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Winthrop Words

Learn & Grow Together

Monday 27th June 2016 Week 10

Issue No 17

PP, Yr3 & 6 Dental Screening

Reports Home

Assembly, Faction X Country

Staff Room Duty/Morning Tea: Kate, Karina, Kathleen, Katy

Raffle: Katy
Raffle Winner:
Lucky Lotto Number: Kerry
Term 3 School Development Days
A final draft of the PD Days is attached and
posted up on staff room noticeboard. Additional
inclusions include Annie Chua sharing her
learnings from NAPLAN Marking, more detail on
Bens sessions and an offer of cognitive coaching
from Kerry.
Staffing Update Term 3
Anna-Maria Dale retires this week after 30
years with the Department of Education
and 19 years at Winthrop PS. Thank you
Anna-Maria for your commitment to public
Karen Georges contract ends. Thank you
Karen everyone has been most
appreciative of your literacy support and
we hope to continue see you in the school
on a regular basis.
Gail Reed is taking leave and off to teach
in an international school in Shanghai next
term. Farewell Gail and thanks for your
straight talking, honesty and professional
approach to teaching.
Gail will be replaced next term by Danielle
Davidson, one of our regular relief
teachers. Welcome Danielle!
Phil Moriarty is on leave until the end of
the year. Elizabeth continues until the end
of the year at 0.6 FTE (Monday
Trine Beatty finishes up in E4 at the end
of term thanks for your contribution
Lorraine Stagbauer joins the E-Block team
as 0.4 FTE (Thursday, Friday) in E4 in
tandem with Elizabeth and 0.2FTE
(Mondays) releasing Jenny Cotham for
her community links role. Welcome
aboard, Lorraine.
Aurora is on leave for Term 3. Heather
continues in E3.
Jeanine Candys contract has been
extended until the end of the year.

Directions Term 3
Next term we reignite our provision for
EALD with the appointment of a
coordinator and Education Assistants.
Id like to review our approach to
during recess and lunch time. Rather than
having a blitz and then everything going
back to its previous standard, Id like to
establish sustainable and consistent
practices. Will use team meetings as the
conduit for this.
And of course, the zillion other things that
happen in Term 3 like Book Week /
Month, musical extravaganzas, Japanese
Fest, Athletics training, carnivals and lots
Thank you everyone for another term of hard
work. Your efforts dont go unnoticed and I
appreciate the effort, care and commitment you
all show.
Have a wonderful holiday and Ill be thinking of
you when Im looking out my window at Halong


Friday 1st July 2016:
A couple of reminders:
1. Program of events and times has been
sent to all staff

2. We will need some teachers to be

marshals around track.
3. Teachers without specific duties will need
to supervise students.
4. We need to be ready to start at 12:50.
5. Remind students about wearing faction Tshirts, shorts and running shoes. They
dont run wearing a hat, but will wear a hat
waiting for their event.
(how many lost
6. No chairs required.
7. Early lunch starting at 12:00. Subway is
available. Can be picked up from the
canteen at 11:45.
8. Teachers on duty as normal. 12 to 12:20
and 12:20 t0 12:40.
9. Year 2s & 3s may not wish to stay for the
whole afternoon, but will need to be there
for the presentation.
10. If cancelled it will be held on Friday 22
July. (week 1 T3)
Student Attendance:
It is important that staff mark students
attendance before 10:00 each day, with the
appropriate code. Days absent for all students for
the Semester must be accurate.
Yard Duty:
A reminder to all teachers to be prompt for their
duty and to be moving around and vigilant.
Remind students about running on concrete and
the wearing of hats.


The P&C Road Wise rep Sally Burdett has been
proactive in trying to improve road safety around
Winthrop PS. One of the initiatives we are trying
to get off the ground is the Little Legends Club.
Student are being asked to join this free club with
the school with the highest percentage of
students joining receiving $5000. Classroom reps
are being asked to collect these forms. Please
support this initiative by reminding students to
return their forms to school and hand to the class
rep. The registration period ends in September. I
have placed enough registration forms for each
class in pigeon holes last week. I can send an
electronic copy to teachers if you need more. Any
questions see Albert.
Messages from the Office
Tea money is $25 per term (or pro rata)
or $5 amenities per term.
(Please note, amenities payment does not
include consumption of tea, coffee, milk or
This can be paid to Tess at the front office and a
receipt issued. Thanks


