The Luxy Daily: Jay Gatsby Found Dead in His Mansion!

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VOL.I. NO.1 Thursday, April, 5, 1925 12 PAGES FIFTYCENTS

Gatsby’s Body Found in died, “Then, we were heading home

His Mansion Jay Gatsby Found Dead in from New York. Daisy was very
nervous and she thought it would
steady her to drive—and this
The mysterious wealthy young
man, Jay Gatsby, found dead by his
neighbor, Nick Carraway, in the
His Mansion! woman rushed out at us just as we
were passing a car coming the other
pool of his own mansion in West It all happened in a minute,
Egg, Long Island. but it seemed to me that she wanted
Jay Gatsby, 29 years old, was to speak to us, thought we were
killed by George Wilson whom also somebody she knew. Well, first
found dead in the bush near the pool Daisy turned away from the woman
in Jay Gatsby’s mansion. According toward the other car, and then she
to the police, George Wilson went lost her nerve and turned back. The
into Jay Gatsby’s mansion with a second my hand reached the wheel I
gun this afternoon. At that time, Jay felt the shock—it must have killed
Gatsby was lying on the rubber her instantly. Anyhow—Daisy
mattress in the swimming pool, and stepped on it. I tried to make her
his servants were in the house, so no stop, but she couldn’t, so I pulled on
one notices George Wilson’s the emergency brake. Then she fell
coming. Then, George Wilson took over into my lap and I drove on.”
out his gun and shoot Jay Gatsby to Therefore, it prove that Daisy
death, and committed suicide Buchanan is the murderer and the
afterward. police will arrest her these days.
Jay Gatsby’s neighbor and
also friend, Nick Carraway, came
after being notified by Meyer
Wolfsheim’s driver who heard the
shot. Meyer Wolfsheim was an
acquaintance of Jay Gatsby who is a
Jewish man Gatsby describes as a
The Gatsby Mansion
gambler who had "fixed the World
Series.” When Nick Carraway got
there, he and Gatsby’s servants
found that Jay Gatsby was dead. said, “I heard Mr. and Mrs. Wilson giving up the tremendous vitality she
“There was a faint, barely fighting. A moment later, Mrs. Wilson had stored so long.”
perceptible movement of the water rushed out into the dusk, waving her Therefore, the police inferred
as the fresh flow from one end hands and shouting— before I could that the driver of the car who crushed
urged its way toward the drain at the move from his door the business was Myrtle Wilson and ran away might do
other. with little ripples that were over. Then, the death car didn’t stop; it on purpose. Jay Gatsby and Daisy
hardly the shadows of waves, the it came out of the gathering darkness, Buchanan were on the car, and Jay
laden mattress moved irregularly wavered tragically for a moment, and Gatsby claimed that he was the one
down the pool. A small gust of wind then disappeared around the next who crushed Myrtle Wilson. Hence,
that scarcely corrugated the surface bend. I wasn’t even sure of its color. the police assumed Jay Gatsby as the
was enough to disturb its accidental The other car came to rest a hundred murderer and kept investigating.
course with its accidental burden. yards beyond, and its driver hurried
The touch of a cluster of leaves back to where Myrtle Wilson, her life Who Killed Myrtle Wilson: Daisy
revolved it slowly, tracing, like the violently extinguished, knelt in the Buchanan or Jay Gatsby?
leg of compass, a thin red circle in road and mingled her thick dark blood
the water.”, said Nick Carraway. with the dust. This man and I reached After the police’s investigation,
Later, they found George Wilson’s her first, but when we had torn open they found that Jay Gatsby intended
body in the bush. her shirtwaist, still damp with to take the blame for Daisy Buchanan.
After the investigation, the perspiration, we saw that her left In fact, Daisy Buchanan was the one
police found that the reason that breast was swinging loose like a flap, who drove the car and struck Myrtle
George Wilson killed Jay Gatsby and there was no need to listen for the Wilson, not Jay Gatsby.
was because he wanted to take heart beneath. The mouth was wide According to Jay Gatsby’s
revenge for his wife, Myrtle Wilson open and ripped at the corners, as neighbor Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby
who had a car accident a few days though she had choked a little in confessed to him before the day he
ago. George Wilson thought that Jay
Gatsby was the person who drove
the car that caused his wife’s death.
Being hopeless, he committed
suicide afterward.

