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Sri Sri Thakur The Purushottam

Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas

M.A., B.Sc.(Cal), Ph.D.(U.S.A.)
Purushottam rebuilds a man from within. He reforms a man
According to Sri Sri Thakur, no man is evil by nature. As
God is ever pure, man His creation is ever pure too. The
evidence of evil that we find in man is due to temporary
disease in him. Thakur asserts: Treat the man to irradiate his
disease; the man will be practices from his very boyhood.








Bangladesh). The villains have gathered. They are just ready to

start on an expedition when Thakur comes in their midst.
They cannot imagine why he has come. They try to dissuade
him from going with them but cannot. They come to a dustbin
behind a room of a house. A woman is sleeping in the room.
They intend to kidnap her when she comes out at the call of
nature. Hundreds of mosquitoes are biting them, but like
tigers they stand perfectly, still, to jump. Anukulchandra
makes a sound-while driving off mosquitoes. Their alert ears
twitch with alarm. They try to keep him quite. But he alone

knows what he is doing. Suddenly he stands up and begins to

run. Being afraid, they follow him like cows moving towards
home before storm. When they stop to catch their breath at
last, Anukulchandra says mournfully, Oh, how foolish we are;
we went endure mosquito bites! Have we no love for our life? Is
it so mean and meaningless? Saying this, he becomes graver,
and a divine light begins to glow all over his body. They cannot
object to his ruse and he continues, Are we not men? Why
should we run after females like cats and dogs? Are we so vile
that we can lose all our dignity in such an ugly way? If we be
men, if we can acquire knowledge, power, strength and
character, thousands of women will run after us. His words
are like bullets discharging fire and penetrate into their hearts.
They become conscious of their fallen honour. They begin to
weep and fall down at his feet like broken plants. And they rise
to turn their energies to the enhancement of existence in their
Thakur Anukulchandra moves very cleverly in his
depraved environment. He has a thief-friend who calls him
Dada Thakur. Anukulchandra loves him very much and helps
him with all he can. One midnight Anukulchandra is on the
riverside. A man is going that way. Anukulchandra calls and
find his thief-friend on his nightly prowl. He takes his

company and begins to discuss the ways and means of

stealing. The thief-friend is very glad to get new suggestions
and hopes for some active help from his friend. With this hope
he hears him. But the night passed away thus in talk. As the
dawn breaks, Thakur Anukulchandra gives him some money
for his family and says, Brother, whenever you go to steal,
please take me with you, I shall help you as much as I can.
The next night the thief takes Anukulchandra along with him.
He is filled with unlimited joy at having Dada Thakur.
Suddenly Thakur Anukulchandra says, Well brother, I think if
the material you have stolen through your whole life be
collected in one place, no one would ever have to steal again.
But you have nothing at all of it. And what grievous hurts you
have given to peoples hearts in one night. And so the Supreme
Father permits you to save nothing and so you are always in
The thief thinks and says, You are right Dada Thakur.
Though I steal much I live from hand to mouth. I can save
nothing for the future. If I miss a night, I starve next day.
Then his friend says, Then think over the matter. What
is the sense in it? And furthermore, you are here; but have
you done anything to protect your own house? Have you left a
light burning? Is your wife, for whom you are doing all these

things, quite safe? The thief suddenly becomes nervous, stops

dead in his tracks. He wants now to turn back but his Dada
Thakur urges him on, telling him that everything will be all
right. But it is of no use. The thief has lost his confidence. He
can no longer handle his tools properly. He rushes to the river
Padma and throws in all the instruments. Returning to his
friend he cries out, You have undone me today, Dada Thakur.
It is my last job. The man has to suffer much, but he never
steals again. On dark nights, however, he would sometimes
become restless. Feeling that he could not control himself, he
would come to Anukulchandra and spend the whole night
talking with him. After a while he thinks, I am a thief, a vile
rogue abandoned by the society. But how patient and loving
my venerable Dada Thakur is that he endures me night after
night. Well, I shall not vex him again. Thereafter whenever he
is distracted by his passions, he comes to Anukulchandras
cottage and moves round it the whole night, returning home in
the morning. In this way he frees himself and gets way of
Thakurs technique is not to expose a man but to explore
the inner aptitude and make him conscious of his potentiality.
He never mentions the loop-hole in the man, but restores his
lost confidence by bringing the latent possibilities out in him.

A man residing in the very premises of Thakur-Bungalow

committed a heinous crime. Some workers became furious and
decided to give a proper punishment. But Thakur, when he
came to know their plan, said, I would be very gals if you
dont disturb him any way.
The man concern did not turn up before Thakur for more
than one month. He had always been in apprehension lest he
should be warned and consequently punished by Thakur.
Once, in the morning, the man was sneaking away by the
side of the boundary wall of Thakur-Bungalow. Thakur noticed
him from a distance and called him, Eh: hear me.
The man struck with terror of reprimand came before Sri
Sri Thakur. He blushed in shame and was trembling in
apprehension of sure reproach from Thakur. But to his great
relief Thakur did say nothing of the sort. Instead, he asked,
Do you know astrology?
The man replied, No, Thakur.
Thakur suggested, Do you like study astrology? The
man said amazingly I am not so much learned, Thakur. I
studied up to class eight standards only.
Sri Sri Thakur exclaimed exuberantly, Thats enough,
my boy. He called Nikhilda and asked him to bring all the
books on the astrology that had been purchased from Kolkata

a few weeks ago. Nikhilda brought all the books and handed
them over to the man at Thakurs instruction. Thakur
instructed the man how to start, which book was to be learnt
first and how to proceed step by step and said, Come to me
every noon after my lunch; tell me what you have read and
discuss what the book is about.
The program started accordingly. Everyday noon, the
man used to come and sit before Thakur with a book that he
studied. Thakur used to ask him different questions on the
topics that he studied and gave necessary suggestions and
directions for improvement.
About two and half years passed in this way. Once
Padmashri Kiron Banerjee, the then General Manager of the
Ordinance Factory, Ichhapur (West Bengal) remarked about
the very astrologer, Thakur, I showed the astrologer my
horoscope as you suggested me. The astrologer gave a correct
reading of my horoscope.
When he said agree exactly with the reading of many
famous astrologers that I met in India and Europe. Of course,
he has said more than they predicted. I think he is also a good
astrologer, Thakur.
The next noon, when the astrologer came to Sri Sri
Thakur as usual, Sri Sri Thakur stared at him with a gracious

look and said affectionately, Do you know what Kiron has

remarked? He says, you are a very good astrologer, See what
you have achieved in this very short period. You are really a
fantastic guy. If you just mend that little hole in your
character, you can do great marvels no doubt. Is it not?
The man instead of shrinking in shame, flushed in a
great joy, and said Thakur, by your grace I will, I will,
Thakur. A sure touch of grim determination flushed over his
face. Thakur smiled and said inspiringly, I believe you can.
Thakur used to say, dont reject the leaky boat; mend
the leak and stop the leakage, you will see that boat is
carrying loads again. He applied this principle in the case of
innumerable human beings too.
Purushottam comes from above and human beings
come from below. Lord Jesus said, I come from the above
and ye from the below. There is a heaven and hell difference
between the Purushottam and the common man. Above
means the world of sublimation and divine attributes; and
below implies the world of passion and passionate attributes.
Lord Jesus said, .Before Abraham was I am. A very
continuity of conscious memory of the above in the
Purushottam every impulse from Him goads man, especially
the one who is regardful to Him towards becoming.

Sri Sri Thakur is seated in the Parlour. Thousands of

devotees have assembled around Him during the Utsav in
April and October. They are observing their beloved Thakur
from a distance. Sri Sri Thakur casting His affectionate glance
over the vast crowed. Each of these innumerable individual
thinks that Thakur is looking at nowhere but at him alone.
Thakurs very wistful glance penetrates the depth of his (her)
inner being. Everybody feels a thrill of joy, a new sensation, a
sense of well being his or her whole being. Consequently a new
understanding flashes before him or her and he or she
instantly finds solution of the problem intended to place before
Thakur personally.
Purushottam is ever conscious of his transcendent
reality. He is related

to the Transcendent God in terms of

Cosmic Consciousness. As He is ever conscious of his

transcendent reality, and the existence with the Beyond is







omniscience is ever bright in him. Purushottam knows the

past, adjust the present and paves the future so that existence
rolls in the bosom of cosmic consciousness perpetually.


