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and Miss Northern Kentucky


Miss Northern Kentucky 2013-2014
Nikki Dimon
Mr. Northern Kentucky 2013-2014
Luka Ashley Carter
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The Dock Complex
Cincinnati, Ohio


A Message from your current reigning Mr. & Miss Northern Kentucky:

Dear Contestants,

Welcome to this years' Mr. & Miss Northern Kentucky Pageants! We are thrilled that you
chose to be a part of the long and lasting legacy that is the Northern Kentucky System. We
truly feel that you will not find a more diverse, fair, and entertaining contest anywhere
locally on the male entertainment and female impersonation circuits. This is truly a pageant
where the best contestant overall will win; regardless of where you come from, what your
name is, or whether or not you have even competed in any other pageants previously.
This handbook will give you ALL the information needed for you to be prepared for this years'
competition, as well as an outline of how things will be ran the night of.
So, do please read ahead, and plan accordingly.

In choosing this years theme, we wanted to something that was distinct and easily
accessible, yet creatively open enough that it would still encompass entertainers of ALL
styles, abilities, shapes and sizes and allow everyone to be true to their own personas. This
year's theme being, of course, "ONCE UPON A TIME..."
We hope that you will all take this years' theme as an opportunity to write your own chapter
in the story book that is the Northern Kentucky System. And we wish you all the very best on
your quest to find your happily ever after; not only for the pageant, but in your life and
career as well.

Wishing you magic and memories that will last you a lifetime,

Mr. Northern Kentucky 2013-2014

Kentucky 2013-2014

Luka Ashley Carter


Miss Northern


Pageant Contact Information:

Jessica Dimon- Northern Kentucky System Promoter/Owner

Pageant Venue Information:

The Dock Complex
603 West Pete Rose Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Contestant Registration:
Contestant Registration for both the Mr. and Miss Northern Kentucky Pageant will open on
Sunday November 2, 2014 at 9:00pmEST at The Dock Complex and will close the same date
at 9:30pmEST.
Each contestant, dresser, back-up dancer etc, must bring a valid photo identification.
The entry fee for both the Miss and Mr. divisions is a flat fee of $50.00, and is payable by
At registration, all contestants will draw a contestant number for the competition, receive
their pageant ID card/wrist bands, go over contestant handbook, winner contract, and
purchase admission bands for extra dressers, backup dancers, friends, family, lovers, etc. In
an effort to have a productive informational meeting in the shortest time possible, all
Dressers, Dancers, and Friends should refrain from asking any personal questions,
rehearsing, carrying on separate conversations etc. at this time.
Contestants will be given one backstage pass/wristband for a dressing room assistant.
Dresser & Dancer passes/wristbands will be sold at both at time of registration and at the
front door. If you plan on having dancers purchase their passes/wristbands or they will not be
allowed to be on stage with you.

Contestants must have the following information ready at registration:

Creative Costume music/track, & Talent music/track, Creative Evening Gown/Wear*
music/track and Crowning music/track
This must be burned to a CD, in it's own case, and clearly labeled as
Track # 1 labeled as Creative Costume
Track # 2 labeled as Talent
Track # 3 labeled as "Crowning"
Track # 4 labeled as "Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear"*

*Please note that Track # 4, music for "Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear is
OPTIONAL, if you choose not to select your own music, a basic modeling track will be
provided for you.
Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear Description Cards will be given out and collected at this
meeting as well! They MUST be turned back in at Registration or you will not have any
description read during the category.

Schedule of Events:
Sunday November 2, 2014
9:00 PM EST Contestant Registration OPENS
9:30 PM EST Contestant Registration CLOSES
9:35 PM EST Contestant Sound Check (OPTIONAL)
10:00 PM EST Opening Production Rehearsal for Contestants (MANDATORY)
10:20 PM EST Contestant Are Released
10:30 PM EST The Dock Complex Opens to General Public
11:00 PM EST Pageant Begins

Category Order for all Miss Northern Kentucky Competitors is as follows:

-Creative Presentation
-With Opening Production to Follow
-Creative Evening Gown
-Onstage Q&A (immediately following Creative Evening Gown)
-With Comparative Creative Evening Gown to Follow
Category Order for all Mr. Northern Kentucky Competitors is as follows:
-Creative Presentation
-With Opening Production to Follow
-Creative Formal Wear
-Onstage Q&A (immediately following Creative Formal Wear)
-With Comparative Creative Evening Gown to Follow