Myrtle Wilson’s Death: An

Accident or Murder?

As the headline mentioned, the

reason that George Wilson killed
Jay Gatsby was to tale revenge for
his wife, Myrtle Wilson, who died
of a car accident in front of the car
shop run by the couple on July 14.
However, was it really an
accident or murder? A young Greek,
Michaelis, who ran the coffee joint
beside the ashheaps was the
principal witness at the inquest. He Myrtle Wilson(left) and the crime scene photo
International News Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925

Egypt Becomes an International News Shifting sands: the Balfour

Independent Nation Declaration
Lord Balfour: The declaration
For a period of forty years,
Great Britain controlled the nation of
Mohandas Karamchand marked years of Zionist lobbying
Egypt (located partly in Africa and
partly in Asia). British troops were Gandhi Sent to Jail
sent in 1882, and the country,
officially the Arab Republic of Egypt,
gained its freedom in 1922. However,
the British still made their power
known in a number of areas, however.
For instance, the Sudan was kept
under British control and soldiers were
kept at the Suez Canal, much to the
dismay of many Egyptians.

44 Killed in R38 Accident     

In August of 1921, only five     
of 49 persons survived a R38         

accident. The R38, the largest airship

built at the time, was being tested by          
the British. The original plans were
to sell the 700-foot airship to the
United States. However, the test       
flight failed drastically, however.
After it tore in half, the machine
burst into flames, causing a death toll        
of 44 British and American people.

 !    "#  
Lebanon %       &
In May 1926, a constitution    
was established in Paris for the '    (  
republic of Lebanon. In order to try
to resolve differences between ) & * +   ,,  & 
Muslims and Christians in the Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869), better known to his followers as
Mahatma, or "great soul," was sent to jail. His offense: resisting to accept
republic, the presidential slot was
made open to a Christian and Prime British control of India. He carried out his protest by writing three articles -      
Minister for a Muslim. Parliament against British rule in Young India, his journal. The pacifist and his followers         
seats and Cabinet positions were also used non-violent tactics and civil disobedience as means of protest. The India
divided according to religious Act of 1919 was established so that Britain could eventually grant + &    
beliefs: for every five Muslims in the self-government to India. Although the act was a step forward, many Indians &    *-.
Parliament, six Christians were believed that change was not happening at a progressive rate.
added.       &
    / &   

Hitler and His Beer Hall

In November of 1923, Adolf
Hitler and his Storm Troopers
attempted to gain control by barging
in on a beer hall meeting. The march
was interrupted when police fired
shots, and as a direct result, sixteen
of Hitler's men were killed. Hitler
was soon arrested and sent to jail for
treason. It was here that he would
later write his book, Mein Kampf or
My Struggle.
Entertainment Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925

