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C Programming ELE 108

Please note! The better your ouput looks, the better grades you get.
In this homework you are responsible of forming the PADIT design steps and make
sure you include the appropriate information and comments in your code.
You are asked to calculate the Sum of 5 numbers (K1 to K5).
Sum K1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5


K i 1 * ( K i 1 1)

where K0 is given as an input. Write a program to calculate and display at the end of
program, each of K1, K2, K3, K4 and K5 and finally the Sum. You should display
these results in an appropriate format so that the decimal points are properly aligned.

What to return?
Return the PADIT of your work (along with the implementation). Include a sample Test screenshots of
your output with at least a couple of values.

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