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What to Know #1

1.How did the term impressionism originate? What did it mean?

2. In what country did this art movement begin, and in what period of
3. What was the significance of the painting technique used by Delacroix in
the development of the impressionist style?
4. What characteristics distinguished impressionism from the art
movements of the earlier centuries? Cite and briefly describe at least
three of these characteristics.
5. How was the impressionist style influenced by the early stages of

What to know #2
1.Name 3 of the most prominent artists of the impressionist movement.
2. Cite one outstanding characteristic of each of these artist
3. Who were two of the most famous post- impressionists?
4. What new techniques or styles distinguish post-imperssionism from the
early impressionism?
5. Identify two to three specific artworks were these techniques are
prominently seen.
What to Know #3

A. Impressionism
1. Describe how the different elements and principles were used by
expressionist to convey their individual style. Discuss three
examples from works in these Learners Material.
2. What qualities make an artwork impressionistic?
3. Where did neoprimitivism get its enfluences?
4. Who is the French artist famous for his Fauvist style?
5. What are the characteristics of Fauvism?
6. Why was the childs term dada fitting for the art movement
known as n
7. What style of painting is Salvador Dali known for?
8. What art movement expressed the artists social role?
B. Abstractionism: Cubism, Futurism, Mechanical Style
1. Explain the difference between Expressionism and Abstractionism.
2. How did the Cubists give a sense of dynamism and energy to their
n n
3. Who is considered the most famous Abstractionist and Cubist artist?
4. Describe how each of the following styles reflected modert life:
A. Futurism
B. Mechanical Style
C. Nonobjectivism
What to know #4
A. Abstract Expressionism: Action Painting, Color Field Painting

1. What were two of the art movements that emerged from The New
York School?
2. Why were action painting and color field painting given these
4. Who was the artist who became famous for his action painting style?
5. Describe how the elements and principles of art were used in the
unique techniques and approaches of these movements.
B. Neodadaism, Pop Art, Op Art
1. What is conceptual art? How is it unlike any other art movement
2. How was neodadaism different from the earlier dadaism
3. From where did pop art draw its subjects?
4. Name the foremost artists of the pop art movement.
5. Explain how the elements of art were used to create the special
technical effect in op art.

What to know #5

A. Installation Art
1. What are the distinct characteristics of installation art?
2. Why is it called installation?
3. In general, what do installation artists express in their works?
Cite two
examples from these Learners Materials.
4. Aside from the traditional mediums and materials, what new
m n
elements can installation artists incorporate in their works?

5. What are some unique ways that the viewer can get to
experience a
piece of installation art?
B. Performance Art
1. What are different names for performance art?
2. How do these point to the distinct qualities of this form of art?
3. In what decade did this art form emerge?
4. As distinct from traditional art forms, what or who serves as
medium in performance art? Explain briefly.
5. Give examples of places where performance art takes place.

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