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Topic: First Perek of Mishnayot Sukkah

Class: 5th Grade Girls

The class will be given through a five-week period. Approximately thirteen classes. This
is the first part of an ongoing introduction to Mishnah class.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills:
How to navigate through a page of Mishnah
Identify the Tanah Kamah in a given Mishnah
Read and translate Hebrew texts
Have a basic knowledge of the following concepts: Torah SheBal Peh and Torah
Knowledge and simple understanding:

Historical context- birth of the written law*


Torah SheBal Peh vs. Torah SheBktav*


Biographical information on Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi*


Babylon and Jerusalem in the times of the Mishnah


The six Sedarim (series) of Mishnayot


Seder Moed in general and specifically Sukkah*

7. The Psukim in the Torah regarding Sukkot

Deeper Understanding:

Understanding the basic prerequisites of a kosher Sukkah*

9. The distinction between a permanent house and a temporary dwelling place

10. Practical issues and laws that arise while building a Sukkah*
11. The relationship between the Mishnah and the Gemarah*
12. The process of interpreting and deciding the actual Halacha
13. Drawing comparisons from Sukkot to different Holidays

14. Reading and comprehending the text of the Mishnah*

15. Make a timeline of when the Mishnah was written
16. Being able to create a PowerPoint outlining two or more Mishnayot we learned
17. Work in groups to read and discuss Mishnayot*
18. Have an enriched experience learning hands on Halacha
19. To feel a connection to Torah SheBal Peh in general
20. Have an appreciation for the Mishnah and Halacha process*
Big Ideas:

Determining a Kosher Sukkah


Have a grasp of major rules of Sukkot


Deciphering and comprehending primary and secondary texts

Enduring Understanding:

What is the difference between a Kosher and non-kosher Sukkah?


The key and vital role of Torah SheBal Peh

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