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The Battle of Regoth

By: Abby Shaffer

The lightning bolt struck down. You could see the shadow of a girl through the smoke.
Oblivious lightning looked at her surroundings. The bright green grass and electric blue sky
seemed unnatural. Ugh. Oblivious said. She didnt like this section of Regoth. It was so, weird.
Not that that rest of Regoth wasnt weird. The world was split up by domes keeping the
elements, and some other things, apart. People rarely traveled, since, some people couldnt
survive in other domes. Oblivious was the most travely out of the eight people in Regoth. She
had visited seven of eight of the domes, since the Shadow Dome was impenetrable. Now she
was in the Chinchilla Dome, her least favorite. Queen Chinchiqwa had called her there, though
she didnt know why. Oblivious walked across the prairie until she reached that castle. Oh my
God. Oblivious said. Queen Chinchiqwa must have something planned if shes willing to keep
her gates wide open, with no guards in sight. oblivious walk straight through to the throne room.
You called? asked Oblivious. Chinchiqwa rolled her eyes. You must address the queen first,
or do you know nothing about royalty? Oblivious sighed with an annoyed tone. Really, Your
Majesty? do we have to go through this every time I come here? Yes. Fine. Why did you call
me here, Your Highness? The queen pointed west. That blithering idiot, Flame Ashheart, is
sending dragons after my chinchillas again! I want you to go over there and talk to him! If you
cant meet at an agreement, you can just kill him! Your Highness, weve been through this
before.We cant kill him. Wed need Koral. Water beats fire you poop-head. You dare insult
me?!?!? I am the queen of the entire chinchilla race!!! I know. You tell me a bajillion times
whenever I come here. I will take your offer, though. I never turn down a chance to kill. But let
me warn you, once again, tick me off like that and you will find that in a matter of seconds, your
entire race will be electrocuted, and most likely dead. There was a moment of silence as
Queen Chinchiqwas eyes widened. Very well. Just make him stop! Though Oblivious and the
Queen didnt notice, a shadow moved in the far corner of the room. Void smiled, cold and cruel.
Her bone white face was covered by her dark purple robe. Go, Oblivious. Ive got a nasty
surprise waiting just for you. Oblivious walked out of the castle. Void knew that she was gone
once she heard the boom of thunder. Queen Chinchiqwa sighed and leaned back in her chair.
She took a chinchilla the size of a soft ball out of her sleeve. Glad my little friends gonna be
safe. No one sneaking in on us. Whos a good Chikums? You are! You are! Staying with Mommy
all safe and sound! Void closed her eyes and plugged her ears to block it out. If I see any more
Im going to puke. She thought. Good day, Your Majesty. Void said walking into the light. who
are you? asked Queen Chinchiqwa. Void put on a disappointed look. You dont know me? My
realm is to the far southeast. The Shadow Dome? How could anyone live there? Voids frown
flipped up. Oh, so you know of my realm? Excellent! Ill tell you what, Your Highness. I couldnt
help but overhear that your chin-chi-things were in danger- Chinchillas. Whatever. anyway, I
couldnt help but hear that, so Ive got an offer for you. An offer? Of what kind? my dome is
impenetrable, so if your chinchillas were in my dome, they would be safe from harm. But what
about you? Would you harm them? Void smiled. Oh, if only you knew what I had in store for
your little squirrels! She thought. Of course I wouldnt harm them! Im trying to help you! They
would be guarded by my best monsters! Monsters?!? Absolutely not!!!! Void smiled again. I

