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Ethical Issues Paper

NURS 330- Care and Management of the Childbearing Family

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to examine a controversial, political or publicly debated
issue in womens health, obstetric, or neonatal realms, and present both sides equally.

Student Approach to Assignment

As I have the desire to work in the pediatric field of nursing, particularly with the
neonatal population, I sought to explore an ethical issue that is relevant in this area of
nursing. This paper discusses the advancement of fetal genetic testing and its implications
on the ethical issue of continuing or terminating a pregnancy after diagnosis of fetal
anomaly has been determined. This paper also explores the role of the professional nurse
in genetic counseling and in their approach to this ethical issue.
Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio
This required portfolio assignment highlights my understanding of the different
perspectives associated with an ethical issue in the healthcare system. This paper
demonstrates my ability to meet the competencies related to ethical and moral guidelines
in the delivery of healthcare.
Produces clear, accurate and relevant writing using correct grammar, spelling
and punctuation.
Example: Adhering to the American Psychological Association (APA) format
that is required by the school of nursing, this paper demonstrates my ability to
meet the standards described above.
Understands the effect of legal and regulatory processes on nursing practice and
health care delivery, as well as limits to ones own scope of practice.
Example: As this paper highlights a very controversial ethical issue, I discuss
the legal and regulatory processes in the delivery of the childbearing womans
healthcare and how this affects families that desire the autonomy to terminate
a pregnancy. While a family may desire to terminate a pregnancy, many states
or local laws prevent them from doing so.
Applies an ethical decision-making framework and legal guidelines to clinical
situations that incorporate moral concepts, professional ethics, and advocacy for
patient well-being and preferences.

Example: This paper discusses the opposing sides of the ethical issue of
terminating a pregnancy in the presence of fetal anomaly. The argument of
supporting pregnancy termination discusses the ethical and moral concepts of
autonomy and beneficence. The opposing side, supporting the continuation of
a pregnancy in the presence of fetal anomaly, discusses the ethical concept of
non-maleficence and various moral and religious beliefs against the
termination of pregnancy. This paper further explores the nurses role in
advocating for the patient and providing support in their decision making

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