi l l determine his c ourse into the Age o f
Aquari u s .



banking system, 51, 61, 1 70

acceleration, ix, 14, 92, 99,

1 12, 128, 129, 130, 131,

B i ble, 33

132, 133, 134, 141, 148,

Big Brother, 161

162, 1 71

black hole, 103

adepts, 21, 26, 35, 156, 1 70

black magic, 48, 51

Adol ph Hitler, 121

black magicians, 42, 48, 53

Age of Aq ua rius, iv, ix, x, 14,

Blavatsky, Hel ena P . , 15, 25,

1 9, 33, 43, 93, 1 2 7, 128,


153, 1 58, 1 59, 1 72, 1 73

Book of Dzyan, 15

agriculture, 169, 1 72

Book of Revelations, 44

Ancient of Days, 15, 159

Brahma, 23

Ancient Wisdom, 28, 1 63

Brotherhood of Light, iii, x,

Armageddon, iii, ix, x, xi, xii,

xi, 1 7, 18, 1 9, 20, 25-34,

20, 23, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40,

35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 46, 49,

1 1 2, 124, 127, 130, 131,

50, 51, 54, 57, 71, 87, 93.

134, 142, 1 44, 148, 149,

1 1 9, 123, 128, 135, 137,

151, 1 60, 1 62, 1 64, 16

138, 140, 141, 143, 148,

150, 155, 158, 1 63, 1 66

1 70, 1 73
arms factories, 139

Budd ha, 26, 1 61

arts, 1 71

Buddh ists, 20

ashram, 33, 35

bureaucracies, 65, 66, 7 1,

astral plane, 18, 39, 42, 45,

73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81,

46, 47, 48, 51, 53, 154,

82, 84, 138, 139

bu rea ucracy, xii, 65, 55, 71,

1 65

72, 73-84, 1 1 0, 138, 139

astral travel, 53, 1 65

Atlantean, 1 6, 18, 42, 43, 52,

65, 66, 80, 90, 1 1 1, 125,

capitalist system, 90

139, 1 5 7, 158

charita ble organizations, 76

Atlantis, 16, 18, 1 9, 42, 67

Ch rist, 159

atom, 28, 1 62

Christi an, 28

Bailey, Alice A., 28, 1 49

Christians, 26, 1 2 7

bala nce, x

clai rvoyant, 32, 36, 48, 154

bank fa i l u res, 143

Cold War, 75, 79

1 75

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

163, 1 69

Com m u n ism, 74

debt, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,

Communist, 65, 66, 89

122, 136, 144

Comte de St. Germain, 36

December 21, 2012, 148

Constitution, 118, 155

consumerism, 165

deflation, 136, 144, 1 70

corporate debt, 1 03

d emocracies, 62, 66, 90, 91

corporate thieves, 100

d erivatives, 1 01, 1 03, 1 04,

cos mic beings, 18, 112

1 05, 108, 1 09, 1 13, 114,

cosmic cycles, 62


cosm i c filtering, 127

devas, 37

cosmic guides, 1 7

d i ctatorial regimes, 118

cosmic house-cl eani ng, iii

d i plom atic i m m u n ity, 78

cosmic law, 28, 56, 62, 82,

disca rnate, 45, 46, 47

d iscip les, 1 7, 32, 35, 3 7, 141,

129, 141

154, 156, 159

cosm i c principles, 30, 156,

d isease, 124

158, 159

Divi n e Light, 123

Council on Foreign Relations,

Divi n e Plan, 14, 30, 31, 33,

Creation, 166

35, 3 7, 48
Divi ne Will, 31, 1 68

Creator, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22,

d ivinity, 144

28, 42, 1 73
crude oil shocks, 90

DNA, 15, 1 7

cu rre ncy, 83, 84, 1 70

d ragon, 39, 99, 113, 129,

cycle, 14, 23

134, 136
d ropouts, 18, 41, 42

2,000-yea r, ix
5,042-year, 147

economic d e pression, xii,

136, 143, 162

Dark Forces, ix, xi, xii, 14, 18,

19, 22, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40,

econo m i c dis possession,

134, 137, 140

41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49,

elections, 62

50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58,

59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 70,

electronic mo ney, 58, 84

71, 74, 76, 77, 80, 83, 86,

ephemeral, 1 7, 84

87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 96, 1 02,

ethereal, 31, 45

1 04, 105, 106, 1 08, 1 09,

etheric d i mension, 1 68

1 1 0, 1 1 1, 112, 113, 1 1 4,

etheric p l a ne, 30, 32, 168

115, 1 1 6, 1 1 7, 118, 120,

etheric vision, 168

121, 122, 123, 124, 134,

etheric b o dy, 165

135, 137, 138, 140, 147,

eth nic religions, 1 63

148, 150, 153, 157, 161,

evil, x, 20, 34, 39, 41, 4 7, 49,

1 76


1 65

53, 129, 133, 135

gove rna nce, 65, 158, 162

evolution, x, xii, 1 7, 1 8, 19,

21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 41,

gra nd cycle, 23

42, 44, 45, 46, 52, 54, 82,

G reat Cos m i c Bei ngs, 129

99, 119, 127, 128, 129,

G u lf of Tonkin incid ent, 1 1 6

130, 155, 158, 162, 1 66,

1 69, 1 71

H i erarc h of the New Age,

evoluti o n a ry l a d d e r, 20


externa l ization, 34, 35, 37

H i era rchy, 28

farming, 1 63

H igher Selves, 32, 46

Federal Reserve Note, 85

hyd ra-headed monster, 44,

H igher Self, 58, 71, 144

fem i n i n e en ergies, ix, x, 13,


15, 1 6, 19, 20, 22, 23, 34,

40, 140, 167

" I A M " , 20, 21, 22, 28

F e m i n i n e Ray, 33, 140

" I A M " d ispensation, 21

filtering process, 127, 128,

"I A M " movement, 20

ice caps, 1 71

fi n a l battle, 20, 128, 130

ignorance, 41, 42, 50, 87

fi n a n c i a l system, 59, 136,

Illu m i n ati, 50


i n ca rnation, xi, 1 7, 19, 21,

food self-sufficiency, 1 69

26, 36, 3 7, 41, 45, 46, 47,

Forces of Light, 129

1 12, 1 1 7, 150

foreign aid, 78, 80, 81

in itiates, 31, 32, 35, 154, 156

free will, 21, 41

i n n e r government, 30, 32, 3 7

free world, 75

inner selves, iv

fu nda mental ists, 133

inner space, 1 68
insanity, xii, 26, 27, 47, 52,

53, 92, 130, 131, 132, 137,

Geneva, 50, 58
geological cha nges, 1 71

141, 142, 143, 144, 1 71

G ita Bhaghavad, 33

Intern a l Reven u e Service, 68

God, 14, 40, 42, 48, 51, 57,

international fina nce system,


123, 163, 1 65, 1 66

G o d h ead, 83, 1 66

international orga n i zations,

God-Se lf, 22


God-Within, 137, 140, 1 66

I nternet, 93, 155, 1 60, 161,

1 64

gold, 83, 104, 105, 143, 1 70

gold sta n d a rd, 83, 84, 100

investment b a n ks, 75, 94,

96, 102

Golden Age, ix, x, xii, 20, 23,

Ira q i War of 2 0 0 3 , 92

30, 33, 151, 153, 158, 159,


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

M a ster J u stin M o reward

Janis Joplin, 120

H a ig, 33, 36, 37

JFK, 1 1 9

Master Kuthu m i, 26, 30, 33

J im my Hend rix, 120

Master Qua n Yin, 31

M aster Sanctus Germanus, x,

Kabala, 33

xi, 19, 20, 31, 36, 123,

kingly syndrome, 1 5 7

128, 129, 141, 155, 159,

Kora n, 33

1 60
M a ster St. Germain, 35

Lady Masters, 33, 34

M asters J esus, 30

laser beam tech nology, 43

M asters of Wisdom, x, 15,

Law of Attraction, 18, 1 66

1 7, 31 -33, 37, 1 54, 166

Law of Free Will, 36, 37, 53

materialism, 28, 127

Law of H i erarchy, 29, 158

mayo, 36, 61

Lee Oswald, 119

M ayan, 147, 148

Lem u ria, 15

medical profession, 60

Lemu ri a ns, 15, 1 6, 23

med itation, 23, 13 1, 144

Light Forces, 31, 148

mediu ms, x, 2 7, 28, 35, 37,

Light Workers, 33, 35, 138

42, 149
mergers and acqu isitions,

LOGOS, 1 62


Lord of the World. 159

mesmerism, 53, 55
M a hatma Letters, 26

M i ddle East, 135

malfeasance, 101

milita ry, 43, 44, 51, 59, 66,

70, 75, 78, 79, 90, 1 15,

m a rtial law, 1 1 7
masculine energies, ix, x, 13,

139, 157, 165

14, 15, 1 6, 20, 22, 23, 34,

M i nd of God, 166

140, 1 67

money accumulation, 45, 58,

mass media, xii, 22, 39, 49,

65, 67, 100, 1 5 7

51, 72, 96, 97, 99, 1 01,

money ene rgy, 1 70

102, 103, 1 05, 1 13, 1 1 5,

mutual and hedge funds, 95,

96, 97, 99, 105, 107, 144

1 1 7, 11 9, 124, 144. 155

mystery schools, 28, 156

M a ster Babaji, 30
Master Confucius, 26
Master Djwal Khul, 28, 32,

national debt, xii


nation-states, 30, 52, 1 1 0,

Master E l M o rya, 26, 31

156, 157

Master H i larion, 30

negativity, 28. 49, 154, 1 61

New Age movement, 21

Master J esus, 26, 28, 33, 39,

New G ro u p of World

57, 128, 133, 161


psychic, 1 6

Servers, 35, 149, 150

obsessions, 48

real estate, 93, 144

Office of the Executive, 31,

rea l estate b u b ble, 108

re-education, 156, 159, 1 66


religion, 25, 33, 34, 35, 48,

Office of the Facil itator, 31

51, 59, 61, 121, 123, 133,

Office of the World Teacher,

157, 1 63

30, 32, 156

religious organizations, 76

offshore havens, 101, 1 1 0,

retirement savings, 93, 97,


98, 99

Olcott. H e n ry Steel, 25, 26,

Old Diary Leaves, 27

Sanat Kumara, 15, 1 7, 159

Ol iver Stone, 119

seco n d a ry mortgage
corporations, 1 08, 109

One World Governm ent, 50

O P EC, 90, 9 1 , 92

sect leaders, 59

Osama Bin Laden, 121

September 11, 39, 1 1 5, 1 1 6

Seven Sisters, 36, 50, 90, 91,


Pan-Anti movements, 60
paper currencies, 147

Shamballa, 30

Path, iii

Social Security Trust Fund,

Path of evolution, 21

Soci alist, 65

Path of Light, 18
Path of R ighteousness, 42

solar system, 14, 19, 148

peace movement, 59

soul, 21, 35, 131, 1 68

Pentagon, 115

soul l i beration, 124, 155,

158, 1 62, 163, 165, 1 68

Period of Reconstruction,

soul-shells, 44

155-1 73
Piscean Era, 1 4 7, 1 61

spark, 15, 22

Pla netary Logos, 1 7, 159

spiritual gu ides, 156

Planetary Schoo l B o ard,

Spiritual H iera rchy, 34, 3 7,

1 55, 158


po larity, 41

Spiritual ists, 26

Ponzi Scheme, 93, 97

stock ma rkets, 51, 61, 67, 93,

94, 99, 1 02, 107, 1 12, 113,

Poseidonis, 1 6

135, 136

pove rty, 44, 59, 79. 110, 1 1 1 ,

sun, iv, 148

137, 148

su p ra n ational organizations,

President Ken nedy, 86, 1 1 6,


1 1 9, 120

Switzerland, 81, 90, 107,

Prophet Mohammed, 26
1 79

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 1

1 08, 1 1 0, 1 1 1
Venus, 1 7
Ta l i ban, 1 1 6

vibrations, 1 6, 166

tax revenue, 67, 69, 70, 71,

Vietn a m War, 120

76, 77, 79, 84, 85, 91, 1 1 0,

wa l k-i ns, 37

1 38, 139

w a r, xii, 39, 44, 51, 5 7, 59,

taxes, xii, 51, 61, 67, 68, 69,

60, 65, 77, 86, 87, 1 1 7,

70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80,

82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91,

1 3 7, 139, 140, 148, 156,

96, 107, 1 1 0, 138, 139,

W a r i n I raq, 122


war materiel, 1 1 7

teleco m m u n i cations, 160,

wa rmongering, 42, 44, 45,

1 61

52, 58, 59, 65, 66, 1 1 4,

telekinesis, 53
telepathic com m u n ication, x,

121, 1 22, 140, 157

xi, 1 6, 28, 32, 35, 4 7, 49,

"we-they" syndrome, 60
W i l l of God, 161

51, 53, 54, 61, 154, 1 61

Woodstock Peace Concert,

tele pathy, 30, 32, 36, 48, 51


television, 54, 56

Workers of Light, 148, 149,

terrorism, xii, 79, 81, 1 15,


1 1 6, 139
The Secret Doctrine, 15

World B a n k, 70

Theoso phical Movement, 26

World Teacher, 30, 31, 34,

1 55, 159, 1 61, 1 63, 167

Theosophical Society, 25

World Trade Center, 13,

Theosoph ists, 20

39, 57, 1 1 6, 1 1 7

Theosophy, 26

World W a r I I , 65, 89, 1 1 8,

t h i rd world, 65
tota litarian, 74


trade agreeme nts, 66

World War III, 92, 155

transfer of wealth, 67, 90,

World Wars, 27

93, 94, 114

Trilateral Commission, 50

Year 2002-2003, 149

True Self, 142

Year 2004, 1 4 7

Truth, xii, 21, 32, 41, 86, 1 15,

Y e a r 2005-06, 147

120, 129, 150

Year 2012, ix, x, 78, 143, 147,

turmoil, ix, xii, 13, 14, 40, 78,

1 48, 150, 153, 1 67

129, 150, 1 60, 1 69, 1 73

Yea r 2020, 159

U .S. d o l l a r, 148

Years 2007-2011, 147

U n ited N ations, 30, 75, 76,

Years 2060 - 2100, 153

88, 155

The Sanctus Germanus

Volume 2
The Lightbearer's Role During the
Post-2012 Earth Changes and

Michael P. Mau, PhD.

The Amanuensis

The Sanctus Gennanus Foundation

Alberta, Canada

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Worldwide Copyright 2006 The Sanctus Germanus Foundation. All rights

The Sanctus Germanus Foundation asserts the right to be identified as the
official representative of the author in accordance with the Copyright, Designs,
and Patents Act of 1998. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any
means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying. recording or otherwise) without
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unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal
prosecution and civil claims for damages.
To purchase more copies of this work, please go to:
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Mau, Michael P.
The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Volume 2: Earth Changes, Reconstruction
and the Role of the Lightbearer /by Michael P. Mau. - 4th edition.
ISBN: 9780973709216

1. Twenty-first century--Forecasts. 2. New Golden Age movement

I. Sanctus Germanus Foundation. II. Title.
CB161.M37 2004


Cover Design by Ryan Chen of the Sanctus Germanus Foundation
Superimposed on the globe is a miniature of an interior mural in the Bhutia
Busty Monastery in Darjeeling, India that depicts the branch of the Spiritual
Hierarchy which influenced this present work. The Great Soul, Guru Rinpoche
or Padmasambhava, who emanates certain Masters of Wisdom, is surrounded
by his disciples and Bodhisattvas or lightbearers.
Sanctus Germanus means Holy Brother and is one of the names of the Master of
the Violet Flame in Brotherhood of Light. He is more popularly known as the
Master St. Germain.
The Sanctus Germanus Foundation
Publications Division
Alberta, Canada


I wish to thank the Himalayan Masters who so
patiently worked with me during the early pre-dawn
hours to convey their ideas that fill the text of this book.
At every session I took down their ideas as best I could.
But even when I did not quite seize their. ideas perfectly,
they patiently arranged a host of means to get the right
meaning to me, including sending me up to the Himalayas
for more meditation and guidance. It would have been
easier to let them talk through me while in a light trance
and record it, but they insisted on engaging my mind in
this work, giving me hints and letting me search for the
answers, all in the spirit of encouraging the practice of the
conscious Amanuensis that Alice A. Bailey so pioneered in
the 20th Century.
My gratitude extends to Charlotte Alton of London,
England and Micheline Ralet of Montreal, Canada for their
diligent work in helping me proofread and edit the final
text and to Matthew Thompson of Auckland, New Zealand
for his artistic renditions of Diagrams 1 through 4.
Michael P. Mau
The Amanuensis
November 2006











Message from Sanctus Germanus

The enlightened of the day take one road while the
others take another. But along each road lies a point
where the two roads intersect. This is the critical point,
for do you take the right turn and join the enlightened or
do you continue down the path until another intersection
is possible? Yes, these two roads intersect periodically
and at each crossing you have a choice. So if this is the
case, what is the rush toward enlightenment, you ask?
There is no rush in reality. Take your time. However,
we stand here at an unprecedented juncture where
opportunities abound - Earth has made Her decision to
move on in Her evolution, and Cosmic Forces are
preparing the way. You need not go along with Her,
which means you may search for another galaxy and find
a suitable planet at your level of evolution, where the
living is comfortable and like attracts like. Ah! To be
among those who share so much of the same! This is the
comforting alternative, my friends.
For those who want to ride along with the Earth on Her
journey into a higher dimension, hang on, because you're
in for an exciting adventure! Yet there, on the other side
of Oz lies the much promised land of the Golden Era, and
even if it is not comfortable getting there, the rewards will
be greater once you arrive, for you will have also moved
into a new dimension of promise on the road to your

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

So, my friends, it is just a matter of choice, isn't it? And

a nice choice it is! But whatever road you choose, there
will always be intersections of choice until your journey
can be made hand in hand with the enlightened.


Table of Contents
List of Wustrations


................................................ . . . . . . .




Chapter 1



Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age



Where Do We Stand Today?



Grand Cycle of Involution and Evolution

Seven Rounds of the Evolutionary Plan




Round IV and the Earth



Major and Minor Pralayas: Periods of Destruction

and Rest


Major Pralayas within the Grand Cycle

Minor Pralayas within a Round





Evolution of the Root-Races During the Round IV on



.............................................................................. .....

Other Ways of Describing the Present Pralaya



End of the Sixth Ray Cycle

End of a Sidereal Cycle
Realignment of the Earth's Axis with its Etheric
Year 2012 of the Mayan Calendar


................................................. . . .






Chap'ter 2


The Battleground of the Astral Plane.

Where is Earth's Astral Plane?




Present State of Earth's Astral Plane





The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Storage of Human History: Record of Astral Light43

Thinking in Today's World ..........................................44
The Mass Media and Information Age in the
Twentieth Century




Our Economic System Feeds Desire on the Astral

Plane ..................................................................................45
Mass Wars in the 20th and 21st Centuries Fill Astral
Plane with their Carnage ..............................................46
The Vampire Effect: Talking Dead and Resuscitation


Extra-Terrestrials Promote Dark Hierarchy on the

Astral Plane ......................................................................49
The New Age Movement Hijacked Through the
Astral Plane ......................................................................50
Promotion of a Dark Hierarchy With Astral
Characters ........................................................................51
Cleansing of the Astral Plane .......................................52
Downward Flow of Finer Feminine Etheric Energies
Effect on the Earth Plane of the Descent of Finer
Energies .............................................................................54
Solar System enters the Galaxy's Photon Band and
Agitates Astral Plane


The Great Washer Effect

Desperate Reactions

Chapter 3 .


Earth Changes





. .










. 57











"Heat from the Seven Suns" .........................................61

Stage 1: The Present until Year 2012

Stage 2: Earth Changes 2012 to 2080
Stage 3: Continental Shifts 2080 and Beyond



Logic of Earth Changes





Stage 1: Pre-2012 Warnings of Earth Changes to



Warning Signs: Heat Waves, Storms, Polar

Meltdown, and Earthquakes







Table of Contents

Earth Changes that Accelerate the Downfall of the

Dark Forces

Stage 2: Year 2012-2080: Increase of Solar Heat,

Acceleration of Flooding, and Surviving Regions . 70

Main Cities Permanently Inundated

High Elevation Urban Areas Survive
Twelve Spiritual Regions
The Thirteenth Spiritual Region: Capital of the New
Golden Age
Nuclear Fall-out and Pandemics





Stage 3: Continental Shifts Beyond our Lifetimes.78

Thousand Islands Scenario

North American Continent...
Central and South America
Asia and the Pacific Rim
Southeast Asia
Central Asia
South Asia
Australia and New Zealand
The Middle East
Emergence of Pristine Lands












Cllap'ter 4 .

. . ....




. ...... ......... .


Role of the Llghtbearer


. ....





The Making of a Lightbearer..... .. .


The Lightbearers of Today



The Successful Retrieval or Walk-in.


. ..............


Meditation Problems
Isolation and Fear






.. 93


. . 94



.. . .






.. .. . .









. ..



. ........90


Countervailing Astral Influences






...... .. . .. . .



. ..... . .... . .


A Crisis of Commitment........ ...........




Alternative to Retrieval .....

..... .


. . .. .... . ..........88





. . . . .... .



. . .... . ..85


Retrieval of the Last Initiative Level ..

Life's Demands ..

....... . ... 85


.. .... ... . .......... .


Who are the Lightbearers?.. ...... ... ..






.. 99


The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol 2

Commitment Required

.. .


. ...

. ......... .


. ... .

........ ..

Consequences of the Commitment Crisis

. ....





The Inner Leadership Structure Behind The

Lightbearers . ....




As Above So Below



.......... .............


. .. ..

........ .

.. .




... ....

... ......



Formation of a World Council of Adepts



Leadership Role of the Committed Lightbearer 106


Opportunities for Co-operation among Lightbearers

White Magic: The Basis of ALL Solutions
Highland-Lowland Cooperation Pattern





Economic Depression: Opportunities for





......... . . .


Signs of Local Economic Stress








.. .



. .. ..

. ........ .


Cooperative Efforts during the War: Time to Move


Wartime Work of the Lightbearers

Chapter 5 . .

. ..


. ....... ...

. ....

........... ..................

. . .

. . . . ... .


. 117



. 119

... .




........... ...............

. . . .




Early Warnings of Earth Changes to Come

.. .........

Achieving Dominion over the Events . . ... .. .




Retrieval of Your Previous Spiritual Level.



. .

Gaining Spiritual Confidence


...... ....

Looking Inward for Answers

. ....

........ .


. .. .

. .......


. ..



....... . .

........ ..

1. Master the In-Breath Meditation Method

2. Reconnect with Your Master

. 124

........... .

..... .................................


3. Probationary Period: Follow the Guidance of Your




4. The Accepted Lightbearer: Work Together with


the Master

. .

........................................... ........................... .. ........

5. Learn Discrimination


6. Take Responsibility for Your Earthly Self



7. Purify the Body Vehicle .................................................. 136

8. Purify the Astral Body



9. Balance the Masculine and Feminine Energies 140


Table of Contents

10. Be Aware of the Release of Your Kundalini

11. Progressively Move into More Advanced
Meditation Techniques





The Inner Structure that Brings Us All Together 142

Chapter6 ............ ........... . ... ........... . .................. ..... 145


Period of Reconstruction I ........................................ 145

The World Situation: Post-War .
. . . ..... . .. 145
Upheaval and Regrouping .
. . . . . . .. ..
. 146
High Ground and the Spiritual Regions . .......
. 148
Higher Elevation Zones . . . . .. . .... . . .
.. . . . 148
















Twelve Spiritual Regions: Twelve Experiments. 150

The Thirteenth Spiritual Region: Capital of the New
Golden Age ..... .. .. . .






. .. . ... .. .......... . ... . 153



Reconstruction in the Spiritual Regions Defined 153

. ...... . 155
. . ... .... ..
.. 155

Cosmic Laws Governing Spiritual Regions.

The Transitional Society ..





1. Law of Attraction
2. Law of Repulsion (the converse)
3. Law of Cosmic Spontaneity
4. Law of Perpetual Action
5. Law of Perpetual Fluidity and Malleability
6. Law of Abandonment
7. Law of Upheaval
. . .
8. Law of Constant Renewal...
9. Law of Synchronicity
10. Law of Divine Momentum . . . .......
11. Law of Passive Adherence
12. Law of Reverse Motion ..
13. Law of Containment ..
14. Law of Abatement
15. Law of Consolidation








.............. .. . .




. ..





................ ..............................

.............. ............................................

........ .................................. .........

Chapter 7 ...... .... . ... . ..... . . ... . ......... ... . ........ .. .. 169



Period of Reconstruction 11 . . .


. ...


...... . . .......... ... 169


Characteristics of the Spiritual Regions .



. .. 170


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Backdrop of Geological Changes ............................. 172

Role of Gold in the Spiritual Regions...................... 172
Free Energy in the Spiritual Regions...................... 174
Lightbearers in the Spiritual Regions .................... 175
Reduction of Astral Plane Influences ..................... 176
Growing Importance of the Etheric Body ............. 177
Five Etheric Faculties in the Spiritual Regions .... 178

Etheric Vision
Telepathic Communication . ....... ...
.. . . . . 180
Continuity of Consciousness . .
. .. .. .. 181
Multi-Dimensional Thinking . .
. .. . . .. ..... . 181
Ability to Precipitate.
. . . . ..... .... ..
. .. 182




. .....


. ..











.. .


.......... ........

. .


Precipitation and the Role of the Elementals ...... 183

The Incoming Race: Natural Etheric Faculties ... 185
Post World War II New Race Incarnations ........... 185
Post-1960's New Race Incarnations ....................... 186
Joining of the Three Kingdoms of Evolution ........ 188
Touching the Etheric .................................................. 189
Earth Itself Becomes more Etheric ......................... 190
Interaction with the Spiritual Hierarchy .............. 191
Shamballa "Returns" to the North Pole ................. 191




.. .





. ..






Period of Reconstruction III ...................................... 193

Governing Structure: Principle of Hierarchy in



The Governing Hierarchy of the Spiritual Regions ....


Council of Adepts . .. . . .. . . ..
. .. .... . . . . 196
The Head Representative of the Spiritual Region. 197
. 198
Governing Council of the Spiritual Region
Ad Hoc Task Groups Under the Governing Council... .













Transitional Nature of the Governing Structure. 201

Qualifications of the Governing Leaders............... 202
Fourth Level lnitiate-Lightbearers in Incarnation .....


Table of Contents

Third Level Initiate-Lightbearers in Incarnation204

First and Second Level Lightbearers ...................... 205
The Free Sector............................................................. 206

1. The Economy: Goods, Services and Precipitation

2. Health and Dis-Ease and Telepathic Healing .......211
3. Education in the Spiritual Regions
4. Marriage and Balancing Masculine and Feminine
5. Spiritual Life and Religion
. .

.............. ..............






Life Motivations............................................................ 225

Bpllogue. .

. ... . . ... .


.. ........ . ...... . .




Soul liberation ... ... ......... . .


Timetable of Events
Bibliography .. .



22 7

. ...... ... ....

22 7






. ... ...... ... ..... . ..... ......

23 1

...... . . . ...... . .. ... ....

..... ..........






List of Illustrations
Diagram 1: The Monad's Long Journey through the Seven
Rounds of the Grand Evolutionary Cycle ....22
Diagram 2: Rounds, Major & Minor Pralayas Arrow
indicating where we now in the grand scheme (end of the
Fourth Sub-Round and the Minor Pralaya that follows)
............................................................... 26

Diagram 3: Root-Races as they leap-frog between SubRounds ...... ................................ .............29


Diagram 4: The Five Form-Bodies of Earth and Man

Intertwined .. ... ............................. .................. 40

Diagram 5: Earth's astral plane ..................... .....41

Diagram 6: Our Solar System Entering the Photon Band
.............................................................. 58

Diagram 7: Great Washer Effect of the Energies in the

Photon Band ............................................... 59
Diagram 8: Possible Coincidence of How the Seven Suns

at a given moment in galactic time (2012?) could line up

in the Photon band to produce the heat of the Seven Suns
......................................... 63

Diagram 9: The four levels of initiates on the earth plane

and their relationship to the Spiritual Hierarchy


For those who crave to see a better world, these are
times of unprecedented opportunity. For those who
thrive in the world as it flounders today, these are times
of misery and destruction. During these times, anything
that does not serve mankind will be swept away, whereas
that which promises to serve will be nurtured for the
dawning of a New Golden Age.
These are also times of very clear choices, as good and
bad flaunt their true colours. These are times when the
march of events will both shock the unaware and delight
the enlightened. The old is giving way to the new.
Like a freight train barrelling down its track, nothing
can stop the dawning of the New Golden Age, for its time
has come as inscribed in the Divine Plan. We must all
come to the realization that we are now at the end of a
major cosmic cycle that began hundreds of thousands of
years ago. The clock is striking midnight; the finale has
begun. Those reading this book will experience the
upheaval of the finale's initial stages as crisis after crisis
gains momentum and touches our daily lives. Never
before will choices become so clear.
The predictions we presented in the Sanctus Germanus
Prophecies, Volume 1 are now coming to pass. The earth
has entered the photon band. Higher vibrations are ever
accelerating time and causing widespread insanity, testing
the psyches of each and every one of us. A major financial
and economic crisis pervades as the Dark Forces
gradually lose their grip on a worldwide regime based on


The Sanctus Germanus

Prophecies Vol 2

money and war. And before their final exit, another world
war brews as those Dark Forces cash in on their last huge
money-makers, death and arms. They intend to take the
whole world down with them as they are forced to exit
the planet.
To aid humanity during these troubled times, our
planetary Spiritual Hierarchy has, since the 1940s, been
bringing into incarnation hundreds of thousands of
earth's past luminaries. Over many past incarnations
these souls have contributed greatly to humanity's
evolution in various fields such as music, art, science,
religious thought, economics and politics. In this book we
shall call them lightbearers, for they also make up the
Army of Light whose aim is to counter the Dark Forces.
By pre-arrangement they have incarnated around the
world and represent all races, cultures, fields of
endeavour and religions. They will serve as conduits of
light to alleviate human suffering, guide to safety those
who wish to survive the coming catastrophes, and plant
the seeds of the transitional society that is to lead
mankind into the New Golden Age.
Reinforcements and reserves in the form of the new
root-race, the Sixth Root-Race, have been incarnating on
earth in ever-greater numbers over the past decades.
Their natural make-up enables them to see and function
on the other planes of our existence, that is, the etheric,
astral, and mental planes. How their natural talents are
utilized for the implementation of the Divine Plan
presents a challenge in the midst of chaos.
recognition and nurturing of Sixth Root-Race children
rests in the hands of the lightbearers.
In addition, advanced souls have incarnated from
higher planetary evolutions than earth, carrying with
them soul knowledge that will help build the New Golden


These are friendly extra-terrestrials that the
planetary Spiritual Hierarchy has invited to earth to aid
humanity through this transition. They are here to work
hand-in-hand with the forces of light.
Finally, the Spiritual Hierarchy itself is a formidable
force of Light. It has begun to externalize onto the earth
plane. Thousands of Masters and advanced initiates of
their respective ashrams are focusing all their energies
towards earth to help humanity through this transition.
They represent the Planetary Logos on the earth plane. At
key moments, they will manifest physically to carry out
their pre-planned tasks or they will appear to those with
clairvoyant sight to guide and advise them. They will
serve as our ultimate reference points in times of chaos.
Now the battle between Light and Darkness is taking
place, earth changes in the form of floods, earthquakes
and land shifts have begun. The timetable for these
changes has already been set, cosmically. What we do on
earth will not stop their march. Whoever survives the
battle between Light and Darkness will face even greater
challenges, for just as we breathe freely again from the
grip of the Dark Forces, we will see massive natural
disasters destroying most major cities and populated
areas. Many lightbearers may then give up, but those who
choose to fight on will lead survivors to certain Spiritual
Regions and begin their REAL mission: society's
reconstruction on firmer foundations.
In this book we shall focus on the Army of
Lightbearers, who they are and what their mission is.
Many of you who are naturally drawn to this book are
lightbearers. We will 1) explore the lightbearers' role in
the present financial, economic, and wartime turmoil, 2)
define what is expected of the lightbearer as earth
changes and natural catastrophes hit, 3) project their role


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

in setting up Spiritual Regions for survivors of the earth

changes, and 4) provide guidance to prepare lightbearers
to meet the challenges ahead, starting now.
Our goal is to inform, not to argue or convince. As in
The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies volume 1, published

four years ago, we intend to present you with a banquet of

information, foresight, vision, and esoteric concepts
related to our times - food for thought, as we wish to call
it. You may choose what to believe or what to reject.
Ultimately the unfoldment of events will set the record
straight and become historical fact. As the foreword
message from Sanctus Germanus implies, what you decide
to do or not to do in the next decade is merely a matter of
Michael P. Mau
The Amanuensis
Montreal, Canada
November 2006


Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age
"Nothing in nature springs into existence suddenly, all being
subjected to the same law ofgradual evolution. "1

We have just entered a cycle that will eventually lead

us into a New Golden Age of peace and enlightenment
wherein the three major Paths of Evolution on the earth the Elemental, Human, and Angelic Kingdoms - will again
join hands. Mankind will walk with angels, seraphim and
cherubim and benefit from their radiance and purity. We
will also come to interact with the incredible world of
elementals that gives form to objects, flowers, trees, lakes
and mountains and precipitates our needs and desires.
As we move into this cycle, fetters that have bound
mankind over centuries such as government control;
nation states; mass media; financial and banking entities
and warmongers will cease to exist.
By special
dispensation of the Master Sanctus Germanus the root
causes of mankind's imprisonment in this regime - the
Dark Forces - are being cast off the planet, and mankind
will rediscover what true freedom is; to expand, to grow,
and to flourish.

Sinnett, A.P, The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas
M. and K.H., transcribed by A.T. Barker, Theosophical University Press,
Pasadena, California, Letter No. 14


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Earth has faced similar junctures countless times

before during its multi-million-year history. The last time
this happened within recorded memory, the Atlantean
civilisation faced similar choices, not unlike those we are
about to encounter, before it sank into the Atlantic Ocean.
Often depicted by Hollywood as an overnight disaster, the
sinking of Atlantis, we are told to the contrary, actually
lasted 700,000 years. So as we discuss the earth changes
of the coming decades, we must bear in mind that these
changes began centuries ago and follow the law of gradual
evolution.z That we are only just becoming aware of them
does not mean that from one day to the next our world
will implode or explode.
We are not facing the end of the world as some dire
predictions maintain. Instead, the earth's population will
be significantly reduced and the millions of survivors of
the coming changes will be given a second chance to right
the wrongs of the past. As explained below, we are ending
a lesser within a greater cycle of earth's evolution and
from a cosmic point of view, this is considered to be just a
minor period of destruction and cleansing, a Minor
Pralaya, however it might seem from our perspective.

Where Do We Stand Today?

More than one hundred years ago, Helena P. Blavatsky
and Henry Steel Olcott founded the Theosophical Society
under the guidance of the Masters Morya and Kuthumi.
One of the Society's purposes was to announce to both
east and west the closing of the Piscean cycle and the
coming of the New Golden Age of Aquarius, a process that
had begun in the 1600s. For this reason, Madame
Blavatsky is often called the Mother of the New Age.



Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

Grand Cycle oflnvolution and Evolution3

ln the 1880s, in a series of precipitated letters, known

as the Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, the Masters
Kuthumi and Morya revealed to the Theosophical Society
a simple schema that illustrates the evolutionary plan for
the monad4 - from a formless spirit to what we know as
the human being, then back to the formless. This plan
involves millions of years divided into seven Rounds.
Each Round is further divided into seven sub-rounds, and
each sub-round is further divided into seven cycles.
Seven Rounds ofthe Evolutionary Plan

In Diagram 1 below, the Grand Cycle is divided into

seven Rounds. The monad starts in Round I, then
"descends" gradually down through Rounds II, III, and IV,
before "ascending" the Cycle through Rounds V to VII. At
the end of the Grand Cycle the monad regains its formless
state but is much wiser having spent billions of years
transiting this mighty school.
Each Round lasts about 2.5 billion years and involves a
different planet in completion. For instance, Round IV
represents Earth's tenure as host to the monad; Round V
is Venus' and so forth. After many millions of years, Earth
will complete Round IV and self-destruct. The same is
true for Venus when it completes Round V. After each self
destruction, the monad will wait in limbo before
"boarding" a new planet in the following Round.

