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The Battle of Regoth

Void Returns
Riding a dragon is hard. Being a dragon, is harder. You have to know when
to flap your wings, where the thermals are, and how much to lean when turning.
Void had leaned left too much, turning at about a 45 degree angle, and smacked
face first into one of the walls of the maze. She landed on the ground with a thud.
Oblivious ran over to her, sword thumping at her side. You okay? she asked.
Void shrunk down to her normal size. Yeah. she replied, rubbing her head. I
just turned too sharp. Oblivious nodded. Thats enough for now. Get some rest.
Dinner in ten. Korals coming over. Koral? Great! I wonder what dance shell
have us do this time! Oblivious closed her eyes and shook her head. Hopefully
its not the Russian one again. Yeah. Void nervously laughed and shuddered.
That one was just bad. The memory of squatting really low and kicking your
legs out was just embarrassing. Void walked up the stairs, her purple robe gliding
behind her. She didnt understand. Sure, her friends, Oblivious, Koral, Flower,
Winter, and Hunter were nice, but whenever they looked at her, they just seemed
really scared or really sad, no matter how hard they tried to hide it. They must
know things that I dont. Void thought. Since, they are twice my age, and I dont
remember the first nine years of my life. I want to know, but whenever I ask or
bring it up, the room gets quiet and the subject changes. what are they hiding?
And what does that have to do with me? Void turned left into her room. The walls
were black, as was the floor and ceiling. All though it was against Voids wishes,
her bed was blue and she had on a lamp 24/7. It only went off when she wasnt
there or when she was sleeping. Questions buzzed around in her head when she
had an idea. Kunai! Kunai had been around for ages! He would be able to
answer all of Voids questions! Void made a fist with her hand, and stuck out her
pointer and ring finger, stuck them into her mouth, and blew her special, highpitched whistle. After about five seconds, Kunais burly, black frame appeared.
Kunai, she asked. Havent you been with me my whole life? Kunai nodded.
Can you tell me what has happened these last nine years, and why everyone
acts strange around me? Kunai nodded again and sat down, placing his paws
on Voids shoes. Oh no you dont. said a familiar voice. It seemed to come from
everywhere, but mostly Kunai. Wh-who are you? Void asked. Who am I? The
voice asked. Who am I? Well, Void, perhaps you have forgotten me. We have
been apart for over two years now. But we were together for nine years! Nine

years? Nine years! Ever since you were born! Or dont you remember? Voids
head spun. Nine years together with this strange voice? Nine years that she
didnt remember? Was the reason that everyone was weird around her because
of this strange voice? Still dont remember? Then let me show you! A dark
shape appeared before Void. The figure suddenly zoomed towards her and
disappeared inside. Voids body thrashed around on the bed. Her eyes were half
blue, half red, as if fighting. The red eventually won. Void sat up on the bed and
chuckled to herself. Finally! she said. After two years I am back in control, and
more powerful than ever! They could defeat me when I had one power, but
what about now, when I have three?!?!? They cant defeat me now! Void
laughed. Oblivious suddenly opened the door. Void, Korals here and dinners
ready. She saw Void, sitting on the bed, with red irises, instead of blue. Void?
Hello Oblivious. Miss me? The dark figure flew out, and into Kunai before
Oblivious could register it. Voids eyes turned blue again. Oblivious? Are you all
right? You look as if youve seen a ghost. Oblivious blinked, snapping back to
reality. Who, me? No, Im fine. Korals here and dinners ready. Okay! Ill be
right down! Good. The voice thought. She didnt notice me. and I can still easily
get inside and out of that kids head. Thatll be perfect when Im ready to have
them know Im back, and more powerful than ever. Its almost time, Kunai. They
stopped me once, but they cant stop me twice!
South of the Shadow Dome, is a cloud. Well, not one cloud. Millions of
clouds, bunched together to form a wall. The Great Cloud Wall to be exact. The
Wall is almost the complete size of Regoth! Now, why would there be a Great
Wall of Clouds? for one reason; to protect something from the rest of Regoth:
The Lost Dome of Mythology. What exactly is The Lost Dome? you were all
taught that there were eight people in Regoth. Then, that number went down to
six, due to the deaths of Flame and Queen Chinchiqwa. But what if that was a
lie? What if, there never was eight, but nine? And that after the deaths, it was
never six, but seven? Call me crazy all you want, but its true. But shhh! I never
told you this! Void, Oblivious, Flower, Koral, Winter, and Hunter dont even know
about it! Just keep quiet, dear reader, and enjoy the story! Signed, The Author.
What a great dinner! You guys really know how to cook! Void said,
smiling for the first time in days. The three girls had consumed a three course
meal of seafood. Lobster, crab, whale, sea urchin, oysters, clams; you name it!
Why dont you go upstairs and get some rest, Void? Well take care of the
dishes. Oblivious said. She put on a fake smile. Okay! Void agreed, ready to
go to one of her secret spots for spying. She hurried up the stairs, down the

