Political Science

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Political Science 2000

Solved MCQs
(1) Leviathan was written by:
(a) Hegel
(b) James Mill
(c) Hobbes
(d) J.S. Mill
(e) None of these.
(2) Founder of utilitarian school of thought was:
(a) Edmund Burk
(b) Hume
(c) J.S. Mill
(d) James Mill
(e) None of these. Jeremy Bentham
(3) Locke laid down that state is:
(a) An end in itself
(b) Means to an end
(c) Unavoidable evil
(d) Legal necessity
(e) None of these.
(4) Rousseaus political philosophy furnished basis for:
(a) Political sovereignty
(b) Limited sovereignty
(c) Popular sovereignty
(d) Absolute sovereignty
(e) None of these.
(5) How many essentials are required to constitute a state?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Six
(e) None of these.
6) Laissez Faire policy means:
(a) Withdrawal of some restrictions
(b) Fair legislation
(c) Control over trade
(d) Control over industry
(e) None of these.
(7) Materialistic interpretation of history was propounded by:
(a) Trotsky
(b) Lenin
(c) Bolsheviks
(d) Mensheviks
(e) None of these. (Karl Marx)

(8) Fascism as a political theory originated in:

(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Italy
(d) Russia
(e) None of these.
(9) Plato wrote:
(a) Politics
(b) The Laws
(c) Political Economy
(d) Polity
(e) None of these.
(10) Al-Mauwardi wrote:
(a) Ahkamul Sultaniya
(b) Siyasatnama
(c) Sayarul Muluk
(d) Ahyaul Ulum
(e) None of these.
(11) Strong emphasis on justice was laid by:
(a) Socrates
(b) Aristotle
(c) Herodotus
(d) Stoics
(e) None of these.
(12) The Spirit of Laws was written by:
(a) John Locke
(b) J.S. Mill
(.c) Hume
(d) Edmund Burk
(e) None of these. (Montesquieu)
(13) God has made this world "a place for work and labour" is the famous quotation of:
(a) AlMauwardi
(b) Al-Farabi
(c) Nizamul Mulk Tusi
(d) Al-Ghazali
(e) None of these.
(14) Felicific Calculus was the contribution of:
(a) Bentham
(b) Aristotle
(c) Plato
(d) J. S. Mill
(e) None of these.
(15) The theory of Group Mind was enunciated by:
(a) Al-Mauwardi
(b) Ibn-i-Khaldun
(c) Al-Ghazali
(d) Al-Farabi
(e) None of these.

(16) The theory of Surplus Value as a part of communistic philosophy was the contribution of:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Trotsky
(c) Fredrick Angel
(d) Recordo
(e) None of these.
(17) Hobbian social contract is based on:
(a) Desire for peace
(b) Selfishness
(c) Fear
(d) Completion
(e) None of these.
(18) Importance of civil service has grown due to:
(a) Population growth
(b) Increased state activity
(c) Complexity of rules and regulations
(d) Law and order requirement
(e) None of these.
(19) Which political theory propounded that state will ultimately disappear:
(a) Syndacatism
(b) Fabian socialism
(c) Fascism
(d) Communism
(e) None of these.
(20) According to Aristotle the end of state is:
(a) Legal
(b) Social
(c) Ethical
(d) Economic
(e) None of these.
Political Science 2000
Solved MCQs
(1) Scientific Society was established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in 1864.
(2) Who became the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress? Badaruddin Taiyabji
(3) From 1858 to 1947, the British Government appointed 23 Viceroys in India.
(4) Sind was separated from Bombay in 1936.
(5) Who was the author of Pirpur Report? Nawab Mohammad Ismail Khan, Raja of Pirpur
(6) Who suggested the title of The Quaid-i-Azam? Maoulana Mazhar-ud-din
(7) When ladies were invited to participate in the Muslim League by the Quaid-i-Azam?
(8) Who named Lahore Resolution as Pakistan Resolution first?
(9) The Quaid-i-Azam resigned from the membership of Imperial Legislative Council on account Rowlat

(10) The Constitution of 1956 of Pakistan consisted of 234 articles.
(11) The Constitution of 1962 of Pakistan consisted of 250 articles.
(12) The 1982 Constitution of Turkey comprises of 177 articles. (13) The English Constitution is a dynamic organism.
(14) In England the Queen reins but does not govern.
(15) Civil Servant thrives under the cloak of ministerial responsibility".
(16) The American Supreme Court is the third chamber of the Congress.
(17) The Presidium is an interesting innovation of the Soviet Constitution..
(18) The Indian Constitution has set up democratic federal government.
(19) "The highest organ of State power in former USSR was the Supreme Soviet.
(20) The Stalin Constitution had created "a ___________ in form but not in fact".
Political Science 2001
Solved MCQs
(1) Interest groups always try to:
(a) Gain political power directly
(b) Influence the exercise of power
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
(2) Author of the book Capital is:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Lenin
(c) Mao
(d) None of these
(3) A voluntary union of sovereign and independent states is called:
(a) Federation
(b) Confederation
(c) Unitary State
(d) None of these
(4) Author of the book Leviathan is:
(a) Thomas Hobbes
(b) John Locke
(c) Rousseau
(d) None of these
(5) Reconstruction of Religion Thought in Islam is written by:
(a) Syed Amir Ali
(b) Allama Iqbal

(c) Hamid Ahmad

(d) None of these
(6) The author of the book Statesman is:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Plato
(d) None of these
(7) Justice is giving everyone his due is said by:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Hobbes
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these
(8) The dissolution of Khilafat and the establishment of Grand National Assembly in Turkey was
highly appreciated by:
(a) Allama Iqbal
(b) Maulana Shokat Ali
(c) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(d) None of these
(9) Author of the Book Spirit of Islam is:
(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(b) Abdul Kalam Azad
(c) Syed Amir Ali
(d) None of these
(10) The concept of Separation of Powers was given by:
(a) Montesquieu
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Bentham
(d) None of these
(11) Which of the political philosophers was more admitted by the American Founding Fathers,
and his thoughts on the importance of private property were reflected in the drafting and
historical development of the American Constitution.
(a) John Locke
(b) Thomas Hobbes
(c) Rousseau
(d) None of these
(12) According to Aristotle which is the best amongst the Perverted form of the ideal states:
(a) Tyranny
(b) Oligarchy
(c) Democracy
(d) None of these
(13) Who said Law is the command of a determinate sovereign?
(a) John Austin
(b) Laski
(c) Bentham
(d) None of these
(14) Only the will of the sovereign can be the source of law. Who said it?
(a) John Hobbes
(b) John Austin
(c) Groutious
(d) None of these

(15) Those who are active against the very existence of state are known as:
(a) Fascists
(b) Anarchists
(c) Socialists
(d) None of these
(16) The concept of Surplus Value is given by:
(a) Mao
(b) Lenin
(c) Marx
(d) None of these
(17) In Platos Ideal State, one reaches at the pinnacle of the State order at the age of:
(a) 35
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) None of these (50)
(18) Which one is the supreme law of the land in USA?
(a) Constitutional Law
(b) General Law
(c) International Law
(d) None of these
(19) The system of Basic Democracies was introduced by:
(a) Gen. Yahya Khan
(b) Gen. Zia-ul-Haq
(c) Z. A. Bhutto
(d) None of these
(20) Fascism as a theory originated in:
(a) Germany
(b) Russia
(c) Italy
(d) None of these
Political Science 2001
Solved MCQs
(1) The Objective Resolution was adopted in:
(a) 1947
(b) 1949
(c) 1951
(d) None of these
(2) Simla delegation was led by:
(a) Sir Agha Khan
(b) Sir Sayyed
(c) Maulana Shibly Noamani
(d) None of these
(3) This is the parting of ways was said by:
(a) Quaid e Azam
(b) Allama Iqbal
(c) Pandit Nehru
(d) None of these
(4) Pakistan became Republic in:

(a) 1947
(b) 1949
(c) 1951
(d) None of these : 1956
(5) The quorum of House of Commons is:
(a) 20 members
(b) 30 members
(c) 40 members
(d) None of these
(6) The Supreme Court of Pakistan comprises:
(a) 9 judges
(b) 11 judges
(c) 13 judges(d) None of these
(7) The Indian parliament is:
(a) Unicameral
(b) Bicameral
(c) Tricameral
(d) None of these
(8) The American Senate comprises:
(a) 99 Senators
(b) 100 Senators
(c) 101 Senators
(d) None of these
(9) In Pakistan, the Constitution has been abrogated:
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) None of these
(10) The tenure of French President is fixed at:
(a) 5 years
(b) 7 years
(c) 9 years
(d) None of these
(11) Turkish Government is:
(a) Democratic
(b) Dictatorial
(c) Monarchial
(d) None of these
(12) Cultural Revolution in China was aimed at reforming of:
(a) Communist Party
(b) Bureaucracy
(c) Red Army
(d) None of these
(13) The Islamic Revolution in Iran ushered in:
(a) Military rule
(b) Clergys rule
(c) Peoples rule
(d) None of these
(14) Peoples Republic of China was established in:
(a) 1949

(b) 1950
(c) 1951
(d) None of these
(15) Power in the Soviet Union rested with the:
(a) Supreme Soviet
(b) Communist Party
(c) Presidium
(d) None of these
(16) The House of Lords is predominantly:
(a) Elected
(b) Appointed
(c) Hereditary
(d) None of these
(17) The Soviet Union was established in:
(a) 1917
(b) 1919
(c) 1921
(d) None of these
(18) The USA was founded in:
(a) 1789
(b) 1791
(c) 1793
(d) None of these
(19) The Electoral College in US comprises:
(a) 535 Electors
(b) 538 Electors
(c) 541 Electors
(d) None of these
(20) Eighth Amendment was adopted in the Constitution of Pakistan in:
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1987
(d) None of these
Political Science 2002
Solved MCQs
(1) An essay concerning Human Understanding is written by:
(a) Thomas Hobbes
(b) John Locke
(c) J. J. Rousseau
(d) None of these
(2) The father had planned a legal for his son but the son had no inclination towards that. Who
was the son?
(a) Aristotle
(b) Machiavelli
(c) John Locke
(d) None of these
(3) The spirit of Law is divisible into six parts; total number of volumes of this book are:
(a) 30

(b) 31
(c) 32
(d) None of these
(4) Political Science begins and ends with the state is said by:
(a) Paul Janct
(b) Stephen Leacock
(c) Professor Garner
(d) None of these
(5) Thyaul-Ulum was the chief work of:
(a) Al Farabi
(b) Al Manwardi
(c) Al Ghazali
(d) None of these
(6) According to Aristotle which is the bad government of the rich:
(a) Tyranny
(b) Oligarchy
(c) Democracy
(d) None of these
(7) Constitutional classified as rigid and flexible in a book titled Studies in History and
Jurisprudence was written by:
(a) Gilchrist
(b) T. H. Green
(c) Lord Bryce
(d) None of these
(8) Wealth of Nations was written by
(a) John Stuart Mill
(b) Jerry Bentham
(c) Adam Smith
(d) None of these
(9) Aristotle is the original name of:
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Machiavelli
(d) None of these
(10) Which of these books represents the scheme of Platos Philosophy?
(a) The Politics
(b) The Republic
(c) The Laws
(d) None of these
(11) Muqaddamah was the great work of:

(a) Ibn Khuldun

(b) Al Maawardi
(c) Nizam-ul-Mulk
(d) None of these
(12) Asabiyah was enunciated by:
(a) Al-Ghazali
(b) Al-Maawardi
(c) Al-Farabi
(d) None of these (Ibn-e-Khaldun)
(13) Theory of Divine Right of King was presented by King James of England in century:
(a) 16th
(b) 17th
(c) 18th
(d) None of these
(14) To rule is to educate is said by:
(a) Muhammad (SAW)
(b) Al - Ghazali
(c) Allama Iqbal
(d) None of these (Plato)
(15) A discourse on the origin of Inequality and the social contract was presented by:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Hobbes
(c) John Locke
(d) None of these
(16) Sovereignty is which one of the following bases of the state:
(a) Physical
(b) Natural
(c) Spiritual
(d) None of these
(17) Law is the body of Principles recognized and applied by the state in the administration of
justice is said by:
(a) Holland
(b) Green
(c) Salmond
(d) None of these
(18) The term Propaganda acquired derogatory sense:
(a) Before World War I
(b) During World War I
(c) After World War I
(d) None of these
(19) The word polis means:

(a) Civilized people

(b) Form of government
(c) A city state
(d) None of these
(20) In which century Austinian theory of Sovereignty was refuted by Pluralists?
(a) 18th
(b) 19th
(c) 20th
(d) None of these
Political Science 2002
Solved MCQs
(1) Originally total number of States of USA was:
(a) 13
(b) 18
(c) 20
(d) None of these:
(2) The first government of US was based on the articles of:
(a) Federation
(b) Confederation
(c) Unitary State
(d) None of these
(3) US constitution consists of Articles:
(a) 7
(b) 15
(c) 20
(d) None of these
(4) Members of Washington DC in the Electoral College for the Presidential Elections in America
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 1
(d) None of these (3)
(5) The first American President was:
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) George Washington
(c) James Madison
(d) None of these
(6) Total amendments in the US Constitution are:
(a) 16
(b) 26
(c) 27
(d) None of these

(7) The dissolution of Khilafat and the establishment of Grand National Assembly in Turkey was
highly appreciated by:
(a) Allama Iqbal
(b) Maulana Shokat Ali
(c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(d) None of these
(8) Ideological foundations of Turkish Constitution are based on:
(a) Kamalism
(b) Socialism
(c) Islam
(d) None of these
(9) The title Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity was given to Mr. Jinnah by:
(a) Mustafa Kamal
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Allama Iqbal
(d) None of these
(10) The concept of Separation of Powers in US Constitution was taken from:
(a) Montesquieu
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Bentham
(d) None of these
(11) Islam was declared as the State Religion in Pakistans Constitution of:
(a) 1962
(b) 1973
(c) 1985
(d) None of these
(12) All types of explanation were to be eliminated according to Pakistans Constitution of:
(a) 1956
(b) 1962
(c) 1973
(d) None of these
(13) When the British Government in India cancelled the separation of Bengal?
(a) 1905
(b) 1911
(c) 1915
(d) None of these
(14) If the president dissolves the legislature, he himself shall have to be re-elected. It was
mentioned in Pakistans Constitution of:
(a) 1956
(b) 1962

(c) 1973
(d) None of these
(15) French System of government is:
(a) Presidential
(b) Parliamentary
(c) Mixed
(d) None of these
(16) The first document of English liberties, Magna Carta was signed by King John in:
(a) 1215
(b) 1649
(c) 1688
(d) None of these
(17) The British Constitution can be amended by the Parliament with:
(a) Simple majority
(b) 2/3 majority
(c) majority
(d) None of these
(18) Peoples Republic of China came into being in:
(a) 1946
(b) 1949
(c) 1950
(d) None of these
(19) Indian President is elected by:
(a) Parliament
(b) Provincial Assemblies
(c) Parliament and Provincial Assemblies
(d) None of these
(20) Commune system is a part of the political system of:
(a) China
(b) India
(c) USA
(d) None of these
Political Science 2003
Solved MCQs
(1) The writer of Social Contract and the Islamic State is:
(a) Ilyas Ahmad
(b) Ibn Khuldun
(c) Iqbal
(d) None of these
(2) Who is the author of Politics in Pakistan: The Nature and Direction of Change?

(a) Khaild B Sayeed

(b) Ilyas Ahmad
(c) Hafeezur Rehman
(d) None of these
(3) Quaradae-e-Maqasid se Islamic Qanoon Tuk is written by:
(a) Hafeezur Rehman
(b) Khaild B Sayeed
(c) Ilyas Ahmad
(d) None of these
(4) George H. Sabine is the author of:
(a) A history of Political Theory
(b) Republic
(c) The spirit
(d) None of these
(5) Plato is the author of:
(a) Republic
(b) Social Contract
(c) History of Political Thought
(d) None of these
(6) The idea that Virtue is knowledge is attributed to:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
(c) Montesquieu
(d) None of these( Socrates )
(7) Political Science begins and ends with the state is said by:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Professor Garner
(c) Paul Janet
(d) None of these
(8) The city of god is the work of:
(a) Aquinas
(b) St. Augustine
(c) Austin
(d) None of these
(9) The ideas of Aristotle are more acceptable to the West than Platos because he propagated:
(a) Rule of law
(b) Democracy
(c) Tyranny
(d) None of these
(10) He is known as the founding father of Utilitarianism:

(a) James Mill

(b) Jeremy Bentham
(c) C. Wright Mills
(d) None of these
(11) Ahya ul ulum is the work of:
(a) Al Farabi
(b) Al Mawardi
(c) Al Ghazali
(d) None of these
(12) He is famous for his work Muqaddameh:
(a) Ibn Taimiyah
(b) Nizamul Mulk
(c) Ibn Khuldun
(d) None of these
(13) The Bolshevik movement in Russia was led by:
(a) Stalin
(b) Trotsky
(c) Lenin
(d) None of these
(14) He is known as the major theorist of bureaucracy:
(a) Burk
(b) Dahl
(c) Max Weber
(d) None of these
(15) Cultural Revolution in China was launched under the leadership of:
(a) Chou-en-lai
(b) Lin Piao
(c) Mao dzedung
(d) None of these
(16) Collective responsibility is a feature of:
(a) Parliamentary form
(b) Presidential form
(c) Dictatorship
(d) None of these
(17) Decentralization is a feature of:
(a) Federal System
(b) Autocraticship system
(c) Unitary system
(d) None of these
(18) Dictatorship of the Proletariat is one of the concepts of:

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Max Weber
(c) Maodzedung
(d) None of these
(19) The general Will is the political concept of:
(a) J. J. Rousseau
(b) Hobbes
(c) Locke
(d) None of these
(20) Leviathan is written by:
(a) Thomas Hobbes
(b) Hegel
(c) Locke
(d) None of these
Political Science 2003
Solved MCQs
(1) Who was named the first leader of the opposition in Ayub Khans constituted first national
(a) Sardar Bahadur Khan
(b) Mumtaz Daultana
(c) Muhammad Hussain Chatta
(d) Maulana Tamizuddin Khan
(e) Khwaja Nazimuddin
(f) None of these (Mr. Yousaf Khattak)
(2) Who is the author of the book, Friends not master?
(a) Ayub Khan
(b) Altaf Gauhar
(c) Sharifuddin Pirzada
(d) Helen Bolitho
(e) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(f) None of these
(3) Myth of Independence was written by:
(a) Shariful Mujahid
(b) Ayub Khan
(c) Z. A. Bhutto
(d) Ch. M. Ali
(e) Kh. Nazimuddin
(f) None of these
(4) The last Speaker of the National Assembly during Ayubs government was:
(a) Khan A. Sabur
(b) Sheikh Mujibur Rehman
(c) Zahoor Khan
(d) Abdul Jabbar Khan
(e) Monim Khan

(f) None of these

(5) Who was the President of US during the Cuban Missile crisis of 1962?
(a) Richard Nixon
(b) J. F. Kennedy
(c) Truman
(d) Eisenhower
(e) L. B. Johnson
(f) None of these
(6) Who was the prime minister of India during the 1965 war between Pakistan and India?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Morarji Desai
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(d) Indira Gandhi
(e) Zakir Hussain
(f) None of these
(7) Who was the mover of the Lahore Resolution of 1940?
(a) Ch. Mohammad Ali
(b) Liaquat Ali Khan
(c) A. K. Fazalul Haq
(d) Khawaja Shahabuddin
(e) Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy
(f) None of these
(8) Who was called the ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity?
(a) Moti Lal Nehru
(b) Abdul Kalam Azad
(c) Mahatama Gandhi
(d) Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(e) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(f) None of these
(9) Who is the author of the famous book, The Spirit of Islam?
(a) Muhammad Iqbal
(b) Justice Amir Ali
(c) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(d) Hali
(e) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(f) None of these
(10) Who was the architect of the Luckhnow Pact of 1916, between Congress and Muslim League?
(a) Sardar Patel
(b) Nehru
(c) Iqbal
(d) C. R. Daas
(e) Gandhi
(f) None of these

(11) What was the total number of seats in the national assembly under the 1962 constitution?
(a) 100
(b) 150
(c) 300
(d) 200
(e) 220
(f) None of these (156 and then 218)
(12) Who was the president of Pakistan during the India China war of 1962?
(a) Ghulam Mohammad
(b) Iskandar Mirza
(c) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(d) Ayub Khan
(e) Mushtaq Gurmani
(f) None of these
(13) Name the author of the book The great tragedy and Myth of Independence:
(a) Z. A. Bhutto
(b) S. M. Zafar
(c) Shahid Javed Burki
(d) Ayub Khan
(e) Altaf Gohar
(f) None of these
(14) Who was the president of the US during the 1991 Iraq Kuwait conflict?
(a) G. W. Bush
(b) Clinton
(c) Richard Nixon
(d) Jimmy Carter
(e) Ronal Regan
(f) None of these (George Herbert Walker Bush)
(15) Who was the Prime Minister of India during the 1971 crisis?
(a) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(b) Morarji Desai
(c) Indhra Gandhi
(d) Rajiv Gandhi
(e) Zakir Hussain
(f) None of these
(16) What was the year in which the Shah of Iran was overthrown?
(a) 1989
(b) 1992
(c) 1979
(d) 1976
(e) 1980
(f) None of these
(17) Who was the Governor General of India during the 1st Indo Pakistan conflict over Kashmir in

(a) Zahir Hussain

(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Krishna Menon
(d) Mahatama Gandhi
(e) Jawaherlal Nehre
(f) None of these
(18) China became a communist state under Maozedong in the year:
(a) 1948
(b) 1949
(c) 1947
(d) 1950
(e) 1951
(f) None of these
(19) Muslim League was formed in the year:
(a) 1906
(b) 1901
(c) 1911
(d) 1905
(e) 1909
(f) None of these
(20) Quaid e Azam joined Muslim League in the year:
(a) 1913
(b) 1914
(c) 1917
(d) 1919
(e) 1921
(f) None of these
Political Science 2004
Solved MCQs
(1) According to Aristotle the end of State is:(a) Logical
(b) Legal
(c) Ethical
(d) None of these
(2) Al-Farabi by birth was:(a) Afghani
(b) Irani
(c) Turk
(d) None of these
(3) Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of:
(a) Imam Malik
(b) Imam Shafi

(c) Imam Abu Hanifa

(d) None of these
(4) Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at:
(a) London
(b) Paris
(c) Geneva
(d) None of these
(5) According to John Locke, the best form of Government is:
(a) Monarchy
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Democracy
(d) None of these
(6) The term, "anarchism" has been derived from and word 'anarchia' which is basically a:
(a) Greek word
(b) Latin word
(c) French word
(d) None of these
(7) Anarchism is the extrerhe left wing of Socialism. It was first expounded as political doctrine
(a) William Godwin
(b) Prince Kropotkin
(c) Proudhon
(d) None of these
(8) "Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)" Was written by:
(a) Jeremy Bentham
(b) J.S. Mill
(c) John Locke
(d) None of these
(9) "Iqtisad-Fil-Itiqad" was written by:
(a) Al-Mawardi
(b) AI-Farabi
(c) AI-Ghazali
(d) None of these
(10) "SiyaSat Namahr" was written by:
(a) Nizam-ul-Mulk
(b) AI-Ghazali
(c) Ibn-Khaldun (
d) None of these
(11) "Ilmul-Iqtisad" was written by:
(a) AI-Ghazali

(b) AI-Mawardi
(c) Allama Iqbal
(d) None of these
(12) "Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by:
(a) Rosenthal
(b) Mawardi
(c) Ibn-Khuldun
(d) None of these (Iqbal)
(13) A Discourse on the origin of Inequality and Social Contract was presented by:
(a) Hobbes
(b) Locke
(c) Rousseau
(d) None of these
(14) According to Allama Iqbal in which form of Government heads are counted:
(a) Oligarchy
(b) Democracy
(c) Polity
(d) None of these
(15) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the years 399 BC, when he was of:
(a) 28 years
(b) 20 years
(c) 24 years
(d) None of these
(16) The Great Political Scientist/Philosopher Aristocles died in the year:
(a) 347 BC
(b) 322 BC
(c) 304 BC
(d) None of these
(17) Plato went to Syracuse to teach philosophy to the tyrant Kind Dionysus but returned
disappointed and opened his Academy. He wrote treatises in the form of dialogue upto the
number of:
(a) 32
(b) 36
(c) 38
(d) None of these
(18) ' The Great but ungrateful pupil of his Master who was born in 384 BC was:
(a) Socrates
(b) Aristotle
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these

(19) The Fascism of Plato got birth in 4th Century BC, whereas the modern Fascism is the Product
of early:
(a) 18th Century
(b) 19th Century
(c) 20th Century
(d) None of these
(20) "An Essay Concerning Human understanding" was published in 1690, is.the most important
work of:
(a) JSMill ,
(b) Bentham
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) None of these
Political Science 2004
Solved MCQs
(1) Who wrote the following books: (6)
(a) Pakistan. The Heart of Asia: Liaquat Ali Khan
(b) Jinnah of Pakistan: Stanley Wolpert
(c) Bush at War: Bob Woodward
(d) The End of India: Khushwant Singh
(e) Last Days of British Raj in India: Leonard Mosley
(f) Muslim Separatism in India: Abdul Hamid
(2) Write down the title of the Constitution of Pakistan. (1)
(3) How many are the articles in the un-amended Constitution of 1973:
(a) 208
(b) 320
(c) 280
(d) 289
(e) None of these
(4) How many articles were changed in the 8lh amendment:
(a) 100
(b) 89
(c) 90
(d) 70
(e) None of these
(5) Name One Judge who represented Pakistan in the Red Cliff Commission: (1)
(6) What these initials stand for: (5)
(a) DGPR Director General Public Relations
(b) IPRI Islamabad Policy Research Institute
(c) IRSA Indus River System Authority
(d) Ex-Com Executive Committee
(e) LFO Legal Frame work Order.
(7) Name the President during whose tenure Americans were kept hostages in Iran: (1)

(a) Reagan
(b) Ford
(c) Jimmy Carter
(d) Clinton
(e) None of these
(8) Downing street is known for: (1)
(a) One. of the palaces of the Queen
(b) Parliament House
(c) Residence of the Prime Minister
(d) 'Office of the Speaker of the House Commons.
(9) Statue of Liberty was given to USA by: (1)
(a) Britain
(b) France
(c) Canada
(d) Italy
(e) None of these
(10) Kamal Ata Turk was the: (1)
(a) King
(b) Prime Minister
(c) President
(d) Khalifa of Turkey
(e) None of these
Political Science 2005
Solved MCQs
(1) Abu Nasr Muhammed known as Al-Faraibi was born in the year:
(a) 780
(b) 850
(c) 870
(d) None of these
(2) Karl Marx had everlasting friendship with a son of a prominent textile manufacturer of
Barman,who brought many changes in Karl Marx's life. His name was:
(a) Friedrich Engel
(b) Friench Hegal
(c) Herbert Spencer
(d) None of these
(3) The turning point in the life of PLATO came when he was:
(a) 24 years
(b) 26 years
(c) 28 years
(d) None of these
(4) The course of Athenian education was divided into:
(a) Three stages
(b) Four stages
(c) Five stages
(d) None of these

(5) "The Development of Capitalism in Russia was written by:

(a) Lenin
(b) Friedrich Engels
(c) Maose-Tung
(d) None of these
(6) JS MILL wrote a famous book 'On Liberty' in the year:
(a) 1759
(b) 1859
(c) 1895
(d) None of these
(7) A Muslim Philosopher Abu Hamid Bin Muhammed,born in the year 1058 AD is commonly
known as:
(a) Al-Ghazali
(b) Al-Mawardi
(c) Ibn-e-Khaledun
(d) None of these
(8) The ungrateful pupil of his master,born in 384 BC was:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Aristocles
(c) Socrates
(d) None of these
(9) Dr.Allama Muhammed Iqbal did his MA in Philosophy from Govt.College
Lahore in:
(a) 1890
(b) 1895
(c) 1899
(d) None of these
(10) Nizam ul Mulk Tusi was born in the year:
(a) 1015
(b) 1017
(d) 1019
(d) None of these
(11) Who was the Father of English Utilitarianism:
(a) John Austin
(b) James Mill
(c) Jeremy Bentham
(d) None of these
(12) A book on STATECRAFT namely SIYARAL-MULK or SIYASAT NAMA was written by:
(a) Al-Ghazali
(b) Al-Farabi
(c) Ibn-e-Khaledun

(d) None of these (Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi)

(13) A summary of Plato's LAWS was written by:
(a) Al-Farabi
(b) Al-Mawardi
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these
(14) Machiavelli by birth was:
(a) French
(b) German
(c) Spanish
(d) None of these (Italian)
(15) "A History Of Political Theory" was written by:
(a) ST Jones
(b) G.H Sabine
(c) Gettle
(d) None of these
(16) "Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam" was written by:
(a) Rosenthal
(b) Ibn-e-Khaledun
(c) Al-Mawardi
(d) None of these (Allama Iqbal)
(17) "The Spirit Of Laws/1748" won great fame for:
(a) J.J Rouseau
(b) Jeremy Bentham
(c) Montesquieu
(d) None of these
(18) According to John Locke the worst form of Government is:
(a) Monarchy
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Democracy
(d) None of these
(19) Eighteen Century Rationalism,Montesquieu was born in the year 1689 in the house of an
eminent French lawyer.He died in:
(a) 1735
(b) 1745
(c) 1755
(d) None of these
(20) Plato was born 427 BC and died at the age of:
(a) 80
(b) 76

(c) 74
(d) None of these
Political Science 2005
Solved MCQs
(1) The Supreme Court of Pakistan comprises:
(a) 9 Judges
(b) 11 Judges
(c) 12 Judges
(d) None of these
(2) Turkish Government is:
(a) Democratic
(b) Dictatorial
(c) Monarchical
(d) None of these
(3) Peoples Republic of China was established in:
(a) 1949
(b) 1950
(c) 1951
(d) None of these
(4) The House of Lords is predominantly:
(a) Elected
(b) Appointed
(c) Hereditary
(d) None of these
(5) Eighth Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan was adopted in:
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1987
(d) None of these
(6) The first government of USA was based on article of:
(a) Federation
(b) Confederation
(c) Unitary State
(d) None of these
(7) The title Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity was given to Mr. Jinnah by:
(a) Mustafa Kamal
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Allama Iqbal
(d) None of these
(8) Islam was declared as State Religion in Pakistans Constitution of:

(a) 1962
(b) 1973
(c) 1985
(d) None of these
(9) The first American President was:
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) George Washington
(c) James Madison
(d) None of these
(10) The first document of English liberties Magma Carta was signed by King John in:
(a) 1215
(b) 1649
(c) 1688
(d) None of these
(11) Objective Resolution was passed on:
(a) 23 March, 19640
(b) 12 March, 1949
(c) 14 August, 1956
(d) None of these
(12) Two terms tenure of US President was fixed in:
(a) 1748
(b) 1848
(c) 1948
(d) None of these
(13) The speaker of the House of Commons owes allegiance to:
(a) Majority party
(b) Opposition party
(c) No party
(d) None of these
(14) The Senate in Pakistan is partially re-elected after every:
(a) Two years
(b) Three years
(c) Four years
(d) None of these
(15) The Bolshevik Revolution took place in:
(a) 1915
(b) 1917
(c) 1919
(d) None of these
(16) The French President is elected for:

(a) 5 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 7 years
(d) None of these
(17) The US President can declare war with the consent of:
(a) Defence Council
(b) Senate
(c) Cabinet
(d) None of these
(18) Ideological formations of Turkish Constitution are based on:
(a) Kamalism
(b) Socialism
(c) Islam
(d) None of these
(19) The French President is elected by:
(a) National Assembly
(b) Senate
(c) Electoral College
(d) Direct Popular vote
(20) Originally total number of States of USA was:
(a) 13
(b) 18
(c) 50
(d) None of these
Political Science 2007
Solved MCQs
(1) Who is called the Intellectual Father of French Revolution?
(a) J.J Rousseau
(b) Montesquieu
(c) Napoleon
(d) None of these
(2) GENERAL WILL as concept was introduced by:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Hobbes
(c) Locke
(d) None of these
(3) Karl Marx is known for his theory of :
(a) Dialectical Spiritualism
(b) Force as the Basis of State
(c) Materialistic Interpretation of history
(d) None of these

(4) Man by nature is a social and political animal is the cornerstone of the philosophy of:
(a) Plato
(b) Socrates
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these
(5) The author of the Book The Laws was:
(a) Hormer
(b) Plato
(c) Solon
(d) None of these
(6) The center of Learning to the Greeks was the city state of :
(a) Sparta
(b) Athens
(c) Carthage
(d) None of these
(7) which of the thinkers is a social contractualist?
(a) Lenin
(b) Marx
(c) Hobbes
(d) None of these
(8) Principle of Utility as a formula was the idea of :
(a) James Mill
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Jeremy Bentham
(d) None of these
(9) Modern Political thought begins with:
(a) Machiavelli
(b) Moutesquieu
(c) Mill
(d) None of these
(10) Plato was a:
(a) Realist
(b) Idealist
(c) Rationalist
(d) None of these
(11) Two treatises on civil Government constitute the basic source
of Political thought of :
(a) Sia Robert Filmer
(b) Locke
(c) Plato
(d) None of these

(12) Marx and Engels produced the famous book Common Manifesto In:
(a) 1848
(b) 1845
(c) 1883
(d) None of these
(13) Siyasatnama and Majma ul Wasaya are the two books on
administration attributed to:
(a) Al-Farabi
(b) Nizam ul Mulk Tusi
(c) Al-Mawardi
(d) None of these
(14) Montesquieu by birth belonged to:
(a) Germany
(b) England
(c) France
(d) None of these
(15) Al-Ghazzali was a philosopher of :
(a) 11th century
(b) 13th century
(c) 16th century
(d) None of these
(16) Sepration of Ethics and Politics was the principle notion in the
philosophy of:
(a) Lenin
(b) Plato
(c) Machiavelli
(d) None of these
(17) A Bi-cameral legislature as most suited to:
(a) Unitary States
(b) Federal States
(c) Theocratic states
(d) None of these
(18) Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number was the idea of :
(a) Austin
(b) Ibn-i-Khaldun
(c) Laski
(d) None of these
(19) The principle of Judicial Review means to:
(a) Interpret law
(b) Rewrite law

(c) revive a law

(d) None of these
(20) Plato was born in:
(a) 430 B.C
(b) 428 B.C
(c) 387 B.C
(d) None of these
Political Science 2007
Solved MCQs
(1) Which amendment in the U.S constitution limits the term of the president to two?
(a) 21st
(b) 22nd
(c) 23rd
(d) None of these
(2) Watergate scandal came to light in:
(a) 1973
(b) 1974
(c) 1975
(d) None of these (1971)
(3) The right to vote was given to women in Britain in :
(a) 1936
(b) 1948
(c) 1950
(d) None of these (1918)
(4) Known as the Iron Lady?
(a) Condolisa Rice
(b) Margarate Thacher
(c) Indira Ghandi
(d) None of these
(5) The Indian president is elected for:
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 7 years
(d) None of these
(6) The united states of America consist of:
(a) 48 states
(b) 50states
(c) 52states
(d) None of these
(7) The American congress consist of :

(a) 535members
(b) 536 members
(c) 538 members
(d) None of these
(8) The national security council in Pakistan consist of:
(a) 8 members
(b) 10 members
(c) 12 members
(d) None of these (14)
(9) Basic democracy was introduced in Pakistan in :
(a) 1960
(b) 1962
(c) 1964
(d) None of these
(10) Ali Khaminai is:
(a) Chairman of the Guardian council
(b) Spiritual leader of Iran
(c) Nuclear chief delegate
(d) None of these
(11) Abdul Kalam:
(a) Foreign Minister of Bangladesh
(b) Minister of Sri Lanka
(c) President of India (now Pratibha Patel)
(d) None of these
(12) Lok Saba is elected for:
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) None of these
(13) The Turkish president is elected for:
(a) 5 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 7 years
(d) None of these
(14) Russian president is elected for:
(a) 4 years (6 years from 2012)
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) None of these
(15) The Turkish Grand National Assembly consist of :
(a) 450 members

(b) 500 members

(c) 550 members
(d) None of these
(16) Who was the main Leader of China after Independence?
(a) Lio Shao Chi
(b) Mao Tse Dong
(c) Chu Teh
(d) None of these
(17) The Iranian constitution consist of :
(a) 150 Articles
(b) 175 Articles
(c) 190 Articles
(d) None of these (177)
(18) Pakistans National Assembly is elected for:
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) None of these
(19) The National people Congress in China is elected for:
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) None of these
(20) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah died on:
(a) September 11,1947
(b) September 11,1948
(c) October 11, 1949
(d) None of these.
Political Science 2008
Solved MCQs
(1) Justice as treating equals equally and unequals unequally who said this:
(A) Aristotle
(B) J.S.Mill
(C) T.H.Green
(D) None of these
(2) Which of the following are elements of Marxism?
(A) Concept of surplus value
(B) Dialectical Materialism
(C) Doctrine of class struggle
(D) none of these
(3) The concept of legal sovereignty was for the first time given by:

(A) Hobbes
(B) Locke
(C) Bentham
(D) None of these
(4) The natural rights of the people according to Locke are:
(A) Right to life, liberty and property
(B) Right to self-preservation and right to property
(C) Right to life and equality and right to property
(D) None of these.
(5) The welfare theory believes that the state is:
(A) Means
(B) An end
(C) An organism
(D) None of these
(6) Which of the following is incorrect about Platos views on Communism of Wives?
(A) Plato considers family as a stumbling block
(B) Abortion was strictly prohibited
(C) There should be a state controlled to get a nation perfect in body and mind
(D) None of these
(7) Aristotle was famous student of:
(A) Anaxagoras
(B) Hermes
(C) Socrates
(D) None of these
(8) Plato wrote the famous book:
(A) Leviathan
(B) The Republic
(C) The clouds
(D) None of these
(9) The end of Politics is not knowledge but action who said it:
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Montesquieu
(D) None of these
(10) When did Machiavelli die?
(A) 1469 AD
(B) 1527 AD
(C) 1523 AD
(D) None of these
(11) Machiavelli was by birth?

