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The metallic mineral deposits of the Philippines.

The metal in symbols are the Au

representing the Gold, the Cr representing the Chromium, the Cu representing
Copper, Fe for Iron, Mn for Manganese and Ni for Nickel. The provinces or region
where the metal are found, the Gold is found at Baguio City, Zambales, Benguet,
Surigao del Norte, Negros Occidental, Camarines Norte, and Marinduque. The
Chromium/ Chromite is found at Zambales, and Surigao del Norte. The Copper is
found at Zambales, Negros Occidental, Benguet and Marinduque. The rich
deposits of Iron in the Philippines are found in Bulacan, Marinduque, Camarines
Norte and Samar. The largest producers of Manganese are on the Island of
Busuanga and in the province of Ilocos Norte. Last, the Nickel is found at Surigao
del Norte, and Palawan.
A geologic structure is any feature produced by deformation of a rock. These
structures show up all over the Earth. Some are small and not easily seen by the
naked eye, while others are large and impossible to miss. Large or small, these
structures are important to life on earth.
Folds, Faults, and Joints 1. A fold is a bend in rock. Folds show up best in layered
rock, but also occur in unlayered rock such as granite. Image scanned from
Thompson & Turk, (1992). Earth Science and the Environment. 1992, Orlando,
Florida: Harcourt & Brace, p. 191. 2. A fault is a fracture along which rock on one
side has moved relative to rock on the other side. A joint is a fracture without
movement of rock. Joints and faults often occur as sets of many parallel
fractures. Image scanned from Thompson & Turk, (1992). Earth Science and the
Environment. 1992, Orlando, Florida: Harcourt & Brace, p. 192. 3. An anticline is
a fold arching upward, a syncline is a fold arching downward. The sides of these
folds are called limbs. Where the two limbs meet is called the axis. Image
scanned from ESU class handout. 4. A non-plunging fold is a fold where the axis

does not tilt at an angle. Image scanned from ESU class handout. 5. A plunging
fold is a fold where the axis tilts at an angle. 6. A monocline is a special kind of
fold with only one limb. Image scanned from ESU class handout. 7. A circular or
elipticle anticline resembling an inverted bowl is called a dome. Sedimentary
layering dips away from the center of a dome in all directions. A similarly shaped
syncline is called a basin. Domes and basins can be small structures a few
kilometers in diameter or less, but commonly are much larger. Large domes and
basins result from regional warping of the entire continental crust. Image
scanned from Thompson & Turk, (1992). Earth Science and the Environment.
1992, Orlando, Florida: Harcourt & Brace, p. 194.
Many people observed that our country, the Philippines, has a rich minerals. But,
why is the Philippines is included in one of the poorest country in the world?
What seems to be the problem? Because of the lack of financial support from the
government officials, insufficient job for the people, lack of knowledge, low
technology and many of the Filipinos were purchasing the products of other
countries. Some of our minerals, crops and other are exported.
Nonmetallic minerals/ rocks like
limestone, magnesite, dolomite,phosphorite, talc, quartz, mica, clay, silica sand,
gemstones, decorative and dimension stones, construction materials etc. are the common
nonmetallic minerals.
Chromium is used in the production of stainless and heat-resistant steel, fullalloy steel, super alloys and other alloys. Chromium is obtained from the ore
mineral Chromite (Mg,Fe)(Cr,Al,Fe)2O4
There are many different clay minerals that are used for industrial applications.
Clays are used in the manufacturing of paper, refractories, rubber, ball clay,
dinnerware and pottery, floor and wall tile, sanitary wear, fire clay, firebricks,
foundry sands, drilling mud, iron-ore pelletizing, absorbent and filtering
materials, construction materials, and cosmetics.
Copper is used in electric cables and wires, switches, plumbing; heating,
electrical, and roofing materials; electronic components; industrial machinery
and equipment; transportation; consumer and general products; coins; and
Gold is used in dentistry and medicine, jewelry and arts, medallions and coins,
and in ingots. It is also used for scientific and electronic instruments, computer
circuitry, as an electrolyte in the electroplating industry, and in many
applications for the aerospace industry.
Iron ore is used to manufacture steels of various types and other metallurgical
products, such as magnets, auto parts, and catalysts. Most U.S. production is
from Minnesota and Michigan. The Earth's crust contains about 5% iron, the
fourth most abundant element in the crust.
"A sedimentary rock consisting largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite,
which have the same composition CaCO3". Limestone, along with dolomite, is
one of the basic building blocks of the construction industry. Limestone is used as

aggregate, building stone, cement, and lime and in fluxes, glass, refractories,
fillers, abrasives, soil conditioners, and a host of chemical processes.
Manganese is essential to iron and steel production. Manganese is obtained from
the ore minerals Braunite (Mn,Si)2O3, Pyrolusite MnO2, and Psilomelane
Nickel is vital as an alloy to stainless steel, and it plays a key roll in the chemical
and aerospace industries. Leading producers are Canada, Norway, and Russia.
Quartz crystals are popular as a semiprecious gemstone; crystalline varieties
include amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, and smoky quartz. Because of its
piezoelectric properties (the ability to generate electricity under mechanical
stress), quartz is used for pressure gauges, oscillators, resonators, and wave
stabilizers. Quartz is also used in the manufacture of glass, paints, abrasives,
refractories, and precision instruments.

Deposits of nickel sulfides are mined from greenstone belts in many ancient
volcanic terranes. The ore is associated flows called komatiites. Komatiites have
more than 18 weight % magnesium oxide (MgO) and large with ultramafic lava
amounts of the mineral olivine. Komatiites are derived from melting in
the mantle.
Nickel is commonly alloyed with other metals to provide resistance to corrosion
and heat, and to add strength and hardness. These alloys are used for industrial
and consumer goods. Most of the nickel produced is used to make stainless steel.
Stainless steel contains about 8% nickel. Monel metal, a highly corrosionresistant alloy, contains 67% nickel and is usedin ship building, food-processing
equipment and in hospitals. Nickel is used by the military for armor plate. Nickel
is used in alkaline batteries, dyes, insecticides and as a catalyst. Nickel is
commonly used in coins.
Gold forms in close association with volcanoes or is hosted in volcanic rocks.
Three environments/styles are most common: gold in greenstone belts, gold in
porphyry deposits, and gold in epithermal deposits.
Gold is rare, durable, chemically inert, and beautiful. These qualities make it
useful for monetary exchange and investment, jewelry, and art.Golds high
electrical conductivity, malleability, and ductility make it useful as an industrial
metal. Gold is alloyed with silver, copper, nickel, palladium, zinc, and titanium to
increase its tensile strength. Note: for gold, 1 carat = 1/24 part. Pure gold is 24

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