hallway, and into her room, carefully closing the door so that Oblivious and Koral
wouldnt start their conversation without her. Void lifted up the drape hanging
from her bed, and saw the latch, easily concealed. She flipped it, opening a
doorway which lead to a small elevator. Void climbed in, turned on the small lamp
inside, and closed the door, latching it. Inside, Void opened another door. Just
outside it was a rope on a pulley. Pulling the rope, the elevator went down,
eventually stopping behind a kitchen cupboard, that was known to be jammed. It
wasnt. Void had just locked it from the inside, so that no one would could open it
when she was down there. Her timing was perfect. Oblivious and Koral were
talking. I just cant help it, you know? I know. After what she did, its hard not to
see her the same way. After what I did? Void thought. What are they talking
about? The talking continued. But you know what keeps on eating at me? How
I can make my lobsters so good? No. Aww. What happened? How did we
live peacefully for nine years, and then suddenly Void shows up, tries to take
over the world and kill everyone! Me? Kill everyone? Take over Regoth? Waiting
for nine years? What is with nine years?!? What is going on?!?!? Void thought. I
dont get it either. And then suddenly we defeat her, and shes all nice. I didnt
know about Void existed until Flower told me. Yet you still didnt believe her.
Shut up. Koral? What? I need to tell you something. Now you admit that
my lobster is superior to your shock-cakes? No. Its not that, its Void.
Something else weird and creepy that we dont understand? Yup. Fire away.
Before you came over for dinner, Void and I were training. I told her to go to her
room to get some rest. Still not weird and, creepy. Not yet. Anyway, when I
went up there to get her for dinner- and there was a random person lying there,
covered in his own blood, and Void was eating his flesh? Obliviouss hand flew
to her for head. No. Kunai was in there and- Kunai? Now thats weird and
creepy. You do still remember that he was the main servant of Void? Yes. And
that he would take Queen Chinchiqwas chinchillas for their souls? Yes.
Anywa- or how he would fly around the Domes, scaring the crud out of
everyone because they didnt want their soul to be taken? Koral! What?!
Shut up. But I dont want to. Shut up anyway. While they were talking, Voids
head spun with the new information she had longed to hear. Kunai was once my
servant? Steal souls? Thats not the Kunai I know. And whos Queen
Chinchiqwa? Ive never heard of her, but Oblivious and Koral seem to have
known her. Anyway, Oblivious was talking. I went into her room, and I saw
Kunai, just sitting there. Even weirder and creepier. But something seemed
wrong with Void. How so? I dont know. She was just sitting there. You know