The Monad is that immortal spark of God, which carries the oneness
and unity of the Creator but nevertheless incarnates in the animal and
human kingdoms and thus appears separate.
This forms the
illusionary paradox, for deep inside the incarnated being is the spark of


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2




Diagram 1: The Monad's long Journey through the Seven


When the monad "boarded" Earth, it also created its

first conscious form, which is referred to as the soul,
causal body or Higher Self.6 The causal body then delved
deeper into denser matter to form the mental, astral, and
etheric bodies of human beings before finally ending up in
the physical body.

Round IV and the Barth

Let us now focus on Round IV, which is our prime
concern today. Like the other Rounds, it is divided into
seven sub-rounds. As the monad with its causal body
passed through the sub-Rounds, it began taking on
progressively refined humanoid forms from cave man to
the refined bodies with intellect that we have today.

The Master Djwal Khu!, then an advanced initiate of the Master

Kuthumi, drew the basic diagram, and we have added a couple
explanatory notes to make it clearer.
6 From hereon, we will use these three terms interchangeably.


Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

The Master Morya describes the Monad's journey
through the Seven Sub-Rounds of the Fourth Round as
1st SUb-Round. The monad is an ethereal being - non

intelligent, but super-spiritual. As its evolution

proceeds, it will grow more and more into an encased
or incarnate being, but still preponderantly ethereal.
During this Sub-Round, it develops monstrous bodies
corresponding to its coarse surroundings, as do the
animals and vegetables.
2nd Sub-Round. After a minor pralaya, the monad's

form is still gigantic and ethereal, but grows firmer and

more condensed in body - a more physical man, yet
still less intelligent than spiritual. The development of
mind matter is a slower and more difficult evolution
than the physical frame.
3rd Sub-Round. After yet another minor pralaya, the

monad is now encased in some sort of concrete or

compacted body; at first the form of a giant ape, and
more intelligent (or rather cunning) than spiritual. It
has now reached the point where his primordial
spirituality is eclipsed or over-shadowed by nascent
mentality. During the last half of this third Sub-Round
his gigantic stature decreases, his body improves in
texture and he becomes a more rational being though still more an ape than a Deva man.
4th Sub-Round and the Planet Earth. Intellect has an

enormous development in this Sub-Round. The races

on earth acquire human speech. Language is perfected
and knowledge in physical things increases. In the first
half of Sub-Round IV, sciences, arts, literature and
philosophy are born in one civilisation and reborn in
another, civilisation and intellectual development


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

taking place in cycle after cycle. By the halfway point

of Sub-Round IV, humanity teems with intellectual
activity but its spiritual activities decrease. During the
second half of Sub-Round IV, the spiritual Ego will
begin its real struggle with body and mind to manifest
its transcendental powers.
5th Sub-Round. The same relative development, and
the same struggle continues.
6th Sub- Round.
7th Sub-Round.

Of these we need not speak.7

We are currently completing Round IV's Fourth Sub
Round (see arrow in Diagram 2 below), which is at the
very bottom of the Grand Cycle and represents the
densest material form that the monad will ever
experience. In other words, we have hit the bottom of the
Grand Cycle and from now on, the only way is UPI This is
why so many spiritual groups today are talking about
Ascension; we have reached the turning point and the
beginning of the upward climb.
Humanity will remain on Earth until we have
completed the last three Sub-Rounds of Round IV. By that
time we will have discarded our physical bodies in favour
of etheric bodies. At the end of Round IV, Earth will self
destruct and we will move on to Round V on another
planet. Venus is currently the planet of Round V monads
so it is there we earthlings are headed. Indeed, the
Planetary Logos of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, Sanat
Kumara, comes from Venus, and our Spiritual Hierarchy
often seeks advice from the Venusians.

Ibid., Supplemental Notes (minor editing by author)


Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

Major and Minor Pralayas: Periods of Destruction and

Major Pralayas within the Grand Cycle

A Major Pralaya, or period of obscuration or

destruction, follows each Round. The next Major Pralaya
will take place many millions of years from now, when
Round IV comes to an end. At that time, our Earth will
self-destructs and we, the journeying monads, will retire
to another dimension and rest while a new planet
prepares to host us.
Today, many religious pundits speak of the "End
Times" as if the earth was going to self-destruct by
entering a Major Pralaya. Our position is that mankind is
millions of years away from this fate. However, during
those millions of years, mankind will have to endure three
Minor Pralayas, including the one we are currently about
to undergo.
In diagram 2 below, we have indicated the Major
Pralayas between Rounds. In reality, the Major Pralayas
should be the same size as the Rounds because the
duration of a Major Pralaya is said to be equal to the
duration of its Round.
We show the Major Pralayas merely as a matter of
information. What concerns us most today is the Minor
Pralaya we have entered, which is indicated by the arrow
in diagram 2 below.

Our moon is said to be one of many disintegrating planets.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2



. :

' 'l,!







, :I





Diagram 2: Rounds, Major & Minor Pralayas

(Arrow points to the Minor Pralaya where we are now. at the
end ofthe Fourth Sub-Round)

Minor Pralayas within a Round

Minor Pralayas occur between sub-rounds. In Diagram
2 above, the arrow points to a line, which represents a
Minor Pralaya at the end of the Fourth Sub-Round. This is
where we stand today. During this Pralaya, the planet
does not self-destruct but undergoes a cleansing or
change in its geological make-up while survivors harbour
in safe regions.

Toward the end of the pralaya, they

venture out into the remaining newly formed areas.

The term, Minor Pralaya, is, of course, relative and
depends from which vantage point one is observing.
From our earthly point of view, the current Minor Pralaya
might look catastrophic with major flooding and sinking






configuration and land to water ratio.



For example,

Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

during the previous Minor Pralaya between Round IVs

Third and Fourth Sub-Rounds the earth witnessed the
sinking of the Atlantean continent into the Atlantic Ocean
and the rising of the North American continent. Previous
to that Minor Pralaya between the Second and Third Sub
Rounds, the massive Lemurian continent that stretched
from the Indian subcontinent to north of Hawaii in the
Pacific Ocean, sank
The duration of a Minor Pralaya can vary. We are told,
however, that the Hierarch of the New Golden Age, the
Master Sanctus Germanus, has been allotted an extra
amount of energy to accelerate the present Minor Pralaya
because earth's evolution is presently behind schedule on
the cosmic calendar due to the undue influence and
domination of the Dark Forces and other laggard souls
from lower evolutions.

Evolution of the Root-Races During the Round



So the monad enters its most material and densest

physical vehicle of expression during Round IV.


physical form is expressed through the seven successive

root-races that will appear during that Round. The seven
Round IV root-races provide the genetic material for the
physical bodies that the evolving monad will wear. With
each successive root-race, there is a gradual refinement of
the physical

body in tandem with its


Each root-race further expresses its characteristics
through seven sub-root-races.

For instance, our present

Fifth Root-Race's primary characteristic is the ability to

think concretely as intelligence is firmly embodied in

The fifth and sixth sub-root races of the Fifth

Root-Race are now in incarnation.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

The entry and exit of a root-race leapfrogs Minor

Pralayas so that the number of the sub-round does not
correspond fully to the number of the root-race


diagram 3 below). For instance, the Fourth Root-Race

began in the middle of the Third Sub-Round and survived
until the middle of the Fourth Sub-Round.

Our present

Fifth Root-Race appeared in the middle of the Fourth Sub

Round and will survive until the middle of the Fifth Sub
Round. So the number assigned to the root-race does not
necessarily correspond to the number of the sub-round.
Usually, when a root-race reaches its peak, a Minor
Pralaya interrupts its development. This checks the
excesses of the prevailing root-race, enabling it to retrace
and correct some of its errors.

At this time, our Fifth

Root-Race has reached its peak, and the present Minor

Pralaya will check its development before it gets out of
While a prevailing root-race is in full swing, the next
will begin to appear. Presently, many vanguard Sixth
Root-Race incarnations are already appearing although
the Fifth Root-Race prevails. These incarnations will
increase during and after the present Minor Pralaya. So
there is an overlapping of root-races as a previous root
race begins to decline.


Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

-.' ._. .,+



; tt






1 5 I



Diagram 3: Root-Races as they leap-frog between Sub-Rounds

The Fourth Root-Race began incarnating in the middle

of Third Sub-Round. This was the Atlantean Civilisation. It
reached its peak in time to be cut down by a Minor
Pralaya that occurred between the Third and Fourth Sub-





Atlantis' huge

continent sunk while North America emerged. However,


of the


civilisation survived and

certain souls of that period have persisted to incarnate

well into the heyday of our Fifth Root-Race. Some are
Dark Forces, to be expelled during the present Minor
So today we have remnants of the Fourth Root-Race,
our dominant Fifth Root-Race, and the incoming Sixth
Root-Race living on earth.

This brief description,

based on the schema the

Masters gave us almost a century ago, indicates that the

Minor Pralaya we are presently entering, whether we
refer to these times as the Armageddon, earth changes or


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

anything else, should take place over an extended length

of time, most likely centuries.

This would indicate that

there will not be an abrupt shift of the earth's axis and

that if there is such a shift, it will occur at an evolutionary
pace. In other words, we are not nearing the end of the
However, this is not to downplay the natural and man
made catastrophes we are about to experience, for these
will be major upheavals the likes of which our root-race
has never before experienced. Once the destructive first








accomplished, we may also look forward to the benign

period of rest, which forms part of a pralaya, and it is

during this rest period that the New Golden Age will come
into manifestation.
Many reading this book will not live to see the end of
the destructive phase of this pralaya but will experience
the first jolts, as the cleansing waters flush out pollution
and flood over great expanses of populated areas. But
many will be able to contribute to the initial reshaping of
human society, which will occur in the interludes between
these upheavals.

Other Ways of Describing the Present Pralaya

Bnd ofthe Sixth Ray Cycle
Another way of situating our current period is as








literature are familiar with this concept as revealed to

mankind by the Master Djwal Khul via the writings of








predominant characteristics or rays to the planets of our

solar system-in 2000-year increments for each Ray-to
make a 14,000-year cycle.


Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age








different vibrations in matter that define and infuse all

objects. These energies can be combined in an infinite
number of ways, giving matter's expression its varied and
colourful characteristics. On earth, while a particular ray
dominates a 2000-year period, each ray is present at all
times and is "managed" by one of the Masters of Wisdom
of the Spiritual Hierarchy:

First Ray Will, purpose, power, destruction

Second Ray Love, wisdom, inclusiveness,



Third Ray Active Intelligence, adaptability, creativity







sensitivity, unity

Fifth Ray Concrete knowledge, science, mind, analysis

Sixth Ray Devotion, idealism, adherence, force
Seventh Ray Order, ceremony, organization, group,
We are now ending the 2000-year Sixth Ray cycle of
devotion, idealism,





known as the Christian Era, and entering the Seventh Ray

cycle of order, ceremony, organisation, group and White
Magic. The Seventh Ray cycle is also known as the Ray of
Synthesis and combines all the characteristics and sub
characteristics of the other six rays. The Master Sanctus
Germanus represents the Seventh Ray, which corresponds
to his role as the Hierarch of the New Age.
The major shortcoming of this particular perspective
of our present situation is that it does not really account
for the periods of turmoil in between Ray periods.

End of a Sidereal Cycle


The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol 2

Another way to situate us today is by location in a

sidereal cycle of about 25,920 years. This cycle is roughly
the total time it takes earth to pass through all twelve
constellations from Aries to Pisces on the astrological

It takes about 2 100 years for the earth to pass

through each constellation.

We are now completing our

passage through the Constellation of Pisces, the last of the

twelve constellations, and are about to begin yet another
25,920-year cycle with a two-thousand year period called
the Aquarian Age.

Yet another way of explaining the coming earth

changes is what is known as the "Shift". Esoteric author
and journalist Ruth Montgomery introduced this term in
the 1970s.
The earth's etheric double maintains a steady position
in relation to the Sun and the Solar Logos of this solar
system. This constitutes a point of reference while the
North-South Pole axis of physical earth is said to tilt back
and forth with the times. When the pole axes of earth's
etheric and physical bodies are in alignment, civilisation








development. When it is out of alignment, civilisation

sinks into a dark age.

It is said that man's follies

contribute to the misalignment of the earth.

Over a 25,000-year cycle, earth becomes seriously
misaligned from its etheric double and then realigns itself.
Or, every 12,500 years the physical earth's axis tilts away
from its double's axis, then takes another 12,500 years to
return into alignment.

At the point of realignment,

powerful energies will pour from the Sun through the

earth's axis causing natural catastrophes of a cleansing
nature before the earth can begin another cycle.


Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

Shamballa, the mystical seat of the Spiritual Hierarchy,

sits at the North Pole of earth's etheric double. During the
present 25,000-year cycle, earth has been so misaligned
with this that estimates put Shamballa at a point above
Central Asia close to the Himalayas, instead of where it
should be, under the etheric North Pole. So when both
north poles eventually move into realignment, Shamballa
will be sitting above the North Pole of physical earth
instead of in Central Asia.
Earth is presently approaching realignment with its
etheric double. When the two axes are in full alignment,
the New Golden Age will begin.

Year 2012 of the Mayan Calendar

Another measurement of the end of the present cycle is
winter solstice of the year 2012.

According to Mayan

cosmology, 2012 is the completion of a 104,000-year cycle

composed of four Mayan Great Cycles.

Many hysterical

western esotericists have seized upon this date to predict

doom and gloom, even though this date is virtually
unknown to the vast majority of the world's population
today, including those of our major faiths. Astrologically

speaking, the Mayans believe that on or about December

2012 the planets of our solar system will all line up with
the Sun, and the Sun's energy will pour through them like
a lightening rod.
One such Mayan astronomer stated that the "oceans
will boil" on that date. Whether or not the oceans boil

remains to be seen, but such an occurrence in mid-winter

in the Northern Hemisphere, we believe, will result in
significantly warmer winters in the northern hemisphere








scientists studying the polar ice caps are alarmed at the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

speed the polar caps are melting.

We can be sure that

from 2012 onward, this melting will increase in speed and

intensity and the consequences of this climatic change will
affect our civilisation, as we know it today, significantly.

There is a confluence of these different methods that










cosmological time:

The end of the fourth sub-round on the scheme the

Masters presented above


The end of the Sixth Ray and the beginning of the

Seventh Ray era


The end of the Piscean era as calculated by western

astrological pundits, to be followed by the Age of


The realignment of physical earth with its etheric



The end of the Mayan Calendar with the year 2012

So from many vantage points we can see that we are

entering a critical period in our evolution, one that
involves the destruction of the old and the rising of the
new, the ending of one cycle and the beginning of the next.
We are not about to be annihilated, and life will go on
after the catastrophes with the promise of a Golden Age
within reach.
Everything comes at its appointed time and place in
the evolution of Rounds, otherwise it would be impossible
for the best seer to calculate the exact hour and year when


Chapter 1 Evolutionary Pace to the Golden Age

such cataclysms great and small must occur. All an adept

could once do was predict an approximate time; whereas
now events that result in great geological changes can be
predicted with as mathematical a certainty as eclipses and
other revolutions in space.9

The Master K.H., The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, Letter 23B
Received October, 1882, Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House















The Battleground of the Astral Plane
': .. (T)he astral plane is the plane ofillusion, ofglamour,and ofa
distorted presentation ofreality. "10

In this chapter, we shall discuss the esoteric basis of

the current earth changes which, both on the human and
planetary scales, are a reflection of the agitation taking
place on earth's astral plane.
Below is a quotation from the Master Djwal Khul. You
are invited to ponder it or put it aside if you do not
understand or accept it. It is a profound statement, that,
when understood, provides the basis of why we must go
through the deep human and physical earth changes that
face us.
. . . Heat and moisture are present in the production of
all forms of life, but the great mystery . .. is how the
merging of three (Cosmic) fires can produce moisture








phenomenon constitute the basis of the Great Illusion

to which the ancient books refer; through the agency of

the combination, the enveloping maya is produced.

There is, in reality, no such thing as water; the water

sphere, the astral plane, is, . illusory effect and has


Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on White Magic, (New York: Lucis

Publishing Company, 1934) p. 222.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

no real existence. Yet - in time and space and to the

understanding of the witnessing consciousness - it is
more real than that which it hides and conceals.11
Earth is the only planet in our solar system where
water plays such an important part.

71 percent of its

surface is covered by water, and much of the remaining

29 percent land, measured by continental shel ves. lies
under water.
The physical body weight of some organisms is up to
90 percent water. The human body contains 60 percent
water, the brain 70 percent and the lungs close to 90

percent. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which








temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 litres of

water, some through drinking, the rest from foods eaten.
In esoteric terms, water reflects the ethers of the astral
plane. The predominance of water on the physical planet
earth reflects the influence the astral plane has on human
life today. As we will see, water will play a crucial role in
the earth changes hereon and mirror what happens on the
astral plane.

Where is Earth's Astral Plane?

We all spend close to a third of our lives each day on
the astral plane.

During our sleeping hours, most of us

travel in our astral bodies onto the astral plane to work or

study with friends and colleagues.

Most of us return to

the physical plane with little or no memory of these

nightly journeys. Some, however, can return with full




frequently symbolic.
11 Ibid., p.





Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

At the moment of death, we cast off our physical and

etheric bodies, leaving the astral body to work its way up
through the seven sub-planes of the astral. How long we
spend on the astral plane depends on the kind of life we
have lived on the earth plane and our level of spiritual

So "the good, the bad, and the ugly"

populate the astrals.

The illustration below depicts the five planes, or form
bodies, of earth - the physical, etheric, astral, mental, and
causal. The astral plane makes up one of the five. These
are identical to the five bodies of a human so the drawing
depicts the close intertwining of our bodies with the
earth's. (There are two higher planes, the Buddhic and
Nirvanic that link the planet and mankind to the great
cosmic forces that are not represented in this illustration.)
Earth's astral plane lies beyond earth's physical and
etheric planes and is said by some to stretch almost
halfway to the moon.12 Other sources maintain that the
astral plane is around 10,000 feet thick.13


Leadbeater, C.W. The Inner Life, vol. 1, Theosophical Society

Publisher, 1910, p. 353.
13 Innocenti, Geraldine, Bridge to Freedom Collection of Channelings,


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

1:-ii' A-/ p

4'<' ,;.....

i i i'


\ \"

\ \.,

Diagram 4: The Five Form-Bodies ofEarth and Man Intertwined

The astral plane is divided into seven sub-planes and
each sub-plane is made up of progressively finer etheric
matter, working upward from the etheric plane to the
seventh astral sub-plane. These progressively finer layers
of etheric matter overlap each other so there is no clear
division between the sub-planes, nevertheless each sub
plane hosts different populations of astral entities and
represents entire conglomerates of ideas and thought







vibrations. The sub-plane closest to the physical earth is

very similar to life on earth while those on the higher
astral sub-planes live increasingly ethereal and spiritual
existences until they cast off their astral bodies and move
into the mental plane.


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

The types of astral bodies that inhabit or transit

through the astral planes are not mixed willy-nilly as on
the earth; rather each sub-plane hosts astral bodies of
similar vibrations. One could say that the lowest human
criminal elements who pass over to the astral would thus


on the lowest sub-plane until

their souls

undertake some redemption. Others who have lived more

exemplary lives are grouped on the next sub-plane up and
so forth. So the Cosmic Law of Attraction is very much in
action on the astral plane.



.. ...,I)
(ti\. .
. .







Diagram 5: Earth's astral plane

The ethers of the astral plane are liquid-like, which

account for their close association with water on the earth
plane and the fact that they are subject to the constant
ebbs and flows of desires and the changes and whims of
astral inhabitants, especially those on the unstable lower
sub-planes closest to earth. The unceasing crises and
emotional swings that sweep the earth plane reflect the
movement and ripples of astral liquid.
It has been more than fifty years since esotericists have
seriously studied and analyzed the astral plane and its


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2








observation needs to be done into this important aspect of

life on earth, especially because of its wistful changeability
and multi-mutations.

However, the approach of the end

to the Fourth Sub-Round of Round IV coincides with the

Twentieth Century, with its unceasing war, mass media,
and information age. These relatively recent phenomena
have profoundly changed the nature of the astrals since
the ancient sages and, more recently, esotericists have
observed it.
The appearance of the astral plane when first

definitely seen by the "opened eye" of the aspirant is








interpenetrating and intermingling colours, and is of

such a kaleidoscopic appearance that the hopelessness
of the enterprise seems overwhelming. It is not light,
or starry or clear.

It is apparently impenetrable

disorder, for it is the meeting of ground forces.14

In fact, it is on the astral plane that the real battle
between the Light and Dark Forces has already taken
place and is now being played out on earth. We will see
that the tenacity of the Dark Forces' resistance on the
earth plane has its roots in Their virtual domination of the
lower sub-planes of the astrals.

Present State of Earth's Astral Plane

The extraordinary events of the Twentieth Century
have grossly polluted the lower sub-planes of the astral
plane, forming a thick layer of tainted astral matter that
colours pure thought-forms descending from the higher
dimensions. Below we will demonstrate what this barrier
is comprised of and how it has grown over the past 50

Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise

Publishing Company), p. 221



White Magic, (New York: Lucis

Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane


Storage of Human History: Record of Astral Light

The astral plane stores its version of human history
from the point of view of humanity's emotions: individual,
group, and national aspirations; motivations, desires,

This is called the akashic records of the

emotional history of mankind.

All of human invention

art, literature, music, what modern day sociologists call








anguish, its cinematic depictions, sexual desires, loves and







battles, emotional swings of mass opinion, its aspirations












characterizes the emotional nature of human existence is

stored in the annals of the astral plane.
Whereas the mental plane stores all logical and
rational thinking, the astral plane stores all thought-forms
that arise out of desire and emotions.

For example, a

fashion wave may hit the earth, and everyone begins to

wear jeans or a charismatic leader may organize mass
political rallies to stir people to riot or wage war against
their neighbours. Mass hatred that pits one nation against
another, one football team against the other, one religion
against the other - all are stored on the astral plane.
Each individual's emotional history - desires, whims,
fears, hatreds, loves, etc - contributes to the mass of data
stored on the astral plane through the intertwined link of
that person's astral body with the earth's. Conversely, the
emotions that bloat the astral plane play upon the





knowledge. In this way, we have national characteristics

and aspirations that shape our behaviour and vice versa.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Thinking in Today's World

Much of the mental activity taking place on the earth
plane today is of an astral nature, involving the saturation
of people's minds by millions of fictional works depicting
make believe characters and plots, the twisting of facts
and propaganda dominating the media and its emphasis
on broadcasting sensational or shocking events through
our daily news and television programs. The information
boom has created tons of fictitious books, magazines,








Cinema, television, and other audiovisual

modes spread and diffuse such storytelling across an

ever-burgeoning population at all levels of susceptibility.
It can be argued that, whether the thinking is fictional
or based on fact, it is all the same, since it is all part of the

Maya, or illusion, of the physical and astral planes.

However, much of today's thinking has sunk to the level of







contemplative works characteristic of the mental plane

have given way to the production of fiction and tragic,
emotion-laden circumstances. It would seem most media
works must have an "emotional hook" to sell or grab the








thoughts have been reduced to a minority, as the roar of

the media muffles their voices.

The Mass Media and Information Age in the Twentieth

The mass media - newspapers, magazines films, radio,
TV, web, billboards, books, CDs, DVDs, videos, computer
games and other forms of publishing - convey astral
thought-forms to the masses. Government propaganda,
mass political conceptions, pop music, fictitious creations,
literature, sports series and fashion trends, movies, the


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

constant chatter and gossip of the popular media about

movie stars, celebrities and the like all take form in astral
matter on the astral plane before manifesting on earth.
Aided by copying devices such as photocopiers, recording











exponentially and drummed into human consciousness

until they penetrate and saturate both the subconscious
(astral) and the conscious minds.
Mass media thought-forms originate from and return
to the astral plane. The constant astral chatter of radio,
TV, web, and movies shapes and influences mankind's
thinking today and is without precedent in history. This is
what we understand to be the broadcast powers of the
hydra-headed beast depicted in Revelations of the Bible.

Our Economic System Feeds Desire on the Astral

"The entire modern economic situation is of an astral
nature; it is the outcome of desire and the result of a
certain selfish use of the forces of matter." 1s
Starting from the creation of material desire through
mind manipulation techniques such as advertising, we
observe the millions of sea container-loads of toys,






equipment etc. being transported from one end of the

world to the other to satisfy human desires in giant
shopping centres and stores in every country.
shiploads of raw materials -


wood, metals, plastics,

agricultural goods - are bought and sold so that factories

around the world can produce goods to satisfy every
whim and desire.





The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Few, affluent or no, can escape the onslaught of these

imposed desires, for they are eventually painted into our
emotional or astral bodies either directly or through the
mass consciousness. Add to this the exchange of trillions
in bank transfers and cash to pay for the satisfaction of
these desires and we have a global whirlwind of earthly
trade-offs to feed astral desires.

All goods, services and

money exchanges have their counterpart on the astral

plane, so never before has the astral plane bulged with so
much manipulated desire and material satisfaction - or

Mass Wars in the 20th and

Plane with their Carnage


Centuries Fill Astral

The human carnage during the Twentieth Century has

been without precedent. The two World Wars; Stalinist
and Maoist purges, revolutions; wars of decolonisation,
regional conflicts and genocides including the Korean and
Vietnam wars; mass carnage in Bosnia, Cambodia, Congo,
Sri Lanka, India-Pakistan, Somalia, the Middle East and so
many more have overpopulated the astral plane with
astral shells of the dead.
As previously explained, when a person dies, the soul
throws off its physical and etheric bodies but the astral
body continues to exist on the astral plane. If the soul is
inclined to move on to the mental plane, the soul leaves its
astral body and moves on, at which point the astral body
goes through a second death, leaving behind an astral
shell that will disintegrate over time.
If the soul is not inclined to move on - or evolve - as is
the case with many criminal elements and lower type
humans, the astral body will simply linger around on the
lower sub-plane appropriate to that person's evolutionary
level. All similar vibrations are grouped together, and


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

many of the lower elements are becoming and remain

patently bored with one another and thus seek vicarious
excitement and adventure from the earth plane.
The violence of the Twentieth Century seen in the mass
deaths of millions has filled these lower astral sub-planes








impenetrable than ever before, to the point that it blocks

the fine essence that usually flows from the higher
spiritual dimensions to humanity.
Thus populated, the lower astral plane has gradually
taken on a life of its own.

Astral shells of bodies long

gone, even dating back to the Lemurian era scavenge

about preying on energy from the physical plane to put off
their eventual disintegration. So loaded is the astral plane
that it is said to add 150 pounds per square inch to the
normal atmospheric pressure of 14.7 pounds per square

Is it any wonder that we feel we carry such

burdens with us every day?

As we will discuss later, the Dark Forces have been
able to resuscitate and recruit these hordes of astral shells
and lingering lower evolutionary astral entities for their
own purposes.

The Vampire Effect: Talking Dead and Resuscitation

Astral shells are soul-less and thus cannot draw their
life vitality from their own souls as normal living beings



energy parasites,




humanity to sustain themselves. They draw energy from

group rallies such as sports events, religious gatherings,
fundamentalist rallies, wars, and any other mass events


Archangel Michael's Discourse, The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak

Bridge to Freedom, Inc, 1954.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

that result in outpourings of emotions such as hatred or

Individually, they may often possess humans who are
unaware of this extra burden.

Many astral shells retain

unresolved obsessions such as alcoholism,

drugs or

smoking addictions and the like and draw the same

experience vicariously by possessing physical bodies on






Through such parasitical relationships, the astral plane

has taken on a life unto itself. It has developed self

in terest, for the shells have come to realise that they are

on the road to disintegration and need a source of energy

to sustain themselves. This, they can do both qualitatively
and quantitatively by keeping mankind anchored into the
physical plane.
Astral entities, desperate to sustain themselves i.e. stay
"alive" have invented many ways of communicating with
the physical plane and drawing the necessary energy, like
a vampire, who is vivified after drawing blood from his

This is why, as the population of astral shells

grows, Earth's physical human population also burgeons,

for the astral plane must sustain itself.
Another means by which this occurs involves the
possession by entities of individuals and organisations to
create mass events, rallies, meeting, conflicts and wars whatever is needed to feed and sustain astral populations.
Astral shells of lower astral sub-planes, who have become
pawns of the Dark Forces, are known to latch onto and
possess individuals in order to force them to carry out
their dark deeds.
At the same time, entities on the higher sub-planes of


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

the astral plane, astral shells and thought-forms of past







themselves by attaching to well-intentioned religious

organizations and New Age meditation groups, posing as
gurus or advisors from the "spiritual" realms.

Most of

what these shells have to say or teach is reiteration of

what their human forms taught while incarnated on earth.
Contrary to those of the lower astral sub-planes, most of
these teachings are well-intentioned even though they do
not come from the highest sources of wisdom.
So the parasitical nature of astral plane shells is both
good and bad but

generally no

development than the earth plane.

higher in spiritual
For this reason, a

parasitical astral relationship can appear to be holy,

where it is in reality of a lower order. And such parasitical
relationships are subject as any to the vagaries and
emotional swings of the astral plane.

Extra-Terrestrials Promote Dark Hierarchy on the

Astral Plane
It will come as no surprise to hear, then, that the astral
plane has become the primary tool of the Dark Forces to
broadcast and manipulate thinking on the earth plane.
Hovering on the outer reaches of our atmosphere are
extra-terrestrial forces hoping to profit from the chaos of
this pralaya and institute their regime on earth.


though they have allied with certain earthly governments,

cosmic law still prohibits their entry into the earth plane.
To access earth, they have instead learned to utilize the
astral plane's inhabitants who, in turn, influence the
human population on earth.
Agents of the Dark Forces in discarnate form reside in
the lower sub-planes of the astral plane.







They have no


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

redeeming themselves and are therefore stuck in situ.

Consequently, having no source of vitality, they seek
survival through reincarnating, possessing individuals or
influencing large groups.
The dark extra-terrestrials are able, somehow, to apply
electrical technologies to energize these astral shells and
bodies so that they can incite humans psychically to form
groups and foster mass gatherings on the earth plane this, in order to generate needed energy for their survival.
We even suspect that they have the means to enable these
astral shells to re-incarnate in flesh bodies, accounting for
the great number of soulless humanoids walking on earth
under the influence of the Dark Forces.

The New Age Movement Hijacked Through the Astral

As more of the new generation on earth exhibit the
psychic abilities necessary to communicate with the other







uneducated psychics or mediums fall prey to astral








expounding on various political or spiritual issues. These

have been the source of a great deal of astral chatter,
giving information of a lower, gossipy nature and urging
receivers to proliferate information en masse via e-mail
and the Internet.

Every emotion they are able to evoke

through these messages sends them extra energy and

their tentacles extend more and more aggressively into
the midst of mankind as their end nears.
The New Age Movement, prolific ashrams and religious
groups offer ready access and sympathy to both ET's and
astral shells posing as past saints and yogis.


entities and shells channel "messages from the higher

realms" through untrained psychics in order to create
large followings or ashrams as sources of energy. Highly


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

devotional groups with blind faith followers are

particularly prone to this type of manipulation through
skewed interpretations of spiritual teachings, incitement
to fanaticism and outpouring of emotions. As an example,
the parading of the Pope's corpse among the masses to
evoke an outpouring of grief must have served as a virtual
banquet for astral shells.
Promotion of a Dark Hierarchy With Astral Characters

ET forces hovering about Earth have created a dark

hierarchy that mimics the legitimate planetary Spiritual
Hierarchy. The hierarchy includes facsimiles of Masters
such as Sanctus Germanus, El Marya, and Kuthumi as well
as others who have gained prominence through the New
Age Movement. These facsimiles speak through hosts of
untrained New Age psychics and mediums. Some even
blatantly require their audiences to give them energy
through chanting or certain sitting positions.
Even today there exist groups that have tried to revive
19th Century Spiritualist seance techniques in order to
give this dark hierarchy a means to embody itself and
communicate on the earth plane.
Using ectoplasm
emitted from their chosen mediums, astral shells have
been able to make their presence seen or heard in the
seance room. Their access to the Records of Astral Light
enables them to impress their seance sitters with facts
about their lives, and their spiritual teachings generally
mimic the Ancient Wisdom.
As a result of Twentieth Century events and
technological innovations, we can see that the lower sub
planes of astral plane have become a dark and murky
layer of negative influence that blends with the earth's
etheric plane and has for a considerable period of time
impeded the flow of the Sun's prana energies to the earth


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

plane. The general low state of health on the earth plane is

just one result, mostly due to the emotional influence this
plane plays on mankind, swinging both individuals and
masses from one extreme to the other, much in the way a
weather system can transform the still calm of the sea
into a churning fury of destruction.

Cleansing of the Astral Plane

We have belaboured the description of the astral
plane's present state chiefly to illustrate why, as part of
the present obscuration or pralaya, the Spiritual
Hierarchy and Greater Cosmic Forces have come together
to cleanse it. Mankind, being the creator of the astral
plane, has neither the will nor the power to cleanse it
Cosmic Forces have now taken over, and an
irreversible cleansing process has begun. Two types of
Cosmic Forces are involved: The first is an inflow of finer
etheric energies from the earth's mental and causal planes
drifting down to the lower astral, etheric, and physical
planes. These are feminine energies11 that will balance
the predominantly masculine energies of the present age.
The second is a more general cleansing of all of earth's
bodies as the solar system enters the Photon band of our
present galaxy.
These two major cosmic forces affect all planes, and we
are the most cognizant of their effects on the physical,
etheric and astral planes. As they are of a higher
vibrational nature, when they touch these lower
vibrational planes, they cause the turmoil we feel on Earth
before any benefits are felt. These are the forces behind
11 Not to be confused with female gender energies. Feminine energies
make up a category of cosmic energy that balance the other category,
masculine energies.


Chapter 2 The Battleground

of the Astral Plane

the present cosmic filtering process popularly known as

Armageddon (see volume 1).
Some individuals, however, through meditation and
purification, have been able to forge a path through the
thick astral matter in order to maintain contact with their
higher mental and causal planes. By achieving this
contact, they have surmounted the effects of the astral
plane and thus can stay above the fray during the
tumultuous cleansing process.

Downward Flow of Finer Feminine Etheric Energies

Corresponding with the timing of the present pralaya,
the Great Ones of the Spiritual Hierarchy made the
decision to release finer etheric matter from the mental
and causal planes onto the astral. This is just one part of
the dispensation gained for humanity by the Master
Sanctus Germanus. These energies include the feminine
qualities needed to balance the over-masculine energies
pervading the earth plane. As the finer etheric energy
descends upon the denser energies of the mental, astral,
etheric, and physical planes it has a natural cleansing
effect, as the grosser yields to the finer. It also has a
profound healing effect on Earth's populations and will
require a revision of science and knowledge to
understand it. This healing effect has given rise to many
energy-healing modalities in the New Age Movement.
As these finer energies extend down into the upper
sub-planes of the astral plane, they will set the stage for
the development of higher forms of art, emotion, and
desire, which will further evolve during the New Golden
Age. The continuing descent of these finer energies into
the lower sub-planes of the astral will cause much
upheaval as they come into conflict with denser energies.
The main effect will be to drive the lower level astral


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

shells and entities insane, which will be projected and

reflected upon the earth as the general insanity we
observe in current affairs today.
Specifically, as these finer energies reach into the
lower sub-planes, the resident astral shells and bodies
will foresee their demise, for the lower will yield to the
higher. The finer energies will naturally hasten the
deterioration of the residual astral shells and pulverize
them into their original atomic or subatomic states. These
entities will not, however, go down without mighty and
desperate thrusts to survive, each thrust being perceived
as a burst of violence or sudden insane behaviour
somewhere on earth.
The great hope is this: No matter how violent the
struggle, these astral entities will eventually be rooted out
and allowed to dissipate, as they should have done in the
first place.

