IA History and Math IA

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What significance did the use of motti tactic have to

the course of the Winter War of 1939 1940?

How did the Quiet Revolution affect the preservation
of French language in the province of Quebec?
Heronian triangles triangles where sides are
consecutive integers and area is a whole number
To what extent did British policies/departure lead to
the civil war in 1947?
Constructive Solid Geometry. Generation, Refinement
and Manipulation of Triangle Meshes in Two and Three
Dimensional Euclidean Space in Function of Procedural
Generation and Boolean Logic
The relations between T-numbers, trinomial
coefficients and Pascals triangle; and the similarities
between Pascals triangle and Pascals pyramid
How to solve the shortest network on a plane?
Investigating arrangements that would give the
minimal circumference relative to the area formed of
equal circles by using an index.
Not theatre but a crossword puzzle, What are the
difficulties encountered in directing Harold Pinters
The Birthday Party?

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