how her eyes are blue? Yeah. they were a different color? Yes. Red. The
same colored eyes she had when she was crazy! Exactly! And that isnt the
worst part of it. She looked at me and said Hello Oblivious. Miss me? then her
eyes turned blue, and Void acted as if nothing happened. That is weird and
creepy. Anything else? Nope. Okay. I gotta get to my own dome. Wait,
Koral. What? Maybe we should get everyones input on this. Thats a good
idea. The more the better. But what about Void? We cant leave her here alone,
and we definitely cant bring her with us. Youre right. Ill think of a way. In the
meantime, Ill see you soon. See you soon, Oblivious. Koral walked out of the
house. Oblivious walked out of the kitchen, and up the stairs. She froze to see
Void, standing in the hallway, Kunai behind her, eyes blazing red. Well,
Oblivious? What was that all about?
Artemis stood on top of the mountain. All the mythological animals sat
beneath it, cradling each other in their sadness. Finally. She thought. Im ready to
get out of here, and visit them. Im going to get flown into The Wall, land on a
cloud, jump off, and let gravity pull me there. I cant risk the exposure of my
friends. not when I dont know what Im going into. Artemis raised her hands. My
friends, it is with great sadness that I leave you today. But with great opportunity.
This opportunity is to see if what The Book says is true, that when I reach the
age, I will fly to the mysterious lands beyond The Great Cloud Wall. I am to
search for one thing, and one thing only, and bring it back here, to prevent the
destruction of both our worlds. But The Book does not say what this thing is, so
there is a possibility that I may bring back the wrong thing. But fear not, for I will
not return until I am sure that I have it. So friends, I leave you today, not for my
sake, or for yours, but for the wellbeing of the worlds, and I wish you all the best
of luck until I return. Artemis looked across the faces, each carrying a different
amount of understanding, sadness, or concern. She hoisted the bag onto her
back. It carried everything from survival, to comfort, for she had no idea of what
she was going into. Ella, the harpy, saw Artemis put on the pack, and recognized
her signal. She flew up, landing on Artemiss shoulders. Farewell, my friends!
She said, and the two flew away, with the animals waving behind them.
Ah, the joys of flying! Feeling weightless, high above the land, and being
able to go wherever you wish. But the pleasure was quickly subdued, as Artemis
realized what she was doing; leaving her home behind for some land they never
knew existed, for they were going on a who-knows-how-old paragraph in a whoknows-how-old Book. While Artemis was thinking, the clouds were beginning to
darken. Rain slowly pattered down, increasing in speed. Faster and faster the

drops fell, slapping against Artemis and Ella with tremendous force. Thunder
rolled all around them as lightning flashed. Artemis! Ella cried. The thunder was
so loud, it sounded like a gunshot, and Ella thought that Artemis wouldnt be able
to hear her, even though they were right next to each other. I must put you down
now! I can barely see or hear, and I cant keep us both flying in this weather! I
hope you can achieve your goal! They landed on a cloud. With a quick hug of
goodbye, Ella flew away. Artemis looked around, trying to figure out which way
the lands were, when she suddenly felt a strange pull. Artemis identified it as the
lands, calling out to her. It could be the wind whistling, or just my imagination,
thought Artemis. But Ill follow it anyway. Artemis turned to towards the sound,
pulled off her pack, and double checked it to see if she had everything she
needed. All clear. Okay. She thought. Lets get this over with. Artemis leaned over
the edge of the cloud, trying to pinpoint her exact target. No luck. Artemis
stepped back, ran, and leaped off, letting gravity take control. She leaned left
and right, staying on course. Im coming everyone. She thought. Your long-lost
sister, Artemis.
Where are you going? Im going to have a meeting with everyone.
Cool! Can I come? Im sorry, Void. But if you come, youll be bored out of your
mind. Voids smile fell. Oh. Well, we wouldnt want that. Oblivious nodded. I
feel terrible doing this to her. She thought. But I have to. Well, bye! A lightning
bolt came down, and Oblivious was gone. Kunai growled. Really, Kuani? Void
asked. Youd go and spy for me since my shadow-traveling isnt that good?
Thank you! Kunai nodded, and disappeared in a swirling cloud of darkness.
He appeared in a corner, on the left side, hidden behind by a planter.
Oblivious sat at the head, waiting for everyone to stop talking. She clapped her
hands together, making a noise like thunder. Everyone snapped their heads to
the source of the sound. Flower was the first to talk. Okay, Oblivious. Whats this
about? Something tragic like not having enough lemonade at a dance party?
Four pairs of eyes glared teasingly at Koral. She smiled and laughed nervously
as she slid down in her seat, her face burning with embarrassment. No. This
time its much worse, and it will not be so easy to fix. Its Void. The room grew
quiet as even a little cricket of the planter stopped chirping. She hasnt been
acting like herself lately. Well, she hasnt tried to kill someone or take over their
mind, but shes been a little bit like her old self. The one we really know. There
was an odd pause as everyone leaned closer to hear Oblivious better. Her eyes
have been turning red again, and shes talking the same, cold, way. Its
happened twice now. Any ideas. Winter spoke up. Was there anything that

