Triggers Triggers: Select Insert Update Delete Select Create Drop Alter

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PL/SQL is a combination of SQL along with the procedural features of

programming languages. It was developed by Oracle Corporation in the

early 90's to enhance the capabilities of SQL.
PL/SQL is one of three key programming languages embedded in the
Oracle Database, along with SQL itself and Java.
This tutorial will give you great understanding on PL/SQL to proceed with
Oracle database and other advanced RDBMS concepts.

Only the executable section is required. The other sections

are optional. The only SQL statements allowed in a PL/SQL
program are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and several
other data manipulation statements plus some transaction
control. However, the SELECT statement has a special form in
which a single tuple is placed in variables; more on this
later. Data definition statements like CREATE, DROP,
orALTER are not allowed. The executable section also
contains constructs such as assignments, branches, loops,
procedure calls, and triggers, which are all described below
(except triggers). PL/SQL is not case sensitive. C style
comments (/* ... */) may be used.
To execute a PL/SQL program, we must follow the program
text itself by

A line with a single dot ("."), and then

A line with run;

As with Oracle SQL programs, we can invoke a PL/SQL

program either by typing it in sqlplus or by putting the code
in a file and invoking the file in the various ways we learned
in Getting Started With Oracle.

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