Effect on the Harth Plane of the Descent of Finer

The effect on the earth plane of these descending finer
energies will be even more pronounced as the Fourth
Sub-Round comes to a close, with astral shells and entities
attempting to possess and drain more and more
individuals on the earth plane for their needed vitality.
School shootings by possessed individuals will become
more prevalent and later branch out to other atrocities.
Much of the increasing rise in drug and alcohol addiction
can also be traced to these entities. They will possess
society's weak-minded and disenfranchised to satisfy
their unresolved cravings.
However, possession of the individual alone is not
enough to sustain such a large population of astral


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Pl ane

entities. They must parasitically prey on larger and larger

portions of the human population for sustenance. The
best and most efficient way to draw energy from the earth
plane is by evoking group fear - the more fanatical the
better, as fanaticism expends more energy.
Mass rallies and protests exude ever larger quantities
of committed energy onto the astral plane - the more
emotional the undertaking, the greater the source of
energy. The mass media with its sound and light
technologies can easily create mass concentrations of
energy. Worldwide sports events such as the World Cup
and Olympics, rock concerts and rave gatherings, large
ashrams and warfare, flashed into every household
around the world through television and the Internet all
evoke emotional outpourings that provide the astral plane
with the energy necessary to sustain itself and resist the
incoming energies.
By far the best sources of emotional outpourings are
wars, the gorier and more atrocious the better. On the
sidelines like the chorus in the ancient Greek tragedies,
the media chants to gin up mass fears associated with
war, pandemics, and terrorism in order to create even
more sustained sources of emotional energy for desperate
entities on the astral plane.
Large government institutions and bureaucracies,
which have long been the "bread and butter" of energy
supply for the astral plane, are slowly petering out as
computers come to the fore. The tired, lifeless work style
of the bureaucrat demonstrates how these older
institutions have been drained of their vitality over the
years. Therefore there is an urgent call to gin up new
sources of energy in these desperate astral times. Since
war represents the greatest expenditure of energy and
can be mobilized by national governments, we will see


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

more and more conflict in the closing days of this cycle.

And of course, the hatred and fanaticism as seen in the
recent Islamic and Christian movements add even more to
this feast of emotive energy that keeps the astral plane fed
and watered.
Eventually as these finer energies continue to filter
down, the coarser agitation on the astral and earth planes
will be tempered after the initial desperate outbursts, for
despite attempts to survive, anything vibrationally
incompatible with the new energies will disintegrate.
Even the higher sub-planes of the astral plane will
undergo a cleansing, and the quality of intellectual
thinking, art and music will rise to a new standard in
preparation for the New Golden Age.

Solar Syst.em enters the Galaxy's Photon Band and

Agitates Astral Plane
Finer etheric energies are descending upon the various
planes of earth at the same time the solar system has
begun passing through our Galaxy's Photon Band (See
diagram 6). This is not just a coincidence but part of the
Divine Plan.
During this passage, the astral, etheric and earth planes
will be subjected to powerful and turbulent energy bands
that will have the effect of accelerating our perception of
time and causing great turbulence, which will accelerate
and aggravate the astral activity, causing desperate
actions of self-preservation.


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

Diagram 6: Our Solar System Entering the Photon Banc/18

The Great Washer Effect

The combination of the downward flow of finer etheric

energies and the "washer effect" of the photon band has a
profound effect on the earth plane as astral shells and
dark astral entities on the lower sub-planes closest to
earth struggle to stay alive.
Diagram 7 illustrates the multidimensional, whirling
paths of energies to which our solar system is subjected
as it passes through the photon belt. Its effect on the
astral plane can only cause turmoil to be played out on the
earth plane.

10 Clow, Barbara Hand, The Pleiadian Agenda, A New Cosmology for the
Age ofLight, Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Company Publishing, p. 37.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies

Vol 2

Diagram 7: Great Washer Effect of the Energies in the Photon


Desperate Reacttons

As the finer energies cleanse the astral plane, the Dark

Forces will lash out and try to drag the earth down with
them by using the economic depression to justify
trampling on man's rights and militarizing society. Their
goal is to engage the world in a major war for which
preparations are presently underway. This is the last
hurdle for mankind and its association with the Dark
Forces and should be perceived as the last sweep of the
cleansing energies through the lower sub-planes of the
These two major cleansing forces will continue until
the astral plane has been cleaned of all that which does
not serve mankind or earth. This will result in the
collapse of the whole system of finance and
warmongering that the Dark Forces have instituted to
control earth's inhabitants. They will also be the force

Ibid., p.31.


Chapter 2 The Battleground of the Astral Plane

behind the vast earth changes that lie ahead over the
coming decades and cause even greater upheaval in our
present civilisation. These two major cosmic forces
bearing down upon the earth will form the backdrop of all
actions mankind undertakes from here on. Mankind can
either choose to buck the trend and perish or ride along
with the pralaya and survive. It is a matter of choice.















"The approach of every new obscuration is always signalled by

cataclysms of either fire or water. "2 Kuthumi

Earth changes in the coming years will involve both

fire and water. To translate Master Kuthumi words into
modern terms, more heat on earth - global warming will cause the meltdown of the vast ice sheet covering
Greenland, the vast ice sheet continent of Antarctica, the
permafrost in the northern reaches of North American
and Asian landmasses, and the high mountainous stores
of ice and permafrost in the various mountain ranges on
-ileat from the Seven suns-

During a discussion about earth changes, a Tibetan

Lama in the H imalayas echoed the teachings of the largest
Tibetan Buddhist Order, the Kagyus, on what was about to
20 The Master KH., Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, Letter 23B

Received October, 1882

21 In the journal Geophysical Research Letters, a team led by Dr.

Isabella Velicogna of the University of Colorado, Boulder, found that

Greenland's ice sheet decreased by 162 (plus or minus 22) cubic
kilometers a year between 2002 and 2005. This is higher than all
previously published estimates, and it represents a change of about 0.4
millimeters (.016 inches) per year to global sea level rise. Greenland
hosts the largest reservoir of freshwater in the northern hemisphere,
and any substantial changes in the mass of its ice sheet will affect
global sea level, ocean circulation and climate.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

take place. It is said the earth will go through the

following three stages:

The heat of seven suns will bear down upon it

Heat will be followed by massive floods to cleanse

the earth's surface

High winds will then follow to dry some of the

flooded areas

This cycle would repeat itself until the earth was

totally void of life in the case of a Major Pralaya or
cleansed in the case of Minor Pralaya such as the one we
currently face.
When do these Buddhists expect these changes to
"Soon," he said. "I don't know exactly, but we believe it
will be soon."22
To illustrate the possibility of the "heat of seven suns"
bearing down upon the earth, Diagram 8 shows the
relation of our solar system to other suns in the galaxy
and how at a given time, all seven suns could find
themselves in the central band of the galaxy.

22 Private discussion with Lama Tenzing of the Bhutia Busty Monastery

in Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, November, 2005. This conversation
was followed by a private audience with the Karmapa, the pope of the
Kagyu Order in September. 2006.


Chapter 3 Earth Changes


. 1 -:
: .
Jn .





r.. a;



I I:: l



Diagram 8: Possible Coincidence of How the Seven Suns at a

given moment in galactic time

(2012?) could line up in the

Photon band to produce the heat of the Seven Suns (each star
represents a star with its solar system).23

Could the current alarming rate of global warming be

the precursor of this great heat from the Seven Suns? We
believe it is. In fact, we are already experiencing the
effects of global warming - tsunamis, earthquakes,
hurricanes, flooding - marking the tail end of the Fourth
Sub-Round IV and the onset of the M inor Pralaya.
Increased heat will be central to the earth changes.
In the years ahead we predict three stages of earth
changes that will form the backdrop to the survival of
human civilisation. For this purpose we will use the Year
2012 as a convenient analytical marker for our time
bound minds.

Ibid., p. 33 (Modified)


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

No matter what path mankind takes, the earth changes

will proceed, and mankind must decide how best to turn
these changes into opportunities to create a better
society, one that serves mankind in its quest for Soul

Stage 1: The Present until Year 2012

Earth changes have been taking place for centuries in
the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, climatic
changes, and the like. Presently, global warming should be
of greatest concern to us. Up to the year 2012, regional or
localized flooding, earthquakes and tsunamis will assail
the earth. Coincidentally, these earth changes will 1)
serve as a catalyst for the downfall of the current regime
of finance and warmongering, 2) signal to lightbearers
that they must prepare to move to certain Spiritual
Regions in the highlands and 3) serve as warnings to the
population at large of even greater "natural" disasters to

Stage 2: Earth Changes 2012 to 2080

We believe that in the Northern Hemisphere in the
dead of winter 2012, temperatures will reach their peak
as the Seven Suns momentarily line up and concentrate
heat onto our solar system. Such an injection of energy
will provoke even more rapid melting of the vast
permafrost areas in the Northern Hemisphere and the
continent of Antarctica, causing a significant rise in the
sea levels, which in turn will gravely impact human
The accelerated meltdown will cause major flooding o f
lowland and coastal areas worldwide resulting in a mass
exodus from low-lying regions to higher ground and


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

certain designated Spiritual Regions. Amidst this turmoil,

lightbearers will be able to seize this opportunity to
create a transitional society that will lay the foundation
stones for a New Golden Age. (See Chapters 6 to 8).

Stage 3: Continental Shifts 2080 and Beyond

Tucked away in the designated Spiritual Regions,
human societies will experience a new awakening.
Lightbearers and the remnants of civil populations will
put into practice cosmic principles that will eventually
usher in the New Golden Age in the Spiritual Regions, then
spread to surrounding areas. At the same time major
continental shifts will occur to change the surface of the
earth for centuries to come.

Logic of Harth Changes

I f we were to gaze upon the earth from the perspective
of the Spiritual Hierarchy, there would be very few areas
on earth's surface that mankind has not touched or
altered in a negative way. The truth be said, mankind
accounts for ALL the pollution on the earth's surface,
Periodic cleansing to reclaim earth's pristine nature is
necessary, so the earth changes we are undergoing are
not random catastrophic events with no purpose or
reason. From the perspective of the Spiritual Hierarchy,
they are cyclical as well as purposeful.
Since most pollution is located along coastal areas,
inland waterways and urban areas, it is logical that these
areas are going to be the most intensely targeted for
cleansing in stages one and two. Areas of greatest
industrial and moral pollution are where the greatest
change will occur. Overcharged, heavily populated areas
will be dispersed until earth regains its equilibrium and


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

The convulsions and cataclysms ahead are meant to

cleanse and re-purify. They are not punishments for
humanity, however much it might have caused the
pollution. Should a cataclysm wash away vast numbers of
human beings, this is because these individual souls have
chosen to exit earth in this way. This is why we must
emphasize that the individual's survival is a matter of
choice. He or she can heed the multiple warnings and get
out of harm's way or succumb.
Stage 1: Pre-2012 Warnings of Harth Changes to Come

Today we find ourselves in Stage 1 of an ongoing

obscuration process that involves the 1) entry of finer,
higher vibrational etheric matter, 2) the acceleration of
time and the washer effect of entering the photon band,
and 3) the increase of cosmic heat to produce global
warning. We have already discussed the effects of both
#1 and #2. Periodic catastrophic j olts from natural
disasters will drain the resources of various would-be
war-mongering nations along with further eroding
governments' power and popularity as they bungle
disaster response.
As the astral plane undergoes cleansing and the
majority of the Dark Forces are expelled, we will begin to
experience the brotherhood that has so long eluded
humanity. The forces of the good and innocent will begin
to outnumber the dark, negative forces, and the balance
between light and darkness will tip on the side of the light.
Group action and cooperation will reach a new high, and
mutual aid and service will come naturally. The general
atmosphere on the earth will be so much brighter, and the
new glow will inspire all to revamp their lives, love their
neighbours, and open themselves to the possibilities of
higher dimensions.


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

But while we celebrate, we will have to face

increasingly alarming signs of earth changes such as the
rapid meltdown occurring in Alaska and Greenland and
unusual weather patterns bringing drenching rains to
other parts of the world. Unusual hurricane or typhoon
activity in the Atlantic and the Pacific will result in
greater-than-normal flooding of coastal areas and loss of
life. These are the warning signs of greater earth changes
to come, not just another weather cycle, and should spur
people to begin planning a move to higher ground.

Warning Signs: Heat Waves, St.orms, Polar Melt.down, and

Today's scientists are concluding that there is an
"alarming" meltdown taking place in the Arctic and
Antarctic regions of the globe. Global warming has now
made it to the front pages of major newspapers.
ANTARCTICA"Z4 will dominate our news. Geological
reports during the 2005-2006 winter indicate that the ice
in the Arctic failed to re-form and that huge chunks of the
Greenland glacier are falling into the sea even in winter.
The meltdown has reached yet another plateau of
While mankind has added to global
warming, blame and the good intentions of anti-global
warming movements will not stop the meltdown. The
scientist's "alarm" means that the obscuration process is
now measurably visible and at our doorstep.
It is said that the Arctic Sea temperature averaged
23C about 55 millions of years ago and that the Atlantic
reached 42C roughly 60 million years ago. This was the
state of the earth then, and it will happen again. H eat
waves will begin to grip the planet. Heat and relief, more
24 La Presse, Montreal, March,



The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

heat and then relief will become the obvious pattern in

the both hemispheres. At first, these climatic occurrences
will grip isolated regions, then spread to larger areas, then
to whole continents. These are signs not to be waved off,
but to be reckoned with.
It is not only the meltdown of visible ice but also that of
the vast permafrost zones in northern Canada and the
Asian landmass in northern Russia that will raise the level
of the seas and swell inland water bodies.


high levels of rainfall in regions around the world will be

reported, and flooding will become more pronounced in
previously arid regions. Dikes, dams, levees, and seawalls
will come under more and more stress.


structures such as basements and parking complexes will

be subject to groundwater seepage and water will start
lapping on to walkways along lakes and coastal parks.
Gradually, water will show signs of taking over the land,
but in this pre-2012 period, most will be unable to
connect these small occurrences to the greater picture.
In the pre-2012 period, violent hurricanes such as
Katrina that struck New Orleans in 2005, the typhoons
that drenched Southern China and India in 2005 and
2006, the floods that ravaged arid Ethiopia in 2006, the
floods in Eastern Europe in 2005, and the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami that struck the surrounding countries these, and many other, climatic events were merely
tasters of the future.

In addition to big and spectacular

storms, flash flooding, unusually heavy rainfall and "freak"

cyclones will plague inland areas. Of course, scientists will
mistakenly see these storms as the return of previous
weather cycles such as El Nino or a 1930's Atlantic
weather cycle, rather than as part of the initial process of


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

Periodic underwater and land earthquakes will jolt us

during this stage of the pralaya. Earthquakes will occur
with increasing frequency and intensity where the earth's
tectonic plates join. Again, these geological events are to
be seen as warnings of what is to come but as they gain in
frequency and amplitude, human disaster relief
organisations will be so taxed as to be ineffective. The
human toll in each successive event will increase, and
governments will be exposed blatantly for their
ineptitude and uselessness. People must understand that
these early warning signs mean that they must start
thinking about a plan of where to go and how to take care
of themselves if they choose to survive.
Earth Changes that Accelerate the Downfall ofthe Dark

coincidentally as the Spiritual Hierarchy's trump cards.
The financial house of cards that the Dark Forces
(investment banks, stock brokerage firms, and the like)
have built, in collusion with national governments, stands
on the brink of collapse. We have entered a period of
hyperinflation caused by governments that have flooded
the world with fiat paper money from their printing
presses that has no intrinsic value but that people attach
to it. Never in the history of mankind has there been so
much "liquidity" of worthless money. The derivatives
market is particularly vulnerable to the slightest emotion
laden event. Tenuous "carry trades" like the yen-dollar
arrangement between the Central Banks of Japan and the
United States, bleed the world's financial system,
transferring gargantuan profits to the coffers of the Dark
Forces via their proxy investment banks.
Governmental collusion in these corrupt financial
arrangements can be perpetuated because of the common


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies

Vol 2

man's ignorance of finance. These arrangements grow

progressively fragile and the tiniest crisis will spark panic
that will lead to a collapse of the whole worldwide system.
The one thing the Dark Forces cannot control is a natural
Floods and earthquakes jar economies and
government complacency and force attention more
towards rescuing populations than engaging in corrupt
finance and arms dealings.
They are faced with
evacuations and organizing relocations, funding repairs,
dealing with unemployment, paying out benefits to the
injured, rebuilding structures and infrastructures in new
areas and much more.
Natural disasters expose
governments for the burden they are upon their
populations and will hopefully awaken people to their
ineptitude and uselessness.
From an esoteric point of view, earth changes will play
a major role in triggering the downfall of the Dark Forces'
regime and in educating the populations about what to
expect post 2012.

Stage 2: Year 2012-2080: Increase of Solar Heat,

Acceleration of Flooding, and Surviving Regions
Whether through the Mayan scholars' unlikely
prediction of boiling oceans or the heat of "Seven Suns",
heat will crescendo during the run up to 2012, and from
mid-winter 2012 onward a greater influx of solar heat will
accelerate polar cap and permafrost meltdown. This
intense heat injection need only keep temperatures at the
two poles above freezing during the winter months, and
sea levels will rise accordingly.
Many of us will live to see the earth changes following
2012's intense inflow of energy. Most coastal areas will be


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

permanently inundated and the world's main urban

centres along coastal areas will be destroyed.
Approximately 70 percent of the world's population (4.5
billion people) that live along and within 100 km of the
coast will be affected, along with the millions living near
inland rivers and water bodies, which will flood interior
low-lying areas, splitting continents with inland seas and
waterways. Most countries will be reduced in size or
disappear under the floods. This will be the return of the
diluvial era of Noah's ark.
The Northern Hemisphere includes the vast sub-polar
permafrost region that stretches across the Asian
landmass, North Atlantic region, and the North American
continent south of the North Pole and is contiguous with
the world's heaviest populated areas. The permafrost in
the Southern Hemisphere lies mainly on the relatively
isolated South Pole continent of Antarctica.
It is estimated that permafrost ranging from 50 to
1000 meters thick covers 20 percent of the earth's
surface.2s It exists at all altitudes from the lowlands to
high plateaux and mountain peaks. The amount of water
frozen into this vast zone is incalculable, but when melted
could literally flood the earth.
For this reason, it is estimated that sea level will rise
from 50 to 80 meters (150 to 240 feet) and flood all
coastal areas.
The countries of the Maldives and
Bangladesh will disappear under water during the initial
stages of flooding, followed by many low-lying countries
like Belgium and the Netherlands.
The meltdown of the Northern Hemisphere's
permafrost will inundate areas inland as well as on the

"Permafrost," Ministry of Natural Resources Website, Government of

Canada, 2006.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

For example, in North America, melting
permafrost will drain into the Great Lakes basin that
stretches from H udson Bay to the five great lakes and will
create a huge inland water body that will find its way to
the ocean via the Mississippi and St Lawrence Rivers.
These rivers will swell to become inland seas that will
split the North American continent into three parts. Other
rivers and lakes in the western part of North America and
south of the permafrost zone will swell and flood on their
journey to the sea.
In the north Atlantic region, glaciers will melt to
expose the pristine landmass that today we call
Greenland. Its ice sheet is up to three kilometres thick. It
is estimated that the melting of this glacier alone will add
seven meters to current sea levels.
In the massive central Asian landmass from Norway to
Western Siberia, the melting permafrost will create a vast
inland sea bordering the northern tips of the H imalayas in
what is Central Asia today.
I n the Southern Hemisphere, the ice sheet on
Antarctica's landmass is estimated to be about 4.2
kilometres thick. If West Antarctica continues to melt, the
sea level will rise six metres. If East Antarctica melts
down, the sea level will rise an extra 70 metres!
In addition, the extra warmth on the earth causes the
water to expand more rapidly in the tropical and
subtropical regions. And like a seesaw, land areas will
also be rising up on one end and sinking on other, as they
adjust to the lesser weight of the melting ice sheets.


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

Main Cities Permanendy Inundated

The 70 percent of the population living on flat coastal
plains resides in 11 of the world's 15 largest cities, located
on the coast, bays and estuaries. M ajor financial and trade
centres - New York, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco,
Shanghai, Tokyo, Sydney, Saigon-Ho Chi M inh City,
Singapore, Calcutta, Dubai, Dublin and London, will
The financial
eventually be destroyed by flooding.
districts of Singapore, Mumbai, and Hong Kong/Macau sit
on manmade landfill at the present sea level. Bangkok,
Amsterdam, Rotterdam and New Orleans - and which of
us can forget the sight of those levees - are barely above
the present sea level. 26
Large port cities located along main Northern
H emisphere river ways such as the Rhone (Geneva and
Lyon), Rhine (Basie to Rotterdam), Mississippi (St. Paul,
St. Louis, New Orleans), St. Lawrence (Toronto and
Montreal), the Great Lakes (Chicago and Detroit), Yangtze
(Wuhan and Nanjing), Yellow River (Zhengzhou and
Jinan), M ekong (HCM City), Ganges (Dhaka and Calcutta),
Indus (Karachi) will be inundated or washed away as
thundering waves of water sweep down from melting
permafrost at higher elevations. Major trade ports built
on river delta areas of these great rivers of the world such
as Chao Phraya (Bangkok), Irrawaddy (Yangon) and Niger
(Lagos) are doomed. Most transportation hubs and
routes - airports, rail lines and stations, highways,
waterways - connected to these cities will also be flooded.
26 The melting of Greenland's ice sheet would raise the oceans by seven
meters, threatening to submerge cities located at sea level, from
London to Los Angeles. A one-meter [three-foot] sea level rise would
submerge a substantial amount of Bangladesh and the Maldives says
Jonathan Gregory, a climate scientist at the University of Reading in


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Massive earthquakes have always threatened Japan,

but during this period they will generate tsunamis that
will strike the coasts of the entire Pacific Rim.
Oil rigs, pumps and refineries along coastal areas
around the world will be inundated. Vast Asian
hinterlands of Russia's oil industry will be subject to
continued heavy rain, especially as the northern
permafrost melts and begins to fill in the low-lying areas
that were once inland seas. As the sea level rises, most of
the Persian Gulf oil-producing areas will end up under the
Broadcasts warning people to evacuate coastal areas
for higher ground will for the most part remain unheeded.
The majority of the people will unconsciously choose to
remain and perish in the floods as their souls signal their
departure from the earth plane. A relatively small
minority will make their way to higher ground.

High Hlevation Urban Areas Survive

Despite the massive losses along the coastal and low
lying regions, many high-elevation urban and rural
regions will likely survive the floods intact. An estimated
20 to 30 percent of the world's population now inhabits
higher elevated regions over 100 meters (300 feet) above
present sea level. Although we expect levels to rise
another 50 to 80 metres, the seas will continue to be
turbulent, with storms battering the new and higher
coastlines before the new weather system settles in.
Urban areas located on high plateaux surrounded by
fertile land and with a good supply of fresh ground water
will survive. These plateaux should be higher than large
lakes and other water bodies


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

Mountainous river valleys or narrow ravines and

canyons, where flash flooding can take place, will be
ravaged by melting permafrost, causing rivers to swell
and temporarily flood these areas. Most of these high
elevation regions can be found in the foothills of major
mountain ranges.
Except for some Pacific and Caribbean islands and
atolls, most countries with coastal areas have highland
and mountainous regions. Barring earthquakes in those
regions sitting between tectonic plates and the success of
the Dark Forces in spreading pandemic diseases, the
higher elevation areas should afford safety for many
millions of people.
Some examples of high elevation regions and cities are:

North America: Boulder and Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake

City, Utah, Calgary and Edmonton, Canada, eastern slopes
of the Rockies

South America:

La Paz, Bolivia, Brazilia-Goias in the

Brazilian H ighlands; Argentina: Cordoba, Capilla del

Europe: Madrid, Spain; Pyrenees and the Ardennes-Alps

region of Germany, Switzerland, Transylvanian Plateau in
the Carpathian Mountains

Middle Bast the Plateau of Iran, Turkey, Armenia

Central Asia:

Afghanistan, Tajikistan and into the


Indian Subcontinent Simla, Darjeeling and Dharamsala in

the foothills of the Himalayas and Ooty in Western and
Eastern Ghats


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

China: Xian, Chengdu, Kunming, Lhasa, Tibetan Plateau;

Qinghai-Xizang Plateau eastward up to the Da Hinggan

Taihang-Wushan mountains line, composed mainly of
plateau and basins with elevation from 1,000 to 2,000
Africa: Sub-Saharan Chad, Central Africa Republic, Central

Highlands, Goma, Congo; Lake Kivu; Kigali, Rwanda;

Kenyan Highlands, Uganda; Bujumbura, Burundi
Australia: the Great Dividing Range, Outback, Western

New Zealand: All highland areas

There are high elevation areas on each continent

where the basic communications and transport
infrastructure will remain intact. Because these areas will
be cut off from ground or sea transport, air transport and
wireless telephone will serve as the only links between
elevated safe regions. However, the state of these safe
regions at the time of the major floods will depend on how
they have survived the ravages of the deep economic
depression and the world war.
Twelve Spiritual Regions

On each continent in high elevation regions, a Spiritual

Region will emerge as a safe haven for initiates and
lightbearers of the Spiritual Hierarchy to build a
transitional society that will serve as a model for the rest
of the world. Further details about these special regions
will be discussed in the following chapters. These
Spiritual Regions are:


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

North America:

(1) Banff-Lake Louise area near

Calgary, Canada to the Grand Tetons of Wyoming, US
and (2) the Colorado Plateau

South America: (3) Cordoba Province in Argentina and

(4) Goias Province in Brazil
Asia: (5) Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and (6) Gobi Desert

SouthAsia: (7) Darjeeling in the Himalayas

Australia: (8) the Australian Outback region
Middle East: (9) Iran plateau near Yazd, Iran
Africa: (10) Central Highlands Lake Kivu area and (11)

the Ahaggar Plateau near Tamanrasset, Algeria

Europe: (12) Transylvanian Plateau in the Carpathian

Weather patterns on the earth will change radically in
the coming decades in line with the greater availability of
water and will make such forbidden arid areas as the
Australian Outback, Saharan and Gobi Plateaux, much
more habitable. Ethiopia, a very arid Africa country, has
recently been under heavy flooding. A very mild, wet
climate is expected to take over the earth, and regular
rainfall will resume in arid regions that were once fertile
and arable.

The Thirteenth Spiritual Region: Capital ofthe New Golden

The Thirteenth Spiritual Region will be designated the
Capital of the New Golden Age around the year 2040. Two
locations may be considered: Victoria Island in the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Northern reaches of Canada or Greenland. What is

revealed after the glaciers have melted and how these two
locations are used during the world war will determine if
either of them can meet the karmic requirements of the
Spiritual Hierarchy for such a sacred location.
Nuclear Fall-out and Pandemics

The coastal and riverine flooding will inevitably affect

nuclear power plants, since most are located near bodies
of water. Nuclear radiation from flood-damaged plants
presents serious dangers. The chance that Governments
will take measures to deactivate these facilities at the
behest of esoteric predictions is highly unlikely but man
must always learn by his own experience and mistakes.
Another effect of these water-related earth changes
will be pandemics. Some diseases will be born out of the
release of biological pollution and stagnation in the
aftermath of catastrophes. Others will be man-induced,
for when the Dark Forces realize that they can no longer
have their way in certain regions, they will release
pandemics as part of their scorched earth tactics. In the
aftermath of such pandemics, these areas will have to
undergo years of cleansing before they can be used again
for the New Golden Age.

Stage 3: Continental Shifts Beyond our Lifetimes

While civilisation struggles on, tucked away in the
highland and Spiritual Regions, the rest of the earth will
continue to undergo changes that will alter the earth's
surface as we know it today. Many survivors living far
from the Spiritual Regions are likely to be subject to these
profound changes unless they are able to make their way
to the Spiritual Regions and ultimate safety. It is unlikely
that anyone reading this book today will witness these


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

changes, but we can project the re-mapping of the world's

surface into the New Golden Age as a matter of

Thousand Islands Scenario

The incoming energies projected onto the planet from
2012 onward will cause ever more profound changes on
earth's surface, changes that will defy current science and
logic. Whole continents will drift either in the same
direction of the current tectonic plates, or certain
landmasses will sink, as was the case with Atlantis, and
some submerged land masses will rise from out of the
When all is settled, the configuration of land and sea
expected for the New Golden Age will be large islands up
to the size of New Zealand or Japan, interspersed by
smaller water bodies. This will contrast with our present
geographical configuration of large expanses of oceans
and landmasses. No continental powers will exist. A
world of a thousand islands will operate as a world
without artificial boundaries. Water will serve as the
delimitation of communities and the primary medium of
communication between the islands, and sea transport in
all forms will re-develop.

North American Continent

The west coast of North America from the Baja
Peninsula to the panhandle of Alaska will detach forming
several coastal islands. Earthquakes will cause one half of
Alaska to drop off into the sea. The Central Valley of
California, the Mojave Desert and low-lying areas along
the coast will be submerged under the rising ocean and
the Sierra Madre mountain range will constitute the new
western coastline.


The Sanctus German us Prophecies

Vol 2

Water will create of the North American continent

several large island-continents. North America will be
split into three pieces: 1) the area west of the Mississippi,
2) east of the Mississippi and south of the St. Lawrence,
and 3) East of the Great Lakes and north of the St.
Lawrence. As the permafrost melts, the Hudson Bay will
reach down to the Great Lakes Basin spilling over into the
Mississippi to form a long seaway to the Gulf of Mexico
and into the St. Lawrence to form an even wider seaway
connecting to the Atlantic. The whole mid-west up to the
Rockies will be inundated, and the Rockies will jut out as
an island-continent.
The north-south range of the Rocky Mountains will be
cut into segments by earthquakes and form several
island-continents as the Pacific and the North American
tectonic plates move in opposite directions. The foothills
and plateaux on the eastern slopes of the Rockies will
constitute Spiritual Regions for the surviving populations
of the North American Continent.
Central and South America

In South America water will once again separate the

Andes from the coastal highlands that run from Brazil
(Bahia, Minas Gerais, Parana, Santa Catarina) to Argentina
with all the central lowlands running from the Amazon
valley down through to the southern part of Argentina
being inundated. What is now South America will become
two large island-continents.
All of Central America will be submerged, and the
connection between North and South America will be cut


CHapter 3 Earth Changes

Asia and the Pad.fie Rim

As both the eastern and western sides of the Pacific
Rim rock with earthquakes, the resulting tsunamis and
ocean disturbances will temporarily submerge most of the
Pacific Islands, especially Hawaii. Then parts of the lost
continent of Lemuria will rise out of the middle of the
Most of China's lowland coastal areas will be
submerged during Stage 2. Then, through a series of
seismic movements, all that will remain of present China
will be the high plateau of the Gobi desert and the
Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, which will serve as the point of
refuge for the Chinese civilisation. There it will again
flourish in the New Golden Age under the original Chinese
race as one of the Spiritual Regions.
The islands of Taiwan and the Philippines will
submerge as underwater land masses rise out of the

Most of Southeast Asia will be severely flooded. All the
lowlands around the Tonie Sap Lake of Cambodia and
South Vietnam - the M ekong Delta - will sink with the
higher areas of Laos and Northern Vietnam becoming a

Russia below the 65 degree latitude will become a
soggy marchland due to the meltdown of permafrost that
will drain into a huge inland sea where the Western
Siberian lowlands and the Kirgiz steppe are now located.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies

Vol 2

South Asia
India's lowlands, the Indus and Ganges river valleys
will be submerged during stage 2. What will remain are
the foothills and hill stations of the Himalayas. The
Western Ghats will form another island-continent. The
H imalayas and the Western Ghats will serve as two
Spiritual Regions in which humanity will continue

Australia and New Zealand

Australia's eastern side will be submerged while the
western desert will become habitable. New Zealand will
be pushed up out of the sea to create a larger island
New Zealand and the Western desert of Australia will
serve as the Spiritual Regions down under.

The British Isles and most of Western Europe,
including the lowlands of Germany, France, Italy and
Spain will be submerged. Much of Scandinavia will remain
intact although its coastal areas will be submerged.
Eastern Europe's river basins will be submerged. The
Carpathians will emerge as an island-continent with a
Spiritual Region.
Northern European populations will find refuge in the
Scandinavian highlands while western and eastern
European populations should repair to the Carpathian
mountain range.


Chapter 3 Earth Changes

A large island-continent will rise out of the North

Atlantic Ocean between North American and Europe.

The Middle East

The Persian Gulf will become a huge sea covering Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq and stretching from Egypt to the
western shores of I ndia. To the north Iran and Turkey will
flood so that the Caspian Sea, Black Sea and the Eastern
Mediterranean are all one body of water. There will no
longer be any need for the Suez Canal. The whole Arabian
Peninsula to the east of the Suez will submerge.

Today's African continent will split into four island

1) The West African region, the Senegal and Niger
Rivers will separate from the north and become a large
2) Much of sub-Saharan Africa will be covered with
water as high sea levels inundate the river systems and
surrounding areas. The inland delta of the Niger in Mali
will form a huge lake. However, the arid northern plateau
of the Sahara will remain intact and form a new island
continent where a Golden Age once existed under the
command of Sanctus Germanus.
Heavy rains will
rejuvenate this region. The inland sea that now lies under
the Sahara will rise and join with the Mediterranean in the
3) What is South and Southeast Africa today will break
away from the main continent to become an island
continent, and
4) the central highlands where Kenya, Burundi and
Rwanda are located will remain intact and serve as one of


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

the Spiritual Regions during this long period

continental change. Most of Egypt will be submerged.


Emergence of Pristine Lands

As the polar and permafrost meltdown advances, vast
pristine lands in the northern reaches of Canada and
Russia will be revealed from under the ice and used for
the New Golden Age. Greenland will emerge as a
temperate area with virgin lands exposed once its glaciers
have melted. These post-diluvian areas, however, will
require many decades, if not centuries, to drain and
become habitable.
Some islands, such as those in the Pacific with active
volcanoes will rise further from beneath the oceans. These
will manifest as large land bodies in the middle of the
ocean and become island-continents. The present islands
will become the future highlands of these island
continents and their rains will flow down for decades
leaching out the saline areas. Most of these areas will
remain uninhabited until repopulated centuries later.
Survivors of Stage 3 of the pralaya will be scattered
around the world in various Spiritual Regions. We will
discuss how these areas will bring in the much-promised
Golden Age in the following chapters.
* * *

Most of us will live to experience Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Many may choose not to go on after Stage 1 is completed,
but others will be driven by a sense of purpose and
mission to continue into Stage 2. These lightbearers have
been placed on the earth plane during this time to inform
and lead mankind as best they can through the pralaya.
We shall now see who these people are and what tasks lie
ahead for them amid all the earth changes.


Chapter 4
Role of the Llghtbearer
". . . the moment a man can 'see ' on the astral plane, and can
achieve equilibrium and hold steady in the midst of its vibrating
forces, that moment he is ready for initiation. ''27 Djwal Khu/

Amid the chaos of the present pralaya, the Spiritual

Hierarchy has called upon the brightest and best to serve
as beacons of light to a suffering humanity. These are the
tried and true lightbearers, who have spent thousands of
lifetimes making their long and arduous journeys through
the initiations of the Spiritual H ierarchy. In this chapter
we will identify these lightbearers, discuss the leadership
role they will play during this pralaya and the current
crisis of commitment.
Who are the Lightbearers?

More than four hundred years ago, the Masters of

Wisdom and their initiates laid out plans for this current
pralaya and the Golden Age that would follow. Since this
was to be a Minor Pralaya of partial destruction, the
H ierarchy decided to embark on an experiment to give the
present civilisation another chance to right its wrongs,
reshape society, and prepare it for a Golden Age.
Realizing that humanity would need all the help it could
muster, the H ierarchy called for volunteers from amongst

Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise

Publishing Co, p. 221.



