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IDOC'S (Asynchronous or offline systems)

Define Configuration Settings of IDOC:----> Define Logical System [bd54] or [sale]

--> Assign Name For Logical System [scc4] or[sale]
--> Maintain RFC Destination [sm59]
--> Define Port [we21]
--> Maintain Outbound Partner Profile [we20]
Whom to send ?--> receiver name[non sap systems or third party]
What to send ?--> IDOC Name
How to Send ?--> port name
When to Send ?--> immediate or collect(later)
--> Maintain Distribution Model [BD64]
--> Run the Outbound Program
For Material master [MATMAS] [BD10]
For Customer Master [DEBMAS] [BD12]
For vendor Master [CREMAS] [BD14]
-->Check the status of IDOC [WE02] or [WE05]
-->IDOC Status 1) 50--> IDOC received
2) 51--> IDOC not posted
3) 52--> IDOC not posted completely
4) 53--> IDOC posted successfully
5) 01--> IDOC generated
6) 03--> IDOC Posted to port
7) 30--> IDOC ready to Dispatch
--> How to reprocess the error IDOc's in Real Time [BD87]
--> How to Test the IDOC's [WE19]
--> Filtering:---

a) IDOC Filtering

b) Segment filtering

[BD56]examples: E1MARA , E1MAKT , E1MARC,E1MARD etc

--> IDOC Documentation


--> Reprocess The Process IDOC [WE59]

--> Message type

[WE81] --> it is a collection of similar IDOC types.

--> To maintaine the link b/w IDOC type & message type [WE82]
--> IDOC Defination [WE30] : It is a document which contain the data in the form of
packets is called IDOC.
--> Segment Defination : [WE31] It is a collection of reusable fields.
--> Custom IDOC's : Divides into 2 types:
a) Extended IDOC : [WE20] : Add extra segments to standard IDOC .
b) Reduced IDOC : [BD53] : Remove Extra segments to standard IDOC.

-->Change Pointers: Sending changing Data from sender to receiver system at a

certain period of time is called change pointer.
--> Change pointer background settings
a) change pointers activated centrally [BD61]
b) change pointers activated message type [BD50]
c) change pointers activated for fields [BD52]
d) Run the change pointers [BD21]

BAPI (syncronus or online systems)

--> it is one type of RFC function module to use communicate b/w the remote
server systems , the remote server systems either sap to non-sap ,sap to sap .
--> the main advantage of bapi is , it provides secured communication b/w the
remote servers .
--> Bapi works only on receiver system online i.e., we send the request immedietly
we will get the result back ,ex: irctc tickrt or busticket...
--> Bapi uses advance techniqes i.e., RFC Technology later Bapi uses rfc technology
it is inserted into business object that's why it is converted into bapi.

--> Technically Bapi is nothing,but it is a part of business object.

BOR : It is a collection of business objects.

BUsiness objects : it is a collection of interfaces , types, events. [SWO1]

What is RFC ?
RFC is a special type of functional module, it is used to communicate b/w the sap to
sap, sap to non-sap.
The main drawback in rfc is, it doesn't provide any security communication in b/w
the servers like bapi
RFC Destination:[SM59]
It is a network or link b/w the 2 servers, in real time RFC destination is created by
sap basis people.

Difference b/w rfc & bapi?

read the above description , Rfc :it is a standalone functional module i.e., it is not
communicate with other rfc.
rfc uses normal technology.rfc is not a part of any thing it is just like a remote
enable function module.
Bapi : it is not astandalone functional module i.e., it is a part of business object to
communicate with the other bapi in single business object .
Bapi uses advance technology i.e., rfc technology.

Properties Of BAPI :
--> every bapi must start with bapi or zbapi ,in real time u r using mostly standats
bapi's (SAP BAPI's).
--> All importing & exporting parameters should be type of structure not to be
direct type.
--> All importing & exporting parameters make as a pass by values .
--> All structures Should be start with bapi or Zbapi , each bapi has a return
parameter (BAPIRET2), to display success and error messages.

--> When bapi is success , it uses a function module BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT

i.e., to save data into data base.
--> When bapi is error , it uses a function module BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK
i.e., Changes made into data base.