(A) French
(B) German
(C) Spanish
(D) None of these (Italian)
(12) The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness of the greatest number was
postulated by:
(A) Mark
(B) James Mill
(C) Spencer
(D) None of these
(13) Liberal Democracy means:
(A) Government by majority
(B) Government by people
(C) Limited majority rule
(D) None of these
(14) The doctrine of proportionate equality was pronounced by:
(A) Aristotle
(B) Rousseau
(C) Marx
(D) None of these
(15) The distinction between Real Will and Actual Will was made by:
(A) Green
(B) Bosanquet
(C) Rousseau
(D) None of these
(16) Two treatise on civil Government was written by:
(A) Thomas Hobbes
(B) Montesquieu
(C) John Locke
(D) None of these
(17) Who belongs to Shafite school of Fiqha:
(A) Al-Mawardi
(B) AL-Ghazali
(C) Al-Farabi
(D) None of these
(18) Nizam-ul-mulk Tusi served as Prime Minister of the:
(A) Seljuk empire
(B) Roman empire
(C) Turkish empire
(D) None of these

(19) Ahya-ul-uloom is the work of:

(A) AL-Ghazali
(B) Al-Mawardi
(C) Ibn-Khaldun
(D) None of these
(20) Allama Iqbal delivered his famous Allahbad address in:
(A) 1930
(B) 1929
(C) 1928
(D) None of these
Political Science 2008
Solved MCQs
(1) Legislative powers of House of Lords in Britain were curtailed by:
(A) Bill of Rights of 1689
(B) Magna carta of 1215
(C) The Parliament Act of 1911
(D) None of these
(2) The first Prime Minister of Britain was:
(A) Baldwin
(B) Chamberlain
(C) Robert Walpole
(D) None of these
(3) The position of the king was subordinated to Parliament by:
(A) The Parliament Act of 1949
(B) The Glorious Revolution of 1688
(C) The statute of West Minister
(D) None of these
(4) British House of Lords as Highest Court of Appeal Consists of :
(A) 26 members
(B) 16 members
(C) 9 members
(D) None of these (Now Powers rest with SC)
(5) Vice-President is the presiding Officer of upper house of Legislature in:
(A) United states of America
(B) India
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these
(6) Filibustering is a device practiced in :
(A) British Parliament
(B) French Parliament

(C) American Congress

(D) None of these
(7) Kangroo Closure is a procedure followed by the Law-making body of:
(A) Britain
(C) America
(D) None of these
(8) System of Administrative Law is provided in the constitution of:
(A) UK
(C) France
(D) None of these
(9) State of France is:
(A) Unitary
(B) Federation
(C) Confederation
(D) None of these
(10) Tenure of French Senate is:
(A) 5 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 9 years
(D) None of these (6 years)
(11) The constitution of India was promulgated on:
(A) 26th November, 1949
(B) 21st February, 1948
(C) 26th January, 1950
(D) None of these
(12) Official name of China which emerged on world map on 1st October, 1949 is:
(A) Nationalist Republic of China
(B) Peoples Republic of China
(C) Communist Republic of China
(D) None of these
(13) The President of China is elected by:
(A) The National Peoples Congress
(B) Citizens of China
(C) The state council
(D) None of these
(14) Majlis-e-shura in Iran consists of:
(A) 270 members
(B) 250 members

(C) 200 members

(D) None of these (290)
(15) Turkey was declared Republic on:
(A) 1st November, 1922
(B) 29th October, 1923
(C) 3rd March, 1924
(D) None of these
(16) Upper House of Indian Parliament is commonly known as:
(A) Lok sabha
(B) Rajya sabha
(C) Vidhan Parishad
(D) None of these
(17) How many Indians were members of Simon Commission:
(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) Seven
(D) None of these
(18) Lahore resolution of 23rd March 1940 was moved by:
(A) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
(B) Maulvi Fazal-ul-Haq
(C) Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-zaman
(19) Stanley Wolpert is the author of:
(A) Jinnah of Pakistan
(B) Emergence of Pakistan
(C) India Wins Freedom
(D) None of these
(20) Number of lists of subjects for law making in 1973 constitution is:
(A) Three
(B) Two
(C) One
(D) None of these
Political Science 2009
Solved MCQs
(i) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the year 339 BC when he was of:
(a) 24 years
(b) 26 years
(c) 28 years
(d) None of these
(ii) " The cause of sedition is always to be found in inequality" is said by:
(a) Plato

(b) Aristotle
(c) Machiavelli
(d) None of these
(iii) According to Aristotle the end of state is:
(a) Logical
(b) Legal
(c) Ethical
(d) None of these
(iv) Allam Iqbal characterized as " the sharp agent of devil" to a political philosopher namely:
(a) Chanki Kutalia
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Karl Marx
(d) None of these
(v) Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of:
(a) Imam Malik
(b) Imam Shafi
(c) Imam Abu Hanifa
(d) None of these
(vi) The concept of sovereignty was introduced for the first time into politics by:
(a) Hugo Grotious
(b) Jean Bodin
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) None of these
(vii) Khawaja Abu Ali Hasan bin Ali bin Ishaq is widely known in the history of Islamic political
(a) Al-Farabi
(b) Al-Ghazali
(c) Al-Mawardi
(d) None of these
(viii) The Fascism of Plato got birth in 4th century BC, whereas the modern Fascism is the product
(a) 18th Century
(b) 19th Century
(c) 20th Century
(d) None of these
(ix)" Ilmul-Iqtasad" is written by:
(a) Ibn-Khuldun
(b) Allama Iqbal
(c) Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi
(d) None of these
(x) " A summary of Plato's Laws" was written by:

(a) Al-Farabi
(b) Al-Ghazalli
(c) Al-Mawardi
(d) None of these
(xi) The doctrine which is a curious blend of German Idealism, English economics and French
revolutionary and social thoughts is known as:
(a) Socialism
(b) Communism
(c) Fascism
(d) None of these
(xii) J.S. Mill wrote a famous book " On Liberty" in the year:
(a) 1759
(b) 1859
(c) 1895
(d) None of these
(xiii) Allam Iqbal did his M.A. in Philosophy from Government College Lahore in the year:
(a) 1890
(b) 1895
(c) 1899
(d) None of these
(xiv) "Re-construction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by:
(a) Resenthal
(b) Al-Mawardi
(c) Ibn-Khaldun
(d) None of these
(xv) Machiavelli wrote " The Discourses of the first ten books on Titus Livius" in the year:
(a) 1735
(b) 1745
(c) 1755
(d) None of these
(xvi) Montesquieu restricts forms of Government upto:
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) None of these
(xvii) Rousseau was born on 28 June 1712 at:
(a) New York
(b) Washington D.C.
(c) Geneva
(d) None of these

(xviii) " Man when separated from Law and Justice is the worst of all animals" is the saying of:
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Machiavelli
(d) None of these
(xix) The great but ungrateful pupil of his master who was born in 384 BC was:
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Socrates
(d) None of these
(xx) " An essay concerning Human Understanding" was published in 1690, is the most important
work of:
(a) J.S. Mill
(b) Bentham
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) None of these (John Lock)
Political Science 2009
Solved MCQs
(i) Any British national is eligible to become a member of House of Commons if he has attained
the age of:
(a) 18 years
(b) 21 years
(c) 25 years
(d) None of these
(ii) Lenin was elected as President on:
(a) 24 October 1917
(b) 25 October 1917
(c) 21 November 1918
(d) None of these
(iii) Approval of any draft at House of Lords requires minimum presence of:
(a) 20 members
(b) 30 members
(c) 40 members
(d) None of these
(iv) As per 1st Communist constitution of Russia, the Presidium consists of:
(a) 29 members
(b) 33 members
(c) 39 members
(d) None of these
(v) In the ancient times England remained under Roman rule for about:
(a) 350 years

(b) 400 years

(c) 450 years
(d) None of these
(vi) American autonomy was admitted by the British empire in the year:
(a) 1776
(b) 1783
(c) 1786
(d) None of these
(vii) George Washington was appointed 1st President of U.S.A. on:
(a) 6 April 1789
(b) 4 March 1789
(c) 20 January 1789
(d) None of these
(viii) For 50 years during 1533-1583 Russia was ruled by:
(a) Alexander the great
(b) Ivan IV
(c) Ivan III
(d) None of these
(ix) Tenure of French senate is:
(a) 5 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 9 years
(d) None of these
(x) Out of total population of Turkey, Muslims are:
(a) 96%
(b) 97%
(c) 98%
(d) None of these (99.9%)
(xi) Referendum was conducted for approval of 1982 constitution of Turkey on:
(a) 7 November 1982
(b) 17 November 1982
(c) 27 November 1981
(d) None of these
(xii) The 1st French Republic was proclaimed on:
(a) 8 August 1788
(b) 23 June 1789
(c) 10 August 1792
(d) None of these
(xiii) Last emperor of China ruled the country till the year:
(a) 1810

(b) 1912
(c) 1942
(d) None of these
(xiv) Upto 83% Chinese farmers came under combined cultivation scheme in the year:
(a) 1868
(b) 1946
(c) 1950
(d) None of these
(xv) On return from France Allama Ayatullah Khumeini was very well received by the people of Iran
(a) 1 January 1979
(b) 21 January 1979
(c) 31 January 1979
(d) None of these
(xvi) Dr. Mussadiq, the then Prime Minister dethroned the Iranian King for implementation of
democracy in the year:
(a) 1953
(b) 1954
(c) 1954
(d) None of these
(xvii)Lok Sabha, the lower house of Indian parliament, consists of:
(a) 1300 members
(b) 1400 members
(c) 1500 members
(d) None of these
(xviii) Minimum age to become a member of Rajya Sabha in India is:
(a) 25 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 35 years
(d) None of these
(xix) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent last days of his life at:
(a) Ziarat
(b) Quetta
(c) Karachi
(d) None of these
(xx) Objectives Resolution was made a part of preamble of Pakistan Constitution of:
(a) 1956
(b) 1962
(c) 1973
(d) None of these

Political Science 2010

Solved MCQs
i . The sovereignty Islamic Political system belongs to:
a. Majlis-e-Shura
b. Caliph
c. Muslim population
d. None of these
ii. The founder of communism is:
a. Plato
b. Karl Marx
c. Mao-Tse-TUNG
d. None of these
iii. Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Council in:
a. 1919
b. 1926
c. 1935
d. None of these
iv. According to Plato the population of an ideal state should be:
a. 5040
b. 50400
c. 50040
d. None of these
v. Opposite of private law is:
a. International Law
b. Public Law
c. Common Law
d. None of these
vi. INITIATIVE and RECALL methods oftenly used in:
a. Great Britain
b. India
c. China
d. None of these
vii. It is normally the technique of pressure groups to impress the legislature:
a. Canvassing
b. Lobbyingc. Propaganda
d. None of these
viii. John Austin presented his history of sovereignty in a book which was published in:
a. 1632
b. 1732
c. 1832

d. None of these
ix. Single Transferable vote system was suggested for proportional representation by:
a. Thomas Hare
b. Lord Courney
c. J.S. Mill
d. None of these
x. Principle of Collective responsibility is a feature of:
a. Federal System
b. Presidential System
c. Parliamentary System
d. None of these
xi. Keemyae-Saadat was written by:
a. Nizam-ul-Mulk Toosi
b. Imam Ghazali
c. Allama Iqbal
d. None of these
xii. The word Democracy has been derived from the language:
a. Greek
b. Latin
c. English
d. None of these
xiii. Abu Nasar Farabi died in the year:
a. 750 A.D
b. 850 A.D
c. 950 A.D
d. None of these
xiv. Waliud Din Abdur Rahman famously known as:
a. Ibne Khaldun
b. Ghizale
c. Al Marwardi
d. None of these
xv. The book Govt. and Politics in Pakistan is written by:
a. Mushtaq Ahmad
b. Khalid bin Saeed
c. Larence Zairing
d. None of these
xvi. The term POLITY is originally applied to:
a. Roman City States
b. Greek City States
c. United States of America

d. None of these
xvii. The famous book The Spirit of Laws written by Montesquieu was published in:
a. 1734 A.D
b. 1754 A.D
c. 1784 A.D
d. None of these (1773)
xviii. The Greek philosopher Aristotle died in:
a. 322 B.C
b. 332 B.C
c. 384 B.C
d. None of these
xix. The book Sairul Malook was written by:
a. Al Farabi
b. Al Marwardi
c. Al Ghizali
d. None of these
xx. Benito Mussolini was the originator of:
a. National Socialism
b. Guild Socialism
c. Fascism
d. None of these
Political Science 2010
Solved MCQs
i . Which American state is called the mother of Presidents:
a. Florida
b. New York
c. Texas
d. Virginia
ii. The British constitution is based on:
a. The theory of separation of powers
b. Checks and balances
c. Judicial review
d. Difference between the theory and practice
iii. The Congress sits at place in Washington D.C is called:
a. Capital Hill
b. White House
c. 10 Downing Street
d. None of these
iv. The title of former emperor of Russia was:
a. Sir

b. Czar
c. Lord
d. King
v. The word REX stands for:
a. The Queen
b. The Crown
c. The Court
d. The Parliament
vi. The constitutional history of France begins with the French Revolution of:
a. 1780
b. 1786
c. 1789
d. 1890
vii. The American Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on:
a. 4 July 1772
b. 4 July 1776
c. 4 July 1783
d. None of these
viii. According to the constitution of France the Executive head of Government is:
a. The Prime Minister
b. The President
c. The Queen
d. The King
ix. The Soviet Union was dissolved in:
a. 1989
b. 1990
c. 1991
d. 1992
x. The first president of the Fifth Republic was:
a. Coty
b. General DeGaulle
c. Chirac
d. None of these
xi. The smallest administrative unit in British Local Self Government is:
a. The Parish
b. The borrough
c. The country
d. The district
xii. The authority of Judical Review was excercised for the first time by the Chief Minister Marshal

a. 1808
b. 1803
c. 1821
d. 1825
xiii. The quorum for hose of Lords is:
a. 50
b. 14
c. 3
d. 12
xiv. The Gullotine or closure by compartment is a term used in the law making procedure in:
a. USA
b. UK
c. France
d. Turkey
xv. The Lengthiest written constitution of the world is:
a. British Constitution
b. Indian Constitution
c. Chinese Constitution
d. French Constitution
xvi. The ideological foundation of the Turkish Constition is based on:
a. Kamalism
b. Socialsim
c. Islam
d. None of these
xvii. The Iranian Revolution under the leadership of Ayatullah Khomeini removed the monarch in:
a. 1989
b. 1979
c. 1997
d. 1980
xviii. The founder father of the modern china is:
a. Chiang Ki Shek
b. Derg Za Ping
c. Mao Tse Tung
d. Lu Hsun
xix. The Objective Resolution was made a part of the 1973 constitution in:
a. 1977
b. 1980
c. 1985
d. 1986
xx. The Supreme Judicial Council under the 1973 constitution consists of:

a. 9 members
b. 10 members
c. 5 members
d. 7 members
Political Science 2011
Solved MCQs
i. Tahafut al-falsifa (Incoherence of Philosophers) is written by:
a. Ibn e Arabi
b. Ibn Rushd
c. Al-Ghazali
d. None of these
ii. A legal proceeding during which an individual's right to hold an office or governmental privilege
is challenged is called:
a. Write certiorari
b. Writ of quo warranto
c. Writ of mandamus
d. None of these
iii. Ibn Khaldun wrote his book, "Muqaddimah" in:
a. 1371
b. 1377
c. 1402
d. None of these
iv. People's structural and religious identities will be primary source of conflict in the Post Cold
War World:
a. Fukuyama
b. Brzezinski
c. Kissinger
d. None of these
v. Alexander of Macedonia was student of:
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. None of these
vi. Ibn Khaldun was contemporary of:
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. None of these
vii. A form of closure under which a bill is divided into compartments, groups of which must be
completely deal with each day is called:
a. Kangroo closure
b. Guillotine closure

c. Simple closure
d. None of these
viii. Ilm Al Iqtisad was treatise written by:
a. Allama Iqbal
b. Al Marwardi
c. Nizam ul Mulk Tusi
d. None of these
ix. The Long March began the ascent of power of:
a. Mao Zedong
b. Chiang Kai Shek
c. HoChi Minch
d. None of these
x. Al Farabi was author of:
a. Siyasat Nameh
b. Al Akham Al Sultaniyaah
c. Al Madinat Al Fadilah
d. None of these
xi. The powers of the center vis a vis federating units were increased through:
a. Senatorial Courtesy
b. Pocket Veto
c. Doctrine of Implied Powers
d. None of these
xii. In Pakistan the doctrine of necessity was invoked by:
a. Justice Cornelius
b. Justine Munir
c. Justice Hamood ur Rahman
d. None of these
xiii. Article 58 2 (b) was invoked to dissolve National Assembly of Pakistan:
a. Four Times
b. Three Times
c. Twice
d. None of these
xiv. Leviathan is book written by:
a. Rousseau
b. Locke
c. Hobbes
d. None of these
xv. Prestroika means:
a. To speak openly and honestly
b. Restructuring

c. Workers
d. None of these
xvi. The Art of War is written by:
a. Mao
b. Machiavelli
c. Lenin
d. None of these
xvii. A necessary normal code for conducting the business of the state is called:
a. Ordinance
b. Convention
c. Constitution
d. None of these
xviii. "Power tends to corruption and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is the famous quotation
a. Lord Curzon
b. Winston Churchill
c. Lord Acton
d. None of these
xix. As per Marx in he stage of communism the governing principle will be:
a. Every one is equal, but some are more equal than others
b. From each according to his ability to each according to his work
c. From each according to his ability to each according to his needs
d. None of these
xx. A ________ is a type of sovereign state characterized by a union of partially self-governing
states or regions united by a Central government.
a. Unitary state
b. Federation
c. Confederation
d. None of these

1. Explain Platos Theory of Justice. How he tries to implement it through the Education
System? (2001)
2. Platos Communism was, is and will remain impracticable. Critically examine this
statement. (2003)
3. Examine the main similarities and differences in the Political Ideas of Plato and
Aristotle. (2004)
4. Explain Plato's theory of Justice. How he tries to implement it through educational

system? (2006)
5. Plato intended to build an institution for scientific study of politics and training of
statesman" elaborate (2008)
6. Discuss Platos contribution to the History of political thought. (2009)
7. Platonic and Aristotelian paradigms (2011)
8. Plato intended to build an institution for scientific study of politics and training of
statesman." elaborate. (2012)
9. Critically examine the concept of "Justice" by Plato.(2014)

1. Show how Aristotles Organic Theory different from Platos Idealistic Theory of
State. (2000)
2. Aristotle was a Realist and not an Idealist- explain w.r.t his theory of the Ends and
functions of the state. (2007)
3. Aristotle was great but not grateful student of Plato Comment. (2010)

1. Machiavellis Prince. (2000)
2. Machiavelli enunciated the philosophy of art of the government for effective discipline and
stability in the state. Analyze and discuss the basis of his philosophy in detail. (2002)
3. Machiavelli enunciated the philosophy of Art of government for effective discipline and
stability in the satiate. Analyze and discuss the basis of this philosophy in detail? (2006)
4. Is it correct to call Machiavelli citizen of all states and contemporary of all ages?
Argue. (2010)

1. Hobbes and Bodin are said to be the proponents of the theory of Absolutism. Do you
agree? Give reasons. (2003)
2. "Life in state of nature was nasty, poor, brutish and short." (Hobbes) (2008)
3.Discuss Locke and Hobbes perspective on the state of Nature (2011)


1. Right to revolt against the established government by Locke, if the former violates
peoples trust, is antithetic, in some respects, to the social contract theories of other
philosophers. Analyze the statement and explain in detail. (2000)
2. Examine the nature of the contract expounded by Locke revolving in the establishment of
the Civil Society (2004)
3. Locke was the father of Modern Liberal Democracy-comment (2007)
4. The natural rights of men are right to live, liberty and property"(Locke) (2008)

1. How General will of a Society formulated? Discuss in the light of Rousseau's
interpretation, on the conclusions, characteristics and criticism of the Theory of Genera!
Will. (2004)
2. Compare the views of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau on Social Contract and
Sovereignty. (2005)
3. Describe the basic features of Rousseaus political philosophy. (2007)
4. Appreciation and criticism of Rousseaus theory of General Will. (2009)
5. Short Note - Rousseau theory of general will (2012)

1. Montesquieu expounded his theory of separation of power to set forth the government
organization in order to safeguard the political liberty. Explain. (2002)
2. How Montesquieu classify government? Which form he considers to be the best? (2004)
3. Examine Montesquieu theory of separation of powers. Narrate those facts on which he
has been called the Aristotle of the Eighteenth Century (2002)
4. Theory of separation of Power (2006)
5. Examine Montesquieu theory of separation of powers. Why has he been called the
Aristotle of eighteenth century? Discuss. (2009)
6. Montesquieu with all his faults and irregularities is the father of modern historical
research." explain and discuss. (2012)
7. Examine Montesquieu's theory of separation of powers. Why he has been called
"Aristotle" of eighteen century? Discuss (2013)


1. It is said that Hegels dialectic theory was standing on its bead but Marx has reserved it.
Discuss this statement. (2001)
2. It is said that Hegel's dialectical theory was standing on its head but Marx has reserved
it? Discuss (2006)

1. Bantams theory of Punishment. (2002), (2006)
2. "Nature has placed man under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and
pleasure. It is for them alone to point out, what we ought to do as well as to determine,
what we shall do..... We owe to them all our ideas; we refer to them all our judgments and
all the determinations of life". Bentham. Show how Bentham and J.S. Mill promoted
pleasure-pain theory and under what nomenclature. Had this theory any historical ROOT as
well as EFFECT on the political conditions obtaining in their homeland? (2000)

1. Political Philosophy of Karl Marx (2004)
2. Marxs historical materialism is the application of dialectical materialism to explain
historical events , processes and developments in society . Elaborate. (2011)
3.Short Note -views of marx on socialist revolution (2012)
4. Short Note -Marx's theory of Class Struggle (2013)



1. Enlist the quantities of Al-Ghazalis Amir and detail account of his daily routine (2002)
2. Al-Ghazali was the torch bearer of the Muslim Rationalistic Renaissance. Analyze the
statement in view of his status as a Mujaddid (2007)
3.Critically appreciate Al-Ghazali theory of Khalafat. (2011)

1. The Imamate is established to replace prophecy in the defence of faith and the
administration of the world". Elaborate this statement of Al-Mawardi with reference to his
Theory of Jmarnate. (2004)

2. Al-Marwardi brought constitutional theory of Islam in line with political reality of his
time. Discuss this with reference to his views on Khlafat and Wizarate. (2010)

1. Explain Allama Iqbals Concept of Nationalism. Do you agree that it developed through a
lengthy process of evolution? (2001)
2. Dr.Iqbal's concept of Ego (Khudi) (2004)
3. Examine the contribution of Allama Iqbal as a Philosopher and as a supporter of Muslim
unity. (2007)
4. Iqbals views on Ijtehad (2010)
5. Write note on : Iqbal concept of Millat (2011)
6.Discuss the Allam Iqbal's concept of "Khudi" (2013)
7. Compare the concept of Millat and Territorial Nationalism by Iqbal.(2014)

1. Ibn-Khulduns stage in the development of the state. (2002)
2. "Ibn-e-Khaledun is called the Father of Political Economy. Discuss his views on Political
Economy. (2005)
3. Discuss the place of Ibn-e-Khuldun in the history of Political Philosophy? (2006)
4. How far is it true to say that Ibn-e-Khaldun perhaps was the first philosopher to realize
the relevant importance of economics to politics? Argue. (2008)
5.Ibn-e-khaldun perhaps was the first philosopher to realize the relevant importance of
economics to politics. Discuss. (2012)
6. Short Note - Ibne Khaldun's concept of Asbiyah (2013)

1. Farabi was in the truest sense, "the parent of all subsequent Arabic philosophers", so that
its only natural that he is regarded by the Muslims as the Muallim-o--thani., the second
Preceptor, the first being Aristotle. Explain.(2000)
2. Farabi was much inspired by Plato in his setting of the Ideal City, or the Model State.

Discuss (2001)
3. Al Farabi must be placed among the proponents of the Theory of Social Contract. In
the light of this statement. (2003)
4. AI-Farabi Concept of State (2004)
5. Ideal State of Al-Farabi (2010)
6.Short Note - Al-farabi theory of state (2012)
7. Discuss in detail the concept of "Raisul Awwal" by Al-Farabi.(2014)

1. Keeping in view the concept of Shura in Islam, which system of government you suggest
for an Islamic State Presidential, Parliamentary or any other? Explain you answer in detail,
especially with reference to the practical problems. (2001)
2. An Ideal Islamic State is bound to bring revolutionary changes in all spheres of human
life. Discuss (2010)
3. Elaborate the characteristics of Islamic State. Give proper references from the Holy Quran
and Sunnah. (2003)


4. Write a critical note on Devolution of Power Plan 2000. Explain also its positive as well
as negative points as compared to the previous system of local government in
Pakistan. (2001)


5. Explain the general reasons of military interventions in politics in the developing countries
of the world. What precautionary measures you suggest to avoid such situation. (2001)
6. In what circumstances might a democratic country turn to military dictatorship or
totalitarian rule? (2008)

7. Communism is inimical to democracy, freedom and actual rights. Critically examine the
statement. (2003)
8. What are the salient features of communism? Briefly explain. (2003)

1. Discuss the principles of "Fascism" highlighting its historical background. (2004)
2. Fascism VS Platonism (2005)
3. Principles of Fascism. (2009)

1.Short Note - classical Liberalism(2012)

1. Give a brief account of historical evolution of Political Parties with reference to theories on
the origin of Parties. Also enumerates functions of Political Parties. (2005)
2. Political Parties (2003)
3. Discuss the importance of Political Parties in a Modern state and assess their role as
effective instrument of mobilizing Public Opinion. (2007)
4. Define political parties and their functions. In your view, which party system is suitable
for Pakistan's political system? (2013)

1. Differentiate between Federation and Alliance. (2002)
2. In all federations there is a manifest tendency to entrust the central governments with a
wider and wider sphere of authority. Analyze the statement and discuss in detail. (2002)
3. What are the essential pre-requisites for successful Federal System? (2007)
4. Merits of Federation. (2009) (2013)

1. "If a determinate human superior, not in the habit of obedience to a like superior,
receives habitual obedience from the bulk of given society, that determinate superior is
sovereign in that society and that society-(including the superior) is a society political and
independent". Austin. Critically examine the theory of sovereignty with reference to views
expressed by thinkers in the 16th century. (2000)
2. Sovereignty is the most essential element of state hood-explain wrt the differences in the
nature of western and Islamic concepts of sovereignty. (2007)
3. Attributes of Sovereignty (2010)


1. Rights are conceived in different ways of various political philosophers. Critically examine
the most important theories of right. (2002)
2. Rights and duties are based on the principal of reciprocity? Explain. (2006)
3. Basic Rights. (2009)
4. Critically examine the most important theories of Rights as explained by different writers.
(Minimum three). (2005)
5. "Liberty is described as power to do or enjoy something that is worth doing or enjoying in
common with others." In the light of the above statement discuss the significance of liberty
in the contemporary societies. (2008)
6. Define and discuss Liberty and its safeguards. Enlist the causes of its decline in modern
times also. (2009)
7.Short Note - Right and duties are facets of the same coin. (2011)
8. Define and discuss Liberty and its safeguards. Enlist the causes of decline in modern
times. (2013)

1. Pressure Groups (2003)
2. Discuss organization & functions of pressure groups. Point out indicators of its
effectiveness also. (2009)

1. Compare and contrast between Democracy and Dictatorship (2003)
2. What are the powers and functions of an executive as a second great organ of the
Government? (2004)
3. Would you agree if it is stated that dictatorship is the only remedy for social, political and
economic instability in a developing country? (2010)
4. Examine in detail the principal advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary over
presidential form of government. (2008)
5. discus the principal advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary over presidential
form of govt. With special reference to Pakistan. (2012)

1.Define political science. To what extent can one be systematic in a study of political
process? How " scientific" is political science? (2012)


1.What are the prerequisites for the success of democratic Political System? (2011)
2. Discuss "Democratic Political System". How can it bring even change in the
society. (2014)
3. Discuss the "Political Culture". Also its importance.(2014)

1.What are the reasons for the increased activity of the state in modern times? Do you
subscribe to the views that the failure of democracy in Pakistan is the consequence of
misplaced priorities, determined by its leaders on the basis of their self-interest and
prejudices against their opponents? (2000)
3. Unitarianism is the habitual exercise of supreme legislative authority by one central
power. Bring out basic features of this form of state, giving examples and show that the
District Devolution Plan, as an advanced form of local government, is not the initial step
towards formation of unitary type of state in the country. (2000)
4.Write an essay on the structure and powers of the present local Government in Pakistan.

Point out its merits and demerits. (2003)

5.What are the agencies available for formation and expression of public opinion? Also
discuss the methods of influencing his opinion. (2004)
6. Discuss the three principles for constituting the Second Chamber in a bi-cameral
Legislature. (2005)
7. Explain the doctrine of Judicial Review. (2005)
8. What are the agencies available for the formation of and expression of public opinion?
Also discuss the methods of influencing public opinion. Can public opinion be regarded as
the 5th essential element of a modern democratic state? (2006)
9. Point out the problems and prospects of local self Government in Pakistan. (2007)
10. State the grounds on which Mill advocated the freedom of individual's conduct. What
limitations did he apply to this freedom? (2008)
11. Discuss the theory of Kingship as propounded by Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi. (2009)
12. 5. Write a comprehensive note on the power of judicial review and its limits in the
context of Pakistan (2011)
13.Critically analyse the Social Contract theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.(2013)

1. Maos views on Individualism. (2009)
2. Delegation of Powers. (2009)
3. No. of seats in provincial Assemblies (2009)
4. Mode of Elections. (2009)
5. National Language. (2009)
6. Opinion Polls. (2010)
7. The nature and emergence of nation state (2011)
8. Independence of judiciary (2013)
9. Asabiya (2014)
10.Social Justice(2014)

11. Oligarchy(2014)
12. Liberty(2014)
13. Separation of Power(2014)

1. The American Senate is like "the saucer in which the boiling tea of the House is cooled".
Elucidate and make a comparison with the Senate of Pakistan under the 1973 Constitution.
2. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Through what mechanism this
has been prevented in the American Constitution? (2001)
3. The most prominent feature of American Political System is its mechanism of Checks and
Balances. Discuss its functioning. (2002)
4. Examine critically the power of the President in the US Constitution. (2003)
5. Write down the election of the American President. (2004)
6. Examine the role of Supreme Court in the evolution of the American Constitution. (2005)
7. How system of check and Balances works in American government? Explain its
functioning. (2006)
8. Analyze the place of President occupies in the U.S political system today. Account for his
supremacy in the Government. (2007)
9. How was George.W.Bush elected as president of U.S.A in 2004? Explain the role of the
U.S President as executive head of the state. (2008)
10. Discuss in detail the legislative the legislative powers of the USA President. (2012)
11. Discuss the powers of senate of usa. Also analyse (2012)
12. What is judicial review? Discus its impact on usa decision making process. (2012)
13. American Senate is "the saucer in which the boiling tea of the House is
14. Discuss the powers and functions of US Senate. Also explain the concept of Senatorial
15. Short Note - Gerrymandering (2014)

1. The British Prime Minister is the "shining moon among the stars". Discuss. (2000)
2. Magna Carta. (2000)
3. The Cabinet is the "steering wheel of the ship of the state. It sets the direction of national
policy in U.K." Examine. (2000)
4. Ministerial Responsibility is the cardinal principle of British democracy. Elaborate. (2001)
5. Do you agree that British Political System is known for the cabinets dictatorship? Give
your arguments for or against this idea. (2002)
6. Do you agree in cabinets dictatorship in UK has undermined the supremacy of the
parliament? Explain. (2006)
7. Examine the fundamental Principles of British Constitution. Also discuss the nature,
Powers and functions of the British Cabinet. (2005)
8. Discuss the position and powers of the British Prime Minister. How does
9. He compare with the American president? (2007)
10. Do you agree that sovereignty of the parliament is the dominant characteristic of British
Political System? Explain in detail the role of British parliament. (2008)
11. Explain how the British democracy is overshadowed by the cabinet dictatorship? (2010)
12. What are the principals on which British Cabinet is organized and functions. Also
mention four occasions of Cabinet change (2011)
13. Explain why kingship is not abolished in England?(2013)
14.Explain the evolution of British Monarchy with focus on gradual transfer of powers from
the Monarch to the Prime Minister. (2014)

1. Analyze the powers of the French President. (2001)
2. French System of Government is a model of highly centralized political system.
Discuss. (2002)
3. The French politics is not as liberal as the Frenchmen claim. Discuss it in the light of the
working of the French Political System. (2004)
4. Discuss the Powers of the President of France under the Fifth Republic. (2005)

5. Describe the main features of the French political system. (2007)

6. Describe the salient features of the judicial system in France. How it differs from that of
Britain? (2008)
7. How local government functions in France? Discuss. (2009)
8. How is the French President elected? Give an objective analysis of the power enjoyed by
the President. (2010)
9. Enumerate the reason for downfall of Fourth French Republic and discuss salient features
of 1958 Constitution. (2011)
10. Discuss the executive powers of the french president in detail. (2012)
Analyze the role of political parties in the post 1958 political system of France.(2014)

1. Examine the principle of Democratic centralism in the Soviet Union. (2001)
2. Examine critically the factors leading to the disintegration of Soviet Union. (2003)
3. What is Supreme Soviet? Discuss its powers and functions. (2009)
4. Examine the Powers of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of USSR. (2013)
5. Critically analyze the nature of federation in former USSR.(2014)

1. Eighth Amendment. (2000)
2. Discuss the achievements of the Quaid-e-Azam for the establishment of Pakistan.
3. Critically examine the Federal provisions of the Constitution of Pakistan. (2001)
4. Discuss evolution of Federalism in Pakistan with reference to its constitutional and
political development from 1956 to date. (2002)
5. Examine the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Iqbal in promoting the growth of Muslim
nationalism in India. (2003)

6. Ayub Khans 1962 constitution was highly centralized and therefore ultimately responsible
for creating political turmoil in the country. Discuss. (2003)
7. What are the major factors in your opinion responsible for the success of democracy in
India and failure in Pakistan? (2003)
8. Write down variables by which political culture has not developed in Pakistan. (2004)
9. Fourteen points of Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (2005)
10. Discuss the problems presently being faced to the federation of Pakistan? (2006)
11. Make a survey of the role of Judiciary in Pakistan as the Guardian of the
Constitution. (2007)
12. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allam Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah were forced
by historical events to shift from their view of Hindu-Muslim Unity to Muslim Nationalism.
Elaborate (2008)
13. Role played by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the rise of Muslim Nationalism in the subcontinent. (2009)
14. Compare and critically examine the following under 1956, 1962, and 1973 (Reinstated
in 1985 with amendments) constitutions of Pakistan: (2009)
15. Role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a reformer (2010)
16. Explain the factors that transformed Jinnah, the ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity, into
the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the Muslims. (2010)
17. In spite of the provisions of provincial autonomy in the 1973 constitution there are
Anti-Centre feelings in the federating units. Discuss this statement with special reference to
Balochistan and Sindh. (2010)
18.Factors responsible for evolution of Two Nation Theory. (2011)
19. Short Note -Supreme court of Pakistan (2012)
20 . Discuss 18th amendment of pakistan.do u find the principle of social justice in this
Amendment? (2012)
21. Discuss the Role of Quaid-i-Azam in creation of Pakistan. (2013)
22.Give comparative analysis of the Islamic provisions of 1956, 1962 and 1973
Constitutions of Pakistan.(2013)
23. How Iqbal's wisdom helped in shaping the intellectual foundations of Pakistan?(2014)


1. Communist Party of China. (2000)

2. Discuss the role of Communist Party in the Chinese politics. (2001)
3. Explain the Commune System of Peoples Republic of China. How it played role in Socioeconomic development of the country? (2002)
4. What are the main characteristics of the Chinese Political System? (2005)
5. Dengs concept of one country two systems in Chinas political system has succeeded in
achieving Chinese National objectives. Substantiate your answer. (2007)
6. Discuss the organization and the role of the communist part in the Chinese political
system. (2008)
7. Cadres scheme in Chinese political system. (2009)
8. Discuss the salient features of the constitution of the Peoples Republic of China in
comparison with the constitution of former Soviet Union. (2010)
9.How political Parties are organized in China? Discuss the organization and function of
Chinese Communist party? (2011)
10. Short Note - National People's Congress of China(2013)
11.Short Note - Impact of Deng Xiaoping's reforms on China (2014)

1. Islamic Revolution in Iran. (2000),(2001)
2. Do you agree that we can present Iran as an Ideal Islamic State of the modern
age (2002)
3. Examine the role of Islamic Consultative Assembly in shaping politics in Iran. (2004)
4. Do you agree that we can present Iran as an ideal Islamic state of the modern
age? (2005)
5. Explain the salient features of Iran's Political system? (2006)
6. Iranian Political System after the removal of the Shah of Iran (2010)
7. Basic Principles of Iranian Foreign Policy (2011)
8. Short Note- Role of "Leader" in the 1979 Constitution of Iran .(2013)
9. Short Note - Rahbar in Iran's Constitution.(2014)

1. The President of India is "merely a figure head". Do you agree? Discuss. (2000)
2. Secularism in India. (2001)
3. Coalitional government has made Indian democracy fragile and crucial.
Substantiate. (2004)
4. The President of India is merely a figure head. How far do you agree? (2005)
5. Why Indian democracy is stronger than any other country of the region? Explain the
reason. (2006)
6. The Indian Federation is rightly said to be a quasi-Federation having many elements of a
unitary state. Discuss. (2007)
7. Explain the salient features of Indian political system. (2008)
8. India is a Secular state critically examine and comment. (2009)
9. The role of the President of India (2010)
10. Short Note -Lok Sabha (2012)
11. Short Note - "There is no such thing as Indian Secularism",Discuss.

1. Discuss the role of Army in the Political system of Turkey. (2000)
2. Mustafa Kamals political philosophy provides stability and ideological foundations to the
Turkish Political System. Discuss it. (2002)
3. Critically evaluate role of political parties in Turkey. (2004)
4. How secure is the future of democracy both in Iran and Turkey after the 9/11
incident? (2003)
5. Role of Ataturk in building up modern Turkey (2005)
6. Discuss ideological foundations of Political System of Turkish Republic? (2006)
7. Discuss SIX principles of kamalism as the basis of Turkish political system. (2007)
8. Analyze the role of Mustafa Kamal Ata-Turk as the first President of Turkish Republic with

special reference to "six principles of kamalism" to modernize turkey on western pattern.