thought you would say that. Now say good bye! She turned into a small wisp of black smoke
and flew straight for the Queen. Her scream was cut short as Void took control of her mind.
Ugh. Void said. Its filthy in here. Guess Ill have to throw out the trash. Queen Chinchiqwas
mind was stripped clean. Now to get her former Majesty to my realm. Queen Chinchiqwa
walked towards the corner in which Void was hiding. Instead of hitting the wall, she
disappeared, melting into the shadows. She reappeared in a dark throne room entirely made of
obsidian. The walls showed her reflection as she walked out from the corner. Void flew back out,
landing on her throne. Wh-wha? Where am I? asked Queen Chinchiqwa. Hello, Chinchiqwa.
said Void. My name is Void. I have a very special job for you. What job? I need you to be my
tribulation tester. I must have the perfect tribulations for every single person in Regoth. Whats
a tribulation? Youll see soon enough. Kunai will take you there. A black wolf appeared at
Queen Chinchiqwas feet. His paws were surrounded by purple flames. He grabbed
Chinchiqwas shirt, and pulled her out of the throne room. Oh, this is going to be so much fun!
said Void.
In the Fire Dome, Oblivious Lightning was having a heated conversation wight Flame
Asheart, literally. She was having a hard time standing in a castle made of fire and lava. So
please call off your dragons and we dont have to fight. Flame smiled upon his throne. Im not
the one who is stealing those chinchillas. Youre not? Then who is? Flame laughed. The one
who walks unseen! the one who lives in a place you cant get into, but she can get out!
Everything casts something for her to travel to! Oblivious was getting annoyed. Her hands
sparked with an electric spitefulness. Tell me, you burnt-headed imbecile! Why its Void! Ruler
of shadows and darkness, future empress, along with me, of Regoth! Isnt it wonderful?! All of
us together in eternal death and destruction! The very air well breath will be a poisonous
smoke! No one will be able to see past their noses in the darkness! The invisible heat will be
overwhelming! The fact of walking alone in the dark, hearing the moans and cries of pain and
death all around you! What a wonderful life!! And it will come!! Do you realize it now,
Oblivious?!? THE END IS NEAR!!!! At that very moment, FLame slumped down in his throne.
He sat there, limp, like a puppet thats been set down. Oblivious stood there, silent from awe at
the strange scene she had just witnessed. Though flames behavior was strange, Oblivious
knew that some of it was true. She knew that there was something stirring in the dome she
surrounded. But four words kept repeating themselves in her head. All of us together was what
Flame had said at the beginning of his unexpected phase. That sentence had struck too close to
home, for that was the one thing she wanted to change about Regoth. Sure, everyone would
start killing each other, but what was so wrong about that? You kill one thing, and another
comes and takes its place. Its an endless circle of pure fun! Oblivious shook her head to snap
out of it. Flame wants me to think this! She thought. No he doesnt. said a voice in the corner
of the room. A tall girl in purple robes walked out into the light. Though Oblivious wouldnt admit
it, her face was terrifying! Whiter than bone and sunken in spots, Oblivious could only guess
who this was. Youre Void! she said. The girl smiled cruelly. In person. Flame did a wonderful
job describing Regoth. Dont you agree? Im surprised you didnt smile after it. You do want
endless killing, right? You never turn down a chance to kill, because there are so few of them?
But what if you could run around every minute with immense power? Oblivious knew what Void
was trying to do. You cant convince me to join you! I wont do it! You hear me? I wont go over
to your side of taking over Regoth! Even if it does mean eternal killing, I wont do it! Void smiled

again. Stubborn, and a will over her own. I like it. Well Oblivious, youve proven yourself unable
to have her mind changed. Congrats. Void started to clap. Oblivious was confused. She had
just completely blown up on Void and she was congratulating her? What villain does that? Void
then smiled. Youre mind is unswitchable, unless its changed by force!!
Flower rang the doorbell. All of a sudden, a narwhal swam out of a hole in the castle
wall. He bent his head down and wrote into the sand, name? Flower replied, Flower Herb, of
the Earth Dome. reason? Koral, two others and I are holding a meeting. Proceed. The gates
opened and Flower walked inside. The interior of the castle was stunning. Radiant pieces of
shell and coral were encased in the walls, as seaweed and anemone danced along the floor.
Flower slowly walked down the hall, the faint noise of music growing louder. At the end of the
hallway, flower opened the door. Inside was Koral, wearing a sea green dress and starfish
earrings. Her crown was entirely made of shells and sandels held her feet. Koral was jumping
up and down, moving with the music. Winter Shard and Hunter Shift were standing next to her,
trying to get her attention by poking her shoulders. Koral. Flower said. Koral was still jumping.
Koral? Still nothing. Koral! At that moment, some vines sprouted from the floor, pulling Koral
to a stop and turning off the music. Koral sighed in defeat. Fine. Lets go and have this stupid
meeting. Koral, Winter, Hunter and Flower exited the room only to enter another. Okay, what is
this all about? Demanded Koral. Did you really have to ruin my fun for something I dont like?
I know youre frustrated, but there are things you need to know. Flower replied. First, the
Queen is missing. She didnt respond when I sent her a message. Koral sat, waiting. Thats it?
You interrupted our schedules for this? It does need some investigation, but you stopped my fun
for this little piece of information? We have lives to live, Flower. And so do you. You cant go
around and bother everyone with tiny facts that you could send in a message. We will
investigate, but was it worth having a meeting over? Enough! Yelled Flower. Here I am, trying
to help out a friend, give information, or at least be helpful in some way and what do I get?
Nothing but complaints and criticism. Not only is Queen Chinchiqwa gone, but something is
going on in the Shadow Dome! Im not sure what, but I can sense some activity going on in
there! Its nothing to worry about, Flower. We all know that there are some strange things living
in there. Its old news. That when Flower exploded. There you go go again! Im just trying to do
whats right, and youre just setting me aside like Im not important! Well then, Im just going to
go! Dont bother crawling to me, asking for forgiveness and saying that I was right when death is
raining down on us, cause you wont get any! Ill just say, I told you so! Dont be so shocked
when Im right! I just wanted you to be on my side for when it really comes! But if youre going to
act that way then fine! Be your own when the end is upon us! And with that, Flower got up and
walked out the castle towards her own Dome. Koral, Winter and Hunter stared at each other for
a long time. Did we just totally mess that up? Hunter asked.
Oblivious woke up next to a tired and scared Queen Chinchiqwa. Her hair was wet and
she had burns on her face. Her fingertips were practically blue with frostbite and her shirt was
covered with soot and rips. Her right foot kept on twitching from when she had been
electrocuted. Queen Chinchiqwa? Is that really you? Queen Chinchiqwa turned her head to
face Oblivious, her eyes stripped of their pride. Then she laughed. Queen? Me? Im flattered.
She shook her head and stared at her hands. Im not a queen. Just a measly tribulation tester.
Oblivious was shocked. Never had she seen the Queen in such a state of self doubt. Okay,
what happened? she asked. One minute you were a proud Queen of an entire race, and now