That which accelerates the being and becoming towards

elevation without any distortion of others is true to ones
existence; so if thou seeketh after truth, follow Him where truth
is revealed.
--Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas
M.A., B.Sc.(Cal), Ph.D. (U.S.A.)

Once, Dr. Lee A. Belford, Chairman, School of Religious

Education, New York University asked me in a Ph.D. class,
Mr. Biswas, would you please explain to us the importance
of Diksha (Initiation) in Indian culture. Why so much
emphasis is laid upon accepting a Guru (Spiritual Master) in
every human life in this world?
Mr. Biswas explained: The term Diksha is derived from the
Sanskrit root Daksha which means the art and technique
of how to be efficient in life.
We all know that if we desire to achieve efficiency in
any sphere of life, we must go to a man who is expert in that
sphere and can train us to achieve the same. As for example,
if we want to be an expert cricketer or an efficient guitarist,
we must accept a man who is the master in the subject
matter and follow him through love, service and admiration.
Even if we like to be an expert pick-pocket, we must go to a

master pick-pocket and be trained by him in the art of how

to pick up peoples pocket successfully. If we make a mistake
in applying the trick, we are apprehended to be caught by
the public and beaten mercilessly.
Similarly, if we desire to be efficient in life, we must
accept a man who knows the art and technique of how to be
efficient in life through practical doing in this personal life
and follow him in every detail of our life and living. Such a
Man is called Guru or Adarsha (Ideal) in Indian Culture. He
is also called Spiritual Master. The ceremonial function of
acceptance of such Guru or Adarsha (Ideal) is called
Diksha (Initiation) as we know the ceremonial function of
acceptance of a man by a woman or a woman by a man as a
husband and as a wife is called marriage.
Now the readers of this article generally have little
scope of protesting me directly. But in reality I was
confronted with a challenge from a sophisticated young man
in West Bengal.
The young man protested in an insulting tone, I do not
agree to your proposition. I think, I am more efficient in life
than you. Do you know that I am first class first in M.A. I
secured first class in I.A.S. examination. I am at present an
Additional Magistrate in this district. When I go to court,
thousands of people salute me with the phrase good
morning. I live a most comfortable and luxurious life. But I
did not accept any particular Guru or Adarsha (Ideal) in life.

I have erudition, intelligence, knowledge and prudence; and

there are hundreds of universities and training institutions
and sages, seers and great man in this world. I may go to
them and listen to their advice and practice in personal life
and can be a most efficient in life. In order to be efficient in
life why should I go to a particular man like your Thakur
I humbly admitted: Mr. Mukherjee I do believe all your
statements. I do believe that you stood first in M.A. and
secured first class in I.A.S. exam. I do admit you are an
efficient and expert administrator. You administer your
district in such a way that all the citizens in this district sleep
in peace and security. Government of India is going to confer
the honour of Padma Shri upon you on the coming 26 th
January. I also believe that when you go to court, hundreds
and thousands of people pay you tribute through salutes
with good morning. But when you return to your Bungalow,
put your car in the garage and gets up on the balcony, then
Mrs. Mukherjee comes forward with a vanity bag in her left
arm and says, Darling, Bawarchi will serve you Tiffin, I am
going to the club, ta ! ta ! and gets off the Bungalow. Then
how do you feel Mr. Mukherjee? Do you feel happy and
blooming with delight? The young man kept silent with his
head downward.
I said, you know Mr. Mukherjee, if a man does not
receive a regardful tribute from his own wife in the kitchen

his heart burns in frustration. Thousands of salute from

public in the court cannot quell and compensate the burning
sensation in this heart. Can it?
The young administrator replied assertively, No, never.
I asked, have you ever thought why does she not find
pleasure to serve you with food and relief when you return
home tired after long public dealing in the court? It is









administrator you are efficient no doubt. But as a husband

you are most inefficient. You could not create a sense of
security of love for you in her so that she finds interest in
serving you and rendering relief to you. She tries to find out
interest elsewhere.
Let me suppose that you are an efficient husband. But
you have dealt with your son in his childhood in such a
manner that when he is grown up, does not pay heed to any
of your advice and goes astray. You are an additional district
magistrate but will you feel yourself happy and selfcomplacent if your son happens to be a pick-pocket? You are
an active member of Indira Congress while your son is a
hard-core Naxalite. Will you be delighted to hear that your
son is playing hide and seek with police force in a jungle?
Certainly not, exclaimed the young man. Every father
desires his child to be up to his liking.
Then you are a most inefficient father. Is it not? Again
you may have acted with your father in such a manner in his

old age that he gets a disruptive shock in his filial affection

and sheds tears silently. Will you then consider yourself an
efficient son? You may have gone to your local market.
Fishermen are selling fish. You are approaching them to buy
a fish. If you overhear the comment of a fisherman speaking
to his own son, Eh! Look, the Magistrate Sahib is coming
hither. Take care of the big piece of fish and hide it
immediately. He will take the big fish but pay us less price.
Will you then feel happy and delighted? The young man
remarked, nobody wants to be belittled.
Then you see, as a citizen even you are not efficient at
all. Nobody regards you. Hence you are most inefficient as
I continued: Mr. Mukherjee, will you call me a healthy
man if you see my right leg from knee to feet fatty and
looks like a pillar or see my belly extraordinarily voluminous?
The young man promptly replied, Oh no! You are rather
a patient of Phileria or Elephantiasis.
This is called a tumerous growth of your body. We call a
man healthy when we see all his organs and parts of his
body show a simultaneous and symmetrical growth.
Similarly I explained, every individual being has to
play so many roles in life. He or she has to play the role as a
son and as a father, as a husband, as a student, as a
teacher, as a citizen or as a daughter, as a wife, as a mother,
as a nurse or as a citizen etc. If a man excels in one

particular role but fails in other roles of life then he is not

justified to be called an efficient man. He may be called a
man of imbalanced efficiency. It is called tumerous growth of
his being. This kind of imbalanced efficiency may bring you
money and wealth but can never provide you with peace,
ease and tranquility of your heart. When a man grows with
simultaneous and symmetrical or harmonious development
of his total being then and then alone he is called efficient in
its real sense. In the perspective of a man as whole
efficiency implies the simultaneous and harmonious growth
of his total being. No university or great man in this world
can help man to be trained in this art of real efficiency and
achieve the simultaneous and harmonious development of
his total being. Only a man like Sri Ramchandra, Sri Krishna,
Sri Buddha, Hazarat Rasul, Lord Jesus Christ, Sri Chaitanya,
Sri Ramkrishna and at the present age Sri Sri thakur
Anukulchandra can train man in this art and technique if
anyone accepts him in the core of his heart and follows him
through love, service and admiration. They are known as
Dr. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel Laureate pays tribute to such
a Man in his book Man the Unknown in the following
. We never apprehend him in his entirety. He
contains vast, unknown regions. His potentialities are almost
inexhaustible. Like the great natural phenomena he is still

un-intelligible. When one contemplates him in the harmony

of all his organic and spiritual activities, one experiences a
profound aesthetic emotion. Such an individual is truly the
Creator and the Centre of The Universe.

Hence, Diksha, i.e. the ceremonial function

of acceptance of such a Man is a must for each
and every individual being if he or she desires
to be efficient in the sense of the term.

The root cause of degeneration in mankind

And it's solution
By Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas(SPR)
M.A. B.Sc. (Cal), Ph.D. (New York)
Science admits that nothing happens without a definite
cause behind it. Man is said to have been created by God
himself. The Bible says, God created man after his own
image. Hence it is a fact that as God is pure, so man is
pure, God is perfect and benignant, so man is perfect and
benignant. God is unique and without second, man is also
unique and without any one like him in the creation.