Admission/Dressing Areas:
Contestants and a single dresser only will not be required to pay for admission into the
venue. All other dressers, dancers, prop personnel, managers, lovers, friends, etc. must pay
applicable admission.
Contestants will be given one backstage pass/wristband for a dressing room assistant at
NO EXTRA helpers will be allowed in the dressing area. If you have more than one assistant,
only one may enter the dressing area at a time.
Persons designated at the time of Registration as a dancer will not be allowed in the dressing
area until after comparative judging for Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear is completed for
the Miss division, and until Swimwear is ended for the Mr. division.
Please be respectful to the dressing area rules. They are rules for a reason and you are asked
to follow them or be held accountable for the consequences. ANYONE with more than one
dresser at their side at a time will lose administrative points for violating this rule with no
warnings given. This procedure is designed to make the dressing areas a comfortable
working space, and to protect contestants property.

Administrative Points:

Administrative Points will be deducted per judge in the following manner:

1 Point

Contestant does not enter the stage at appointed time and delays the
presentation of pageant
Each 5-minute interval a contestant arrives at after Registration has Closed.
For any friend, dresser, or dancer found to not have paid admission to the
Having more than one dresser at a single time in the dressing area.
Breaking any other rules (having fire, water, glitter, etc in talent; etc)

Contestants will be scored using the ordinal or ranking system. In each category, each
judge will rank the contestants and points are assigned based on placement.
Talent- 1st place gets 50pts. 2nd place gets 48 pts., 3rd place gets 46 pts., etc.
Creative Presentation, Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear, On-Stage Question, and
Swimwear (for the Mr. Division ONLY)- 1st place gets 25 pts., 2nd place gets 24 pts., 3rd
place gets 23 pts., etc.
Each contestant will also receive a comment sheet from each judge and a copy of the master
score sheets. Contestants can pick up their comment sheets before leaving the venue that
night immediately after the pageant in the dressing area from the Head Judge. Comment
sheets will be given by the Head Judge and to the contestant only, not to their dresser,
dancer, etc.


BANNED FROM The Northern Kentucky System

Contestant leaves the stage before or during crowning (Winner, 1st and 2nd
alternates should stay on stage after crowning for photographs)
Theft or vandalism to any property
Knowingly allowing others to enter host location without paying applicable
admission fee
Any irreparable remarks made toward or regarding any other Contestant, The
Promoter, Title Holder, Past Titleholder, or Judge.


Creative Presentation:
Each contestant will present themselves, in chosen theme, to the audience and judges in
whatever manner, costume etc. they so choose. This is NOT a mini talent category. NO
excessive glitter, confetti, food, or powder, NO fire, and NO water may be used in this
category. There is a 3 minutes limit with NO set-up time, if you are using props they must
come on and go off with you within the 3 minute time limit. Each contestant must introduce
themselves on the microphone and state their name and contestant number. Contestants
will provide their own music/track for this category. The chosen theme for Creative
Presentation this year is "ONCE UPON A TIME...". Contestants will be judged on creativity, fit,
ability to model costume, lip sync (if you chose to lip sync) speaking ability, music selection,
and adherence to theme in the areas of costume and music, and introduction speech.


Each contestant will be judged in a Talent selection of their choice. It may be of any type that
will not put themselves or the audience in danger. NO excessive glitter, food, or powder, NO
fire, and NO water may be used in this category. The actual Talent is limited to 7 minutes and
will be timed. There is a 2 minute limit set-up and tear down time if needed for props or
preparation. There will be a 1 point per judge deduction for time infractions. These
deductions can ruin you in the ordinal system of judging, so DO NOT GO OVER THE TIME
LIMIT! Contestants will be judged on Talent Ability, Lip Sync, Dance, Live Vocal,
Entertainment Value, Costuming and Makeup, Sound Quality, and effectiveness of props and
dancers if used.

Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear:

Each contestant will be judged one at a time and comparatively in their division's respected
creative attire. It may be of any color, style, and fashion. Contestants will be judged on the
presentation of the attire selection, fit, hair, accessories, poise, modeling ability, and general
appearance. Attire should reflect each contestants own unique taste and style, but should
NOT be a "costume". Music will be provided for this category, OR you may choose to provide
your own.
Immediately following the last contestant's Onstage Q&A, in each division, there
will be a comparative modeling portion.

