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The Marcum Family/Ministry News

July 2016

Dear Friends & Family,

Much has taken place in our nation this past month! On June 27, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned a
Texas law that required abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their offices and abortion
facilities to meet the same health standards as other ambulatory surgical centers. That law had caused the number of
abortion facilities in Texas to drop from 41 to 8, and had closed 13 abortion facilities in one day. This is a dangerous and
grievous direction for the Supreme Court to take, and yes, it feels like a punch in the gut to the pro-life movement. The proabortion forces (and spiritual dark forces behind them) are sneering and gloating over their victory in the courts.
And then violence breaks out in the streets of our nation. Young men lose their lives, police officers are gunned down by
a sniper, and families and cities are shaking and grieving. Could there be any connection between the overturning of this
law protecting the unborn, which is essentially the disregard by our highest court for violence done in the womb against the
weakest among us, and the sudden spike in violence in the streets of our nation? Can we throw open the door to violence
of one kind and not have other types of violence enter in as well?
We so desire that all of you be encouraged at this difficult time here in our nation. This has definitely been a time to
weep as it says in Ecclesiastes, but let us not grieve without hope. Giving in or giving up is just what the enemy would like
us to do. Lets not! We see the prayer room here at IHOPKC filled this summer with old and young crying out for our nation.
We are hearing of many other churches & ministries across the nation rising up, repenting, reaching out and bringing healing
in the midst of the brokenness. What the enemy means for evil, the Lord can turn it for good. And we do want to report of a
specific victory right here in our state the Planned Parenthood in Columbia, MO has lost its license to do surgical abortions!
Many of you know Jim visited there earlier this year and found out from local pro-life leaders that if the PP there did not find
an abortionist doctor to come on staff by the end of May, they would lose their license. We and many others have been
praying and the Lord has answered there will be no more trauma to women and death to the unborn through abortion in

Journey for Life

We were privileged to be a part of a special gathering of many pro-life
ministers and volunteers on Friday, July 8, at the home of one of the KC
Coalition for Life directors. We shared a fellowship meal together, and Jim
led the group in a time of worship. Then Betty Wood, who went with us to
the Life International Training, shared her testimony about the Journey for
Life she took recently where she prayed at many abortion facilities, as well
as visited many Christian pregnancy resource centers. We closed the
evening with an extended time of prayer together it was very powerful!
The Lords presence was with us throughout the evening, and we were all sensing a new strength and unity that He is
working among us. We mentioned Bettys trip in our newsletter two months ago, and would like to share a little
more about it this month. She had been planning this trip for some time, and was granted a 6-week leave of absence
from her job. She traveled over 3,000 miles through 10 states and visited many cities, two of which were particularly
strategic Dayton, OH and Germantown, MD. These two cities are home to two of the most notorious late-term
abortionists of our day Martin Haskell and LeRoy Carhart.
Martin Haskells claim to infamy is that in 1992 he presented to the National Abortion
Federations Risk management seminar a description of a procedure he had helped
pioneer and had performed countless times intact dilation and extraction. This
procedure is better known as partial-birth abortion. It was this presentation in 1992
that became the catalyst for the pro-life movement to work tirelessly in the courts to
eventually ban this especially cruel and gruesome type of abortion. Betty prayed at the
abortion facility where Haskell still performs abortions as late-term as the law will
allow (and perhaps beyond). It is known that in former times, at this facility, abortions
have been performed throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Until recently, Haskell
operated another surgical abortion facility in Cincinnati, but it has been shut down.
The Ohio Department of Health has had numerous run-ins with Haskell and his staff.

Everyone listened at Betty shared

her Journey for Life.!

