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The Aphorisms of Kafka (1)


Introduced to several key themes- eg lack of progress, corruption and

deception in the courts - opc totalitarian state
Important because it makes the play cyclical- it foreshadows the ending
when we are brought back to the exact same analogy.
Explores the dehumanisation of K. Man is essentially egotistical and the
will for immortality is a central drive in man. Struggling with the idea of
mortality- cannot live without a lasting trust of something
indestructible within himself
K is introduced to us as the everyman Joseph Ks mediocrity was
mine and his ordinariness and fears were mine too
All the audience have been handed red ribbon lanyards with a number on
it when they entered- none of their numbers are ever called


Prepare the audience for the play- intrigue and excite them
through the delivery of the aphorisms (1)
Portray the chorus as a faceless group moving together (2)
Introduce k as the everyman figure (3)
Emphasise that everyone is trapped by the bureaucracy of the
court and have their lives dictated to them (4)
Show Ks loneliness and isolation. (5)
Overall production aim to show a totalitarian state (6)

Performance ideas and lines used

Electronic Bach- to introduce the energy and intrigue into this scenespotlight up on the two groups of chorus either side of k (they mirror each
other in the first part of this scene (2) and k all sat facing out to audience.
The Chorus 1 sat on chair has a small black frame barely big enough to
put their head through. K has a frame twice the size. On his own looks
lonely uses bigger frame to make him look smaller (5)
When in this life that demands so mercilessly that we be ready
at every moment- said by all chorus with excitement. chorus 2 has a
length of red ribbon (indicative of red tape bureaucracy) that they reach
around chorus 1s waist to keep them on the chair whilst c1 tries to stand
up and reach out to the audience trying to fit their head through the
frame- (1) (4) (6)
K moves noticeably slower than the chorus- on the above line he begins to
stand- he looks proud and has a sense of grandeur- man is essentially
egotistical (5)
The bony structure of your own forehead blocks the way. You
batter yourself bloody on your own forehead- said by c2- c2 wraps
red ribbon around c1s forehead- c1s head jolts back violently and with
muffled grunts of pain. (1) (4) (6)

K very slowly arches his back and neck tipping his head back as if
stretching/ getting up after a long time sat ks actions should appear
similar to the chorus however to a less pained and more naturalistic. (5)
From this sense of pain he deduces he is alive- said by c1 with
great difficulty, out of breath and clearly in pain. Pulls his head forward
and upright from previous position- holding a grotesque grimace. (1) (4)
(voices humming growing to wails)- I would direct these wails to
become the sounds of chatter and doors creaking- this places emphasis on
doors and therefore opportunities missed because that was a major
emphasis in Berkoffs production. Lights fade just a spotlight on k who is
now standing centre stage.
A member of the chorus becomes a faceless doorkeeper- stands
upright and never looks at k
Will I gain admittance later?- I would have k say alongside the voice
Door creaks sound made by chorus as k with a furrowed brow and curious
expression should lean around the door at which point there is a noise of
the door shutting
Chorus create a hallway of doors out of screens- the screens will become
progressively smaller as they go from downstage to upstage. This will
make each successive doorkeeper appear larger and more intimidating to
K. they will only be lit one by one (light from previous door stays on) on
through the hall there is another door through which you must
pass, and another door through which you must pass..
successively stronger than I
the man thinks the law should be accessible to everyone but on
reflection decides to wait- k returns to his seat sits alert and
patient. The chorus should appear one by one from behind k and wrap
their length of ribbon around him and holding it there. K grows weaker and
his head begins to fall forward-his eyes begin to close- his breath
becomes shallow as though he is suffocating under the weight of the
court system. he beckons the doorkeeper to him as he can no
longer raise his body
There can be no one else as the door was intended only for you. I
am now going to shut it- - percussive beat of huge doors
shutting- Light from the furthest doors away begin to fade to show the
passing of time and that it was all an illusion until only the light are left on
k and the most downstage door. Suddenly in the growing darkness k
should begin desperately trying to escape from the ribbons wrapped
around him. Last ditch attempt to escape the system.
Chorus pull ribbons taut to make a maze which k runs frantically around.
His friends? (Mrs Grubach , burstner etc) there as a manifestation of his
Then next section imitates the damage the case will do to him physically
and emotionally/K as though being hit on the face on one side grasps his
cheek frowning in annoyance on the word charged then on its
repetition charged moves as thought the other cheek has been hit
although he looks in more agony the second time. Then on arrested
doubled over eyes wide with pain as though experiencing a blow to the

stomach. Sentence- drop as though kicked in the back of the knees

and finally execution, head hung forward, lifeless.
there must be some mistake- k snaps head up panicked talks
quickly imploring to the audience.
Regain some pride towards the end of speech I represent many
people of the highest calibre- dust of clothes and adjust shirt and

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