But the reality that is evident in the world does not

corroborate with the above maxim. Human beings ever
confront, with savaging attitude, atrocity, inhuman cruelty
displayed through forceful raping, burglary, unadjusted and
unsympathetic behavior from the people in man's own
environment. Man seems to have lost the last drop of love,
mercy, decorum of life and the sense of humanity
ingrained in his very being itself. Moreover, wherever we
survey we come across innumerable people burdened with
frustration, a sense of insecurity sense of self-alienation
and an unprecedented dark desolation in the depth of
almost every human being. Science and technology have
done their best to provide man with comfort and
amenities. But yet man seems to have been tossed in the
current and eddies of excruciating pain due to disharmony,
anomaly, treachery, ungratefulness and dragonic sense of
despair and despondency in personal life, conjugal life,
social life and in every sphere of life itself.
Why does this happen in man who is the offspring of God
himself? Why does the heavenly nature in Man who is said
to be the replica of the supreme divine term to be hellish
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra, popularly known as Sri Sri
Thakur, founder of 'SATSANG', and the best fulfiller of all
the prophets, firmly believes that every human being is
pure, perfect, and replica of the Source. The apparent
degeneration in man is due to deceased condition of
nature in him.
If a man is cured of his disease in nature through proper
treatment, he will shine in his pristine purity and display
his very intrinsic divinity ever entwined with his very
existence itself; this may be called curative measure. We
are also told that prevention is better than cure

The virus of degeneration that causes disease in nature

primarily permeates in man through his inception. If an
adequate measure is taken to check this permeation of the
virus through inception, the man is expected to shine in his
pristine purity. This may be called preventive measure. Let
us deal with the preventive measure first.
An individual being is born through inception. Inception
implies the very moment when a sperm of father fertilizes
an ovum in mother and thus zygote impregnated with a
life thrill or 'soul' is formed in the womb of the mother. The
character, conduct behavior as well as his efficiency,
achievement and the very nature of the individual grown
out of this zygote depend basically on the intrinsic nature
of the 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' (biological make-up) in the
individual. Modern eugenic science ascribes the abovementioned attributes mainly to the genes contributed by
the parents. Sri Sri Thakur does not deny the role of
genes, but he ascribes all the credit to the 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti'
in the individual being.
The 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' (biological make-up) in an individual
is determined at the time of inception. It is the intensity of
the cohesive urge with which a sperm is attracted towards
the ovum, compatibility among the genes contributed by
both sperm and ovum, and the extent of eagerness with
which the ovum receives the sperm with all its inner
attributes and potentiality that determine the very intrinsic
nature of 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti'. It is this 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' that
governs how the individual being will happen to display his
'self'. Hence inception plays a paramount role in producing
a better individual 'being' with richer instinct, sublime
nature and unadulterated 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' (biological
Sri Sri Thakur defines 'Jaivi- Sangsthiti' as follows;

The sprouting essence (Satta)

latent in the seed in which
all the natural characteristics of
being ingrained in functional attributes
sprout into a living entity--through proper nurture and nutrition
with the conglomeration of stability, nature,
attributes and function
that conglomeration of the very essence (satta)
latent in the seed
may be called 'Jaive-Sangsthiti'.
That Bengali word 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti may be translated in
English as 'Biological-make-up. With an example from
botanical world Sri Sri Thakur explains what he means by
the term 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti (biological make-up). Sri Sri
Thakur says:
Let us suppose two oleander trees
grow up side by side
in the same place.
One oleander tree ever yields
white flowers,

the other oleander tree ever

produces red flowers.
Thus oleander of two different
have been blooming in two
different plants
after year--There never
occurs any alteration of it.
Now the plant grown
from the seed of the white
also yields oleander flower
of white color:

and that grown

from the seed of red oleander
ever produces oleander flower of red color.
Why this different oleander plants
ever produce particularly white and red
generation after generation ?
The particular orientation (arrangement)
in the Jaivi-Sangasthiti latent in the two
different plants
are of such types
that one type yields white oleander
and the other type produces red oleander
though the two oleander trees outwardly look
identical. 2
Inception plays paramount Role;
In our modern civilization there is plenty of provision for
the betterment of human condition. Theories and concepts
in education, economics, social science, politics are
developing and then changing, yielding place to a new one
only with a view to giving man better condition and
congenial atmosphere for living. But better environmental
condition---educational economical, social or politicalcan
not help man evolve with peaceful and balanced progress
evolutionary progress man also needs to be intrinsically
better with unadulterated 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti, higher instincts
and greater potentiality. If a man is not born with these
wealth and attributes, desired and essential, the created
congenial atmosphere will be polluted. Man will fail to
move an inch towards his progress.
If a man is born with lame or defective legs', can he walk
forward on the road paved with white marble or smooth
pavement? He cannot advance more than few steps;
similarly, if that which leads man from more to more in his

evolutionary progress, that is his 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' higher

instincts and greater potentiality be of inferior order, then
how will he advance in his evolutionary progress? Man
picks up from his environment according to the nature of
his instincts and his Jaivi-Sangsthiti utilizes them as it can
maneuver what is picked up. But the better JaiviSangsthiti, sublime instincts and greater potentiality man
acquires through the total process of fertilization of an
ovum. Hence inception plays a paramount role in human
Sri Sri Thakur does not deny the role of education and
environment. But he declines to agree with the statement
of an educationist like Mr. Haldon, that it is the impact of
environment that can render an ordinary person
uncommonly great. In his opinion, environment will work
no doubt, but it works always on the 'Jaivi-sangsthiti' of
the man.
The function of education and environment in developing a
child may be compared with function of soil and
atmosphere in developing a seed. Without proper soil and
good seed fails to yield desired fruits. Similarly, without
proper education and congenial environment a human
being cannot bloom into his full potentiality.
But if the seed is of inferior variety, then however fertile
may be the soil, we can never obtain superior quality of
fruits from that variety of seed. Similarly, if a child is born
with infected Jaivi-Sangsthiti, anomalous instincts and
less potentiality, we can never develop the child into a man
of integrated personality, balanced exposition, enriched
with greater potentiality and inexhaustible urge to run
towards Eternal Becoming.
We know that the same soil nurtures seeds to sprout into
various plants with their specific botanical properties. It is
in the same soil and atmosphere that different seeds

sprout into varieties of seedlings and then into plants to

yield different fruits with varieties of tastes, flavor,
chemical properties, medicinal values and nutritive
efficiency for human health. But it is neither the soil nor
the atmosphere that differentiates one plant from another;
it is the latent specifics lying in the seeds themselves that
make this differentiation in tastes, flavor, and nutritive
properties. Similarly, the same education and environment
provide different individual with nurture and nutrition. But
men of different 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti', instints and potentiality
grow up in different types of personalities. Hence Sri Sri
Thakur posits, Birth is more important determinant than
environment. In the process of growth a man picks up
necessary nourishment from his environment. But he picks
up according to his inherent instincts.
Sri Sri Thakur is so confident of this truth that he
comments: If science does not know this fact, it will know
if it investigates. If better progeny is not born with better
instincts and unadulterated 'Jaivi Sangsthiti', whatever
may be the arrangement for education or religious
teachings, the man will fail to respond to it.
How to effect the birth of better progeny
Individual beings born with unadulterated Jaivi-Sangsthiti,
sublime instincts and greater potentiality may be called
better progeny. But all these above-referred attributes do
not grow in any tree nor do it sprout from soil. All these
develop into man through the stream of blood. So to
enrich each and every individual 'being' with above
mentioned attributes through inception, proper eugenic
adjustment and happy conjugal relation between husband
and wife, better and flawless inception of an individual
being lies far behind possibility.
Factors to be considered for eugenic adjustment:

1) Compatible marriage relation:

Sri Sri Thakur says, to marry is a normal hankering in
human beings. The very inner instinct in man is to be
rendered into multiple individuals. And from this instinctive
hankering there grows the tendency of unification between
man and woman. This tendency of unification between
man and woman must be well adjusted in such a way that
the appearance of super efficient embodiment on this
plane of matter comes to be most normal and natural. 5
Marriage is neither a contract for mutual co-operation, nor
is it an agreement for the appeasement of mutual
biological hankering. Through marriage the stream of
man's biological evolution and developments remains
unhindered. Hence, The primary object of marriage is
genetic enrichment. This is the first and the foremost
purpose. The next is cultural enrichment. So it is essential
to observe if there is consistency and compatibility among
the heredity, personal habit, behavior and temperament of
both the bridegroom and the bride. Along with this,
physical enrichment is also required. 6
In the opinion of Sri Sri Thakur, In the matter of
marriage, the more biological, social, psychological,
temperamental and physiochemical compatibility between
bridegroom and bride is maintained, the greater remains
the possibility of better progeny there. 7
Sri Sri Thakur posits that the compatibility in marriage is
indispensably associated with the function of both husband
and wife. Both the husband and wife play a definite
important role in bringing a child on this plane of matter.
He says:
Father sows,
mother nurtures, begets

and nourishes -- thus their

are different;
their marriage so
should be of
compatible combination
of similar clans;
All-round compatibility in marriage helps to create
compatible unison in between the sperm and the ovum to
a great extent. The compatibility in between the sperm
and ovum may be compared with the compatibility
between seed and soil in the botanical world.
If soil is not befitting to seed sown in it, the seed fails to
sprout with all its latent probabilities. On the other hand, if
the soil happens to be too good and rich, many good
qualities in the seed burn out and we cannot have desired
fruits from the seed.
Father sows the seed of life (sperm) in the soil (ovum) in
the mother's womb. Mother nurtures the seed with
nutrition and nourishment and turns this seed into a
human form. The wealth and attributes latent in the seed
of life (sperm) comes to be embodied in the child to the
extent of nurture and nutrition provided by the soil
(ovum). So in order to have a child enriched with
unadulterated Jaivi-Sangsthiti, sublime instincts and
greater potentiality, compatible combination of the seed
and soil (sperm and ovum) is a must. In the opinion of Sri
Sri Thakur, bio vigoured seed must be sown into the bioeagered soil. 9
As to bio-vigoured seed and bio-egared soil, Sri Sri Thakur
maintains: If the male possesses an active attachment
and eagerness to fulfill his Ideal (like Christ, Krishna,
Buddha or Hazrat Rasul, etc.), then the very existence in
the form of sperm comes to be illuminated with a living

luster of vigor and energetic growth. On the other hand, if

the female happens to have an overwhelming attachment
for her equal and opposite entity -- her husband, then an
inviting faculty of receptive eagerness grow up in her
physique, mind and particularly in her ovum. In that
condition she can conceive her husband's sperm cordially
and can nurture it thoroughly. The probabilities ingrained
in the sperm get a greater scope of being manifested in
the progeny. 10
Happy and harmonious conjugal life
Next to compatible marriage, we need happy and
harmonious conjugal relation between husband and wife.
Without happy and harmonious conjugal relation, between
father and mother better progeny with desired attributes
lies beyond the range of possibility. Mere sex-relation can
never produce a desired child.
The validity of the above statement may be found correct,
if we analyze the mechanism of how a life comes to be
embodied on this plane of matter.
We see a life comes to be materialized on this plane of
matter; it must come from some where in the unseen
world or world beyond death. Moreover, if we admit the
term evolution, we must recognize that the life within our
vision and life after death in the beyond are two separate
states of the same life. Hence life is a continuous stream of
In order to ascertain the relation between these two steps
of life and make it comprehensible to our human
understanding, we have to explore: what is death, how
life exists after death in the beyond and how it comes
again into this material world? in the light of Sri Sri
Thakur. That means, we have to find out the relation
between the birth and death of an individual.

How individual being dies

From the very beginning of his birth, man wants selfprotection, self-preservation and self-procreation. In an
attempt to full-fill these instinctive hankerings man
proceeds through continual conflicts with environmental
impulses. As he moves on, he resists what is unfavorable
to his existence and adopts the favorable ones. In this
continuous process of resisting unfavorable and adopting
the favorable ones, his action and reaction in and with the
environmental impulses create a kind of Bhaba in the
man and this Bhaba gets imprinted in his brain. When
due to circumstantial impact or some variable cause, the
man experiences or undergoes through the deepest of
these imprinted Bhabas, he loses the link with other
Bhabas and becomes disconnected from all other
Bhabas, of his being. When a man becomes disconnected
from all other Bhabas, the environmental impulses can
produce no reaction in the man. The man fails to respond
to anything in the environment. The man dies: he leaves
his mortal body.
The man goes off from his mortal body with the Bhaba
he got absorbed in. The Bhaba with which the individual
passes away from his cellular conglomeration is called the
Carrier-Bhaba of the departed soul of the individual. The
departed soul exists in the plane of 'Bhaba' corresponding
to the Carrier-Bhaba. The Carrier-Bhaba maintains the
existence of the departed individual as a discrete and
distinct entity. The departed soul remains in a body unlike
the body of flesh and blood. This is called Bhaba-Deha or
'ecto-plasmic body'. The individual can feel every thing in
his own way as is possible in an ecto-plasmic body. 11
How does the manifestation of human being take place
So far the eugenic science has explored the mystery of
human inception, it is exposed that a several thousands of

sperms of husband enter into the womb of his wife during

union. These sperms begin to knock at the door of the
uterus. Some sperms enter into the uterus and run
towards the fallopian tube. On the other hand, just 14
days before the beginning of the next menstrual period,
the wife releases a single ovum from her ovary and this
ovum enters directly into fallopian tube. If in the fallopian
tube, the ovum comes across a sperm and if the ovum
gets fertilized by that particular sperm, then pregnancy
In this fallopian tube first a zygote is formed. This newly
produced zygote enters into the uterus and gradually
sticks to the wall of the uterus. Then it gradually grows up
into an embryo. This embryo is transformed into a child.
Who is there to tell us what kind of child will it be? So far
the scientists have investigated, the nature, potential
attributes and other acumen of the child depends on the
intrinsic wealth and nature of the contribution made by
both father and mother of the child.
During the process of fertilization both the sperm and
ovum contribute 23 chromosomes each. This 23 pairs of
chromosomes conglomerate together to form a zygote.
This zygote consists of a single cell. Now cell-division takes
place at the rate 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. But each of
these millions of cells contains the primary conglomeration
of 23 + 23 chromosomes. Out of these 46 chromosomes,
only two chromosomes determine the sex of the child. The
remaining 44 chromosomes determine the physical
structure, mental acumen, etc. of the child.
Each of these chromosomes contains millions of genes in
it. These genes are also called symbolic sign of heredity.
These genes determine our hereditary traits such as hair,
color of eyes, physical structure, facial appearance and
mental acumen through generation after generation.