9. How political parties organize and function in accordance with Turkish constitution? Also
enlist five major parties with names of their founding fathers. (2009)
10. The predominance of the armed forces in the Turkish politics. (2010)
11. How Grand National Assembly in turkey is elected > Discus its Powers and
Functions . (2011)
12.Discuss the salient features of 1982 Constitution of Turkey.(2013)
13. Elaborate the secular aspect of Turkish Constitution and objectively analyze its impact
on Turkish society.(2014)


1. Examine the role of political parties both in UK and US in formulating public opinion on
major issues in foreign policy making. (2003)
2. Comparatively discuss the La\v-making process in the Parliament of Britain and Congress
of United States. (2004)
3. Discuss the characteristics of the American Political Party System. How it differs from the
Britain? (2006)
4. Discuss committee system in American congress and point out its demerits. Also compare
it with British committee system. (2009)
5. The Senate of USA is the most powerful upper house in the world. Do you agree with
the statement? Explain your answer with reference to the upper houses of India and


1. Impact on the region of latest US Presidents visit to India (2011)

2. What is provincial autonomy? Discuss its importance in true federation. (2012)

1-Fundamental rights (2012)
2-social justice (2012)

Most Repeated Questions of Public Administration

Public Administration
1. Define Public Administration.What changes do you forsee in the role of
government to meet the demands of the public in the 21st century?(1998)
2. How the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan envisages an egalitarian
Islamic Welfare State in Pakistan?Why were could not so far realize this objectivety
in these 50 years?Is it not an infringement of our constitution?(1997)
3. Write an essay on "the role of Public Administartion in a modern welfare state."
(1998) (1999)
4. Describe the characteristic feature of Public Administration and highlight the
strengths and weaknesses within the framework of government.(2000)
5. Define the notion of good governance.Discuss the scope and functions of public
administration within the framework of governance(2001)
6. Discuss how good governance can be introduced in the Bureaucracy of Pakistan
and used as an instrument of rapid economic growth.(2002)
7. What is "New Public Management?" To what extent NPM explains the
administrative reforms in Pakistan, which have been undertaken in the last few
years?Discuss with examples.(2003)
8. "Public Administration is detailed and systematic application of law.Every
particular application of law is an act of administration".(Woodrow Wilson).Discuss
the scope of public administrtion in the light of above statement.(2004)
9. In a democratic state,government is said to be the WILL of the people in
action.The concept has widened the scope of Public Adminstration. Why should be
the new role of public administrator,as per examinations of the people?(2005)
10. It has been said that "Administration is the most obvious part of the government
in action;it is the executive, the operative, the most visible side of government and
is ofcourse as old as government itself".Discuss the above statement in light of the
theory and practice of Public Administration(2006)
11. Discuss the general problems comprising the elements of public administration
in detail.(2007)
12. It is said that "PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is nothing less than the whole
government in action".What is your view about the nature of public administration?
13. Write a short essay on the intellectual history of Public Administration (2009)

14. Define public Administration.Explain and justify your definition in comparison

with various other competing definitions of public ad.Do you think public
Administration is different from business administration both in theory and practice?
15.Public administration refers to the implementation of public policy. Discuss in
detail. (2011)
16.Short Note: Role of public administration in modern welfare state.(2013)
17.Define Public Administration and discuss its nature and scope. Critically examine
the challenges of Public Administration in the 21st Century with reference to
Pakistan. (2014)
1. Short Note: F. Taylors Scientific Management Theory (2011)
2. Short Note: Theory X and Theory Y (2011)
3. Analyse McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. Do you agree with the view that with
every passing year, McGregor's message has become more relevant and more
important? Substantiate your answer. (2012)
Social Thoughts
1. Give a brief account of major schools of thoughts in Administration. Compare and
contrast the theoretical foundation of Scientific Management Movement and human

2. Identify the major schools of thoughts in Administrations. Give a detailed account

of these schools(1996)
3. The enigma of politics in Pakistan could not help democratize the administrative
behavior in Pakistan. Please offer your comments (1997)
4. Identify the major schools of thoughts in administration. Give arguments in favor
of a school of thought, which may guide us to change the orientation of government
administration in Pakistan from status quo to development (1998 held in 1999)
5. Give a comprehensive account of Behavioural School of thought in
administration. How can it be made instrumental for good governance in Pakistan?
6. Discuss how an integrated approach to various schools of thought of
management can be applied, by the present day administrators, for the success of
their organizations?(2002)

7. Give a comprehensive account of Behavioral School of thought in administration.

How can it be made instrumental for good governance in Pakistan?(2003)

8. Fredrick W Taylor is considered the originator of the scientific management

movement. Explain the principle of scientific management propounded by him.
9. The Hawthrone studies played a significant role in changing the dominant view at
the time the employees were no different from any other machines that the
organization used." Discuss human relation movement with particular emphasis on
the hawthrone studies?(2008)
10. Public administration is a broad ranging and amorphous mix of theory and
practice. The purpose of public Administration is to frame a superior understanding
of government and its relationship with the society it governs , as well as to
promote public policies responsive to social needs. Public Administration also
institutes managerial practices attuned to effectiveness, efficiencies, and a deeper
human requisite of the citizenry. Discuss. (2009)
11.Give a precise but comprehensive account of major schools of thoughts in
administration. Also compare and contrast Taylor's Management and Human
Relations. (2012)
1. Analyze the ecology of bureaucracy in Pakistan bringing out the linkage between
conditions in which bureaucracy in Pakistan works and their general
2. Write a critical note on Max Webbers theory of bureaucracy.Give your views on
its application to the existing administrative system in Pakistan.(1995)
3. Highlight the negative and positive characteristics of bureaucracy.Examine the
role of Civil Service of Pakistan as change agent(1996)
4. Define the concept of bureaucracy .Evaluate the performance of bureaucracy of
Pakistan as change agent.(1998 held in 1999)
5. Explain the meaning of Ecology. Suggest ecological changes which may improve
the performance of the bureaucracy of Pakistan.(2000)
6. Explain Max Weber's theory of bureaucracy. In your opinion, has
bureaucracy outlived its usefulness? Why or why not?(2001)

7. Discuss how good governance can be introduced in the Bureaucracy of Pakistan

and used as an instrument of rapid economic growth.(2002)
8. Compare and contrast Taylors scientific management and Webers
bureaucracy.Do you think these two theories are still relevant to changing public
9. Briefly explain the characteristics of bureaucracy as indicated by Max Weber.
Critically examine, whether these characteristics are relevant to modern times and
should be maintained?(2005)
10. What is Bereaucracy? Why is it so important to the effective functioning of
organisation? Explain in the light of Max Weber's theory of Bereaucracy.(2006)
11. The bureaucracy in many developing countries has played a considerable part
as a change agent in modernizing and development. Why bureaucracy is lacking in
this respect in Pakistan? Elaborate.(2007)
12. "Bureaucratic power is not the same as administration effectiveness.A poweful
bureacracy is administratively weak".What are your reasons for agreement or
disagreement with the statement?(2008)
13. Bureaucracy and Democrarcy are antithetical.Bureaucracy is
hierarchical,elitist,specializing and informed while democracy is
communal,pluralist,generalizing and ill informed.Keeping in mind the quantum of
expectations in Pakistan and the reality of the civic culture discuss the above
statement. (2009)
14. Comparatively evaluate Taylor's scientific management & Weber's ideal
bureaucracy & discuss.(2010)
15.Discuss Max Webers concept of ideal type of bureaucracy. How does it differ
from the existing public bureaucracy in Pakistan?(2011)
16.Critically examine the Weberian model of bureaucracy. Do you think its
characteristics are still relevant to changing Public Administration and should be
17. Short Note:- Ecology of Bureaucracy (2013)
18.Describe Max Weber's ideal type of Bureaucracy and discuss its applications in
the Modern society.What are its dysfunctions and how these can be overcome to
enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the public sector of Pakistan?(2014)
New Public Management(NPM)

1.Compare & Contrast the Bureaucratic model with new public

management(NPM).Do you think NPM has replaced the bureaucratic approach to
public ad?support your views with examples from Pakistan.(2010)
2.Short Note: New Public Management Concept (2011)
3. Explain the basic theme and theoretical bases of the 'New Public Management'.
What are the different mechanisms, that have used in pursuing NPM goals by the
governments in different parts of the world, especially in Pakistan?(2012)
Human Resource Management(HRM)
1.Human Resource Management(HRM) is a contemporary approach to managing
people in business org.What are the salient features of HRM model?Do you think
this model is being applied to reform personnel system in Pakistan?(2010)
Decision Making
1.Compare AND Contrast rational,incremental and NPM approaches to decision
making in public ad.Explain your views with examples from Pakistan.(2010)
Administrative Leadership
1. Bring out various qualities of administrative leadership necessary for obtaining
results.Use examples from Pakistan.(1994)
2. What do you understand by Administrative Leadership? Select an approach to the
study of leadership and examine its suitability to deal with the middle level
management problems In Pakistan(1995)
3. Differentiate between the roles and functions of political and administrative
leadership. How can we reconcile the conflict between political and administrative
4. Compare the Executive Leadership in Pakistan with its political leadership. How
the later can further be improved.(2002)
5. The administrative leadership needs three bases to e securely build up namely
personal, political and institutional. Do you agree with this statement? Explain.
6. Discuss various styles of leadership? What style of leader you prefer? Justify your
7.Parliamentary oversight of the executive is an important aspect of any democratic
system. How is this role being exercised by the Parliament in Pakistan? What
recommendations would you suggest for making this role more effective? (2011)

8.Transactional and transformational leadership styles are suggested for political

leader. Which one is better for Pakistan and why?(2013)
9.Describe a situation in which each of the following types of leadership is
a. Authoritarian
b. Democratic
c. Benevolent Autocrat
d. Laissez- Faire
Administrative Accountability
1. What kind of role can be played by judiciary in strengthening the system of
administrative accountability?Discuss in the light of condition prevailing in Pakistan?
2. How far has the institution of Ombudsman(Wafaqi Muhtasib) proved to be
successful in checking efficiency, Inertia and misuses of authority in the
administrative machinery in Pakistan?.(1994)
3. Why Administrative Accountability is necessary in the public service? Suggest
proper means to improve the system of accountability in running the affairs of
government in Pakistan.(1995)
4. Describe the organization and function of Wafaqi Mohtasib in Pakistan.(1996)
5. Discuss the problem of administrative accountability in Pakistan.how should we
solve these problems(1998 held in 1999)
6. Where constitutional powers are limited and their exercise subject to judicial
review, the activities of the legislature, and hence the limits of executive action, are
subject to determination in the law courts.Does this statement effectively explains
the process of judicial review of legislative and executive action in
7. A fair, free and transparent system of accountability is a pre-requisite of public
administration in a democratic state. Identify the causes and suggest remedies for
the failure of system of accountability during the democratic regimes in Pakistan.
8. A fair, free and transparent system of accountability is a pre-requisite of public
administration in a democratic state. Identify the causes and suggest remedies for
the failure of system of accountability during the democratic regimes in

9. The administrative accountability of the public services is done under two heads
that is internal and external control in Pakistan. Elaborate these in detail.(2004)
10. What are various methods of legislative control over executive in Pakistan? Why
these controls are not so effective and taken lightly by the bureaucracy?(2005)
11. Explain the salient features of National Accountability Strategy as prepared by
the National Accountability Bureau. Can it be called a complete strategy of Effective
12. The judicial remedies and accountability for the citizen of the country against
the abuse of power has become prevalent in the modern time. What are those
remedies? Elaborate.(2007 and 2009)
13.Accountability and Control are the essential aspects of Public Administration in
Democratic Government'. Explain. Also suggest means for strengthening the system
of administrative accountability in Pakistan.(2012)
1. Decribe in details the process of economic planning in Pakistan.Also discuss the
major issue in implementation of plans and projects.(1993)
2. Describe the system of planning and programming in Pakistan.How can the gap
between planning and implementation be bridged for achieving the objective of
rapid socio-economics development in Pakistan. (1995)
3. Describe the structural and functional compostition of planning machinery in
Pakistan.How can the big gap between planning and implementation be bridged to
reduced the cost of development in future(1998 held in 1999)
4. Explain the process of planning in Pakistan at provincial and federal levels.What
role does the planning Communication of Pakistan plays in the process(1999)
5. Critically examine the planning process and machinery in Pakistan.(2002)
6. What is administrative planning? Explain it in the light of personnel and
7. One of the writers on planning Mr. Pfiffner points out that the constitution of a
country is a plan. Every planning and purposeful activity is preceded by preparation
for action. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.(2007)
8. Eplain the system of project planning in the government of Pakistan and how
does it extend to the provinces and local governments? (2009)
9.Short Note:-Planning Machinery in Pakistan.(2012)

10.What is planning? Why are the disadvantages of planning called potential

disadvantages? Outline the relationship among the six steps in the planning
11.Short Note: Planning process in Pakistan (2014)
1. Expalin the concept of Public Corporation.Critically analyze the working of public
corporation in Pakistan(1993)
2. Identify four theories of organization.Describe one theory which you think can
help in solving the administrative problems in Pakistan(1995)
3. Explain how an organization has its own peculiar structure and function.Despite
their legal entity how the bureaucratic departmentalization frustrates public
deviating from their fixed objectives.(1997)
4. Discuss the Organizational and functional setup of the Federal and Provincial
Governments in Pakistan. How their relationship can further be strengthened.(2002)
5. Public Corporations are created because government departments are not
conducive to initiative and flexibility required in modern times. Discuss as to what
extent these objectives have been achieved by public corporations in Pakistan. Give
examples, where possible.(2005)
6.Discuss the functions and organizational structure of federal govt.of Pakistan
including administrative relations between federal ministries and federal bodies
such as commissions,authorities,boards & state-owned enterprises. (2010)
7.Short Note:-The organization of Federal and Provincial government in Pakistan.
1. In any organization, motivation of employees is essential to enhance productivity
and for efficient achievement of the organizational goals. Explain the concept of
motivation giving reference to Maslows hierarchy of needs theory.(2011)
2.Discuss Herzberg's Two factor theory of motivation and examine its application in
the context of Public Administration in Pakistan. (2014)
Personal Administration
1. The structure if civil services is often described as a legacy of colonial rule.What
changes are required in its structure and working in order to bring it in line with the
needs of a modern democratic state?(1993)

2. Describe the major features of public personnel management in the government

of Pakistan and suggest reforms in the light of your comments and description.
3. Higlight the salient features of the system of Public Personnel Management in
Pakistan.How the principle of Merit is gradually replaced by the policy of patronage.
4. All the governments servants are public servants. Please explain how?Where the
fault lies that they tend to dictate but least bother to serve the citizens.(1997)
5. Prepare a list of salient features if the system of public personnel management in
Pakistan.How is the growing trend of political patronage can be checked to reduce
the magnitude of corruption in public service?(1998 held in 1999)
6. What structural changes would you suggest to change the orientation of public
personnel management in Pakistan from "ruling elite" to "serving civil servants" to
achieve the objectives of poverty alleviation and development.(2000)
7. Discuss the role of government in human resource management at enterprise
level with particular reference to Pakistan.(2001)
8. Why the recently introduced reforms by the Government of Pakistan are severely
criticized by some of the Government Servants, suggest remedies for improvement.
9. Describe the scope of personnel administration with special reference to
aristocratic system of personnel administration.(2004)
10. In democracy, political neutrality of civil servants is only a normative value.
They have to endorse and follow the policies of the ruling party as they can not
afford to act otherwise. Discuss and suggest remedies.(2005)
11.Short Note:6.The system of Public Personnel Management in Pakistan.(2012)
12.What are the communication issued for the Citizen-Government relationship in
13.Discuss the salient feature of the system of Public personnel Management of
Pakistan and critically examine the needs to evolve the Human Resource
Management in Public Sector of Pakistan from an administrative and operational
role to a strategic one. (2014)
Performance Budgeting
1.What is performance budgeting? Bring out its merits, limitations and difficulties.

2.Short Note:Performance Budgeting (2013)

3.Short Note:Zero Based Budgeting (2014)
Good Governance
1.What is good governance?Explain the role of public administration in good
governance particularly with reference to Pakistan?(2010)
2. Explain the concept of Good Governance. How can good governance ensure
efficient and effective public service delivery at the grass roots level in Pakistan.
1.The flow and management of funds is the lifeblood of our system of public
administration. Explain the governments budgetary system. Is it an inherently
political process?(2011)
2. Discuss the role of social media in implementing public accountability in the
developing societies like Pakistan.(2013)
3. What is the difference between power and authority? Describe the role of power
in the control process.(2013)
4. Elaborate the interference of HALLO EFFECT and STEREOTYPING in the
recruitment of knowledge workers.?(2013)
5.Critically examine the control mechanisms and process in Pakistan and suggest
measures to strengthen the system to overcome maladministration and corruption.
Short Note
1.E-government in Pakistan (2011)
2.Judicial activism (2011)
3.Problems of co-ordination in Public Administration in Pakistan. (2012)(2013)
4.Woodrow Wilson's contribution to Public Administration (2014)
9. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Dont reproduce the
(1) The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was:
(a) F.W. Taylor

(b) Herber Simon

(c) Pfiffner John
(d) Mary Parker Follet
(2) The father of Human Relations theory was:
(a) Douglas M. McGregor
(b) Elton Mayo
(c) E.N.Gladden
(d) L. Urwick
(3) The founding father of theory of Bureaucracy was:
(a)Herman Finer
(b) La Palombra
(b) Max Weber
(d) Albert Lepawsky
(4) Systems theory of management is based on the concept of components having:
(a) Independence
(b) Inter- dependence
(c) Dependence
(d) Contingency
(5) Bureaucracy of Pakistan is:
(a) Elitist
(b) Agilitarian
(c) Oligarchy
(d) Paternalistic
(6) Administrative accountability is established in government organizations by:
(a) Executive
(b) Legislature
(c) Judiciary
(d) All the three above
(7) The first book on Public Administration was written by:
(a) Pfiffner and Presthus
(b) L. D. White
(c). Simon, Smithburg and Thompson
(d) E.N. Gladden
(8) Public Administration is the study of:
(a) Maintenance of Law and Order
(b) Control of trade and commerce
(c) Public Policy implementation
(d) Politico-administrative dynamics of the state.

(9) Planning machinery in Pakistan is:

(a) Centralized
(b) Decentralized
(c) Departmentalized
(d) Compartmentalized
(10) Financially the performance of public corporations in Pakistan during the last decade
has been:
(a) Excellent
(b) Good
(c) Satisfactory
(d) Poor
(11) Public Personnel Management in Pakistan is based on the principle of:
(a) Spoils
(b) Patronage
(c) Merit
(d) Give and take
(12) Communication runs faster in:
(a) Centralized structure
(b) Decentralized structure
(c) Matrix structure
(d) Line structure
(13) Performance budgeting is based on:
(a) items of expenditure
(b) items of investment
(c) objectives of expenditure
(d) plan of implementation
(14) The concept of Politics-Administration dichotomy was given by:
(a) Frank Henry Goodnow
(b) James W. Fes1er
(c) W Paul Appleby
(d) Ordway Tead
(15) The form of Leadership in the bureaucracy of Pakistan js:
(a) Aristocratic
(b) Democratic
(c) Dictatorial
(d) Paternalistic
(16) The President of U. S. who laid the foundation of the study of public administration
(a) President Wilson

(b) President Hoover

(c) President Kennedy
(d) President Roosevelt
(17) Formal relationship in an organization is based On:
(a) Friendship
(b) Peer groups
(c) Authority on subordinates
(d) Rules and Regulations
(18) The Ideal Model of bureaucracy is based on authority of:
(a) Tradition
(b) Charisma
(c) Legal rational
(d) Money
(19) Pressure groups in public administration work for:
(a) Public interest
(b) Self interest
(c) Foreign interest
(d) Sectoral interest
(20) The administrative reforms under which various services were merged in occupational
groups were introduced in:
(b) 1973
(c) 1989
Q. 9. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Dont reproduce the
(I) Public Administration may be defined as:
(A) Management of industry
(B) Administration of Public
(C) Management of Property
(D) Administrative Capacity
(E) None of these
(2) The concept of "bounded rationality" was given by:
(A) Wax Weber
(B) F. W. Riggs
(C) Herbert Simon
(D) Abraham Maslow
(E) None of these

(3) Bureaucracy is based on:

(A) Traditional Authority
(B) Personal Authority
(C) Charismatic Authority
(D) Corporate Authority
(E) None of these
(4) Behaviorism is associated with:
(A) Rationalism.
(B) Communication.
(C) Socialism.
(D) Humanism
(E) None of these
(5) The author of "The Function of the Executive" is:
(A) F. W. Taylor
(B) Chester Bernard
(C) Mary Parker Follet
(D) Henry Fayol
(E) None of these
(6) Which of the following is not of the core values of public administration?
(A) Equity
(B) Efficiency
(C) Effectiveness
(D) Bureaucracy
(E) None of these
(7) Which of the following is one of the features of bureaucracy conceived by
Max Weber?
(A) Authority
(B) Hierarchy
(C) Publicness
(D) Civil society
(E) None of these.
(8) Which of the following is an essential component of a formal organization?
(A) Decentralization
(B) Formal Structure
(C) Power
(D) Centralization
(E) None of these
(9) Bureaucracy is a form of:
(A) Political Organization.
(B) Social Organization

(C) Community Organization

(D) Private organization
(E) None of these
(10) McGregor's name is most commonly associated with one of the following:
(A) Bureaucratic Theory
(B) Scientific Management
C) Theory X and theory Y
(D) Human Relations
(E) None of these
(11) Legal-rational authority" is a core concept of:
(A) Public Choice Theory
(B) Theory of Emergency
(C) Maslow's Theory of Motivation
(D) Theory of Bureaucracy
(E) None of these
(12}One of the four functional imperative of a system identified by the Talcott Parsons is:
(A) Efficiency
(B) Effectiveness
(C) Adaptation
(D) Entropy
(E) None of these
(13) "Entropy" is a law of nature in which all forms of organizations move towards:
(A) Growth and Continuity
(D) Continuous Improvement
(C) Rebirth and Emergency
(D) Disorganization and Death
(E) None of these
(14) One choice theory is economic explanation of:
(A) Religion
(B) Islam.
(C) Political decision making
(D) Psychology.
(E) None of these.
(15) System. Theory is associated with the work of following:
(A) Leonard While
(B) Mary Parker Follet
(C) Talcott Parsons
(D) F.W. Taylor
(E) None of these

(16) Which one of the following is the foundation of modern Human Resource
(A) Specialization
(B) Compensation
(C) Job Analysis
(D) Job Evaluation
(E) None of these
(17) The process of transmitting the idea or thought into meaningful symbols is called:
(A) Decoding
(B) Feedback
(C) Reception
(D) Encoding
(E) None of these
(18) Which of the following will not be considered as a formal organization?
(A) A Hospital
(B) A University
(C) A Group of Friends
(D) A Service Industry
(E) None of these
(19) Which of the following violates the principle of Utility of Command?
(A) Bureaucratic Organization
(B) Functional Organization
(C) Manufacturing Organization
(D) Product Organization
(E) None of these.
(20) Which of the following is not a feature of good governance?
(A) Accountability
(B) Transparency
(C) Nepotism
(D) Rule of law
(E) None or these.
Compulsory Question 2002
8. Write only the correct choice in the Answer Book. Don't reproduce the statement.
1. An organization which successfully achieve the goals will be considered as:
(a) Efficient
(b) Systemic
(c) Effective
(d) Reasonable
(e) None of these

2. An organization using its resources wisely and in a cost effectively way is considered:
(a) Conservative
(b) Modern
(c) Effective
(d) Efficient
(e) None of these
3. Grouping activities and resources in an organization is a function of:
(a) Leading
(b) Organizing
(c) Coordination
(d) Monitoring
(e) None of these
4. The dominant role in developing Scientific Management was played by:
(a) Henri Fayol
(b) F. W. Taylor
(c) Harrington Emerson
(d) Frank Gilbreth
(e) None of these
5. The most articulate spokesperson of Administrative Management was:
(a) Max Weber
(b) Chester Barnard
(c) Lyndall Urwick
(d) Henri Fayol
(e) None of these
6. Hawthrone studies were mainly conducted by:
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) Hugo Munsterberg
(c) Mary Parker
(d) Henry Gantt
(e) None of these
7. Two or more sub systems working together to produce more than the total of what they
might produce working alone is
(a) Open System
(b) Closed System
(c) Sub System
(d) Synergy
(e) None of these
8. An attempt to integrate common business practices from the United States and Japan
into one middle ground framework has been termed as:
(a) Theory X

(b) Theory Y
(c) Type Z Model
(d) Universal Model
(e) None of these
9. The owners, Employees, Board or Directors and Culture will form the organization's:
(a) Internal Environment
(b) External Environment
(c) Task Environment
(d) General Environment
(e) None of these
10. The appropriate managerial behavior in a given situation depends on a wide variety of
elements is:
(a) Classical Approach
(b) Quantitative Approach
(c) Behavioral Approach
(d) Contingency Approach
(e) None of these
11. A goal set by and for top management of the organization is:
(a) Tactical Goal
(b) Strategic Goal
(c) Operational Goal
(d) Specific Goal
(e) None of these
12. Balancing and reconciling possible conflicts among goals is:
(a) Communication
(b) Leading
(c) Inconsistency
(d) Optimizing
(e) None of these
13. A plan that generally covers a span of one year or less is:
(a) Operational Plan
(b) Intermediate Plan
(c) Long range Plan
(d) Short range Plan
(e) None of these
14. Behavior that does not conform to generally social norms will be considered as:
(a) Arrogant Behavior
(b) Arbitrary Behavior
(c) Ethical Behavior
(d) Unethical Behavior

(e) None of these

15. Conceptual and Diagnostic skills in an organization are mostly used by:
(a) General managers
(b) Top managers
(c) Middle managers
(d) First line managers
(e) None of these
16. A theory suggesting that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs was advanced
(a) Douglas Mc Gregor
(b) Arthur D. Little
(c) Abraham Maslow
(d) F. W. Riggs
(e) None of these
17. The extent to which an organization complies with local, state and Federal Laws is:
(a) Social Compliance
(b) Philanthropic Awarding
(c) Ethical Compliance
(d) Legal Compliance
(e) None of these
18. The process by which a manager assigns some of his total work load to others is:
(a) Decentralization
(b) Delegation
(c) Division of work
(d) Centralization
(e) None of these
19. Power that has been legitimized by the state is:
(a) Political authority
(b) Charismatic authority
(c) Traditional authority
(d) Legal authority
(e) None of these
20. A condition in which the availability of each alternative and its potential pay off and
costs are all associated with probability estimates is:
(a) State of risk
(b) State of certainty
(c) State of mild certainty
(d) State of high certainty
(e) None of these


8. Write only correct answer in the answer book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) The connection between the politics and public administration is:
a) Politics seeks to deal controversial issues and public administration is the
means whereby decisions are implemented.
b) The politicians and administrators do not share unique partnership.
c) Public administrator indulges in party politics.
d) Administrators having strong political conviction, they cannot pursue a carrier of public
e) None of these
2. How the Role of public administration is determined by the people or Government? Can it
be a
a) The civilization fails means the breakdown of public administration.
b) Modern democracy can perform this job well.
c) Moral conviction is vital for its role.
d) Social and economical developments are more feasible than any branch of government.
e) None of these
3. Human Relations is the study of the people in action that is:
a) The people work in a team spirit or not.
b) Social factors are equally important besides technical.
c) Human aspects ignorance is at managements risk
d) Humans dignity is inseparable from human relations.
e) None of these
4. Management improvement is possible by systematic theory if:
a) Investigator helps the decision-maker in solving problem.
b) Systematic theory identifies with operation research.
c) Defence problems programming is done smoothly.
d) It ascertains the future performance.
e) None of these
5.The bureaucracy has certain characteristics that are:
a) It is hero or villain or form of social organization.
b) It has pathological tendencies.
c) It has a specialized structure of the nation.
d) It is indispensable in modern country.
e) None of these
6. Bureaucracy is seen as corruptible or otherwise:
a) Bureaucracy is essential and necessary evil.
b) Bureaucracys role as a pariah or savior.
c) Bureaucracy is suspected politically.

d) If bureaucracy fails, it is accused as pariah.

e) None of these
7. Administrative leaderships character inspires confidence when it uses:
a) Force and bargain to achieve goals.
b) Bases adequately built up
c) Leader must become the servant of the people
d) Leader must possess professional ethics.
e) None of these
8. Administrative accountability must be accompanied by:
a) If power is not abused.
b) If Ombudsman is independent and non-partisan.
c) If it brings home through legislature.
d) It can be achieved through responsible government.
e) None of these
9. Judicial control can achieve administrative accountability successfully if:
a) Rule of law is strictly followed.
b) Judicial process should not be cumbersome.
c) Judicial process should be easy and approachable.
d) Administrative action must be under judicial review.
e) None of these
10. Planning and its technique is common to all human activity such as:
a) Unity of programme and timeliness of programme.
b) Peoples following is necessary for successful plan.
c) Planners require reliable data for success.
d) Coordination is must in viable planning.
e) None of these
11. How can effective planning be made meaningful:
a) If it has management support
b) Its objective must be clearly defined.
c) Its feasibility standards mush show wisdom
d) It provides valuable learning experience.
e) None of these
12. Public corporation is the innovation of 20th century. The basic features are:
a) Public corporation is a corporation by courtesy
b) It is created for particular purpose.
c) It is the result of Governments entry into business.
d) It has virtue of business management.
e) None of these
13. Mechanistic theory is formal structure of organization. Its functions are:

a) Drawing up plan for large-scale enterprises

b) It does not tally with realities.
c) It s the result of Governments entry into business
d) A human problem requires human solution.
e) None of these
14. The organization is the act of designing administrative structure. It requires:
a) The determination of what activities are necessary.
b) No engineering approach to achieve goal.
c) Staff for managing it.
d) The allocation of functions and responsibilities to individual.
e) None of these
15. Centralization and decentralization are the problems of relationship between higher and
lower levels of government. They can be solved by:
a) Introduction of local bodies in the country.
b) Solving territorial and functional problems
c) Solving the jurisdictional disputes.
d) Active determination of external factors between the two
e) None of these
16. Zero-base budgeting evaluates current and new activities and programs which solve:
a) The governmental programs in detail.
b) The risks involving decision-developing and ranking packages.
c) The organizational services programs.
d) The basic developmental issues.
e) None of these
17. The civil services of Pakistan have become a caste by themselves involving public
criticism such as:
a) They are legacies of British colonial rule
b) They have lowered the quality of national life.
c) They have breeded corruption and inefficiencies.
d) They have become professionally incompetent.
e) None of these
18. Communication is a crucial element in administration and felt by:
a) As the heart of management.
b) As it makes administrative procedure smooth.
c) As it is the nerve center of administration.
d) As it is the blood stream of the organization.
e) None of these
19. Co-ordination is the removal of conflicts from the organization by:
a) Securing co-operation and team work
b) Securing organizational goals

c) Securing harmonious organization

d) Removing overlapping and working cross purposes.
e) None of these
20. The Public Services of Pakistan can be made worthwhile if:
a) Young men and women are recruited on merit.
b) They are not used for political ulterior motives.
c) They are trained in nationalistic spirit and religious values
d) They must be awarded equal opportunity of advancement.
e) None of these
Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) In an organization, if uniformity of standards and policies is maintained and the head
provides direction to all activities, then it is sign of:
(a) Efficiency
(b) Decentralization
(c) Centralizations
(d) Effective Coordination
(e) "None of these
(2) Span of Contro 1 Means:
(a) Power to control an enterprise
(b) Duration of executive control
(c) Number of subordinates under a superior's direct control
(d) Overall control of an organization
(e) None of these
(3) Public corporations have been created with the objective of:
(a) Increased profits
(b) Handling large scale projects
(c) Creating various job opportunities
(d) Operational flexibility and autonomy
(e) None of these
(4) In United State the practice of making appointments in public services on the basis of
political affiliation and personal relationship is known as:
(a) Party Privilege
(b) Spoils System
(c) Fitness Principle
(d) Discretion System
(e) None of these
(5) In some countries office of the Procurator General, has been created to:

(a) Ensure the working of government departments according to rules and regulations.
(b) Provide legal support to administrative bodies.
(c) Assess the training needs of government departments.
(d) Advocate cases on behalf of the government in the court of law.
(e) None of these.
(6) Rcole National d' Administration of France acts as:
(a) A consulting organization to improve administration.
(b) An institution of higher learning
(c) A recruiting-cum-training agency.
(d) A public complaint office
(e) None of these
(7) The necessary purpose of financial audit should be to focus on:
(a) Whether the expenditure was incurred for right purpose.
(b) Whether the expenditure had the approval of the top management.
(c) Whether the expenditure was in accordance with rules and procedures.
(d) Whether the expenditure was made on proper time.
(e) None of these.
8-fiscal deficit in government budget can be reduced by:
(a) Improving the productivity of the departments.
(b) Closing down some of the expensive projects.
(c) Banning the recreational activities.
(d) Rationalizing expenditure for economy.
(e) None of these.
9-In the Maslovv's hierarchy of needs, the middle level needs have been categorized as:
(a.) Self fulfillment needs
(b) Survival needs
(c) Security needs
(d) Egoistic needs
(e) None of these
10-Motivation is the function of intrinsic factors such as appreciation, recognition etc. who
gave this theory?
(a)Victor Veroom
(b) Herbert Simon
(c) Fredrick Hcrzberg
(d) David Me Clelland
(e) None of these
11-One of the following is not the function of the Cabinet Division of the Federal
(a) Preparation of the agenda for Cabinet meeting.
(b) Recording Ihe decisions of (he Cabinet.

(c) Follow up 'of the implementation of Cabinet decisions.

(d) Provision of staff to Cabinet members.
(e) None of these.
(12) Which of the following is categorized as a strategic decision:
(a) An officer approving the application for driving license.
(b) An executive ordering the transfer of an employee in another department.
(c) A head of the department approving a financial sanction.
(d) A committee approving a new rule to meet the future public requirements.
(e) None of these.
(13) A budget is essentially a statement of:
(a) Identification of targets to be achieved.
(b) Surplus or deficit of the previous budget.
(c) Estimated revenue and expenditure over a period of time.
(d) Allocation of funds in various heads of expenditure.
(e) None of these.
14-The categorization of functions with reference to their direct or indirect concern with the
achievement of organizational goals is called as:
(a) Primary and Secondary functions
(b) Line and Staff functions
(c) Major and Minor functions
(d) Central and Peripheral functions
(e) None of these
15-Who wrote the famous book "Research on the Bureaucracy in Pakistan":
(a) Muneer Ahmad
(b) Brian Chapman
(c) Inayatullah
(d) Ralph Braibanti
(e) None of these
16-Administrative Reforms-have been a consistent effort in Pakistan since independence.
The first Re-organization Committee was constituted in 1947. Who headed the Committee?
(a) Justice Muhammad Muneer
(b) Sir Victor Turner
(c) Akhtar Hussain
(d) Rowland Eggar
(e) None of these
17-In the Constitution of Pakistan, the subjects for legislation have been divided into:
(a) Two Lists
(b) Three Lists
(c) Four Lists
(d) Five Lists

(e) None of these

18-One of (he most significant achievement of the Ford Foundation's technical assistance to
Pakistan in I960, was the establishment of:
(a) Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore.
(b) National Institute of Public Administration Karachi.
(c) Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad,
(d) National Defence College, Rawalpindi,
(e) None of these.

19-The introduction of the Section Officers Scheme in the Central (Federal) Secretariat in
1961, was made on the recommendation contained in:
(a) Farooqi Report
(b) Cornelius Report
(c) Shoib Report
(d) G. Ahmed Report
(e) None of these
20-"Leaders are born and not made" is perception based on:
(a) Contingency Theory of leadership
(b) Trait Theory of Leadership
(c) Fiedler's Model of Leadership
(d) Situational Leadership
(e) None of these
Q.8 Write only the correct answer in the answer book.
1) The study of individuals and groups in organizations is known as:
a) total quality management
b) Human resource maintenance
c) the manager's challenge
d) the contingency approach
e) organizational behaviour
2) Organizational behaviour is:
a) a commitment to continuous improvement
b) a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of work experiences
c) the attempt by scholars to identify how situations can be understood and managed in
ways that respond appropriately to their unique characteristics.
d) the study of individuals and groups in organizations.
e) the attraction and continuation of a viable workforce.
3) Total quality management is:

a) a commitment to continuous improvement.

b) a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of work experiences.
c) the attempt by scholars to identify how situations can be understood and managed in
ways that respond appropriately to their unique characteristics.
d) the study of individuals and groups in organizations.
e) the attraction and continuation of a viable workforce.
4) Each of the following are requirements of twenty-first century managers except that
a) must be prepared to deal with people of different ethnic and racial
b) must value quality.
c) contend with a workforce whose skills match new tasks and technologies.
d) must personally do things to add value to the organization's ability to meet customers'
e) value diversity.
5) A relatively permanent change in behaviour that happens as a result of experience is
known as:
a) learning
b) life-long learning
c) experiential learning
d) organizational learning
e)the manager's challenge
6) The process of continuous learning from the full variety of one's actual work and life
experience is known as :
a) learning
b) life-long learning
c) experiential learning
d) organizational learning
e) the manager's challenge
7) The individual performance equation is concerned with:
a) capacity, willingness, opportunity
b) capacity , effort, opportunity
c) effectiveness, effort, willingness
d) effort , opportunity, threat
e) opportunity, capacity, intelligence
8) Personality contributes to considerations of:
a) what individuals can be
b) what individuals will do
c) what individuals are like
d) organizational support
e) difference between men and women

9) For people who work hard but still do not achieve high performance levels,there may be:
a) lack of fit between individuals attributes and task requirements.
b) improper allocation of rewards
c) low motivation
d) too much motivation
e) lack of psychological need satisfaction
10) Content motivation theories are represented by:
a) Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, and McClland
b) Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, and vroom
c) Maslow, Adams, Herzberg, and vroom
d) Alderfer, Adams, McClland,and vroom
e) Alderfer, Maslow, Adams
11) Intrinsic work rewards are:
a) received by an indivdual directly as a result of task performance.
b) externally controlled
c) sometimes internally controlled,sometimes externally controlled.
d) generally less important than extrinsic reward.
e) generally outside the control of managers.
12) Vertical job loading involves:
a) employee planning and evaluating responsibilities.
b) performance of more tasks.
c) performance of different tasks on different days.
d) employee cleanup responsibilities
e) employee promotion up the organization hierarchy
13) Job enrichment:
a) must be directed towards individuals
b) must be directed towards groups
c) can be directed toward either groups or individuals.
d) tends to receive strong labor union support
e) can be applied to all workers equally well.
14) Rewarding individual results tends to:
a) increase cohesiveness
b) decrease cohesiveness
c) increase performance norms
d) decrease performance norms
e) have little or no effect on cohesiveness nor performance norms
15) The process whereby individuals or groups are held responsible for making their own
decisions is known as:
a) autonomy

b) empowerment
c) team building
d) multiskilling
e) self-responsibility
16) Which of the following term is used in leadership research to describe a leader who
shows a great degree of emphasis on the welfare of his/her subordinates?
a) employee-centered
b) production-centered
c) compassion-centered
d) work -oriented
e) structure-centered
17) Charisma is related to which type of leadership?
a) managerial
b) transformational
c) relationship motivated
d) employee-centered
e) structuring
18) What are the two basic type of leadership?
a) ethical and programmed
b) programmed and crafted
c) programmed and certain
d) crafted and uncertain
e) non routine and crafted
19) Interpersonal communications is the:
a) process of translating and idea or thought into meaningful symbols.
b) interpretation of symbols sent from sender to the receiver.
c) process by which entities exchange information and establish a common understanding.
d) process of telling someone else how can feels about something the person did or said
about the situation in general.
e) process of sending and receiving symbols with attached meanings--from one
person---to another.
20) Effective communication occurs when:
a) the receiver does as the sender says.
b) job satisfaction is improved
c) the intended meaning of the source is the same as the perceived meaning of the
d) the sender is clear and articulate
e) the receiver provides feedback to the sender.