White Magic, New York:


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

their own high-level initiates and from other, higher,

evolutions to reincarnate on earth during this time.


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t n l m?

\11 riot1\ (;radts of llidplr

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C cucral H umanity



9: The four levels ofjnitiates on the earth plane and

their relationship to the Spiritual Hierarchy

The Hierarchy would rely heavily on the four levels of

initiates as well as disciples and probationers on the Path
to carry out the Divine Plan. Diagram 9 above shows the
Planetary Hierarchy or the inner government of our


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

planet and how it reaches down to the earth plane

through its initiates and disciples. From the Lord of the
World, Sanat Kumara, down to the probationer on the
Path, the role of the initiates as intermediaries between
the earth plane and the Spiritual Hierarchy is essential.
The Spiritual Hierarchy introduced the Path of
Initiation to humanity millions of years ago so that
humans could, through spiritual evolution, make their
way up the ranks of the Hierarchy. Eventually, spiritually
advanced individuals who had passed through earth's
school of hard knocks would evolve to the point where
they would reach Masterhood and occupy high cosmic
offices in the Hierarchy. This way, the Planetary Logos
would not have to rely on advanced souls from other
planets to fill the ranks of earth's Hierarchy but could
draw on initiates with earthbound experience. This is the
case today, where most, if not all the initiates approaching
Masterhood, and the Masters of Wisdom themselves, are
products of earthly experience. At any time, there are
thousands making their way up the Path of Initiation.
So, out of the pool of discarnate initiates on the
spiritual plane, thousands volunteered to put aside their
pursuit of individual enlightenment in order to
reincarnate during this period of upheaval. They made
this decision out of compassion for humanity and would
be known on earth as bodhisattvas or lightbearers.
Volunteers were presented before the Karmic Board, and
one in three were chosen to incarnate.2s
These volunteers worked closely with teams from all
three Hierarchical departments, under the guidance of the
Master Sanctus Germanus, to draw up plans for this
pralaya. Many who had volunteered had already passed
through the Fourth Initiation and no longer needed to
28 !nnocenti, Geraldine, Bridge to Freedom Channeling


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol

incarnate on earth to advance.

Some had already
achieved the Second or Third Initiations.
volunteered to reincarnate several times in the four
hundred year period, in order to learn necessary skills to
make them more useful during this pralaya. In many
cases, it has taken at least eight to ten generations of
incarnations for these souls to prepare for their critical
roles in the years to come.
Those chosen were la creme de la creme. Never before
in the history of mankind have so many past luminaries
elected to return to the earth plane one last time to spend
their lives learning and mastering a necessary field of
endeavour such as finance, politics, banking, education,
art and music in order to carry the positive aspects of
these fields into the New Golden Age. Aside from
acquiring professional expertise, sometimes in areas
dominated by the Dark Forces, they would all share one
thing: a yearning for the spiritual, no matter how difficult
or easy the mission.
The Making of a Lightbearer

Throughout the many centuries preceding this pralaya,

lightbearers have reincarnated hundreds if not thousands
of times to learn lessons from earth's school. Over several
lifetimes they consciously broke away from the masses,
entered the Path of Initiation, and became servers of
humanity. The process described below summarizes how
they became initiates and chose to return to help those
they left behind.
General H umanity ranges from the masses struggling
to meet their basic daily needs to those of great wealth
and material achievement.
Spiritual development
concerns them little. Out of the masses candidates for the
initiation process filter out. Any soul is welcome to


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

embark on the Path of Initiation by entering the

Probationary Path.
At this point the personality begins to take cognizance
of itself and moves to improve its weaknesses. Each time
it reincarnates, it picks up where it left off in the previous
lifetime until the soul leads it firmly on the Probationary
Path. A guiding Master is aware of the soul's effort and
assigns an initiate or disciple to watch over it. After
several lifetimes on the Probationary Path, it produces a
personality that achieves standing as a Master's disciple
and becomes aware of working for group efforts rather
than just for itself. If the disciple is fortunate to have
money at his or her disposal, it should be used for the
good of service.
After several lifetimes the soul is ready to enter the
Portal of Initiation. Several lifetimes are spent on the First
Initiation, as the soul grapples to bring the physical body
and its desires under control. It then passes onto the
Second Initiation, where the soul brings the astral body
under control.
Then comes the Third Initiation
(Transcendence) where the initiate learns to control his
mental vehicle and manipulate thought matter. Both the
second and third initiations can be achieved within one
lifetime. Finally, comes the Fourth Initiation (Crucifixion),
where the lightbearer is in reality an adept who has
mastered the physical, etheric, astral, and mental bodies
and even reaches into the two lower sub-planes of his
Buddhic vehicle. After the Fourth Initiation, the soul is no
longer required to reincarnate on the earth plane. Both
the Third and Fourth I nitiations are conferred by Sanat
Kumara Himself.29

29 For more information on the initiation process, consult Alice A

Bailey's Initiation Human and Solar, published by the Lucis Trust, New


The Sanctus Gerrnanus Prophecies Vol 2

The Masters of Wisdom know the soul history of each

and every lightbearer; their akashic records being stored
in Shamballa's Hall of Records. The Spiritual Hierarchy is
thus solely in the position to initiate individuals, having
the full history of soul at their disposal. To date, there are
no human organisations on the earth plane authorized or
capable of initiating disciples in the name of the
Hierarchy. Yet many New Age organisations administer
attunements or initiations, promise rapid formulae for
ascension and purport to carry out Hierarchical initiation
ceremonies. These are grossly misleading many well
intentioned lightbearers who seek only to retrieve their
soul plans. However, if lightbearers allow themselves to
be misled, they then will prove themselves unfit for true
service to the Hierarchy.

The Llgb.tbearers of Today

No matter how advanced the initiates may be at the
time of their reincarnation, once incarnated they are
subject to the memory veil that blocks all previous
knowledge and soul plans from consciousness. This is the
level playing field, so to speak, until the lightbearer
realises his or her path and re-discovers the plan he or
she has laid out.
As part of the Divine Plan, lightbearers have returned
to earth to accomplish a mission rather than achieve
sainthood. We make this statement in a bit of jest, because
to accomplish their missions, they must also possess
many of the qualities of "Sainthood". All lightbearers
spent previous lives in some form of self-abnegation,
sacrifice, and purity in service to humanity on the road to
achieving soul integration with the personality. Many also
contributed to mankind's advancement through their
scientific and artistic breakthroughs.
Some were
statespersons whose policies and perseverance liberated


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

their fellow humans from political as well as other forms

of oppression. Some worked tirelessly to relieve human
suffering and contributed many positive works to
humanity with great personal sacrifice. From their past
lives, their souls are geared to service to mankind.
Back again this time, many lightbearers suffer greatly
during childhood, primarily because they choose to
balance any residual karma early on before entering into
full service of the Hierarchy during the pralaya. They
often choose families where they suffer psychological or
physical abuse, for childhood is like boot camp for the
lightbearer. They often do not fit in with their families
and indeed some do not even physically resemble their
biological parents. Within the family, they stand out as
different or even black sheep.
They may also suffer in normal educational institutions
because they tend not to conform to the normal rites of
growing up. Being tried and true matured souls, they
often do not see the need to be part of the silliness that
pervades secondary education. Their fellow classmates
often consider them social outcasts and as a result they
suffer from loneliness. However, they are likely to excel
academically. Their inner strength sustains them through
the painful growing-up period, and many begin to find
inner and professional strength once they are
independent from their families.
Many lightbearers will reject traditional religions early
on because they have already surpassed the limitations of
dogma in previous lives. Others opt for working within
established traditional religions as reformers, rebels or
innovators. However, many choose to remain spiritually
neutral and unaffiliated with traditional religious


The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol

As many reach the zenith of their professional careers,

their spiritual yearnings become more and more intense.
Some leave their posts while others struggle to maintain
interest in their jobs and still answer the spiritual
yearnings within. A search begins. They begin to look for
answers in the other dimensions, consulting astrologers,
psychics, and mediums; poring through books on near
death experiences; or visiting the many spiritually
oriented websites on the I nternet. Some questions are
answered, but inevitably they are left with more
questions than answers. At this juncture, it is usually time
for the lightbearer to begin the retrieval of his or her last
Retrieval ofthe Last Initiative LeveJ3o

In all lightbearers plans, there is a trigger that should

awaken them to a deep feeling that they need to fulfill
some kind of spiritual mission. This awakening should
take place in the years leading up to 2012. The trigger
could be a deep emotional crisis, a growing dissatisfaction
with life in general or a simple, all-abiding knowledge that
priorities in one's life have got to change. Life just
"doesn't feel right" and seems to be butting against a brick
As this awakening needles the lightbearer, he or she
feels the nudge to look into the spiritual side of life, and
there begins a gradual process of reversing life priorities,
probing into spiritual teachings and re-contacting the soul
until the spiritual life becomes more important than the
professional. Following the urgings of this awakening
requires that the lightbearer re-establish contact with the
H igher Self and in doing so, he or she re-connects to the
Divine Plan.


In Chapter 5 we outline how to achieve this retrieval


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

Usually, the retrieval involves a rapid retake of all the

arduous steps from probation to discipleship and then to
the initiations themselves. Through deep meditation,
study, and service, this fast-forward path to initiation can
be achieved within a few years rather than several
lifetimes. The process can be quite trying, as it demands a
quickening of the vibrations of the body vehicle, so much
so that sometimes, the body is too weak to withstand the
rapid transformations. H owever, this process takes place
under the supervision of a Master.
As the lightbearer retrieves the initiation process in
condensed form, he or she must also deal with all the bad
habits and karma picked up during the present
incarnation. Retrieval can be both invigorating and
earthshaking to the personality, so many lightbearers fall
by the wayside and give up.
Those who successfully retrieve their previous level of
initiation may have to re-learn how to serve humanity.
Service is written into the lightbearer's soul, but life's
circumstances and the personality can obscure its
manifestation. Usually the lightbearer's professional
expertise is related to this divine service, but not until
reconnection with one's H igher Self has taken place can
the lightbearer's expertise be placed in the overall local
and world context
Alternative to Retrieval

The Spiritual Hierarchy has used another arrangement

to bring into incarnation past luminaries or advanced
initiates who are busy with other projects in the spiritual
dimensions. Another soul will volunteer to incarnate and
prepare a body vehicle from birth until a given time,
usually an emotional crisis, at which point the first soul


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol

will vacate the body and another, more advanced, will

take its place. As the first soul gradually vacates, the
personality either experiences a rub with death or
psychologically wishes to die. This is an indication of a
walk-in replacement.
The body vehicle retains all the education, breeding,
and memories of the former soul, and except for subtle
differences in personality, the walk-in soul is usually
unperceived except by those who know the person
intimately or by other walk-ins. The body is reinvigorated
by the new vital energy and pursues the mission defined
by its new soul. It will however still experience a period
of physical adjustment, which can be trying and
The Successful Retrieval or Walk-in

As more advanced lightbearers retrieve their former

initiation levels and walk-ins settle into their new body
vehicles, they become aware of or unlock former abilities
as White Magicians. As these abilities emerge through the
personality, they are directed toward the context of the
pralaya and the upheavals to come. As lightbearers regain
their status as White Magicians, they can do the most
good during these trying times. Having an understanding
of the context of the earth changes, they are able to
become spokespersons for the Spiritual H ierarchy,
explaining to their neighbours and friends the reasons for
the upheavals and presenting this information to the
general public, to their families, friends, and colleagues as
It is not uncommon for the majority of humanity to
balk at and resist this information; perhaps even
aggressively argue against it; new ideas that disturb
preconceived notions are bound to cause discomfort,


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

resistance to change being one of our hallmarks.

Lightbearers will find themselves accused of being
purveyors of negativity and prophets of doom because the
public will not want to hear anything that upsets the
status quo. At the same time, violent, catastrophic earth
changes and turmoil may touch the lightbearer's
community, causing many to wake up: eventually the
lightbearer will be able to emerge as a sane leader in the
midst of the insanity.
Because of the urgent context we find ourselves in
today, it is not uncommon for reconnected lightbearers to
experience an "upgrade" in initiation status, more
commonly earned by going through the rapid and often
painful retrieval process.

A Crisis of Commitment
The years 2006 to 2007 coincide with a sharp
dismantling of the financial markets, which will touch
The Spiritual Hierarchy estimates that
lightbearers should by this time have come to a decision
about their commitment to service. As outlined above,
such a commitment involves a process of retrieving the
level of spiritual development in a previous lifetime,
consolidating that level of initiation in this incarnation,
carrying out of this lifetime's mission of service, and
moving on to the next higher level of initiation. For
example, if the lightbearer had achieved the level of the
Second Initiation in a previous lifetime, he or she must
regain that level and through further service, can
conceivably reach the Third or even Fourth within this

Ascensionists who promise any initiation beyond the fourth are

grossly misrepresenting the Path of Initiation and making a mockery of


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

During sleep hours, lightbearers continue to meet on

the upper levels of the astral plane and actively work
together as a group of world servers, preparing for the
events that lie ahead. The contradiction between life
during sleep and waking hours is what causes the
uneasiness and drive to awaken to one's mission, for it is
on the conscious level that lightbearers must come to a
decision about service to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Once
this contradiction is resolved and sleep hour activities
blend harmoniously with those of the conscious hours, a
sense of peace will reign within.

Life's Demands
During waking hours, too many potential lightbearers
are overwhelmed by the details and problems of their
earthly lives.
Family problems and obligations;
unsympathetic spouses; ease and comfort in the material
life or, conversely, hardships caused by lack of funds;
basic selfishness learned in this incarnation; power
ambitions - all contribute to a range of excuses that
prevent many from responding to the urgings of their
Higher Selves.
At the same time, the Dark Forces on the astral plane
have aimed their attention at these luminaries as they
make their way through the blind maze of their present
incarnations, tricking and misleading them along the way
so that in many cases, some have resorted to drugs or
alcoholism, chosen impossible marriage situations, and
picked up early illnesses.
The temptations of power and authority have also
waylaid many who entered government or corporate
fields. Some lightbearers have taken their careers too
seriously and have been seized by the maya of their
profession or position in society. Others know deep down


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

that they are lightbearers but cannot quite let go of the

easy life they have achieved. These spiritual dabblers and
dilettantes find that requirements for commitment often
interrupt human plans.
Even great spiritual luminaries have been sidetracked
by psychological problems. Some who have generated
large followings borne of the guru-student relationship
have been derailed from their path. So dark and
confusing have been these times that many lightbearers
have lost contact with their original mission. There are
thus many lightbearers who have yet to commit to the
divine service they promised to fulfill at this point in time,
even though they are conscious that something is
awakening within them.
Taking into consideration that only one in ten
incarnated lightbearers is likely to awaken to fulfill a
mission, and most of those will only pay lip service to
wanting to serve, the Masters of Wisdom are all-too aware
that once incarnated, the memory veil can blind the
The Master El Morya describes His
Since Our introduction to 'society,' We have been
subjected to these 'invitations' which would be
laughable if so much did not hinge upon them.
The first timid overtures to Us from the 'boldest'
spiritual pioneers went something like this . . . 'I say!
Are you there? Well, if you are, please come in . . . but
my world is in perfect systematic running order.
Please don 't disturb anything . . It would be 'jolly' if
you would stay awhile and tell me all about myself!
Now, on the face of it, We cannot even think of a
person without disturbing the rhythm of their worlds,
let alone stepping over the threshold into actual


The Sanctus German us Prophecies

Vol 2

association with them; so the door is closed before We

can even acknowledge the invitation, if you can call it
On the rare occasions when We were permitted to
answer and enter the world of the lightbearer, of
course things began to happen. The living battery of
Our energies, no matter how they are muted, energizes
everything it touches. Thus when We enter the
consciousness, the re-arrangement of the world of the
student begins. It is as uncomfortable as all house
moving, renovations and improvements always are to
the self, which enjoys stagnation.
Then - the
REACTION! Disappointment in the Guests, and usually
'forcible eviction' and thus closes the 'sweet
association' between man and his Masters!37
Thus, as the crises in the world mount, a crisis
commitment within the ranks of the lightbearers brews.

Meditation Problems
Meditation is the best way to achieve contact with
one's soul. Many dabble with meditation but cannot
concentrate or persevere long enough to make any
noticeable progress. Many lightbearers struggle with the
simplest methods, unable to concentrate or visualise as
the mind swirls with life's problems and conflicts.
Restlessness pervades, momentary emotional upheavals
interrupt, and any practice of regular meditation soon
gives way to the other demands of life.
The Master Djwal Khul informs us that a good
education trains the mind to concentrate. The scientist,
politician, doctor, lawyer, business person - those in any
field of endeavour requiring concentration - would tend

Printz, Thomas. The First Ray. Bridge to Freedom, AMTF, pp.



Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

to succeed better at meditation rather than the untrained

Concentration and visualisation come out of discipline
and just plain hard work and willpower. There is no
shortcut. Control of the mind's wanderings is the sole task
of its owner. Achieving mental control is what separates
the useful lightbearer from the spiritual dabbler or

Isolation and Fear

Lightbearers are scattered across the earth,
participating in all sectors of human society in all
countries and cultures. It is unlikely that they are
gathered in large concentrations in one particular area.
Since there is no church or formal organisation from
which they can seek company, their awakening may
exacerbate the sense of fear and isolation they, different
from birth, may have felt throughout this incarnation.
Nevertheless, they must learn to stand on their own and
in relative isolation until the day they join other
lightbearers. As beacons of the Hierarchy's light in their
respective geographical areas, they must learn to be
strong, independent workers for the Spiritual Hierarchy,
often without monetary remuneration.33

Countervailing Astral Influences

Most damaging to the Hierarchy's lightbearer strategy
has been the Dark Forces' counter-strategy, designed to
block the lightbearer's awakening. The Dark Forces

At the behest of the

Master Sanctus Germanus, the website

S.!!.!l.<;!!rn.!i....n et was created to serve as a rallying point for

lightbearers around the world.


One of its purposes is to inform the

geographically isolated lightbearer that he or she i s not alone and that

a wide network of lightbearers is forming.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol

utilize the astral plane to create voices posing as Masters

(and even God!) to mislead the lightbearers. Many
lightbearers have awakened only to be drawn to follow
the voices streaming into their, or others', consciousness
from Dark Forces-inspired astral entities instead of their
souls. These astral voices, so subtle at times that they
resemble one's own thoughts, have misguided many
lightbearers into following tantalizing theories of, for
example, rapid ascension and DNA activations to reach
enlightenment rather than following the nitty gritty of
understanding their mission within the Divine Plan. Some
of the Hierarchy's most advanced lightbearers have fallen
prey to these Dark influences, and once under the Dark
regime, they are most often crippled mentally or rendered
ineffective for future work with the true Spiritual
H ierarchy.
A multitude of Masters and their initiates on the
spiritual plane work tirelessly to maintain mental contact
with lightbearers in order to guide and remind them of
what they had promised to do. Yet many lightbearers
ignore these urgings, convincing themselves that other
astral voices, which tell them what they want to hear and
make them feel good are their legitimate guides.
But despite the critical situation with committed
lightbearers, the Spiritual H ierarchy will not compromise
on the quality of a lightbearer's commitment.
Conunitment Required

The Spiritual Hierarchy holds the candle of hope that

most lightbearers will realize their promised mission. If
they do not, then the burden will fall on the committed.
First and foremost, the lightbearer must gain a clear
vision of his or her role as etched in the soul. Only deep
meditation and a sincere intent can bring this role to the


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

conscious mind. Those who wait to be told what to do will

wait forever.
Second, the mere knee-jerk instinct for physical
survival in face of the earth changes will not suffice as
commitment. Half-hearted commitment out of fear will
not be sufficient for the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Third, commitment is not alternative employment for
lightbearers or their spouses. And, no, the Spiritual
Hierarchy will not promise lightbearers a salary to carry
out their mission! The heart-felt commitment comes
without conditions. Most will find that once engaged.
remuneration comes naturally.
Fourth, service must be selfless and benefit those
outside the lightbearer's immediate family.
Fifth, as implied above, a commitment to service comes
with the retrieval process. We emphasize that this
process is already underway: the Masters of Wisdom are
working full time with lightbearers around the world, be
it through the world's principal religions, its regional and
local deities, non-affiliated self-realisation, meditation
groups, and the like to nudge lightbearers into action.
Sixth, once committed, lightbearers must work
diligently to raise the vibrations of their physical vehicles
so they can meet the challenges ahead. Purification of the
vehicle is very important.
Seventh, the above considerations point the
lightbearer to the practice of White Magic, defined here as
divine acts that benefit mankind. When lightbearers again
begin practicing White Magic, they are firmly on the path
in accordance with the Divine Plan.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Consequences of the Commitment Crisis

If lightbearers are slow to awaken or commit to their
mission, then the suffering associated with the three
crises - economic depression, world war, and earth
changes - will know no bounds. The critical period from
2006 to 2012 will determine whether mankind will twist
and turn in the winds of suffering or end, as quickly as
possible, the Dark Force regime that has gripped
humanity since time immemorial. Whether or not the
Army of Lightbearers awakens, the unravelling of the
Dark Force-dominated financial system and the suffering
this will inflict on mankind will continue. When the Dark
Forces seize upon this suffering and utilize the masses of
unemployed for their barbaric, militaristic aims, more
human suffering will ensue.
Without lightbearers' full-time efforts to bring light to
such misery, world suffering will drag on. Lightbearers,
adequately prepared as White Magicians, can lead actions
of compassion in every community to alleviate human
suffering. They cannot stop the march of the pralaya, but
they can bring each event to a rapid conclusion and
shorten the period of human suffering. This is the great
gift that the lightbearers can bring to humankind during
the pre-2012 period.
Most of all, their most important contribution lies after
this period of human turmoil, for it is in their hands that
rests the formation of a transitional society during the
Period of Reconstruction that will shape the tenor of the
New Golden Age decades from now.


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

The Inner Leadership





Because lightbearers are dispersed throughout the

world, their force as a group appears structure-less and
disorganized. However, no human organisation has the
capacity to identify and bring thousands, perhaps
millions, of dispersed lightbearers together. Instead,
behind this loose earthly structure stands a solid, spiritual
structure, which is an integral part of the Spiritual
H ierarchy that is guiding each lightbearer to play his or
her part in the whole plan. The head of this structure is
the Master Sanctus Germanus, better known as Sanctus
Germanus, the H ierarch of the New Golden Age.
Thousands of Masters, the majority of which are unknown
to mankind, work on this project. These Masters are
behind every lightbearer, and from their vantage point,
they are able to gauge the true motivation and
commitment of each.
As the various crises come to a head in the coming
years and human governments, institutions and
organisations begin to crumble, this structure will begin
to manifest. The Masters and their initiates are presently
drawing their incarnated lightbearers back into this
structure, so that in the near future, there will be a
seamless hierarchical structure stretching up from the
earth plane into the spiritual dimensions above.

As Above So Below
Lightbearers are thus the essential link between the
spirit world and the physical, and as they retrace their
Path, they will eventually retrieve their ability to move
easily between dimensions and maintain clear


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

communications with the Spiritual Hierarchy.

spiritual link will occur in every field of endeavour. With
the help of their counterparts in the spiritual world, a
chemist lightbearer, for example, may devise a
breakthrough formula, a journalist-lightbearer will arrive
with new insights to expose the work of the Dark Forces,
and a banker-lightbearer might come to see the financial
machinations within the industry and propose reforms.
When lightbearers come together in group service, a
counterpart group on the spirit plane is formed to aid the
whole endeavour. Or one could say that the earthly group
comes together because there is a counterpart group on
the spiritual plane. The counterpart group is usually
comprised of former colleagues and experts in a given
field. So in this way, a strong, but unseen, structure backs
the lightbearers' activities, if and when they embark on
the service mission they have promised to undertake.
This arrangement also helps to keep the activity within
the purview of the Divine Plan, for if the human group
strays from its mission, members will sense an inner
dissatisfaction until they make the effort to realign
Many lightbearers will be guided to lead the way to the
Spiritual Regions well ahead of the most damaging
catastrophes. With them go patterns of governance and
structures of social organisation known to their
counterparts on the etheric plane.
These etheric
counterparts work with the highest cosmic principles
upon which to build a new transitional society; the
combination of "ground level" lightbearer groups and
their etheric counterparts working together in the
Spiritual Regions will give humanity a second opportunity
to right the course of humanity's evolution.


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

Formation of a World Council ofAdepts

The Spiritual Hierarchy sends its avatars and Masters
onto the earth plane to guide and counsel mankind during
periods of turmoil. The Masters of Wisdom, for the most
part, work telepathically through their incarnated
lightbearers on the earth plane. Yet from time to time
they, themselves, will assume astral or etheric bodies to
make a visible appearance on earth. Others work more
constantly and in secret on the earth plane on all
continents. For instance, some Masters are known to
attend important political and economic summit meetings
disguised as summit participants. They are known to
contact discouraged lightbearers "in the flesh" to
encourage them. They are also known to overshadow
lightbearers and speak through them.
In the coming years, a Council of Adepts will form
quietly on the earth plane. This council will be comprised
of adepts of the Spiritual H ierarchy who occupy key
positions in all fields of endeavour. It is not clear at this
point if the Masters will also be members of this Council.
For obvious reasons, this Council will remain behind the
scenes and operate in secret until conditions on the earth
When the Council comes together, it will constitute the
guiding light for the world of lightbearers. In each safe
area, members of the Council of Adepts will organize a
structure based on cosmic principles that will serve and
organize the incoming lightbearers. Their first major task
is to set up an organisation that can receive displaced
persons making their way to the Spiritual Regions from
disaster areas.

1 05

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies

Vol 2

Leadership Role of the Committed Ligbtbearer

Let us now concentrate on those lightbearers who have
committed themselves to the work of the Spiritual
The truly committed lightbearer has undertaken to
work in a minefield. During the pre-2012 period, the
lightbearer's main task is to alleviate human suffering
caused by economic depression, war, and initial earth
changes. Working against great odds, the lightbearer must
regain his or her ability as a White Magician to counter
the negative effects of the departing Dark Forces.
Humanity is at the point today where only suffering can
cause it to open its eyes, and the lightbearer must stand
ready and available to help, not as an average person but
as a White Magician.
Service in the midst of the major crises will try the
lightbearer, and without proper resolve, some may decide
to abandon their mission. Those who choose to continue
their life journey into the New Golden Age must start
making the necessary adjustments now. We emphasize
that living through the upheavals in the next few decades
requires a conscious decision to serve. Lightbearers, who
feel their ongoing life commitments are more important
and decide to make no change in their lives, will continue
to live as much out of harm's way as possible without
fulfilling their commitment. Only the Lords of Karma can
decide how this non-action will be rebalanced. There is no
right or wrong in this choice.
The Spiritual Hierarchy makes no concessions on the
quality of the lightbearer's commitment, for was it not the
lightbearer who volunteered for the task? Was it not the
lightbearer who defined his or her role and contribution
according to the Divine Plan?


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

What lies ahead is not for the weak-minded and

spiritual dabblers.
At heart must be a complete
commitment to carry out one's mission, no matter how
menial or difficult it may be. A clear knowledge of one's
soul mission borne out of meditation will provide the
drive and fortitude the lightbearer needs to follow the
path to the Spiritual Regions, deal with huge
displacements of the population and eventually
participate in the reconstruction of a transitional society
that will serve as a model for the New Golden Age.

Opportunities for Co-operation among Lightbearers

In the previous chapter we discussed briefly how the
Great Floods will inundate the coastal and low-lying areas
of the world. Many of the world's main cities along the
coasts will be destroyed causing a toll of life beyond
anything we can imagine. At the same time, higher
elevation urban centres and the regions surrounding
these centres will remain intact.
There are a host of cooperative actions that can be
undertaken, following the sequence of the three crises we
cited above: the economic depression, the coming war,
and the eventual population evacuation caused by the
Great Floods. Knowing this sequence, lightbearers can
plan well before each of these crises hits.

White Magic: The Basis ofALL Solutions34

Faced with overwhelming conditions, what can
lightbearers do? First and foremost, each lightbearer must
regain complete control over his or her mind so that he or
she controls thought rather than thoughts controlling the
34 Highly recommended reading is A Treatise
A. Bailey

1 07


White Magic. by Alice

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

mind. See chapter 5 for our suggestions on gaining

dominion over the mind.
Second, unlike charity or relief organisations
dispensing aid, lightbearers can offer spiritually-inspired
but practical solutions to problems that confront them.
They can heal suffering as White Magicians, much as the
Master Jesus did. People in need will seek out the
lightbearer to perform such services as telepathic
spiritual healing,35 which can be applied to any dire
circumstance, be it the need for food to healing diseases.
Sound telepathic healing can help individuals and groups
in times of need.
At the start, lightbearers as White Magicians must be
very discreet in helping people, for most will not
understand White Magic. Spiritual guides and the Masters
will direct people in need to lightbearers, or lightbearers
will be placed in situations where silent meditation and
the invocation of White Magic may be the only solution.
Many "miracles" will occur from lightbearers' actions, and
by their works, other spiritually-inclined people will
gather around them for solace and comfort. The crises, in
other words, present enormous opportunities for service
and compassion.

Highland-Lowland Cooperation Pattern

Lightbearers located in areas which will most likely be
flooded should follow the promptings of their spiritual
guides to inform their communities and to begin planning
to move to higher elevations. Those already located in the
higher elevation centres have been placed there to
prepare for the influx of displaced lowland populations. A
The Sanctus Germanus Foundation is training a core of telepathic
healers who will teach other light-workers to practice telepathic



Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

natural cooperation between highland and lowland

lightbearers thus will exist to meet this eventual crisis.
Lightbearers in both the safe and endangered areas in a
particular region should begin to work together to plan
how they will cope with the crises ahead.

Economic Depression: Opportunities for Lightbearers

A key role among lightbearers during this period will
be to help alleviate suffering caused by a worldwide
economic depression. Millions will be unemployed, paper
money will lose its value, families will be forced out into
the streets and many ordinary people will be reduced to
begging on the streets. Walking through the streets and
seeing such misery, lightbearers will be called upon for
mental and spiritual healing not only of the general
situation but of individuals.

Signs of Local Economic Stress

The worldwide economic depression is expected to hit
bottom in late 2007. From that point, there will be no
recovery for years to come, and the world in general will
revert to basic living. At first the signs will not be so
apparent, but as the years drag on, the stress will become
more overt.
Lightbearers should not rely on the media and
governments for any confirmation as they will be in
Instead, lightbearers should look in their
immediate communities for the following signs:

H igher than usual unemployment

"For Sale" signs in front of houses as the
worldwide real estate bubble pops
Bankruptcies of stores and businesses on the
main commercial thoroughfares, empty and

1 09

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

boarded up store-fronts
Local bank failures and runs on the bank
Increasing number of families on welfare
More ordinary people begging on the streets
Greater number of homeless families
crowding into charitable organisations
More and more people resorting to
exchanging services rather than paying cash
Resurrection of depression-style soup
Increase in crime
Harsher local police tactics
Militarization of the population: more
people in uniform

On the national and international levels, the US dollar,

the world's reserve currency, will tank and continue to
slide in value until it is worth almost zero. The Euro will
seem stronger for a short time, but will also decline as
confidence in any paper fiat money wanes.
worldwide price of gold will easily shoot pass US$1 000.00
per ounce and continue upward without any restraint.
All these signs spell a hyper-inflationary situation that
will empty every wallet and pocketbook. People will be
forced to pay for goods and services with silver or gold or
carry wheelbarrows of worthless paper money to
purchase their daily needs. This situation has already
happened in many countries - Argentina, the Congo,
Guinea, Vietnam, Albania and Russia are recent examples
of how overnight poverty can become a reality.
The economic depression brings many opportunities
for highland/lowland cooperation among lightbearers. Jt
will result in an initial displacement of people as they are
dispossessed of their material belongings and homes and
search for employment.
More and more personal
bankruptcies will force people to move from urban areas


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

to the countryside. This early "economic" shift of
populations should preferably take place from the
lowlands to the highlands.
Lightbearers should use whatever means at their
disposal to encourage people to move to higher
elevations. Because they are able to see into the future,
they should inform the general populace of what is likely
to happen. They can speak to disaster relief agencies and
charitable organisations in their area to adopt policies.
Information is powerful, but it is still up to the individual
to take this information to heart and act on it.
Lightbearers already located at higher elevation
destinations can prepare local authorities for an influx of
the displaced. The potential for conflict between the
incoming populations and the residents of the highland
areas is great, and lightbearers can play a role in receiving
their fellow brothers and sisters in these areas. This may
be a touchy situation requiring much diplomacy, as the
first reaction of such communities will be to bar
newcomers. The more prepared for this eventuality, the
The displaced will need food, shelter, clothing, and
fresh water.
Many of the existing disaster relief
organisations have already adopted procedures to help
local residents cope with disaster, but are they prepared
for mass population movements and the social chaos that
follows? They will not be able to turn to crippled national
governments for help. The magnitude of such population
displacements will overwhelm authorities, so lightbearers
must take a lead role in organizing groups to handle this.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Cooperative efforts among lightbearers as well as
existing groups could include the following:


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Organizing gardens on vacant lands to

provide food
Using abandoned buildings in the elevated
areas to house displaced persons
I dentifying fresh water sources
Collecting used clothing for use in the future
Locate and gain access to arenas, community
halls, recreation halls, school gymnasiums,
etc. to host the homeless and itinerants
Locate cafeterias in all of the facilities that
can be used as basic soup kitchens, etc.
Talk to churches to house the homeless

As the economic shift of the populations continues,

lightbearers in lowland areas should seriously consider
moving to higher ground in preparation for the floods. If
early flooding occurs where lightbearers are located, this
should serve as a concrete signal that a move to higher
ground is required. Lightbearers must reach this decision
by themselves and muster the resources to make the
move. There will be no one to tell them what to do and on
arrival at higher ground there will be no reception
committee to welcome them. They must make the tough
decision to uproot their lives and make the move on their
own initiative, based on guidance from their spiritual
guides. This may mean giving up their homes and
detaching from all possessions that will not help them in
this phase of their mission. This requires a quantum leap
of faith and foreknowledge.
All lightbearers will need a firm and definite plan of
where to go before disaster hits. They should i nvestigate
possible destinations near the Spiritual Regions. Like
many others already in place in those areas, lightbearers
should either move or make definite plans to move - the
earlier, the better.


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

Cooperative Efforts during the War: Time to Move

When world war breaks out and the draft is reinstated
in the US and other countries, it will be time for
lightbearers to move to their chosen Spiritual Regions.
There should be no doubt at this point that the sequence
of prophecies outlined in Volume 1 of The Sanctus
German us Prophecies by the Spiritual Hierarchy is taking
place. All the seeds have been sown for World War I II.
The Council o f Adepts will begin to emerge and guide
lightbearers in the nascent Spiritual Regions. Planning
ahead, they will organize the reception of the displaced.
The march of events will not pause for the reluctant
Lightbearer. Those in the know will labour persistently
and consequently receive the highest support from the
Spiritual Hierarchy. They will alleviate suffering to the
best of their abilities and in this way more survivors will
join their ranks as events unfold.
By 2010, spiritual guides will prompt many
lightbearers to move to one of the Spiritual Regions.
Lightbearers will filter into these areas by their own
accord and re-group both in the cities and rural areas of
these regions. As more earth changes dominate the news,
they will be reassured that they have made the right
The earlier (i.e. 2007 onward) this transmigration
takes place the better. In many parts of the world, e.g.
North and South America, Asia, Europe and the Indian
sub-continent this movement of lightbearers has already
started. Small communities have set up in the mountain
areas of North and South America. In the Himalayan
foothills, a substantial Buddhist infrastructure is in place


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

and certain lamas are keenly aware of the coming earth

changes. Their system of mutual aid is well known.