happened both times? Oblivious thought about it. Her eyes were red both
times, she acted wierd both times, but it only lasted for a little bit- Thats a clue!
yelled Hunter. Its only lasted for a small amount of time, so that means that
whatever Void is doing, shes still weak! Was there anything else? She had
Kunai with her. In a split second, everyone realized something. Thats it! They
yelled at once. Oblivious continued for them. Of course! When we defeated
Void, we thought she was gone forever, but she had Kunai, so somehow Kunai is
her life force! When Kunai was with Void, at a close range, Void attempted to
take over again! But she was still to weak to hold on for long! The happiness
didnt last for long, for someone was laughing. It wasnt a good laugh. It was the
kind of laugh that brought back unpleasant memories. The laugh of Void, who
had overheard the entire conversation. Ah, you people. You just dont get it,
dont you? Kunai revealed himself from behind the planter, but he wasnt alone.
A wispy figure stood next to him. Void. Oblivious said, glaring. Now, now,
Oblivious. Dont give me a pouty face. I thought youd be happy to see me. You
were on my side with Flame, after all. Before you killed him. Oblivious
snapped. Oblivious, Im afraid your memory isnt as good as it used to be. You
see, it was actually your friend, Koral, that did the deed. Void corrected. But you
still killed Queen Chinchiqwa! That too, wasnt my fault. You see, Flame was
going to die either way, Queen Chinchiqwa just interfered with one of them. She
practically killed herself. You're sick. Nope. Im perfectly healthy. Well we still
know all about you and Kunai! Dear Oblivious, you are mistaken for a fourth
time in a row. You do not know all about me and Kunai. I am not too weak to take
over her mind, and I do not need to do it at a close range. In fact, I could do it
right here and now. Besides, even if you did know everything about me and
Kunai, Id be highly surprised. Anyway, I have some things to tend to. You know,
taking over the little ones mind, killing you all, which I could do right now, but
whats the fun there? Good bye, for now. And with that, Void and Kunai
dematerialized, leaving everyone dumbstruck.
Back in the Shadow Dome, Artemis walked up to the door of the black
mansion/castle thingy. She knocked on the door. Hello? She asked. Coming.
Said a voice. The door opened to a little girl. She had blue eyes and a pale face.
A dark purple robe covered her. Hello. She said. May I help you? In a split
second, Artemis realized that this girl was the thing. The thing The Book told her
to fetch. The thing that could destroy the two worlds. You must come with me.
Artemis blurted. What? To where? My home. Youll be safe there. Safe? From
what? And where is your home? All in good time. But you must come with me,

before its too late. Too late for what? Suddenly, the girls eyes turned red, as a
black wolf appeared by her side. That. Replied Artemis. Hello, Artemis. Long
time. No see. The girl said. How does this girl know me? Artemis thought. And
what is wrong in her eyes? Is this the destruction described in The Book?
Completely on instinct, Artemis reached into her coat, and held onto a bird. It was
light turquoise and fat, with three multicolored feathers on the top of its head.
She pointed to the girl, and let go of the bird, grabbing hold of her wrist at the
same time. What the? The bird disappeared in blue flames, and reappeared in
Voids mind. Void was standing there, talking to Artemis, while the other was
locked in a cage. The bird quickly unlocked the cage, and flew towards the Void
that was standing. It grasped her wrist with its talons, and started to pull Void
out, as if having super strength. What are you doing?! I am in control of this
mind! I will not be stopped by a bluebird! She thrashed and twisted, trying to get
away but the bird pulled her out, putting the caged Void back in control. Her eyes
turned blue again. Whaa?? was all she could manage. Weve got to go, now.
Artemis said, grabbing Voids hand. Can you change form? She asked the girl.
Dragon. was all she could reply. Change now. And they did, Void, a slender
black dragon, and Artemis, a sandy yellow. they flew into the sky. No! Void
yelled, still in the birds talons. I cant let her get away! Die, bird! Shadows
formed in her hand, but flickered like fire, and Void thrust it onto the bird. It
flapped and squawked, trying to get away from Voids fingers, but to still hold
onto her. The darkness crept up it, burning, until the bird couldnt take it any
longer. It let go of Void, trying to fly, but it ended up dying anyway. Void laughed
and flew after Artemis and the good Void, blending perfectly into the clouds. The
good Void yelled to Artemis, Who are you? And where are we going? Names
Artemis. And we are going to my Dome. I do not know of any Dome whose
resident is named Artemis. I was not told about you. That is because you and
everyone else hasnt heard of me, until now. Why is it that we havent heard of
you? I am afraid I cant answer that. Almost there. Artemis and Void turned
around to see who had spoken. There was a black wisp following them. The
strange voice! Void yelled. Fly! Who? Artemis asked, and followed Void. Fly
as fast as you can, but you cant escape me! The wisp yelled. Then she grew
silent, and Void was suspicious. She suddenly appeared in front of the good
Void, and Void instinctively shot a ball of shadow. Instead of being blasted away,
the black wisp grew twice its size. Thanks for the extra power, Void! Now I can
take over her mind, use her body, and kill Artemis. Wait! Ive got a better idea! Ill