According to modern eugenic science these genes play a

paramount role in our habit, behavior and conduct of life.
Eugenic science has also admitted that, If the genes
carried by the chromosomes contributed by the ovum be
not compatible with and complementary to genes carried
by the chromosomes contributed by the sperm, then the
child born out of such incompatible combination comes to
be possessor of inferior attributes and undesired Jaivi
Sangsthiti. On the other hand, when genes contributed by
both sperm and ovum happen to be compatible with and
complementary to one another, the child born out of such
combination is expected to inherit superior attributes,
sublime instincts and an unadulterated Jaivi Sangsthiti.
A question peeps through our minds
Still a question peeps through our minds. When both
bridegroom and bride comes of pedigree families and of
higher heredity; when their marriage union happens to be
eugenically compatible, yet their different issues are born
with different inborn personality, instinctive attributes,
mental make-up and temperamental acumen. Why does
this happen so?
It is often seen that out of a same pair of parents one child
is born with scholarly aptitude, kind heart, sober and
gentle exposition of behavior, deep devotion for parents
and he excels in his career. But the other is born dull, ill
tempered, cruel and with no love and regard for his
parents and he suffers life-long distress. One child exhibits
spiritual bent of mind and shows interest in ecclesiastical
activities from his very childhood. But the other one comes
to be most materialistic in attitude and epicurean in
nature. So it is said that five fingers of hand are not equal.
Most of the parents attribute this difference in aptitude,
mental make-up, temperament and intrinsic potentiality to
the goddess of destiny. But in this modern age of science

we cannot accept anything as true unless we pass through

our first hand observation. Science makes practical
investigation and then comes to conclusion. We may refer
to the finding of Russian scientist named Dr. Amram
Scheinfeld and see what he has pointed out in his book
'The new you and the heredity'.
According to Mr. Scheinfeld, the particular ovum eagerly
waiting in the fallopian tube accepts and embraces only
one particular sperm out of millions of sperms which wins
the spectacular race in the fallopian tube. Of course, Mr.
Scheinfeld has not traced out why does this particular
fortunate sperm wins the race and reach the ovum before
all other sperms in the race. If it were a run-race of human
beings, we would imagine that the man must have
regularly practiced running in the field; Or, were it a horse
race, we could investigate in its genealogy: if this
particular horse was the descendent of any horse that won
the race in the past.
However, the zygote thus formed out of compatible
combination will be manifested in to and individual being.
The nature, potential attributes, intrinsic significance the
being are determined by the permutation and combination
between the 23 chromosomes of the sperm and 23
chromosomes of the ovum.
From the statement of Mr. Scheinfeld, in his book The new
you and the heredity, we come to know that in one
fertilization 300,000,000,000,000 types of individual being
may be born. The 'I' that has been born as 'I' is the
resultant of a particular combination out of 3x10^6 crores
of combinations. I, as I am now might have been born in
any one particular kind of manifestation out of 3x10^6
crores of manifestations. Mr. Scheinfeld says:

But to produce a given individual, both a specific sperm

and a specific egg must come together. So think, what had
to happen for you to have been born.
** ** Mr. Scheinfeld finds the result through the following
There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in one sperm this 23
pairs of chromosomes can be arranged in 16,777,216 ways
through permutation and combination. So a sperm can
take up about 16,777,216 types of forms, according to
different arrangement among 23 pairs of chromosomes.
At exactly the instant, the one out of 16,777,216 sperms
which represented the potential half of you had to meet
with specific egg which held the other potential half of you.
300,000,000,000,000 times
What has Mr. Scheinfeld said to speak of why the ovum
selects and embraces a very particular sperm is very
significant. He says, The lucky sperm which has won out
in the spectacular ways against millennium of others,
enters the chosen egg which has been awaiting in fallopian
tube of the mother. Immediately, as previously learned,
the sperm and the nucleus in the egg each release its
quota of chromosomes and thus fertilization of egg starts
on its carrier.
But it was on just such a miraculous coincidence the
meeting of a specific sperm with a specific egg at a
Specific Time, the birth of Lincoln or Shakespeare or an
Edison or any other individual in history depended. And it
is by the same infinitesimal of chance that a child of yours
might perhaps be a genius or a numskull, a beauty or an
ugly duckling12.
Why specific time of union between a specific sperm and a
specific egg to produce a world famous Lincoln or

Shakespeare or a most ordinary labor, a great scientist or

a numbskull?, is so important has not been explained by
Mr. Scheinfeld. He has left it on a chance and miraculous
But Indian philosophy did not stop with the role of
psychological contribution only, but laid stress on the role
of psychophysical and spiritual contribution too, in having
different kinds of issues out of a same pair of parents. So
the Indian seers (spiritually realized sages) don't speak of
chance and miraculous co-incidence. What they have said
is logical and reasonable, though it may be required to be
tested in the touchstone of modern materialistic science to
realize the very truth underlined their statements.
Jang Jang bapi smaranh bhabam tyajatyante kalwe baram
Tang tamebaiti kounteya sada tadbhaba bhavitah. 13
Thus the above verse means: a man leaves his mortal
body at the time of death with a Bhaba, and is born again
there (into a mother's womb) where he gets the identical
Sri Sri Thakur, a great exponent of all the past prophets,
sustained the statement of Lord Krishna in more explicit
He comments:
At the time of death,
an individual
leaves its mortal body
with the Bhaba,(called Carrier Bhaba),
and that life takes its birth again
to the parents in tune with
carrier Bhaba of the departed life,
during their union .14
The above verse means, the carrier Bhaba with which an
individual being leaves his mortal body when gets co-

incidence with the Bhaba with which a pair of parents on

the plane of matter comes to be saturated at the time of
sexual union, then the departed individual is born to that
particular pair of parents. In other language, each of the
pair of parents comes to be charged with a particular
Bhaba during sexual union. When this charge of Bhaba
becomes in tune with the carrier Bhaba of any departed
soul, then the departed soul is born with that particular
pair of parents. We may refer to a simple example.
A farmer has cultivated a brinjal in his vegetable garden.
He works hard and keeps himself engaged in doing various
function in the garden almost through out the day. He
waters the plants, removes the weeds and shrubs manures
the plants and the make arrangement to protect the plant
against worms and insects, when he looks at the grown up
plants with flowers and young and tender brinjal, he gets
delighted to think of the heavy harvest this season he
expects a good profit this year, thus he becomes totally
absorbed in the thought of brinjals. Let us suppose that in
this state of absorption, he goes off his mortal body with
the Bhaba (idea) of brinjal. This is the carrier Bhaba. After
death the departed soul will exist as a wave of Bhaba in
the vast ocean of Bhaba.
Now let us imagine that another farmer has also cultivated
brinjal in his vast garden. He also takes care of the plants
with all his means and measures. He is also extremely
delighted and happy to see heavy harvest and huge profit
this season.
One day the cultivator and his wife both work in the brinjal
field. Both husband and wife are happy to see the prospect
of harvest this season. After supper they go to bed at night
and continues talking about their success in producing
good brinjal, both husband and wife are so delighted with
and absorbed in the thought of brinjal that they are
charged with the Bhaba (idea) of brinjal and they unite

together at this state. Now if the charge of Bhaba gets

unison and tuned with the carrier Bhaba of the departed
soul of the former farmer that departed soul is expected to
enter into the womb of the wife of the farmer, mentioned
But it is very hard to comprehend how the departed soul of
the former farmer enters into the womb of the latter
farmer's wife. Is it something like a rat enters into a hole?
Prof. K. P. Bhattacharyya, President of Satsang and coworker of Dr. C. V. Raman, Nobel laureate, asks Sri Sri
Thakur, We may easily understand the role of sperm and
ovum and their contribution in the process of inception.
But where lies the consistent and co-ordinated relation of
an unseen and abstract soul with concrete sperm and
Sri Sri Thakur explains;
'The Bhaba and impulses of the wife generally induce her
husband to be sexually inclined to her. The brain-center of
the husband gets excited according to those Bhaba and
impulses. Now all the departed souls with their respective
carrier Bhabas that lie in tune within the range of tremors
of the excitement come together first in the brain and then
into the scrotum of the husband. Then all the sperm-cells
in the scrotum become charged with those carrier Bhabas
of those departed souls and become mobile. That is, those
incoming souls impart life to the sperms and render them
living and moveable; and that time the man feels a
sensation of contraction in his body. Then during sexual
union those mobile sperms run forward to meet and
mingle with the ovum in the fallopian tube.
On the other hand, the wife also gets enlightened and
inspired to the extent she is charged and moved by the
resultant effect of her husband's personality, character,