There is now a Christian pregnancy resource center which has opened directly across the street from Haskells
abortuary, and moms and their babies are being rescued every week. Betty visited the pregnancy resource center and
talked & prayed with the staff there. They have a chapel inside the building, with a large window that directly overlooks
the Haskell facility. Each morning the staff gathers there to pray, and throughout the week others pray there as well.
Betty also visited and prayed outside the Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, MD operated by a
late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who has recently been issued eight subpoenas to appear before Congress. He is
being questioned concerning letting babies die who were born alive during botched abortions, and selling baby parts.
Carhart sent at least eight women to the hospital between mid-2012 and mid-2014. On February 7, 2013, 29-year-old
kindergarten teacher Jennifer Morbelli died from a botched abortion that Carhart performed at 33 weeks gestation. As
of this April, Carhart had called the ambulance for another six patients in just the previous five months.
Betty also visited a Christian pregnancy resource center which, again, is located directly across from Carharts facility.
One of their staff members, Janet, told Betty they have steady presence with sidewalk counselors in front of the abortion
facility and they attempt to speak with every woman who goes in. They normally have four saves a week four
women who choose LIFE for their babies! But, sadly, many do not. Carhart operates another facility in Bellvue,
Nebraska and he flies there weekly. He and Haskell are among a handful of abortionists who regularly do abortions
later than 24 weeks, many of whom fly and travel to various locations. In an interview, Carhart once told a reporter he
estimates he has performed over 20,000 abortions in the third trimester.
There is so much more to Bettys story as she journeyed and prayed. She prayed in
Charlottesville, Virginia, outside a rented house where an abortionist comes once a week on
Wednesdays and does abortions. She visited a Christian womens clinic in Charleston, WV
that moved into a former gay bar, actually NEXT DOOR to an abortion facility. The same
sidewalk goes by both places. While there praying outside, Betty was asked by two women,
Would you pray for us? On the other side of this former gay bar was a porn shop but that
closed soon after the Christian clinic moved in. The presence of Christ makes a difference.
We are so thankful to be friends and comrades with Betty, and so proud of her! She is going to Ukraine next month with
Life International. We close by sharing (with Bettys permission) that one of her last stops on her journey was in
Hempstead, NY on Long Island. There she prayed outside the Planned Parenthood where many years ago as a young
woman she regretfully had an abortion. You see, part of Bettys passion comes from the fact that she has been where so
many of the young women are who face an unplanned pregnancy. The Lord has taken her to a place of forgiveness and
healing, and Bettys testimony is now changing lives and saving other women and children.

Plan a trip to IHOPKC!

We want to invite you to come & visit us here in
Kansas City to see and be a part of what God is doing
at IHOPKC. There are two planned events for visitors
Immerse and Weekends at IHOPKC. We want to
also invite you to stay with us while youre here! We
have a spare bedroom and would love to have you.
Here are the Immerse Dates and Themes coming up. Each Weekend at IHOPKC is at the beginning of an Immerse.
For more information, and to register, go to or And use code: FF50 to get
$50 off your registration for Immerse. Hope to see you!

August 1320: Partnering with Gods End-Time Plan for Israel & the Nations (Weekends- Aug 12-14)
September 1017: Developing a First-Commandment Community (Weekends Sept 9-11)
October 8-15: Building the House of Prayer (Weekends Oct 7-9)
November 5-12: Growing in Prayer and the Prophetic (Weekends Nov 4-6)
December 3-10: Encountering Jesus in the Song of Songs (Weekends Dec 2-4)

FINAL WORD: This is a challenging season in our nation. It is a good time to get oil from the Lord. Stay
connected to the Lord in the place of prayer, and reach out to connect others there with you. Wed love to be more in
touch with each of you give us a call, text, or an email, or better yet come see us! Love you all, and praying for you.

Because He is worthy of it all,

Jim & Melissa

Jim & Melissa Marcum & family

Jim & Melissa Marcum

P.O. Box 1099, Grandview, MO 64030
Phone/text: 816-287-3525 / 816-287-2228
Email/PayPal: (JM204009)
International House of Prayer Kansas City, MO

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