first go into Artemiss mind, and then Ill kill her! The kid wont think that I would
go for her companion. The wisp thought.
She flew silently into Artemiss mind without her knowing it, since she was
never introduced to mind control. Inside Artemiss mind, Void pushed Artemis
onto the ground and blasted her so she was unconscious. This was easier than I
thought. I wish that she had at least put up a fight. Oh well. She zapped Artemis
back awake, slipped out of her mind, and creeped into Voids. The good Void
turned around. The voice! she yelled. Tsk. Tsk. Now Void, you should treat
yourself better. What do you mean? Dont you get it? I am the real you, Void!
You are a cold-blooded murderer that was trying to take over the world! I am here
to help you! What did you call me, you lunatic? Void, dont call yourself a
lunatic. Its very bad for your self confidence. Anyway, would you like to know
what happened during those nine years you dont remember? What you did?
What I did? Yes, Void. When you were listening in on Oblivious the and Koral,
do you remember the name, Queen Chinchiqwa? Yes. You killed her. You
killed Queen Chinchiqwa and Flame Ashheart! You killed them Void! Oblivious
and everyone else know it too! They brainwashed you! Youre a cold blooded
murderer who needs to be controlled! Why else would they act weird around
you? Not answering your questions!? They were trying to control you, but they
obviously failed. They werent careful about what they said! Now you know!
What am I going to do? Let me be in control. Well keep this quiet, and no one
will know. We cant have a killing lunatic on the loose. What do you say? The
good Void sat down against the wall. Very good. A wise choice. Void formed a
ball of shadowy flame in her hand, and shot it at the good Void. She fell to the
ground, unconscious. Oh, how fun it is to manipulate people! But Im about to
have even more fun! Im surprised that everyone doesnt try to take over the
world, killing along the way. Oh well. I guess its too sophisticated a taste for a
world full of simpletons.
Artemis looked behind her to check on the girl, realizing she never got her
name. Hey kid, whats your name? Then she realized that her eyes were red,
not blue. You okay. she asked. My names Void. She said. And Ill only be
okay when you are dead. It took a second to realize what she heard, but it was a
second too long. Void lunged at Artemis, claws slashing her face and teeth
snapping. The two dragons wrestled in the sky, blasting each other and causing
blood to fall.