conduct, display of love and affection for her and above all,
his all fulfilling nature. This enlightenment and inspiration
color her total being and get imprinted on the awaiting
ovum in her fallopian tube. Thus the wife and her ovum
get charged with a particular Bhaba. Now the ovum
embraces in it's bosom the particular sperm whose charge
of Bhaba coincides with the Bhaba that the ovum is
charged with. That is, the ovum receives the particular
sperm, which is in tune with the ovum in affinity and
Bhaba, but not because it wins the race. Thus the ovum
blends together with sperm in such a way that they
dovetail together, there remains no gap at all. Thus the
conjunction of a sperm and ovum produces a complete
entity. Cell division starts and ultimately a child grows. 15
Prof. Bhattacharya desires Sri Sri Thakur to explain it
elaborately and importunes,please tell Thakur why out of
millions of sperms only a particular sperm is conceived, is
it providential ?
Sri Sri Thakur replies, I don't call it providential. The
particular sperm of father that possesses strongest
affinity for the ovum in the mother, will be received
by the ovum. The ovum with particular Bhaba will
receive the very particular sperm that is charged
with the identical Bhaba of the ovum in itself. So I
say so much about compatible marriage union and
happy conjugal life.
Sri Sri Thakur further explains the rebirth of a departed
soul in the light of the principles applied to the
reproduction of sound or picture through radio or television
receiving set. In his opinion, the re-birth of a life takes
place there, where the Bhaba of the united couple
coincides with the carrier Bhaba with which the life
left its mortal body.17

He says, Let us suppose that our physique with its

activities is a radio receiving and transmission plant. The
Bhaba that are formed with sensation within us by the
impulse of our environment are constantly recorded and
transformed from our brain and it is continuous. At the
moment he loses the link with the environment, the
mechanism of his whole being disintegrates and
eventually, he being reduced into that Bhaba is transmitted
in the form of wave into subtler plane. And subtler plane
means finer complex.
Now let us imagine that every individual being in the
environment does have a receiving plant in him. Let the
complexes be the crystals of that plant. By means of an
impulse the crystals are adjusted in a particular manner to
receive the corresponding particular wave. The wave
received is determined by this adjustment. This is the clue
of the prime law of our re-birth. The nature of the 'being'
to be materialized is determined by the nature of the wave
received by a particular psychic arrangement in our brain
caused by action and reaction of our environment. 18
To speak of the mystery of eugenic science as to the
mechanism of inception of an individual Sri Sri Thakur
dictates two messages in Bengali:


The existence in ectoplasmic body

Burdened with desires and wishes
Is condensed into sperm
To form the seed of the body
And the sperm mingles
With the ovum
In tuned and co-ordinated to it
And then grows up through cell
With all its characteristics.19
In single ejaculation
Millions of lives

Impregnated in the sperm run


As the ovum received one and is


So it gets physical form;

The seed of life in ectoplasmic

Gets shelter in the sperm

Through sex-urge
And unites with the ovum
Tuned with identical Bhaba
In the womb of a female
As a consequence grows up gradually.20

Happy Conjugal life:

Besides compatible marriage the happy and harmonious
conjugal relation between husband and wife is a must to
secure better progeny.
In order to maintain a happy and harmonious relation, wife
and husband are expected to be true to their respective
characteristics and nature as defined below:
Wife is she
Who never wipes out
Her adherence
To the husband;
Husband is he
Who through his love
To lord, the Lead,
Does not separate himself
From her existential interest
In every suffering and
Sri Sri Thakur points to a statement of Lord Jesus Christ in
the New Testament where he said: Both husband and wife

should be attached to each other through deep love in

such a way that they turn to be one in flesh and spirit.
During sexual union the Bhaba and the trend of thoughts
in both husband and wife should be consistent with one
another. The more the trend of thoughts and Bhaba are
sublime, higher and sacred, the greater, as better and
purer child with sublime nature and unadulterated JaiviSangsthiti is born. The tuned psychical charge of both
husband and wife at that particular moment of sexual
congress lays a great impact on the future life of the child.
Because the child is nothing but the vitalized material
embodiment of that tuned psychical charge of the husband
and wife. His eyes, nose, facial appearance, ear, in a word
the construction of each and every limb and minor limbs of
his body, his thoughts, charge during sexual and etc.
Become molded by this tuned psychical charge during
sexual union. The child is born with that and proceed
towards newer achievement.22
If any pair of husband and wife desires to have great,
sublime and magnanimous issue, then the maintenance of
a happy, harmonious and sweet relation between husband
and wife in their daily life is an indispensable factor.
Because if the daily dealings in between husband and wife
is not sweet, charming and complementary, neither one
can expect happy, harmonious and sweet feeling for the
each other during that particular moment of union. As the
wife possesses the Bhaba-Bhumi, trends of thoughts
during the very moment of their union, so become the
nature, depth of sublimity, and the purity of the JaiviSangsthiti of the child born. Thus the difference among
different children of a same pair of parents that we
observe is due to the variation of mental attitude, BhabaBhumi, and intensity of love and attraction of the wife for
her husband.

So in their daily life, if the dealings between husband and

wife comes to be sweet, pleasant, fulfilling and if the
sympathetic eagerness for each other remains normal and
natural, then at the specific moment of their union, the
wife could easily induce greater and sublime Bhaba in her
husband and thus could raise him up into the soaring
height of Bhaba-Bhumi and can receive him in an eager
earnestness in her bosom. Then and then alone the birth
of a child of higher caliber, greater potentiality and pristine
pure, rather unaffected 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' comes to be
normal and natural.
In the opinion of Sri Sri Thakur, Mother means one who
measures, the intensity of love and attachment for her
husband and the extent of her eagerness to receive him in
her bosom determine the extent of manifestation of
husbands attributes in her child. Thus the attachment and
the eager, deepest sincerity to receive him in her own self
is the measuring agent.23
But if the daily relation between husband and wife be not
healthy, sweet, and charming, on the contrary if there
exists mutual doubt, hatred, admonition, offended state of
mind (particularly of the wife) due to vanity and agonizing
attitude then it is better and wise not to have sex relation
between husband and wife. Because in that case mind of
the wife remains mortified and frustrated. As sense of
apathy and aversion coalesces her whole being. In such a
state of mind, she cannot express her intense love and
devotion (deep attachment) for her husband and inspire
him with the induction of sublime Bhaba. As a result she
happens to be deceived of good progeny enriched with
sublime instincts, greater potentiality and unaffected JaiviSangsthiti.
In order to check the degeneration in man and render this
whole world into a paradise we are to be over meticulous

as to the birth of better progeny through out the whole

The governing authorities of the developed and developing
countries have adopted necessary steps as directed by
eugenic science to produce better crops, superior example
of cattle and other domestic and useful animals like horse,
dogs, cock and hen, etc. But none is seen to pay a little
attention to how to develop better human beings with
sublime instincts, greater potentiality and infection free
'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' in their respective countries. We should
remember that the same genetical laws that we have
learned to apply in case of crops and cattle development
can equally be applied to develop desired human 'beings'.
In order to develop desired human beings in our respective
countries, we are to pay our first attention to marriage
reformation within our respective tradition and culture, but
we must proceed on the basis of findings in genetical and
medical science; because these are the two most
important social institutions that can reward each and
every country with the valuable wealth of best and worthy
human beings.
Curative measure
The preventive measure checking degeneration has been
dealt with. What is to be done with man and woman that
have already been born on this place matter? It is a
horrible spectrum of a degeneration we see in human
beings already born in this world. It demands a curative
measure to render this world into a paradise.
We are taught that God is the supreme benevolent creator
of this vast creation. He never becomes indifferent to his
creative beings. He always desires his creative being to live
and grow eternally in peace and progress and He enjoys
himself through their enjoyment. He does not deject or
reject any one from his creation. He must have taken care

