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Discussion and Conclusion:

The task of our group for this field work is to measure the area of a
polygon with 6 corners or a hexagon. To do this, the instruments we used
are the range poles, 2 meter tapes, and a leveling hose. A leveling hose is a
simple device which can provide an accurate elevation comparison between
2 points. It is based on the principle that if you fill a hose with water and let
it come to rest, the water level at both ends will be the same.
To start the field work, we first marked 6 points. We then measured
the distances between the points using the break-the-tape method. To
ensure that our measurements level are correct, we used the leveling hose.
We mark it using the chalked provided on the range pole.
After measuring the all the sides as well as 3 diagonals. We used the
herons formula to find the areas. We separated the hexagon into 3 triangles
using the diagonals. We did this by finding the half-perimeter by adding the
sides of triangles then dividing it by 2. We then find the square root of the
half perimeter times the half perimeter minus the first side, times the half
perimeter minus the second side, and times the half perimeter minus the
last side.
By using a simple instrument called the leveling hose, we were able to
accurately find the level and measure the distance correctly. We then found
the area because of this.

For the group who will undertake this field work, I recommend that
you buy a leveling hose that is quite soft because having a brittle leveling
hose will crease the hose therefore not enabling the water to properly flow. I
also recommend them to properly put the water because bubbles might
make erroneous readings.

Final Data Sheet:

Field Work 4


s (s22.57)(s25.46)(s21.22) ; s=35.075


233.7405 m2


s (s25.46)(s23.61)( s24.82); s=36.72


258.2997 m2


s (s24.82)(s19.83)( s25.52) ; s=35.085




s (s17.96)(s25.52)( s20.16); s=31.82



Total Area =

901.2706 m2

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