Final Sol

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| Phyes Yeo Solbions he Final Beam, Selo ge dace a XFeyT HOROR, and BAN Pe | yndicced surfoce charge clonsity Ps ee | @ [. B) The inmage rs a dipole —P Le Mocatad Spuametricallly below the Plone dy} Sp [Y=0. So the potirtial | is Ve ae d wmgalts thee te Ye | y<0,wehwe SY)=0, b) Now Considber a port on the plane ae. The i er -E3 ht Ye ZH,l. . 203d) ~ Hil 3bKd =e PA ite La 2a xerel Note tha Tero fv X<0, While R<0 Gr X>o, ~The force between F omol -F is wry Fa (PV Est Re | ee de OF etl | < Se eu VTE _p $3 xX Sey “Ct kI+ Dery 4A TA arth Ue Ox+y (Bt) ] w y the corrent Ty has a mayer? contrthutiony | 2. Q) The B-Flux insicle esol lonotel ss ene elol rs e¢- El ¢ -Hanli|¢ Be ei 4 _ tow abn hk ace Ee js the electrre fre UL of the dmage divlole lot tel ocationsf P. p. The above ex, jee Veckucod & E26 bya del Gx kt ___3hF FG af Ot Gd Fe ered ® FO)= BW) TA =Mon LO) a> (Feas) tite The induceol career in the oF rs b)At the surface i lenoicl, the) cain At the surface ofthe solenalol , the mraprctic fiell | date thesplenctel current Le vanishes, while | 2(bHE =e 2(b43 De ol oy — on A | => Poynting vedlrr Zs ib Ex Ae EF Oatigring ovev theso lenotd. ser finer Ce por t= = Se S Pomads australe R= ope ij _ 3. AM vadio waver con not propagate Neto the | tunnel, because He wave lexgtt. is much bigger | thaw the coct~off Wave levg th, 2 Lae totm > Nestea © Em + Donate Y= Y/R wt GAVE] Chto —> chai | Crerpy Consexvelion y 2 Epten = Z | Momencteem comsewatron » 2 Phaton OSE = b mw cole ¥ 2 Ephatin= Bere RE 3G MeV | (the tiv platens have the Same ere ty. > | PP Epic © Prin > cosa te Ave fe “tehogyAmperian | raps berivele w/ vad: | Notethat the core ( Le Ube ze. VW aQr ¢ {fer e<@) | | (fe 826) @ (fer b>P>a) 0 {fw P>b) naa (Fer b>p>a) “alg fr p

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