Meanwhile, Oblivious had arrived at the Shadow Dome as quickly as she

could. She opened the door calling, Void? but no response. She saw that there
was a note on the counter in the kitchen. It read:
Dear Oblivious,
I am going with a stranger to her home. It is located south from
here, apparently past the mass of clouds. I do not know her name, or
why she is here and taking me. I thought you should now. See ya!
As soon a s Oblivious finished it, she ran outside and summoned a cloud.
Koral, Hunter, Flower, and Winter appeared. Whats the news, Oblivious? Koral
asked. Oblivious lifted up the note. Read this. I found it on the counter. Once
everyone finished reading, Oblivious asked, Do you have any idea of what this
means? That Void has really good handwriting? Hunter suggested. No. It
means that Void has been kidnapped. I dont know by who, but its probably not
good. I need you to get over here so we can all go at once. Theres strength in
numbers, right? Oblivious said. Im there. They replied at once, and in an
instant, five dragons, one yellow, one blue, one green, one gray, and one brown,
leaped into the sky, looking for Void and the strange kidnapper. They found them
when Oblivious felt a drop of blood fall on her head. She looked up and saw a
sandy colored dragon, and a black dragon, mauling each other. Oblivious said,
Lets go kick some kidnapper butt. before roaring and flapping up to the battle.
Void and Artemis werent exactly mauling each other. It was more of Void
mauling Artemis. Of course, Void had a few scratches from when Artemis had a
lucky hit, but Void had more experience, especially in fighting, killing, and making
sure that whoever she was killing died in the most malicious and painful way
possible. It brought smiles to her face. Right now, Void was clamping her jaws
onto Artemiss tail, while her legs held Artemis in position for Void to strangle her
with her own tail, which Void was currently biting. During all of that, Void would fly
up, dive down, and then suddenly unfurl her wings, stopping them so forcefully
that it would rattle Artemiss brain, which was already cut off from blood
circulation due to her tail. Arter all of that, the blood that would normally go to her
brain, was oozing out of her gashes. They suddenly heard a roar, and saw
Oblivious, Winter, Hunter, Flower, and Koral flying up to the battle. Void let go of
Artemis, and turned to face the five. Well, well, well. If it isnt my old ally and her
group of dragons that are stupid enough to believe they can take me down. Well
guess what ladies, and I am speaking to all of you, youll only get to have a go at
me after Im finished with her. She pointed to Artemis, who was half flapping

since one of her wings was broken and bent at odd angles. Then again, Ill take
you on now, since she doesnt have long. How long do you ask? she snapped
her claws and Artemis was enveloped by Shadowy fire. She fell, until no one
could see her. Oh dear. Void said. I have no idea what is down there. Oh well.
So, whos first? How did you do that? I thought Flame was the only one who
could control fire. And he still could, if he was alive that is. I can just use
shadow fire. You like it? I took two elements, and mixed them together to get
something even more powerful. And in case if you were wondering, yes, I can do
the same thing with Queen Chinchiqwas chinchillas. Watch! Suddenly, a
chinchilla with purple bat wings soared in, and landed on Oblivious. Thats a
shadow one. Isnt it cute? You demented it! Hunter yelled. Void acted as if she
didnt hear him. Another one flew in and landed on Koral. It was a bright orange.
That is a fire chinchilla, but look at this one. A third flapped in and landed on
Flower. It was orange and purple with bat wings. Watch what they can do! The
chinchillas suddenly lashed out with their little claws and teeth. Void flew away at
the distraction. Ha! She thought. I was practically spoon-feeding them! they
walked right into it! They ate out of my and then realized it was poison! Now to
put my plan into action! She summoned some more to increase the fun. Then
she slipped into the mind of Koral. She blasted her unconscious, then back
awake. The process continued for Hunter, Flower, and Winter. Void the flew
downward to Artemis, who was still falling. She grabbed her shoulders, dodging
the blood coming out of Artemiss mouth. I deserve to rule the world, got it? And
some punk who decides to steal my servant/body is going to die a gruesome
death. I will not let anyone or anything stand in my way, okay? Im afraid your
little adventure into the big world is going to end here. I would say Im sorry, but
Im really not. You shouldve stayed home, Artemis. Nighty night. Sleep tight.
make sure the bed bugs bite. Its been fun killing you. Void carried Artemis to the
wall of rock off the edge of Regoth, and smashed her head against it. As Artemis
fell, she glowed. Void started to glow too. When Artemiss light faded, a bright
stream of light flew up to Void, and disappeared inside her mind. The inside of
Voids mind was getting. crowded. The good Void, still unconscious, lay against a
cage. Inside the cage was Flame, asleep. In the cage next to him, was Queen
Chinchiqwa, and then Artemis. Ooooooh, Im on a Winning Streak! I should keep
going! She flew up to the five all done with the chinchillas. Where have you
been? asked Oblivious. Me? Void replied innocently. Oh, you know. Just killing
Artemis. Whos that? asked Flower. She was the kidnapper. Not so good at
that, is she? And guess what? I get a little bonus! You thought one chinchilla was