Wartime Work ofthe Lightbearers

War pits mankind against itself. All war is civil war,
brothers and sisters against their own. War is rooted in
greed and selfishness, not in ideology or religion. There
are no wrong or right sides. Both sides of war are the
tools of the Dark Forces, pitted against one another so
that the Dark Forces can satisfy their greed for money. So
every battle is essentially one of Light versus Darkness.
War is the greater manifestation of the battle raging in
each one of us on the astral plane. The Dark Forces can
manipulate billions of inner conflicts into warring nations.
This is easily done through propaganda sent through the
media to pound this point of view into the minds of
people and agitate their emotions.
A world society suffering in the midst of an economic
depression makes excellent fodder for warmongers.
World War I I rose out of the ashes of the 1929
Depression. Governments will fail to quell social chaos
resulting from the depression, and the military, under the
direct control of the Dark Forces, will take over to
maintain law and order. This is the institutionalization of
repression, as the militarization of the civilian population
will be presented as the only solution to economic chaos;
we can see this happening now. Millions of men and
women will be mobilized into the military to conduct war.
The Dark Forces are fully aware that this is the last
battle with the Light Forces. Knowing that defeat is
inevitable, the Dark Forces will resort to the most drastic
and spectacular measures to sow fear and terrify
mankind. These include using nuclear weapons. There
will be no restraints this time, and for this reason, many


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

souls will choose to exit earth voluntarily rather than live

under nuclear fallout, military repression and war.
M emories of military repression as seen in the post-World
War II Stalinist era still remain fresh. This time, it could
be worse.
Lightbearers cannot prevent this war, as mobilization
for it started at least a decade ago and continues. Yet the
light they bear on the war will bring it to a speedier end.
H umanity must undergo this karmic balancing, for is it not
responsible for permitting the rise and power of the Dark
Forces? Did it not acquiesce to their temptations of a
materialistic life and allow itself to be lulled into a stupor?
Karmic rebalancing vis a vis the Dark Forces is a process
humanity cannot escape.
War brings out the worst in mankind. Lightbearers
can bring out the best. The horrors of war ironically lead
mankind back to its essence, its soul, which remains
above the fray and always in a state of purity. No thinking
person can resist the call of the soul to turn inward when
faced with the carnage of war.
Even the hardest
individual will sink to his knees when faced with or
threatened by such atrocities.
The coming world war presents a golden opportunity
for the lightbearer to come to the fore and demonstrate
the opposite of war. The Spiritual H ierarchy works
through its Light Forces on the earth plane, and when the
lightbearers j oin hands to draw down Truth and Light
upon the maya of war, they can shorten the duration of
human suffering and foil the efforts of the Dark Forces.
Lightbearers can use all means to educate the public
about the war - who the warring parties truly are and
what the war truly is about i.e. greed. They may choose to
actively resist participation in the war. Many lightbearers


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

between the ages of 18 and 42 could be drafted into the

military against their will. They can use legal methods
such as conscientious objection to perform alternative
service or remove themselves from the reach of
conscription. Nothing can justify this war, as it is the pure
invention of the Dark Forces. Do not be fooled by the
nationalistic or patriotic jingoism, which is used to
mislead people and stir them into aggression
These actions create the proper invocation for the
externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lightbearers, who have
responded to their souls' call and taken action, will work
with the Spiritual Hierarchy to counter the effects of war.
Those who do not want to wage war can call upon the
Spiritual Hierarchy to provide their escape avenue.
More inter-dimensional forces have been called up to
reinforce the lagging earthly effort, making the meaning of
the externalization of the H ierarchy more relevant than
ever. With the necessary channels open to the power and
light of the Hierarchy, light can shine down on every
battle and render the Dark Forces' reign of terror null and
void. Cosmic law dictates that White Magic always wins
over black, and the more the forces of White Magic come
together on all dimensions, the greater the force of good
and the shorter the reign of terror of the Dark Forces.

Early Warnings of Earth Changes to Come

As the economic depression and world war grip the
world, signs of earth changes will abound.
warming will cause the seas and other water bodies to
inch up while periodic storms, flash floods, prolonged
heavy rains, hurricanes and freak storms increase their
steady thrusts on all areas. Governments will disseminate
contradictory climatic information to convince flood
victims that minor, cyclic freak weather patterns are to


Chapter 4 Role of the Lightbearer

blame. Lightbearers should interpret these signs as a

compelling reason to move to areas close to the Spiritual
Regions ahead of the mass displacements. Many will be
forced to move, but many will foolishly return to the
flooded areas to rebuild.
The general population in the lowland areas will balk
at the need to move and wait until it is too late. All
lightbearers can do is to inform. As is usually the case, the
maj ority will wait to the very last minute, and a mass,
uncoordinated rush to the elevated regions will ensue.

The clock is ticking, and as every year passes, earth
changes will increase in frequency and intensity. As part
of the Spiritual H ierarchy's strategy, the lightbearers are
set to play the same role Noah did with his ark in the
previous diluvium, although in not such a folkloric way.
They are the preservers of mankind's knowledge and
civilisation, which they will carry into the post-diluvial
transitional society that shapes the Golden Era. There is
still hope that the Light Forces on earth will awaken to
their mission and take action in the numbers that were
foreseen by the Divine Plan.















Achieving Dominion over the Events
"Wise is he who takes the staff in hand, and walks the Way
himself, with eyes open, heart attuned to the Spirit's voice, and
keeping his own watch, lingers not in the false security of
another's achievement, but as a fellow-traveller, blesses him,
but makes of the goal of his experiences dependent on his
endeavours ... for such attain the victory. ''6

In the foreword to this book the Master Sanctus

Germanus makes it clear that remaining on earth during
the pralaya is a matter of choice. If you do not face this
situation here on earth, you will eventually face it
elsewhere. And from an eternal perspective, there is
really no rush. If you wish to know more about what
commitment entails, please read on. Otherwise .. you may
skip this chapter and go on to the next.
When the Spiritual Hierarchy drew up plans for this
period, you were among the most enthusiastic souls
chosen by the Karmic Board out of the thousands or
perhaps millions who volunteered. However, once in the
thick maya of the earth plane, your enthusiasm
dampened, and the goals of your incarnation became
For some, the material benefits of today's civilisation
have eluded them, forcing them to battle for the

Printz, Thomas, op.cit p.S 1.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

necessities of daily life and in the process, veering them

off course. Many harbour sub-conscious guilt and disdain
for money, which the Dark Forces have fostered through
the traditional religions and the New Age Movement. As a
consequence, money energy has eluded them,
perpetuating a deprived state and ongoing resentment at
society or God for making things so difficult. For others,
position and money have led to comfortable and
"successful" lifestyles that override any deep commitment
to the spiritual quest. Spiritual dilettantes gather on
cruise ships, at tropical spas and hideaways, follow their
gurus from place to place or retire to mountain retreats to
partake in "feel good" programs generated by the pseudo
spiritual movement. Both extremes have created different
brands of self-centeredness that have stymied the
implementation of the Divine Plan.
Moreover, the Dark Forces have targeted the
lightbearers and tricked many of them into a genre of
pseudo-spirituality that gives lip service to group action
while at the same time spawning personality quirks that
result in splintering group efforts. All spiritual groups are
targeted to keep these groups from coming together.
Today, many lightbearers just like you "feel" something
is amiss, but most would rather discount the warning
storms and wars as yet another minor cycle. Rather than
risk too much disruption in their lives, most would prefer
to remain oblivious to or refuse to acknowledge that
major changes are about to occur. So the formation of the
"troops" for this final battle has been less than satisfactory
as the commitment of the lightbearer to resist or battle
the Dark Forces' offensive falters. The numbers of Light
Forces the Spiritual H ierarchy expected have not
materialized and if this situation persists, the suffering
humanity must bear will be prolonged.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

The Spiritual Hierarchy recently conceded that its

strategy to build an Army of Lightbearers on earth may be
in j eopardy. But hope springs eternal. Out of all those
volunteers who did incarnate, the Spiritual H ierarchy
realistically estimated they could count on one in ten
(1:10) to fulfill their mission. However, whether or not
the number of committed lightbearers is even smaller
than one-tenth, the work and preparation will continue.
The economic, financial and geological changes are on
schedule and will not wait for people to make up their
Despite this seemingly unfortunate situation, a core of
hardy lightbearers has emerged out of the maya, who,
with balanced mental and astral bodies, has thrown off
the "feel good" quest and seriously committed itself to the
Divine Plan. They know that the fleeting seconds of "feel
good" come only when they cast off an emotional or
physical shackle that allows them to advance further
along the thorny Path of Initiation to fulfill their mission.
Every "feel good" moment is preceded by long periods of
struggle, both physical and emotional.
These few and hardy will bear the burden as events
unfold and will receive the full backing of the Spiritual
Hierarchy and the Master Sanctus Germanus. So even as
the agitation on the astral plane ramps up further and the
Dark Forces target the "one-tenth", they will find battle
hardened troops covered with mystic armour.
The great hope remains that the catastrophes will
awaken reluctant and hesitant lightbearers to their true
purpose. The door always remains open. But if you are
that one-tenth in incarnation, much preparatory work lies
ahead in the relatively short time before the looming


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Retrieval ofYour Previous Spiritual Level

We mentioned above that you volunteered to incarnate
even though most of you had achieved a high level of
spiritual development that took you out of the wheel of
incarnations. You thus understood and accepted the fact
that by coming back this lifetime, you would build up
more good and bad karma. Most of you chose to work off
your residual karma early in this lifetime in order that the
second half of your lifetime could be spent doing the good
works associated with your awakening.

Gaining Spiritual Confidence

When you embark on your j ourney of retrieval, the
Path will not be as straightforward as you expect.
Sometimes you will experience elation at the discovery of
a spiritual truth, yet there will be times when you feel you
are butting against a stonewall, making no progress at all
You may also encounter false prophets or incompetent
psychics and mediums who may mislead you. You may
join spiritual groups that may be so fraught with conflict
and disagreements that you may wonder if spirit is love.
The cryptic language in some of the occult literature
may intimidate you or even discourage you completely as
you read pages and pages before you seize one idea. Or
you may discover that easier spiritual pabulum dished out
by so many spiritual teachers makes you feel good for the
moment but lets you down in the long run.
desperation, you may throw yourself at the feet of a guru
or mentor only to find that he or she does not deserve
your attention
Embarking on a spiritual "career" will necessarily
change your life radically. Your old friends and family
may shy away from you, and you may find yourself


Chapter S Achieving Dominion over the Events

surrounded by an entirely new circle of friends, some

confused and flaky, others understanding and
sympathetic. You may even travel great distances in
search of the truth, only to return empty-handed.
All these ups and downs may cause you to lose
confidence in your ability to grasp the spiritual side of life.
This is perfectly normal. Nevertheless, you are advised to
persist, for you are being put through numerous tests the initial obstacle course - that will help transform you
into a tried and true lightbearer. Some will never regain
their confidence and give up. Those who pursue and
persist in their quest will eventually find the answers, and
that is the PROMISE of this whole process. There is
indeed a treasure at the end of the rainbow. So the key to
this journey is persistence.

Looking Inward for Answers

Although the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy stand
ready to pour their aid and guidance upon committed
Iightbearers, they also require that you look inward first
for answers. Your H igher Self, Causal Body or the I AM
knows your plan and communicates freely with the
Masters without the misleading interference of astral
entities. Therefore, the reconnection with your inner
prelate, your Higher Self, is essential to joining the Army
of Light
Today, we are bombarded with false information
coming from the media as well as from the astral plane in
a form pretending to be own thoughts. You cannot count
on your government or any other outside organisation to
guide or help you when disaster hits. The fact that the
national governments, charitable organisations, even
disaster relief agencies are unaware of or play down the
coming changes should indicate that everyone is woefully

1 23

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

unprepared, despite the multitude of warnings the

Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy have communicated to
humanity. Added to this general unpreparedness is the
constant stream of contradictory information streaming
into your thought processes from astral entities.
Yet, deep within each one of us, in our inner self, the I
AM, we can access all the correct information about what
is to come as well as take part in a vast spiritual
organizational structure that IS prepared to guide us to
safety so we can pursue our mission during this critical
period. You, alone, must rely on yourself because access to
this spiritual structure is through your inner world.

1. Master the In-Breath Meditation Method

The Spiritual Hierarchy strongly recommends that
lightbearers adopt the I n-Breath Meditation Method to
reconnect with their Higher Selves. This method is based
on the original precepts of Raja Yoga and uses the control
of and focus on breathing to drive your conscious self into
your inner world and thus contact with your H igher Self.
There are many ways to meditate. Some are valid and
others are not. Guided meditations are limited in what
they can do for individual responsibility, even if the intent
is good.
Meditating is, first and foremost, your
responsibility, and when this responsibility is met and
mastered, the next step is group meditation, not the other
way around. A group of people where each one has
mastered their ability to meditate can become a powerful
force for light. However, a group where you cede to a
leader can amount to mental manipulation.
The In-Breath Meditation Method suggested below
puts the entire responsibility of meditation on you, as it
should be. It relies on the control of your breathing and

1 24

Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

your ability to concentrate and direct your thinking. It is

ultimately you who takes the responsibility for the
meditation and its outcome. But the best reward that
comes from this meditation is the pilgrimage you make to
your Higher Self, that prelate who resides within you.
And the more you practice this method, the more you
align yourself to your Higher Self and the information it
seeks to convey to you.
This method is so simple that it is difficult. There are
times you will feel as though you are getting nowhere, but
do not give up. Rein in your thoughts, concentrate. and
keep pursuing.
In-Breath Meditation Method for Profound Spiritual
Meditation when properly understood is the stilling of
the physical body, generally in a position where the
spine is straight and erect, sitting up, not lying down.
You should define a place of meditation that is fairly
comfortable as to temperature and where you are
likely not to be disturbed by others.

An ambiance or

atmosphere of the spirit should be cultivated around it

if possible.
When you sit to meditate, you must come to feel that
you are about to have a conversation with your God,








approach meditation as you approach the altar of

invocation - with humility, awe, respect, great Jove and
With the proper attitude, approach, and place, we
suggest the following meditation procedure:


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

1. Sit in a comfortable posture with you spine straight

and erect.

You may sit in


traditional yogi's

meditation position or straight up in a comfortable









3. Begin to breathe deeply and honour the breath that

is yours to draw in and to exhale. And with each
breath, realize that you are drawing in pure life and

4. As you breath deeply, initially focus your attention in

the head area, the top of the head in particular. Become





5. Then become aware ofand focus on the entire length

of the spine, as you remain conscious of the rhythm of
your breath. Breathe in, breathe out.

6. Now, release the attention on the breathing and Jet it








7. Focus all your attention on the entire length of the

spinal column and hold the attention there. Visualize
the length of the spine as a tube ofpure white light.

8. See the tube oflight as a doorway that is slightly ajar.

On the other side of the doorway is much light

the lit spinal column, is now a



dimensional doorway into your inner space.

9. You begin to have the desire to go into it, for it is

indeed a doorway. It is a dimensional opening in the
physical body. You seek to go in it. You have the will to
go in, and in, and in. You must wj]J yourself to go in, not
unlike one paddling a canoe upstream against the


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

current and not unlike the salmon that doggedly keep

swimming upstream against the current that keeps
beating them back. But they don't stop. Use your will to
go in, in, in.

10. As you meditate in this way, you will hit at some

point, a landmark, so to speak. You 'JI know what it is by
the sheer experience of it. If you think you cannot go
any deeper, you should keep trying until you cannot go
any more. At this point, stop and simply enjoy the


11. Seek to become aware of the inner atmosphere as

the breath continues to inhale and exhale at its own
steady pace.

12. Seek to know yourself as you are, beyond thoughts,


sensations and



physical bodies.


13. Seek to know that part of you that has never

changed and shall never change, the part of you that is
eternal. Seek to feel your own endlessness.
This may seem like a very cursory and basic approach
to meditation but we assure you that if properly
followed, it wiJJ lead you to inner breakthroughs of the
type that most people so much want to experience but
are so unaware of how to.

2. Reconnect with Your Master

If you are not yet aware of the Master you are working
under, you can use the In-Breath Meditation Method to
get this information. The meditation will put you in
contact with your H igher Self whom you can ask to guide
you to the Master in charge of your awakening. Be


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

assured, however, that once you are ready to re-establish

contact, your Master will in one way or another make that
contact clear to you.
In the beginning the answers come back to your
conscious mind in the form of strong intuitions, not
voices. If you hear voices, you may be hearing unreliable
astral entities that are trying to worm their way into your
communication. In this case, strive deeper into your
meditation. This is the safest way to get the correct
information, for during these times of extreme astral
plane excitement, hordes of astral entities would love to
become your "master" and lead you off track. Many voices
claiming to be Masters will intervene. They will speak in
the language of spirituality and subtly lead you astray.
Study the Ancient Wisdom as it has been laid out for
you over the past 150 years. The Theosophical Society's
wealth of writings, the I AM Discourses by Sanctus
Germanus, the prolific instructions by the Master Djwal
Khul through his amanuensis Alice A. Bailey, the Bridge to
Freedom discourses from the Brotherhood through
Geraldine I nnocenti, the early works of the Summit
Lighthouse movement and finally the website ( of the Sanctus Germanus
Foundation, all represent the trail of information on the
Ancient Wisdom that the Spiritual Hierarchy has
meticulously laid out for you to study.
This body of works represents an enormous resource
of spiritual information that the Spiritual Hierarchy has
put forth for lightbearers in order that they reclaim their
ability to discriminate between what is real and the
unreal. The language and depth of this body of knowledge
will help you distinguish between the false voices from
the astral plane and the thought-forms your Master
transmits to you.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

Even if you are reminded of just a fraction of the

revealed Ancient Wisdom, you will

know enough to

repulse astral influences and discriminate between your

true intuitions and chatty voices offering advice of all
sorts37. These entities are for the most part astral shells
without any inherent intelligence and speak like puppets,
so you can very quickly gain more knowledge than they to
distinguish right from wrong.
In reality, being able to discriminate between voices is
no different from normal human interactions on earth.
Exercise the same discrimination when walking through a
crowded marketplace full of hawkers selling their wares.
You will recognize a fast-talking sales pitch from the truth,
while others will fall for it. Ultimately, you must decide to
whom you will listen, and if you are confused by the
cacophony of astral voices, seek refuge in the In- Breath
M editation and sink yourself into the inner world. There,
your Higher Self will always tell you the truth.

3. Probationary Period:

Follow the Guidance of Your

After you have reconnected with your Master, you will

then undergo yet another probationary period, because
the Spiritual H ierarchy knows too well that there are
pitfalls all along the Path that can trip the most advanced
When you


first trod the probationary path many


may have taken




i ncarnations to graduate. This time, however, you will

unconsciously retread the probationary path, but in quick

37 Some of their advice is useful in the beginning so that they can

your confidence, but they will inevitably lead you off the path to
own agenda, which may be very dark.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

time, perhaps in months or a couple years. This is why we

call this process a retrieval. You will be reminded more
than taught anew.
During the probationary period the Master wants to
see if the desire to serve is a result of a momentary life
crisis or motivated by a genuine soul desire to serve. I f
you give u p during this period, you are then put under the
care of your spiritual guides who will work with you
further to retrieve your soul motivation for service, if you
so desire.
If you pursue, you will come under the special scrutiny
and care of your Master. You have asked for assistance
and must thus undergo more stringent discipline. You
learn to master power over all substance, vibration and
form. You accept to cleanse all latent vice and strengthen
the latent virtue. From then on, all your activities reflect
upon the Master, and Master's desire becomes your "heart
desire". You must employ your talents and capacities in
this service.
The Master will constantly test you by putting you
through experiences that will develop and mature the
body vehicle until it masters a more superior degree of
energy control, not only on the earth plane, but on the
other inner planes as well. The Master can access your
inner bodies to reinforce weaknesses for the most
protection or that part of the seven-body vehicle that is
destined to take the hardest knocks. The Master will
concentrate on that inner body which you will use most in
carrying out your mission. The aim is to develop and
mature the body vehicle for the mission ahead, although it
may seem painful and trying to you at times. Better that
the Master weave the mystic armour over your Achilles
heel than leave it vulnerable to the thrust of evil!


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

The probationary period may last months or years and

depends upon the amount of karma you have
accumulated or repaid in this lifetime and upon the
amount of discipline you are willing to accept. Some drop
out under the pressure of this constant testing, while
others will endure and pursue to the end.
The Master will then begin entrusting you with
spiritual information. How you choose to use this
information requires spiritual discernment and discretion
over when to speak and what to withhold from "profane
eyes." This is the discipline you must develop. There are
experiences which may be spoon-fed to a chosen few and
there are many beautiful and delightful experiences that
can be told to inspire others. However, you must be on
permanent guard against indiscretions born of
enthusiasm, love and zeal.

4. The Accepted Lightbearer: Work Together with the

Once you prove to be reliable and able to handle
information and knowledge with discretion, you will be
accepted as an official lightbearer. You and your Master
become one in consciousness.
The Master will often ask you to render a service in
order to conserve energy, as most Masters are involved
with multiple projects. The Master will delegate tasks to
you and other trustworthy pupils, according to your
particular talents, in order to further a particular cause.
At this stage, the Master may offer you suggestions as
to how to hasten your retrieval while at the same time
becoming of greater assistance to the work at hand. The
Master may convey this message directly to you or
through an advanced initiate. The latter becomes the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

"lifeline " between the Master and other possible students

who cannot communicate directly with the Master.
When you pass certain tests, you become the
"accepted" lightbearer who will continue on to retrieve
your level of Initiation. From thereon, you serve into
Adeptship, and finally full mastery.
In conclusion, the reconnection with your Master is of
prime importance in order to know your role and place in
the Divine Plan that will unfold during this pralaya. When
the working relationship is established, both the Higher
Selfs purpose and the Master's guidance operate in
harmony and tandem with each other. This is the ideal
partnership that enables you to carry out your mission
with success.
S. Learn Discrimination

Once your perceptions open up to the other

dimensions, you will be the focus of much astral chatter
from the astral plane. Voices posing as your Master will
stroke your ego and worm themselves into your
confidence. Here is a passage of advice that the Master
Kuthumi offers:
Every life stream on the Path, sooner or later, comes
to a certain point where he begins to turn to the "still
small place" within the heart. At first the individual
b egins to rely on intuition, then on inspiration, and,
later still, upon that conscious contact which precedes
self-conscious mastery, the attainment of which
constitutes his divine freedom from all human
concepts and all human form.
This is the most difficult point upon the spiritual
path and I ask that you come to the place where you

1 32

Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

enter into the heart of the silence - where you

commune with your own God-Self, that you be
extremely wise, alert and careful of the response that
you will receive first of all from your own bodies,
because you are a complex mechanism - a sevenfold
being. Now, whereas the glory of your electronic body,
your Causal Body and your Holy Christ Self can never
lead you astray - your lower bodies have voice,
consciousness and intelligence of their own - and these
voices, this consciousness and this intelligence within
them endeavour often to serve its own selfish ends
through you.

One of the chief requirements for spiritual mastery

is discrimination. Call to me, if you wish, to my beloved
Lord Maitreya, or to the great Lord Buddha for that
discrimination wherein you may recognize the Voice of
the Silence.

Know always that the prompting which builds up

the personality, that which gives aggrandizement to
the human Ego, is not the "still small voice" of the
Presence, but rather the etheric rumblings of your own
past experiences, the emotional desires of your feeling
world, or mental concepts and precepts from your past
Remember if you have sat in the past before many
teachers who have given forth both truth and fallacy
and into your mental and emotional bodies and your
etheric consciousness have built those concepts, some
of them solidified and petrified and lying dormant
within them for centuries, as the flame begins to surge
through you, these concepts are revivified and come
forth, and you must recognize them for what they are
not necessarily ofthe Voice of Truth!


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

As you proceed into an understanding of the voice

of the silence, know that that which makes you humble,
that which makes you loving, that which makes you
purer, that which makes you harmonious, is of God.
The feelings that stir within your heart that desire to
make o f this star a planet of light, to relieve the burden
of your fellow man, to raise those in pain and distress
into understanding and harmony - that is of Light.
That which decreases the personality and increases thP
power of Christ - that is of God !3B
One of the great dangers in dealing with astral entities
as if they were divine Masters is that if you Jet one into
your confidence, you virtually open the door to ALL of
them. The reason is that the entity who is posing as a
Master cannot protect you from others of the same
vibrations. In other words, that entity has no superior
vibrations over others of the same ilk. So even if you
invoke Violet Flame protection from any of the hundreds
of Sanctus Germanus' impostors, it would be in vain, since
doing so would be detrimental to their own survival !
So learn to discriminate between the impostors and
the real through developing your knowledge of the
Ancient Wisdom as armour against any impostor or astral
shell that may try to trick you. Do not rely on your
"feelings" as they can be manipulated astrally but instead
listen to your Higher Self and the intuitions it sends to
your conscious mind. You can always count on your
Higher Self or I AM to convey to you the Truth.

6. Take Responsibility for Your Earthly Self

In all aspects of your earthly life from hereon, take
responsibility for yourself. If you are facing emotional
crises in your family or workplace, do not spend time

Bridge to Freedom channelling through Geraldine Innocenti.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

blaming others but see them as your responsibility to

resolve. Many of you have entered into relationships or
marriages that literally beat you into the ground of
emotional turmoil. Get used to taking the initiative to
either quietly remove yourself from such situations or
resolve the problem once and for all. You are not a victim
of circumstances but master of them. Part of your
training with your Master will strengthen you to rely on
the deep inner voice rather than spurious public media.
Take responsibility for your finances. If you are in dire
financial shape, look deeply into the cause. You probably
got yourself into the financial mess, and you must get
yourself out of it. You would be surprised what resources
come your way once you take complete responsibility for
it and decide to do something about it!
We stress taking responsibility for yourself because
this is part of the spiritual development that will prepare
you for the crumbling of human institutions we have
leaned on for centuries. You have already observed the
flooding that has started in certain regions of the world.
You have undoubtedly noted that national and local
governments responsible for the peoples' welfare have
proven their ineptitude or been overwhelmed by these
minor disasters. I f they cannot cope with these, how will
they face the greater catastrophes ahead? You cannot
count on them to help, so prepare yourselves accordingly.
Your local disaster relief agency or Red Cross agencies
have published instructions on preparations you might
consider in your planning. We would suggest that you
make preparations for a longer timeframe than that
suggested. If you are living on the coastal areas and low
lying areas near inland water bodies, you should identify a
safe. elevated destination and how to get there if you have
to evacuate


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

The Sanctus Germanus Foundation will post messages

H ierarchy
These messages should serve
to guide and inform you well ahead of the events.
We emphasize again the need to take responsibility for
yourself, for the enormity of the earth changes coupled by
the financial and economic crises will touch everyone.
Mass media and governments are limited in what they can
do, so reliance on your wonderful spiritual guides who are
only one step away from you is essential. They are
working in concert with the Divine Plan, and if you are
open and ready to listen, they will guide you.

7. Purify the Body Vehicle

Given the opening of the physical body to etheric
faculties in the very near future, we would suggest that
you establish a program to purify your body vehicle
through regular detoxification or fasting.
Both are
essential to allow the body to adjust to the accelerated
vibrations. A toxic state in the body will collide with these
higher vibrations and cause many discomforts.
The need to detoxify is as old as humanity itself;
however, the urgency to detoxify is the call of the times.
The present knowledge of detoxification is more than
adequate. Many of the ancient religions such as Hinduism
and Buddhism have developed very effective methods of
purification that are still valid for the present
circumstances. For instance, the Ayurvedic Panchakarma
system of detoxification, the five do's, is a well-established
methodology to purge the body of toxins. Even the
ancient Christians periodically fasted and detoxified.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

You really do not need complicated and expensive
herbal detoxification packages.

Regular juice fasting is a

relatively easy way to purify the body vehicle. Stop eating

and drink juice for one or two days per week
gradually lead to a change in your diet.

Fasting will

As the body is

purified, your mind will become sharper and your body

will lose the extra pounds, which are but adipose tissue
laden with accumulated toxins.

The sharper mind will

enable you to be more open to telepathic communication

with your spiritual guides.
The purer the body vehicle, the lighter foods your body
will require. Let the type of body vehicle you are wearing
determine your diet. Vegetarianism does not necessarily
make you any holier than a non-vegetarian. Many of you
have lived past lives as very holy vegetarians and have
come back this time i n omnivorous bodies. This is because
a healthy and hardy body vehicle is what will be needed to
withstand both the physical and mental stress in the
coming years.
Some of you under the influence of tobacco smoking,












yourselves by whatever means of these influences.


toxicity pumped into the physical vehicle by these habits

can only slow your retrieval process or in most cases
completely sabotage your mission.
The M asters will sometimes try to work around these








eventually becomes too unreliable and unstable to handle

information and carry out important tasks according to
the Divine Plan.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

8. Purify the Astral Body

Purifying your physical body is only part of the process
of purification. The great scourge of modern times is the
accumulated store of emotions that one feeds into the
astral body. This layer of emotional problems blocks the
ready contact that the dense physical body should have
with its mental body and the etheric double. All of these
hidden emotions are stored in the astral body of an
Higher and finer etheric energies are pouring into
earth increasing the frequency within which we must live.
They are also substantially cleaning out the astral plane as
well as your astral body. So whether we are ready or not,
our astral bodies and our emotional bodies are
undergoing a cleansing. Those who are not ready will
resort to insane behaviour while those who are ready will
weather the cleansing.
Understand what is happening when you lose your
temper over something insignificant. Understand why
others are behaving insanely even to the point of harming
their neighbours. In most cases, it is like torture. Some
will go insane, others may opt to leave the earth, while the
strong, sane and hardy will face up to the emotions that
come to the surface and deal with them. This clearing is
happening and will continue until all the dross has
surfaced and been swept away.
As this process takes hold, you will become very aware
that your own upheaval is part of a worldwide process
rather than a personal one. It becomes personal when
you "take the bull by the horns" and deal with specific
exposed emotions. Some long-forgotten emotions that
you have suppressed will surface when you least expect it.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

They may puzzle you, and you may ask yourself why these
thoughts are suddenly popping into your consciousness.
You must face them. If you need to forgive, do so. If you
need to admit you were wrong, do so. If you think a great
injustice was done to you and you still harbour
resentment, let it go, for you are the only one that gives it
Surfacing emotions may even cause unusual aches and
pains. Yoga is excellent to handle this release. When the
emotions lash out as fear or hatred, you must act as your
own psychologist and handle these emotions through
meditation or deal with them head-on through decisions
to transmute them into the universe. Drop the hatred,
forgive and forget.
Today's psychologists are ill-equipped to handle the
welling up of these emotions, especially since they do not
recognize that a universal filtering is in progress.
Prescription drugs only compound the problems. They
will try to treat emotional problems in other mechanical
and less-than-satisfactory ways. In fact, psychologists,
psychiatrists, and the medical profession will admit to
being overwhelmed, if not bewildered by the insanity
around us today.
Some New Age healing modalities claim to lift these
emotional blockages out of a person. Life should be so
easy! Energy therapy can help detox and may even help
bring emotional problems to the surface, but it is up to
you to deal with them. In other words, take responsibility
for them and clean them out, for it was you who put them
there to begin with!
Too many people spend time whining about how they
have been betrayed and hurt by close friends, their
children and their spouses. It hurts. We all hurt from one


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

time or another. But some almost take delight in

wallowing in their sorrows and licking their wounds.
Every single one of us has tough emotional blemishes in
our lives, but whining will not get you out of harm's way.
Your pursuit of the Path will necessarily force emotional
blockages to the surface, and you in turn must toss them
out and forget about them. You might even consider
writing down these emotional pains on a piece of paper
then burning it.
Both physical and emotional purification of the
physical and astral vehicles will clear the way for your
etheric faculties to come into play and thus ready you for
the j ourney ahead. When the Spiritual Hierarchy signals
the need to take a certain action, those with clear
faculties, no matter where they are found in the world,
will receive the call to action and will know what to do ..
This kind of communication cannot be replaced by
electronic communication or government agencies.

9. Balance the Masculine and Feminine Energies

As a lightbearer you should
masculine and feminine energies
neither man nor woman but a
masculine and feminine energies

seek to balance the

within you. You are
soul expressing both
through a given body

Unfortunately, the New Age Movement has

misinterpreted the good news of the incoming feminine
energies by equating them with the female gender. Some
have even used this news to strike back at the male
gender for all the past wrongs they have suffered as
victims. Or some women have taken on an air of
superiority as they combat male oppression or attempt to
re-program their male friends.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

The reprogramming needs to be done in your own

thinking, for in reality, these energies, both masculine and
feminine, have nothing to do with gender. They are soul
qualities which everything expresses, not only humans
but animals and plants.
To be an effective lightbearer, you must forget gender
and all the "politics" that surround it. Let us avoid a
backlash in the other extreme where the female gender
dominates the male. Balance between these two
categories of energies is the only way the Golden Age can
achieve peace and tranquility.
10. Be Aware ofthe Release of Your Kwidallni Energies

Taking the above preparatory steps will necessarily

mean that your physical and emotional bodies will have to
adjust to higher and higher vibrations as the pralaya
advances. Reading and studying the Ancient Wisdom,
meditating in concert with your H igher Self, and
communicating with your Master will release the latent
kundalini energies stored at the base of your spine. Your
proper spiritual development provokes the release, not
the other way round, i.e. artificial release of the kundalini
will not make you more spiritual.
There are many views about this controversial subject
from the outright crazy to the more prudent traditional
yogic viewpoint. Some attribute every ailment they
experience to the rising of their kundalini, while the more
prudent and aware can physically sense the rising and
receding of these energies over time. Each time it rises, it
reaches for a higher chakra, then recedes for a period of
rest and adjustment. The release of your kundalini
energies is like a thermometer of your spiritual


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Everyone experiences this release in a different way

but it is unlikely that the release of kundalini energies up
the spine will take place in one single coup. If this
happens, the body vehicle would not be able to sustain it it could be devastating. It is also unlikely that kundalini
yoga manipulation would release these energies without
the requisite spiritual development.
The kundalini release is more likely to come and go
over a period of a couple years, and in the case of the
lightbearer, your Master will supervise the release in
tandem with the emergence of your H igher Self into your

11. Progressively Move into More Advanced Meditation

The Sanctus Germanus Foundation will make available
to lightbearers advanced meditation techniques at the
right time. These advanced techniques are designed to
help individuals maintain control over the mind during
the stress and turmoil of the present pralaya. They will
also help the individual stay in close mind contact with
their Masters. Please check the Sanctus Germanus
Foundation's website,
further details in the future.

The Inner Structure that Brings Us All Together

Whether consciously or unconsciously, you are "held
and by a
telepathic medium of interrelation. The Great Ones,
Whom we all seek to serve, are thus linked, and can - at
the slightest need and with the least expenditure of force
- get en rapport with each other. They are all tuned to a
particular vibration."39
together by an inner structure of thought


Bailey, Alice A., Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p. 1.


Chapter 5 Achieving Dominion over the Events

These words give us comfort, for what we must face in

the near future will not be a picnic.
represent a wide diversity of soul experiences that add to
the richness and depth of knowledge in the whole group.
They come from different countries, environments.
heredities and traditions. Yet it is comforting to know
that such a diverse group meets on common ground in the
etheric where there is a meeting of minds and plans. How
we bring this natural cooperation into play on the earth
plane is the challenge that lies before us.
" I n Him we live and move and have our being," in fact
means Omnipresence. Omnipresence is a generic term
covering the ocean of energies which are all interrelated
and which constitute that one synthetic energy body of
our planet. The etheric body of every form in nature is an
integral part of the Creator's energies known as the form
making substance. The etheric or energy body, therefore,
of every human being is an integral part of the etheric
body of the planet itself and consequently of the solar
system. Through this medium, every human being is
basically related to every other expressi on of the Divine
You, who have consciously chosen to work with the
Divine Plan during the earth changes, will have passed
through emotional trials that will have strengthened your
spiritual development and thus heightened your
vibrations in tandem with the ever-higher vibrations on
the earth plane. The synchronization with these higher
vibrations will put you out of harm's way because the
maj or battles of the Armageddon involve the higher
vibrations agitating the lower. War and physical conflict
involve the lowest vibrations that mankind can produce.


Ibid., p. 2 .