Q.8 Write only the correct answer in the answer book.

(1) Who has defined Public Administration as a detailed and systematic application of law?
Every particular application of law is an act administration:
(a) L.D. White
(b) Woodrow Wilson
(C) Pfiffner
(d) Luther Guilik
(e) None of these
(2) What is another view of the scope of POSDCORB study of public Administration in
modern times?
(a) Subject matter view of Public AD.
(b) principle view of P.Ad
(c) Process view of P. Ad
(d) Coordination view of P.Ad
(e)none of these
(3) The Human-relation approach was the result of over-emphasized the character of
scientific - movement approach. Name the leader of this approach:
(a) Max-Weber
(b) Elton Mayo
(c) F.J Taylor
(d) Roehthlisborge
(e)none of these
(4) The bureaucracy has been defined as a system of administration characterized by
expertness, impartiality and absence of humanity. who defined this.
(a) Charles Kannady
(b) Max-weber
(c) Braibanti Ralph
(d) Peter M . Blau
(e)none of these
(5) What do u assess the status of bureaucracy under devolution plan-2000? whether they
have become?
(a) Reformer.
(b) Pariah
(c) more responsible
(d) more nationalist
(e)none of these
(6) The system-theory is mostly applied in militry operations because:

(a) it is most objective

(b) it has many alternatives
(c) it is less costly
(d) it has many major policy alternatives
(e) none of these
(7) The charismatic leadership whose authority has a legitimacy based on charismatic
grounds. Do u think it is suitable in Pakistan on following grounds:
(a) Social - relation grounds
(b) political grounds
(c) Larger mission grounds
(d) organizational grounds
(e) None
(8) There r many bases of administrative leadership, u select one more suitable:
(a) more appropriate base
(b) political base
(c) economic base
(d) dynamic base
(e) institutional base
(f) none
(9) in ur view which is the best way of tackling administrative complaints:
(a) By judiciary
(b)By legislature
(c) By people representation
(d) By professional bodies
(e) none
(10) In the best interest of country, what types of planning is more suitable and
(a) Participative
(b) Physical
(c) Social
(d) Economic
(e) None
(11) there are many theories of organization bt all have been classified in two. which theory
u consider viable in present era?
(a) Human relation theory
(b) Mechanistic theory
(c) Behavioural theory
(d) communication theory
(e) None
(12) The units of organization r divided into line unit and staff unit according to their

functions. u name the units accordingly:

(a) Advisory
(b) legislative
(c) judicial
(d) executive
(e) none
(13)`the following r the foundations of modern personal system. which system u preferred
(a) tenure system
(b) merit system
(c) public service as a career
(d) system of position classification
(e) none
(14) there r many sources of coordination and control which r mentioned blow. which source
u consider more viable?
(a) human attributes
(b) function differentiation
(c) specialization
(d) delegation of authority
(e) none
(15) the proper continuity of communication system in public administration is a serious
problem. u point out which hindrance blow must be removed first?
(a) language difficulty
(b) frame of mind
(c) status distance
(d) geographical distance
(e) none
(16) you point out correct on in the following:
(a) Deficit-financing is boon in developing countries
(b) Deficit-financing is curse in the developing countries
(c) Deficit-budgeting is a boon in the developing countries
(d) Deficit-budgeting is a curse in the developing countries
(e) none
(17) U tick out the correct one machinery which is most effective in financial admn.
(a) Legislature
(b) the central department concerned with financial Admn.
(c) principal financial officers in the administrative deptt.
(d) audit organization
(e) none
(18) the oral and written communication of individual is mentioned in the following. u mark

out the most effective communication.

(a) discretion of the individual
(b) individual skills
(c) individual intelligence
(d) personal contacts
(e) none
(19) the followings r some administrative changes r made made under administrative
reform-1972. u point out the most sustainable change in it:
(a) reorganization of secretariat and departmental structure
(b) eradication of corruption
(c) steam lining of disciplinary procedure
(d) reorganization of system retirement
(e) none
(20) point out the most important defect in public bureaucracy of Pakistan. some are given
(a) Exploitative
(b) Aggrandizing
(c) corrupt
(d) most privileged
(e) none
Q.1. Select the best one.
1. All are the characteristics of Administration except:
a. It is a science and art
b. Has techniques that are universally applicable
c. Is a profession
d. Is not distinct from ownership
e .None of these
2. According to an early definition that kind of management which conducts a business or
affairs by standards established by facts or truth gained through systematic observation
experiments or reasoning is known as
a. Classical management
b. Bureaucratic management
c. Neo-classical management
d. Scientific management
e. None of these
3. H.Foyal, Terry, Koontz and O Donnel had the following view regarding Administration and
a. Management and Administration are one

b. Administration is a part of Management

c. Management and Administration are different
d. Depends on the type of organization
e. None of these
4. Human Relations approach was a metamorphic step in management theory and practice.
The studies for this movement were carried out at
a. Hawthorne plant at Western Electric Company, Chicago
b. Hawthorne plant at Harvard University
c. HRD Department, Stanford University
d. General Electric Company, New york
e. None of these
5. The Principle of unity of command implies
a. In union there is strength
b. Employees should receive orders from one superior only
c. Group to be assigned the responsibility of commanding
d. Command be equally distributed among horizontal line
e. None of these
6. Which of the following was not enunciated as a principle of management by Henry Fayol
a. Division of work
b. Planning and Organization
c. Authority and responsibility
d. Espirit de corps
e. None of these
7. A Plan is a determined course of action. The first major step in the process is
a. Developing premises
b. Stating organizational objectives
c. Developing plans
d. Putting plans into action
e. None of these
8. Which of the statements given below regarding decision making is false?
a .It is a continuous process
b. It implies a choice
c. It is an intellectual activity
d. Decision making is identical with problem solving
e. None of these
9. Which of the following statements about span of management is false?
a. A manager cannot supervise the activities of an unlimited number of people
b. Span of management directly affects the number of management levels in the
c. The capacity and the ability of the executive have absolutely no role in

determining the span of management

d. Higher the degree of decentralization, larger can the span of management be
e. None of these
10. Line organization is most suitable where
a. Business is carried on large scale
b. Methods of operations are complex
c. Where expertise of specialist is required
d. All of these
e. None of these
11. Managerial authority denotes
a. Right to act or direct the action of other in attainment of organizational goals
b. Right to give orders and power to extract obedience
c. Supreme coordinating power
d. All of these
e. None of these
12. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Authority and responsibility co-exist
b. Responsibility can be delegated
c. Accountability arise out responsibility
d. Authority is the Supreme coordinating power
e. None of these
13. Decentralization is (as an organization concept)
a. Delegation of actual performance of work
b. Physical or geographical dispersal of its activities
c. Delegation of decision making
d. All of these
e. None of these
14. Personnel functions is a
a. Line function
b. Staff functions
c. Can be either line or staff
d. Neither line nor staff
e. None of these
15. All of the following statements regarding manpower planning are true except
a. Manpower planning is merely forecasting of demand and supply of humans resources
b. planning of Manpower is a continuous process
c. Manpower plans may be formal or informal
d. Manpower planning is a vital managerial function
e. None of these

16. Job description implies

a. Personal capacities and inclinations deemed necessary for successful job performance.
b. Written statement of the main duties and responsibilities which job entails
c. Process that ensures that right kind of people at the right placed at the right time do
thing for which they are economically most useful
d. None of these
17 .An individual who systematically develops a subordinates abilities through intensive
tutoring is named as
a. Mentor
b. Manager
c. supervisor
d. Peer
e. None of these
18. A plan for allowing each employee to determine the make-up of his or her fringe benefit
Package is
a. Compensation
b. Salary administration
c. Cafeteria compensation
d. Loaning
e. None of these
19. Which of the following statement regarding the communication is false
a. communication is perception
b. communication is expectation
c. communication provides for feedback mechanism
d. communication and information are synonymous
e. None of these
20. Open door policy is an aid to
a. Downward communication
b. upward communication
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in appropriate box on the answer sheet.
1.Health and wellness is a currently important work-related value
(a) true
(b) false
2.The cognitive component of an attitude consists of beliefs and values antecedents

(a) true
(b) false
3.The effective component of an attitude is a specific feeling regarding the personal impact
of the antecedents.
(a) True
(b) false
4.An attitude results in intended behavior.
(a) true
(b) false
5. Job satisfaction is closely related to organizational commitment and job environment.
(a) true
(b) false
6.A loyalty response to low job satisfaction occurs when an employee passively waits for
conditions to improve because of a trend in the organization.
(a) true
(b) false
7.Expectancy can have both positive and negative results for a manager.
(a) true
(b) false
8.The earliest studies of leadership tended to focus on leader behavior
(a) true
(b) false
9.Transactional leadership includes charisma.
(a) true
(b) false
10.Leader behaviors for high performance work teams tend to be charismatic.
(a) true
(b) false
11.One major power that bureaucracy has is simply its staying power.
(a) true
(b) false
12.Implement is the most hands-on facet of public administration.
(a) true
(b) false
13.A geographical information system is a location-related computer programme data and

maps for a variety of uses.

(a) true
(b) false
14. The most powerful reason for the growing recognition of the global economy is
(a) the growth of international trade groupings and pacts.
(b) that more people are working domestically for foreign employees..
(c) that the major cities of the western world are culturally heterogeneous.
(d) that domestic organization are feeling the impact of international competition.
15. The learned and shared ways of thinking and doing things found among members of a
society is known as:
(a) Parochialism
(b) Culture shock
(c) Culture
(d) Ethnocentrism
(e) Domestic multiculturalism
16. Each of the following is a popular dimension of culture except:
(a) Language
(b) Use of space
(c) Religion
(d) Individualism
(e) Time orientation
17. To help combat selective perception, a manager should:
(a) View the situation as others view it
(b) Give more performance feedback to subordinates
(c) Spend more time helping subordinates learn job skills
(d) Gather additional opinions about a situation from others
(e) Increase feedback to subordinates and train them personally
18. Assigning personal attributes to other individuals is known as:
(a) Stereotyping
(b) The halo effect
(c) Selective perception
(d) Projection
(e) Expectancy
19. The key elements of the communication process include all but which of the following:
(a) An interpreter
(b) A receiver
(c) A source
(d) Feedback
(e) Noise

20. Nonverbal communication is:

(a) The acknowledgment of a message and a response to its reception.
(b) Communication through physical gesture
(c) The same as noise
(d) Anything that interferes with the effectiveness of the communication attempt
(e) Often unimportant during interviews.
Q1. Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer
Sheet. (20).
(i). The difference between public administration and business administration is :
(a) amount of political and legal constraints on decision making
(b) the emphasis on efficiency
(c) management structure and processes
(d) no difference between public administration and business administration
(e) None of these
(ii) The emphasis of the politics-administration dichotomy is on:
(a) the focus or "what" of public administration
(b) the actors or "who" of public administration
(c) the span or "when" of public administration
(d) the locus or "where" of public administration
(e) None of these
(iii) Gulick and Urwick's POSDCORB anagram was:
(a) reference to the locus of public administration
(b) a listing of when to utilize public administration
(c) an expression of administrative principles to follow
(d) a means of identifying the problem associate with bureaucracy
(e) None of these
(iv) The three components that compromise publicness and privateness in society are:
(a) bureaucracy, consistancy and budget
(b) administration, management and organization
(c) execution, regulation and structure
(d) agency, access, interest
(e) None of these
(v) Simon refuted the administrative
(a) revealing the administrative principles
(b) showing that for every principle there is a counter-principle
(c) explaining that administrative principles can only be used in complex organization
(d) relating that administrative principles always allowed for rational descisions
(e) None of these

(vi) The New Public Management can be best described as:

(a) public administration in 21st century
(b) bureaucratic model of public administration
(c) application of business practices in public management
(d) a mechanism for improving service delivery
(e) None of these
(vii) The open model for organization is referred to as:
(a) hierarchical and militaristic
(b) technological and anti-humanistic
(c) restrictive and rigid
(d) collegial and competitive
(e) None of these
(viii) The aim of Taylor's scientific management was to:
(a) stress individual accomplishment over organizational yield
(b) reduce production and increase morale
(c) improve organizational efficiency and production'
(d) alter machinery to lessen burden on the labour force
(e) None of these
(xi) In comparison to managers of private organizations, public bureaucrats must:
(a) spend less time on external environment and more time on internal management
(b) spend more time on external environment and less time on internal management
(c) spend less time on both external environment and internal management
(d) spend more time on both external environment and internal management
(e) None of these
(x) Supervision as a mechanism of control over subordinates has been founded to be:
(a) the most effective mechanism of control
(b) as effective as input control
(c) the less effective mechanism of control
(d) more effective than behavior control
(e) None of these
(xi) According to Weber, the three types of leadership are:
(a) charismatic, traditional, legal/rational
(b) titular, controllers, organizers
(c) institutionalists, specialists, hybrids
(d) charismatic, institutionalists, specialists
(e) None of these
(xii) In terms of public administration, one defines a system:
(a) according to the organizational structure
(b) according to the administrative effectiveness

(c) according to problem one wishes to resolve

(d) according to the amount of resource available
(e) None of these
(xiii) The advantage of systems approach is:
(a) it allows us to disregard the differences in world views
(b) it allows means and ends to remain ambiguous
(c) it forces us to delineate the differences and similarities in world views and
improves efficiency and effectiveness
(d) it allows for new and fresh solutions to old and distressing problems
(e) None of these
(xiv) According to humanists approach, the management scientist's system is incomplete
(a) it fails to factor in the variable of environment and instability
(b) it fails to account for the variable of uniquely human qualities such as genius
and despair
(c) it gives too much emphasis to the variable of uniquely human qualities
(d) it does not consider quantifiable and measureable variables
(e) None of these
(xv) The purpose of decision tree is:
(a) decision alternatives
(b) cost analysis
(c) project coordination
(d) time analysis
(e) None of these
(xvi) the line-item budget covers:
(a) inputs only
(b) outputs only
(c) inputs and outputs
(d) neither inputs nor outputs
(e) None of these
(xvii) Performance budget covers:
(a) inputs only
(b) outputs only
(c) neither inputs nor outputs
(d) inputs and outputs
(e) None of these
(xviii) The essential difference between management-by-objectives and planningprogramming-budgeting is that:
(a) MBO does not necessarily focus on inputs
(b) MBO does not necessarily focus on outputs

(b) MBO does not necessarily focus on alternatives

(b) MBO necessarily focus on alternatives
(e) None of these
(xix) one of the salient feature of civil service system of Pakistan is:
(a) preference for contract appointments
(b) preference for professionals
(c) preference for generalists
(d) preference for doctors
(e) None of these
(xx) Public goods differ from private goods on the basis of:
(a) price
(b) delivery
(c) exclusion
(d) public interest
(e) None of these


Pakistan has experienced a good production of various agricultural crops like Wheat,
Rice and Cotton in the recent past, but despite of this the farmers were generally not
happy. What do you think could be the reasons of farmers frustration? Suggest
possible solution of such situation. (2001)

Short Notes: Production of organic rice (2006)

How do you visualize the present sugar crisis in the country? Elaborate various
aspects causing this scenario. Also write down the production technology of sugar
cane. (2006)

Short Notes: Soil reclamation (2008)

Short Notes: Mango malformation (2008)

Short Notes: Crop rotation (2009)

Short Notes: Organic crop production (2010)


Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology are considered to be the sciences of 21st

century. What is the current status of their role in agricultural research in Pakistan
and what could be their possible contribution in future in this context?
Comment. (2001)

Differentiate: Genotype and phenotype (2002)

Short Notes: Application of genetics for improvement of crops (2002)

Have Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology made any breakthrough in crop

production so far? Elaborate the scope of modern techniques in enhancing the
agricultural productivity within shortest possible time. (2004)

Short Notes: Genetic Diversity (2004)

Differentiate: Synapses and Synopsis (2005)

Differentiate: Linkage and crossing over (2006)

Genetic resources possess sufficient genetic blood to double the crop productivity.
Narrate their appropriate utilization for maximizing the agricultural production
through conventional breeding techniques and modern approaches of crop
improvement. (2006)

Differentiate: Quantitative Genetic Traits and Qualitative Genetic Traits (2007)

Short Notes: Genetically Modified Organisms (2007)

Differentiate: Homozygous and Heterozygous (2007)

What are the Genetic consequences of self-fertilization and of cross-fertilization in

crops? (2007)

Describe the impact of environmental changes on the physiology of plants in general

and vegetables and fruits in particular. What are important biotechnological
techniques to cater need for breeding resistant plants against these
changes? (2008)

Short Notes: Genetic engineering (2009)

Define biotechnology and discuss in detail the role of biotechnology in crop

improvement. (2009)

Short Notes: genetic resources and their conservation (2010)

Narrate the modern techniques of genetics regarding crop involvement. Discuss the
prospects of new technologies to have the possibilities of another green
revolution. (2010)

What is modern concept of genetics, gene and gene information? How knowledge of
genetics can be used for improving per hectare yield of crops? (2012)

What is hybrid vigour? Explain the procedure of developing a hybrid corn. (2013)


Discuss biotic stresses affecting crop production and discuss perspective of

integrated pest Management with special reference of Pakistan. (2003)

How genetic manipulation of field crops can improve the tolerance of the plants to a
biotic stress? (2005)

Discuss the biotic stresses affecting crop production and illustrate the role of IPM to
overcome these. (2006)

Biotic stresses are the matter of great concern in agricultural crop production . Give a
comprehensive approach of various pathways to protect the crops from these
threats. (2010)


Differentiate: Determinate and Indeterminate plant species (2002)

Differentiate: C3 and C4 plants (2004). (2010)

Differentiate: Pomes and stone fruits (2004)

Differentiate: True fruits and False fruits (2005)

Differentiate: Halophytes and xerophytes (2006)

Differentiate: Monoecious Plants and Dioecious (2007)

Differentiate: Parasite and Predator (2012)


What are prerequisites for successful plant propagation? Discuss different modes of
reproduction and factors influencing success in vegetable propagation? (2003)

Discuss in detail different techniques used for the asexual propagation of fruit
plants. (2009)


What is biological Nitrogen fixation? Explain the factors affecting the biological Nfixation? (2001)(2013)

Short Notes: Factors affecting biological nitrogen fixation (2009)

Differentiate: biological nitrogen fixation and nitrification (2010)

What is the ultimate source of nitrogen in soil? Explain in detail how it is fixed and
made available to the plants.(2014)


What are the basic laws of Inheritance? Comment how these laws have helped in the
process of crop improvement in agriculture?(2001)

Discuss the impact of land reforms and law of inheritance on the agriculture in
Pakistan. Are you in favor of more land reforms or support Corporate farming? Give
reasons. (2011)


Enumerate the scope of range management in Pakistan and discuss its role in the
development of dairy sector in the country. (2009)

Short Notes: Range management in Pakistan (2010)

Discuss the role of forests in environment and climate change perspective. What are
the reasons of deforestation in Pakistan? Suggest measures to improve the
situation. (2011)

Describe forestry and range management. Illustrate measures to overcome problems

of deforestation in Pakistan (2012)


Land Degradation has become a serious threat to the environments and economic
sustainability in various parts of the world. Industrial development is also necessary
to bring Pakistan at par with other countries in the region and it should not depend
solely on agricultural produces for prosperity. How can you present a case of land
degradation due to industrial development, land reforms and agricultural operations
in Pakistan? Also discuss the remedies of possible causes of land
degradation. (2008)

Discuss the impact of land reforms and law of inheritance on the agriculture in
Pakistan. Are you in favor of more land reforms or support Corporate farming? Give
reasons. (2011)

Differentiate: Land reform and land tenure (2012)

Short Notes : Land tenure system in Pakistan. (2013)


Describe the principle of Insect Pest Control in agriculture crops. (2001)

Discuss methods of pest control and pathogen effect on plant physiological

functions. (2002)

Differentiate: Biological and chemical control of crop pests (2006)

Short Notes: Biological Control of Pest (2007)

Describe different methods of pest control in crops with main emphasis on biological
control of insect-pests? (2009)

Why indiscriminate use of pesticides is being discourage? Suggest steps for

implementation of pesticides laws in the country. (2011)

Define insect pest management. How can you suggest IPM strategy to control insect
pests of cotton crop? (2012)


Horticulture industry is an emerging industry in Pakistan; how do you comment on


Briefly discuss the major problems and possible solutions for increasing productivity
of horticultural crops. (2002)

Horticultural crops have not been properly exploited according to their potential. How
these can play better role that the major crops in agriculture of the country? (2004)

Short Notes: Modern concept of horticultural industry (2005)

Short Notes: potential of horticulture sector as an industry (2010)

Short Notes:Status of Horticulture in Pakistan. (2010)


Short Notes: Population problems of rural Pakistan (2001)


Short Notes: Role of Organic matter in soil (2001)(2013)

Short Notes: Soil erosion and conservation (2001)

Short Notes: Soil texture and structure and their management (2002)

Differentiate: Soil texture & soil structure (2003), (2012)

Discuss the role of soil in relation to crop production. What is the significance of
different phases of soil in plant nutrition? (2003)

Differentiate: Saline soils and sodic soils (2004)

What are soil texture and soil structure? How the soil texture and structure affects
the plant growth. Discuss in detail. (2005)

Short Notes: Role of organic matter in soil productivity (2005), (2006)

Discuss the important physical properties of soils that are of major interest to crop
producers. (2007)

Short Notes: Soil reclamation (2008)

Short Notes: Soil erosion (2009)

Discuss the causes of soil salinity and water-logging in irrigated agriculture. Suggest
appropriate recommendations to reclaim saline sodic soils. (2010)

Define Soil Erosion. Suggest ways and means to be adopted for soil conservation in
the rainfed areas of Punjab (2012)

How does soil productivity differ from soil fertility? What are the factors responsible
for degradation of soil productivity? Suggest practical measures to improve it.(2014)


Short Notes: Hybrid seed production (2006)

Differentiate: basic seed and certified seed(2004), (2010), (2012)


Short Notes: Live stock as a component of agriculture. (2001)(2004)

Livestock sector has not properly been exploited as per its potential. What measures
should be taken to meet the local demands of milk and meat and also for a better

Government of Punjab and Government of Pakistan is emphasizing on the valuable

role of Livestock in bringing about revolution in dairy products. What is your opinion
on this statement in the present scenario of scientific zeal being pursued in the
Agricultural and Animal Sciences University? Also elaborate by suggesting some
means on the shortcomings in achieving this goal. (2008)

Short Notes: Challenges in livestock management (2010)

What is the scope of modern dairy farming in Pakistan? How mean and milk
requirements of the people could be fulfilled? Suggest a viable and comprehensive
plan of work. (2011)

Short Notes: Live stock as a component of agriculturein Pakistan.(2013)


In terms of research and newer technologies in current and future agriculture in

Pakistan, how do you comment on the statement? The basic texture of research
consists of dreams into which the trends of reasoning, measurement and calculations
are woven. (2002)

How research can play role in achieving food security? Discuss in detail. (2005)

Short Notes: Role of Agricultural research in food security (2003), (2007)

Short Notes: Importance of statistics in agricultural research (2007)

Agricultural research has significantly enhanced the productivity of all field crops in
Pakistan except the oilseeds. Narrate the main shortfalls and discuss the role of
various institutions/agencies working on these lines. (2010)


Describe various components of IPM Technology and discuss the usefulness of this
approach with reference with to fore coming WTO regime. (2004)

What are different economic decision levels in IPM? Describe the role of IPM in
sustainable agriculture. (2005)

Discuss the biotic stresses affecting crop production and illustrate the role of IPM to
overcome these. (2006)


What are the functions of water in soil and plants? How water stress affect the plant
growth and development? (2002)

Short Notes: Crop water use efficiency (2004)


Define growth. Enlist and briefly describe the factors affecting it. (2002)

What aspects of light affect plant growth and development and how they can be
managed under field conditions? (2007)

Short Notes : Genetic factors of crop growth. (2014)


Short Notes: Components of agriculture integrated system (2002)

Short Notes: Role of agriculture in the national economy. (2002)

Importance of Agriculture in economy of Pakistan cant be underestimated. How do

you comment on the statement? (2003)

What are critical issues in agriculture? Write down their solutions for agricultural
development in Pakistan. (2005)


Short Notes: Foot and Mouth disease (2004), (2010)

Differentiate: Metastasis and Myiasis (2005)

Short Notes: Major disease of wheat crop in Pakistan (2005)

Short Notes: Rust diseases of wheat (2006)

Why it is necessary to understand the life cycle of both the host and pathogen as
well as the disease cycle itself in order to determine appropriate disease control
method? (2007)

Discuss the role of environmental factors in the development of infectious diseases in

plants and suggest measures to control these diseases. (2009)

Differentiate: gram blight and gram wilt(2004), (2010)

Differentiate: Pathogen and Disease (2012)


Short Notes: Wind erosion (2005)(2014)

Short Notes: Green house effect (2006)(2014)

Short Notes: Conservation of Biodiversity (2007)

Short Notes: Biosafety issues (2007)

Discuss environmental pollution. What are the major causes of environmental

pollution in Pakistan? (2014)


Short Notes: Population problems of rural Pakistan (2001)

Horticulture industry is an emerging industry in Pakistan; how do you comment on

it? (2001)

Pakistan has experienced a good production of various agricultural crops like Wheat,
Rice and Cotton in the recent past, but despite of this the farmers were generally not
happy. What do you think could be the reasons of farmers frustration? Suggest
possible solution of such situation. (2001)

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology are considered to be the sciences of 21st

century. What is the current status of their role in agricultural research in Pakistan

and what could be their possible contribution in future in this context?

Comment. (2001)

In terms of research and newer technologies in current and future agriculture in

Pakistan, how do you comment on the statement? The basic texture of research
consists of dreams into which the trends of reasoning, measurement and calculations
are woven. (2002)

Discuss biotic stresses affecting crop production and discuss perspective of

integrated pest Management with special reference of Pakistan. (2003)

Importance of Agriculture in economy of Pakistan cant be underestimated. How do

you comment on the statement? (2003)

Short Notes: Challenges in animal production in Pakistan (2005)

Short Notes: Major disease of wheat crop in Pakistan (2005)

What are critical issues in agriculture? Write down their solutions for agricultural
development in Pakistan. (2005)

Write a comprehensive note on the nutrient management for sustainable crop

production in various zones of Pakistan. (2006)

What are the reasons for low per unit yield of most of the crops in Pakistan as
compared to other countries? Suggest measures for enhancement of per unit yield in
Pakistan. (2007)

Pakistan ranks as one of those countries that have the highest proportion of irrigated
cropped area in the world, but water is becoming a limiting factor for different crops
in different seasons. What measures have been taken by the Government of Pakistan
under President's Vision of Pakistan program to solve the problems of water
scarcity? (2008)

How can an efficient sustainable agricultural system ensure food security and safety?
Can you forecast the ability of this system to contribute to the economic
development and poverty alleviation in Pakistan? (2008)

Government of Punjab and Government of Pakistan is emphasizing on the valuable

role of Livestock in bringing about revolution in dairy products. What is your opinion
on this statement in the present scenario of scientific zeal being pursued in the
Agricultural and Animal Sciences University? Also elaborate by suggesting some
means on the shortcomings in achieving this goal. (2008)

Year 2007 is seventh year of 21st Century. An array of challenges was identified
regarding improving farm production and incomes at the beginning of this century.
Can you discuss those challenges and how has Pakistan been able to cope
with? (2008)

Importance of Agricultural Marketing and Research in Pakistan can not be ignored,

despite all efforts to stabilize the markets of agricultural produces; there are still
many gaps in efficient and substantial system for prices of these produces. Discuss in
detail the present system and ways of its improvement in future keeping in view
Globalization and WTO.(2008)

What are surplus export agricultural commodities access for these commodities?
Discuss Governmental policies in enhancement of their production and export
facilities. (2008)

Discuss in detail the situation of development in agriculture sector in Pakistan and

describe strategies to boost agricultural production in the country. (2009)

Short Notes: Prospects of meat industry in Pakistan(2009)

Enumerate the scope of range management in Pakistan and discuss its role in the
development of dairy sector in the country. (2009)

Agricultural research has significantly enhanced the productivity of all field crops in
Pakistan except the oilseeds. Narrate the main shortfalls and discuss the role of
various institutions/agencies working on these lines. (2010)

Discuss the role of forests in environment and climate change perspective. What are
the reasons of deforestation in Pakistan? Suggest measures to improve the
situation. (2011)

What is the scope of modern dairy farming in Pakistan? How mean and milk
requirements of the people could be fulfilled? Suggest a viable and comprehensive
plan of work. (2011)

Explain the reason of low crop yields in Pakistan as compared with neighboring
countries. Why Pakistan could not achieve self sufficiency in edible oil, pulses and
sugar? Suggest measures to improve the situation. (2011)

Describe the canal irrigatin system of Pakistan. What are the main causes of
shortage of irrigation water for rabi crops? Give suggestions to prove the availability
of water during peak period of requirement. (2011)

Describe forestry and range management. Illustrate measures to overcome problems

of deforestation in Pakistan (2012)

Write a detailed note on prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan. (2013)

What are the sources of irrigation water in Pakistan? Explain different methods of
irrigation to agricultural crops. (2013)

What are major insects, pests and diseases of cotton crop in Pakistan? Suggest and
explain an economical strategy to be
adopted by the farmers to minimize the losses due to these menaces. (2013)

Short Notes : Water logging and salinity in Pakistan. (2013)

What are the major factors responsible of low yield of vegetables in Pakistan? What
measures are necessary to increase their production?(2014)

Describe in detail the benefits and drawbacks of fertilizer and pesticide use in


Discuss measures to bridge the gaps persisting between national average yield of
major crops and their potential yield. (2003)

Improvement in price control mechanism of agricultural commodities and their

marketing system can break the stagnation in agriculture sector. Identify the main
bottlenecks and suggest the appropriate strategies to overcome the shortfalls of the
existing systems. (2004)

Huge import bill of edible oil is a big burden on the national economy for the last
quarter century. What necessary measures would you suggest to boost oilseed crop
production and to avert this serious crisis? (2004)

Support price of agricultural commodities generally favours to enhance crop

production in the country. Despite this, we are lagging behind in average yields than
the technologically advanced countries. Discuss the reasons and suggest strategies
to prevail this situation. (2006)

Price control mechanism of some major agricultural commodities has failed in the
country in the near past. Identify the main bottlenecks and suggest necessary
measures to strengthen the existing marketing system. (2010)

What is agricultural mechanization? How can you reduce use of irrigation water
through advanced irrigation techniques? (2012)

Describe major management and breeding problems in: (2012)

1. Fruits
2. Vegetables

Expalin the process of protein synthesis in plant cell. (2013)

What are genetically modified organism (GM) and GM foods? Why are GM foods
produced Mention the sound scientific basis for considering it safe for human
health. (2014)

Differentiate: Transpiration and Evapotranspiration (2002)

Differentiate: Alley cropping and strip planting (2002)

Differentiate: Photosynthesis and Phototropism (2002)

Differentiate: Respiration and photorespiration (2003)

Differentiate: Tissue culture & Mutation breeding (2003)

Differentiate: Apoplasmic & Symplasmic ion movement (2003)

Differentiate: Thin layer chromatography vs. Gas chromatography (2003)

Differentiate: Macro nutrients and micro nutrients (2004)

Differentiate: Pathogenesis and Parthenogenesis (2004)

Differentiate: Epigeal germination and Hypogial germination (2005)

Differentiate: Eluviation and Illuviation (2005)

Differentiate: Oviparous insects and Viviparous Insects (2005)

Differentiate: HPLC and TLC (2005)

Differentiate: Vertical resistance and horizontal resistance against plant

pathogens (2004), (2006)

Differentiate: Sericulture and silviculture (2006), (2010)

Differentiate: Double cross and Double fertilization (2007)

Differentiate: Photosynthesis and Phototropism (2007)

Differentiate: Autotrophic and Auxotrophic (2007)

Differentiate: Respiration and transpiration (2010)

Differentiate: Organic farming and tunnel cultivation (2012)

Short Notes: Conducting tissues of carbohydrates, water and minerals. (2002)

Short Notes: Photoperiodism (2002), (2003), (2005), (2006)

Short Notes: Alliloparatism (2003), (2004),

Short Notes: Integrated plant nutrient system (IPNS) (2003)

Short Notes: Impact of WTO on agriculture in developing countries. (2003)

Short Notes: Role of Biofertilizers in Agriculture (2003)

Short Notes: Hybrid vigour (2004)

Short Notes: Principles of crop management (2005)

Short Notes: Thermoperiodism (2002), (2006)

Short Notes: Saline agriculture (2006)

Short Notes: Tunnel Farming (2008)

Short Notes: Compost (2008)

Short Notes: Herbicide resistance (2008)

Short Notes: Effective microorganisms (EM) technology (2009)

Short Notes: Agro Forestry (2013)

Short Notes:Organic framing(2014)

Short Notes:Hidden hunger in crop plants(2014)

Short Notes:Selective and non selective herbicides.(2014)


(1) The economy of Pakistan is based on:

(a) Agriculture
(b) Industry
(c) Mineral resources
(d) None of these
(2) Which one of the following is major export commodity of Pakistan?
(a) Wheat
(b) Cotton
(c) Sugar
(d) Rice
(e) None of these

(3) Sahiwal breed is a breed of:

(a) Buffalo
(b) Cow
(c) Sheep
(d) Goat
(e) None of these
(4) Vertebrate pests of crops include:
(a) Insects
(b) Wild Boars
(c) Spiders
(d) None of these
(5) Basmati is a type of:
(a) Wheat
(b) Rice
(c) Maize
(d) Sorghum
(e) None of these
(6) Sericulture means:
(a) Rearing of Honey bees
(b) Rearing of Silk worms
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
(7) Gossypium Hirsutism is the botanical name of:
(a) Sugarcane
(b) Wheat
(c) American Cotton
(d) Maize
(e) None of these
(8) Kharif crops include:
(a) Wheat
(b) Cotton
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
(9) Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is the term used for the organism
produced through the application of:
(a) Genetic Engineering
(b) Mendelian Genetics
(c) None of these

(10) The carrier of cotton leaf curl virus in Pakistan is considered to be:
(a) White fly
(b) Jassids
(c) American boll worm
(d) None of these
(11) The process of synthesizing food by the plants in the presence of
sunlight is called as:
(a) Respiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Fertilization
(d) None of these
(B) Fill in the blanks.
(12) The date palm is monocotyledonous plant and belongs to family Arecaceae or
(13) Nitrogen is taken up by plants in the form of nitrate. (I am not sure as on
some sources I found its ammonia)
(14) RGR stands for Relative Growth Rate.
(15) Increased Vigour of a hybrid over the mean of its parents is called
as heterosis.
(16) GDP stands for Gross Domestic Prodution.
(17) Haploid number of Chromosomes of Desi Cotton is 13.
(18) Soil texture refers to the size distribution of soil particles.
(19) Soil structure refers to the arrangement of soil particles.
(20) IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management.

(A) Choose the correct option from the given choices.

(1) The agriculture of Pakistan is characterized by:
(a) Two main cropping seasons
(b) Three main cropping seasons
(c) Four main cropping seasons
(d) None of these
(2) The soil Survey of Pakistan has identified classes of land under a system
of land capability classes:
(a) Six classes
(b) Seven classes
(c) Eight classes
(d) Nine classes

(e) None of these

(3) Highest nutrient concentration causes a phenomenon in plant growth
known as:
(a) Adequacy
(b) Deficiency
(c) Toxicity
(d) None of these
(4) KATJA is cultivar of:
(a) Banana
(b) Mango
(c) Citrus
(d) Apple
(e) None of these
(5) Pome fruits include:
(a) Apple
(b) Pear
(c) Quince
(d) All of these
(e) None of (a), (b) and (c)
(6) Zizypus jujuba is the botanical name of:
(a) Berseem
(b) Maize
(c) Rice
(d) Wheat
(e) None of these
(7) Osmite is a chemical used for control of:
(a) Virus
(b) Bacteria
(c) Fungus
(d) Mite
(e) None of these
(8) Wheat is placed in:
(a) Legumes
(b) Cereals
(c) Fiber
(d) All of these
(e) None of (a), (b) and (c)
(9) Nili is a breed of:
(a) Cow

(b) Buffalo
(c) Goat
(d) None of these
(10) Essential elements required for plant growth are:
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 16 (Not sure please confirm)
(e) None of these
(B) Fill in the blanks:

The science of fruit production is called Pomology.

