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Farmina Huda 1

SANDY HOOK SHOOTING: Intention Or Coincidence ?

BY FARMINA HUDA 06/22/2016 AT 09:35 AM

On December 14, 2012 the world was shocked and captivated by the second most deadly and
horrifying shooting in the history of United States, where around 26 people died and majority of
them were 6-to-7-year-old school kids.(Sandy) Does it sound familiar? Yes, I am talking about
the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
As we were told, Adam
Sandy Hook and killed 20
the gun on himself, Lanza
home earlier that morning.
doesnt it? Why did he do
particular school? What was
But I became interested
of the interesting work of
always asked questions and

Why was the life star

helicopter not
deployed to such an

Lanza, a 20-year-old man, went to

students and six staff. Before putting
shot and killed his mother in their
(Victims) It sounds very mysterious,
that? Why did he choose that
the reason behind his shooting, etc.?
about the Sandy hook event because
many people on the internet who
made the incident more mysterious.

Farmina Huda 2
The documentaries I watched reveal a shocking truth.They showed no emergency ambulances
were there, no parents were rushing with fear, no school staff or police running, no sign of
evacuation. In short, it seems everything was fine in there. Was it actually real or just
It was very appalling to watch that no medical personnel went inside to the school for help that
day. Mainly, they try to claim that they didnt put enough effort to save the victims. Do you think
the fact is true? Dont you think they should have at least gone inside to check what was going
on? Allegedly they did. But if they did then where is the evidence of the victims bodies? Also,
who declared those 20 children dead without sending them to the hospital? Isn't it very poor to
declare someone dead by police or first responders but not by medical professionals?
Sandy Hook Fire Chief Bill Halstead claimed that least 60 people were admitted to the nearby
hospital. They were seriously wounded with gunshot. Some of them survived, which is great, but
I dont understand why those survivors were never interviewed.
People arose question about why the life star helicopter was not deployed to such an
emergency. It was much more sensible to transport people in an ambulance, said Mike West,
the administrator from Sacramento, Ambulances were already there. Using an ambulance
minimizes the movement of the patient. Calling a Helicopter would take more time. The
ambulances were quicker and safer.(Debunked) I agree ambulances will be more convenient
in such situations. But I am just wondering why the ambulances were not in the school parking
lot? Why were they standing far from the school?
During the interview I asked Kent Munsterman, Assistant Surgeon Officer of Homeland Security
at College of Dupage, about what should they do in such kind of emergency. He told me The
very first thing we will do is to evacuate the school buildings. There were approximately 450 to
600 students present in school. Twenty students died in that incident, so where did the other
students go? We can not see any sign of mass evacuation of the school buildings.
It is never irresponsible to ask questions. Dont get me wrong. I am not criticizing unfairly about
the victims, neither I am pointing to the parents, the police or the government. It is just a self
curiosity to find the truth. So that every person in the society can feel safe.

Farmina Huda 3

Works Cited
"Victims of Sandy Hook Shooting Settle $1.5 Million Lawsuits Against Estate of Shooter's
Mother." 03 Aug. 2015. Web. 27 June 2016.
"Debunked: Why Were Life Star Helicopters Not Deployed to Sandy Hook School?" Metabunk. Web. 27
June 2016.
"Sandy Hook- Its Not Irresponsible to Question." Keeping It Unreal. 31 May 2015. Web. 27 June 2016.
"Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook Was an Elaborate Hoax." Memory Hole. 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 June

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