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

The higher your vibrations, the farther you will be from

harm's way.
Spiritual development within the context of such
changes will by necessity open your innate faculties to see
etherically, communicate telepathically, and finally
precipitate material needs. You can achieve the activation
of these faculties through meditation, study, and unselfish
service to humanity prior to 2012 through multiple
religious or spiritual modalities available on the earth. In
the next chapters, we will discuss how the revival o f these
faculties will play into your work in the Period of


Chapter 6
Perlod of Reconstructlon l
Creating Order out of Chaos: Post-War

The meltdown of the ice caps and permafrost regions

will continue at an accelerated pace post-2012. In the
ashes of world war and economic depression, great floods
will dominate life on earth hereon and force population
displacements never seen in our history. M illions will
choose to remain in harm's way and perish while others
will flee to higher ground. Life on earth will be trying and
chaotic, to say the least, and conditions will not favour the

The World Situatton: Post-War

The world will find itself devastated by the aftermath
of World War I II. Any hope that the remnants of the Dark
Forces have of reviving the economy will be dashed, so as
they exit, the Dark Forces will release pandemics as a last
ditch "scorched-earth" policy to ravage the planet - "If we
cannot prevail, then we shall take all down with us" taking
with them untold millions. Those who have adjusted to
the higher vibrations on earth will not be touched.
To challenge the earth's population further, earth
changes will accelerate further, for the melting of the
polar ice caps and vast permafrost regions will continue at
an even more alarming rate. Sea levels will continue to


The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol 2

rise and volatile storms will batter all continents with

prolonged Noah-era-like rains that carry flooding inland
and result in massive flooding of all lowland areas.
Major coastal and lowland cities (such as H ong Kong
Macau, Shanghai, Bangkok. Kolkata (Calcutta), Mumbai.
Dubai, Cairo, Istanbul, Beirut, New York, London,
Amsterdam, Brussels, Marseilles and others) will
succumb to unprecedented flooding and human loss.
Inland cities near major rivers or water bodies such as
Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, Frankfurt, and Paris
will suffer the same fate.
By this time the deadly combination of war, pandemic
diseases, poverty, and accelerated natural catastrophes
will have already reduced the earth's population
significantly. The confluence of these crises will have
caused unprecedented worldwide suffering and

Upheaval and Regrouping

The general upheaval of the earth's population will
bring into play the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion.
Unlike other planets, earth has heretofore entertained a
evolutionary laggards from other planets and galaxies,
rootless souls in the universe with no other place to go,
remnants of past root-races, and human beings of very
diverse sorts in various stages of spiritual development
This diversity has resulted in continuous conflicts that no
other planet in the solar system experiences. The filtering
out of the earth's population during this period due to
incoming higher vibrations will activate these two cosmic
laws and survivors will regroup accordingly.

1 46

Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

Those who in self-preservation flee instinctively to

higher ground will join those with whom they are
compatible in accordance with these cosmic laws.
Lightbearers driven by purpose and mission will
eventually find their way to the more protected Spiritual
Regions where those like-minded have gathered. There,
they will meet others who through vision and foresight
populated those areas in previous years.
Curiously, all survivors, although weary, are filled with
hope and a new way of perceiving life. The thick muck of
the astral plane will have thinned out considerably and
more light will filter into the earth plane. The Dark Forces
will have thinned out, and the critical mass of Light Forces
will begin to outweigh them. Fresh inward flows of the
Sun's life-giving energies, prana, will begin to resuscitate
the earth plane and its etheric double, enabling people to
breathe freely once again. Things will look and feel lighter
and brighter despite the flooding. Finer etheric energies
will permeate man's body and the soul will reach down to
stimulate contact with his etheric body rather than the
physical. As mankind further advances into the New
Golden Age, this process will intensify.
By this time, the distinction between good and evil is
clearly contrasted, and the good and innocent souls on
earth begin to take charge. Astral plane influences linger,
but its "colouring" of thought-forms is of a higher astral
Personal and selfish desires and emotions
gradually give way to a need to serve others, this
tendency evolving later into divine service. Much of the
gratuitous "feel good" emotional sentimentality, the large
swings between hatred and love and the perverse dark
thoughts of violence gradually fade out. Literature, the
arts and music blossom onto higher levels despite the
world's turmoil and serve to elevate thinking in crisis
rather than debase it. Society in general begins to seek

1 47

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol

the highest and the best instead of delving into the depths
of depravity.

High Ground and the Spiritual Regions

The post-2012 period will change the geographical
configuration of the earth's surface. As the floods
gradually encroach, masses will ignore the initial signs
and thus perish. Whilst many will listen to their intuitions
well beforehand, it is unknown at this time how many will
choose to survive.
The general population will naturally seek refuge on
higher ground that is closest to the flooded areas.
Lightbearers and their disciples, on the other hand, will
follow their intuitions and repair to designated Spiritual
Regions, well before the actual floods hit their areas. The
Spiritual Regions are all quite far from the coastal areas
and located on high plateaux on every continent. Picking
up and moving to these will require a high degree of
commitment and faith.
Adepts of secret mystical societies linked to the
regional branches of the Spiritual H ierarchy have already
begun moving into these Spiritual Regions under cover of
other identities in preparation for the events ahead.
These societies have maintained the pure mystical
teachings of the Spiritual H ierarchy throughout the
centuries from which the various exoteric religions
known today have sprouted.

Higher Elevation Zones

M illions of lowland survivors fleeing to higher ground
will begin the onerous task of rebuilding and survival with
little or no help from their governments. A general state
of anarchy will exist until groups form and develop rules


Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

of survival. Small colonies, scattered among the foothills

of today's present mountain ranges, will organise
themselves in line with the Law of Attraction.
The higher elevation safe zones will provide temporary
sanctuary, however they will be subject to continuing and
more profound earth changes as projected in Stage 3 (See
Chapter 3). The only areas that will survive further
change will be the twelve Spiritual Regions designated by
the Spiritual Hierarchy. These regions will grow over
civilisations that will draw their populations from the
surrounding areas.
Years 2013 to 2020 will prove the most difficult and
chaotic period of our transition scenario. Surviving
populations will endure a state of constant flux as the sea,
rivers, lakes, and other water bodies take over lowland
areas. Heavy, steady rains will flood interiors. Only
skeletons of governments will remain, and these will be
rendered useless. Local jurisdictional authorities will be
forced to rely on their own means to maintain law and
order and generate mutual aid groups among the
displaced. Where this is not possible, anarchy will exist,
counting on the basic good instincts of mankind to
maintain order in a chaotic situation.
Many high elevation urban areas will be left intact, and
large numbers of displaced persons will head toward
these areas. Local governments in these high elevation
areas will have to cope with thousands upon thousands of
refugees and provide them with basic needs. The
magnitude of resettlement will be so great that only well
organized mutual aid groups and local government will be
able to implement solutions, frequently depending upon
the generosity and initiative of local residents.


The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol 2

With the breakdown of laws, contracts, ownership

rights, and general societal order, survivors will have little
to depend on, bar seeking out those of similar vibration.
At this point, natural cosmic laws, and not the law of the
jungle, will automatically take over. Ad hoc groups will
form in accordance with the Law of Attraction. Freedom
to live and associate with whomever and wherever one
pleases will prevail. In this way, small groups will form to
protect one another and survive in the elevated safe
As higher elevation zones struggle to re-establish
order and settle the displaced, lightbearers will continue
to make their way to the twelve Spiritual Regions, where
their fellows and members of the Spiritual Hierarchy will
have gathered to begin the reconstruction process based
on cosmic laws. Order will emerge from chaos as fast as
the Spiritual Regions can consolidate and establish
themselves, for these Spiritual Regions will lead the way
to reshape society for the New Golden Age.

Twelve Spiritual Regions: Twelve Experiments

In previous sub-rounds, there have existed great
spiritual civilisations in which there occurred active
interplay between the spiritual dimensions and the earth
plane. These regions, such as China and Mesopotamia,
flourished with little contact one with another. Previous
Golden Age civilisations such as the one headed by an
earlier incarnation of the Master Sanctus Germanus in
what is today known as the Sahara desert, flourished
under cosmic law.41 Their inhabitants lived under a
regime of peace and tranquility, and many Masters were
borne out of these civilisations.

See King, Godfre Ray, Unveiled Mysteries, (Schaumburg, Illinois:

Saint Germain Press, Inc.), pp. 33-71


1 50

Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

I n a return to this ancient tradition, the Spiritual

Hierarchy has designated twelve Spiritual Regions to
serve as seed territories out of which the Golden Age
civilisation will bloom on each continent. These twelve
Spiritual Regions will constitute pockets of order amidst
chaos and be governed according to cosmic law. The
promised Golden Age is not expected to be global, but will
take place in these centres. This is because the rest of the
world will be in the throes of geological adjustments.
Together, these Regions will constitute a nexus of
energy portals from which the Hierarchy will
communicate its plan for the reorganization of human
society and laying of the groundwork for the long-awaited
manifestation of the World Teacher, whose appearance in
whatever form deemed feasible at the time, is expected
around 2020. Adepts of the regional branches of the
Brotherhood of Light will emerge from the inner planes to
help lightbearers consolidate in these Regions.
In the Spiritual Regions, lightbearers along with adepts
of the Spiritual Hierarchy will build a transitional society
that will experiment with the best of our current
civilisation and new ideas flowing in from the Spiritual
Hierarchy in order to create a working model for the New
Golden Age. These centres of spiritual erudition and
power will be modeled upon Shamballa, the headquarters
of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Each region will become a
beacon of light for its continent, and each will represent a
new form of aspiration, based on spiritual development.
People living in the surrounding areas will aspire to go
to the Spiritual Regions to live under an enlightened
regime. No longer will money and material wealth be
defined as primary aspirations of mankind. All will be
welcome, provided they demonstrate the required level of
spiritual development.
If they do not, the higher


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

vibrations of these areas will be too much to bear and will

naturally repel them. The higher vibrations will protect
these Spiritual Regions from unwanted incursions, as a
state of duality will continue to exist on earth.
From each Spiritual Region will come the basis for law
and order for a particular area, taking into account racial
and cultural characteristics. As the Spiritual Regions gain
in stature, they will constitute both the administrative and
representative spiritual hierarchy for each area. Colonies
in the higher elevation zones surrounding these Spiritual
Regions will be given the choice to emulate or integrate
into this hierarchical reorganization. To reiterate, the
twelve Spiritual Regions of the world have been revealed
as follows:

North America:
(1) Banff-Lake Louise area near Calgary, Canada to the
Grand Tetons area of Wyoming, USA
(2) Colorado Plateau area
South America:
(3) the Cordoba Province in Argentina and
(4) the Goias Province in Brasil
East Asia:
(5) Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and
(6) Gobi Desert Plateau

South Asia:
(7) Darjeeling area in the Himalayas Foothills
(8) the Australian Outback region
Middle East:
(9) Iran plateau near Yazd, Iran


Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

(10) the Central Highlands Lake Kivu area and
(11) the Ahaggar Plateau near Tamanrasset, Algeria
(12) Transylvanian Plateau in the Carpathian Mountains
Weather patterns will change rapidly and radically in
the decades to come and will make such forbidden areas
as the Australian Outback, Saharan Plateau, and the Gobi
plateau much more habitable. A very mild, humid climate
is expected to dominate, and regular rainfall will resume
in arid regions that were once fertile. Those who have
lived in desert areas have already noted that when any
rain falls, the desert immediately springs to life.

The Thirteenth Spiritual Region: Capital of the New

Golden Age
The thirteenth Spiritual Region will be designated the
Capital of the New Golden Age around the year 2040. Two
locations may be considered: Victoria Island in the
Northern reaches of Canada, or Greenland. What is
revealed after the glaciers have melted and how these two
locations are affected by the world war will determine
whether either of them meets the karmic requirements of
the Spiritual Hierarchy for such a sacred location.

Reconstruction in the Spiritual Regions Defined

Deep contemplation and meditation by the adepts of
the Spiritual Hierarchy who have followed the flight to the
Spiritual Regions will bring forth the Period of
Reconstruction. The catastrophic earth changes of the
pralaya will have destroyed the obvious symbols and
institutions that did not serve mankind, but mankind is


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

not expected to rebuild the same civilisation as implied in

the word "reconstruction." Reconstruction means the
rebuilding of only that which will serve us based on solid
experience of the past millennia. It will involve the culling
out of the bad and rebuilding of the good - a second
chance granted to right that which went wrong.
Pralaya means "a period of obscuration, destruction
and rest." Rest is a critical characteristic of a pralaya, but
does not imply that mankind will loll around and do
nothing. The cosmic laws that govern a pralaya period are
designed to balance those active periods of creation. Rest
is a time to take stock of what has been accomplished,
evaluate what went right and what went wrong and to
learn what to keep and what to reject. It is very much like
the evaluation phase of a project cycle. Once a project has
terminated, evaluators seek to find out if it had reached its
goals and if not, to learn why it did not. Herein lies the
real lessons that the soul must contemplate and reflect
upon. So rather than being tossed about in the stormy
seas of progress, change, trial and error, the soul rests in
the calm waters of contemplation and evaluation.
Those incarnating during the pralaya will not be as
blind as those previous. Their ability to call up past lives
and read the akashic records on the mental plane will be
enhanced so that a review of how their past lives through
other active creative periods might contribute to the New
Golden Age.
The Period of Reconstruction reaches for great
profundity. Like a gift from heaven, therein is given the
opportunity to RE-construct that which should have been
on a surer footing. This is the essence of the meaning of

1 54

Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

Cosmic Laws Governing Spiritual Regions

The Master Sanctus Germanus thought and meditated
deeply on this pralaya centuries before the actual
catastrophic events began. Other Masters, their initiates,
and lightbearers pored over plans and details in
preparation, too.
Nothing was left to random
circumstance, except for the free will exercised by
mankind. Order WIL L emerge out of chaos in the Spiritual
Regions, if lightbearers heed the directives to go to these
regions well in advance of the mass population
displacements and work with the adepts of the Hierarchy
to create the structure that will bring order to a society in
flux. All cosmic laws already known to mankind will
remain in effect, as they are eternal as the universe.
Understanding them is another question. Further to these
laws, we wish to introduce a new set of cosmic laws
pertaining to periods of destruction and rest such as this

The Transitional Society

The inhabitants of the Spiritual Regions will organize a
transitional society that will experiment with
organisations and institutions based on cosmic law. It is
called "transitional" because of its experimental nature.
The model that emerges from this experiment will be
used to create the much-promised New Golden Age.
The ultimate purpose of a society is to allow souls to
express themselves freely through their respective
physical body vehicles. Through education, meditation,
and service within a structure of cosmic laws, a society
can in itself achieve this "Soul Liberation".
Cosmic laws will provide a legal structure adapted to
prevailing conditions. They will form an umbrella of


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

principles, much like a constitution, but more in line with

true universal principles. From these broad principles,
human regulations can be fitted to handle local
Cosmic law is not written on paper. It is ingrained in
the very fabric of each soul. Everything moves and exists
within a lawful structure of rules and cycles. As such,
when the soul is liberated in each individual, the basic
pattern of law and self-enforcement becomes manifest.
Proper application and implementation of cosmic law
requires no police or military, no arms to coerce or force
compliance, and no arbitrary decisions based on
individual notions of law enforcement. Rather it is law
and enforcement within, combined as one, a joy in the
heart that realizes its obligations within the framework of
creation and gives one that sense of peace and security so
sought after in today's world.
As souls are liberated, the knowledge of cosmic law
will come into being. The volumes of laws that fill law
libraries covering every criminal act will lose their basis
since those acts, which fundamentally mirror mankind's
divergence from cosmic law, will no longer prevail.
Teachings from the Spiritual Hierarchy will correct
mistaken notions of cosmic laws brought over from
today's civilisation and together the learning process on
all levels of society will ensue with urgency.
Cosmic laws not yet articulated will then be introduced
to the transitional society and tried. How the transitional
society will adapt to these laws is unknown at this time.
Experimentation of this nature will be fundamental to the
building of a New Golden Age.
The set of cosmic laws below characterize the mindset
that humanity must adopt during a period of pralaya and


Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

how reconstruction should be viewed. Whilst they may

appear very similar to one another, there are subtle
1. La\V ofAttractl.on
Like binds to like. The earth will no longer be the free
dumping ground of disparate levels of evolutions. It will
no longer be possible for an individual who is
disconnected from his soul to incarnate on earth as so
many have done in the Dark Forces-dominated era.
Earth's higher vibrations will automatically prevent this.
In the beginning, this phenomenon may manifest in the
number of stillbirths or babies who do not survive while
parents are adjusting to higher vibrations. This should
not cause alarm to survivors, as it must be seen as the best
way to stop intrusive attempts into the new physical
plane. After a period of time, incarnations will flow into
higher vibratory vehicles as per plan.
The implication of this law in creating harmonious
vehicles is without question one of the most important,
for it acts as a sort of cosmic immigration policy that will
continue to filter out lower evolutions. There are other
planets in the infinite number of solar systems upon
which it would be more suitable for them to find form.
Homogeneity in vibration is thus the result of the more
stringent application of the Law of Attraction, although its
influence will not cause all mankind to look alike. In fact
the varieties and colours of the various vehicles will
increase and astound present humanity - blue, green, red
- yet the vibratory compatibility will harmonize all
relations so that colour is not used as a criterion for
discrimination but rather as a contribution of quality to
the society - in essence a more complete expression of the
mass soul. The difference in colour will be primarily seen


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

on the physical level, however on the etheric level colour

will fade into the harmony of finer matter
Individuals operating on similar and higher vibratory
levels can accomplish so much more than heterogeneous
groups. Imagine groups inherently agreeing to certain
objectives within the Divine Plan and working
harmoniously in concert with one another! Such is rare, if
not unthinkable today. The like-minded will gather and
work together, and communities will form likewise
according to the mutual attractiveness of their members.
No one will be forced or coerced to join or work with
people of dissimilar tendencies and characteristics, the
freedom to choose or return to one's ashram being
preserved and guaranteed in this Law.

2. Law of Repulsion (the converse)

This Jaw also applies and thus forms the borders or
limits of a group activity. Therefore, the group has certain
geographical and policy limitations to assure non
dominance over others or the use of force to control and
artificially hold people together. The Law of Repulsion
thus sets the limits of group action and assures diversity
among groups. However, even in this diversity, there will
be threads of common interest among groups that will
bond these groups within the limitations imposed by this

3. Law of Cosmic Spontaneity

What is cosmic spontaneity but the bursting forth of
soul knowledge rather than deliberate and measured
action? Much of this spontaneity is seen in children today,
and it taps into Divine Intelligence in the most direct and
positive way.


Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

This law is connected to telepathic communication, for

it is spontaneity that assures the purest form of thought
transference. A thought-form dropped into your mind
becomes instantly recognizable and digested. It is instant
comprehension in its purest form. Human posturing and
thinking over thought-forms invariably twists the original
meanings and causes distortions that later experience
must remove. Cosmic spontaneity has much to do with
the saying "quicker than a ray of light."
Such spontaneity works best when the astral body is
under control and the physical vehicle (both dense
physical and etheric) is in direct contact with the mental
and causal bodies.
4. Law of Perpetual Action
Everything is in motion. This law recognizes that all of
creation is perpetually changing, and that there is no place
for laziness or for subjecting others to do the grunt work.
So those who recognize this law will let go of tradition and
the old ways and open themselves to the ever-evolving
ideas that flow from the hierarchy.
There is a mindset among certain individuals that
growth stops at a certain age. They adopt styles and ways
of thinking that are comfortable or traditional. Many stop
But with an
growing intellectually and mentally.
understanding of perpetual dynamism so engrained in the
new society, hanging on to tradition will give way to
reception of the ever-flowing supply of divine ideas in the
new order.
5. Law of Perpetual Fluidity and Malleability
The contrary concept to this law is a materialistic
mindset that wishes to anchor all ideas in some solid or
stable form. Fluidity and malleability bring a higher and


The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol 2

subtler taste for the spiritual, ever-seeking, ever

adaptable, ever able to drop that which no longer serves,
letting go that which encumbers. It is openness of mind at
its best.

6. Law ofAbandonment
Ideas and thought-forms abound in the universe, all for
man's use. They circulate freely as resources to be used
toward Soul Liberation or to be abandoned or let go for
others to use. Clinging to ideas as forever right, however
much they were in their time, retards growth and
progress. Being able to let go when the right time comes
is a peek into what true freedom is all about. When you
let go, you do so because your soul prompts you to
something better. Why not move on to better? Why cling
to what is comfortable and safe when a new idea could be
even more comfortable and safer? It is the upheaval when
adopting the new that people try to avoid but to welcome
change and upheaval as part of the ever-continuing life
spectrum is to know that abandoning something that has
passed its usefulness is a cosmic law of progress.

7. Law ofUpheaval
We mentioned that the transition from the old to the
new always involves upheaval in one's life. The more one
is used to change and adheres to the need for change and
allows new ideas to permeate one's life, tossing away
what is no longer useful, the more one becomes
accustomed to upheaval during transition. This is part of
the cyclic nature of the universe. This empowering law is
to be respected and endured, not avoided or outgrown.

8. Law ofConstant Renewal

1 60

Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

Cycles come and go but one thing is certain, as we

throw off that which is not useful, renewal takes hold, re
establishing tranquility and pouring new energies in to
renew one's life. This is part of the eternal cycle that
many reactionary minds today use to prevent renewal.
Yet renewal is the completion of the cycle and must come
into play before anything can continue. Trying to stop the
end of the cycle stymies progress. The Law of Constant
Renewal is related to the Law of Abundance and constant
supply; however, this supply comes in cycles as with all
things and when exhausted, is renewed.
You cannot have it all at once, but you will have it all
when the right time and place requires it and that is
usually at the beginning of a cycle. The flow of abundance
is not heaped on one willy-nilly or all at once but in
carefully measured cyclical steps.
9. Law of Synchronidty
As the earth shifts position so will mankind's
perception of the zodiac, which has played a maj or role
through astrology in understanding the timing of events.
Time, thus, will continue on the earth plane and into the
New Golden Age. But time will be governed by certain
goals set in the Divine Plan, which in turn is synchronized
with the perception of the new zodiac.
The melting of the ice caps is an indication of the shift
in the north-south axis of the earth, and this gradual shift
will require adjustments in man's perception of the
planetary interplay and its influence on earth activities.
The Divine Plan for the Spiritual Regions is
synchronized with planetary interplay and thus a
modified astrology will reflect this new synchronization of
time. There are blocks of cycles when certain Plan goals


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

must be achieved, and the events and activities will

intermesh accordingly in a synchronized fashion. Time
must be reckoned in terms of these cycles and not
according to mankind's clock
Mankind's role is to recognize this interplay and
choose his action among many in accordance with these
blocks of synchronicity. Thus, a more passive approach to
life characterizes a pralaya and allows for the timing of
events to unfold in terms of the Divine Plan. Allowing the
Plan to unfold as scheduled is to allow the Law of
Synchronicity to unfold. A new breed of astrologers is
needed to unlock this law and interpret it for the people.
The active and wilful activity conforming to some
arbitrarily determined time agenda that so characterized
the present era, for example conquests and aggressive
warmongering, will not take place during a pralaya.
Mankind must learn to detach from wilful activity - to
step back and allow the Law of Synchronicity to take hold
and manifest.

10. Law of Divine Momentum

Divine momentum is the recognition that with the Plan

comes the force or will of implementation. Every element
or provision of the Divine Plan possesses the inherent
power to manifest on the earth plane. As the planetary
interplay begins to unlock certain blocks or cycles of
unfoldment, a momentum of implementation takes over,
built within the Plan. This sets into action certain
activities that the Spiritual H ierarchy will externalize on
earth, which in turn will create right activity for its earthly
counterparts. Together the Plan is realized, but it is up to
mankind to join and cede to the momentum o f


Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

I ndividuals are given the freedom to choose activities

that either promote or thwart such a momentum. To be in
concert with the implementation momentum is to open
up infinite opportunities for service, whereas to thwart it
pits the individual soul against it. Recognizing that there
is a momentum and joining in puts man in harmony with
the Plan for the forces that would thwart the Plan will
eventually be dissipated. Contrary action will be viewed
as a violation of cosmic Law.
Reconstruction in the Spiritual Regions will require
such momentum, otherwise evolution will stall. So in a
sense, passive adherence to the force as built into the Plan
during a pralaya will result in reconstructive activity that
is not "new" activity but more a righting or correction of
what should have transpired. To be in the spirit of the
Plan requires mankind to interfere less with the Plan and
cede to its momentum. As reconstruction efforts mirror
those foreseen in the Divine Plan, they will achieve the
Divine momentum needed to manifest themselves within
the cycle of time allotted as defined by the timing of
planetary interplay.
This momentum will be mirrored i n the new astrology
to be developed in the Spiritual Regions. It is not the
change in the universe that man observes but the change
in his position and perception. Divine momentum will
thus be understood and mapped out in the new astrology.
11. Law ofPassive Adherence
This law underlies all activity during periods of
pralaya. The present era views passivity as a negative
characteristic. The result of aggressive activity has built
much in the way of concrete structure, research, and
innovative ideas. However, much that has been created
must be evaluated in terms of the Divine Plan. Active


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

creativity gives way to passive wisdom in the New Golden

Age. Wisdom is that which evaluates creativity in terms of
its usefulness and evolutionary benefits to mankind.
Passive adherence to the Plan gives recognition to a
right structure into which man's creativity can be
funnelled for the benefit of the whole. The wisdom that
streams forth from the Plan must be recognized and used
to evaluate that which was created in the present era,
superseding rugged individualism.
Absorbing and
understanding the Plan anchors its principles and laws to
the point that the bad will naturally spin out and the good
be retained around them.
For a person to adhere to this cosmic law, the mental
body must be developed. A cultivated intellect is required
to understand the deep sense of wisdom. Thus, passive
adherence implies active mental activity versus physical
action. And these mental activities focus on evaluation of
the past, adoption of what is useful and beneficial to that
which was created in the present era, and the invocation
of wisdom needed to implement that which has been
culled from the past.
Passive adherence to the Divine Plan thus enables
evaluation and brings to the surface that which conforms
to the Plan's principles of wisdom. In this process there is
still activity, but it is passive because it is defined and
restrained by wisdom.

12. Law ofReverse Motion

In line with what we have said about the period of
pralaya, much of what is progress is a recapitulation and
evaluation of what was created during the preceding
active period i.e. culling out the bad and retaining the
good. By reversing general motion, we are actually

1 64

Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

moving forward with the good and positive.

elimination of that which is not useful for mankind makes
space to emphasize and expand the positive. In linear
thinking, reverse motion would imply retrogression, and
in a sense this is correct but in the multi-dimensional
thinking, reverse means making room for the good to
expand. Think upon this.
13. Law of Containment
The filtering out of that which is not useful to mankind
must be done with the utmost wisdom. In some instances,
the choice is obvious, that certain institutions or human
laws are in blatant violation to their cosmic counterpart.
But in most instances the choice involves thought-forms
that have not fully germinated or were twisted in meaning
upon their descent into matter. Thus, they never realized
their full potential.
Containment in this instance means preservation of
that which is good within thought-forms that have not
realized their full potential, but if set loose within the
present context, would have been detrimental to
mankind. One instance of this is the unleashing of atomic
energy, the full use of which has been contained for fear of
misuse. Mankind has taken some thought-forms to their
logical extremes resulting in great suffering. Many wars
are justified by taking to extremes high principles.
The culling out of the old and bad must take place
within certain limitations of wisdom; otherwise we will
have so-called revolutionary or fanatical witch-hunts and
scapegoats against that which is old. Certain traditions of
the past are fully realized thought-forms that are meant to
endure no matter what, while others are of suspect origin
and do not serve mankind. There is a huge grey area of
thought-forms primarily in the realm of high technology.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

They seemingly have some benefit that can be realized

but can also be used to the detriment of mankind. The
Law of Containment limits excessive, fanatical directions
that certain thought-forms can take.

14. Law ofAbatement

Abatement is the ending, reduction or lessening of
something. The excesses of mankind in certain directions
can in part be attributed to the battle of the Dark Forces to
maintain their position on earth at all cost. Many thought
forms started out based on high ideals only to be
extended to the point of excess. Technology enabled
mankind to extend himself beyond the limitations of his
body vehicle, but all have been abused to the ends of the
Dark Forces. Yet the technology remains at its core
beneficial to mankind.
Eliminating the innovative
thought-form is not the solution. Using wisdom to abate
the excess and preserve the essence of the thought-form
is what this law of pralaya aims at. It is very much part of
the genre of laws that restrain and contain the excesses of
the present era and is linked to the Law of Containment.
Concrete thinking in matter has been pushed to its limit in
the post World War II period, and the gentle rain of
wisdom will rein in that which is useful and eliminate
some excesses.

15. Law of Consolidation

The creative activities of the Fourth Sub-Round have
lasted for millennia and the present Fifth Root-Race
generated so much activity that historical and patent
archives are overflowing. The Dark Forces exerted much
energy to suppress many of these revolutionary thought

1 66

Chapter 6 Creating Order out of Chaos

These thought-forms must be revisited, digested and

not forgotten in their entirety - the good and beneficial
must be extracted, evaluated, firmly anchored, and tried.
Much of the Twentieth-Century has been fleeting - an
endless search for something new, but that which has
been given has not yet been fully digested, and mankind
has not fully tested a multitude of thought-forms before
moving on to the next.
The period of pralaya that we have started is not one o f
random destruction but more one of filtration -casting
out the unwanted and bad and consolidating the good and
pure. It is also active rest to digest thought-forms for the
New Golden Age.

















Chapter 7
Period of Reconstruction II
Towards An Etheric Existence

As lightbearers move to the Spiritual Regions, they will

organize and reconstruct society along the lines of a new
cosmic order. These Regions will stand as beacons of hope
and aspiration for human society. Those who started on
the probationary path in previous lifetimes will feel
drawn to them, while those who have no interest in
spiritual matters despite the catastrophes will rebuild
their lives as best they can, in peripheral elevated zones.
The Spiritual Regions are areas of high vibration that
the Spiritual Hierarchy has designated for the survival of
human civilisation during the pralaya. They are vast
enough to absorb the majority of survivors and by their
light will attract a constant inflow from the general
population in accordance with the cosmic Law of
Attraction. Spiritual Regions are not exclusive areas, but
stops on the evolutionary path. On each continent, they
will serve as new aspirations for survivors, a place where
they will go to live in peace, harmony, brotherhood, and
The requirements for all who enter the Spiritual
Regions are the same as for the Path of Initiation: the
probationary path, the way of the disciple and the four
1 69

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

grades of initiation. The majority of survivors will have

moved to higher elevations out of instinct for self
A minority will already be on the
probationary path, i.e. "on the side of the forces of
evolution, and working at the building of his own
character . . . "42 and will be more apt to seek refuge in the
Spiritual Regions.
He takes himself in hand, cultivates the qualities
that are lacking in his disposition, and seeks with
diligence to bring his personality under control. He is
building the causal body with deliberate intent, filling
any gaps that may exist, and seeking to make it a fit
receptacle for the Christ principle.43

Characteristics ofthe Spiritual Regions

The Spiritual Regions are in essence dimensional
portals to the etheric plane, where the Spiritual Hierarchy
will communicate with its earthly counterparts of
lightbearers, disciples, and probationers. In these regions,
residents will straddle earth's dense physical and etheric
planes and will build a transitional society marked by
inter-dimensional communication
In order for residents to take full advantage of these
regions, they will need to regain many faculties associated
with the etheric body, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and
etheric vision. And as the years go by, residents in these
regions will function more and more on the etheric plane
using their etheric bodies as their physical vehicle of
Lightbearers who have cleared their astral bodies
during the initial turmoil of the pralaya will be the first to
42 Bailey, Alice A., Initia tion Human and Solar, p. 65
43 (bid.


Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

function with the etheric as their form vehicle. This is

because the etheric body will have clearer access to the
mental body through a cleansed astral and vice versa, and
mankind will rely more on its thinking abilities than
emotions. The astral body will still play a role in shaping
mankind's thinking in the higher forms of astral colouring,
for example higher aspirations and expression of arts and
music and the desire for service rather than self
gratification. So one could say that the main characteristic
of transitional society in the Spiritual Regions will be the
gradual change of form expression from the dense
physical to the etheric. Depending on the spiritual acuity
of each Spiritual Region, this phase could take decades or
The shape of the transitional society, its structures and
are to be determined entirely by its
inhabitants working in concert with their counterparts in
the Spiritual Hierarchy. Free will will predominate, as
mankind is given an incredible opportunity to reshape its
entire existence based on past experience and the
introduction of new innovative thought-forms. This is the
grand perspective to which only survivors of the present
society can contribute; hence the critical role of the
modus operandi,

The transitional society is a grand experiment and its

outcome is not guaranteed. The Middle East, once a major
spiritual dimensional portal that spawned great
civilisations, has degenerated into a region of major
conflict in today's world. So if mankind is not vigilant, it
may still alter the thought-forms generated by the
Planetary Logos, the Masters of Wisdom and their
initiates, even without the presence of the Dark Forces,
and lead the Spiritual Regions down a dark path. It has
happened many times before.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

This time, however, is slightly different given so many

incarnated initiates expected to keep in close
communication with the Spiritual H ierarchy.

Backdrop of Geological Changes

The creation of the transitional society will take place
over many decades, even as geological changes slowly
convulse and cleanse other parts of the earth. As mankind
gradually enters the New Golden Age, both the earth's
astral plane and man's astral body will gradually be
eliminated, and earth life will move onto the etheric plane.
In the meantime, the Spiritual Regions will serve as
prototypes for what earth is to become over the coming
centuries, so the kind of society mankind creates in these
regions will affect the shape and fabric of the New Golden

Role of Gold in the Spiritual Regions

Gold is expected to play a major role in the Spiritual
Regions, not only as a means of exchange but also for its
esoteric value in purifying, balancing and vitalizing
energies. H ere is a statement about gold that the Master
Sanctus Germanus made many decades ago:
Gold was a common commodity . . . in all Golden
Ages, because its natural emanation is a purifying,
balancing, and vitalizing energy or force. It is placed
within the earth by the Lords of Creation - those Great
Beings Of Life and Love who create and direct worlds,
systems of worlds, and the expansion of the light in the
beings upon them.
The outer or intellectual knowledge of humanity
holds within it little - very little - understanding o f the
real purpose for which gold exists on this planet. It

1 72

Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

grows within the earth like a plant, and through it

there is constantly pouring a purifying, vitalizing
balance and current of energy into the very ground we
walk upon, as well as into the growth of nature and the
atmosphere we breathe.
Gold is placed upon this planet for a variety of uses,
two of its most trivial and unimportant ones being that
of using gold as a means of exchange and for
ornamentation. The far greater activity and purpose of
it, within and upon the earth, is the release of its own
inherent quality and energy to purify, vitalize and
balance the atomic structure of the world.
The scientific world today has no inkling as yet of
this activity. However, it serves the same purpose to
our earth that radiators do to our homes. Gold is one
of the most important ways by which the energy from
our sun is supplied to the interior of the earth, and the
balance of activities maintained. As a conveyor of this
energy, it acts as a transformer to pass the sun's force
into the physical substance of our world, as well as to
the life evolving upon it. The energy within gold is
really the radiant, electronic force from the sun, acting
in a lower octave.
Gold is sometimes called a
precipitated sun-ray.
As the energy within gold is of extremely high
vibratory rate, it can only act upon the finer and more
subtle expressions of life, through absorption. In all
Golden Ages, this metal comes into plentiful and
common use by the mass of the people, and whenever
such a condition occurs, the spiritual development of
that people reaches a very high state. I n these ages, the
gold is never hoarded but instead, is widely distributed
into the use of the masses who, absorbing its purifying
energy, are themselves raised into greater perfection.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Such is the right use of gold, and when this Law is

consciously understood and obeyed, the individual
may draw any quantity he desires to himself by the use
of that Law.
Because of the gold deposits in all mountain ranges,
one finds health and vigour in life upon the mountains
that he cannot find in any other place on the earth's
surface. No one ever heard of detrimental effects
coming to those who constantly handle pure gold.
While in its pure state, it is soft and wears away easily,
still the very quality is the fulfilling of this purpose of
which I have just spoken.
The more advanced of these people produced much
gold by precipitation direct from the Universal. The
domes of many buildings were covered with sheets of
pure gold and the interiors decorated with brilliant
jewels in curious yet marvelous designs. These jewels
were also precipitated - direct from the One Eternal
Substance. "44
It is assumed that each Spiritual Region will be
endowed with an abundance of gold, and has been
designated for this reason.

