Vazquez Sportslessontechnology

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Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title: Creating Communities Through Cultural Understanding Grade/Class: Grade 7 Mathematics
Your Name: Emily Vazquez MI: Visual/Spatial and Linguistic
Lesson Objective: SWBAT recognize that sports are related to culture in that different cultures play different sports and that the
history of sports is often rooted in a certain culture.
Students will make a connection between a sport of their choosing and mathematics.
Content Standard:
Social Studies: GEO 8.2 Analyze the combinations of cultural and environmental characteristics that make places both similar to and
different from other places.
ELA: INQ 68.12 Present adaptations of arguments and explanations on topics of interest to others to reach audiences and venues
outside the classroom using print and oral technologies (e.g., posters, essays, letters, debates, speeches, reports, and maps) and digital
technologies (e.g., Internet, social media, and digital documentary).

Math: Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.

Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form (whole
numbers, fractions, and decimals), using tools strategically. Apply properties of operations to calculate with numbers in any
form; convert between forms as appropriate; and assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation
1d Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot
current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Verbal Linguistic (V)
Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)

Students will popcorn out their favorite sport and teacher will tally the data on the board.
Teacher will show the video

Lesson Plan Template

Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)
Verbal Linguistic (V)
Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Developing the lesson Indirect or Direct Instruction

Teacher will pose the question. Why do you think not one of you said your favorite sport was rugby?
Have you ever even heard of or seen rugby before this video? Teacher will help guide discussion to
why the answer might be no; different communities and cultures play different sports than those we are
most familiar with.

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Guided Practice:
Students will work with their groupmates to brainstorm all the sports they can think of including any
from their personal cultures they can think of. (Differentiation; students can use Chromebooks to search
sports from different cultures.) Teacher circulates and helps to shares ideas between groups. (I.e.
Julissas group mentioned cricket which her dad played in Jamaica. Have you ever heard of that?)
Students will be allowed to stay in their group, break into partnerships, or work individually to choose
one sport to research using Chromebooks. Students complete components of graphic organizer; basic
idea of the game, what teams are comprised of (or if the sport is individual or both), the timing of the
game (periods, halves, quarters, innings, etc.), the scoring system, the field or space needed to play, and
the country or culture where the sport is popular.

Lesson Plan Template

Verbal Linguistic (V)
Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Independent Practice:
After sufficient time teacher pauses student work to explain the presentation outlet: Padlet. Teacher
shows students how to login to the private Padlet and add content showing premade example. Teacher
reviews handout of guidelines for post on the back of graphic organizer; post must include a written
component (any piece from the research information) and any technology component (appropriate
audio, video, photo, website link, etc.).

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Students will be assessed on their graphic organizer and post added to Padlet.

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Reflection Strategy
Students individually will be given time to view the posts of other groups on the Padlet and write one
sticky note comment, question, or suggestion for any Padlet post besides their own. Sticky notes will be
given to creators.

Students take the information from their graphic organizer and add a post to Padlet.

For homework students will have to create 3-5 (differentiated by student) word problems related to the
math of their sport (time, scoring, field dimensions, gain and loss of yards, etc.) and give solutions to
their problems.

The class will conclude with a discussion of what was learned about culture and sport.

Intrapersonal Objective and Activity (IA)

Interpersonal Objective and Activity (IP)

Lesson Plan Template

Thought about favorite sport

Individual work on research and Padlet (individual option)
Homework assignment
Viewing of other Padlet posts
Sticky note feedback

Discussion during hook

Group work on brainstorming
Group work on research and Padlet post (group option)
Discussion on culture and sport

Art Materials
Science Materials

Student Chromebooks. teacher computer and



Worksheet: Graphic organizer and Padlet


Lesson Plan Template

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