Scirtothrips citri is a pest attacking Citrus.
Rearing a silk worm is known as sericulture.
Mangifera indica is a botanical name of mango.
NAR stands for Net Assimilation Rate.
Copying of m RNA into protein is termed as translation.
IBPGR stands for International Board for Plant Genetic Resources.
Unit of the material of inheritance is known as gene.
IUCN stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature.
IFAD stands for International Fund for Agricultural Development

8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the
(1) Texture of soil is:
(a) Arrangement of soil particles
(b) Relative proportion of soil particles
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
(2) Inqlab-91 is a cultivar of:
(a) Brassica
(b) Wheat
(c) Rice
(d) None of these
(3) Cotton is:

(a) Cereals
(b) Legumes
(c) Fiber
(d) None of these
(4) NMR stands for:
(a) Non Molecular Resistance
(b) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(c) Nuclear Membrane resistance
(d) None of these
(5) Water stress is:
(a) Shortage of water
(b) Water logging
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
(6) Free living animal that attacks and feed on other organisms is:
(a) Predator
(b) Parasite
(c) Scavengers
(d) None of these
(7) A decrease in the governmentally define value of currency:
(a) Inflation
(b) Cheapness
(c) Devaluation
(d) None of these
(8) Seed cotton means:
(a) Seed with lint
(b) Seed without lint
(c) Lint
(d) None of these

(9) Sex nucleus that fuses with another in sexual reproduction is:
(a) Cell
(b) Gamete
(c) Spore
(d) None of these
(10) Motile spores are:
(a) Aplanospores
(b) Chlamydospores
(c) Conidia

(d) None of these (Please confirm it)

(B) Fill in the blanks:
(11) The science of vegetable production is called olericulture.
(12) The actual amount of water present in air is called absolute humidity.
(13) Rearing of honeybees is called Apiculture.
(14) The treatment given to counteract the effect of poison is called ___________ .
(15) The artificial removal of the stamens from flower before they dehisce is
called emasculation.
(16) Plants which drop their leaves during winter are called decidious plants. (Not
sure please confirm)
(17) An individual with both male & female genitalia is called hermaphrodite.
(18) TLC stands for Thin Layer Chromatography.
(19) Arid agriculture means agricultural practices in arid areas.
(20) Botanical name of wheat is Triticum aestivum.
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the
(1) Olericulture is the study dealing with:
(a) Vegetable production
(b) Honey bee
(c) Ornamental Flowers
(d) None of these
(2) Colostrum is:
(a) Low nutritive milk
(b) First product of mammary glands after parturition
(c) Product of mammary glands after two month of parturition
(d) None of these
(3) Banana fruit is classified in the category:
(a) Drupe
(b) Pomes
(c) Berry
(d) None of these
(4) Older the rice:
(a) Worse in price
(b) Damaged in shape
(c) Cheaper in price

(d) None of these (Please confirm it)

(5) Gossypium Hirsutum is the botanical name of:
(a) American Cotton
(b) Desi Cotton
(c) Barley
(d) Sugar Cane
(e) None of these
(6) Selection of plants on the basis of phenotypic superiority is known as:
(a) Hybrid
(b) Mass Selection
(c) Inbred Line
(d) Pure Line
(e) None of these
(7) Agricultural Extension relates to:
(a) Modernization of agricultural machinery
(b) Financial help to the farmers
(c) Educating farmers
(d) None of these
(8) When soil surface is protected with residue of a crop, the practice is called:
(a) Nitrogen fixation
(b) Sheet erosion
(c) Tillage
(d) Mulching
(e) None of these
(9) Bhagnari is a breed of:
(a) Buffalo
(b) Cow
(c) Sheep
(d) Poultry
(e) None of these
(10) Afforestation means:
(a) Forest Research Station
(b) To convert land into forest
(c) Utilization of forest products
(d) None of these
(11) Population genetics is based on:
(a) Principles of population control
(b) Mendels Law
(c) Hardy Wienbergs law

(d) Genotype-environment inter action

(e) None of these
(12) Inqalab 91 is a variety of:
(a) Rice
(b) Cotton
(c) Sugar cane
(d) Wheat
(e) None of these
(13) Crops produced in hilly areas are low in:
(a) Iron
(b) Zinc
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Iodine
(e) None of these
(14) Crossing over occurs between:
(a) Sister Chromatids
(b) Homologous Chromosomes
(c) Non-Homologous Chromosomes
(d) None of these
(15) Gypsum is rich source of:
(a) Calcium + Zinc
(b) Potassium + Nitrogen
(c) Calcium + Sulphur
(d) None of these
(16) F.A.O. has its headquarters in:
(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Geneva
(d) None of these
(17) Organic matter in soil helps in:
(a) Improving soil structure
(b) Improving soil texture
(c) Weed control
(d) Building up of organic compounds in crops
(e) None of these
(18) Seed cotton means
(a) Seed without lint
(b) Seed with lint
(c) Lint only

(d) None of these

(19) The ploidy level of American Cotton is:
(a) Diploid
(b) Triploid
(c) Tetraploid
(d) None of these
(20) Contribution of Agriculture to GDP is:
(a) 35%
(b) 50%
(c) 75%
(d) None of these

8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the
(1) How much of the earth surface is covered by water?
(a) 65%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) None of these
(2) Citrus has its origin in:
(a) Indo-Chinese region
(b) Africa
(c) Middle East
(d) None of these
(3) The science of classification is called:
(a) Ecology
(b) Horticulture
(c) Taxonomy
(d) None of these
(4) Grapes cultivation is called:
(a) Orcharding
(b) Viticulture
(c) Pomology

(d) None of these

(5) Tomato is a good source of vitamin:
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) None of these
(6) Histosols are found in:
(a) Canada
(b) Alaska
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(7) Age of earth is:
(a) 6 billion years
(b) 4 billion years (Exact is 4.54 billion years)
(c) 1 billion years
(d) None of these
(8) Common soils found in Pakistan:
(a) Aridisols
(b) Inceptisols
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(9) A group of similar looking plants that has approved for general
cultivation in a ecological zone is called:
(a) Variety
(b) Strain
(c) Taxonomy
(d) None of these
(10) The basic set of chromosomes in case of wheat is:
(a) 7
(b) 14
(c) 42
(d) None of these
(11) In DNA, adenine always pair with:
(a) Thymine
(b) Guamine
(c) Cytosine
(d) None of these
(12) Mushrooms are member of:

(a) Omycetes
(b) Discomycetes
(c) Pyronomycetes
(d) None of these
(13) Most fungal disease spread out in:
(a) Dry & Cold weather
(b) Wet & Cold
(c) Dry & Hot
(d) None of these
(14) Tikka disease of groundnut is renowned to:
(a) Thar
(b) Chakwal (Please confirm it)
(c) Rawalpindi
(d) None of these
(15) The fruits and vegetables contain an insoluble stiffening material
(a) Pectin
(b) Lignin
(c) Protopectin
(d) None of these
(16) Substances added intentionally to foods for the purpose of making
more profit termed as:
(a) Food contaminations
(b ) Food adulterants
(c) Food additives
(d) None of these
(17) Lepus capensis is the name of:
(a) Tiger
(b) Lion
(c) Rat
(d) None of these
(18) Establishment of new crop naturally or artificially is:
(a) Silviculture
(b) Sericulture
(c) Nursery
(d) None of these
(19) Meaningful statement about the economic behavior or the economy is
(a) Economic principles

(b) Economic theories

(c) Both (a) and (b) (I am not sure please confirm it)
(d) None of these
(20) The measure of fluids resistance to sheer or angular deformation:
(a) Normality
(b) Viscosity
(c) Compressibility
(d) None of these

Q8) Write only the correct answer in the Answer Booklet. Do not reproduce
the question.
1) Ploidy level of maize plant is:
a) Diploid
b) Tetraploid
c) Hexaploid
d) None of these
2) Dajal is a breed of:
a) Milking animal
b) Draft animal
c) Pet animal
d) None of these
3) Seed cotton means:
a) Lint only
b) Seed without lint
c) Seed with lint
d) None of these
4) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium provides basis for study of:
a) Population Genetics
b) Genetic Engineering
c) Biometrical Genetics
d) Mendelian Genetics
5) Maize plant has its origin in:
a) Russia
b) Africa
c) Middle East
d) America

6) Olericulture is the study dealing with:

a) Silk worm
b) Vegetable production
c) Honey bees
d) Ornamental flowers
7) Gypsum is a rich source of:
a) Calcium + zinc
b) Calcium + Potassium
c) Calcium + sulphur
d) Calcium + nitrogen
8) Banana fruit is classified in the category of:
a) Berry
b) Pomes
c) Sorosis
d) None of these
9) True potato seed is the:
a) Potato tuber used for propagation
b) Any plant part used for potato propagation
c) Seed developed within the fruit of potato
d) None of these
10) Eragate are the types of insects which are:
a) Workers in honey bee
b) Biting
c) Workers in the species of ant
d) None of these
11) "CIMMYT" is an organization working for the improvement of:
a) Rice and cotton
b) Pulses and oilseeds
c) Dryland Agriculture
d) Wheat and maize
12) In various plant metabolic processes "PPP" stand for:
a) Plant Protection Procedures
b) Produce Per Plant
c) Pentose Phosphate Pathway
d) None of these
13) Arachnids are the arthropods with:
a) Single pair of leg
b) Two pairs of legs

c) Three pairs of legs

d) Four pairs of legs
14) Sericulture means:
a) Rearing of honey bees
b) Rearing silk worms
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
15) The cotton species providing main raw material for textile industry is:
a) Gossypium hirsutum (Please confirm it)
b) Gossypium arboreum
c) Gossypium thurberii
d) None os these
16) Inbred lines are developed through selection and inbreeding in:
a) Self pollinated crops
b) Cross pollinated crops
c) Asexually propagated crops
d) None of these
17) Safflower is:
a) An ornamental plant
b) Oil producing plant
c) Leguminous
d) Fibre producing plant
18) Continuous selfing in cross pollinated:
a) Improvment in yield
b) Poor in performance
c) Growth in vegetative parts
d) None of these
19) Soil structure can be improved with addition of:
a) Organic matter
b) Chemical fertilizers
c) Gypsum
d) None of these
20) Synapsis of chromosomes occurs between:
a) Sister chromatids
b) Homologous chromosomes
c) Non homologous
d) None of these



8. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the
(1) Mechanism in which the product of metabolic pathway inhibits an
enzyme catalyzing an early step is called:
(a) Early inhibition
(b) Metabolic inhibition
(c) Feed back inhibition
(d) None of these
(2) The most suitable part of the plant for the study of Meiosis is:
(a) Young bud
(b) Anther (Please confirm it)
(c) Root tip
(d) Shoot apex
(3) The shrinkage of protoplasm due to osmosis of water from the cell is
known as:
(a) Hydrolysis
(b) Endomosis
(c) Dehydration
(d) Plasmolysis
(4) The most abundant compound in nature is:
(a) Starch
(b) Protein
(c) Cellulose
(d) All of these
(5) Antibiotics are produced by the:
(a) Plants
(b) Microorganisms
(c) Animals
(d) All of these
(6) The amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the mammals are
(a) Basic amino acids
(b) Non-essential amino acids
(c) Essential amino acids
(d) Non-Polar amino acids

(7) Quantitative traits are measurable traits that show:

(a) Discontinuous variation
(b) Continuous variation
(c) Phenotypic
(d) None of these
(8) The process of programmed cell death is called:
(a) Apoptosis
(b) Necrosis
(c) Degeneration
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(9) Genetic material of an organism changes with:
(a) Age
(b) Environmental change
(c) Nutritional change
(d) None of these
(10) Economically important Genetic traits in plants are influenced by the
environment because these are:
(a) Cytoplasmically inherited traits
(b) Monogenic traits
(c) Polygenic traits
(d) None of these
(11) Only plant cells contains:
(a) Plasma membrane
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Chloroplasts
(d) Nucleolus
(12) The accumulation of CO2 in large quantities in the atmosphere causes
the problem of:
(a) Air pollution
(b) Over cooling of atmosphere
(c) Degradation of Biodiversity
(d) Green house effect
(13) The ovary in plants matures into:
(a) Fruit
(b) Seed
(c) Endosperm
(d) Embryo
(14) The first step in Photosynthesis is:

(a) Excitation chlorophyll electron

(b) Photolysis of water
(c) Formation of NADPH2
(d) Formation of ATP
(15) Which one of the following is nonrenewable resource?
(a) Wildlife
(b) Biodiversity
(c) Fossil Fuel
(d) Forest
(16) A plant disease caused by bacteria is called:
(a) Loose smut
(b) Crown gall
(c) Leaf rust
(d) Powdery Mildew
(17) Enzymes are chemically:
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Lipids
(c) Proteins
(d) None of these
(18) Genes determine:
(a) The sex of a baby
(b) A phenotypic character
(c) Synthesis of a Polypeptide
(d) All of these
(19) It is the outmost layer of the animal cell, it is thin, delicate, elastic,
and capable of self repair. The statement is true for:
(a) Cell wall
(b) Cell membrane
(c) Middle Lamella
(d) Nuclear membrane
(20) Biotechnology refers to:
(a) Manipulation of Genes
(b) Cheese Making
(c) Manipulation of Biological Systems
(d) All of these

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the
Answer Sheet. (20)

(1) The share of livestock in agricultural growth has jumped from 25.3% in
1996 to ________ in 2006:
(a) 35%
(b) 45%
(c) 49.6%
(d) None of these
(2) Of the total forest area of Pakistan, commercial forests cover:
(a) 16%
(b) 20%
(c) 33%
(d) None of these (Please confirm it)
(3) To decrease water loss during transmission, a mega project for lining of
water courses and canals was launched in 2004-05 with a cost of Rs ____:
(a) 66 billion
(b) 75 billion
(c) 150 billion
(d) None of these
(4) A condition when there is excessive produce in the market which lowers
down price is:
(a) Perfect market
(b) Imperfect market
(c) Market glut
(d) None of these
(5) Total amount allocated by the Government for agriculture credit
disbursement is Rs. ______:
(a) 160 billion
(b) 180 billion
(c) 280 billion
(d) None of these
(6) The estimated production of sugarcane for the year 2006-07 is ____
million tons:
(a) 44.8%
(b) 54.8%
(c) 64.8%
(d) None of these

(7) Increased vigour growth of a hybrid over parents is called:

(a) Heterosis
(b) Heterozygous
(c) Hybridization
(d) None of these
(8) Cropping pattern in which the second crop is started amidst the first
crop before it has been harvested is called:
(a) Relay cropping
(b) Multiple cropping
(c) Double cropping
(d) None of these
(9) Time factor of cold days needed by certain plants to produce a bud:
(a) Vernalization
(b) Dormancy
(c) Bloom factor
(d) None of these
(10) A natural dropping of leaves, flowers and other plant parts is called:
(a) Abscission
(b) Fall
(c) Abortive
(d) None of these
(11) ICRISAT is located in:
(a) China
(b) India
(c) Mexico
(d) None of these
(12) Mites are arthopods in class:
(a) Insecta
(b) Diplopoda
(c) Chordata
(d) None of these
(13) Flax is:
(a) Ornamental plant
(b) Oil producing plant
(c) Fibre producing plant
(d) None of these
(14) Plants having flowers of only one sex are:
(a) Dioecious

(b) Monoecious
(c) Monogamy
(d) None of these
(15) Area which can be economially irrigated by an irrigation system is
(a) Command area
(b) Catchment area
(c) Watershed
(d) None of these
(16) A group of plants having identical genetic makeup from a single parent
is called:
(a) Clone
(b) Race
(c) Tribe
(d) None of these
(17) C.E.C stands for:
(a) Cation Exchange Capacity
(b) Calcium Exchange Capacity
(c) Carbon Enriched Compounds
(d) None of these
(18) Breakdown of nitrate and nitrite by bacteria in an anaerobic condition
is called:
(a) Denitrification
(b) Mineralization
(c) Immobilization
(d) None of these
(19) Best root stock of citrus in Punjab is:
(a) Jhatti khatti
(b) Rough lemon
(c) Sour orange
(d) None of these
(20) The expectation of occurence of a particular event is called:
(a) Probability
(b) Replication
(c) Convergence
(d) None of these

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the
Answer Sheet. (20)
(i) White revolution refers to the revolution in:
(a) Rice production
(b) Milk production
(c) Cotton production
(d) None of these
(e) All of these
(ii) Organic farming is important because of:
(a) Toxic free plants
(b) GMO free
(c) Eco friendly
(d) Healthy for humans
(e) All of these
(iii) Which of the following is not a good source of dietary fiber?
(a) Pasta
(b) Brown rice
(c) Egg
(d) Bread
(e) All of these
(iv) The branch of agriculture that deals with rearing of silkworm is called:
(a) Olericulture
(b) Sericulture
(c) Apiculture
(d) Viticulture
(e) None of these
(v) Oryza Sativa is the botanical name of:
(a) Rice
(b) Wheat
(c) Barley
(d) Sorghum
(e) None of these
(vi) Xanthomonas citri is the disease causal organism of citrus.
(a) Bark splitting
(b) Foot rot
(c) Canker
(d) Citrus decline
(e) None of these

(vii) Cholistani, Kali, Damani, Kachi and Bibrik are some of the breeds of:
(a) Goats
(b) Camel
(c) Buffalo
(d) Sheep
(e) None of these
(viii) Inflation of mammary glands of milch animals is called:
(a) Johnes disease
(b) Tuberculosis
(c) Mastitis
(d) Leptospirosis
(e) None of these
(ix) Patoto is an example of:
(a) Root crop
(b) Legumes
(c) Fiber crop
(d) Sugar crop
(e) None of these
(x) Tobacco is an example of:
(a) Kharif crop
(b) Rabi crop
(c) Zaid rabi crop
(d) Zaid Kharif crop
(e) None of these
(xi) Peanuts are:
(a) Roots
(b) Grains
(c) Legumes
(d) Nuts
(e) None of these
(xii) Which of the following insects is friendly for an organic farmer?
(a) Stem borer
(b) Root borer
(c) Boll worm
(d) Mango mealy bug
(e) None of these (Please confirm it)
(xiii) Money maker, Roma, Red top are some of the varieties of:
(a) Chilies
(b) Potato

(c) Tomato
(d) Onion
(e) None of these
(xiv) Swollen underground stem; an organ of food storage and propagation
is called:
(a) Rhizome
(b) Tuber
(c) Scion
(d) Septa
(e) None of these
(xv) Plants having soft, non woody growth are called:
(a) Herkogamous
(b) Hermaphrodite
(c) Herbaceous
(d) Homozygous
(e) None of these
(xvi) Removal of exchangeable sodium from the soil is called:
(a) Denitrification
(b) Desalinization
(c) Desodication
(d) Decortication
(e) None of these
(xvii) Enzymes are biocatalysts and their nature is:
(a) Fat
(b) Carbohydrate
(c) Fiber
(d) Protein
(e) None of these
(xviii) Khapra beetle is the pest of:
(a) Rice
(b) Sorghum
(c) Barley
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
(xix) L-113, PR-100 and BL-4 are the varieties of:
(a) Rice
(b) Wheat
(c) Cotton
(d) Sunflower
(e) None of these

(xx) Which one of the following is non essential amino acid?

(a) Lysine
(b) Leucine
(c) Isoleucine
(d) Glutamine
(e) None of the above

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the
Answer Sheet. (20)
(i) Wheat inflorescence is called as:
(a) Spike
(b) Panicle
(c) Spadix
(d) Cymose
(e) None of these
(ii) Soil structure can be improved with the addition of:
(a) Chemical fertilizer
(b) Gypsum
(c) Lime
(d) Organic matter
(e) None of these
(iii) Humidity is measured by means of:
(a) Luxmeter
(b) Anemometer
(c) Psychrometer
(d) Thermometer
(e) None of these
(iv) When soil surface is protected/covered with residue of a crop, the
practice is called?
(a) Sheet erosion
(b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) Tillage
(d) Mulching
(e) None of these
(v) Which of the following is not a fruit?

(a) Tomato
(b) Potato
(c) Pumpkin
(d) Melon
(e) None of these
(vi) Which one of the following is a good source of protein?
(a) Wheat
(b) Maize
(c) Pulses
(d) Meat
(e) None of these
(vii) The vector of cotton leaf curl virus in Pakistan is considered as:
(a) Jassid
(b) Aphid
(c) Pink boll worm
(d) White fly
(e) None of these
(viii) In genetics the appearance of an attribute of living organism is termed
(a) Dominant
(b) Phenotype
(c) Recessive
(d) Genotype
(e) None of these
(ix) Rhizobium belongs to:
(a) Nitrogen fixing bacteria
(b) Amonifying bacteria
(c) Nitrifying bactyeria
(d) Denitrifying bacteria
(e) None of these
(x) In DNA, adenine always pairs with:
(a) Guanine
(b) Thymine
(c) Uracil
(d) Cytosine
(e) None of these
(xi) Insects have:
(a) 4 legs and 2 wings
(b) 8 legs and 4 wing
(c) 6 legs and 4 wings

(d) 4 legs and 4 wings

(e) None of these
(xii) Tikka disease is major pathogenic threat in:
(a) Wheat
(b) Apple
(c) Sorghum
(d) Groundnut
(e) None of these
(xiii) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has its headquarters in:
(a) Washington
(b) Geneva
(c) Rome
(d) Paris
(e) None of these
(xiv) Soil salinity can be rectified with:
(a) Urea
(b) Ammonium Sulphate
(c) Sodium Chloride
(d) Gypsum
(e) None of these
(xv) Safflower is an:
(a) Oil producing plant
(b) Ornamental plant
(c) Leguminous plant
(d) Fibre producing plant
(e) None of these
(xvi) Banana fruit is classified in the category of:
(a) Berry
(b) Pomes
(c) Stone fruit
(d) Drupe
(e) None of these
(xvii) Ploidy level of maize plant is:
(a) Monoploid
(b) Diploid
(c) Haploid
(d) Tetraploid
(e) None of these
(xviii) Gypsum is rich source of:

(a) Calcium + Zinc

(b) Calcium + Potassium
(c) Calcium + Sulphur
(d) Calcium + Nitrogen
(e) None of these
(xix) Gossypium hirsutum is the botanical name of:
(a) Rice
(b) Maize
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Cotton
(e) None of these
(xx) Olericulture is the study dealing with:
(a) Honey bee
(b) Rearing of silk worms
(c) Vegetable production
(d) Growing ornamental flowers
(e) None of the above


Name various Forest Types of Pakistan. Describe in some detail the one which, in your opinion,
has utmost watershed value. What changes shall you propose for its betterment? (2000)

Short notes: Normal Forest (2003), (2008)

What are different temperate zones of Pakistan ? Relate different forest types of Pakistan to
these temperature zones. Give correct binomial nomenclature of major species representing each
forest type in this respect. (2005)

Rive rain forests were at one time considered to be inexhaustible natural wood mines with
remarkably high growth rate. What has gone wrong with thee forests and what remedial
measures of practical significance do you propose for rescuing and promoting these? (2006)

Describe Tidal Swamp Forest with respect to its distribution, locality factors and floristic
composition. Give botanical names of major species of this forest. (2007)

Explain the basis of forest classification in Pakistan and highlight features of different
forest types (2012)


Define Silviculture. Enlist various silvicultural operations. Briefly explain that operation which
yields maximum intermediate income. (2000)

Explain single stem silvicultural system. Give suggestions for effective silvicultural management
of Juniper forests.(2001)

What silvicultural measures do you propose for rejuvenating and extending dry temperate forests
of Baluchistan ? (2002)

What is meant by Forest Thinning? What is its silvicultural and economic importance? (2003)

Length of a Felling Cycle is determined by Silvicultural and Economic parameters. Discuss each
one with respect to Conifer forests. (2004)

What silvicultural practices are important for improved growth, at what stage and how various
environmental factors help/affect those practices? (2009)

Effects of silvicultural activity of eucalyptus trees on ecological processes in irrigated forests ,the
Punjab, Pakistan? (2010)

Discuss various silvicultural practice for the management of these forests. (2012)

Role of silviculture in forest and wildland management (2014)


Briefly describe general characteristic features of various ecological factors influencing forest tree
growth (2002)

Effects of silvicultural activity of eucalyptus trees on ecological processes in irrigated forests ,the
Punjab, Pakistan? (2010)


What do you know about Forest Mensuration? Describe various methods for calculating true
volume of standing tree. (2001)

Short notes:Mensuration (2003)

lise of satellite in forest mensuration (2010)


Define research. What is the importance of experimental design in research? Write the main
components of a research paper. (2009)

Discuss steps in managing water resources for environmentally sustainable irrigated agriculture
Pakistan. Design a community-based watershed management support project. Explain

complementary role of research and teaching in Courses Dealing with Integrated Watershed
management. (2010)


What are the Principles of Forest Management? How shall you ensure sustained production and
how shall you increase production potential? (2000)

Discuss problems of coniferous Forests of Pakistan. Also give suggestions for suitable
management of these forests. (2001)

Short notes: Management Tables for Farm Grown Trees (2003)

Give detailed module of natural resource measurement and forest management



Discuss steps in managing water resources for environmentally sustainable irrigated agriculture
Pakistan. Design a community-based watershed management support project. Explain
complementary role of research and teaching in Courses Dealing with Integrated Watershed
management. (2010)

Justify existence of Irrigated Plantations in view of decreasing land and water resources. (2007)

Short notes: Management of water resources for sustainable agriculture in Pakistan (2010)


Suggest suitable strategic measures separately for a). improving productivity, b). enhancing
economic viability cum profitability and c) ensuring a secure future for man-made irrigated forests
plantations of Pakistan. (2002)

Forest resources are important for countries like Pakistan with a n agro-based economy. Discuss
in detail these resources keeping in view soils and rainfall regime in Pakistan. Also give an
account awareness programs run by NGOs or public sectors to conserve and preserve these
resources. (2010)


Name various Forest Types of Pakistan. Describe in some detail the one which, in your opinion,
has utmost watershed value. What changes shall you propose for its betterment? (2000)

Describe the role of Northern Mountain Watershed region in alleviating the present water crisis in
the country. (2001)

What does Watershed Management mean? How can Crop Farming, Fruit Orchards, Timber
Forestry, Grazing Grasslands and Managing Wildlife Parks be made compatible with it? Is
conventional Watershed Management possible in northern reaches of Indus River? Discuss.

Judicious Watershed Management may help overcome water and power crisis in the
country. Please justify with arguments. (2008)

Differentiate between catchment and watershed. How the range lands in watershed region can be
managed to ensure increased quantity and improved quality of water in Pakistan? (2009)

Discuss steps in managing water resources for environmentally sustainable irrigated agriculture
Pakistan. Design a community-based watershed management support project. Explain
complementary role of research and teaching in Courses Dealing with Integrated Watershed
management. (2010)

Short notes: Micro watershed (2010)

Discuss the significance of watershed area of Pakistan; explain how forest

degradation aggravate the ecological health of these watersheds? Discuss various
measures needed to rehabilitate the degraded watersheds in northern mountainous
areas of the country (2012)

Short notes: Watershed management (2013)


What do you mean by scientific/commercial Range Management? Why has it not taken roots in
Pakistan so far? (2001)

Why raising of range livestock has not taken roots as an industry (as opposed to poultry industry)
in Pothowar tract which is considered a high potential range area ? (2002)

Enlist four basic Principles of Range management. Describe in detail one of the principles, which
you would prefer to apply to increase forage production in the Range land areas of Baluchistan.

Define Retrogression. In what way this parameter would guide a Range Land Manager to take
timely action for improvement of the Range Land. (2004)

Proper management and use of resources in a given range are based on four important
fundamental criteria. Describe the same in detail with respect to range areas in Cholistan desert

Define range condition. Analyze range condition by drawing a relationship between grazing
intensity and percent plant composition by using your own hypothetical data. (2005)

Heavy grazing and other factors have resulted in the loss of valuable natural vegetation in the
Cholistan desert. Suggest measures that you would take to improve Range land for increasing
forage production. (2007)

Name the most productive Range land of Pakistan. Describe its carrying capacity,
rainfall, topography, vegetation and constraints. (2008)

Differentiate between catchment and watershed. How the range lands in watershed region can be
managed to ensure increased quantity and improved quality of water in Pakistan? (2009)

Livestock provides with many services to the mankind. Evaluate status of grazing animals of
range lands in Pakistan. Discuss problems of grazers in these land and measures to overcome
the problems in enhancing livestock production. What are prospects of increasing agro-grazing in
Punjab, Pakistan. (2010)

Short notes: Principle of range management (2010)

How are various range components related to each other? Briefly point out various
losses of energy from range ecosystem and also write a note on corrective measures
with reference to energy losses from a range ecosystem. (2011)

Describe in detail different Rangeland ecological zones of Pakistan. Explain different

constraints to rangeland development and outline improvement potential of desert
grasslands in terms of forage productivity through natural and artificial regeneration.

Short notes: Rangeland carrying capacity (2012)

Short notes: Range management (2013)


Short notes:Chain/triangular survey (2000)

Short notes:Chain Survey (2003)

What are transect and quadrant methods of vegetation survey and what is their usefulness and
application? (2009)


What important factors will you consider while selecting tree species suitable for agro
forestry? Please discuss. (2006)

What are major components of Agro forestry systems? Discuss the role of important
tree species used successfully in agro forestry programmes in Punjab, Sindh and
KPK. (2012)

Describe in detail the role of tree species in reclaiming saline soil. Explain different
dry afforestation techniques employed successfully in Thal desert. (2013)


How can Agro forestry invigorate our ailing Farming Systems? (2003)

What important factors will you consider while selecting tree species suitable for agro
forestry? Please discuss. (2006)

Analyze the present and future situation of forestry in Pakistan and discuss the
reservations/reasons due to which farmer community is reluctant to adopt agroforestry in Punjab. Support your answer with appropriate figures and sound
arguments. (2011)

What are major components of Agro forestry systems? Discuss the role of important
tree species used successfully in forestry programmes in Punjab, Sindh and KPK.

Through logical frame works discuss the limiting factors in promoting agro-forestry in
Punjab with a possible solution. Do you think promoting agro-forestry could affect
biodiversity? (2014)


How can you put new life and increase vigor in Forestry Sector? Suggest a few major strategic
policy and legislative measures in this regard. (2000)

Short notes:Forest Policy (2003)

Discuss the role of various wood-based industries in achieving the goals of national forest policy
and in accelerating poverty alleviation. (2006)

How many times forest policies in Pakistan have been revised and what new was added and
adopted in each policy? Discuss the merits and demerits of current policy in the light of war on
terrorism in forest epicenters in northern areas of Pakistan. (2010)

Short notes: Forest products protection (2010)

Short notes:Forest protection (2013)

Explain how the forests policies can enhance the contribution of forestry sector to the
country's ecology and economy. Do you think and forest policies have multiple
dimensions? What are these and how the forest policies can be developed in their
presence? (2014)


What is meant by Biological Diversity? What are its various aspects? Why has it gained more
importance recently? How will you promote and conserve it? (2003)

Short notes: Proper Use Factor (2007)

Short notes: Meiosis (2007)

Short notes: Chlorophyll Cells (2007)

Short notes: Standard Deviation (2007)

Short notes: PH (2007)

Short notes: Plane Tabling (2007)

Short notes: Vegetative Reproduction (2007)

Define Biological Diversity. Enlist the factors threatening Biological Diversity. Suggest
measures to save and restore it. (2008)

Short notes: Bioengineering (2009)

What are direct and indirect causes of biodiversity loss in Pakistan? Discuss the role
of protected areas in biodiversity conservation. Explain how forest and rangeland
habitat is related to wildlife management and conservation? (2012), (2013)

Short notes:Forest biography (2013)

Define curving and how would you classify curving. What are the methods of setting
up the curves? (2014)

There been has major change in the biodiversity in Pakistan. How can this be
minimized in order to protect the biodiversity? (2014)


What measures shall you take to promote farm-friendly wildlife in agricultural ecosystem? What
role can Agro forestry plan in this regard? What role is this farm-friendly wild-life expected to play
in our farming system? (2000)

How will you attract capital and intellect from private sector for conserving natural habitats for the
promotion of wildlife in various regions of the country ? in case you succeed in your efforts, in
what specific ways will you like this newly generated capital and intellect to serve the cause of
wildlife promotion in the country (2002)

Short notes:Fundamentals of Wildlife and National Park Management. (2003)

How wildlife play its role in propagation and conservation of vegetation species? What are
essential features of wildlife sanctuaries? (2009)

Write the factors responsible for drastic decline of wildlife in Pakistan along with brief
discussion of principles of sound wildlife management. Also give and justify your
suggestions that how wildlife can be promoted in the country. (2011)

Discuss in detail wild life and natural park management with special reference to
Pakistan. (2013)

Write the factors responsible for drastic decline of wild life in Pakistan along with brief
discussion of sound wildlife management. Also give your suggestions that how
wildlife can be promoted in the country. (2013)

What are direct and indirect causes of biodiversity loss in Pakistan? Discuss the role
of protected areas in biodiversity conservation. Explain how forest and rangeland
habitat is related to wildlife management and conservation? (2013)


Short notes:Fundamentals of Wildlife and National Park Management. (2003)

There are more than 21 national Parks of Pakistan. Give detail of bio-ecology or the most
important park. Discuss endangered species in this part and steps to be taken for amelioration or
conditions of the parks to make it important in ecotourism. (2010)


Short notes: Thinnings (2001)

What is meant by Forest Thinning? What is its silvicultural and economic importance? (2003)


Short notes: Silvo grazing (2000)

Short notes: Agro grazing (2001), 2011)

Short notes: Tethered Grazing (2003)

Short notes: Grazing Capacity (2007)

Livestock provides with many services to the mankind. Evaluate status of grazing animals of
range lands in Pakistan. Discuss problems of grazers in these land and measures to overcome
the problems in enhancing livestock production. What are prospects of increasing agro-grazing in
Punjab, Pakistan. (2010)

Short notes: Forage Forestry/forest grazing (2011)

Define "Carrying capacity of a grazing land". How it is determined practically? Write

he procedure stepwise. How many sheep can be allowed to graze on 500 hectares of
grazing land per month if weight of green forage per quadrat was 2 kg and it
contained 70 percent moisture contents? Size of the quadrat used for sampling was
1x1m2 and grazing allowed was 50 percent respectively. (2011)


Name various Forest Types of Pakistan. Describe in some detail the one which, in your opinion,
has utmost watershed value. What changes shall you propose for its betterment? (2000)

Mangrove Forests of Pakistan and marine fauna. (2001)

Give a brief of the major recommendations of forest sector master plan of 1993. Will it lead
Pakistan to a timber cum fuel surplus status by the year 2018 ? if not why ? (2002)

How should Govt. of Pakistan proceed to establish and promote Commercial Ranching in high
potential sub-humid regions of the country? (2003)

Short notes:Major hazards to Pakistans forests. (2003)

How can Agro forestry invigorate our ailing Farming Systems? (2003)

How can Forestry come to the rescue of our degraded environment? (2003)

What are the prospects of enhancing recharge of under ground water reserves in various valleys
of Baluchistan? What line of action will you propose? (2003)

Compare roles of PFI and of Agricultural Universities in popularizing forestry education and
forestry consciousness in the country. (2003)

What are major environmental problems of Pakistan ? how could knowledge of forestry help in
combating these problems ? (2005)

What are different temperate zones of Pakistan ? Relate different forest types of Pakistan to
these temperature zones. Give correct binomial nomenclature of major species representing each
forest type in this respect. (2005)

Describe selection coppice system. Which forest type of Pakistan is being worked out under this
system and why? (2005)

How far are mangrove forests threatened by reduced downstream flow of Indus? Justify if such
apprehension is a reality or a myth. (2006)

Define Forest Ecosystem. Discuss critically threatened ecosystems of Pakistan. (2007)

Name the most productive Range land of Pakistan. Describe its carrying capacity,
rainfall, topography, vegetation and constraints. (2008)

Pakistan is a forest deficient country. Describe the key factors responsible for scarcity
of forest resources in the country. (2008)

Discuss phytosociology and structure of Himalayan forests from different climatic zones Pakistan.

Arid wild lands in Pakistan (2010)

With respect to climate, vegetation, soil, wildlife, topography and other physiographic
features, discuss briefly but comprehensively different types of forest found in
Pakistan and also mention their contribution in wood production. (2011)

Analyze the present and future situation of forestry in Pakistan and discuss the
reservations/reasons due to which farmer community is reluctant to adopt agroforestry in Punjab. Support your answer with appropriate figures and sound
arguments. (2011)

What are major components of Agro forestry systems? Discuss the role of important
tree species used successfully in agro forestry programmes in Punjab, Sindh and
KPK. (2012)

Discuss the significance of watershed area of Pakistan; explain how forest

degradation aggravates the ecological health of these watersheds?

Discuss various measures needed to rehabilitate the degraded watersheds in

northern mountainous areas of the country. (2012)

Short notes: Sheesham dieback disease in Pakistan. (2012)

There been has major change in the biodiversity in Pakistan. How can this be
minimized in order to protect the biodiversity? (2013)

Discuss in detail wild life and natural park management with special reference to
Pakistan. (2013)

Write the factors responsible for drastic decline of wild life in Pakistan along with brief
discussion of sound wildlife management. Also give your suggestions that how
wildlife can be promoted in the country. (2013)

What are direct and indirect causes of biodiversity loss in pakistan? Discuss the role
of protected areas in biodiversity conservation. Explain how forest and rangeland
habitat is related to wildlife management and conservation? (2013)

Do you consider that Forests in Pakistan are below the average requires percentage? How
would you justify the commercial values of these forests? Discuss major issues of forests
losses and how can these be overcome at large. (2014)


Compare natural and artificial regeneration of forest. Indicate latest development and trends.

Short notes: Uniform Shelterwood System (2003)


Short notes: Phytoremediation (2009)

Short notes: Green house effect (2009), (2011), (2013)

Short notes: Forest and plantation (2009)

Short notes: Noise pollution and trees (2009)

Short notes: Carbon sequestration (2009)

Short notes: Natural heritage (2009)

Short notes: Environmental hazards (2009)

Short notes: Environmental Degradation and vegetation (2011)

Short notes: Environmental Degradation and vegetation (2011)

Short notes: Role of shelterbelts and windbreaks (2012), (2014)


Define Forest Ecosystem. Discuss critically threatened ecosystems of Pakistan. (2007)

How are various range components related to each other? Briefly point out various
losses of energy from range ecosystem and also write a note on corrective measures
with reference to energy losses from a range ecosystem. (2011)

Short notes: Forest Ecosystem (2011)


Describe different approaches to identify quality of a Forest Site. Which one of the approaches is
most practical and why? (2004)

Short notes: Evaluating Forest Sites (2006)


How will you estimate age, height, diameter at breast height and true volume of a forest tree
bole ? what is meant by CAI and how will you estimate it for a single tree ? (2002)

Differentiate between Rotation and Exploitable Age. Describe factors which determine the length
of Rotation period. (2007)

Discuss the significance of stem analysis. How can you establish height and age
curves from stem analysis? Does the stem analysis indicate any relationship to
thickness of the bark? (2012)

Short notes: Ecophysiology of tree growth (2014)


In the presence of severe constraints of nearly all vital resources required for implementing any
massive afforestation programme, what alternatives do we have for increasing forest production
in the country? Give outline of a workable strategy. (2006)

Short notes: Steps of enhancing forest production (2010)

Describe in detail the role of tree species in reclaiming saline soil. Explain different
dry afforestation techniques employed successfully in Thal desert. (2013)


Define Forest nursery. What is the need of raising a forest nursery ? (2005)

Calculate the number of seeds required to be sown per square foot in a bed nursery to obtain 200
seedlings by using the following data.