--> Report generation using bapi's.
--> it is used to communicate b/w sap to sap or sap to non-sap.
--> BAPI uses transfer bulk amount of data from flat file into sap directly,instead of


To transfer the data from flat file into sap through screens ,not directly like bapi .
BDC is a inbound transfer i.e., it receives the data from non-sap to sap .

BDC methods:
Types: a) Call transaction .
b) session method .
c) direct input method.
d) lsmw

LSMW TYPES : a) Direct input Recording.

b) Batch input Recordnig.

a) call trasaction: it is a techniq of transfering data from flat file into sap through
series of sequence of steps,
it is a 1 step process i.e., it updates data base immedietly,in this method to transfer
less amount of data less than 10,000 records, this method is very fast execution.
this method uses both syncronus and asyncronus.
b)session method: [SM35] this is a 2 step process i.e., create a session and process
a session.
this method uses to transfer bulk amount of data i.e., 10,000 to 10,00,000 records .
this method uses only syncronus, this method is very slow in execution.
c) Direct i/p method : this method is using very rarely in real time .
it is used in standard sap programs to update or upload data from flat file into sap.
d) LSMW:

LS -- Leagacy system i.e., 3rd party system or non-sap system .

M -- Migration i.e., data processing ( transfer data from flat file into sap)
W -- WorkBench i.e.,it is a sap tool ,not a programming.

It is used to transfer less amount of data from flat file into sap (<5,000 records only)

Leagacy system uses 14 steps :

1) Maintain object attributes.
2)Maintain source structer.
3) Maintain source fields.
4) Maintain Field mapping.
5) specify fields
6)assign fields.
7)read data
8)convert data
9) display converted data
10) create batch input session
11) run batch i/p session.

In LSMW field mapping is take care by sap itself

a) recording method : it is going to record all records in transaction to generated

technical information such as program name, screen number, field name,
field value , to transferred into sap screen. [SHDB]
b) bdc data: it is structure well defined in data dictionary it holds information
program name ,screen number, field value, field name, transferred into sap screen.
c) batch i/p recording: it is a relation b/w internal table and data base table ,it is an
altenative method for session method .

It is a techniq ,to add extra logic to standard sap software w/o modifying original
software ,it's called as enhancement's.
technically these are called as exits .

Types of Enhancements:
a) user exit
b)customer exit
d) enhancement spots / points

a) User exit: it is a empty sub routines, where we can add our logic in b/w the form
and end form, it is modifications why means it will ask access key,
Because these r doesn't start with z or y , these are available only in sap sd module.
How to find user exit [Se93]

b) customer exit: it is a empty z includes available inside function module, each

function module is called as customer exit ,technically these r called as
These rdivided into 4 types
b) menu exit
c)screen exit
d)field exit

a) function module exit: it is a function where u can write custom logic to enhance
the standard sap application ,each function module exit with have a signatures
different importing and exporting parameters,based on the parameters we can add
our custom logic to standard sap softwares.
each function module will have a z include.
b) menu exit: it is used to create own menu's to standard t code .
c) screen exit : it is used to create own screens to standard t code.
d) field exit : it is used to create field labels to input fields,it is obsolete ,not
supported in ecc 6.0.

How to find customer exit by usin 3 ways : [SE93] ,[SMOD],[SE84]

c) BADI: Business Advance instructions.

it is a latest technology to write a extra logic to standard sap software w/o
modifying original software is called badi
badi implemented using oops techiq.

How to find badi :[SE24]

Badi defination [SE18]

Badi implementation [SE19]

d) Enhancement points/spots: it is a collection of enhancements or points

Difference b/w Bapi and bdc?

it is a latest technology to transfer data from flat file into sap directly
it never terminates the program.
it provides own authorization to check the validity.
if version is upgrades , no need to change sap logic or coding.
very fast in execution.

it is a old technology to transfer data from flat file into sap through screens.
it terminates the program.
slow in execution.
we provide the authorization to check the validity.
if version is upgrades ,entire logic will be lost or collapse.

How to upload file into application server ?


How to download file from application server?


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