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Lesson Plan One: Characteristics of Polygons

Lesson Plan
Lesson Objective:

Other Resources

Students will be able to define a polygon and show

examples of polygons. Students will label the vertices,
angles, and sides of a polygon.
Students will use their iPad to model different polygons on
the Geoboard app as the teacher reads aloud The Greedy
Triangle. The students will then show what they know about
polygons, by drawing and labeling a polygon on an
Educreations video.
Educreations, Geoboard app
Students will use the geoboard app while the teacher reads
aloud The Greedy Triangle. Partners will use the
Educreations app to create a labeled drawing of a polygon.
The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns

Level of Blooms:
Level of SAMR Model:

Students drawings in Educreations.

understand, apply, analyze, create

App(s) needed:
Instructions for App

Lesson Reflection
In what ways do you think the
iPad will enhance the activity?

In the past, students often had a difficult time

manipulating the elastics on the geoboard and the
elastics would often snap. I think the app will help
solve these problems.

Do you anticipate any

challenges or obstacles?
Please explain.

I would set a timer for 3 minutes at the beginning

of the lesson, and just let the students play with
the app on their own. This way, there will be less
of a temptation to play on the app during the

If this is a revision to a lesson

youve previous taught
describe how you are revising
the lesson using iPads.

I will be using iPads instead of actually geoboards

and the students will be drawing and proving their
polygons on Educreations instead of a whiteboard
or a piece of paper.

If this is a new lesson,

leave this box blank.

Lesson Plan Two: Fluency Practice

Lesson Plan
Lesson Objective:
App(s) needed:
Instructions for App

Students will read a grade level passage aloud accurately,

and with proper expression.
After listening to Wolf! read aloud, students will practice
reading passages fluently as a whole group with teacher
model. Then, partners will be given a new grade level
passage, and they will use the camera app to record each
other reading and give feedback.
Camera app
Students need to make sure that they are in video mode
before their partner starts reading.

Other Resources

Wolf! by Becky Bloom

Level of Blooms:
Level of SAMR Model:

The students videos that they will share with the class.
apply, analyze

Lesson Reflection
In what ways do you think the
iPad will enhance the activity?

Do you anticipate any

challenges or obstacles?
Please explain.
If this is a revision to a lesson
youve previous taught
describe how you are revising
the lesson using iPads.
If this is a new lesson,
leave this box blank.

I think the students will really benefit from hearing

their voice on the iPad. They can analyze how they
did and keep practicing to make improvements.
This is beneficial to the alternative of having the
students read to me and I give feedback.
The students need to make sure that theyre in
video mode as opposed to camera mode.

Ive taught many lessons on fluency, but Ive

never had them use an iPad to record their

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