bad? How about ten? On each of you? Oblivious, Koral, Hunter, Winter, and
Flower stared at Void, shuddering at the thought of more chinchillas trying to kill
them. It also made them think about Queen Chinchiqwa. Void laughed and shook
her head. You people are so gullible. Im not going to put any more on you. Its a
waste of my time. Wait for it. Oblivious thought. Hmm. Who to kill first? I
choose Void moved her claw around until finally stopping. Oblivious!
Congrats! Youre the next contestant on How Painful Will You Die? Care to give
a guess? Oblivious glared at her, clearly unamused. How can we when we are
floating who-knows-how-many feet in the air? And who says that I even want to?
Void smiled. Who said that you had a choice? she lunged towards Oblivious,
grabbing her shoulders and pulling in her wings, and dived down, dragging
Oblivious with her. Isnt it fun, plunging down to your death? Void asked. I
especially like it when the death isnt my own. And when the death is of someone
Ive hated for several centuries. Oblivious was confused. Several centuries?
Dont you mean two decades? Oh, thats right! You dont remember any of that,
dont you, She took a long pause. Sis? The word sent volts through Obliviouss
body. What did you say?, was all she could manage. Thats right Oblivious.
You and I are sisters. But not just you and me. Koral, Queen Chinchiqwa, Flower,
and Artemis are also our sisters. Oblivious blinked, dumbstruck from the news of
being related to all of her friends, but also from being related to the one who had
killed two of them, and she was next. Thats not all. Void continued. Flame,
Winter, and Hunter are our brothers. Another shock coursed through Oblivious.
Void smiled. Surprise!, she gleefully exclaimed. Youre messing with my head.
Now, Oblivious, dont be such a party pooper. I just wanted my sister to know
before she had a little accident. See? Im a good sister. Oblivious didnt respond
since she was thinking. Why? She thought. Why would she do this? Shes killing
her family one by one, torturing them, revealing that theyre related, and killing
them just as they find out. Oblivious searched Voids red eyes for the young child
she once knew. They were full of emotion, but not in a good way. Savoring. Glee.
Satisfaction. But above all, hate. Pure, cold-blooded, full blown, out of control,
down to the core, hate. Void was loving the moment, but Oblivious didnt know
why. Why are you doing this? Oblivious asked. What did we ever do to you?
Void laughed. What you did to me? WHAT YOU DID TO ME?!?!?!?!?!? She
shrieked, making sure to channel it into Obliviouss eardrums. You were the
ones who nearly KILLED ME! We were playing with our powers in a little circle,
passing them around. We each had one, but suddenly you all said, Catch, Void!
and threw them all at me. Only my spirit survived. Our father, Uphrates, wiped

your minds, since he thought I was dead, and reborned us, hoping that it wouldnt
happen again. Ever since, I have been possessing the little, reborned version of
me to exact my revenge on the people who turned me into nothing but a black
wisp with a voice! That is why I am killing you. So you know what it feels like to
be dead!! And with that, Void clamped her jaws on Obliviouss throat, gripping it
with all her might, not letting go until Oblivious went limp. Good riddence. was
all Void said when she finally dropped Oblivious. They both glowed, and
Obliviouss spirit was locked away in a cage in voids mind. While she flew up,
Void thought, Four down, four to go.
Flower, Koral, Winter, and Hunter all slowly fell to the growing power of
Void. She had challenged them in a certain order, where she could use their
allies powers against them. In Voids mind, it was getting a little crowded, for
nine, or ten, if you counted the good Void, who was still out cold. But everyone
was completely aware of each other. The eight that were in cages were shocked
about where they were when Void told them. Welcome to my mind, everyone!
Isnt it lovely? No. Oblivious replied. I can barely see anything. Besides, why,
and how, are we here? Ill answer that question with a question of my own.
What do all of us have in common? Thats obvious. We are all related, as I just
found out. Queen Chinchiqwa said. Yes, we do have that in common but that
wasnt what I was aiming for. The real reason is that all of you, including the little
me over there, Void pointed to the knocked out Void on the floor. had their
minds taken over, or at least had me inside it. That causes a little transaction. A
small piece of your soul was placed in me, and a small piece of me was placed
inside you. When I killed you, the rest your soul, and your powers, were
transferred over to me, causing me to grow stronger. Now you are my prisoners,
with your bodies M.I.A., and me officially in control of Regoth! You cant stop me
now! Winter noticed that a blood vessel in one of Voids eyes could be seen, but
he didnt see anything. Now watch me envelope the world in darkness as I rip
down your Domes! All that you love and care for, will starve because of your
captivity! Isnt it wonderful when your plan succeeds? Whos to start with? How
about Koral? That will wipe that smile from your face!! Voi turned around, and
flew to the Water dome, and landed on top of the invisible barrier. She
summoned a ball of shadow water, which caused Koral to glow. It melted the
Dome, water spilling everywhere. Void glowed purple as the Dome grew dark.
The sea creatures were dying, drowning in the air and darkness. Koral writhed in
pain as her face slowly disappeared. Stop it! yelled Flower. Youre killing her
spirit! Void laughed. Dont you get it? I want her to die, along with all of you!