End of Term Drinks
We will be having drinks in the staffroom on
Friday after Cross Country.
Wine, Champagne and Softdrinks available.
BYO Snacks
SOCIAL NEWS - Term 3 Social Event
Swan Valley Wine Tour has been booked!!
Saturday 6th August starting at 9:30am
$95.00pp includes pick-up & drop-off (2
destinations to be confirmed)
2 x winery & 1 brewery stops with tasting and
1 x additional stop for Lunch and drink at Brewery
Providore and Chocolate Factory
Currently we have approx 15 people interested. If
you would like to join us, we need a $20.00
deposit by the end of term. This deposit can be
transferred to social club account or paid directly
to a social committee member.
The company we have organised has come
highly recommended - so should be a great day!
Hope you can join us!!

Winthrop Primary School

School Development Days Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July 2016
Thank you to our volunteer facilitators! Much appreciated.
Draft only as at 20/06. Subject to additions and modifications or changes of venue.
No Booking Required - Just turn up to whichever session youd like to attend. EAs welcome to all sessions.
If you miss a session you really wanted to attend, see the facilitator for a catch-up session or arrange with your Team for an extra

Monday - Session 1
8.30 10.15
Connecting with Parents
An introductory and hands-on
session to help you set up
and maintain your Weebly or
Connect classroom

Jenny Cotham - Library

Phys Ed for the Young and


Exploring Technologies

Enhancing Literacy and

Engagement Through Drama

An interactive Phys Ed
Session to demonstrate ideas
and have some fun. Bring
comfortable clothes!

Examining the Technologies

Curriculum and redefining
what it looks, feels and
sounds like in our classroom.
This session will also explore
how Technologies and STEM
fit into the overall WA

Do you want to engage your

kinaesthetic learners
through imaginative drama based
activities, but don't know how or
where to start?

Dot Davies Undercover


Alison Kelly D2

This session will share and

emphasise the potential of
educational drama in critical and
creative literacy learning and will
provide participants with practical
applications of educational drama
using literature for early years to
Anna Stanton Drama Room

Morning Tea : 10.15 10.45

Monday Session 2
10.45 12.30
Zones of Regulation

DISC Behaviour Profile

Life is 10% what happens

DISC will help you
to us and 90% how we react
Understand your
to it. -Charles Swindoll
tendencies and
develop an
Learning about Zones of
understanding of how
Regulation will help you
your behaviour
acquire strategies to:
affects others
Respect, appreciate,
- shift students away from
understand, and
authority dependent
value individual
behaviour toward
independent regulation.
Enhance strategies
- teach students to identify
for working together
their feelings/level of
to increase
alertness, understand how
their behaviour impacts those
Increase your
around them, and learn what
effectiveness by
tools they can use to manage
improving your
their feelings and states.
relationships with
Kerry House E1 (or

Karinas IEP Extravaganza

Join Karina as she unfolds
the mysteries of writing a
succinct, simple and effective
Individual Education Plan for
SAER kids.
This is the magic wand
youve been looking for and
will empower you take control
of your IEPs.

Cricket/Softball /Basketball
An interactive session wear
comfy clothes!

Karina Meldrum E2 (or

Mark Wirtz - Library

Class Phys Ed Lessons and

Activities for Term 4

(Basketball Court near E


LUNCH: 12.30 1.15

Monday Session 3
1.15 3.00pm
The Five Love Languages

Effective presentation and

public speaking skills

Each child ,like an adult,

expresses and receives love
best through one of five different
communication styles. Help your
children feel the connectedness
needed to allow them to learn
best by discovering their primary
love language and MAYBE even
find out your own love
language. (Chocolate provided.

