Miss Magnitis Lithos

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Miss Magnitis Lithos

Hello and a very good morning to

judges,time keeper teachers and fellow friends.



Hi ! Hi ! and Hi!..... I am feeling so happy and excited to be

on this superb stage.
First, let me introduce myself. For your information, I am the
new miss universe. I won the competition and you can call me
Miss Magnitis Lithos. Yes, my name is indeed very unique.
My father told me that Magnitis Lithos means magnesia
stone and it is one of the science magical wonder given to us.
Wow! Magical wonder ? I wonder if I have magical power.
Lets find out.
Well friends, entering the pageant competition and winning it, is
not an easy work.
I need to impress the judges with my amazing talents.
As you can see here my dress is so rare and beautiful. My
main colours are blue and red. Red represents bravery and blue
represents harmonious. Just like me. I am brave and I love
peaceful eyes on me. And I also believe that my red and blue
colours just like my north pole and south pole. The colours are
attractive and compliment each other.
Talking about attraction, I do have amazing power. I can
attract metal things. Wow ! True story. I can attract tin,clips irons
nails and many more.
But, to be fair. This Miss Magnitis Lithos cannot attract
stone , wood,rubber jelly and all non metal things. Sad but true.
Well, I still impressed the judges during the competition with
my fit and strong body.
I love doing a lot of exercise such as walking,jogging and
running. I love to dance,zumba and even cha cha with my friends.

But I cannot be kicked , fired or knocked. All these actions make

me lost my power and become weak.
Shh!! Dont do these to me okay. Keep me safe!

Dear friends, becoming Miss Magnitis lithos is the best thing

ever happened to me. So I want to say thank you to my
bestfriends and family. They support and believe in me. Thank
you to
1. Miss Horse Shoe magnet
2. Miss U shaped magnet
3. Miss Ring magnet
And not to forget Miss Cylindrical magnet. I love all of you.
You know what ?, after winning this competition, the reporters
asked me what is my contribution to the world.
Dear friends, Miss Magnitis Lithos here will be very useful to
us. Do you know that ,magnets are widely used in our daily life.
Compass ,keychain,button ,nametag and even handbags need
magnet to function well.
See, I told you, I am very useful yesterday,today and even day
Last but not least, thank you again for choosing me as your
miss Magnitis Lithos.
Do remember, my name means magnesia stone because it
is one of the science magical wonder given to us.
So with that ,thank you. Tata



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Tq acap..ure the best

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