of this situation and pointed to surest remedy for curing

diseased nature in human beings.
The most precious remedy for curing the dissuades nature
in man, as directed by all prophets the eminent
embodiment of ultimate realty is the un repelling love and
attachment for an embodied ideal life like Lord Christ and
Lord Sri Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Hazrat Mohamed, Lord
Sri Gouranga and like them through proper process.
It is a practical experience of the wise that man does evil
or commits any crime only when he is obsessed with his
passions and complexes. These obsessions or complexes
compel him to turn away his face from his Supreme
Beloved ideal as Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Sri Krishna, and
Lord Hazrat Mohamed. They are the eminent embodiment
of the abstract God. These obsessions induce him to go
What are passions and complexes?
The primordial hankering in human beings is selfprotection,
resistance, to what is unfavorable to these primordial
hankerings. Out of these primordial hankerings, there
arises the tendencies for eating, sleeping, fearing,
copulation and ego. Out of mutual conflicts among this
tendencies various complex comes into being. They have
multifarious manifestation. But they may be categorized
into six groups such as sex, anger, greed, infatuation,
pride and envy. These six groups of complexes may be
called six passions.
Sri Sri Thakur thinks,each of these groups is like a round
water tight compartment having separate universes.The 'I'
of a 'being' is associated with each of these universes. 24
The passion and the complex are meant for our very
existence; through these complexes we enjoy our

existence, there is an auspicious purpose of God behind

the creation of each and every complex. Many people
consider sex to be bad. But, if there would have been no
sex urge in existence, the current of creation could not
continue. 25
But these complex when are not adjusted, generally seek
self-enjoyment at the cost of our being and we also then
come to be frenzied with their demands. We fail to realize
what we are doing ? Say, as for example, earning of
money. We earn money to live and maintain ourselves with
required provision. But there are some people who out of
greed for money come to be at a lose to find out the
proper method of earning money and fell to distinguish
between what is right and what is wrong. Due to this kind
of conduct ultimately there very being is sacrificed. 26
If complexes are not adjusted, the man gets tired due to
anarchical reaction in his being. When unadjusted, they
complex don't make man sure what direction he will follow
the next moment. As the obsession of one complex gets
the upper hand over that of the other, the man follows the
direction of the obsession, which takes the upper hand.
Thus different complexes drag the man in diverse course of
action at different moment. It is evident to our empirical
mind experience that the object we love so much at the
lashing of infatuation, we heard at the next moment at the
whipping anger the thing we try hard to achieve out of
greed, we sacrificed at the impulse of pride or envy. 27.
This inconsistent behavior is not healthy nourishment for a
being. It does not help a man maintain a balance measure
in life's conduct and consequently the man fails to achieve
an existential success and enjoy the bliss of 'becoming' in
life. Unadjusted complex creates havoc to the existence
itself. At the conflict between complexes and anarchical
and disorderly impulses of the environment the very
personality of man gets dissipated and turns into tiny

pieces. As a conglomeration of smoke is dispersed into

small lumps by the on thrust of wind so the personality of
man gets dissipated and dispersed around in a tiny lumps
at the on thrust of the whimsical demands of this
unadjusted compels. As a result, it becomes quite
impossible for the man to move towards evolution and
eternal becoming.
If we look at the modern world, we find that at the lashing
of passion of greed man has become voracious eater of
hygienically prohibited foods and as a consequence
innumerable cases are suffering from diseased and
deteriorated health and premature mortality. Sex urge has
been so pre dominating in some man and woman those
innumerable cases of raping and ravishments are taking
place all over the world. Thousand cases of conjugal lives
have been burning in the fire of chaos, conflicts and the
impact of damaged and distorted libido in both husband
and wife. As a result of this intolerable situation countless
children have come to be orphans in spite of their parents
being actively alive.
They have been deceived of their parental love and
affection and living either as destitute addicted to modern
drugs or they are being lost in the abyss of dark world.
People like ascetics both in eastern and western world tend
to believe that these passions and complexes are enemies
to our existence. These passions and complexes must be
controlled by means of suppression or should be extinct
altogether so that cannot destroy our existence by their
venomous bite. So they generally apply the process of
repression or extinction by herbal or yogic process.
But it is admitted by modern medical sciences that those
who follow the method of repression or extinction of
passions and complexes invariably turn to become

abnormal and rendered to sub-human, Instead of being

developed in spiritual progress.
In the indoctrination of Sri Sri Thakur there is no such
term like repression or extinction of complexes. On the
Sublimation and adjustment of complex are the best
measure to render the complexes into best friends of our
existence, For the achievement of the healthy becoming
of the existence and enjoyment of its eternal becoming, we
must not drive out the passion and complexes but should
make them sublimated and well adjusted.
How to adjust and sublimate complexes?
All our passions and complexes are the manifestation of
our libido entwined with the very existence itself. The libido
is the guiding force of all passions and complexes. When
this libido of man is attached to supreme beloved like Lord
Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Hazrat
Rasul, Lord Sri Gouranga and so on through love and
service and admiration then its manifestation (i.e.,
Complexes) comes to be adjusted first in themselves and
then with the libido and gradually sublimated.
What is called libido?
Sri Sri Thakur explains in his philosophy what is life and what is libido?
He says,
Fusional adherence
That evolves in to being
With responsive becoming
Is Life28
Eugenic science admits that life sprouts from the
fertilization of an ovum by a sperm. Sri Sri Thakur adds;
Cohesive urge by which
Sperm and ovum adhere and

Evolves is libido --- the urge. 29

Sri Sri Thakur further explains, The magnetic current
underlining the cohesive force between the sperm and an
ovum due to which an ovum is fertilized by a particular
sperm to form a zygote, which through cell-division
evolves in to a concrete being is called libido. Libido means
tendency towards unification. This libido is manifested
through habit, behavior and man's nature of inclination 29
The very existence of every being is in tune with the
cohesive urge of the libido. Hence the inherent urge of
unification lies at the root of attraction between parents
and the progeny, husband and wife, friend and friend,
lover and beloved. It is this urge of unification that acts as
the motive force behind mans utmost effort to find God,
the source of existence. With the help of this libido, human
being pulls man objects and affairs etc. In the environment
towards him self and enjoy the glory.
Thus man's inclination for diverse objects and affairs in
this plane of matter act feeder canals to the main stream
of the urge for unification -- unification with the source if
and when they all are utilized for a single purpose -- for
the purpose of serving and fulfilling one supreme beloved
called ideal. But man having no supreme beloved or ideal
in life, utilizes these different streams of inclination to
please, serve and fulfil different persons -- father, mother,
husband, wife, friend, lover and beloved or his selfish end.
As however, all these persons are not generally attached to
any supreme source of superior impulses, they cannot
provide us with adequate feedback to these different
inclination in man in return. In the long run the man gets
tired of his cravings. As because man's libido, for want of
adequate nurture,, comes to be weak the man feels
suffocated in himself with a sense of negation through he
may be drowned in affluence, plenty and prosperity in

material provision. The intensity of affliction due to

suffocation with sense of negation along with a sense of
self-alienation cannot be expressed in language.
But on the other hand, when man is inclined to such a
great man like Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Hazrat Rasul
through active love, service and admiration and employ all
his thoughts, deeds and speeches to establish him and him
alone in the hearts of people and when all his liking, love
and inclination are engaged in pleasing him and him alone,
his libido becomes attached to his supreme beloved
strongly. His libido becomes integrated. Then the
manifestation of this libido (thread) as flowers are strung
to a thread to form a garland. The deeper the love and
attachment for ideal, the greater becomes the adjustment
among complexes. Gradually they get sublimated and
come to be the friends of man.
Sri Sri Thakur comments: libido wants integration or
yoga. This very integrate libido comes to be the regulation
or yoga. This very integrated libido comes to be the
regulator of complexes and the complexes become
sublimated. Sri Sri Thakur emphatically remarks, when
the complexes come to be meaningfully adjusted through
passion-pervading attachment for the ideal like Lord
Christ, Lord Sri Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Hazrat Rasul
and so on, then and then only they gets sublimated. When
the passions are sublimated then sex changes into love,
anger into vigor, greed into magnanimity and pride into
modesty. 29B
Libido i.e., The tendency towards unification in human
beings may also be called love. Love is that through
which man express his tendency towards unification. Every
human being wants to love someone or other. There is not
a single man who does not cherish love for any one in this