Research shows that people

fear public speaking more
than they fear death.
Guaranteed to keep you
awake during the graveyard
shift, this session will explore
the key skills and techniques
for building confidence and
giving an engaging, effective
And yes you will have to do
a brief presentation in front of
a group

Enhancing Literacy and

Engagement Through Drama

Move More Sit Less

survey and pledge

New initiative from

Bluearth Foundation to
encourage all Australians
to move more and sit less
to reduce the health risks
associated with a
sedentary lifestyle. This
workshop will cover some
of the evidence which has
influenced the initiative
and an opportunity to have
This session will share and
a go at some active ideas
emphasise the potential of
educational drama in critical and to do throughout the
creative literacy learning and will school and in the
provide participants with
Do you want to engage your
kinaesthetic learners
through imaginative drama
based activities, but don't know
how or where to start?

practical applications of
educational drama using
literature for early years to

Ben Durant (BlueEarth)

Rhonda Thorncroft E1

Mark Wirtz - Library

Anna Stanton Drama Room

Cognitive Coaching Planning

Would you like the opportunity to
"navigate" the territory of your
thinking around something you'd
like to implement but don't quite
have a clear conception of it
On offer is a one-to-one
coaching session to assist you
to mediate your thinking through
a conversation that uses a set of
strategies, a way of thinking and
a way of working that invites you
to shape and reshape your
ideas to achieve your goal.
At a later time, this can be
followed up by a review
cognitive coaching session.

Kerry House (please indicate

your interest to Kerry prior to
the session)

Tuesday Session 1
8.30 10.15
Zones of Regulation

Exploring Technologies

Life is 10% what happens

to us and 90% how we react Examining the Technologies
to it. -Charles Swindoll
Curriculum and redefining
what it looks, feels and
sounds like in our classroom.
Learning about Zones of
Exploring how Technologies
Regulation will help you
and STEM fit into the overall
acquire strategies to:
WA Curriculum.
- shift students away from
authority dependent
behaviour toward
independent regulation.
- teach students to identify
their feelings/level of
alertness, understand how
their behaviour impacts those
around them, and learn what
tools they can use to manage
their feelings and states.

Kerry House

Karinas IEP Extravaganza

Join Karina as she unfolds
the mysteries of writing a
succinct, simple and effective
Individual Education Plan for
SAER kids.
This is the magic wand
youve been looking for and
will empower you take control
of your IEPs.

Active Ideas and Bluearth

Across the Curriculum.

An opportunity for teachers

and staff to share ideas
around incorporating physical
activity in the classroom with
an emphasis on literacy and

Sharing of Naplan PW Rubrics

as interpreted by one Naplan


Alison Kelly D2

Karina Meldrum E2

Ben Durant (BlueEarth)


10 criteria of PW rubrics
How they are interpreted by
Naplan markers
The marking process
Sharing the experience of
marking a couple of scripts
Why it is the best PD you
can do for the students and
for yourself (over 100 hours
on your TRB records)?

Annie Chua Science


Tuesday Session Two

10.45 12.30
Using Group Map to
collaborate across your

DISC Behaviour Profile

Incorporate collaborative
techniques using ICT to
enhance participation that
aligns perfectly with our FATT

DISC will help you:

Understand your
behavioural tendencies
and develop an
understanding of how
your behaviour affects
Respect, appreciate,
understand, and value
individual differences
Enhance strategies for
working together to
increase productivity
Increase your
effectiveness by
improving your
relationships with others

Jenny Cotham E4

The Five Love Languages

Each child ,like an adult,
expresses and receives love
best through one of five different
communication styles. Help your
children feel the connectedness
needed to allow them to learn
best by discovering their primary
love language and MAYBE even
find out your own love
language. (Chocolate provided.
:) )

Rhonda Thorncroft - E1
Mark Wirtz - Library

Part A.
Introduction to WPS
Physical Education School
Overview (DRAFT)
A newly developed
year long Program in
Physical Education
for WPS.
Introduction to WPS
Physical Education Skills
Development &
Progression Plan. (DRAFT)
A look at an adapted
version of the
Western Australian
Curriculum in
Physical Education
for WPS.
Part B.
Physical Education
Lessons made easy. A few
simple ideas and games
using the Fundamental
Movement Skills program to
make your PE lesson easy
and fun.
Albert and Patrick B2

Sharing of Naplan PW Rubrics

as interpreted by one Naplan


10 criteria of PW rubrics
How they are interpreted by
Naplan markers
The marking process
Sharing the experience of
marking a couple of scripts
Why it is the best PD you
can do for the students and
for yourself (over 100 hours
on your TRB records).

Annie Chua Science


12.30 1.15 Lunch

Tuesday Session 3
All staff in library 1.15 1.45
Winthrop Primary School - Directions for Semester 2
1.45 Onwards Own time for preparation in classes. Please stay until your normal finishing time.

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