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Mid-Term Test

Bahasa Inggris Profesi

1. Jika NIM Anda diakhiri dengan angka ganjil, kerjakan soal A (halaman 2).
Jika NIM Anda diakhiri dengan angka genap, kerjakan soal B (halaman 3).
Contoh: 100xxxx378 (diakhiri angka genap, soal B)
Perhatikan baik-baik. Kesalahan mengerjakan soal karena kelalaian berarti
dianggap tidak mengikuti UTS. Nilai otomatis 0.
2. Tulis jawaban Anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan. Gunakan
kertas A4, font Cambria 11 dengan spasi 1.15 atau Exactly 18 (usahakan
jawaban tidak lebih dari 1 lembar, silahkan mengatur margin dan
3. Baca baik-baik instruksi pengerjaan soal. Kerjakan semua soal sesuai
4. Hasil UTS dikumpulkan pada hari Rabu, tanggal 13 November 2013,
maksimal jam 08.30 WIB, di ruang H5 203A (ruang kelas BIP).
Pengumpulan setelah jam tersebut diatas tidak diterima dan nilai UTS
otomatis 0.


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Part 1
Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang
baik dan benar.
1. Our television is broken; we need to repair it.
2. The paper on respiration system has to be submitted today.
3. We will watch Agnes Monicas performance next week in Jakarta.
4. My sister bought a can of coke.
5. I will pay with a check, please, said the customer.
6. Indonesia will elect new rulers in 2014.
7. I got a basketball for my birthday present.
8. Please turn on the fan. Its so hot here.
9. Spiders depend on their web to catch prey.
10.George drinks fat free milk every morning.
Part 2
Subject-Main Idea-Details-Summary. Gunakan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik
dan benar.
1. Subject Main Idea
A survey in Japan shows that reading is also a popular leisure-time activity
among the Japanese. The survey also showed that there are some differences
between age groups. People aged 30 to 50 listed reading as their favorite
activity. People over age 50 said reading was their second favorite activity, after
gardening. Teenagers listed reading as their third favorite activity, after playing
video games and watching TV. People in their 20s were the only group that did
not list reading as one of their top three activities.
2. Subject Main Idea Details
The cultivation of corn in the United States has changed dramatically in the past
century. Farmers used to grow corn in small fields of a few acres. Now corn farms
may be as large as 6,000 acres. Before the existence of machines, farmers had
to pick corns by hand. It may take several days to harvest 10 acres of corn. Now,
however, huge harvesting machines can pick hundreds of acres of corn in a day.
While corn growing used to be a way of life for many families, now it is a big
3. Subject Main Idea Details Summary (Summary 2 kalimat saja)
Electricity can travel through something when its structure allows electrons to
move through it easily. Metals like copper have "free" electrons that are not
bound tightly to their parent atoms. These electrons flow freely throughout the
structure of copper and this is what enables an electric current to flow. In rubber,
the electrons are more tightly bound. There are no "free" electrons and, as a
result, electricity does not really flow through rubber at all. Conductors that let
electricity flow freely are said to have a high conductance and a low resistance;
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insulators that do not allow electricity to flow are the opposite, which means that
they have a low conductance and a high resistance.
============================THE END OF

Part 1
Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang
baik dan benar.
1. My sister buys some sweet in the store.
2. The farmers harvest the rice.
3. There are 26 letters in the alphabet.
4. The cook serves three different dishes.
5. Spring is the best time of the year.
6. You season your food with basil and parsley.
7. Some goods are imported from other countries.
8. Ive got a call from my mom; she asked me to go home soon.
9. People also count on leaves for healthy eating.
10.The farmers are harvesting the rice.
Part 2
Subject-Main Idea-Details-Summary. Gunakan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik
dan benar.
1. Subject Main Idea
X-rays are useful in many ways. By reading an X-ray, a doctor can see if a bone
is broken or if a tooth has a cavity. The X-ray process was discovered in 1895. Xrays are useful in finding other hidden objects, too. For example, bags at the
airport are X-rayed to see if any dangerous items are inside without having to
open the bags and look inside each one.
2. Subject Main Idea Details
In modern life, corn has many uses. Corn is also hidden in many other foods:
cookies, bread, or beef. A large part of the corn production in the United States,
in fact, goes to feed cattle producing beef. But corn is not just a food. It is also
used in the production of all kinds of things, from glue to hand lotion and paint.
Recently, manufacturers have begun to use corn to make a new type of plastic
for garbage bags. In many places, cars are now powered by a mixture that
contains ethanol, a fuel made from corn.
3. Subject Main Idea Details Summary (Summary 2 kalimat saja)
An electric motor is a machine that turns electricity into mechanical energy. In
other words, electric power makes the motor spin aroundand the motor can
drive machinery. In a clothes washing machine, an electric motor spins the drum;
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in an electric drill, an electric motor makes the drill bit spin at high speed and
bite into the material you're drilling. An electric motor is a cylinder packed with
magnets around its edge. In the middle, there's a core made of iron wire
wrapped around many times. When electricity flows into the iron core, it creates
magnetism. The magnetism created in the core pushes against the magnetism
in the outer cylinder and makes the core of the motor spin around.
============================THE END OF
Part 1
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2

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1. Subject

Main idea:
2. Subject

Main idea:

3. Subject

Main idea:


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