you think youre lower than dirt. Im not sure about you, but I dont like this news attitude yours!
That was when Oblivious snapped. The fierce light in her eyes turned dark and stormy. She
suddenly had a strong feeling. A feeling of the pleasure in anothers death. Oblivious took out a
knife and and examined the blade. Ah, Oblivious! Youre awake! I was getting a little worried
about my new plaything! Oblivious jumped up, placing four knives into her left hand and
another in her right, aiming towards the sound of the voice, ready to throw. Oh Oblivious. If
youre working for me, youre going to need better weapons than those toothpicks! Suddenly,
each of her knives grew by three inches. A staff appeared on her back. It was a long rod of
wood with a spearhead on each end. At her side was a sword. The massive blade was made
completely out of titanium and the hilt was iron. Her string belt turned to leather with for pockets.
Her shoes were gray and she had on gloves that went to her elbows. Oblivious looked
surprised. These weapons are excellent! It will be a pleasure to use them. Youd better use
them, otherwise you have no purpose fighting for me. Now, for a little test. Do you know of the
Elderin in the Ice Dome? Of course. Ive hunted thousands of times. Yes. I want you to hunt
them for me. Bring back five. Be careful of Winter. He keeps a close watch on them. I know.
Then go right away! A storm cloud appeared over Oblivious head,and she disappeared in a
lightning bolt.
The Ice Dome was cold. Not cold, like ice cream cold, but so cold that a normal humans
would die from hypothermia in a matter of seconds. The rugged terrain was covered in snow
and hill, mountains and pine trees, with flurries blowing so hard, you could barely see. Oblivious
looked down to keep the cold snow out of her face. Her gaze fell upon a shape in the snow. Five
fuzzy toes and claws were visible. Most would mistake it for a wolf print, but Oblivious knew
better. Elderin. she whispered to herself. Oblivious followed the tracks for a few miles, until she
saw it. A young Eldering, about five months old by the looks of it. The creature was about three
to four feet tall at the shoulders, and the antlers were about three feet wide. The soft, brown
coat of fur rippled as the muscular animal walked, its satellite-like ears alert. Oblivious took out
her spear from her back. She aimed it right behind the shoulder blade, and threw. The spear
flew silently through the trees and hit the Ederin exactly where Oblivious had aimed it. The
wound slowly turned green as the poisonous tip burrowed itself in the flesh. The Elderin was
dead in less than a minute. Oblivious threw the animal into her shoulders, and continued killing
Elderin until she had all five she needed. That was when the cold overwhelmed her.
Oblivious opened her eyes to see another pair of cold, gray eyes, that could only belong
to Winter. For the first time, Oblivious felt fear. True, down to the bone, fear. Oblivious felt her
coat for her knife, but its familiar touch wasnt there. She reached for her spear, only to feel
empty air. All of her weapons, gone. But she was a fighter, and fighters didnt need just
weapons. Not breaking eye contact, Oblivious clenched her fist. Then she punched Winter in
the face. The punch bought Oblivious some time as she leapt to her feet. To take the upper
hand, she quickly concentrated and formed a ball of hot electricity in her hands. She shot the
ball of lightning directly at Winters heart. Suddenly, a wall of ice three feet thick, rose up to
protect him. The wall shattered, but Winter wasnt finished yet. He rose up his hands, lifting up
the ice shards and directed them back at Oblivious. She knew that there was too many of them
for her to handle, so she turned around and ran up the wall, somersaulting in the air while
forming another ball of electricity, landing on her feet, and shot the ball back at Winter, readying

several more, while the ice shards scattered against the wall. Again, Winter summoned up
another ice wall, which again, shattered from the impact of the electricity.

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