Universal Movie The The Phantom of the Opera Brings Great Horror! songs. It will soon be released to the
Phantom of The Opera cinema across the country and the
film making industry is about to
Received Positive Reviews face a significant change that will
transform the word ‘film’ to a whole
The Universal production The
new meaning.
Phantom of the opera has received
With the uprising threat
great reviews so far, scaring ladies
from the new technique in film,
and haunting young girls’ dream
Broadway has better come up with
across the nation. Legend has it that
some new ideas or searching for
some audiences fainted from the
new directions. Otherwise, the New
terrifying scenes! There is also legend
York City trademark might just be
where a poor woman was shocked
into a cardiac ores! All in all, this is
another success directed by the great
director Rupert Julian, who made his Broadway History
name through another well-produced
film Merry Go -Round.
The film is an adaptation of the
Gaston Leroux novel of the same title,
featuring Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin,
Norman Kerry, Arthur Edmund
Carewe, Gibson Gowland, John St.
Polis and Snitz Edwards. Lon Chaney
featured in the title role as the masked
and facially deformed Phantom who Legend has it that the latest movie The Phantom of the Opera made ladies screamed and fainted
haunts the Paris Opera House, causing
murder and mayhem in an attempt to
However, their marriage didn’t self-sacrifice or renunciation. These
force the management to make the
stay ‘happily ever after.’ In April are the stories which I wish to do."
woman he loves a star.
1913, Cleva went to the Majestic Many people aren’t aware of
Following the success of The
Theater in downtown Los Angeles, that Chaney's talents extend beyond
Hunchback of Notre Dame in 1923,
where Lon was managing the Kolb the horror genre and stage makeup. Along with London's West
Lon Chaney was once again given the
and Dill show, and attempted He is also a highly skilled dancer, End theatre, Broadway theatre is
freedom to create his own make-up as
suicide by swallowing mercury singer and comedian. Many who do usually considered to represent the
the Phantom, and according to all the
dichloride. The suicide attempt not know Chaney were surprised by highest level of commercial theatre
screams from the ladies, it is obvious
failed and ruined her singing career. his rich baritone voice and his sharp in the English-speaking world.
that the Phantom appearance is a total
However, it was the ensuing scandal comedic skills. All I can say is that However, New York did not
success and there is no doubt this face
and divorce that forced Chaney out we all are looking forward to your have a significant theatre presence
would become the actor’s new trade
of the theater and into film industry. next film, Mr. Chaney! until about 1750, when
Since 1912, Chaney has actor-managers Walter Murray and
worked under contract for Universal Thomas Kean established a
Studios. Starting out with bits and resident theater company at the
The Man of a small characters, his skill with
Thousand Faces Theatre on Nassau Street, which
makeup gained him many parts in held about 280 people. They
the highly competitive casting presented Shakespeare plays and
atmosphere down his career path. ballad operas such as The Beggar's
No long after he joined the studio, Opera. In 1752, William Hallam
Chaney befriended the sent a company of twelve actors
husband-wife director team of Joe from Britain to the colonies with
De Grasse and Ida May Park, who his brother Lewis as their manager.
gave him substantial roles in their They established a theater in
pictures, and further encouraged Williamsburg, Virginia and opened
him to play macabre characters. It with The Merchant of Venice and
was not until 1918 when playing a The Anatomist. The company
substantial role in William S. Hart's moved to New York in the summer
picture, Riddle Gawne, that of 1753, performing ballad operas
Chaney's talents as a character actor and ballad-farces like Damon and
were truly recognized by the Phillida. The Revolutionary War
industry. (Lon Chaney as Phantom )
suspended theatre in New York, but
Although he is best known for thereafter theatre resumed.
his talent in make up, Chaney's Theater in New York moved
talents as An actor lies more in his from downtown gradually to
sympathy he brings out with his Cinema would replace live
theatre? midtown beginning around 1850,
characters. In Quasimodo, the bell seeking less expensive real estate
ringer of Notre Dame, and Erik, the Along with London's West End
theatre, Broadway theatre is usually prices. In 1870, the heart of
"phantom" of the Paris Opera Broadway was in Union Square,
With another successful film House, Chaney created two of the considered to represent the highest
and an impressing role, Lon Chaney level of commercial theatre in the and by the end of the century, many
most grotesquely deformed theaters were near Madison Square.
has reestablished his status in the film characters in film history. However, world. However, they are now
industry. He is, no doubt, one of most facing some serious threat of Broadway's first "long-run"
the portrayals sought to elicit a musical was a 50-performance hit
versatile and powerful actors in our degree of sympathy and pathos extinction. With the film The Jazz
times and with his groundbreaking Singer about to be brought to the called The Elves in 1857. Although
among viewers not overwhelmingly the Broadway Theater has had their
artistry in film makeup, he marks his terrified or repulsed by the cinema, which will be presented
own uniqueness in this field. with synchronized sound, people glorious days, it is now facing the
monstrous disfigurements of the biggest threat ever. Can they
The Colorado born actor is characters, who were victims of start wondering if the cinema would
best known for his characterizations replace live theatre altogether. survive the rising tide? Or the long
fate. history of musical theater is going
of tortured, often grotesque and "I wanted to remind people The film The Jazz Singer will
afflicted characters. He was born be the first feature-length motion to disappear from the world’s
that the lowest types of humanity stage?
Leonidas Frank Chaney and both of may have within them the capacity picture with synchronized dialogue
Chaney's parents were deaf, which for supreme self-sacrifice," Chaney sequences. Its release will herald the
made him skilled in pantomime. He answered during our interview. "The commercial ascendance of the
entered a stage career in 1902, and dwarfed, misshapen beggar of the "talkies" and might cause the
began traveling with popular streets may have the noblest ideals. decline of the silent film era. It is
Vaudeville and theater acts. In 1905, Most of my roles since The produced by Warner Bros. with its
he met and married 16-year-old singer Hunchback, such as The Phantom of Vitaphone sound-on-disc system,
Cleva Creighton, and a year later, the Opera, have carried the theme of staring Al Jolson, who performs six
their first child was born.
Sport Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925