On the contrary, a man may love many persons, but he

always desires someone in particular on whom he can
bestow his love exclusively. A man have name, fame,
money, plenty and prosperity in all respects, but if he has
no one whom he can love exclusively or someone who can
love him exclusively, he feels himself prop-less in the vast
ocean of interaction and ultimately drowns himself in more
frustration and a deep feeling of self alienation. Thus the
instinctive tendency in man is to love and to be loved
exclusively. The sublime feeling of Ananda (enjoyment) of
man lies in his capacity for loving others as well as in
commanding love from others.
As a tree requires to drive its roots into a particular place
on earth and secure nurture and nourishment in order to
be meaningful in serving the environment with flowers,
fruits, wood and other contributions, a man similarly,
requires to drive the root of his love i.e. His libido into a
particular good and great in order to enjoy his self through
interaction with selves beyond himself. Thus the natural
tendency of the libido is to be attached exclusively to some
one good and great. Through this concentric love libido
gets nourishment in its cohesive urge and tends to evolve.
As the libido gets nourishment, the complexes and
passions are meaningfully adjusted and sublimated. As a
result human nature gets purified. The virus of
degeneration burns out and evaporates like incense.
If the libido of man is maintained hale and hearty from his
childhood through proper nurture and nourishment, the
man can never come under the evil influence of his passion
and complexes. No obsession of any complex can occur in
him at all. Rather, he can enjoy the good output of his
adjusted complexes in his normal behavior. To provided
nurture and nourishment to the libido of a child means to
deal with child in such a way that in born inclination for
mother comes to the nurtured and the libido of the child

gets normally attached to his mother, father or any other

superior like them.
It the libido of a child be nourished by the shower of
parental love and affection, then at the later period, that
child in his manhood comes to be attached spontaneously
to an ideal. When he is attached to his ideal through love ,
services and admiration, his inborn instincts an attributes
come to be elevated and sublimated. He comes to be
source of existential nurture to his fellow beings through
his congenial habit, behavior and conduct.
There are many historical evidences of this type of
transformation of degenerated human beings, made
possible by an active attachment for an embodied ideal.
Change of robber Ratnakar (As depicted in the epic, the
Ramayana) into a great poet Valmiki, out of love for
Purushotam Sri Ramchandra, terror Saul in to saint Paul,
prostitute Mary Magdalene into a devotee Mary Magdalene
out of strong and active love for lord Jesus Christ,
prostitute Amrapali in to a devoted and magnanimous
Amrapali through her love and attachment to Lord Buddha,
alcoholic and debauched Jagai and Madhai into a greatly
devoted disciple of Lord Sri Gauranga are indeed obviously
clear cases in point. The golden spectrum of change that
we notice in life of most precious jewel of Islam --Khalipha
Omar was the effect of divine touch of Hazrat Rasul.
In the life of Sri Sri Ramkrishana and Sri Sri Thakur
Anukulchandra such transformation of men and women
with degenerated nature into normal men and women with
love, devotion and active zeal to serve the environment
are in abundance. Drunkard Girish Ghish and prostitute
Nati Binodini in the life of Sri Sri Ramkrishana; and Satya
C. Dutta, once a person obsessed with passion for other
woman, and many others in the life of Sri Sri Thakur
Anukul Chandra were transformed into such religious
persons that they could command love and adoration from

their country men.and their living examples of life story

provided inspiration amongst millions of people to achieve
eternal peace of mind. 30
1.Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra:'Sanga-Samikasha,1370,
P.64, No.125
: Dhriti Bidhyana, vol. I, 1986, P. 412


: Alochana Prasange Vol. X,1376,p. 51



: Alochana Prasange Vol.



: Nana Prasanga , Vol.II, 1995 P. 69



: Alochana Prasange, Vol.XII,1977, P. 10



: Alochana Prasange, Vol. XIV,1390,p.45



: Message, Vol.



: Alochana Prasange, XIV, 1390, p. 45



: Alochana Prasange, Vol. X 1376,P 130




Mr. Amram Scheinfeld: The New You And Heredity,P.28


The Holy Geeta, Chapter VIII, Verse-6


Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra:Anusruti,Vol.I,1976,

P. 122, No2



: Alochana Prasange, I, 1365, P .200-201



: Alochana Prasange,Vol.XVII,1992,P. 124



:Anusruti, Vol. I, 1976, P. 122, No. 2



: Nana Prasange, VOL I, 1397, p. 36-37



: Anusruti, Vol. I. 1976, P.




No. 4

VII, 1965, P. 129

122, No. 3



: Message, Vol.

VII, 1965, P. 127



: Alochana Prasange,Vol.VIII,1371,P. 208



: Alochana Prasange,Vol.X, 1376, P. 123



: AlochanaPrasange,Vol.VI,1368.P.162-163



: Alochana Prasange,Vol.XI,1379, P. 246



: AlochanaPrasange,Vol.VI,1368,P.228-229



: AlochanaPrasange,Vol.VI,1368,P.231



: Magnadicta, 1985, P.



: Magnadicta, 1985, P. 2



: AlochanaPrasange, Vol. I, 1365, P. 139


R. A. Hauserman: Personal DIARY:

conversation with Sri Sri Thakur,1948
Dr. Rebati Biswas: Jivan Jyoti,1399,
Alpha Publishing House,

The term 'Bhaba' here has been used to denote the totality
of experiences with feeling, sensations, perception ,etc., In
a state of being. As for example, when a man dreams that
he is eating, He sees the food, feels the food, smells the
food, He tastes the food and enjoys the food with all its
environment, the sum-total of these experiences that He is
in called 'Bhaba' of the man at that time. He does not
realize that he is dreaming unless this Bhaba breaks i.e.,
He wakes up. Sri Sri Thakur some times uses 'ideal' for
'Bhaba'. (Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas: The New Light from
The East, 1982, P. 72)
Please use the following Address to communicate to the

Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas, M.A., B.Sc. (Cal),

Ph.D. (New York)
P.O. SATSANG, Dt. Deoghar
Bihar, Pin. 814116, India.
For convenience of persons outside India:
Contact person is Narayan Majumdar who has been
authorized by the author himself to arrange for publication
of this article in any journal, magazine and/or to present it
at any conference/convention for the well being of

Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas

A short introduction of the author :

Born in the year of 1929 in the district of Kushtia, (now in)
Bangladesh, Sri Rebati Mohan Biswas passed his
Matriculation (High School Final Examination) from
Dhupguri (Jalpaiguri) high school and completed his B. Sc.
in 1952 from Behrampore Krishnanath College. In 1948 he
came to Deoghar for visiting Sri Sri Thakur Anukul
Chandra and took initiation under him. Since then he has
dedicated his life as a full time volunteer of the spiritual
organization, SATSANG for fulfilling the divine mission of
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra for the 'well being and
becoming' of mankind.
In 1963 in order to fulfill Sri Sri Thakur's wishes, he
completed his M.A. in English (Private) from Calcutta
University, and again obtained Ph.D. degree from New York
University in 1972 with exceptional proficiency (by
completing in a very short period of time, his thesis on Sri
Sri Thakur's philosophy, Dharma, the upholder of
existence, as conceived by Sri Sri Thakur Anukul
Chandra.). Since 1964, Dr. Biswas have been engaged in
delivering speeches on various topics of philosophy and
specially on religion in the true sense of the term in
different educational, religious and social institutions, all
over India and abroad. He had served the executive
committee of SATSANG as Assistant Secretary for a long
time. (still now he continues as a member of that
Executive Committee; he has been fulfilling for a long time
the responsibility of the Editor of the monthly magazine,
LIGATE. He is the author of many books of which few
may be mentioned as: New Light from the East(based on
his doctoral thesis), The Guide etc.

[E. & O.E.]

(compiled by S.P. Chakraborty)

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