1. No. of seeds per pound = 19000

2. No. of transplants per pound = 900 (2005)


What is meant by Social Forestry? Explain its various types being practiced in Agroecological zones of Punjab and Sindh. (2008)

Short notes: Social forestry (2010), (2011), (2013)


Write an essay on efficient utilization of large timber in general and small logs in particular.
(2000)Short notes: Wood seasoning. (2000)

Short notes: Laminated Wood Products (2003)

Short notes:Merchantable Timber (2008)

Enlist qualities of good wood. Also discuss in detail different wood defects and their
respective treatments. (2011)

Wood seasoning and preservation (2012)


Discuss briefly how Forestry can be integrated with other agricultural and non-agricultural land
uses in the country.(2001)

How can you prolong effective life of Mangla Lake? Discuss if raising of dam height is an
appropriate lasting solution of the problem

Discuss in detail Interpretative Facilities that would enhance public enjoyment of Out-door
Recreation. (2004)

What important factors will you consider while selecting tree species suitable for agro forestry?
Please discuss. (2006)

Define Forest Increment/Growth. What is the need for information on Increment? Describe Stand
Table Projection Method to predict Increment of a Forest Stand. (2007)

By using Von Mantle's formula, calculate Annual yield of a coniferous forest whose
growing stock volume is 40,000 cft and rotation period of 150 years. What constant
is used in this formula? (2008)

What is sustainability? What risk factors are involved in long term forestry projects? (2009)

Conservation of natural resources (Forests, rangelands and watershed areas) as a

key of national food security. (2011)
Differentiate: Forest Compartment and Forest Apartment (2004)
Differentiate: Board and Hard Board (2004)
Differentiate: Floating PB and Fixed PB (2004)
Differentiate: Working Plan and Working Circle (2004)
Differentiate: Quarter Girth formula and Cylindrical formula (2004)
Short notes: Yield/Management Tables (2000)
Short notes: Forest roads (2000)
Short notes: Game Sanctuary (2001)
Short notes: Succession (2002)
Short notes: Completely randomized design (2002)
Short notes: Quality class (2002)
Short notes: Kas training (2002)
Short notes: Savannah (2002)
Short notes: Causeway (2002)
Short notes: Fire line (2002)
Short notes: Niche (2002)
Short notes: Multiple Use Trees (2003)
Short notes: Mimicry (2003)
Short notes: Cause way (2003)
Short notes: Game Reserve (2003), (2008)
Short notes: Random Sampling (2003)
Short notes: Behavioral Adaptations of Trees (2003)
Short notes: Radio Frequency Vacuum Seasoning (2003)
Short notes: Pneumatophores (2004)
Short notes: Point Sampling (2004)
Short notes: Hydrosere (2004)
Short notes: Discount rates (2004)
Short notes: Seigniorage (2004)
Short notes: Merit four pasture rotation system (2005)
Short notes: Plotless sampling (2005)
Short notes: Tree fallow (2005)
Short notes: Nurse crop (2005)
Short notes: Cover crop (2005)
Short notes: Mulching (2006)
Short notes: Soil Humus (2006)
Short notes: Dieback of Dalbergia sissoo (2006)
Short notes: Leguminous shrubs and trees (2006)
Short notes: Browse line (2008)
Short notes: Volume Table (2008)
Short notes: Randomization (2008)
Short notes: EC (2008)
Short notes: Stubble Farming (2008)
Short notes: Forestry and ecotourism (2011)
Short notes: Forests and climate change (2012)



Non timber forest products (2012)

Causes and control of wildfires (2012)
Stand density determination (2014)
Offences related to reserved forests (2014)
Types of Theodolite (2014)

Geography Paper 1


2014 - Explain the concept of fluvial cycle, and the sequential development of landforms.
2014-What is a glacier? Discuss the action of glacier as an agent of erosion and deposition
and the resulting landforms.
2012-Present glaciated morphology through various stages.
2011- What are the erosional and depositional features of winds? Discuss any one group of
features in detail.
2010- Describe landforms and evolution of landscapes of glaciation in the mid and high
2009- Write in detail on the action of the river in its youth, maturity, and old age.
2009- "Wind produces a variety of interesting sequential landforms both erosional and
depositional". Discuss.
2008- Karst topography is a distinctive type of terrrain resulting largest from erosion by
groundwater and dissolve mineral matter can be deposited in a number of ways. Discuss
with examples.
2008- "All landforms go through a cycle of youth, maturity and old oge". Discuss with
example of different erosional and depositional agents.
2007- Discuss the origin and characteristics of the landforms produced by glaciers.
2007- Provide a brief account of fluvial cycle of erosion?
2006- Briefly explain the features associated with:
a. Submerged coastlines b. Emerged coastlines
2006- Outline the processes by which a river produces various Land features describing its
mode of transportation.
2005- What do you know about major landforms? Describe the landforms produced by the
2004- What do you know about Oceanic depositions? Discuss in detail.
2003- What is glaciation? Describe the land forms associated with glaciation in the highland
2002- Describe the conditions essential for the development of Karst Topography, List the
principal features of Karst region.
2002- Examine the evolution of AEOLIAN Land forms.
2001- Define glacier. How would you categorise them according to ihc mode of formation?
Explain with the help of diagrams the characteristic, features of a glaciated region.
2000- Describe and explain the ways in which each of the following desert landforms
(a) Mesa (b) Pedestal rock (c) Barchan (d) Playa (e) Wadi

Ocean Currents
2014-What are the factors and forces that determine the movement, direction an the
nature of ocean currents? Describe in detail the currents of Atlantic Ocean bringing out their
effects on surrounding lands.
2013- Ocean currents influence the climate,resources and economies of many
countries.Elaborate this statement and give examples
2011- What are the Oceans movement s? Discuss the currents of Pacific Ocean.
2010- Show with an aid of a sketch map currents of the Indian ocean.bring out the
influence of monsoon on currents of the North Indian ocean.
2009- Describe the factors contributing to the origin of ocean currents. Also describe the
Ocean Currents of the Atlantic Ocean bringing about their effect on the surrounding area?
2008- Define and discuss the origin of Ocean Currents. Explain the oceanic current of
Atlantic ocean.
2007- What are ocean currents? Discuss the different factors contributing in their
occurrence and also describe their effect on the surrounding areas?
2006- Distinguish b/w North Indian Ocean and South Indian Ocean currents w.r.t specific
controlling factor.
2005- What are the Oceans movements? Discuss the Currents of the Pacific Ocean.
2004- Give an account of the Indian Ocean Currents and explain their difference from other
Ocean currents.
2002- [/B]Make a compartive study of the Gulf Stream and KUROSHIO current tinder the
following heads:
(a) Origin (b) Characteristics (c) Course (d) Impact on economy
2001- What is meant by Ocean Currents? How the different types of Currents are caused?
Highlight the currents of Atlantic Ocean with the help of a sketch map.

2014-Which prominent ares experience Mediterranean type of climate? Give the
characteristics of this type along with associated economic activities?
2014-Enlist the various forms of precipitation and describe the circumstances which cause
2013-Discuss the silent features of monsoon type of climate.What impact does it have on
millions living in the South Asia.?
2012-Discuss salient features of Western European type of climate with its impact on
experiencing societies.
2011- Which prominent areas experience either of climate type? Give the characteristics of
the climate type along with the associated economic activities; Desert type OR Monsoon
2010- Discuss mediterranean climatic region with its dominating characteristics.
2009- In what way does the wet, monsoon-dominated climate of southern Asiatic coasts
(Am) differ from that close to the equator (aj). Discuss in detail.
2007- Which prominent areas experience either of the climate type? Give the

characteristics of the climate type along with the associated economic activities.
Mediterranean type or Monsoon type?
2006- How do the climate factors of precipitation and temperature influence the distribution
of natural vegetation? Where can we find the tropical rainforest?
2004- Discuss Monsoon Climatic Region in detail.
2003- Discuss Mediterranean climate as under:
(a) Main characteristics (b) Regional variations.
2002- Examine the relation between the prevalent wind systems and ocean currents in
either North Atlantic or North Pacific Oceans. Also suggest effects of the oceanic circulation
2000- Confining your attention to the northern hemisphere contrast the Cool Temperate
West Marginal type of climate with the Cool Temperate East Marginal type and try to account
for any similarities and differences.

Maps & Projections

2014-What are weather Maps? Detail the features presented on these maps and bring out
the important of such maps.
2013-What is meant by Map projection.?Discuss different types of Conical Projection and
tell us about their merits and demerits.
2012-Illustrate and suggest merits of dot method while handling demographic data of
2011- What are topographical maps? Write in detail the feature presented on such maps.
2009- What is the distinction between large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale maps?
Explain by giving examples.
2007- What are topographical maps? Write in detail on the features presented on such
2006- Describe Map characteristics in detail with example of map design geared either to:
(A) Data communication or (B) Data analysis objectives.
2005- What are the major types of Map Projections under any major type, discuss their
characteristics and uses.
2004- Explain the different methods of Thematic Maps. Discuss in detail any one method
and its merits and demerits.
2003- Discuss the various types of quantitative aerial maps based on statistical data and
show how the use of colors adds to the clarity of distribution.
2003- Compare the usefulness of Simple Cylindrical, Cylindrical Equal Area and Cylindrical
Orthomorphic Projections.
2002- What are AERIAL photographs? How arc these different from Toptgraphical Maps?
Discuss their importance to map making.
2001- Differentiate the weather and topographical maps? Briefly express the various
terms/features which arc associated with these maps.

The Rocks

2012-Bring out scientific definition of rock and highlight the process and degree of
metamorphism with explicit examples.
2011- What are rocks? Classify rocks and discuss the formation and characteristics of any

one type.
2010- Present the rock cycle in connection with its reincarnation.
2005- What is a rock? Classify rocks and discuss the formation and characteristics of any
one type.
2004- What are Rocks? Discuss igneous rocks and compare and contrast the intrusive and
extrusive rocks.
2000- Summarize with specific examples classification of rocks and show how different
mode of origin affects the exploitation of mineral wealth.

The Earth

2013-How have earthquake waves helped the scientist to know about the interior of the
Earth.?Give a detailed description of the earth's interior with the help of diagrams.
2011- Discuss the significance of the Dee Double Prime layer in the view of the fact that
the Earth is a differential Planet.
2009- Describe the internal structure of the earth in detail giving dimentions, mineral
composition and physical properties. What type of evidence is used to obtain this
information? What tempratures and pressures may be expected at the earth's centre?
2008- The Earth is differential planet. Discuss critically.

Plate Tectonics

2013-Describe the young fold mountain building process with the help of moving
Lithosphere Plate Theory.
2008- The theiory of Pleate Tectonics is a Unifying Theory. Disscuss Critically.
2008- Describe the relief of ocean floor and disscuss the significance of continental shelf.
2000- What do you understand by the plate theory? What has it to do with:
(a) the formation of mountains (b) earth quakes (c) volcanoes

2008- Define Air masses. Give classification of Air Masses anf focus on the types which
affect the weather of Pakistan.
2006- Explain original concept of air masses and present principal air masses.

2009- Write an essay on earthquake.
2006- Describe the ways in which earthquake can be managed. Use examples to support
your answer.
2003- How are earthquakes caused? Describe the major earthquake zones.

2001- What are earthquakes? How closely are they connected with earth mo vements?
Elaborate their effects and distributions in fhe main regions of the world.

Waves & Tides

2007- What causes the rise and fall of tides? What celestial bodies are most important in
determining tides?
2003- How are tides caused? Describe the various types of tides.

2005-What are various types of local winds? Discuss in details the formation and
characteristics of the Mountain and Valley winds.
2002- What do you known about the distribution of atmospheric pressure and the resulting
wind system on the earth surface?
2001-There are certain winds which generated by terrestrial peculiarities and are named
accordingly. Pin point/explain such winds (world-wide) with their properties and effects in
me prevailing areas.

2004- Define Cyclones. How are the temperate Cyclones formed? Discuss the theory
regarding their formation.
2002- Give a detailed account of the origin, life history, weather type and distribution of
extra-tropical or frontal cyclone.

2013-Differentiate between weathering, mass wasting and erosion. Give a detailed
classification of mass wasting types and their areas of occurrence.
2012-Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its flows configuration as a unique phenomena.
2010- Define mass wasting and explain mass wasting in detail.
2010- Identify the geographic patterns of evapotranspiration.Examine the factors
contributing to expanding deserts around the globe.
2007- Write an essay on the heating and cooling of the surface of the earth.
2005- Describe in details the distribution of salinity in the Oceans.
2005- Define insulations, discuss the distribution of temperature on the surface of Earth
and reasons for its variation.
2005- What are various types of local winds? Discuss in details the formation and
characteristics of the Mountain and Valley winds.
2002- What do you known about the distribution of atmospheric pressure and the resulting
wind system on the earth surface?
2001- There are certain winds which generated by terrestrial peculiarities and are named
accordingly. Pin point/explain such winds (world-wide) with their properties and effects in
me prevailing areas.

2001- What are main characteristics of thunderstorm? How arc they classified? Also explain
their zonal distribution.
2000- Distinguish between rock weathering and erosion. Show how processes of
weathering in cool humid climate, differ from those in hot arid region. You may take
examples from any part of the world.

Short Notes
2014- The Jet stream
2014-Global radiation and heat balance
2014-Topographical Maps
2013- Tropical Cyclones
2013-Rock cycle
2013-Aerial photographs
2012-Tectonic Plates
2012- Block mountains.
2012-International dateline
2011- Air masses
2011- Earthquake waves
2011- Monsoons
2011- Maps Projections
2010- Choice of projections
2010- Synoptic charts
2010- Planetary winds
2010- Trends in january isotherm
2004- Conical Projection
2004- Atoll Formation
2004- Yardang
2004- Horse Latitudes
2004- Cycle of Erosion
2003- Cyclonic Storms
2003- Continental Shelf
2003- Sand Dunes
2003- Pie Diagrams
2003- Alnino current
2002- Tides
2002- Conventional Signs
2002- Alluvial Fax
2002- Air Mass
2001- Geysers
2001- Bonne's Modified Conical Projection
2001- Adveclion Tog
2001- Artesian wells

2000- Modern Cartography

2000- Observation of weather phenomenon
2000- Uses and limitations of Mercators Projection
2000-Distribution maps and their techniques
Geography Paper 2

Environmentalism and Possibilism

2011- Discuss man-environment relationship in the light of Determinism and Possibilism.
2009- What do you understand by the term possibilism? How far has man changed the
environment in his favour? Give examples.
2006- Suggest ways in which:
a. The natural environment affects human activities;
b. Human activities affect the natural environment.
2005- Discuss man-environmental relationship in the light of Physical Determinism and
2004- Give a lucid comparison between Environmental Determinism and Possibilism.
2003- Critically examine the concept of Environmental Determinism.

2014-Describe the factors that affect the density of population in any region. In the light of
these factors, discuss briefly the density of population if SOUTH ASIA.
2013-Which factors effect the distribution of population in the world? Elaborate
2012- A population map of Asia shows that most people live on or near the river basins and
coasts. Give reasons for this distribution.
2010- Present the spatial distribution of population over the globe.
2009- "South Asia has many places where people are few and few places where people are
very many". Discuss.
2008- Critically examine the Malthusian view of population growth. How does high rate of
population adversely effect the economic and social development of any country? Discuss
with special reference to India.
2008- To what extent can the major features of the world population distribution be
understood in term of physical environment? Discuss with special reference to South Asia.
2007- What is meant by population growth? Compare the pattern of population growth
between the more developed countries (MDCS) and less developed countries (LDCS) since
2005- The River basins and Coastal Plains of South Asia are reckoned as one of the densely
populated areas of the world. Discuss.
2003- Bring out the salient features of population of South Asia under the following
(a) Population Distribution
(b) Population Growth
(c) Employment

2002- Explain process of demographic transition comparing the % areas and populations of
either Canada or the United States of America (USA).
2001- Divide the world into Population Resource regions and describe the major
characteristics of any one region.
2000- Enumerate the salient features of Population Distribution in SOUTH EAST ASIA.

2009- Write down the various kinds of migration and describe the effects of intra-urban
2007- An age old phenomenon, forced migration across international borders has become
exceedingly widespread during the recent past. Discuss?
2004- Discuss critically Types of Migration.

Culture and Diffusion

2009- What is meant by cultural diffusion? How is the culture of an area affected by

2009- How did settlements originate in the world? Describe the central place theory.
2004- Classify settlements on the basis of from and size.

2014- Discuus the major factors responsible for increasing urbanization? Highlight the main
problems from this increase facing by these urban centres at present.
2011- Define urbanization. Give a critical assessment of the process of urbanization in
2007- Define urbanization. Give a critical assessment of the process of urbanization in
Pakistan since its inception?
2000- What are the major factors responsible for increasing urbanization? Highlight the
main problems from this increase facing by these urban centers.
2001- Explain urbanization. Give a brief history and present pattern of world urbanization.

World Economies and Activities

2008- Economic activities can be classified into five groups and highly developed
economics can be identified on the basis of their economic activities. Discuss critically.
2007- Delineate the hierarchy of economic activities. Give a detailed account of any ONE of
the secondary activities in the world?
2006- Summarize Western Europes historic contribution to the development of the present
world economy.
2002- Write a comprehensive note on world economic activities, their
geographic,'significance, extent and recent globalizing trends
2001- Differentiate between various types of Economic Activities. Describe the world
patterns of any one activity with special reference to Pakistan.

2014-Briefly mention the types of FARMING, and discuss the role of HUMAN and ECONOMIC
factors influencing the agriculture.
2012-Certain Australian Farms are specialized in dairy farming and others in beef
production. Give a reasoned account of the distribution of these industries and illustrate by
a sketch map.
2010- Discuss grain farming in South Asia. Did you notice agriculture change in the region
2003- How does subsistence farming effect differ from Extensive Herding? Make a
Comparative analysis.
2000-Explain different farming types such as subsistence farming, dry farming, terrace
farming and mixed farming.

Crops (Cereal and non-cereal)

2014-Physical requirements for the Cultivation of rice. Discuss in detail its production in
2012-Name the chief agricultural products of South Asia and indicate the chief producing
areas on a sketch map.
2010- Explain Geographical requirements, distribution and production of cotton in South
2007- Describe in detail the production and trade of rice in the world with specific reference
to south Asia?
2000- Write short Geographical notes on the production, trade and distribution of any TWO
of the following products; (a) Cotton, (b) Sugar cane, (c) Rubber, (d) Coffee.

2004- Explain the physical and economic factors which control the distribution of Fisheries
in the world.

2008- Give an account of major forests types of Pakistan. What are the factors involved in
deforestation of Pakistan?
2004- Give a comparison between tropical forests and Temperate forests.

2014-write a comprehensive note on IRON and STEEL industry of GERMANY and JAPAN.
2013-What is the importance of iron and steel industry? How it plays a major role in the
development of any country?
2010- Describe Industrial Revoution. how far it has helped in economic development as well
as increasing economy disparity in the world?
2008- Explain the role of cotton textile industry in the economy of Pakistan.
2006- Bring out the importance of the manufacturing belt of USA. What effects does the
Appalachia area have on the rest of the country?
2005- Give an account of the major industries of South Asia based on Non-Metallic
2004- "Development of industries and agriculture depend on each other". Discuss with
reference to Pakistan.
2000- Analyze the location of Iron and Steel industry in the U.S.A and U.K.

2010- Define Resources. Give most workable classification of resources citing explicit
2009- "Economic geography is the study of location, distribution and use of scarce
resources". Discuss.
2002- Discuss ancient, river based regional structure of South Asia with special access to
its resource realm.

Water Resources
2013- Fresh water shortage is a future threat for Pakistan. Discuss
2011- To what extent are water resources likely to act as a limit to economic development
in Pakistan? Elaborate your answer with a futuristic outlook.
2011- The twentieth century witnessed the war for oil. The twenty-first century will
witness the war for water. Discuss the statement with special reference to Indo-Pak
2008- The twentieth century witnessed the war for oil. The twenty-first century will
witness the war for water. Discuss Critically.
2006- To what extent are water resources likely to act as a limit to economic development
in Pakistan? Elaborate your answer with optimistic outlook.
2001- Enumerate the Salient features of the "Indus Water Treaty".

Power Resources
2009-Assess the power resources of SOUTH ASIA
2009- Give an account of power resources of south asia with special reference to pakistan.
2001- Analyze the Power Resource of "SOUTH ASIA".

Oil Crises and Politics

2006- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of dependence on oil production by
countries of SW Asia and North Africa.
2005- Give an account of the Petroleum production in Middle East. Also throw light on its
economic and political importance.

Agriculture and its problems

2012- Account for the recent floods in the Indus basin and its impact on agricultural lands
and their productivity.
2011- Agriculture is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia. Discuss critically with
special reference to Pakistan.
2005- Agriculture sector is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia. Discuss in detail with
special reference to Pakistan.
2003- Why is irrigation necessary in Pakistan? Describe the irrigational methods practiced
in the Western Highlands of Pakistan?
2000- Discuss the problems of Water Logging and Salinity especially in Pakistan. Explain
the important remedial measures to be taken to control this problem.

Transportation and Communication

2008- Our Planet has shrunk as a result of modern revolution in transport and
communication. Discuss with reference to South Asia and with special focus on Pakistan.
2005- Explain the importance of the means of transportation in the development of a
region. Also throw light on Pakistans transportation Network.

Relationship between MDCS and LDCS

2001- Enumerate the Politico-economic relationship between the developed countries and
less developed countries.
2007- Write an analytical essay on the politico-economic relationship between MDCS and

Environmental hazards
2000- Discuss the Environmental hazards facing at present to this World. What adverse
affects are being visualized from this problem?
2002- "Geographers have to rethink their approach to regional studies in the light of
increasing environmental stress from local to international levels." Assess this statement.

2014 -Development of industries and agriculture depends upon each other. Discuss with
reference to Pakistan.
2013 -Draw a map of Pakistan and show physical features in it.
2013 -Is there any relation between the 'Holy Quran and Geography? explain your ideas in
2012 -Describe the appearance and mode of living of the following African peoples and
name the regions where they live TODAY.
1. Bushmen 2. Berbers 3. Pigmies
2012-In what ways does the import and export trade of Pakistan differ from that of her
western neighbours?
2011- Discuss the Crises of numbers in South Asia with special reference to Dilemma in
2010- Bring out the importance of Pakistan in the current geo-polity pertinent to Global
2006- Compare different urban and rural landscapes with which you are familiar.
2006- Compare the economic and social geographies of the Central Asian countries.
2004- Discuss how far climate relates to topography, with reference to Pakistan.
2003- Discuss the role of socio-economic and physical factors in the development of
2003- Describe the physiographic features of the following areas of Pakistan:
(a) Mountainous North
(b) Intermontane Plains
(c) Pleistocene terraces (bars)
2002- Bring out the importance of geographic differences within Western European region
and Eastern European, the Baikans and the former Soviet Union region.
2002- In what ways does regional knowledge actually lead to improve self and mutual
understanding of people and places in Pakistan?

Short Notes
2013 - The green Revolution
2013 - The Golden Corridor
2013 - Energy crisis in Pakistan.
2013 - Causes of rural-urban migration in the world.
2012-Manufacturing industries in China
2012-Fisheries in Japan
2012-Rural to Urban Migration in Pakistan
2012- Recent Trends in International Relations within SAARC
2011- Petroleum production in Middle East
2011- Tourism in Pakistan
2011- Cultural Diffusion
2011- Migration
2010- World's major fishing grounds
2010- Trade patterns in China
2010- Singapore--Her Economic success
2010- Urbanization in Latin America.
2007- Possibilism.
2007- Population/Resource regions
2007- Shifting cultivation
2007- Tourism in Pakistan
2007- Pakistans strategic Importance
2005- Strategic importance of Pakistan
2005- Gwadar Port
2005- International Trade Pattern
2005- Environmental and Economic importance of Forests
2003- SAARC
2003- OPEC
2003- European Union
2002- Economies of the oil producers in Arab South West Asia.
2002- Geopolitical role of the Central Asian Countries.
2002- Urban landscape of Latin America
2002- Future of the ASEAN countries.
2001- Wheat in Temperate Grassland
2001-Rice in Monsoon Asia
2001- Iron and Steel Industry of Japan
2001- Environmentalism

Punjab University LLB Important Questions Subject Criminology

1. Define the term crime? Discuss various ingredients How would you distinguish it from

2. Crime is a product of poor economic conditions coupled with social exploitation-[A/08]

3. Discuss the causes of Juvenile Delinquency with special reference to Pakistan-[A/08]
4. Distinguish between blue collar crime and white collar crime. Is any system of control of
white collar crime in Pakistan -[A/08][S/2009][S/08]
5. What is criminal justice What are different theories of punishment -[A/08] -[A/11]
6. Positive school of criminologists focused its attention on the personality of the offender,
Discuss this school with reference to Cesar Lombroso,s -[A/08]
7. What method may be adopted for the treatment criminals in prisons to make them good
and useful citizen-[A/08]
8. Discuss the programme which you consider to be appropriate for the prevention of crimes
in the society-[A/08]
9. What do you understand by the principle of vicarious liability in crime -[A/08]
10. What is motive? Distinguish it from intention-[A/08][A/10]
11. Write detail note on
a. Blue Collar Crime b. Role of drugs in crime[A/2010]
12. Explain Individualistic and Environmental approaches of Crime -[A/11]
13. Discuss the characteristics of Organized Crime and their types which are preventive in
14. What is Habitual Offender Relevant provisions in Cr.P.C-[A/11]
15. Define negligence and different theories of negligence-[A/11]
16. Discuss different kinds of punishments as provided in PPC-[A/11]
17. Crime and Delinquency are outcome of Social Structural disorder-[A/11][A/2009]
18. Discuss Actus Rea as an essential ingredient of crime-[A/11][A/10][S/08]
19. Discuss role of Police in society .Measure to change Thana culture in our society-[A/11]
20. What is criminology discuss its various kinds [A/9]
21. Theories of punishment and its Preventative theory of punishment [A/9][A/10][S/08]
22. Critically examine the causes of terrorism in Pakistan [A/9]

23. Discuss Consent compulsion and necessity as defenses of justification of crime [A/9]
24. Family is first social experience of person how does it influence his criminal behavior
25. Biological theory of crime [A/9]
26. Negligence and Subjective and Objective Theory [A/10]
27. Define Criminal Libel and discuss common principle of both Criminal and Civil Libel
28. Discuss various defenses to criminal liability [A/10]
29. Improvement in Prisons in Pakistan [S/08]
30. Note on the following
Social Disorganization Theor
Bonger Theory of economic structure and crime
1. Define the term crime? How would you distinguish it from tort-[A/08]
2. Crime is a product of poor economic conditions coupled with social exploitation-[A/08]
3. Discuss the causes of Juvenile Delinquency with special reference to Pakistan-[A/08]
4. Distinguish between blue collar crime and white collar crime. Is any system of control
of white collar crime in Pakistan -[A/08]
5. What is criminal justice What are different theories of punishment -[A/08] -[A/11]
6. Positive school of criminologists focused its attention on the personality of the offender,
Discuss this school with reference to Cesar Lombroso,s -[A/08]
7. What method may be adopted for the treatment criminals in prisons to make them good
and useful citizen-[A/08]
8. Discuss the programme which you consider to be appropriate for the prevention of crimes
in the society-[A/08]
9. What do you understand by the principle of vicarious liability in crime -[A/08]
10. What is motive? Distinguish it from intention-[A/08]
11. Write detail note on
a. Blue Collar Crime b. Role of drugs in crime
12. Explain Individualistic and Environmental approaches of Crime -[A/11]
13. Discuss the characteristics of Organized Crime and their types which are preventive in
14. What is Habitual Offender Relevant provisions in Cr.P.C-[A/11]
15. Define negligence and different theories of negligence-[A/11]
16. Discuss different kinds of punishments as provided in PPC-[A/11]
17. Crime and Delinquency are outcome of Social Structural disorder-[A/11]
18. Discuss Actus Rea as an essential ingredient of crime-[A/11]
19. Discuss role of Police in society .Measure to change Thana culture in our society-[A/11]


8. Write only the best answer in the Answer Book. Dont reproduce the questions:
(1) Bahmani Kingdom was founded by:
(a) Imad-ul-Mulk Bahmani 1437
(b) Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah in 1347
(c) Slah-ud-Din Bahman Shah in 1340.
(d) None of these
(2) Muhammad Tughluq ruled in India during the period
(a) 13261352 (b) 13251352 (C) 13221348 (d) None of these.
(3) Bahlol Lodhi died in:
(a) 1479 (b) 1481 (c)1489 (d) None of these.
(4) "The Arab conquest of Sind was temporary event without any permanent effect".
Commented by:
(a) Lanae Poole (b) V.A. Smith (c) Arun Bhattacharjee (d) None Of these.
(5) The author of Maasir-I-Jahangiri is:
(a) Khawaja Kamgar Husaaini. (b) M. Saqi Mustaid Khan
(c) Motamid Khan (d) None of these.
(6) Qutb-ud-Din was conferred the title of the Sultan of Delhi by:
(a) Muhammad Ghori (b) Sultan Mahmud
(C) Ghiyas-ud-Din Mahmud (d) None of these.
(7) Shah Jehan died in:
(a) 1657 (b) 1658 (C) 1666 (e) None of these.
(8) The lovely Moti Masjid is located at:
(a) Agra (b) Delhi (c) Fatehpur Sekri (d) None of these.

(9) Francois Bernier was an/a

(a) English Traveler (b) French Physician
(c) Head of French missionary (d) None of these.
(10) Which city was named as Shah Jahanabad:
(a) Agra (b) Delhi
(c) Ajmir (d) None of these.
(11) Mahmud Ghaznavi is described as "the first pioneer and path-finder for Islam in this
country" by:
(a) Lane Poole (b) V.A. Smith
(c) S.R. Sharma (d) None of these.
(12) Sikandar Lodhi sends expedition to Malva in:
(a) 1510 (b) 1511 (c) 1513 (d) 1515
(13) Babar adopted the title of Padshah in:
(a) 1504 (b) 1506 (c) 1507 (d) None of these.
(14) Shah Husain Arghun takes Multan in:
(a) 1521 (b) 1525 (c) 1524 (d) None of these.
(15) Humayun ascended the throne in 1530 at the age of:
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) None of these.
(16) Buland Darwaza commemorate Akbars conquest of:
(a) Mewar (b) Bangal (C) Gujrat
(d) None of these.
(17) Behzad was a famous Persian:
(a) Writer (b) Painter (c) Poet (d) None these.
(18) Ranthambhor was surrendered in 1528 by:
(a) Rana Sanga (b) Bheam Singh (c) Bikramjit (c) None of these.

(19) Sher Shah Proclaimed King in:

(a) 1539 (b) 1540 (c) 1541 (d) None of these.
(20) The Battle of Qanauj was fought between:
(a) Nusrat Shah and Sher Khan (b) Adil Shah and Sher Khan
(c) Humayun and Sher Khan (d) None of these.
1) Syed Ahmad Shaheed Fought his last battle against Sikhs at ____ in ____
(2) The real names of Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mu1k and Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk are __________
and ______ respectively.
(3 The Zamidar and Comrade newspapers were edited by - - and _____ respectively.
(4) _____________ Liaquat Ali Khan was martyred by______ on _________
(5) _____________ disso1ved the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on ____
(6) Punjab was given the status of a Province in ________
(7) The Cawnpur Mosque Incident took place in the year ____
(8) Police Firing on Khaksars in Lahore took place on_------------------_____________
(9) Gandhi Irwan Pact was signed in the year ______
(10) The Muslims observed the Day of Deliverance on __________
(11) __________ Pact was signed on 11th April 1950.
(12) Indus Basin Treaty was signed in the year ___________
(13), ____ was the Prime Minister of India at the time of
Tashkand Declaration.
(14) ______ is the name of Boundary Line between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
(15) "Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by --------------------.
8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Dont reproduce the questions.
(1) Muhammad Bin Qasim appointed ___________ as his advisor.
(a) Siakar

(b) Alafi
(c) Al beruni
(d) None of these
(2) Indian Mathematics was translated into Arabic by:
(a) Hajjaj
(b) Farazi
(c) Khuwarizmi
(d) None of these
(3) Title of Yamin-ud-Daula was conferred upon __________ by the Caliph of Baghdad:
(a) Subuktagin
(b) Mahmud Ghaznavi
(c) Muhammad Ghori
(d) None of these
(4):Balban ruled as Sultan for ____ years:
(a) 11
(b) 15
(c) 21
(d) None of these
(5) Ghias Thughlaq ordered _____ to leave Delhi
(a) Siddi Maula
(b) Shaikh Zakariya
(c) Nizam-ud-Din Auliya
(d) None of these
(6) Fawaid-ud-Fuwad was written by:
(a) Amir Hasan
(b) Amir Khusru
(c) Hasan Nizami
(d) None of these
(7) Old name of Pak Patan was:
(a) Patna
(b) Ajudhan
(c) Pal Pur
(d) None of these
(8) Agra was built in the year:
(a) 1504
(b) 1604
(c) 1650
(d) None of these

(9) Khan-iShaheed was killed in the year:

(a) 1185
(b) 1285
(c) 1385
(d) None of these
(10) The tomb of Babar is situated at:
(a) Delhi
(b) Agra
(c) Kabul
(d) None of these
(11) Akbar was born at:
(a) Umar Kot
(b) Bala Kot
(c) Man Kot
(d) None of these
(12) Rohtas Fort was built under the supervision of:
(a) Isa Khan
(b) Todar Mal
(c) Khawas Khan
(d) None of these
(13) The Second Battle of Panipat was fought in the year:
(a) 1526
(b) 1556
(c) 1627
(d) None of these
(14) The author of Safinat-ul-Auliya was:
(a) Shaikh Mubarik
(b) Ghani Kashmiri
(c) Dara Shikoh
(d) None of these
(15) Buland Darwaza was built by?
(a) Sher Shah
(b) Shah Jehan
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) None of these
(16) Jahangir was born in the year:
(a) 1569
(b) 1571
(c) 1671

(d) None of these

(17) Lahore Fort was built by:
(a) Babur
(b) Sher Shah
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) None of these
(18) Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to ________ children.
(a) 7
(b) 10
(c) 14
(d) None of these
(19) Aurangzeb died in the year
(a) 1690
(b) 1707
(c) 1710
(d) None of these
(20) Taj Mahal was built under the supervision of:
(a) Ali Lahori
(b) Isa Irani
(c) Abdus Samad Sherazi
(d) None of these

8. Fill in the blanks. Write only the correct answers in the answer book. Dont reproduce the
questions. Cutting and over-writing will have no credit.
(1) Sir Syed established MAO College in __________.
(2) Nawab Salimullah Khan died in __________.
(3) Maulana Azads real name was __________.
(4) Hamdard was published by __________.
(5) First Round Table Conference was held in __________.
(6) Communal Award was published in __________.
(7) __________ was the Viceroy of India during the Second World War.
(8) Defence Council was formed in __________.
(9) The author of Jinnah of Pakistan is __________.
(10) The author of The Emergence of Pakistan is __________.
(11) Objective Resolution was passed on __________.
(12) State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated in __________.
(13) Liaquat Ali Khan went to America in __________.
(14) The author of Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan is __________.
(15) The Simla Agreement was signed on __________.
(16) The Legal Framework Order was issued by __________.


Myth of independence was written by __________.

Author of My Brother is __________
The First constituent Assembly was dissolved on __________.
The 8th Amendment in the Constitution of 1973 was made on __________.