Free Energy in the Spiritual Regions

In line with the esoteric importance of gold, the modes
of exploiting an unlimited supply of free energy electro
magnetically from natural energy vibrations that
surround us will be revealed and unleashed in these
Regions. Tapping into this free source of energy has been
known for eons, but the Dark Forces have severely
suppressed this knowledge in order to perpetuate a
King, Godfre Ray, Unveiled Mysteries, Saint Germain Foundation Inc.

1 74

Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

regime of fossil fuels linked to their money-making

Proponents of free energy will bring their technology
to the Spiritual Regions where it will be released for the
benefit of the society. Again, the custodians of this
technology are lightbearers.
The positive and moderating vibrations of gold's
presence, coupled with an unlimited source of free energy
in the Spiritual Regions, promise to lift a heavy burden off
the backs of mankind and enable it to concentrate more
on the spiritual path as opposed to struggling daily for

Llgbtbearers in the Spiritual Regions

The Spiritual H ierarchy has always recognized that an
individual's spiritual evolution can outpace the evolution
of mankind. This is why the Planetary Logos set up the
Path of Initiation millions of years ago. The ranks of the
earth's Spiritual H ierarchy are now filled with ordinary
human beings who chose this Path and passed through
the rigors of countless incarnations to qualify.
As the Dark Forces are expelled from the earth, the
doors to the Probationary Path will be swung wide open
to give all survivors equal opportunity to begin the
journey of ascension. Indeed, we estimate that most of the
survivors will already have begun this journey in previous
lifetimes and have been "fence sitters" during this
Lightbearers of all grades and their disciples who make
their way to the Spiritual Regions will encounter higher
vibrations that will bring out many latent abilities and


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

enhance their work as White Magicians. These etheric

qualities will shape the transitional society they create.

Reduction of Astral Plane Intluences

The higher vibrations of the dimensional portals will
necessarily stimulate the etheric body and thus reopen
faculties that mankind has long forgotten. In order that
the etheric body play its true role as the controller of the
dense physical body, the blockages posed by the astral
body must be swept away. This is one of the main results
of the present filtering process of what is called the
By the time reconstruction begins in the Spiritual
Regions, the astral body and plane will have undergone a
major cleansing of the malevolent influences connected to
the Dark Forces. The heaviness of the atmosphere we feel
today will be lightened as the grossest of astral matter is
cleansed or eliminated. Mankind can now entertain more
clearly and with less astral colouring the higher ideas or
thought-forms being transmitted from the causal body to
the mental and then to the etheric body. However, for
many decades to come, the astral body, although
diminished in its influence, will continue to colour
thought-forms with astral colour and sentiments of a
nostalgic nature, until mankind lets go of pre-pralaya era
memories and chooses consciously to work with thoughts
flowing from the mental plane. This is a process of
education that will take place in the Spiritual Regions.
The purer thoughts of the mental plane are made up of
a finer etheric matter that the astral can never mimic. The
etheric body is quite receptive to them as they convey a
satisfaction and wholeness that astral thought has never
given mankind. There is a danger that once the astral
plane has been cleansed of the negative, those good,

1 76

Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

romantic and sentimental thought-forms left over will lull

mankind into a plateau of ease and obscure the higher
thought-forms from the mental plane. It is in this way
that the astral plane will remain both an unconscious and
conscious reality in the minds of mankind for decades,
perhaps centuries.
Its form will not resemble what we have today - a
thick, mucky heavy layer - but more a benign thin layer
above the etheric. Those in the Spiritual Regions will
gradually gain an acute ability to distinguish between
mental and astral thought-forms, and this ability will of
course depend on mankind's receptivity to the Spiritual
Hierarchy's new education. It is expected that there will
not be any shortcuts to the cleansing of the astral plane
and body, but that the process will continue for many
more decades, perhaps centuries, until they no longer
exist. The elimination of the astral plane will be a marked
characteristic of the New Golden Age.

Growing Importance of the Etheric Body

Many early occultists treated the etheric body as "the
etheric double" or that lighter, physical form that formed
energy fields around the physical body and objects, which
was responsible for drawing the sun's energy into the
physical body. The Chinese call this qi, the Hindus prana,
modern science bioplasma. Today, scientists recognize its
existence as do those with etheric vision or clairvoyance.
The etheric double was considered more an appendage of
the physical rather than a body of its own intelligence like
the astral or mental bodies. However, the teachings of the
Master Djwal Khul through Alice A. Bailey reversed this
perception and stated that the etheric body is in reality
the true form vehicle, and the physical body is merely its
In other words, the etheric body exerts
control over and interpenetrates, underlies and occupies


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

the entire physical organism. It also extends beyond the

physical form and surrounds it like an aura.4s Those with
clairvoyant faculties can observe the etheric body as
plainly as one sees the physical body. Others with
developed clairsentient faculties can actually feel it with
their hands.
As we embark on the creation of the transitional
society, the etheric body will emerge as the primary form
of expression and the faculties associated with this body
will play a role in shaping an entirely different society
based on the good of the past and the insight of the
mankind's enhanced faculties.

Five Etheric Faculties in the Spiritual Regions

Advanced lightbearers who settle in the Spiritual
Regions will have already developed to a high degree
their etheric faculties as part of their reawakening. In the
higher vibrational setting of the Spiritual Regions, they
will find that these faculties will blossom. Others along
the Path of Initiation who move to the Spiritual Regions
will discover that their spiritual development advances at
a much quicker pace.
The five etheric faculties - etheric vision, telepathic
communication, continuity of consciousness, multi
dimensional thinking, and precipitation - are presently
more widespread than one imagines. One need only
consider the number of psychics, mediums, intuitives,
sensitives, and those who respond to a keen "sixth sense".
These are the lightbearers. One must also note that these
faculties are very much developed in the incoming new
race, the Sixth Root-Race.
One's evolutionary level determines how far the etheric body
extends outside of the physical body, and it can extend from a few or
many inches.


1 78

Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

Btherlc Vision
Etheric vision is defined as the physical eye's ability to
see life on the etheric plane. The dense material plane on
which we base most of our perceptions through the five
senses is nothing more than an illusion. Reality, or life's
true material manifestation, exists on the etheric plane or
the etheric double of earth. The Master Djwal Khul states
the following:
Etheric vision, or the power to see energy
substance, is true vision for the human being, just as
the etheric is the true form. But until the race is further
evolved, the eye is aware of and responds to the
heavier vibration only. Gradually it will shake itself
free from the lower and coarser reactions, and become
an organ of true vision.46
M any people today possess the ability to see
etherically. There are a growing number of psychics and
mediums as well as those practicing various modalities of
energy healing who can either sense, see or feel prana or
energy fields that constitute the etheric body. Some can
see the complex energy matrices and the dynamic
interaction of these energy matrices surrounding living
objects such as trees and plants. Etheric vision is, thus,
the highest form of physical eyesight, and it will constitute
a major new dimension that people will explore in the
transitional society.
As the astral plane gradually fades out, the etheric
reality that has been shrouded by the physical plane
illusion will come more to light, and through the sense of
etheric vision, people of the New Golden Age will perceive
things and objects as energy shapes rather than as the

Bailey, Alice A., Treatise on Cosmic Fire, New York: Lucis Publishing,
p. 1096.

1 79

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

solid objects we see today. A house will be seen as a

complex of energies that can be shaped into whatever
form the mind conceives. People will learn to harness and
work with etheric matter in the same way they learned to
work with bricks and mortar.

Telepathic Communication
Those who see etherically will naturally develop the
ability to transmit and receive information through the
etheric byways, which serve as the transmission lines of
telepathic communication. Even today, this ability is
widely manifested as more and more realize the power of
the mind to communicate with other minds. Many people
who live closely together communicate telepathically.
Many people find it more and more common that if they
merely think of a friend, that friend will contact them out
of the blue. Others who act on hunches or intuition are
receiving telepathic messages from their guides or picking
up general information from the general consciousness.
These seeds of telepathy will fully bloom and grow in
accuracy as life in the Spiritual Regions develops.
Telepathy can be defined as thought transference
between two people or between a person and another
intelligent discarnate in different dimension. A thought is
sent to a receiver, and the receiver accepts it by forming
the atoms necessary to transform the thought into a
language that the conscious mind can understand.
Telepathy is a natural mode of communication within the
etheric realm and has become more pronounced on the
earth plane as we approach 2012.
During the initial phase of life in the Spiritual Regions,
communications will rely on the remnants of the present
wireless or even shortwave systems. These systems will
eventually give way to more perfected use of telepathy.

1 80

Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

This transition is much like the one made from the fax
machine to the use of email as the latter's reliability was
demonstrated and proven. There will come a time in the
near future when telepathic accuracy will reach a level
where people will be able to fix the date and place of a
meeting mentally and both parties will be there, not by
arrangement. Later telepathy will constitute a major
component in the transference of thought-forms between
the etheric and physical planes. It will also serve to link
Spiritual Regions spread across the face of the earth
during a time when the earth's surface is changing.

Continuit;y ofConsdousness
Continuity of consciousness is defined as a constant
and sequential recollection of b oth the inner and outer
worlds. It is the power to be fully aware of all happenings
in all spheres and departments of man's being during the
entire twenty-four hours of the day.47 As this ability
develops, the brain will be able to register simultaneously
reactions of the etheric, astral, and mental bodies at the
same time. And if each of these inner bodies is engaged in
multi-tasking, the brain will one day be able to register all
the activities.
The development of this ability will depend on the
extent the astral plane is cleared, for what blocks its
present manifestation is the murky state of the lower sub
planes of the astral plane.

Multi-Dimensional Thinking
Continuity of consciousness leads to multi-dimensional
thinking. H igher vibrations will eventually challenge the
47 Ibid., p. 423


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

concept of time. What has time done for humanity but

keep every thought in a linear pattern? With the concept
of time changing into blocks of cyclic unfoldment
according to the Law of Synchronicity, linear thinking will
give way to multi-dimensional thinking. To complete
tasks that advance the soul is what is necessary. Those in
the Spiritual Regions will gradually dispense with linear
thinking and move onto a multi-dimensional approach
that is difficult to describe in words.
As an example, imagine a vast honeycomb of bees, all
in their right place, busily doing what needs to be done,
instead of ideas lined up along a track or road waiting to
be expressed logically as time permits. All thought-forms
in the honeycomb are all being expressed and
U NDERSTOOD consciously and simultaneously and thus a
multi-dimensional life is taking place.
Or think of a tree and all its branches with thousands
of leaves expressing themselves - leaf-by-leaf - all at the
same time. Each leaf is part of the tree but the multi
expressiveness of the tree at one time is "the fullness of
life therein". Multi-dimensional thinking is something
mankind has been searching for millennia, the high
powered computer being the predecessor of this
Words cannot express this way of thinking, but our
illustration alludes to a picture you can comprehend

Ability to Precipitate
As the human kingdom regains its etheric faculties, it
will interact once again with the elemental and angelic
kingdoms as it did in Lemuria and on Atlantis. As the veil
of astral clutter clears out of the astral plane, angelic


Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

beings, fairies, devas, and menehunes will become more

visible and we will consciously share life with these two
kingdoms. They have always been there, working silently
and without due credit for their good works, as the
concrete mind of mankind became more and more blind
to them. Needless to say with the three kingdoms human, angelic, and elemental - working together, the
breadth, depth, and intelligence of the Spiritual Regions
will increase exponentially, and the transitional society
will undergo a revolution that will carry it to the
doorsteps of the New Golden Age.

Precipitation and the Role of the Elementals

Precipitation is simply thinking of something and
producing it materially. In the dense physical world, we
must pull out our building tools to shape brick and mortar
into a house. In the etheric world, we will use our minds
to enlist elementals to build things for us according to our
Henry Steel Olcott, the co-founder of the
Theosophical Society, reminisced in Old Diary Leaves how
one night while working with Helena Blavatsky on Isis
Unveiled, he simply stated how nice it would be to eat
some fresh grapes. It was winter and had just snowed. All
the stores had already closed in New York. Mme.
Blavatsky, with a sly smile on her face, told him to look on
the bookshelf behind him, where hanging off one of the
shelves were "two large bunches of ripe black Hamburgh
grapes" which she had asked the elementals to produce!4B
The Spiritual Regions will by necessity have to be self
sufficient in their basic needs. We expect that adepts in
the Spiritual Regions will work with the elemental
kingdom to precipitate most of the region's needs in the
beginning of life in the Spiritual Regions. As the veil of

Olcott, Henry Steel, Old Diary Leaves, Vol. 1, The Theosophical

Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India: 1900, pp. 16-17.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2


dissipates and mankind regains its etheric faculties

of perception, we will be able to interact with the
elemental kingdom and ask them to precipitate our ideas.
In this way, concepts of economics and finance as we
know them today will come to an end. Supply will, then,
always equal demand.
The elemental kingdom works upward, from the tiniest
intelligence to cosmic level builders of form. Tiny
intelligences create small forms like the petals of a flower,
a blade of grass, a dewdrop or a snowflake. More
advanced builders can form temples. Teams of these small
intelligences create human bodies. Others, such as the
nature devas, create mountains and cities, until they
finally grow to be Silent Watchers of a planet, a solar
system or a galaxy.
How will the elementals relate to mankind again, as
they did before the earth was beset with Maya? The
human being has a mind body that, one day, through the
magnetic power of the I AM within, will draw form
making elementals around an idea. Elementals are
primarily mental beings, and because mankind also has
the ability to work on the mental plane, the two will meet
there to create forms.
In addition, man possesses the faculty of feelings and
emotions that can add the element of the heart into the
mixture before it takes form. This is where mankind's
renewed interaction with the angelic realm comes
together. Angels exude light and meaning onto form. By
drawing in and mixing the human element of the heart
with the angelic light of beauty, balance, and colour,
mankind will be able to precipitate what it needs and with
that extra touch that gives life and beauty to precipitation.

1 84

Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

Mankind will learn to use its expanded etheric faculties

to cooperate with the elemental and angelic kingdoms to
control energy through thought and hold a constructive
pattern and design until it is precipitated. We will then
enjoy perfection in the nature temples - an apple, a pear, a
peach, a grape, as we conceive of it. The scope of creation
thus becomes infinite as each individual creates as need

The Incoming Race: Natural Btheric Faculties

The five etheric faculties are embedded in the new
race, the Sixth Root-Race. M ost of the older lightbearers
have incarnated in bodies of the seventh or last sub-race
of the Fifth Root-Race and must revive these faculties by
raising their vibrations.
But the more youthful
lightbearers who have incarnated in the Sixth Root-Race
bodies will find it easier to awaken these faculties.

Post World War II New Race Incarnations

The post-World War I I generation of lightbearers who
have contributed through their accomplishments and
intellectual development will make up the senior
lightbearers. Most of these lightbearers chose bodies of
the last sub-race of the Fifth Root-Race. These vehicles
represent the transition from the Fifth to the Sixth Root
Race in that they retain their penchant for concrete
thinking, yet can develop etheric faculties over time. It is
usually during their awakening and retrieval of past
initiation levels that their etheric abilities become evident.
These Fifth Root-Race incarnations represent the tried
and true lightbearers who took part in the original
planning for this pralaya centuries ago and who have
incarnated over and over during the past eight to ten
generations to implement early provisions of the plan.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Their most recent incarnations were those of the

Theosophical Society, Buddhist monks, Yogis, Sufis,
and/or reformers of other traditional religions. In this
incarnation, they have taken on the mantle of the
technocrat, learning certain fields of expertise of the
present civilisation that will carry over into and enhance
the post-catastrophic era.
These first tier leaders tend to be metaphysicians as
well as experts in their professions. Many are drawn to
the ancient occult teachings and may at one time in their
lives join one of the traditional religions. By their
knowledge of the world and experience in traditional
religious practices, they constitute the "civilisation's
memory bank" and will play an invaluable role in the
Spiritual Regions of reviewing and filtering out that which
did not serve mankind from that which still has potential.

Post-1960's New Race Incarnations

The post-1960's wave of new race incarnations are
made up of 1) souls on the Path of Initiation or 2) souls
from other advanced evolutions. All of these incoming
Sixth Root-Race incarnations naturally possess etheric
abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and
clairsentience at birth. In addition, souls from the
advanced evolutions bear technologies that are not yet
known to this civilisation but will be released should they
choose to settle in the Spiritual Regions. This knowledge
should aid the transitional society to resolve any hint of a
carry-over of the most debilitating problems of today's
world such as poverty, starvation and disease.
Coming into incarnation with these abilities, however,
does not guarantee that these newer lightbearers are on
the Path of Initiation. Natural clairvoyance does not make
a lightbearer, so like the older lightbearers, they must go


Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

through the same probation and acceptance retrieval.

There is no short cut. The Masters of Wisdom must
determine their commitment to their mission and to
service to humanity before they can use them in any
position of responsibility. They must be taught and given
the choice to serve for the benefit of mankind. Not all the
post-1960 group will choose this path as they have been
exposed and subject to, like all of humanity, the choices of
duality. Those who consciously serve the Spiritual
Hierarchy will enhance the team in the Spiritual Regions
These incarnations are popularly known as the Indigo
or Crystal children. Coming into incarnation in the 1960's
and 1970's, they have been the target of the Dark Forces
and have suffered the most. Some chose parents who
nurtured and prepared them for service, others led less
fortunate lives. Most struggled in the current education
system, which considered them misfits and used
medication to force their behaviour into conformity.
Some chose the route of substance abuse and many
resorted to suicide because of their inability to fit in. Too
many have been left to wander aimlessly, searching for
Despite these hardships, the many who have managed
to surmount these challenges will constitute the second
tier lightbearers who will be instrumental in shaping the
transitional society. They will be the parents of Sixth
Root-Race children.
It will be theirs and the elders' duty to teach the new
race children how to apply their talents for the good of
humanity and in service to the Spiritual H ierarchy. If not,
these talents or abilities will violate the Cosmic Laws of
Containment and Abatement. Unleashing these talents

1 87

The Sanctus German us Prophecies Vol 2

without spiritual restraint could sabotage the march to a

New Golden Age.

Joining of the Three Kingdoms of Evolution

As Fifth Root-Race thinking became more and more
concrete and intellectual, it pushed aside mankind's
ability to communicate with the elemental and angelic
kingdoms. This deprived us of the richness and radiance
of life with these kingdoms.
The Master Sanctus
Germanus' goal in the New Golden Age is to establish a
brotherhood of elementals, angels and mankind. In the
Spiritual Regions the three kingdoms - angelic, human
and elemental - shall worship together, serve together
and walk together on the path.
These kingdoms represent three parallel tracks of
evolution under the authority of the Planetary Logos,
Sanat Kumara. The angelic kingdom is more advanced
than the human kingdom while the human kingdom has
more breadth than the elemental intelligences. Elementals
are specific task-oriented intelligences that put thoughts
into form. As we saw above, these include the devas,
consciousnesses who will help us build the transitional
The angelic kingdom has also continued to serve
humanity as virtual unknowns, dishonoured by the
concrete mind and relegated to the short Christmas
season when they are given recognition. In the Spiritual
Regions, angels, seraphims and cherubims will walk with
mankind. They exist only to radiate the nature of God, the
virtue of God. "They do not labour, they shine!" And with
their light, they teach and lead mankind back to the I AM
within. Angels perceive mankind only as light and
shadow, not as form.
So whereas the consciousness of the elemental is to


Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

sacrifice freedom, happiness and joy to enter into the

thought pattern developed by man, giving form to that
idea by their lives, the consciousness of the angels is to
draw divine radiance through the form, giving it life and
blessing it. So as astral feelings and emotions dissipate
with the astral plane, mankind will no longer react to vast
swings on the emotional spectrum, but exude angelic
radiance and pure stable feelings.
Angelic emanations, their healing energies and guiding
light on matters from the simplest to the most complex
concerning life in the Spiritual Regions will have a
soothing, stabilizing effect on society. With the presence
of and interaction with the angelic realm, what could
possibly go wrong? The greater the role the Angelic realm
is permitted to play in the transitional society, the greater
the chance that mankind will achieve that eon of peace in
the New Golden Age.

Touching the Etheric

Mankind's re-activation of five etheric faculties, the
incoming new race with its enhanced talents and abilities,
and the conscious coexistence with the elemental and
angelic kingdoms all support a more etheric existence. In
fact, one could characterize the Spiritual Regions by their
Hierarchical structure will extend down into the etheric
while the physical plane will reach up to it. Both incarnate
and discarnate adepts and lightbearers of the Spiritual
Hierarchy straddling these planes will lead the Spiritual
Regions' populations to the realization of the Divine Plan
that is laid out for each area.
Although much of Spiritual Regional life in the initial
years will take place on the dense physical level,
lightbearers involved in the planning and decision-making


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

will straddle the two dimensions. If everything goes

according to Plan, the transitional society will gradually
lose its dense physical nature and operate entirely on the
etheric level, and as each new generation takes over,
working on the etheric plane will become more and more
second nature until the entire transitional society is able
to operate primarily on the etheric plane.
As time passes, the transitional society will gradually
fade out and the entire New Golden Age civilisation will
exist on the etheric. Everything has been meticulously
planned over the centuries for this occasion and the
intense involvement of the Spiritual Hierarchy, primarily
on the etheric, will greatly reduce chaos during this

Earth Itself Becomes more Etheric

While this evolution is taking place in the Spiritual
Regions, the earth will continue to undergo major physical
convulsions and further cleansing of its astral plane.
Physical earth itself will appear to shrink as its etheric
body takes on more prominence. Over the centuries,
physical earth will thus appear to spin faster, creating
even higher vibrations and a faster sense of time. On the
microcosmic level, the same phenomenon will be
observed as our physical bodies become less evident and
etheric faculties begin to take on more prominence.
As earth ascends, the vibrations of its etheric plane will
increase, which will necessarily affect mankind's etheric
bodies. As these ever-higher energies penetrate the dense
physical body through the etheric body, the physical body
should become lighter and shrink, just as earth's physical
body shrinks. It will thus benefit more readily from the
inflow of prana from the Sun. A New Golden Age, based
more on etheric qualities of the body will be
revolutionary, compared to the present civilisation.


Chapter 7 Towards An Etheric Existence

Interaction with the Spiritual Hierarchy

The acuity of the etheric faculties in the Spiritual
Regions will greatly enhance the ability of the populations
to communicate with the Spiritual H ierarchy. It also
obviates the need of the Masters of the Wisdom to expend
a great deal of energy to manifest in dense physical
matter. They can take bodies of etheric matter to work at
the H ierarchy's centre, Shamballa, on the etheric plane.
Projects undertaken in the Spiritual Regions during the
Period of Reconstruction will require close interface with
the Spiritual H ierarchy, enhanced by the fact that the
majority of the inhabitants will possess these five
faculties. We will discuss further the close interaction
between the adepts and lightbearers on earth and the
Spiritual H ierarchy in Chapter 8.

Shamballa aeturns" to the North Pole

As it becomes clear that the transitional society is
progressing into a more etheric existence, lightbearers
will be prompted to begin building the thirteenth Spiritual
Region, the capital of the New Golden Age. The capital is
to be located under Shamballa, and lightbearers from all
the Spiritual Regions will decide on the exact location.
Occult lore has speculated that the mystical seat of the
Spiritual H ierarchy, Shamballa, is situated either above
the H imalayan mountain range or slightly to their north
over central Asia. In the present cycle it is estimated that
at peak misalignment between the two axes, Shamballa
was located as far off as the northern tips of the
Himalayas instead of above the North Pole. As the earth
has already begun shifting back to alignment with its
etheric double, Shamballa's location over the centuries


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

also seems to be shifting.

When earth's poles have finally aligned with those
etheric, Shamballa should be located above what is today
the North Pole. At this point, another era of peak
enlightenment on earth will open up a New Golden Age of
contact between Shamballa and the earth plane, especially
the Spiritual Regions.


Chapter s
Period of Reconstruction III

Functioning of the Transitional Society

The basic structure of the transitional society will be
comprised of 1) a minimal governing hierarchy and 2) a
vast free sector of activity where residents have full
freedom to live as they please. The whole society will
come under cosmic law.
Such a society will serve as a model for the coming
New Golden Age. However, we can only indicate the basic
framework within which it will operate. How it will
ultimately evolve will be left to the infinite creativity of
the Spiritual Regions' inhabitants. In the previous chapter
we have indicated that mankind will regain etheric
abilities that will profoundly affect the transitional
society's functions. So we can only project a provisional
vision as its entire future and shape rests in the hands of
the residents. The Spiritual Hierarchy can only guide, for
the principle of free will still be in force during the New
Golden Age.

Governing Structure: Prindple of Hierarchy in Action

Those who move to the Spiritual Regions will
experience an active interaction with the Spiritual
Hierarchy, where Its adepts have been placed as an


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

extension of Its structure on the earth plane. We

indicated previously that ancient secret societies linked to
the Brotherhood of Light or Spiritual H ierarchy have
already been activated, and that adepts of these societies
are now moving into the Spiritual Regions in preparation
for population displacements. These adepts, appearing
like ordinary citizens of the region, will work quietly and
without fanfare with the lightbearers and their followers
to prepare the Spiritual Regions to receive and settlf'
those moving up from the lowlands.
The governing structure in the Spiritual Regions will
mirror that of the Hierarchy, which is essentially a
consultative, centralized hierarchical structure. While this
structure implies top down governance, its main activities
and movements promote upward mobility, i.e. spiritual
Even groups will be ranked in the hierarchical order
and their internal organisation will also follow the same
hierarchical principles that comprise the Order of the
In such a Hierarchy there is always one who is on a
higher rung, protecting and overseeing the welfare o f
those on lower rungs. So at any level of the hierarchy, the
hierarch benevolently cares for and educates those below
- never oppressive, sometimes strict, yet applying the
principle of love with careful guidance - all of which
promotes the evolution of a lower rung to the higher
rungs. Everyone is a hierarch, and everyone is under a
The upward movement promotes Soul Liberation, the
prime raison d'etre of the Hierarchy on our planet. This
same principle will apply to all group activity, large and
small. All organizations and their leadership hierarchy.
no matter what the activity, should in some way promote

1 94

Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

Soul Liberation, and this liberation implies the movement

up the hierarchical ladder.
One of the great fears that remains with today's
lightbearer is the oppressive characteristics that
hierarchy can or has taken during the present era.
Hierarchy, as interpreted on the earth plane, has resulted
in some of the most oppressive dictatorial and
monarchical regimes that mankind has ever invented.
Modern history records hierarchical dictatorial regimes
countries as the Soviet Union and China, not to mention
the ruthless petty dictatorships in South America, Africa
and Asia.
Even democratically elected structures
worldwide have been corrupted to the point that they
now override their peoples' voice to wage wars and
oppress. Alternative horizontal or flat organizational
structures, with which mankind experimented to
overcome the oppressive nature of monarchies or
dictatorships, have withered, unsuccessful.
So democratically-minded people who fear the return
a dictatorial theocratic hierarchy do so based on the
miserable experiences in mankind's history. So here we
must call attention to the cosmic laws outlined above. The
Laws of Abandonment and Reverse Motion apply in this
instance. There is a need to break with dysfunctional
experiences of the past to allow for the full expression of a
time-honoured divine structure to take root.

The Governing Hierarchy of the Spiritual Regions

Led by the principle that the lightest governing
structure is best for a society whose goal is to foster Soul
Liberation, the following governmental structure would
apply to the Spiritual Regions, subject to the people's


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Council ofAdepts
Head Representative
Governing Council of Hach Spiritual Region (4th Grade
Work Groups (3rd Grade Initiates)
Housing, Food & Agriculture, Education, Culture, etc.
Multiple ad hoc groups set up to accomplish certain tasks

Council ofAdepts
The Council of Adepts will be made up of spiritual
adepts currently working on the earth plane. These
adepts are to be identified by the Master Sanctus
Germanus and will represent the Spiritual Hierarchy on
earth. The Council of Adepts will operate like an elders'
council to give advice and insight to Spiritual Regions on
all matters.
The Council of Adepts will guide the establishment of
all Spiritual Regions at their inception. Once the hierarchy
for each Spiritual Region is established, the Council will be
concerned primarily with the relations between Spiritual
Regions, which may include anything from trade to
cultural exchanges. It will also appoint the Head
Representative for each Region and he or she will be able
to consult the Council for advice concerning any decisions
to be made.
The Council will eventually function out of the New
Golden Age capital, which will be constructed North of
Canada or on Greenland, depending on what transpires
during the intervening years. The capital will be located
under the etheric city of Shamballa.


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

Like all organizations or groups on the earth plane,

there will be a counterpart Council in the etheric zone at
work in concert with that on earth, but it is, of course, the
earthly Council that will have the last word. Members of
the Council of Adepts will demonstrate their ease in
straddling both planes and will communicate freely with
their etheric counterparts as equal colleagues acting from
different perspectives.
Communications between the Council and its etheric
counterpart will occur via telepathy. Proceedings will be
open to the public through advanced lightbearers serving
as telepathic interpreters. Telepathy will eventually
become the sole mode of communication as it guarantees
openness in government.
As the Council's functions increase over time due to
increased interaction between Spiritual Regions, its future
administrative form will be based on the highest
principles of hierarchical organization as practiced by the
Spiritual Hierarchy. There will be no bureaucracies.

The Head Representative ofthe Spiritual Region

The Hierarchy and the Council of Adepts will appoint a
H ead Representative to lead each Spiritual Region. The
H ead Representative will most likely be a Master-level
Adept, manifesting in both masculine or feminine forms,
from the regional branch of the Brotherhood of Light49.
Although appearing in the flesh for this function, the
Head Representative will most likely be an immortal
capable of manifesting in and out of the physical body at
49 The B rotherhood of Light has regional branches throughout the
world, e.g. the Luxor, Egypt Branch, South American Branch, and the
North American Branch to name a few.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

will and when necessary. This Master Adept will serve as

the ultimate earthly authority in the Spiritual Region, and
will utter the last word in any major decision concerning
the Spiritual Region. His or Her mandate will be given by
the Spiritual Hierarchy, assuring purity of governance.
While the H ead Representative functions as the moral
and spiritual head, daily operational decisions will be
relegated to the Governing Council of each Region. If
deadlocked on any issue, the H ead Representative will
cast the tie-breaking vote.
Even though it represents a higher authority, the
Council of Adepts cannot override any decisions taken by
the Head Representative and Spiritual Regions' Governing
Councils as each region must be responsible for its own
The H ead Representative represents, and guarantees
total transparency to, all the people of the Spiritual
Region, since no secrets or ulterior motives among all
levels of leadership will be kept from the public, due to
increasing mental abilities and clairvoyance.

Governing Coundl ofthe Spiritual Region

A governing council will lead the Spiritual Regions'
everyday operations. Third and fourth initiate level
lightbearers of the Spiritual Hierarchy will serve on the
Governing Councils.
The Head Representative will appoint to the Governing
Council members out of a pool of volunteers according to
their level of spiritual development, as meticulously
recorded in the Hall of Records in Shamballa. Popularity is
not a criterion. Council members will represent every
walk of life. They will embody experience, earthly


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

knowledge, and an ability to practice White Magic. They

will possess all the basic faculties of etheric sight,
consciousness, and precipitation, to enable active
interaction with their etheric counterparts from the
Spiritual Hierarchy, who will comment and advise them
without overriding their inherent rights of free will.
Governing Councils will function quite differently from
local governments today. First, there will be a general
homogeneity among members in line with the Law of
Attraction. Although differences will exist, they will not
result in separate, warring interest groups. Differences,
rather than being dichotomous, will be seen as another
facet of an issue, enhancing it with substance and depth.
Second, the significant population reduction will ease
stress on governing structures, enabling them to be
streamlined - a far cry from the groaning bureaucracies
we see on earth today. Third, and most importantly, the
five developed etheric faculties will guarantee openness.
Lightbearers will bring their hard-won experience to
the discussion table in all different fields, while their
etheric counterparts will also contribute their ageless
perspective and practical experience gained from past
incarnations. Communication between the two planes
will be perfected as both constituents meet straddling the
two dimensions.
To assure inter-dimensional communication in the
Governing Council, a group of telepathic sensitives and
advanced spiritual adepts will be responsible for
maintaining telepathy between Spiritual Regions. They
will develop methods to increase the accuracy of
messages between groups.

1 99

The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Thus, telepathic communication will result in a whole

new "open" society heretofore unseen.
It will
revolutionize governance and eliminate politics, because
no secrets can be kept from the governed. This faculty
alone will revolutionize society as we know it today and
help create the much-promised Golden Age.
Ad Hoc Task Groups Under the Governing Council
Today, businesses, churches, charitable institutions
and the like come together in a setting that promotes
division. The accepted norm dictates that there are
constant forces at work to break up groups disagreements, differing goals (usually selfish ones) - a
general tug and pull so that each group loses its
dynamism and, in the event it stays together, reaches the
lowest common denominator equal to what we see in
bureaucracies - a general numbness and mediocrity of
purpose and action with excellence and innovation
restricted by inertia and fear. The cosmic Law of
Attraction will determine membership in a Spiritual
Region group, and much of the conflict and disagreement
that is characteristic of present-day group activity will be
minimized or eliminated.
Survivors emerging from a decade of initial earth
changes will have learned a monumental lesson of group
cooperation, for their survival will have depended on
group cooperation. The "trauma" will break the mindset
of rugged individualism in favour of shared action. Even
before arriving in the Spiritual Regions, it is likely that
small groups of lightbearers will already have formed.
During their journeys, strong bonding will have formed in
each group. Being led to the Spiritual Regions without
access to conventional communications, many survivors
will have relied on telepathic communication through
etheric channels to reach their destination.


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

In the transitional society, groups and organizations

under the governing hierarchy will be task-driven. Once
the task has been completed, the group will disband,
eliminating the need for multi-layered bureaucracies that
linger and drain.
No matter what the functional purpose of a group, its
activity must contribute in some way to the ultimate goal
of the Spiritual Region; Soul Liberation. This goal will
bind all activities in the Region so that coherence exists
between the transitional society's activities.
All groups will have counterparts in the etheric
dimension. Etheric ashrams under certain Masters will be
the basis of group formation on the earth plane. Some
members may choose to take etheric forms on the etheric
plane in order to communicate better with their fellows
on the physical plane. This mix of etheric and physical
members in each group will characterize all group
formations in the Spiritual Regions. If a group of healers
forms in the Spiritual Region, experienced healers from
the higher dimensions will join them on the etheric plane.
If a group of engineers forms to build a structure, spirit
engineers will cooperate.

Transitional Nature of the Governing Structure

In this system of hierarchical governance, from the
Council of Adepts to the Spiritual Region Governing
Council and task groups, an enlightened view of hierarchy
will be required. When seen as extensions of the Spiritual
Hierarchy into the etheric and physical planes, they can
never be oppressive, for they only promote upward
Order will need to be established, initially, by the
strong presence of members of the Hierarchy. Given the


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

potential chaos of the period, intense spiritual nurturing

will be necessary to restore order after the initial
destructive stage of the pralaya. All three levels of
governance will benefit from this guidance as it pours
down from their etheric plane counterparts of the
Spiritual Hierarchy.
As Regional leaders gain confidence and a foothold on
their functions, more and more responsibility will fall
upon the following generations as the Masters and adepts
gradually withdraw and allow the upward momentum of
initiation to feed the governing ranks. It is conceivable
that the Head Representative would one day come from
the ranks of the earthly Fourth level lightbearers.
But it is also possible that the earthly leaders may tire
or plot to block the influence of their etheric counterparts
and strike out on their own. This has happened in past
civilisations as society indulges in both sensual and selfish
In this case, etheric counterparts will
withdraw and allow mankind's free will to function.