On-Stage Question (following completion of individual

creative attires):
All contestants will compete in an On-Stage Question after finished modeling their division's
respected creative attire. This will be a separate score! Contestants will be judged on poise,
confidence, ability to communicate, vocabulary & grammar, and overall effectiveness of
answer. Questions will be determined by random draw and will not be political in nature.
DO NOT CHANGE AFTER Q&A! Comparative modeling will follow after the last
contestant in each division.

Swimwear (for Mr. Division ONLY):

Each MR. contestant will be judged one at a time in this category. Swimwear may be of any
cut, color, style, brand and fashion. Contestants will be judged on the presentation of the

attire, fit, hair, accessories, poise, modeling ability, physique and general appearance. Attire
should reflect each contestants own unique taste and style, but this is NOT meant to be a
"creative category". Music will be provided for this category.


Mr. and Miss Northern Kentucky Rules and Regulations

1. All Contestants must be 20 years plus one day by the day of the pageant
2. Judging will be on a total point ordinal system.
3. Contestants will be judged in the following categories: Creative Presentation, Talent,
Creative Evening Gown/Formal Wear, & On-Stage Question. With the additional category of
Swimwear for the Mr. Division ONLY.
4. Talent will be limited to 5 minutes. Prop set-up, and prop tear down will be limited to 2
minutes each. Any time violation will result in a 1 point per judge deduction.
5. Any type of Talent is acceptable except those that may cause injury to the audience or any
other person. No excessive glitter, food, no fire, powder, and no water may be used.
6. Due to dressing area limitations there is to be only 1 assistant backstage. If there is more
than the 1 person they will be ask to leave the dressing room (if the person does not leave
when asked, or is found again administrative points will be deducted from the final score of
that contestant) Contestants have to pay for extra dressers, backup dancers, managers,
lovers, assistants, friends, etc.
7. The use or dispensing of any illegal substance will not be tolerated while any contestant is
participating in the pageant. Immediate disqualification and ejection from the venue will
occur for anyone breaking this rule. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages by the
contestant, contestant helpers, or dancers will also result in disqualification if more than one
verbal or written warning is given.
8. Any Contestant not in the appointed place at the appointed time will have a 1 point per
judge deduction.
9. Any Contestant, dancer, or helper who is caught in the act of stealing or tampering with
another persons property will be ejected from the premises and will cause immediate
disqualification of said contestant.
10. All music must be on CD, clearly labeled, with the contestants name and track #s and
in a case. It is strongly suggested that additional copies of the CD be immediately available
in the event that the original becomes unusable.
11. Prize List- The following will be awarded to the successful contestants. (Listed below)
13. The winners of the 2014 Mr. and Miss Northern Kentucky Pageants must sign a mutual
agreement to fulfill his/her duties as the Current Reigning for one year, or relinquish the title
and pay back all monies won and return any and all crowns, sashes and/or medallions. Also,
the winner must agree to appear and relinquish the title and crown at the end of the year
reign, and to represent said title in a professional manner at all times.
14. The Owner/Promoter reserves the right to make any decisions concerning any matter not
covered by these rules and regulations.


Prize List:
-The winner of the Miss Northern Kentucky Pageant will receive $500 in total cash and/or
prizes ie bookings, etc, as outlined by the attached forms to this packet.
-The winner of the Mr. Northern Kentucky Pageant will receive $300 in total cash and/or
prizes ie bookings, etc, as outlined by the attached forms to this packet.

First Alternates:
-The First Alternates will receive $50.00 the night of the pageant and free admission into the
following year's competition.

Second Alternates:
-The Second Alternates will receive free admission into the following year's competition.


Contestant Registration Form

Stage Name: _________________________________________________________
Legal Name: __________________________________________________________

Contestant #: __________
Main Dresser Name: _______________________________________________
Back Up Dancers:



Names: ______________________________________________________

Prop Set up or Tear down Time for Talent?:



Providing own music for Creative Evening Gown or Formal Attire:



Entry Fee Paid: _____________________ -Promoter Intl.

Valid ID Shown: ____________________ -Promoter Intl.

Signed Contestant: ______________________________________________________________


Signed Promoter: _______________________________________________________________



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