Q.8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions
1). After the death of Qutb-ud-din Aibak, _ _ _ _ was put on the throne :
a Aaram Shah b Shams-ud-Din
c Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud d None of these
2). Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish led the funeral prayer of _ _ _ _ :
a) Hazrat Nizam-ud-Din Olia b) Hazrat Baba Farid
e) Hazrat Khwaja Qutb-ud-Din Bakhtiar Kaki
d) None of these
3). _ _ _ _ was the last ruler of slave dynasty :
a Razia Sultana b Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
c Ghias-ud-Din Balban d None of these
4). After the advent of the Muslims in South Asia, new Art which emerged is known as _ _
a Islamic Art b Gandhara Art
c Indo-Islamic Art d None of these
5). Tuzke-I-Babri was first written in _ _ _ _ :
a Turki b Persian
c Arabic d None of these
6). Rana Sangas real name was _ _ _ _:
a Rana Sangram b Moolraj
c Bir Narrayan d None of these
7). The battle of Kanwah was fought in the year _ _ _ _ :
a 1526 b 1527
c 1530 d None of these
8). Din Panah palace was raised in Delhi by _ _ _ _
a Hamayan b Akbar
c Shah Jehan d None of these
9). Baburs reign was from 1526 AD to _ _ _ _ _ AD
a 1530 b 1532
c 1534 d None of these
22. The battle between Nadir Shah and Muhammad Shah was fought in 1739 AD at _ _ _ _
a Delhi b Sirhind

c Karnal d None of these

23. The 3rd battle of Panipat was fought in _ _ _ _ :
a 1760 b 1861
c 1762 d None of these
24. Padshanama was written by _ _ _ _ :
a Abdul Hamid Lahori b Inayat Khan
c Muhammad Salih d None of these
25. _ _ _ _ secured many trade facilities for the English by Jahangir :
a Wiliam Hawkins b William Edward
c Sir Thames Roe d None of these
26. Arjumand Bano was the _ _ _ _ wife of Shah Jahan :
a Ist b IInd
c IIIrd d None of these
27. The real name of Noor Jahan was _ _ _ _
a Ladli Begum b Mahr-un-Nisa
c Jahan Ara d None of these
28. Haren Minar was built by _ _ _ _
a. Akbar b Jahangir
c Noor Jehan d None of these
29. Aurangzeb was the _ _ _ _ son of Shah Jehan
a. Ist b IInd
c IIIrd d None of these
30. The tomb of Qutb-ud-Aibak is in _ _ _ _
a. Lahore b Delhi
c Agra d None of these
31. Ali Mardan Khan is famously known for his _ _ _ _ _
a. Roads b Canals
c Invasions d None of these
32. The fifth Peshwa Guru Arjan Singh was executed by the Mughal Emperor _ _ _
a. Akbar b Jahangir
c Alamgir d None of these
(thanx tabassum)
Q.8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions
1). Sir Syed went to England alongwith his son named _ _ _ _
a Syed Masud b Sued Mahmud

c Syed Muhammad Khan d None of these

2). Viceroy _ _ _ lai the foundation stibe of MAO College ALigarh :
a) Lord Lytton b) Lord Ripon
d) Lord Mayo d) None of these
3). The real name of Nawab Waqa-ul-Mulk was _ _ _ _
a Mushtaq Hussain b Mehdi Ali
c Chiragh Ali d None of these
4). Ch. Rehmat Ali wrote his booklet Now or Never in the year _ _ _
a 1930 b 1932
c 1933 d None of these
5). Nawab Abdul Latif founded Muhammadan Literary Society in the year _ _ _ _ :
a 1863 b 1870
c 1883 d None of these
6). The author of the book the Spirit of Islam was _ _ _ _:
a Sir Agha Khan b Allama Iqbal
c Syed Amir Ali d None of these
7). The founder of Islamia College Peshawar was _ _ _ _ :
a Srdar Abdul Rab Nishtar b Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum
c Dr. Khan Sahib d None of these
8). Nehru Report was prepared under the Charmanship of _ _ _ _
a Jawahar Lal Nehru b Indra Gandhi
c lakhshmani Pandit Nehru Shah Jehan d None of these
9). Allam Iqbal died on _ _ _ _ _
a 21.4.1937 b 21.4.1938
c 9.11.1939 d None of these
11. Pakistan Resolution was presented by_ _ _ _
a Quaid-I-Azam b Liaquat Ali Khan
c Fazal-ul-Haq d None of these
12. Allama Iqbal obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of _ _ _ _ :
a London b Ozford
c Munich d None of these
13. _ _ _ _ founded the Unionist Party :
a Sikander Hayat b Zafar Ali Khan
c Khizar Hayat d None of these
14. Iskander Mirza took over as the president of Pakistan in the year _ _ _ _
a 1956 b 1957
c 1958 d None of these
15. The author of the book Two Nation Theory is _ _ _ _ wife of Shah Jahan :
a Dr. Abdul Hamid b Sir Syed
c Shafiq Ali Khan d None of these

16. The author of the book Political system in Pakistan is _ _ _ _

a Dr. Wasati b Khalid bin Saeed
c Dr. Yar Muhammad d None of these
17. The Canal Water Dispute was solved trough the good offices of _ _ _ _
a. Secutiry Councial b OIC
c World Bank d None of these
18. The site for Islamabad was selected in _ _ _ _
a. 1960 b 1961
c 1962 d None of these
19. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto inaugurated the new Education Policy in _ _ _ _
a. 1972 b 1973
c 1974 d None of these
20. NAM is the abbreviation of _ _ _ _ _
a. Non Arab Muslim b New Arya Movement
c Non Affiliated Maktab d None of these
21. ECO is the new name of _ _ _ _
a. OIC b NAM
c RCD d None of these

8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Mahmud Ghaznavi died in the year:
(a) 930 (b) 1030 * (c) 1130 (d) None of
(2) Sarai Adal was a:
(a) Court of Justice (b) Inn
(c) Cloth Market (d) None of these
(3) Ghias Tughlauq ordered whom to leave Delhi:
(a) Siddi Maula
(b) Shaikh Zakariyya
(c) Nizamuddin Aulia
(d) Noneofth$?e
(4) Amiran-i-Sadda were:
(a) Foreign nobles
(b) Local nobles
(c) Rajputs
(d) None of these
(5) ______ was appointed Ambassador to China by Muhammad Tughluq:
(a) Ibn.Batuta (b) Khawaja Jahan (c) AmirKhusrau (d)
None of these

(6) Amir Timur attached South Asia in the year: (a) 1390 (b) 1398 (c)
1490 (d) None of these

(7) The city of Jaunpur was founded by:

(a) Jauna Khan (b) Feroz Shah (c) SherShah (d) None
of these
(8) Fuad-ul-Fawaid was written by:
(a) AmirHasan (b) AmirKhusrau (c) HasanNizami (d) None of
(9) Ziauddin Barni was a:
(a) Poet (b) Commander (c) Social Worker (d) None of these
(10) Alai Durvaza was built by:
(a) Alaul Mulk (b) Ali Mardan (c) Shah Jahan (d) None
of these
(11) Battle of Kanwah was fought in the year: (a) 1527 (b) 1530 (c)
1535 (d) None of these
(12) Original name of the Sher Shah was:
(a) Sher Khan (b) Hasan Khan (c) Farid Khan (d)
None of these
(13) Humayun was born in the year:
(a) 1508 (b) 1510
(c) 1512 (d) None of these
(14) Akbar was born at:
(a) Agra (b) Kabul
(c) Qandhar (d) None of these
(15) Original name of Nur Jahan was:
.(a) Nur Begum (b) NurunNisa (c) MehrunNisa (d) None
of these
(16) Under Shah Jahan Qandhar was conquered by: (a) Dara *ikoh (b)
Aurangzeb (c) ShahShujah (d) None of these
(17) Akbar Nama was written by:
(a) Mullah Badayuni (b) Abul Fazal (c) Faizi (d) None of these
(18) Gulbadan Bano was a ______ of Humayun: (a) Sister (b) Wife (c)
daughter (d) None of these
(19) Fateh pur Sikri was built by:
(a) Babur (b) SherShah (c) Shah Jahan (d) None of

(20) Khiyal, a form of music, was invented by:
(a)Amir khusru
(b)Tan sen
(d)none of these
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from service in: (a) 1875 (b) 1876 (c)
1877 (d) None of these
(2) The Fraizi Movement was founded by:
(a) Dadhu Main
(b) Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah
(c) Haji Shariat Ullah
(d) None of these
(3) The first Central Office of Muslim League was established at:
(a) AliGarh (b) Dacca
(c) Lucknow (d) None of these
(4) All India Muslim Students Federation was founded at:
(a) Calcatta (b) Ali Garh (c) Lahore (d) None of
(5) Allama Iqbal got his Ph.D Degree from:
(a) London University
(b) Munich University
(c) Cambridge University
(d) .None of these
(6) The first Anglo-Sikh war started in: (a) 1845 (b) 1846 (c)
1849 (d) None of these
(7) Lord Minto succeeded as Viceroy of India: (a) Lord Ripon (b)
Lord Curzon (c) Lord Lytton (d) None of these
(8) The muslims were granted the right of separate electorate under the Act of: (a)
1909 (b) 1919 (c) 1935 (d) None of these
(9) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar dted during the ____ Round Table Conference: (a)
First (b) Second (c) Third (d) None of these
(10) Cripps Mission reached India in:
(a) 1940 (b) 1941
(c) 1942 (d) None of these
(11) Quaid-i-Azam reached Pakistan on ______
August, 1947:

(a) 7th (b) 11th

(c) 14th (d) None of these
(12) The First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of '
members at the time of the creation of Pakistan: (a) 69 (b)
79 (c) t 89 (d) None of these
(13) Pakistan become Islamic Republic in: (a) 1947 (b) 1956 (c) 1962 (d) None of these

(14) Nizam-e-Islam Party was founded by:

(a) Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani
(b) Ch. Rehmat All
(c) Ch. Muhammad All
(d) None of these
(15) The famous book "Hayat-e-Jawaid" was written on the life of:
(a) Dr. Javed Iqbal
(b) Allama Iqbal
(c) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(d) None of these
(16) The Sino-Pak. Boundary Agreement was signed in: (a) 1961 (b) 1962 (c) 1963
(d) None of these
(17) 1962 Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on _____1962:
(a) 23rd March (b) 8th June (c) 14th August (d) None of these
(18) OJRI Camp was:
(a) A Summer Camp
(b) A, P.O. W's Camp
(c) An Ammunition Depot

(d) None of these

(19) I.I. Chundrigar was the _____ Prime Minister of Pakistan:
(a) 5th (b) 6th (c) 7th (d) None of these
(20) The Author of "Political System in Pakistan" is:
(a) G. W. Choudhry
(b) Aziz Ahmad
(c) Khalid Bin Sayed
(d) None of these
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Tarikh-c-Farisha was written by:
(a) Noorullah (b) Mohammad Qasim (c) Minhaj Siraj (d) None of these
(2) Zaheeruddin Babur had:
(a) one daughter (b) two daughters (c) three daughters (d) None of these
(3) How many Times Mahmud invaded India:
(a) Ten (b) Thirteen
(c) Seventeen (d) None of these
(4) Divan-e-Arx. under Muslim Sultans dealt with offices of: (a) revenue (b) army (c)
irrigation (d) None of these
(5) Sultan Aram Shah belonged to:
(a) Khilji dynasty (b) Tughluq Dynasty (c) Suri dynasty (d) None of these

(6) Fatawwa-c-Alamgiri was edited by:

(a) Adat Sultan (b) Molvi Nabi Beg (c) Abdul Hlaq (d) None of these
(7) JaJaluddin Khwarizim Shah came to India during the reign of: (a) Aibak (b) Iltutmash
(c) Balban (d) None of these
(8) Sultan Ruknuddin Firozshah belonged to the dynasty of:
(a) Slave
b) khilji
(c) Tughluq
(d) none of these
9-Deccan was conquered first under:

(a) Balban (b)Alauddin khilji

(c) Mohammad bin Tughluq (d)none of these
10-Abu Rehan Alberuni was:
(a) painter (b)poet
(c) administrator (d)None of these
11-Tabqaat-e-Nasiri was a book on:
(a) history (b)poetry
(c) religion (d)None of these
12-Jital was an item of:
(a) currency (b)weight
(c) measurement (d)None of these
13-Ibn-e-Batutah by birth was a:
(a) Turk (b)Afghan
(c) Arab (d)None of these
14-Nizarnuddin Auliya flourished during the reign of: (a) Alauddin Khilji (b) Humayun (c)
Akbar (d) None of these

15-Guru Nanak lived during the reign of:

(a) Babur (b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar (d) None of these
16-Mahmud Gawaan was a minister under the:
(a) Khilji (b) Mughals
(c) .Bahmani's- (d) None of these
17-All mad Shah Abdali was born at:
(a) Kabul (b) Peshawar
(c) Mu I tan (d) None of these
18-Akbar married his first Hindu wife from the house of: (a) Marwar (b) Amber (c) Jaipur d)
none of these
19-Ruqia Sultana Begum was wife of:
(a) Babur (b)Humayun
(c) Akbar (d) None of these
20-"Histoire de Mogor" was written by: (a) Father Monserrate
(b) Dugarric(c) Goerreiro (d)none of these
8. Write only the correct answer in the answer book, do not reproduce the question
1). The Fraizi movement was founded by

a) Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah b) Haji Shaiat Ulah c) Dadhu Mian d) non of these
2). ON which aspect of Islam did the great poest philospher Allama Iqbal emphasize in his
famous book Reconstruction of Religous Thought in Islam
a) Jihad b) Interest
c) Ijtihad d) non of these
3). Sir Syed foudned MAO College in
a) 1868 b) 1877
c) 1885 d) non of these
4). Who was AO Humed
a) British foreign minister b) a retired civil officer c) governor general d) non of these
5). Aligarh College was upgraded to the status of university in
a) 1898 b) 1910 c) 1920 d) non of these
6). Name the viceroy with whom the simla deputation met
a) Lord Mayo b) Lord Hastings
c) Lord Minto d) non of these
7). The muslims and hindus started non cooperation movement for
a) restroation of khilafat b) indian independence
c) both a & b d) non of these
8). which report rejected the demand of seperate electorate
a) nehru report b) simmon report
c) cripps reprot d) non of these
9). simmon commissoin arived in the sub continent in
a) 1929 b) 1930
c) 1928 d) non of these
10). Muhammad ali jinnah was given title of quaideazam in
a) 1936 b) 1938
c) 1935
d) non of these
11). who is the author of last days of quaid
a) col elahi bakhsh b) sir muhammad shafi
c) g. allana d) non of these

12). who took the oath of governor general of pakistan from quaid
a) justice a.r. kiani b) justice gulzar ahmed
c) justice wali mohammad d) non of these
13). in Which constitution system o zakat and usher was introduced in the country
a) 1956 b) 1962
c) 1973 d) non of these
14). when pakistan gave an applicatoin to the U N to become its member which country
opposed it
a) India b) Iran
c) Egypt d) non of these
15). in the north east, pakistan has common border with
a) Iran b) china
c) Afghanistan d) non of these
16). The oldest regional language of Pakistan
a) Sindhi b) Pushto
c) Punjabi d) all of the above
17). Pakistan joined NON Alligned movement at Bandung in a) 1979 b) 1978
c) 1977 d) non of these
18). Under constitution of 1956 which language was declared as the national language
a) Urdu b) Benagli
c) both a & b d) non of these
19). under which constitution bicameralism was introduced in Pakistan
a) 1973 b) 1962
c) 1956 d) non of these
20). when was the first SAARC conference held
a) 1984 b) 1985
c) 1983 d) non of these
Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Tarikh-c-Farisha was written by:
(a) Noorullah (b) Mohammad Qasim (c) Minhaj Siraj (d) None of these
(2) Zaheeruddin Babur had:
(a) one daughter (b) two daughters (c) three daughters (d) None of these
(3) How many Times Mahmud invaded India:
(a) Ten (b) Thirteen
(c) Seventeen (d) None of these

(4) Divan-e-Arx. under Muslim Sultans dealt with offices of: (a) revenue (b) army (c)
irrigation (d) None of these
(5) Sultan Aram Shah belonged to:
(a) Khilji dynasty (b) Tughluq Dynasty (c) Suri dynasty (d) None of these(Slave Dynasty)
(6) Fatawwa-c-Alamgiri was edited by:
(a) Adat Sultan (b) Molvi Nabi Beg (c) Abdul Hlaq (d) None of these
(7) JaJaluddin Khwarizim Shah came to India during the reign of: (a) Aibak
(b) Iltutmash (c) Balban (d) None of these
(8) Sultan Ruknuddin Firozshah belonged to the dynasty of:
(a) Slave
b0 khilji
(c) Tughluq
(d) none of these
9-Deccan was conquered first under:
(a) Balban (b)Alauddin khilji
(c) Mohammad bin Tughluq (d)none of these
10-Abu Rehan Alberuni was:
(a) painter (b)poet
(c) administrator (d)None of these
11-Tabqaat-e-Nasiri was a book on:
(a) history (b)poetry
(c) religion (d)None of these
12-Jital was an item of:
(a) currency (b)weight
(c) measurement (d)None of these
13-Ibn-e-Batutah by birth was a:
(a) Turk (b)Afghan
(c) Arab (d)None of these(morroco)
14-Nizarnuddin Auliya flourished during the reign of: (a) Alauddin Khilji (b) Humayun (c)
Akbar (d) None of these
15-Guru Nanak lived during the reign of:
(a) Babur (b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar (d) None of these
16-Mahmud Gawaan was a minister under the:
(a) Khilji (b) Mughals
(c) .Bahmani's- (d) None of these
17-All mad Shah Abdali was born at:
(a) Kabul (b) Peshawar
(c) Multan (d) None of these

18-Akbar married his first Hindu wife from the house of: (a) Marwar (b) Amber
(c) Jaipur d) none of these
19-Ruqia Sultana Begum was wife of:
(a) Babur (b)Humayun
(c) Akbar (d) None of these
20-"Histoire de Mogor" was written by: (a) Father Monserrate
(b) Dugarric(c) Goerreiro (d)none of these
1 Muhammad Bin Qasim was called back by
Walid bil Abdul malik
Sulaiman bin Abdul malik
Hasham bin Abdul malik
None of these
2 Mahmud Ghaznavi died as result of
Fatal attack
None of these
3 Hazrat Data Gunj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery came to India with
Muhammad bin qasim
sultan mahmud ghaznavi
sultan masud of ghazna
None of these
4. Qutb ud din Aibak died during the game of
None of these
5.Changhez khan came to India during the reign of
None of these
6.Second battle of Tarain was fought in
None of these
7.Razia Sultana married with
jamal ud din yaqut

bahram shah
None of these
8.Ibn Batuta visited India in
12 th century
13 th century
14 th century
None of these
9. Babur assumed the title of " Padsha"
after the conquest of Kabul
after the 1st battle of Panipat
after the battle of kanwah
None of these
10. Sayyid Mahdi Khawaja was the husband of
gulbadan begum
khanzada begum
masuma begum
None of these
11. A public kitchen famously known as "langar-i-fukra" was opened by
sher shah
None of these
12.Akbar was crowned as king at
None of these
13.The colour of the marble of Taj Mahal is
None of these
14.Aurangzeb Alamgir had
one son
two sons
three sons
None of these
15.The original name of the Mahmood Shah was

khush akhtar
buland akhtar
raushan akhtar
None of these
16.The ninth Sikh Peshwa"Guru Teg Bahadur was executed by
aurangzeb alamgir
None of these
17.Jahangir's reign was from 1605 A.D to
1625 A.D
1626 A.D
1627 A.D
None of these
18.How many invasions Ahmad shah Abdali made on the subcontinent?
None of these
19."Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi" the best source of information for the reign of Sher shah was
written by
Abbas Sarwani
Gulbadan Begum
None of these
20.Todar maal was the Revenue Minister of
sher shah
shah jahan
None of theseMCQs of Paper_1
1.Sulaiman bin Malik
3.None of these
9. After the conquest of Kabul
10.None of these or Gulbaden Begum (not confirmed)
11.Sher Shah

14.None of these
15.Roshan Akhtar
16. Aurangzeb
17.None of these(1628)
18.5 (nt confirmed)
19. none of these

(1) Which of the European nations came first to South Asia?

a) Portuguese
b) Dutch
c) English
d) None of these
(2) Lahore was given to Ranjit Singh by
a) Nadir Shah
b) Ahmad Shah Abdali
c) Zaman Khan
d) None of these
(3) The Battle of Plassey was fought in
a) 1657
b) 1757
c) 1857
d) None of these
(4) Haidar Ali died in
a) 1784
b) 1884
c) 1901
d) None of these
(5) Tipu Sultan is buried at
a) Delhi
b) Agra
c) Saringapatam
d) None of these
(6) Sir Syed was born in
a) 1810
b) 1817

d) None of these
(7) Syed Ahmad Brailvi fell martyr at Balakot in
a) 1757
b) 1830
d) None of these
(8) The war of Independence of 1857 started from
a) Delhi
b) Meerat
c) Cawnpore
d) None of these
(9) Islamia College Peshawar was founded by
a) Adbul Ghaffar Khan
b) Haj Sahin Tarangzai
c) Sahinzada Abdul Qayyum
d) None of these
(10) Anjuman-i-Himaya-i-Islam was founded in
a) 1884
b) 1892
d) None of these
(11) The name of the newspaper edited by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was
a) Zamindar
b) Inqalab
c) Al Hilal
d) None of these
(12) Unionist Party was founded by
a) Zafar Ali Khan
b) Sikandar Hayat
c) Khizar Hayat
d) None of these
(13) Ghazi Ilmuddin killed
a) Rah Pal
b) Saverkar
c) Diyanand
d) None of these
(14) Who compiled the Nehru Report?

a) Mr. Gandhi
b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
c) Indra Gandhi
d) None of these
(15) Lahore Resolution was presented by
a) Quaid-e-Azam
b) Fazl-ul-Haq
c) Liaquat Ali Khan
d) None of these
(16) Sikandar Mirza declared Martial Law on
a) October 8, 1958
b) October 27, 1958
c) November 1, 1958
d) None of these
(17) War of 1965 resulted in signing of
a) Delhi Pact
b) Lahore Pact
c) Moscow Pact
d) None of these
(18) Pakistan Peoples Party was founded in
a) 1966
b) 1967
d) None of these
(19) The first President of Pakistan was
a) Quaid-e-Azam
b) Liaquat Ali Khan
c)Sikandar Mirza
d) None of these
(20) The Constitution of 1973 was promulgated on
a) March 23, 1973
b) August 14, 1973
c) December 25,1973
d) None of these
MCQs of paper_2
2.Ahmed Shah Abdali

7.None of these (1831)
9. Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum
11. Al_hilal
12.Khizr Hayat
13.None of these
14.none of these
15. Fazl-ul-Haq
16.Ot 8, 1958
17.None of these (Tashkent Pact)
20. 14 August, 1973
Q.8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
1. Sindh and Multan were conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim under the reign of the
Islamic Caliph:
(a) Umer bin Abdul Aziz
(b).Waleed bin Abdul Malik
(c) Suleman bin Abdul Malik
(d) None of these
(2) Jaipal fought with Mehmood of Ghazna near Peshawar in:
(a) 998 AD
(b) 1001 AD
(c) 1004 AD
(d) None of these
(3) Which city was named as Mehmoodabad:
(a) Agra
(b) Somnath
(c) Lahore
(d) None of these
(4) Kitab-ul-Hind was written by:
(a) Zia uddin Burni
(b)Minhaj Siraj
(c) AI-Beroni
(d) None of these
(5) The first amongst the Delhi Sultans to earn title of "Sultan from the Baghdad Caliph

(a) Qutab uddin Aibak

(b) Shamus uddin Iltutmish
(c) Allauddin Khilji
(d) None of these
6. Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar was a saint of:
(a) Qadiriya Silsilah
(b) Chishtia Silsilah
(c) 'Soharwardiya Silsilah
(d) None of these
(7) Raj Tarangni was:
(a) a book
(b) a form of dance
(c) a female musician
(d) None of these
(8) Akbar's tomb is situated at:
(a) Haiderabad
(b) Aurangabad
(c) Allahabad
(d) None of these
9. ______ secured many trade facilities for the English by Emperor J ahangir:
(a) William Hawkins
(b) William Edward
(c) Sir Thomas Roe
(d) None of these
(10) Humayun Nama was written by:
(a) Hamayun
(b) Mulla Badayuni
(c) Muhammad Qasim
(d) None of these
11 Fatehpur Sikri was built by:
(a) Babar
(b) Shah Jehan
(c) Sher Shah
(d) None of these
(12) Hameeda Bano was mother of:
(a) Akbar
(b) Shah Jehan
(c) Jehangir
(d) None ofthese

(13) The 1 st Battle of Panipat was fought in:

(a) 1521 AD
(b) 1526 AD
(c) 1531 AD
(d) None of these
(14) At the time of his coronation at Kalanour the age of Akbar was:
(a) Thirteen and half
(b) Fifteen
(c) Eighteen.
(d) None ofthese
(15) Francois Burnier, the English traveler visited India during the period of:
(a) Jehangir
(b) Shah Jehan
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) None of these
(16) "Zill-e-Elahi" means:
(a) Defender of Allah's faith
(b) Slave of Allah
(c) Shadow of Allah
(d) None of these
(17) Ibne-e-Batuta visited India during the reign of:
(a) Muhammad Tughluq
(b) Allauddin Khilji
(c) Ghias uddin Balban
(d) None of these
(18) Battle of Plassay (1757) was fought between:
(a) The English and the French
(b) J The ruler of Bengal and East India Company
(c) Mughal King of Delhi and the English
(d) None of these
(19) Aurangzeb Alamgir ascend_ed the thro.pe on:
(a) 1654 AD
(b) 1658 AD
(c) 1662 AD
(d) None of these
(20) Manuchi was a European traveler who came in the court of:
(a) Shah Jehan
(b) Jehangir

(c) Akbar:
(d) None of these
1. Sindh and Multan were conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim under the reign of the
Islamic Caliph:
(b).Waleed bin Abdul Malik
(2) Jaipal fought with Mehmood of Ghazna near Peshawar in:
(b) 1001 AD
(3) Which city was named as Mehmoodabad:
(d) None of these
(4) Kitab-ul-Hind was written by:
(c) AI-Beroni

(5) The first amongst the Delhi Sultans to earn title of "Sultan from the Baghdad Caliph
(b) Shamus uddin Iltutmish
6. Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar was a saint of:
(b) Chishtia Silsilah
(7) Raj Tarangni was:
(a) a book
(8) Akbar's tomb is situated at:
(d) None of these (SIKANDRA)
9. ______ secured many trade facilities for the English by Emperor J ahangir:
(c) Sir Thomas Roe
(10) Humayun Nama was written by:
11 Fatehpur Sikri was built by:
(d) None of these (AKBER)
(12) Hameeda Bano was mother of:
(a) Akbar
(13) The 1 st Battle of Panipat was fought in:
(b) 1526 AD

(14) At the time of his coronation at Kalanour the age of Akbar was:
(a) Thirteen and half (THIRTEEN)
(15) Francois Burnier, the English traveler visited India during the period of:
(a) Jehangir
(b) Shah Jehan
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) None of these
(16) "Zill-e-Elahi" means:
(c) Shadow of Allah

(17) Ibne-e-Batuta visited India during the reign of:

(a) Muhammad Tughluq
(18) Battle of Plassay (1757) was fought between:
(b) The ruler of Bengal and East India Company
(19) Aurangzeb Alamgir ascend_ed the thro.pe on:
(b) 1658 AD
(20) Manuchi was a European traveler who came in the court of:
(a) Shah Jehan
(b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar:
(d) None of these
Q8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Shah Wali Ullah was born in:
(a) 1702
(b 1703.
(c) 1704
(d) None of these
(2) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died in:
(a) 1896
(b) 1898
(c) 1899
(d) None of these
(3) Partition of Bengal took place in:
(a) 1905
(b) 1906
(c) 1911
(d) None of these

(4)When ALL India Muslim League was founded in 1906, one of its aims was:
(a) to fight against Hindus
(b) to fight for independence
(c) to promote loyalty to the British Govt
(d) None of these
Mr. Jinnah joined the Muslim League in:
(A) 1905
(B) 1913
(C) 1911
(D) None of these
Q.6 Simla Deputation was led by:
(a) Mohsin ul-Mulk
(b) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(c) Sir Aga Khan.
(d) None.of these
(7) Viqarul-Mulk died in:
(a) 1907
(b) 1911
(c) 1917
(d) None of these
8. In 1913 Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar started as Urdu newspaper:
(a) v Zamindar
(b) Inqilab
(c) Hamdard
(d) None of these
9. The Communal A ward was announced in:
(a) 1930
(b)J 1931
(c) 1933
(d) None of these
10. The 'Day of Deliverance' was observed on:
(a) Nobember20,1939
(b) November 22, 1939
(c) J DeceTber 22,1932
(d) None of these
11. British Cabinet Minister Mr. Cripps came to India in:
(a) 1942
(b) 1944

(c) 1946
(d) None of these
(12) Who took the oath of Governor General of Pakistan from Quaid-i-Azam:
(a) Justice Wali Mahmood
(b) Justice A. R. Kiani
(c) Justice Mian Abdul Rashid
(d) None of these
13. The 'Objective Resolution' was accepted by the Constituent Assembly in:
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1949
(d) None of these
14. Write the name of a person who has been the Governor General as well as the Prime
Minister of Pakistan:
(a)' The Quaid-i-Azam
(b Liaqat Ali Khan
(c) Khawaja Nazimuddin
(d) None of these
15. When Pakistan gave an application to the United Nations to become its member, which
country opposed it:
(a) India
(b) Iran
(c) Afghanistan
(d) None of these
16. Pak-China border Dispute was settled in:
(a) 1962
(b) 1963
(c) 1964
(d) None of these
17. Pakistan Peoples Party was founded in:
(a) 1965
(b) 1966
(c) 1968
(d) None of these
18. The Constitution of 1956 was promulgated on:
(a) March 23, 1956
(b) August 14,1956
(c) December 25, 1956
(d) None ofthese

19. The last Governor General of Pakistan was:

(a) Quaid-i-Azam
(b) Khawaja Nazim uddin
(c) Sikandar Mirza
(d) None of these
20Pakistan became member of Non-Aligned Movement in:
(a) 1977
(b) 1978
(d) None of these
Indo-PAk History Paper 2 (2007)
Q8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Shah Wali Ullah was born in:
(a) 1702
(2) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died in:
(b) 1898
(3) Partition of Bengal took place in:
(b) 1906
(4)When ALL India Muslim League was founded in 1906, one of its aims was:
(c) to promote loyalty to the British Govt
Mr. Jinnah joined the Muslim League in:
(B) 1913
Q.6 Simla Deputation was led by:
(c) Sir Aga Khan.
(7) Viqarul-Mulk died in:
(c) 1917
8. In 1913 Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar started as Urdu newspaper:
(c) Hamdard
9. The Communal Award was announced in:
(d) None of these (1932)
10. The 'Day of Deliverance' was observed on:
(d) None of these (22 December 1939)
11. British Cabinet Minister Mr. Cripps came to India in:
(a) 1942

(12) Who took the oath of Governor General of Pakistan from Quaid-i-Azam:
(c) Justice Mian Abdul Rashid
13. The 'Objective Resolution' was accepted by the Constituent Assembly in:
(c) 1949
14. Write the name of a person who has been the Governor General as well as the Prime
Minister of Pakistan:
(c) Khawaja Nazimuddin
15. When Pakistan gave an application to the United Nations to become its member, which
country opposed it:
(c) Afghanistan
16. Pak-China border Dispute was settled in:
(b) 1963
17. Pakistan Peoples Party was founded in:
(d) None of these (30 NOV 1967)
18. The Constitution of 1956 was promulgated on:
(a) March 23, 1956
19. The last Governor General of Pakistan was:
(c) Sikandar Mirza
20Pakistan became member of Non-Aligned Movement in:
(d) None of these (1979 )

Question No.1 Select the best option /answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer
(1). After his second coronation Humayun could only rule for :
a). Six months
b). two years
c). two and a half years
d). none of these
(2). At the time of his coronation at Kalanaur the age of Akbar was:
a). Thirteen and a half years
b). fifteen and a half years
c). seventeen and a half years
d). none of these
(3). The Mughal troops captured Chittor in 1568 after defeating:

a). Raja Pratab Singh

b). Raja Amar Singh
c). Rana Sangram Singh
d). none of these
(4). The Afghan power in Orissa was crushed by:
a). Raja Todarmal
b). Raja Man Singh
c). Munim Khan
d). none of these
(5). Tabaqat-i-Akbari was written by:
a). Khawaja Nizamuddin Ahmad
b). Badanni
c). Abul Fazal
d). none of these
(6). The office of Vakil became prominent during the reign of:
a). Jahangir
b). Aurangzeb
c). Akbar
d). none of these
(7). Which of the following officers was the guardian of Islamic Law:
a). Qazi-ul Quzat
b). Muhtasib
c). Sadr-us-Sadr
d). none of these
(8). Who divided the Mughal empire into provinces for the first time:
a). Babur
b). Hamayun
c). Jahangir
d). none of these
(9). Head of the civil and military administration of the province was:
a). Diwan
b). Nazim
c). Bakshi
d). none of these

(10). The Mughal emperor who allowed a chain with bells to be hung outside his palace was:
a). Akbar
b). Jahangir
c). Shah Jahan
d). none of these
(11). Which of the following was not a chronicler of history of Sultanate :
a). Abbas Khan Sharwani
b). Amir Khusrau
c). Zai-ud-Din Barani
d). none of these
(12). Foreign traveler whose account does not throw light on the history of sultanate was:
a). Ibne Batutah
b). Marco Polo
c). Abdur Razzaq
d). none of these
(13). Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency:
a). Amar Shah
b). Iltutmish
c). Balban
d). none of these
(14). Sultan who called himself Naib-i-Khudai or Deputy of God was:
a). Iltutmish
b). Balban
c). Alla-ud-Din Khilji
d). none of these
(15). Timur (Tamerlane) invaded India during the reign of :
a). Nasiruddin Muhammad
b). Tughlaq Shah
c). Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq
d). none of these

(16). Rulers of Lodhi dynasty were:

a). Turks
b). Afghans
c). Iranians
d). none of these

(17). Highest point of territorial expansion of the sultanate was during the reign of :
a). Alla-ud-Din Khilji
b). Muhammad bin Tughlaq
c). Firoz Shah
d). none of these

(18). Coming of Khiljis to power is known as:

a). Khalji revolution
b). Khalji Imperialism
c). Khalji Coup
d). none of these

(19). Who selected the site for the city of Agra as his capital:
a). Sikander Lodhi
b). Bahlul Lodhi
c). Muhammad bin Tughlaq
d). none of these

(20). Military officer of the Sultanate who was the highest in Military graduation was:
a). Khan
b). Malik
c). Amir
d). none of these
I attempted my MCQs as follows:

Six months
None of these ( It is 14 years in K. Ali's Book )
None of these ( Rana Uday Singh )
Rana Man Singh
Khawaja Nizamuddin
Akbar ( divided empire into 15 provinces )

8. None of these ( Akbar )

9. Nazim ( Governor )
10. Jahangir
11. Abbas Khan Sherwani ( He has written history covering Sher Shah Seri era )
12. Abdul Razzak
13. Iltutmish
14. Balban
15. Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughluq
16. Afghans
17. Mohd bin Tughluq
18. Khalji Revolution
19. Sikandar Lodhi
20. Khan
Question No.1 Select the best option /answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer
(1). In which language Shah Wali Ullah translated the Holy Quran:
a). English
b). Persian
c). Turkish
d). none of these
(2). Indian National Congress was established in :
a). 1883
b). 1885
c). 1887
d). none of these
(3). Who was the Viceroy at the time of partition of Bengal :
a). Lord Caning
b). Lord Curzon
c). Lord Minto
d). none of these
(4). The Simla deputation was headed by :
a). Agha Khan
b). M.A. Johar
c). Syed Amir Ali
d). none of these
(5). Separate electorate was provided in :

a). 1909
b). 1919
c). 1935
d). none of these
(6). Who was the author of My India Years:
a). Lord Curzon
b). Lord Hardinge
c). Lord Mountbatten
d). none of these
(7). Sanghata Movement was started by:
a). Dr. Hergopal
b). Dr Moonje
c). Dr Swami
d). none of these
(8). Mopla revolt was started in:
a). 1920
b). 1921
c). 1922
d). none of these
(9). Who started the Home Rule Movement :
a). M. A. Jinnah
b). B.G. Tilak
c). Mrs. Annie Besant
d). none of these
(10). The subjects were divided into central and provincial by the Act of:
a). 1909
b). 1919
c). 1935
d). none of these
(11). The first Chief Justice of Pakistan was:
a). Abdur Rashid
b). Sajjad Ali Shah
c). Zafar ul Haq

d). none of these

(12). Treaty of Lausane was signed in :
a). 1921
b). 1922
c). 1923
d). none of these
(13). Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the All India Muslim League in :
a). 1911
b). 1912
c). 1913
d). none of these
(14). Mauala Mohammad Ali Johar was the editor of :
a). Hindustan Times
b). Azadi
c). Comrade
d). none of these
(15). Who started the Shuddin Movement:
a). Nehru
b). Tilak
c). Gandhi
d). none of these

(16). Bande-Matram was a :

a). Anthem
b). Film
c). Novel
d). none of these

(17). Now or Never pamphlet was written by :

a). Agha Khan
b). Ch. Rehmat Ali
c). Mohammad Ali Jinnah
d). none of these

(18). The book verdict on India was written by :

a). Beverlay Nickolas
b). Charles Nicholas
c). Peter Nicholas
d). none of these

(19). The first Round Table was held in :

a). London
b). Delhi
c). Lahore
d). none of these

(20). Famous Wardha scheme was about :

a). Culture
b). Education
c). Religion
d). none of these
History of Pakistan n India( paper 2)
1) b Persian
2) b 1885
3) b Lord Curzon
4) a Agha Khan
5) a 1909 /1919
6) b Lord hardinge
7) c Dr Swami ( not sure)
8) a 1920/1922
9) c Mrs Annie Besant
10)b 1919
11) a Abdur Rashid
12) c 1923
13) c 1913
14)c Comrade
15)d None of these/TILAK
16) c Novel/ANTHEM
17) b CH. Rahmat Ali
18)a Beverlay Nicholas
19)a London
20)b Education
For Paper II,
Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)

1.raja dahirs wife name is

a. Jodha Bai
b. Uddipana
c. Rani Bai
d. Shari Mati
e. None Of These(her name was Ladi Bai.plz correct me)
2. Raja dahirs wife
a. was made hostage
b. was freed
c. committed suicide
d. accepted islam
e none of these
3. Sabuktagin was
a. Son Of Alaptagin
b. Nephew Of Alaptagin
c. Slave Of Alaptagin
d. Son In Law Of Alaptagin
e. None Of These
4. The founder of ghazanvide dynasty was
a. Mahmood Ghauri
b. Alaptagin
c. Sabuktagin
d. Jaipal
e. None Of These
5. Abu rehan al-biruni was a famous
a. Conqueror
b. Sultan
c. Poet
d. Historian
e. None Of These
6. The founder of slave dynasty was
a. Qutub Ud Din Aibak
b. Iltutmish
c. Nasir Ud Din Mahmud Shah

d. Balban
e. None Of These
7. Razia sultana was the daughter of
a. Qutub Ud Din Aibak
b. Muhammad Ghauri
c. Iltutmish
d. Balban
e. None Of These
8. Amongst the sultans of delhi who presented the theory of kingship
a. Iltutmish
b. Balban
c. Alauddin Khilji
d. Muhammad Tughlaq
e. None Of These
9. Warden of marches was the title of
a. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
b. Mahmood Of Ghazni
c. Muhammad Ghauri
d. Sultan Balban
e. None Of These
10. Ibn-e-bututa was
a. An Arab
b. A Moorish
c. A Turk
d. A Persian
e. None Of These
11. Baburnama is a
a. Travelogue
b. Biography
c. Autobiography
d. Collection Of Poetry
e. None Of These
12. Shaibani khan defeated
a. Babur
b. Ibrahim Lodhi

c. Humayun
d. Akbar
e. None Of These
13. The battle of gogra was faught between
a. Rajputes And Babur
b. Lodhis And Babur
c. Marhatas And Babur
d. Mewatis And Babur
e. None Of These
14. Humayun died from
a. Excessive Alchol Drinking
b. Cholera
c. Battlefield
d. Fall From Library Stairs
e. None Of These

15. Sher shah suri snatched the throne of delhi from

a. Babur
b. Humayun
c. Jehangir
d. Aurangzeb
e. None Of These

16. During The 16th Century The Pioneer Of Efficient Administration Reforms In India Is
Considered To Be
a. Sher Shah Suri
b. Humayun
c. Jehangir
d. Akbar
e. None Of These

17. The suri dynasty was brought to an end by

a. Sher Shah Suri
b. Humayun
c. Jehangir
d. Akbar

e. None Of These

18. Fateh pur sikri was declared the capital of his kingdom by
a. Jehangir
b. Akbar
c. Aurangzeb
d. Shah Jahan
e. None Of These

19. The chain of justice was hanged for the convenience of people for quick justice by
a. Noor Jahan
b. Jehangir
c. Akbar
d. Sher Shah Suri
e. None Of These

20. Taj mahal was constructed as his queen mausoleum by

a. Shah Jahan
b. Jehangir
c. Akbar
d. Bahadur Shah Zafar
e. None Of These

Paper 1
1) Chachnama was originally written in:
a) Persian b) Arabic c) Turkish d) Sindhi
2) First Muslim Expedition sent to India by:
a) Hazrat Umar b) Hazrat Usman c) Hazrat Ali d) Hujjaj bin Yousaf
3) Muhammad Bin Qasim stayed at Makran before entering Sind for:
a) 3 Months b) 2 Months c) 1 Month d) 2 Weeks
4) The first Mosque in South Asia was built in:
a) Sindh b) Bhopal c) Baluchistan d) Bengal
5) The Ghaznavid Rule over present day Pakistan areas lasted for:
a) 300 years b) 250 years c) 200 years d) 150 years

6)Ibn-Batuta travelled for:

a) 35 years b) 28 years c) 20 years d) 15 years
7) Sultan Qutb ud Din Aibak could rule for
a) 35 years b) 18 years c) 15 years d) 5 years
8)The Khilji Dynasty enjoyed India rule for:
a) 90 years b) 70 years c) 50 years d) 30 years
9) The Khayal System of music was founded by:
a) Amir Khusrau b) Husain Shah Sharqi c) Mian Tan Sain d) Maiju Bawara
10) Queen Noor Jehan was born at:
a) Delhi b) Iran c) Chaghi d) Agra
11) In the year 1719 how many Mughal Kings sat on throne?
a) 5 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
12) Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against:
a) Mughals b) Marhattas c) Sikhs d) Rajputs
13) When the thrid battle of Panipat was fought?
a) 1526 b) 1757 c) 1761 d) 1764
14)The British fought Plassey War against:
a) Haider Ali b) tipu Sultan c) Sirajiddaula d) Marhattas
15) Darsi Nizami was named after:
a) Nizamuddin Auliya b) Nizam ul Mulk c) Mulla Nizami d) Nizamul Mulk Junaidi
16) Maharaja Ranjit Sing ruled Punjab for:
a) 60 years b) 50 years c) 40 years d) 20 years
17) Karachi was occupied by the British in:
a) 1820 b) 1839 c) 1842 d) 1843
18) Delhi fell to the British Army in:
a) 1796 b) 1803 c) 1849 d) 1857
19) Whent the first Anglo Afghan War was fought:
a) 1813 b) 1820 c) 1839 d) 1843
20) Before 1857 how many universites had been established by the British:
a) 16 b) 13 c) 3 d) Not a single.