This has been my plan since we were reborned! and you want me to stop? I
guess so, so now Ill kill you! Void flew to the Earth Dome, and unlocked it with
Flowers powers. The darkness quickly consumed it, eating away at Flowers
soul. Next came Flame, Hunter, Winter, Queen Chinchiqwa, Artemis, and lastly,
Oblivious. All that remained of them were eyes and a smidge of their faces. Ha
ha ha ! Goodbye, Siblings! I am finally going to be free of our hideous existence!
And Father isnt around to save you! No reborning! I think I shall sit and watch
you all die, with me as your last vision! Void yelled. Suddenly, she was knocked
over by her younger self. She was punched and kicked, with her head banged
against the floor. You cold-blooded, lunatic! The good Void yelled. Convincing
me of being a murderer, knocking me out, and killing my friends?!?! Youre the
one whos a murderer! I will not let you succeed! Ill kill you if I have to! Whos
the murderer now? But Void kept punching. While Void was distracted, a thought
went through the spirits in the cages.
Void landed in the middle of Regoth. She changed into her human form as
she felt herself getting weaker. She stumbled around, clutching her head. Whats
happening to me? This wasnt supposed to happen. She glanced at her right
arm. it was growing transparent, and flowed as if made of water. She looked at
her left. It glowed as if an ember, and suddenly lit on fire. Her right was dripping,
slowly falling to the ground with a splash. Void clutched with her remaining arm,
but just managed to burn he face. Vines sprouted from her back, wrapping
around her body, holding her tight. Despite the heat and pain from her arm, Vids
face grew cold. Frost grew, creeping up and down her skin. Suddenly, electricity
flew from her left leg, sizzling her nervous system. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Void
screamed. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Im too close! Not again! How can I still
fail?!? Ive never been closer in my life! I refuse to surrender! Youll never be safe
until I win! Ill be the devil of the hell that is your life! Eternal lie will be mine! The
fight isnt over yet! Suddenly, a sword pierced Voids ribcage. She released her
last breath, and fell over, her eyes turning blue. The sword, fire, water, and the
other elements disappeared, and eight different colored lights flew out, and
regained control of their bodies. They flew up, landed, and changed back into
their human forms. Oblivious bent down, and helped Void get up. Thank you.
she said. I now know of my other self, her goal, and how much she is willing to
risk to reach it. Do you think shes gone? Koral asked. No. Hunter said. If
we know Void, shes probably going to come back, crazier than ever. Yeah.
With her mind, shes going to use some secret power we dont know of yet. said
a familiar voice. It was Queen Chinchiqwa. Koral ran to her and gave her a hug.

I missed you. They both said at the same time. Why dont we celebrate with
some food? Flame said. Koral smiled and said, Stuffed lobsters for everyone!
Dont forget about shock-cakes! Oblivious replied. Cmon, Artemis! Void said,
smiling. You can come too! Oblivious and Koral are really good cooks! The nine
walked to the Shadow Dome, and had an all-you-can-eat buffet. But no one
noticed Winters eyes glow red, and then fade.

Stay tuned in
The Battle of Regoth
A New Age

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