EPA Letter of Malmström To Lange 4 July 2016

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CECILIA MALMSTROM MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 04 07208 Brussels, CBifis Ares(2016) Dear Mr, Lange, Following our exchange of views in INTA on 30 June 2016 and Members’ interest in the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) now on the table, I am writing to you to provide an Xpeate of the current state of play and to share with you the way forward on these agreements, Negotiations for the three major EPAs (with West Africa, the East African Community (EAC) and members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)) were successfully concluded in 2014 and then prepared for the European Parliament's consent. 1 mis proud to sign the SADC-EU EPA in Botswana on 10 June 2016 and encouraged by the enthusiasm of our partners. All ministers told me that they ate now pHoritising ratification ancl implementation of our agreement and that there will be no undue delay. In West Africa, ECOWAS Heads of State called on Nigeria and the Gambia to sign the FPA. thus following in the footsteps of 41 other West African and European countries, This would clear the way for ratification to start both in West African parliaments and the European Parliament (saisine). Likewise, the EPA with the EAC is ready for signature happen in July, thus unblocking formal referral of the agreement to the European Parliament and enabling us to go through the consent procedure, | wholeheartedly believe that these EPAs are a good step firward as pro-development Sereements that will promote regional cooperation and which our partners desire, The EPAs underpin some vital elements of the Trade for All communication, namely a values-based neds policy geared towards effective implementation. All EPAs are anchored to human rights, good governance, the rule of law and other essential elements. For all these three EPAs, sustainable development js established as their overarching objective and overriding principle. And I ars fully committed to ensuring that EPAs deliver concrete results, including on sustainable development. It is undeniable that the effectiveness of these EPAs in terms of fulfilling these objectives and Principles must be closely monitored. Such monitoring will be undertaken as stipulated in each of the respective EPAs, in particular in relation to the objective of sustainable development. Prom the numerous exchanges that I and my services personally have had with Members of the European Parliament, it appears that such monitoring has rightly emenged asa centsal concer. I one eee that the European Union is already committed to proper monitoring under the three EPAs, which entrust this responsibility to the joint institutions wader the agreements. All three EPAs also foresee a five-yearly review that will allow us to take specific follow-up ineasures if necessary. Finally, monitoring is a joint responsibility clearly requiring close cooperation with our Partners in a process that has aireudy started in the three regions. {have reiterated my personal commitment to effective monitoring on several aceasions. This wes Port of my reply (0 an Oral Question on West Africa in plenary in January 2016 when | eat that, to make sure the EPA lives up to its ambition, the Commission will pay particular arerfane tothe monitoring of its impact, including sustainable development aspects Bernd Lange Chairinan of the Committee on International ‘Trade 60 rue Wiertz 1047 Bruxelles Ahead of the INTA Committee's vote on the SADC EPA later this month, I want to reassure you that I am firmly committed to a strong monitoring process that is timely, relevant and effective, It also has to be an inclusive process and civil society involvement under the EPA will extend to monitoring. All EPA stakeholders and institutions have a rule 0 play in monitoring and the Commission is already preparing the process, including ensuring that adequate financing is put aside for organising such civil society dialogue. 1 am more than willing to make a specifie Statement along those lines at the September Plenary session during which the SADC EPA consent will be voted However, I consider that this commitment to effective monitoring goes beyond the SADC EPA. and also covers the West African and EAC EPAs. My statement could therefore address all three ‘agreements at the same time. To put in place such monitoring process for EPA will be a new undertaking and we will have to

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