Paper 2:

1) Indian National Congress was established by:

a) An official of the British Government b) A British loyalist c) British dissident d) A retired
British official e) None of these
2) Kabir Das of the Bhakti Movement was:
a) A Preacher b) A Mystic c) A Poet d) A Warrior e) None of these
3) Kashful Mahjub was written by:
a) Mujadid Alf Thani b) Syed Ali Hajveri c) Syed Muinuddin Ajmeri d) Sheikh Bahauddin
Zakariya e) None of these.
4) The Millenial Movement was lauched against:
a) The Mughals b) The British c) The Marhattas d) The Muslims e) None of these.
5) The East India Company owes its success in India to:
a) Lord Dalhousie b) Lord Cornwallis c) Lord Curzon d) Warren Hastings e) None of these.
6) Third Battle of Panipat was fought between:
a) British and the Mughals b) British and Sikhs c) British and Afghans d) Afghans and the
Marhattas e) None of these.
7) Syed Ahmad Shaheed launched his Jihad Movement against:
a) The Christians b) The Sikhs c) The Hindus d) The Hypocrites e) None of these.
8) The Faraidi Movement was lauched in:
a) Bengal b) Hyderabad c) Kashmir d) Maharashtra e) None of these.
9) Hazrat Mahal who fought during the War of Independence 1857 against the British was:
a) Queen of Jhansi b) Ruler of Jodhpur c) Begum of Nizam of Hyderabad d) Begum of
Awadh e) None of these.
10)Dar uloom Deoband was founded in:
a) 1865 b) 1855 c) 1875 d) 1857 e) None of these.
11) Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got his early education from:
a) MAO college, Aligarh b) St Patrick High School, Bombay c) Sindh Madrassatul Islam,
Karachi d) Islamia College, Lahore e) None of these.
12) The Simla Deputation of 1906 was led by:
a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah b) Nawab Salimullah Khan c) Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk d) Sir Agha
Khan e) None of these.
13) Delhi Muslim Proposals were presented in:
a) 1927 b) 1925 c) 1930 d) 1932 e) None of these.

14) One of the main points of Jinnah's 14 points was Muslim's Representation in the central
Legislature equal to:
a) Half of the members b) 2/3rd Members c) 1/3rd Members d) 1/4 Members e) none of
15) The inaugural session of Pakistan's First Constituent Assembly was chaired by:
a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah b) Liaquat Ali Khan c) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar d) J.N Mandal e)
None of these
16) The First Chief Minister of West Pakistan Province in 1955 was:
a) Abdul Qayyum Khan b) Dr Khan Sahib c) Malik Feroz Khan Noon d) Hussain Shaheed
Suhrawardy e) None of these
17) The First Indigenous Constituion was given to Pakistan by:
a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah b) Liaquat Ali Khan c) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto d) Chodri Muhammad Ali
e) None of these.
18) In Sep 1958 the Deputy Speaker was killed in the provincial assembly of:
a) Bengal b) Punjab c) NWFP d) Sindh e) None of these
19) In the 1970-71 which party got the majority seats in the National Assembly of Paksitan:
a) Pakistan People Party b) Pakistan Muslim League c) Awami League d) National Awami
Party e) None of these
20) Friday was declared for the first time as an official weekly holiday by:
a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto b)General Zia Ul Haq c) Nawaz Sharif d) Benazir Bhutto e) None of
Paper 1 MCQs
1) Chachnama was originally written in:
a) Persian b) Arabic c) Turkish d) Sindhi
2) First Muslim Expedition sent to India by:
a) Hazrat Umar b) Hazrat Usman c) Hazrat Ali d) Hujjaj bin Yousaf
3) Muhammad Bin Qasim stayed at Makran before entering Sind for:
a) 3 Months b) 2 Months c) 1 Month d) 2 Weeks
4) The first Mosque in South Asia was built in:
a) Sindh b) Bhopal c) Baluchistan d) Bengal
5) The Ghaznavid Rule over present day Pakistan areas lasted for:
a) 300 years b) 250 years c) 200 years d) 150 years
6)Ibn-Batuta travelled for:

a) 35 years b) 28 years c) 20 years d) 15 years

7) Sultan Qutb ud Din Aibak could rule for
a) 35 years b) 18 years c) 15 years d) 5 years
8)The Khilji Dynasty enjoyed India rule for:
a) 90 years b) 70 years c) 50 years d) 30 years
9) The Khayal System of music was founded by:
a) Amir Khusrau b) Husain Shah Sharqi c) Mian Tan Sain d) Maiju Bawara
10) Queen Noor Jehan was born at:
a) Delhi b) Iran c) Chaghi d) Agra
11) In the year 1719 how many Mughal Kings sat on throne?
a) 5 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
12) Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against:
a) Mughals b) Marhattas c) Sikhs d) Rajputs
13) When the thrid battle of Panipat was fought?
a) 1526 b) 1757 c) 1761 d) 1764
14)The British fought Plassey War against:
a) Haider Ali b) tipu Sultan c) Sirajiddaula d) Marhattas
15) Darsi Nizami was named after:
a) Nizamuddin Auliya b) Nizam ul Mulk c) Mulla Nizami d) Nizamul Mulk Junaidi
16) Maharaja Ranjit Sing ruled Punjab for:
a) 60 years b) 50 years(tuka) c) 40 years d) 20 years
17) Karachi was occupied by the British in:
a) 1820 b) 1839 c) 1842 d) 1843
18) Delhi fell to the British Army in:
a) 1796 b) 1803 c) 1849 d) 1857
19) Whent the first Anglo Afghan War was fought:
a) 1813 b) 1820 c) 1839 d) 1843
20) Before 1857 how many universites had been established by the British:
a) 16 b) 13 c) 3 d) Not a single.
Paper 2:

1) Indian National Congress was established by:

a) An official of the British Government b) A British loyalist c) British dissident d) A retired
British official e) None of these
2) Kabir Das of the Bhakti Movement was:
a) A Preacher b) A Mystic c) A Poet d) A Warrior e) None of these
3) Kashful Mahjub was written by:
a) Mujadid Alf Thani b) Syed Ali Hajveri c) Syed Muinuddin Ajmeri d) Sheikh Bahauddin
Zakariya e) None of these.
4) The Millenial Movement was lauched against:
a) The Mughals b) The British c) The Marhattas d) The Muslims e) None of these.
5) The East India Company owes its success in India to:
a) Lord Dalhousie b) Lord Cornwallis c) Lord Curzon d) Warren Hastings e) None of these.
6) Third Battle of Panipat was fought between:
a) British and the Mughals b) British and Sikhs c) British and Afghans d) Afghans and the
Marhattas e) None of these.
7) Syed Ahmad Shaheed launched his Jihad Movement against:
a) The Christians b) The Sikhs c) The Hindus d) The Hypocrites e) None of these.
8) The Faraidi Movement was lauched in:
a) Bengal b) Hyderabad c) Kashmir d) Maharashtra e) None of these.
9) Hazrat Mahal who fought during the War of Independence 1857 against the British was:
a) Queen of Jhansi b) Ruler of Jodhpur c) Begum of Nizam of Hyderabad d) Begum of
Awadh e) None of these.
10)Dar uloom Deoband was founded in:
a) 1865 b) 1855 c) 1875 d) 1857 e) None of these.
11) Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got his early education from:
a) MAO college, Aligarh b) St Patrick High School, Bombay c) Sindh Madrassatul Islam,
Karachi d) Islamia College, Lahore e) None of these.
12) The Simla Deputation of 1906 was led by:
a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah b) Nawab Salimullah Khan c) Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk d) Sir Agha
Khan e) None of these.
13) Delhi Muslim Proposals were presented in:
a) 1927 b) 1925 c) 1930 d) 1932 e) None of these.
14) One of the main points of Jinnah's 14 points was Muslim's Representation in the central

Legislature equal to:

a) Half of the members b) 2/3rd Members c) 1/3rd Members d) 1/4 Members e) none of
15) The inaugural session of Pakistan's First Constituent Assembly was chaired by:
a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah b) Liaquat Ali Khan c) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar d) J.N Mandal e)
None of these
16) The First Chief Minister of West Pakistan Province in 1955 was:
a) Abdul Qayyum Khan b) Dr Khan Sahib c) Malik Feroz Khan Noon d) Hussain Shaheed
Suhrawardy e) None of these
17) The First Indigenous Constituion was given to Pakistan by:
a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah b) Liaquat Ali Khan c) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto d) Chodri Muhammad
Ali e) None of these.
18) In Sep 1958 the Deputy Speaker was killed in the provincial assembly of:
a) Bengal b) Punjab c) NWFP d) Sindh e) None of these
19) In the 1970-71 which party got the majority seats in the National Assembly of Paksitan:
a) Pakistan People Party b) Pakistan Muslim League c) Awami League d) National Awami
Party e) None of these
20) Friday was declared for the first time as an official weekly holiday by:
a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto b)General Zia Ul Haq c) Nawaz Sharif d) Benazir Bhutto e) None of
in year 614 iltumish fought with his brother in law in mansoria?
a)qabacha c)yalduz d) none of these
to which tribe balban belonged to?
khuilch b) ibery c) mongol d) none of these
in year 642 alauddin masud made balban
a) b) c) d)none of these
which courts hold prominence in slave dynasty and in aurangzeb reign ?
qadi court ?
who claimed to b consulted aboud islamic jurisdiction in delhi sultanate first ?
noor ud din mubbarak ?
who was author as well as a judge ?
noor ud din mubbarak ?
who was first wazir of iltumish ?

kamal ud din ?
muslim percentage in mysore ?
2 4 8 15
voiceroy of daccan from 1667 -1680
shaista khan
delhi life was disturbed by shifting of capital to
daulatabad ??
khawaja baqi billah founded which silsilah
suharwardi naqshbandi chishtiyah none of these
my ans chishtiyah which is wrong
virtual capital of akbar from 1585 to 1598
lahore ?
position of hindus in mahmud ghaznvi army
1. Shah Waliullah translated Holy Quran in ...... language
2. All India Muhammadan Educational Conference was formed by Sir syed in...
3. Ist session of All India Muslim League was held at.....
4. Day of delieverance was observed on
22 December 1939
5. Poor man's budget in india just before partition was presented by...
Liaquat Ali Khan
6. Annulment of Bengal
12 december 1911
7. Cripps visited India on.....
22 March 1942
8. Z.A Bhutto took oath as 4th president on....
none of these (20 december 1971 was not option)
9. 18th amendment passed in year....
10. Who was Governor General of Indo Pakistan during Ist Afghan war...
Lord Auckland (1836-1842)
11. Lord dalhouise introduced doctrine that in absence of natural heirs the
states will be annexed to company rule, it is called as......
Doctrine of lapse
12. ......... designed the mausoleum of Quaid-e-azam
Yahya merchent
13. The first state to join Pakistan after the independence....
14. sada e pakistan secret newspaper published fom....

Punjab NWFP Sindh None of these

15. Earlier It was decided that India will be given dominion status which shall
comprise ..... states
16. Quaid-e-Azam joined the Lincoln's Inn in......
17. Urdu Hindi Controversy started in the year....
18. Name the personality which lived in the period 1817-1898 A.D....
Sir Syed Ahmed khan
19. name of head of boundary commision
Cyril red cliff
20. Which charter act allowed indians to join civil services....
Charter act of 1833
As far as I know my 17 Questions are right....
Q1. MCQ's
1- Which was the capital of Ummayyads at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim's invasion?
a- Baghdad
b- Kufa
c- Damascus
d- none of these
2- Which city was named as the city of gold by Arabs during Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh?
a- Debul
b- Multan
c- Brahman abad
d- none of these
3- To which Silsila Sheikh Bahauddin Zakriya Multani belongs?
a- Chishtiya
b- Suharwardia
c- Qadriya
d- none of these
4- Which sultan adopted the policy of 'matrimonial alliances' towards his rivals who
challenged his authority?
a- Qutb ud din Aibak
b- Iltutmish
c- Balban
d- none of these
5- During which reign Khwaja Kutb ud din Bakhtyar Kaki died?
a- Qutb ud din Aibak
b- Iltutmish
c- Razia Sultana
d- none of these

6- Who ruled India from 1236 to 1240?

a- Iltuish
b- Behram Shah
c- Razia Sultana
d- none of these
7- Who succeeded Ghiyas ud din Balban?
a- Kaiqubad
b- kaikhusrau
c- Jalal ud din Khilji
d- none of these
8- Who wrote Fatawa-e-Jahandari?
a- Syed Ahmed Shaheed
b- Zia ud din Barani
c- Shah Walli ullah
d- none of these
9- Jamat khana Masjid at the Dargah of Nizam ud Din Auliya was constructed by
a- Ala ud din Khilji
b- Muhammad bin Tughlaq
c- Firuz Tughlaq
d- none of these
10- Which sultan believed that sultan is the Shadow of God?
a- Iltutmish
b- Muhammad bin Tughlaq
c- Akbar
d- none of these
11- During which dynasty Amir Taimur's invasion of India took place?
a- Khilji
b- Tughlaq
c- Lodhi
d- none of these
12- Who was the founder of Sayyid dynasty?
a- Khizer khan
b- Mohammad Shah
c- Mubarak Shah
d- none of these
13-Guru Nanak was born during the reign of
a- Bahlol Lodhi
b- Sikandar Lodhi
c- Ibrahim Lodhi

d- none of these
14- Diwan-e-Arz related to the matters of
a- War
b- Land revenue
c- Finance
d- none of these
15- The Rohtas Fort is situated in the province of
a- Khyber pakhtunkha
b- punjab
c- Sindh
d- none of these
16- Which Mughal emperor imprisoned Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi
a- Akbar
b- Jahangir
c- Shahjahan
d- none of these
17- Where was shah jahan at the time of death of Jahangir
a- Agra
b- Lahore
c- Deccan
d- none of these
18- In which year Noor Jahan died
a- 1625
b- 1635
c- 1645
d- none of these
19- Where is Moti Masjid
a- Lahore fort
b- Agra Fort
c- Rohtas fort
d- none of these
20- Amalgamation of Islamic, Iranian and Hindi architecture to shape Indo-Islamic
architecture was dond by
a- Iranians
b- Greeks
c- Mughals
d- none of these

1.battle of plassey was fought in

a.June 1757
b.may 1758
c.march 1756
d.none of these
2.first governor general of British in India
a.lord clive
b.lord warren hastings
c.lord mayo
d. none of these
3. territory of singh annexed by british in
d.none of these
4.first british viceroy of india
a. lord harding
b.lord canning
c.lord minto
d. none of these
5.the territory of kashmir was sold in
a.65 lac
b.75 lac
c.90 lac
d. none of these
6.anjuman himayat i Islam was founded in
d. none of these
7.the writer of bande matram

d. none of these
8.syed Ameer Ali became the Judge of calcutta high court in
d. none of these
9.founder of jamia milliah Islamia
a.maulana Azad
b.maulana jauhar
c.maulana zafar Ali
d. none of these
10.muslim league, london branch founded in,
d. none of these
11. Auther of Book. The spirit of Islam
a.Alama Shibli
b.shaukat ali
c.syed Ameer ali
d. none of these
12. how long is common bounday line between pakistan and afghanistan
d. none of these
13.founder of unionist party
a.chhoto ram
b.sir fazal hussain
c.sikandar hayat
d. none of these
14. muslim league observed direct Action day

a.14 july 1944

b.5 march 1945
c.16 august 1946
d. none of these
15.pakistan become member of UNO
a.aug 1947
b.sept 1947
c.dec 1947
d. none of these
16.first muslim barrister of bombay high court
a.Ali imam
b.M.A jinnah
c.Ameer ali
d. none of these
17. red cliff boundary award ws announced on;
a.13 aug 1947
b.15 aug 1947
c. 17 aug 1947
d. none of these
18.first chair man of senat of pakistan
a.fazal Illahi
b.habib Ullah khan
c.wasim sajjad
d. none of these
19. the territory of Gawadar was given to Pakistan by:
a.the sheikh of kuwait
b.ruler of oman
c.amir of qatar
d. none of these
20. inauguration of karachi steel mill
a.dec, 1973
b.dec, 1974

c. may 1975
d. none of these


"Sultan Muhammad Tughluq was a victim of circumstances over which he had

nominal control" Comment. (2000), (2007)

Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughluqs character was a mixture of two extremes, but he

was a man of Ideas. Discuss. (2002)

Discuss good points and bad points ofSultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq. (2003)

Critically analyse the causes of the downfall of Tughluq Dynasty (2008)


Mahmood of Ghznas real aim was to establish a Turkish Empire and his Indian
Campaigns were only means to this end. Comment. (2002)

Mahmud of Ghazna, it is generally believed had face to the west and back to the east
and thus heeded less to the making of an empire in the sub-continent.
Comment. (2005)

Mahmud Ghaznavis invasions of India are controversial while some consider him a
Mujahid others consider him an aggressor, which opinion do you support? Support
your answer with strong arguments? (2009)


Bring out the leading features of the state system under the Sultans of
Delhi. (2001)

Note: The Judicial System of the Sultanate of Delhi (2002)

Note: Society and culture under the Sultanate. (2003)

Briefly relate the social and cultural effects of the contact of Islam with Hinduism
under the Sultanate of Delhi.(2004)

Describe the salient features of the Muslim rule in the subcontinent under the Sultans
of the Delhi. (2006)

Note: The Mongol policy of the sultans of Delhi (2006)

Note: Impact of Islam during Delhi Sultanate (2008)

Whom you consider as real founder of Delhi Sultanate? Discuss with judgment of the
roles of Shahab-ud-Din Ghouri, Qutub-ud-Din Aibak and Iltutmis. (2010)

Elaborate the importance of Delhi as the centre of Muslim cultural advancement and
bride of all cities in orient and its devastation during the Muslim rule by the
invaders. (2010)

'Illtutmish was the real founder of Sultanates of Delhi.' Build your own argument on
the statement with relevant facts. (2011)

Evaluate the role of Ulama and Umara in the development of Sultanate of

Delhi. (2011)

Discuss in detail the society and culture during the Sultanate period.(2014)


Note: The Prerogatives of the Mughal Emperor. (2000)

Bring out the salient features of the judicial administration under the
great Mughals. (2000)

How far do you agree with the view that the moral decay of nobility and the foreign
invasions during the 18th century accelerated the decline of the Mughal
Empire (2002)

Note: Agrarian system of the Mughals (2003)

Note: Mansabdari System of the Mughals. (2004)

"The administrative structure which goes under the name of "Mughal Administartion"
was the culmination of experience gained during centuries of Muslim Rule".
Discuss (2006)

Sophistication in society and culture during the mughal rule reflected the glory of the
empire. Enumerate and highlight the achievement during this period. (2008)

Why the weak and incapable Mughal rulers were unable to rule India, discuss with
reference to the role of nobility keeping in view their main factions and the
leadership? (2010)

None of Mughal succession since Akbar was without a stain of blood. Discuss the
statement with examples and arguments in each case. (2010)

Give an anaytical study of central administration of Mughals.(2012)

Write a brief but comprehensive Essay on the factors, forces and issues which
contributes in establishing mughal rule in the subcontinent. (2013)


"Taj Mahal marks the perfect moment in the evolution of architecture of the Mughal
Period". Discuss and also mention the distinctive features of Mughal
architecture. (2000)

With the advent of the Mughal, there ushered in a new era of artistic and literary
activities. Explain. (2001)

Note: Mughal Architecture and painting (2002)

Discuss the main characteristics of the Mughal architecture and mention some of the

Important Mughal buildings. (2004)

Describe the growth and expansion of the Hindi and Sanskrit literature in the
subcontinent under the Muslim patronage. (2005)

Give an account of the development of Mughal architecture with special reference to

Mughal buildings in Pakistan. (2007)

Highlight the role of art, architecture and literature inprojecting the image of muslims
in the sub continent.(2013)

Write a comprehensive note on the art , architecture and literature of Mughal era,
mentioning all the important architectural monuments and literary works produced
during the period.(2014)


Note: Muslim contribution to Cuisine (2005)

Note: Muslim contribution to dress (2005)

Note: Muslim contribution to fine arts (2005)

Note: Muslim contribution to form of architecture(2005)

Hindu India lacked historical writings. Muslims introduced historiography here. Could
you record any major historical work of the early Muslim period of the Indo-Pakistan
sub-continent? (2005)

Would you agree with a general assessment that the lack of a codified law of
succession in state affairs marred the growth of smooth administration in
the medieval Muslim rule in the Indo Pak sub-continent? (2006)

Identify and evaluate the short term and long term impact of the Muslim's
invasion on the subcontinent. (2013)

Give a brief review of the Socio-Economic conditions of the people under the sultans
and Mughals.(2013)


"By his political reforms and policy of religious toleration, Sher Shah Suri laid the
foundation of an enlightened government". Discuss. (2000)

Elucidate the importance and effects of Sher Shah Suri's administrative and
economic reforms. (2002)

Sher Shah was the pioneer of a comprehensive system of administration in the sub
continent to be followed by his successors in history." Discuss. (2007)

The comprehensive Reform Programme introduced by Sher Shah Suri laid the
foundation of strong monarchy during Mughal rule. Analyse (2008)

'By his political reforms and poicy of religious toleration Sher Shah laid
the foundation of an enlightened government.' Discuss. (2011)

Why Sher shah suri is called forerunner of Akbar? which policies and measures of
sher shah suri were adapted by Akbar? (2014)


Note: Shah Jahans relations with the Portuguese. (2000)

Shah Jahans rule was regarded as the most glorious period of the Mughal empire.
Elucidate. (2003)


Note: Ain-i-Akbar (2001)

Din-e-Ilahi was an outcome of ridiculous vanity, a monstrous growth of unrestrained

autocracy. Elaborate. (2001), (2004)

"Akbar gave prosperity and restored peace and order due to his policies".
Discuss. (2000)

Critically examine Akbars Rajput Policy in the establishment or declination of the

Mughal dynasty (2002)

Highlight the steps taken by Akbar for the consolidation of Mughal Empire.

The religious policy of Akbar was either a lesson for the universal toleration or the
distortion in Islam. Critically analyze (2008)

Akbar is considered not only a great administrator but also a great warrior, write a
detailed note on his administration? (2009)

'Akbar fully realized the absence of national spirit in the Mughal Empire and tried to
build one, but history of his dynasty records that he filed in the taks'. In this context
discussAkbar's policy towards non Muslims. (2011)


Give an account of the campaigns of Sultan Muhammad Ghori. How do you account
for his success over the Rajput rulers? (2001)


He (Humayun) tumbled through life and he tumbled out of it. Discuss the character
of Humayun in the light of these remarks and account for his ultimate
failure. (2001)


Highlight the salient merits and demerits of Babur as a man and as an Empire
Builder. (2002)

Describe the character and personality of Babar as it emerges from the study of his
own Memoirs. (2004)

Note: Historical value of the Tuzuk-i-Baburi (2006)

Babur failed in central Asia but succeeded in India why? Give a detailed note on
his administration? (2009)

Estimate the charater and achievements of zaheer ud din baber.(2012)


Sultan Altutmish was the real founder of the early Turkish sultanate.
Comment. (2003)

"Iltutmish is regarded as the real founder of the slave dynasty".How and

Why? (2006)

Iltutmush is amongst the greatest early Turkish sultans of Dehli, he was an

intrepid warrior and a patron of Arts and literature. Discuss (2009)

'Illtutmish was the real founder of Sultanates of Delhi.' Build your own argument on
the statement with relevant facts. (2011)

Sham-ud-din Iltutmish organizedthe adminstration in newly conquered territories as

a loose decentralizad system in which high noble were treated as the peers of king".


Write a note on character and personality of Aurangzeb Alamgir. (2003)

Discuss the career and character of Aurangzeb Alamgir. Where did he falter? (2005)

"The war of succession among the sons of the Shah Jehan was in fact, war between
the two ideologies". Comment and account for the success of Aurangzeb
Alamgir. (2006)

Aurangazeb is generally charged with bigoted religious policy. Write a critical note on
his religious policy. (2009)

How would you evaluate Aurangzeb as a ruler? Discuss in lenght his successes and
failures to supprt your view point? (2014)


Highlight the merits and demerits of Nuruddeen Muhammed Jahangir. (2003)


What were the measures adopted by Balban to consolidate his empire and
strengthen the authority the Sultan? (2004)

Ghiyasuddin Balban successfully suppressed the internal and external rebellion that
provided stability to his reign. Analyze (2008)

'Internal consolidation rather than territorial expansion was the keynote of Bulban's
policy'. Elucidate. (2011)

Ghiyasuddin Balban managed the defense of the country against the foreign
aggression and internal danger but called for re-organization of administration to
make it effective". Comment.(2012)

Narrate the steps taken by Ghiyas ud din balban for consolidating his rule. (2013)

How did Ghayasuddin balban consolidate his rule ?What were his major
achievements as a ruler? (2014)


Write a detailed note on Alauddeen Kheljis character and achievements. (2003)

Note: Price control system of Alauddin Khalji. (2004)

Describe the fiscal reforms of Alauddin Khilji. Mow far he was ahead of his
time? (2005)

Allaudin Khilji's administrative and economic policies were more successfuul than his
foreign conquests (2008)

Allahu-din-Khilji is considered the pioneer of efficient administration structure in

medieval India. Write a comprehensive note on his administrative reforms? (2009)

Give an account of market regulations and price control system of Allaudin Khilji?


'The Arab conquest of Sind was only an episode in the history of India and of Islam,
a triumph without results". Do you agree with the view? (2004)

How would you justify the statement that "Sindh is Babul-Islam with reference to
the Arab conquest of Sindh? (2007)

Trace the history of Arab Conquests of present day Pakistan highlighting the
contributions of the Muslim in transformation of the society and culture. (2010)

Analyse the impact of the conquest of Sindh led by Muhammad Bin Qasim. Is it
correct to say that this conquest was a mere episode in the history of Sub
Continent. (2011)

Conquest of sind produced everlasting results not only in sindh but also in al over the
South asia" discuss.(2012)


Briefly review the relations of Ulama and Mashaikh with the Khalji. and Tughluq
Sultans. (2000)

Note: Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani (2001), (2004)

Give a brief review of the services rendered by the Muslim Saints for the propagation
of Islam during the sultanate period. (2006)

Note: Bahauddin Zakariya (2007)

Discuss at length the services rendered for Islam by Hazrat Mujaddid Alf
Sani. (2007)

Discuss the role of Hazrat Mujadid Alf sani in the revival of Muslim values and
traditions with special reference to his opposition to Akbars religious policy? (2009)

Khanqahs played an important role in the demonstration of Islamic idea of Tauheed

as a working principal in the social life of India. Discuss. (2011)

Evaluate the role of Ulama and Umara in the development of Sultanate of

Delhi. (2011)

Give a study of origin and teaching of chistiyya order.(2012)

Give brief account of the services rendered by sufis and Ulemas in developing the
Muslim society in the sub continent.(2013)

Make a comparison between the teachngs, Khanqah organization and attitude

towards the state of sufi saints of Chistiya and suharwardi orders or silsilahs of
sufism in India?(2014)


Note: Amir Khusru (2001), (2007)

Note: Rise and falls of Nur Jahan (2006)

Note: Dara-Shikoh (2007)

Note: Condition of India in 1526 (2008)

Note: War of succession among the sons of Shah Jehan (2008)

The slave system was a source of weakness as well as strength in the early Turkish
Empire. Discuss. (2001)

Trace the rise of the Bakhti Movement. Examine its teachings and contribution to
society and culture. (2007)

Compare the South Asian plain society with the desert and mountain society invaders
applying Ibn-i-Khalduns philosophy. (2010)

Write a comprehensive account of rebelling states wearing away from he weakling

Mughal Centre during 18th century. (2010)

Highlight the role of noor jahan in the reign of jahangir.(2012)

"The reign of Firuz tughlaq closed the most brilliant Epoch of the Muslim Rule in India
before the reign of Akbar" comment. (2013)


Give an account of the arrival of the English in subcontinent. Trace, historically the
the manner in which they succeeded in establishing factories and trade centre in indo
Pakistan. Also the circumstances which forced the east India company to assume the
shape of power from peace ful trade company.(2012)

Analysis the impact of the British East India Company's rule (1757- 1857) upon the
Muslim of indo pak subcontinent. (2013)

How the British East India Company emerged as a Political force from a trading
firm? (2014)


Highlight he contributions of Shah Waliulah towards regeneration of the Muslims of

South Asia (2002), (2006), (2009)


Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan towards the
regeneration of the Muslims. (2000)

Highlight the role played by Sir Syed as father of two-nation theory.

What role did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan play in the reawakening of the Muslims of the
sub-Continent? Discuss. (2007)


What is meant by the Aligarh Movement? Critically examine its services to the
cause of education. (2006)

Aligarh Movement created reawakening among Muslims to provide a political

platform through Education network" Analyze the statement (2008)

Examine Aligarh movement and services rendered by sir syed ahmed khan to
the uplift the educational services for the awakening of the muslims of sub continent.

Bring out the role of aligarh movement in the intellectual and political awakening of
the Muslims of sub continent. (2013)

"No Aligarh movement - No independence - No Pakistan" give arguments in favor or

against the common belief.(2014)


Discus in detail the Cabinet Mission Plan and analyze the causes of its failure (2002)

Note: Cabinet Mission Plan (2008)

Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 is considered by some quarters as the best alternative
for the partition of India in 1947. Discuss its main recommendations and also analyze
why it failed to get the approval from the major political parties of India? (2010)


"The Hindu reaction on the Partition of Bengal (1905) proved a blessing in

disguise for the Muslims". Elucidate. (2000)

What circumstances led to the partition of Bengal in 1905? How it affected HinduBritish and Hindu-Muslim relations? Discuss in detail (2009)

What were the conditions which necessitated the partition of Bengal in 1905? What
was th reaction of the hindus and muslims shown towards the partition?(2012)


Give a detailed account of the Congress policies against Muslims from 1937 to
1939. (2001), (2005)

Why the Indian National Congress could not provide sufficient guarantee for the
Muslims to safeguard their rights? Discuss (2008)

Congress rule during 1937-1939 provided an opportunity to all India Muslim League
to reorganize. Discuss congress rule in provinces and its impact on AIML. (2009)

Compare and contrast the manifestos of All-India National Congress and All-India
Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do you think there were some
common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with each other
later on? (2010)


Examine the circumstances that led to the foundation of All India Muslim League.
What were its main objects? (2002), (2006)

Compare and contrast the manifestos of All-India National Congress and All-India
Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do you think there were some
common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with each other
later on? (2010)


Note: The Simla Deputation (1906) (2000)

Analyze the significance of Simla Deputation under the leadership of Sir Agha
Khan. (2001)


Note: The Lucknow Pact (2001)

Critically discuss the importance of Lucknow Pact brining out of its merits and
demerits from Muslim point of view (2002)

Narrate the factors leading to the Lucknow Pact (1916). (2004)

The Lucknow pact provided a commitment to Hindu-Muslim unity but it soon failed.
Discuss (2008)

Lucknow Pact, 1916 in considered the culmination of Hind-Muslim unity. What

circumstances led to the historical fact between the Hindus and Muslims? Discuss its
main points and also analyze the causes of its failure. (2010)


"Khilafat Movement was a real disaster". Comment. (2000)

Trace the genesis of the Khilafat Movement? What were its effects on the history of
South-Asia? (2006)

The Khilafat Movement Spearheaded the Pakistan Movement and provided the
necessary weapon through which a political war to identify the Muslims as such could
be waged." Discuss. (2007)

Critically evaluate the socio-political and religio-political effects of the Khilaft

Movement on the life of Indian Muslims. (2011)

Trade the course of the khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the
development of Indian nationalism. (2013)


Write down the fourteen points of Quaid-i-Azam and its importance towards the
creation of Pakistan. (2005)

The fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam was befitting response to Nehru Report. Give
your analysis (2008)


"The Nehru Report was not less than a document of slavery for the Muslims".
Discuss. (2000)

"Nehru Report proved a blessing in disguise for the Muslims". Discuss.

Examine those provisions of Nehru Report which affected the Muslims. What was the
Muslim Reaction to those proposals? (2007)


Describe the circumstances which forced Allama Iqbal to suggest a separate

homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent in 1930. How did it affect the political
life of the Indian Muslims. (2004)

Do you agree that Minto -Morley REforms (1909) proved a watershed to recognize
the rights of minorities in India? How did it help Muslim League to demand separate
home land for muslims? (2008)

The Allahabad Address of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal was a synthesis of several schemes
and proposals presented by the Indian Muslims for the solutions of Hindu-Muslim
issues. Give an historical account of all these schemes and prposals. (2011)

" The policies of Indian national congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to
make the partition of India inevitable" Discuss, (2013)

Critically examine the role of Muslim religious parties toward making of Pakistan.


Highlight the services rendered by Quaid-i-Azam for the consolidation of

Pakistan. (2000)

Describe the role of Quaid-e-Azam as Father of the Nation from Lahore Resolution to
the creation of Pakistan. (2001)

Note: Quaid-e-Azam as first Governor General (2001), (2005), (2007)

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as the first Governor General of Pakistan. How
do you analyse his administration as a trend setter and a role model for the good
governance in present day Pakistan. (2011)


Analyse the policise of the Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as general secretary of muslim
league and as a prime minister of Pakistan.(2013)


Describe briefly the process of Constitution making in Pakistan from 1947-1956.

Account for the causes of delay in framing the Constitution.

The constitution of 1973 proved to be more lasting as compared with the previous
attempts. Critically examine the factors responsible for this phenomenon (2002)

Trace the history of Constitutional Development in Pakistan since her inception

analyzing the problems faced by the country in search of Democracy. (2007)

Note: Islamic provisions under the Constitution of 1956 (2005)

Note: Constitutional Act of 1935 (2008)

Amongst many reasons Joint versus Separate Electorate, Language issue and
quantum of representation of different federating units of Pakistan in the
parliament played main role in the delay of constitution making. Critically evaluate
the aforementioned issues highlighting its role in the process of constitution
making. (2010)

Give the importance of objective revolution in the history of constitution making in

Pakistan. (2012)

Elucidate the reasons of constitutional crises in Pakistan after its inception. Also
examine the role of civil-military stake-holders in lingering the constitution making
process during the first decade of political history of Pakistan.(2014)


Note: Sheikh Mujibs Six Points. (2001)

Shaikh Mujeeb 6 points became Magna Carta for Awami League. Discuss and
Evaluate its background and Contents. (2009)


Note: Separation of East Pakistan. (2000)

Give an account of the causes and effects of the separation of East

Pakistan. (2002), (2006)

Describe the causes and effects of the separation of East Pakistan.

Note: Causes of separation of East Pakistan (2007)

Separation of East Pakistan was a very tragic incident not only for Pakistan but also
for the entire Muslim World. Keeping in mind the socio-political causes of this
incident, highlight the role played by foreign countries in the separation of Each
Pakistan. (2011)


Discuss the reason for the failure of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan from 1947
to 1958. (2001), (2004)

Why parliamentary democracy could not succeed? What circumstances led to the 1st
Martial Law? (2009)

Frequent military interventions are the basic cause of failure of democracy in

Pakistan. Discuss. (2012)


Note: Pakistans relations with India. (2000)

Critically review the relations of Pakistan with India with special reference to the
Kashmir Issue. (2007)

Kashmir is a major bottle-neck between Pakistan-India friendly relations. Trace out

the history of Kashmir problem with focus on dirrent suggestions for its solutions
from different quarters. Also come up with your own recommendations for its
amicable solution. (2010)


Give a historical survey of Pakistan's relations with Turkey. (2011)


"The solution of the Kashmir problem can bring Peace and Prosperity in both the
countries of Pakistan and India". Comment. (2004), (2005)

Kashmir is a major bottle-neck between Pakistan-India friendly relations. Trace out

the history of Kashmir problem with focus on dirrent suggestions for its solutions
from different quarters. Also come up with your own recommendations for its
amicable solution. (2010)


Evaluate the role played by Pakistan on the forum of O.I.C. (2002)

Note: SEATO (2006)


Note: Role of Foreign Aid in the economy of Pakistan. (2000)

Note: The Cripps Mission (2001)

Note: Objective Resolution (2005)

Note: Khwaja Nazimuddin (2006)

Note: Basic Democracies (2006), (2007)

Note: Simon Commission (2008)

Note: Allma Iqbal as a Visionary (2008)

Write short detailed note on Pakistans relations with the United States.

Give a brief introduction of Jehad Movement and account for its failure.

Highlight the main events of the period of the Prime Ministership of Liaquat
Ali Khan. (2004)

Elaborate "Two Nation Theory" in the light of the statements of Allama Iqbal. (2005)

Give a brief account of the services rendered by Navvab Mohsin-ul-MulkNawab ViqaruI-Mulk. (2005)

and Pakistans relations with China have proved to be a blessing for peace in the
region. Discuss. (2006)

"Pakistan has always tried to foster good relations with the Muslim countries."

Critically examine the justification of 'Pakistan Resolution' in 1940. (2007)

Can you support with historical facts that British quit India because it was not
possible for them to stay beyond 1947? Critically comment. (2008)

Syed Ahmed Brailve was a man of action rather than rhetoric his movement after
initial success failed. Discuss and evaluate (2009)

Right from beginning Pak-Afghan relations could not be established on friendly terms.
What has affected the relations of two brotherly neighboring countries? Make a
critical analysis.(2009)

Compare the ideological and social trends highlighting some important aspects of the
General Zia ul Haq and General Pervez Musharaf eras in the history of Pakistan. Do
they had any commonalities or they were totally different in all respects? Critically
evaluate. (2010)

Discuss different socio-political and religious issues among the Hindus and Muslims,
which ended with the 'parting the ways' among them. (2011)

Trace out the originality of thoughts of at least five PAkistani social intellectuals. Also
give a detailed account of their thoughts. (2011)

Give your views about the exact nature of the revolt of 1857. was it a syp mutiny, a
conspiracy or a war of independence?(2012)

The initial years of Pakistan were very crucial for its existence. Discuss. (2012)

" The period between 1912-1916 was notable as a time of growing unity between the
main Indian political parties." Discuss (2013)

Muslim countries look towards Pakistan as a fort of Islam" discuss Pakistan's relations
with the Muslim world.(2013)

Carefully examine the Post-World War II political development of India towards the
division of India and to keep it united in context with the British Government, the
congress and the Muslim league. (2014)

Discuss in detail various regional separatist movements which developed in Pakistan

with a special reference to the mishandling of the Balochistan case. In you opinion
what is the solution of the current crises of our country.(2014)

Examine the sectarian crises in Pakistan with a special concern to the Madrassa
element tracing the history of Muslim educational system since the rise of Muslim
power in South Asia; keeping into account the merits and the demerits of the whole

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