Qualifications of the Governing Leaders

The Head Representatives of the Spiritual Regions will
1) Masters who
be chosen from among two sorts:
have taken on physical bodies and worked . for centuries
2) Masters who have been
on the earth plane and,
working with lightbearers from the mental plane on this
pralaya and who will take on semi-physical-etheric
vehicles to operate in the Spiritual Regions.
Other leaders in the Spiritual Region Governing
Council and Ad Hoc task groups will come from the ranks
of Fourth and Third level initiates/lightbearers. The
criteria for leadership will come from their knowledge of
a certain field of expertise and their mastery o f White


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

Magic. Leadership in the Spiritual Regions will be re

defined, putting one's spiritual qualifications ahead of
expertise. The combination will be powerful, especially
when aligned with the goals of the Divine Plan.

Fourth Level Initiate-Lightbearers in Incarnationso

Many Fourth level initiates have sacrificed their
further evolution on the spiritual planes to come back to
work for humanity as lightbearers during this pralaya.
These initiate-lightbearers will fill the ranks of the
Governing Council. Their journey to this point could be
described as follows:
The life of the man who takes the fourth initiation,
or the Crucifixion, is usually one of great sacrifice and
suffering. It is the life of the man who makes the Great
Renunciation, and even exoterically it is seen to be
strenuous, hard, and painful. He has laid all, even his
perfected personality, upon the altar of sacrifice, and
stands bereft of all. All is renounced, friends, money,
reputation, character, standing in the world, family,
and even life itsel f.S i
Many of these renunciates can be found among the
mystics in the traditional religions of the world, however
there are also many fourth level initiates who lead
renunciate lives in a non-religious context. They can be
found in almost all walks of life, often camouflaged as
those quiet workers of light tucked away in the halls of
power and influence. Those who hold high positions in
government and finance outwardly appear like their

For a description of the levels of initiation, please refer to Alice A.

Bailey's Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucis Trust, New York and to C.W.
Leadbeater's The Masters and the Path, Theosophical Society: Adyar,
India .
s1 Bailey, Alice A. Initiation Human and Solar, New York: Lucis Trust, p


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

colleagues of the Dark Forces, but inwardly they do much

to moderate the evil being perpetrated. Such is their
sacrifice and suffering as they live day to day on the brink
of crucifixion! As the Dark Forces are defeated, these
initiate-lightbearers will emerge triumphant to lead with
a perspective that is worldly-wise whilst true to the
spiritual principles of the Divine Plan. They will speak of
the past with the authority of experience and trial. And
they will draw on this experience to carry over into the
New Golden Age that part of mankind's evolution which is
good and positive.
Once in the Spiritual Regions, these fourth level
corresponding ashrams in the Spiritual Hierarchy and the
earth plane and as leaders. Prepared to work both on the
etheric and physical planes before going to the Spiritual
Regions, initiate-lightbearers will insure that the
hierarchy's plans and suggestions are clearly articulated
to the safe area populations.

Third Level Initiate-Lightbearers in Incarnation

Third level lightbearers permeate every field of
worldly endeavour, mastering the sciences, economics,
politics, business, banking, finance etc. Some even work
as securities' and stock brokers. These are the odd ones
who silently feel they are not part of the corporate world
or not part of their scientific community but still practice
or contribute to their particular field of endeavour. Yet,
most feel a gnawing sense that there is more to life. Their
search first takes them into a passing and futile search for
truth in the traditional churches and temples.
Their feeling of detachment arises from the fact that
their H igher Selves are in tune with the higher dimensions
during sleep hours while during their conscious hours,


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

they are very much aware of something greater than

themselves. This is where their careers conflict with their
hearts. Many suffer silently yet excel within the confines
of human organizations until they receive the signal from
the hallowed halls of the upper dimensions that it is time
to separate from their careers and start a new cycle. They
are the ripe fruit ready for harvest, prepared in every field
of endeavour for the future divine unfoldment during the
period of reconstruction: an Army of Lightbearers,
lightbearers in expertise as the great plan unfolds.
At the third initiation, sometimes called the
Transfiguration, the entire personality is flooded with
light from above. It is only after this initiation that the
Monad is definitely guiding the personality. The initiate
lightbearer is in a position at all times to recognize the
other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and his or her
psychic faculties are stimulated by the vivification of the
head centres. Spiritual intuition, clairaudience and
clairvoyance are awakened when the body is pure, the
astral body stable and the mental body under control. At
this point the initiate is ready to use wisely the psychic
faculties for the helping of the
In the Spiritual Regions the third level initiate
lightbearer will fill all leadership positions, either in the
Governing Hierarchy or in the Free Sector. By this time
they will carry knowledge, both esoteric and worldly, that
will enable them to lead groups and projects. They will
organize and see to the daily functioning of local councils
and groups. These are the equivalent of the esoteric
"technocrat" who can work to implement projects both
from the physical and the etheric planes.
First and Second Level Lightbearers


Ibid., p. 87.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

There are a great number of these initiate-lightbearers

who feel a call from within yet respond more to the call
from without. Most struggle with the problems posed by
the dense physical body and a personality that is
burdened with self-doubt, mental rationalization, and
astral thrills and confusion, yet deep down they know that
"something" is coming. These are the "fence sitters", the
uncommitted who pose endless questions hoping to find
the answer they want to hear - primarily that "everything
is going to be alright." If they choose to join life in the
Spiritual Regions, their initiation process will accelerate,
and they may find themselves handling more than one
initiation in a lifetime. For this to happen requires
commitment to the Plan, not in words but in action, and
this is what may hinder further progress. Sometimes they
require commitment on their terms, comfortable and non
earth-shaking. But in the post-Great Floods era, they will
either be jolted into commitment or pass from the earth
with the others.

The Free Sector

All other residents on all planes who are not engaged
in the governing hierarchy will be free to live as they
choose. They can form learning institutions, provide a
multitude of services for one another, form relationships
with past friends and enemies, form group activities of the
entire range of human endeavour - a full life. This will be
the Free Sector.
Many of the leaders in the Free Sector will come from
the ranks of the third level initiate-lightbearers.
Let us project how the Free Sector in the transitional
society might look by examining it from our traditional
categories of the economy, health, education, and spiritual


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

1. The Economy: Goods, Services and Precipitation

In the transitional society many will naturally
volunteer their services to build what is needed for the
common good. If a road, school, or any project for
common good of the society needs to be built, architects,
engineers, construction-savvy personnel and builders will
volunteer their services.
Residents in the Spiritual Regions will have the
opportunity to re-evaluate what they need as opposed to
what they desire. The cleansing of the astral plane and
individual astral bodies will reduce what is desired to the
essentials. Over-consumption will no longer burden
society and the "urge to shop" will be transformed into an
urge to serve. People will meet their needs through the
abundance of resources available to them in the Spiritual
Regions, but at the same time, their needs will be very
much reduced. For instance, they will eat less, feeding on
the new inflow of prana rather than food. And as the
transitional society advances, residents will gain the
ability to precipitate the basics from etheric matter.

Supply through Precipitation

During the initial period in the Spiritual Regions,
adepts of the Hierarchy will feed the people much like the
Master Jesus fed the multitudes - through precipitation.
They will set the example of what is to come. And through
education and spiritual development and the recognition
of the form-making role of the elementals, all members of
the transitional society will learn to precipitate basic
Precipitation is giving form to thought. In the Spiritual
Regions we will give form to thought through both dense


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

and etheric matter. Atoms, a form of dense matter,

surround a thought-form and a solid object is created. A
thought in an engineer's mind eventually becomes an
Another thought in a designer's mind
becomes a dress. In our world, thoughts eventually
precipitate in dense matter.
Thoughts can also manifest through etheric matter; in
fact most thoughts streaming from the soul exist first in
the etheric before manifesting in dense matter. One
advantage of etheric thought forms is that they can be
telepathically transmitted from one location to the other.
One day it will be common to receive both telepathic
messages and objects through the etheric by-ways. As
etheric vision becomes more and more acute, we will see
and benefit from etheric materializations and eventually
dispense with the dense material world. However, in the
transitional society there will be a mix of the precipitated
and the material before full etheric precipitation is
When everyone develops the ability to precipitate, it
will be the ultimate solution to all want. Even today,
many lightbearers who may be struggling financially may
suddenly find resources at their disposal: an inheritance, a
good investment, and even money that appears out of
nowhere. It is not uncommon in our world to experience
precipitation, and we will benefit from this phenomenon
more and more as White Magicians work to alleviate
suffering during the economic depression.
As precipitation becomes more prevalent, it will open
the floodgates of real creativity. Individuals will be able to
create what their souls want to manifest. What one
creates might delight another and vice versa; there we
would plant a seed for exchange. Precipitation is the
ultimate of individual creativity. No more will mankind


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

be controlled by mass fashions and fads. The individual's

creativity will be returned to the individual soul. This is
part of Soul Liberation.

Exchange and Gold

M oney has been the most important factor of this
civilisation - perhaps the most important. As a medium of
exchange it was a means of easing the burden of goods
transfer in a barter system. But even given the best
solutions, mankind has a way of turning such innovations
to selfish ends. Mankind has not yet learned the lesson of
money and for this reason, money will continue to be used
well into the transitional society.
The current system of national fiat paper currencies is
barrelling down the road to self-destruction because there
is nothing behind them bar political rhetoric. All
currencies are irredeemable in that there is no gold or
silver to back them. Once people see the whole paper
system for what it is - paper - people will revert to gold
and silver as a medium of exchange.
People will meet their needs through exchange or
barter. Gold and silver coins will be used to even out the
exchange or serve as money to purchase assets such as
building tools, supplies, and materials. So we can expect
gold and silver as money to carry over into the Spiritual
Regions after the Great Floods, most importantly to even
out barter exchanges and purchase machinery or supplies
for projects.
Many elevated cities in the world will survive the Great
Floods and resort to gold and silver as universal money.
Rather than national paper currencies, people will trade
on the basis of grams or ounces of gold or silver, no
matter where it comes from and in what form.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

With means as yet unknown to us, the Spiritual

Hierarchy will release gold into the economies of the
Spiritual Regions. Gold has been hoarded for millennia,
and supply is plentiful on the earth - the Dark Forces have
just hidden and monopolized it. The release of these great
quantities of gold into full circulation will enable a stable,
non-inflation/deflation prone economy to thrive.
The gold and silver system will be used during the
transitional society's initial period but as mankind
masters precipitation, manifestation will take over: think
and therefore it will be. But to transit from a monetary
system to one of precipitation, we must first transit
through barter-gold-silver exchange.

Banks Not Needed

Since we must Jive with money until we learn to use it
properly to solve mankind's problems, it must be taken
out of the hands of any central control - and that means
any community, city, national, or international control.
This has been the root of the money problem today. The
current monetary system is controlled by so few people.
Paper money took away control from the individual.
Electronic money has been even more ephemeral. It
comes and goes -mainly goes - at the speed of light at
The Dark Forces created a banking system based on
fractional reserves. Bank can lend out an amount of paper
money equal to ten times more than the value of its gold
holdings. This is how bankers got so rich - by lending out
worthless, irredeemable paper money at interest Banks,
in essence, use your money to make more money fo r
themselves and through more complex paper transactions
involving more paper (i.e. stocks and bonds), they have
created stock markets, derivative and bond markets, and


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

other financial instruments. The collapse of this house of

cards is the reason for the economic depression of 2007.
In the Spiritual Regions the management of money
energy will revert to individual control. However, if banks
do form, they will constitute primarily places of safe
storage. If a bank exists only for the storage of a person's
savings, the use of that money remains solely in the hands
of its owner, not of the storage facility or bank Then a
person who is imbued with a sense of service and of
cosmic law can use this money or gold for that which
promotes directly or indirectly Soul Liberation.
The connection of an individual's accumulation of
money energy to his or her knowledge of cosmic laws will
be very important to assure the right and proper use of
money. The proper use of money is a lesson mankind has
yet to master and will constitute a primal prerequisite to
entering the New Golden Age.

2. Health and Dis-Hase and Telepathic Healing

I n the years leading up to the Great Floods, the Dark
Forces will resort to manufactured disease in the form of
pandemics in an attempt to drag as much of humanity
down as they are defeated. Manufactured diseases and
pandemics are used politically to control and create a
dependence on state institution and cow people into
submission. We cite AIDS and Avian Flu as prime
examples of manufactured diseases designed to incite
fear, panic and kill millions. Many latter day germ warfare
tactics will use carriers of the animal kingdom - such as
insects - to transmit these diseases around the world.
The extent to which the Dark Forces succeed in its mass
pandemic killings is as yet unknown, but we can at least
predict that they will lose at the end of this diabolical


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Pollution has been the cause of multiple mutations of

"good" bacteria into harmful ones while the human body
loses its resistance to microbes due to faulty diet and
stressful conditions. Is it no wonder the earth needs to
flood her surface with the sea's cleansing waters? How
brine of various strengths will be applied to this cleanup
is a matter of systematic and intelligent application and
not, as man would suspect, random destruction. So the
cleansing of those areas infested with disease - either
through the drying and parching powers of the Sun or the
cleansing of brine - will be aimed at these insalubrious
Thus we see that the two main sources of today's
diseases will be eliminated in the Spiritual Regions, and
the nature of disease will move more into the realm of
mental challenges. Those who survive these difficult
times will do so because their vibrations have increased
to the point that disease cannot touch or harm them. It is
a matter of vibration, not the immune system.

Nature of Disease in the Transitional Society

During the transitional society, dis-ease will result
more from psychological issues than from organic
sources. The carryover dis-eases will affect survivors
more than their offspring, for in the future mankind will
be more or less free from organic disease.
Surviving populations in the Spiritual Regions and
their surrounding areas will experience maladies due
primarily to their adjusting to higher vibrations. Since
2000, higher vibrations and acceleration of time have
pushed humanity to the point of insanity. Among those
who go to the Spiritual Regions, even higher vibrational
adjustments will be required, and as the dense physical
form lets go of layer after layer of dense atoms, this


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

process will not be without pain and discomfort. There

will be unease due to the constant detoxification the body
vehicle must carry out as it rises in vibration. All must
undergo this bodily transition. Much of what we foresee
coming to the surface in the form of detoxification will be
the deep traumas associated with life's upheavals during
the earth changes.
Such major adjustments to the body vehicle will take
place at a time when level-headedness and accurate
acumen are most needed. Those adjusting will experience
disorientation, a feeling of being, but not really being much like a bad case of jetlag. Any residual psychological
issues that have managed to stay within the lower mental
and astral/ emotional bodies will be summarily forced to
the surface during this period, and the care and love of
group members will be beneficial to recuperation.
Gradually, as the surviving population adjusts to the
higher vibrations, disease, as we know it today will
disappear, and dis-ease will take the form of resistance or
backlash to new concepts and teachings of the Ancient
Wisdom. M ental resistance to new teachings of the
Ancient Wisdom that are meant to provoke change for the
better will cause stress that will manifest eventually as
unwanted physical dis-ease. The struggles and challenges
of evolution never end. . . such is what we experience in
our dimension.

Inner Struggle with Duality

The journey from our lower emotional (lower astral)
to our mental bodies will bring out lower emotional
problems similar to those we deal with today. However,
the journey from the higher astral to the mental body that
touches the higher spiritual self brings its own type of
problems, and if misdirected, can cause symptoms


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

resembling mental insanity. Most of the residents in the

Spiritual Regions will encounter this type of adjustment.
The polarity that characterizes our illusory life on
earth today provides moral choice through the battle of
opposites. The impetus of good to self-express keeps the
battle with evil going, making life challenging and
interesting on this plane. Will the earth changes obviate
this situation of duality? The answer is no. The struggle
within dense and etheric matter will continue, but more
internally. The internal battle could be perceived as
someone conversing with himself, j oining the ranks of the
Battles and struggles will occur within. Your right to
choose among alternatives will continue and what you
choose shall be your path to wisdom. And yes, sometimes
your choice may not be appropriate, but you will
nonetheless be given many more chances to choose from
that which will fit your mental needs perfectly.
Choices, choices, choices. How lucky you are! The
differences will be oh, so subtle, and the mental body
must be, oh, so acute to discern the differences and
advantages. And will the emotions come into play?
Why, yes, but more different and higher emotions than
you can imagine. Ah, those sublime, provocative
thoughts somewhat like what beautiful works of art
will evoke. And those well-thought-out discourses you
hear and the plays and the music - all these will
contain such subtle thought-forms that will either
retard or advance your spiritual ascension.s3
Meditation and education can resolve this battle, which
consists of peeling off the physical in favour of the etheric.
You must consciously contend with two bodies at the

Sanctus Germanus through the Amanuensis.


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

same time. Many will have won this battle before 2012
but the vast majority of lightbearers who plan to enter the
reconstruction phase in the Spiritual Regions must face
this struggle ahead. The challenge never ends but each
time you reach a plateau, there is a heaven to behold,
making the struggle all the more worthwhile.
Did you think your lessons would end in the New
Golden Age? They never end, but grow more and more
subtle, requiring razor sharp spiritual discernment,
discernment of the sort that does not exist in this
dimension. As the grosser elements recede from
human consciousness, you will touch the hem of this
subtlety as the years approach the big changes.
And even during the cataclysms, you will be treated
to light views of what is going on, so that the change
will take on a new meaning, a new perception not ever
seen by present mankind. And each time this new
perception is understood, physical changes will take
place in your body vehicle. But you'll adjust so that
you can carry out your purpose. The grosser elements
of humankind have so weighed down your thinking
and have blotted out this level of perception. It shall be
restored in full glory and you will understand that
sweetness that is of Spirit, and this sweetness is what
you will call health.54

Telepathic Healing Modalities

It is at this critical juncture that the Planetary Logos the Ancient of Days - who has seen and experienced
countless pralayas, has provided mankind with healing
energies that can be telepathically transmitted or diverted
to those under stress by trained practitioners. Healing
was a great part of the Master Jesus' mission on earth, and
54 !bid.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

we are told that H is ability to heal came directly from the

So spiritual healing in its most
effective form is actually the response of dense or etheric
matter to the highest vibrational and finest etheric
energy. This energy must come from sources higher than
the etheric plane and contain the direct intention of
healing of anything that does not conform to cosmic law.
Telepathic healing, while alleviating discomfort, is the
clarion call to draw others into the bosom of spirit. It is a
tool of White Magic to demonstrate liberation from the
limitations of the physical vehicle. The most effective
spiritual healings will occur in those pursuing the Path of
I nitiation. Spiritual healing, thus, has a purpose: it
unblocks obstacles to Soul Liberation.
Lightbearers pursuing their purpose and mission in
the Divine Plan will naturally acquire healing abilities and
work to assuage fellow lightbearers on the Path,
especially during this period of vibrational adjustment.
Those without any conscious interest in pursuing the Path
will observe such healings and marvel at them. I n this
sense, healing is a clarion call, a reminder to the general
population that healing is part of the Path. Otherwise, the
general population should seek alternative help in the
medical and alternative medicine fields.

3. Education in the Regions

Education is key in turning the human mindset toward
cosmic law. It is the one function in the Free Sector that
the H ead Representative will guide directly. We do not
foresee a school system per se, but education will spring
out of individual or group initiatives in the Free Sector.
Not being restricted to classrooms, education will be an
Master Serapis Bey, Mystery School Teachings, Sanctus Germanus



Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

ongoing process of interpenetration between dimensions

for all inhabitants of the Spiritual Regions. As each
lightbearer masters the etheric faculties and thus achieves
control over life on the physical and etheric planes, he or
she will see members of their etheric ashram standing
ready to share information from any level or dimension.
Education and training in the initial years will
emphasize techniques for and reinforcement of the five
etheric faculties for sharper etheric vision, telepathy,
consciousness continuity, multi-dimensional thinking, and
Telepathy will play a fundamental role in the
dissemination of teachings in the Spiritual Regions.
Education will occur wherever a person is or whenever a
person desires because it will be available telepathically.
Telepathic instruction, much like online education, will
thus revolutionize the concept of schools and the heavy
infrastructure that is associated with them, and put all
students in direct rapport with the Masters in charge of
teaching. Within an atmosphere that will have been
cleansed of the present day astral negativity, the ability to
learn from the great teachers of the Christ Office in
Shamballa through telepathy will have an immeasurable
impact on the individual and society. The teacher will
transmit instantly discernable knowledge while the
receptive student can give instant feedback about the
extent to which this knowledge has taken root, been
accepted or rejected. The practises of keeping secrets and
hiding ignorance will be better exposed. With telepathic
learning, there will be more reliance on oral transmission
and review of what has been telepathically conveyed and
less dependence on book learning in order that the
principles remain alive for practice and review and not
merely codified for storage in dusty tomes.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Education ofthe New Race

Education should consider the talents and abilities that
the new race children possess:
clairaudience, clairsentience, etheric vision of the physical
eye, continuity of consciousness, telepathy, and the
potential to manifest. Tooled with these abilities, these
young ones will be given the same earthly choices that
will lead them onto the Path or not, but none of these
abilities will guarantee their Path of Initiation as this will
remain their choice. The super-talented pianist is
presented here with the same choices as the day labourer,
the clairvoyant as the non-clairvoyant. Clairvoyance is not
synonymous with spirituality and one's choice to tread
the Path. In fact it complicates the choice, for no longer
will the choice be made on blind faith, but with a greater
awareness of the different dimensions in which one
The new race will, paradoxically, come to earth
through the birth channels of Fifth Root-Race bodies.
Therefore there is a need for the Fifth Root-Race to
nurture the incoming Sixth Root-Race and at the same
time the Sixth Root-Race needs to reform its nurturer
Herein lies the requirement for the new education, one in
which mutual respect is required. No longer should "the
taught" be under the dominance of the teacher, for the
teacher must draw inspiration from "the taught". Yet the
world with which these children will deal will involve a
vaster dimension than the previous root- race and thus a
wider range of conscious choices.
In the Spiritual Regions, these children will face
choices that are not tangible to the five senses. It will be
easy for them to play on the astral playground without
supervision, and they are likely to be misled if they are
not taught discipline and discrimination from an early
age. Their other bodies - etheric, astral, and mental - will
be fully activated, adding the need for education that will

2 18

Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

address the multidimensional aspects of their whole

The pitfalls are plenty on the astral plane, but if the
supervisor cannot see for himself the temptations
resident on that plane, how then is he or she going to
teach the new race child the necessary discrimination?
The answer to this is easy. As above so below. Mental
discrimination learned in concrete and abstract thinking
is the way, and if well taught even from the point of view
of the Fifth Root-Race concrete thinkers, it will serve the
children on the astral playgrounds as well, for what is
wrong on the physical is wrong on the astral.
So children must be taught discipline and
discrimination, when to use their faculties to help society
and when it is not appropriate to use them. A clairvoyant
child could easily conclude he/she is insane in this world,
as he sees that which the others or his "superiors" cannot.
But the new race could also use these faculties to run
rings around the Fifth Root-Race in an immoral way. I n
the same way, responsible use o f clairvoyance has yet to
be achieved by the earlier incarnations of the Sixth Root
Race, as in many instances these faculties have either
been suppressed or used in lower psychism.
The worst that an educational program could do would
be to suppress these new faculties and remould the young
minds into concrete thinking. They must be both firmly
rooted in intellectual development and at the same time
open to the vast possibilities and inspiration coming from
the higher planes. When these faculties are applied to
humanity's problems, we can expect creative solutions,
for just as we have previously cited possible pitfalls on the
astral plane, we also see the infinite possibilities
emanating from these children who are able to access and
gain inspiration from the highest ideas coming to them


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

from the higher planes. Their use as conduits for creative

thought-forms emanating from the Spiritual H ierarchy
should be deemed a primary function of these children.
The consciousness of gender should no longer grip the
new race children, for they represent an inherent
blending and balance of the masculine and feminine. The
issue of one sex preying on the other will be less of a
problem than in the Fifth Root-Race world. Sixth Root
Race children represent the beginnings of that re-merging
and rebalancing of the masculine and feminine and will
appear as fairly androgynous or cross-sexual experiences.
This interchange of sensuality should not be seen from the
point of view of traditional morality but from the
viewpoint that such rebalancing can only contribute to
peace on earth.
The unisex movement is a superficial example of the
tendencies of the new race. Unisex education probes
deeper into the inherent equilibrium of the soul or higher
Self. When this is recognized in all thought-forms, and not
misinterpreted as either masculine or feminine, the war of
the sexes will be quelled and the resulting peace in human
relationships will again be re-established.56
So education in the Spiritual Regions is not just about
shaping "good citizens", but also about opening the new
race children to the Path of Initiation, which must be
"implied" throughout the curriculum, though not
explicitly expressed. If this approach is taken, all of the
social concerns and adaptability of these innate abilities
will fall into place and benefit the reconstruction period.
If educators in the Spiritual Regions approach this
challenge from the causal body or Higher Self, they will be
56 The

Master Kuthumi gave this message on education of the new race

children to the Amanuensis, May, 2006.


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

able to see education from the highest vantage point and

address all the bodies that function together on the earth
The etheric counterpart committee will
communicate its ideas from an even higher vantage point
to its counterpart on earth, and through this cooperation,
elaborate modalities that will address the multifaceted
and multidimensional aspects of a new approach to
"Seek and ye shall find" will be the working principle
between the education committee and its etheric
counterpart, and the choices made in the Spiritual Regions
will come from the highest effort and reflect the light that
shines down on the New Golden Age. We begin the
ascension with the vital element of the new society education - which is one of the chief means of Soul
The basis of this give-and-take is brotherhood. This or
sisterhood, if you wish, should permeate the whole
educational concept for the New Golden Age. We
introduced the concept of Hierarchy where in certain
instances the student may be the H ierarch. The humility
with which an educator approaches a student has at its
root, LOVE.
The extraordinary abilities of the new race are not that
extraordinary and must be seen as the process by which
mankind will regain its inherent faculties so obscured by
the thought forms of past ages. With intelligence firmly
positioned in dense matter, the ever-evolving challenge is
now to refine that density. What we call "gifts" of
clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, coupled
with the ability to communicate telepathically and
manifest one's needs, are the natural abilities that
mankind possessed eons ago, only this time, these
faculties are all the more evolved in importance now


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

mankind has experienced existence without them. How

much easier life would have been during these past many
centuries had humanity retained these faculties!
That is a lesson learned. It is as if our souls had been
blindfolded and bound to walk without eyes. We had to
rely on reason and the rational mind, on science and
technology, to see through the haze of existence. So the
"blind", the Fifth Root-Race, must lead those with vision
into revolutionary modes of New Golden Age education.

Pre-lmowledge in the New Race

Another aspect of learning will involve the
understanding and dissemination of pre-knowledge
embedded in the souls of Sixth Root-Race incarnations.
Sixth Root-Race children have been streaming into
incarnation since the mid-1940's with the greatest
numbers arriving from the 1960s onward. By the time
the transitional society comes into action, Sixth Root-Race
incarnations will range in age from the sixties down.
Some of those born from 1970 onward bear knowledge in
their souls that will be pertinent to the building of the
transitional society.
Throughout their lives in the p re-2012 era they have
felt "different" and detached from society because there
was something buried deep inside that could not be
expressed. Adepts using proper meditative techniques or
key sounds will trigger their souls to release this
knowledge, and the individual will find a store of
knowledge that was always intuitively there. Some of this
knowledge involves technologies from higher evolutions,
which will help Spiritual Regions adapt more quickly to
their situations.
The Spiritual Hierarchy planned this "triggered" pre
knowledge as a way to create order out of chaos,


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

especially when other priorities of rebuilding would take

precedence over the educational function of society.
4. Mani.age and Balancing Masculine and Feminine
One of the main tasks of the transitional society will be
to balance the masculine and feminine energies. This
balance comes as a result of Soul Liberation, for within the
soul these energies are perfectly balanced. So the
individually, and this balance will naturally carry over
into group activity. The balance has little to do with
it is a matter of soul manifestation. To
"genderize" the current inflow of feminine energies is to
fall into the same trap that the dominant masculine
energies of our times have fallen into.
As masculine and feminine energies come into
equilibrium, marriage as conceived in our present
civilisation will eventually fade out. This trend already
started a few decades ago. I nstead of a physical man and
woman in marriage representing the balance between the
male and female energies, the male-female balance will
occur within each individual as the true nature of the soul
manifests through either the male or female body
vehicles. This rebalancing is already happening in a large
sector of the spiritual community. In the transitional
society, pairing or grouping of individuals will manifest
according to the Law of Attraction, one balanced soul with
another or several balanced souls together.
However, certain responsibilities need to be defined
for couples who bear children. Here is an opportunity for
the transitional society to define both parental and
societal responsibilities because of the obvious need for a
renewal of the race with incoming souls. The decision to


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

bear children, in other words, may be subject to broader

decisions outside the narrow limits of the family nucleus.
The family nucleus of this era will not carry over into the
New Golden Age but will give way to a more extended
group family, perhaps like the experiments of the kibbutz
communities and the flower children in the 1960's but in
a more organized and Jess chaotic manner.

5. Spiritual Llfe and Religion

The Spiritual Regions will be freed from most of the
astral maya that created separate warring religions on
earth. These religions, along with the unaffiliated, will
come to the realization that at the origin of all their beliefs
is the Ageless Wisdom. Their esoteric branches, i.e. Sufis,
Vajrayana, Gnostics, etc. have already come to this
Those arriving in the Spiritual Regions will readily
embrace cosmic laws and let go former religious beliefs in
favour of the more ecumenical teachings of the Ageless
Wisdom. This may be one of the most difficult transitions
that church-affiliated members in the Spiritual Regions
will make. In short, there will be no denominational
religion in the Spiritual Regions because spirituality will
be interwoven into society's very fabric.
For quite some time, an etheric committee of the
Spiritual Hierarchy has been working to meld all the
teachings of these early religions into a one world
spiritual teaching. The committee members, former
church officials, all came to the realization upon their
deaths, that what they had been preaching on the earth
plane was not quite right, and in the spirit of righting
these teachings in conformity to cosmic laws and
principles elicited in the Ageless Wisdom, they formed


Chapter 8 Functioning of the Transitional Society

this working committee. Their labour of love will serve as

preparation for the coming world teacher.
Life Motivations
Life in the Spiritual Regions will be motivated by a
deeper desire to serve. Living for the acquisition of
material goods, power, or pleasures will no longer satisfy
survivors. Something higher must motivate them. There
will be no shopping centres, no endless streams of
electronic entertainment, no more wars for money and
power and no more industries to titillate the senses. Life
will be fairly basic and mankind will appreciate once
again the small things in life. The bloom of the rosebud,
the rising and setting of the sun, nature's way of
communicating with mankind, will once again stimulate a
co-partnership between mankind and its host, the earth.
The desire for more knowledge within a framework of
cosmic law will again resound in our souls - the I AM
within. Knowledge that awakens latent knowledge discovery - is very much part of Soul Liberation and
should drive the individual to search and search for more.
All will have access to this bountiful knowledge and to the
wisdom of any teacher they wish. An individual need only
ask and have a deep desire to know, and the right teacher
and circumstances will present themselves, either
physically or etherically. The pure and simple desire to
know, the discovery, and then the satisfaction of
understanding will lead to the manifestation of knowledge
in life. Spiritual progression and evolution will again
become the main vectors of life.












Soul IJberatlon
We have focussed on the lightbearers in this book
primarily b ecause they represent the most important yet
weakest link in the overall pralaya strategy of the
Spiritual H ierarchy. Their healing role in the economic
and political crisis upon us, their humanitarian actions
during the Great Floods of the lowland and coastal areas,
and their leadership in laying building blocks for a Golden
Age will be essential to the survival of our present
Many lightbearers have already completed the
retrieval of their initiation levels and are well on the road
to preparing themselves for the challenging tasks ahead.
However, the majority of the lightbearers languish in
indecision borne of selfishness and fear.
Prior to this incarnation, we eagerly volunteered for
this incarnation, because we saw the glorious Plan for this
era and its ultimate goal of Soul Liberation. Our souls saw
something so marvellous that we interrupted our
personal spiritual quest on the Path in order to come back
and help humanity in its time of greatest need. We all saw
that life in the Spiritual Regions would finally enable the
soul to express itself through an ever fin e r physical
personality without the fetters of the economic, financial
and banking, political and social systems and boundaries.


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

We could see together how a reconstructed civilisation

would spread throughout the world on an entirely
different footing, and the chance to rebuild civilisation on
firmer spiritual foundations was so compelling that we
seized the opportunity to come back because otherwise
there would be no hope left for the human race we loved
so much.
We also saw that the key restraint that has so blocked
humanity's evolution was going to be eliminated once and
for all. "What an opportunity to set things right again!" we
declared. The pralaya would take place and down would
come all shackles the Dark Forces had built around
humanity. We saw the inevitable crumbling of their
systems as earth washed out the old, in preparation for
the new cycle, and this gave us even more hope to set the
course of humanity's evolution on the right footing.
We now have an idea what to expect. The times ahead
will not be easy and only a stalwart commitment to your
soul purpose and mission will get you through the turmoil
and chaos of the pralaya. Then will follow the rigors of
working with the Spiritual Hierarchy, for there is no
compromise on the quality it seeks from lightbearers.
Their goal is that mankind can finally release the soul's
potential through the material form in order to
demonstrate what marvels it can create, individually and
collectively, on earth. This is the essence of Soul
If you still share this overall vision of the world, a New
Golden Age of liberated souls, then you have but to
commit to the Divine Plan that will make it happen. This


Timetable of Events

2005 -2017

Severe worldwide economic and financial

Armageddon/filtering process continues at
heightened vibrations: general insanity
World economy hits bottom and stays there.
All conventional efforts to revive it fail
World War I I I starts to keep people working
Water related catastrophes:
hurricanes, rise in sea level, floods of
lowland and coastal areas due to meltdown
of icecaps at the poles and the permafrost
areas of the world
Spiritual Regions on higher ground begin to
develop: initial preparations


Water-related catastrophes multiply making

more and more of the low-lying areas
Massive population displacements to higher
Spiritual Regions take hold as lightbearers find
their way there


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Period of Reconstruction:
societies begin to consolidate in the Spiritual


Transitional Societies continue to consolidate in

each Spiritual Region experimenting with various
modes of organisation, the cosmic laws
World Teacher's principles pour down on the
Spiritual Regions and become common bond
among them
Indications of major continental shifts, rifts, and
movements begin to perturb the earth's surface
Spiritual Regions become more physically
isolated from each other due to the earth
changes, although they remain linked etherically.


Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on White Magic or the Way of
the Disciple, New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1934.
Initiation Human and Solar, New York: Lucis
Publishing Company, 1922.
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, New York:
Lucis Publishing Company, 1950.




The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,

New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1957.

.A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, New York: Lucis
Publishing Company, 1925.


Clow, Barbara Hand, The Pleiadian Agenda, Santa Fe, New

Mexico: Bear and Co. Publishing, 1995
Cranston, Sylvia,

Helena Blavatsky-Founder of the

Modern Theosophical Movement,

Santa Barbara: Path

Publishing House, 1 993

Innocenti, Geraldine, Bridge to Freedom Collection of
Channelings, 1953
King, Godfre Ray (G. Ballard), The Magic Presence,
Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1935

The Un veiled Mysteries,

Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1982

Leadbeater, C.W. The Inner life, vol. 1, Adyar. India: The
Theosophical Publishing House. 1910.
Olcott, Henry Steele, Old Diary Leaves Vol. 1, Adyar, India:
The Theosophical Publishing House. 1900


The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol 2

Powell, A.E.,

The Astral Body and Other Astral

Phenomena, Adyar

(Chennai) India: The Theosophical

Publishing House, 1927
The Mental Body, Adyar (Chennai) India: The
Theosophical Publishing House, 2000
The Etheric Double, Adyar (Chennai) India:
The Theosophical Publishing House, 1925



Printz, Thomas, The First Ray, Bridge to Freedom, Mt

Shasta: Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, 1953.
Sinnett, A.P, The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, Adyar,
India: Theosophical Publishing House
Esoteric Buddhism (sic),

Reprinted by San

Diego: Wizard Bookshelf, 1994


"The Heat is On," Special in the Economist, vol.380, no.

8494. 9-15 September, 2006
"It Rained in Antarctica this Winter," La Presse de
Montreal, April, 2006


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