Los Angeles, California, USA is the only candidate city for Olympic
games in this year. And it is only the second time the Olympiad held outside of
Europe, after the Olympics 1904 in St.Louis. Although we are now at the
situation of global economic depression, the 10th Olympic Games is still full of
the high level performances. The opening ceremony was held on July 30 and
the Los Angeles organizers staged the Games over 16 days. And it will become
the Olympic standard for all next Games. There were 1332 athletes joining the
Games, and it included male for 1206 and female for 126.

President Herbert Hoover was too busy campaigning for his re-election,
so Vice-President Charles Curtis officially opened the Games of the 10th
Olympiad at the renovated and enlarged 105,000-seat Coliseum stadium. This

We are the Top of the World!

Despite a world-wide economic
No. Nation Gold Silver Bronze depression and predictions that the
Summer Olympics were doomed to
1 USA 41 32 30 failure, 37 countries sent over 1,300
athletes to southern California and the
2 Italy 12 12 12 Games were a huge success.
Energized by perfect weather and the
3 France 10 5 4 buoyant atmosphere of the first Olympic
Village, the competition was fierce.
4 Sweden 9 5 9 Sixteen world and Olympic records fell in
men's track and field alone.
5 Japan 7 7 4 In women's track, 18-year-old Babe
Didrikson (the picture below), who had
6 Hungary 6 4 5 set world records in the 80-meter hurdles, javelin and high jump at the AAU Olympic Trials
three weeks before, came to L.A. and announced, "I am out to beat everybody in sight." She
7 Finland 5 8 12 almost did, too - winning the hurdles and javelin, but taking second in the high jump (despite
tying teammate Jean Shiley for first) when her jumping style was ruled illegal.
8 United 4 7 5 Didrikson's heroics, along with
American Eddie Tolan's double in the 100
Kingdom and 200 meters and Italian Luigi Beccali's
upset victory in the 1,500, were among the
9 Germany 3 12 5 Games' highlights, but they didn't quite make
up for the absence of Finland's famed
10 Australia 3 1 1 distance runner Paavo Nurmi.
Just before the Games, the IOC said that
11 Argentina 3 1 0 Nurmi would not be allowed to participate in
his fourth Olympics because he had received
12 Canada 2 5 8 excessive expense money on a trip to
Germany in 1929. The ruling came as no
13 Netherlands 2 5 0 surprise in the track world where it was said,
"Nurmi has the lowest heart-beat and the
14 Poland 2 1 4 highest asking price of any athlete in the
15 South Africa 2 0 3
The Japanese men and American
16 Ireland 2 0 0 women dominated in swimming, each
winning five of six events. Helene Madison
17 Czechoslovakia 1 2 1 of the U.S. won two races and anchored the
winning relay team.
18 Austria 1 1 3
19 India 1 1 0
20 Denmark 0 3 3
21 Mexico 0 2 0
22 Latvia 0 1 0
22 New Zealand 0 1 0
22 Switzerland 0 1 0
25 Philippines 0 0 3
26 Spain 0 0 1
26 Uruguay 0 0 1
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Classified Advertisement Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925
Classified Advertisement Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925
Classified Advertisement Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925
Classified Advertisement Luxy Daily Friday, April, 2, 1925

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