Tech Policy Agreement

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Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Welcome to another exciting year at X High School! We have a lot planned for our tenth grade
language arts class in the coming months. In order to ensure the best possible learning
experience for your son/ daughter, please take some time to read over the following
requirements, ethical considerations, and project plans.
In this class, students will need to have or be able to obtain access to some form of cellular
device, as well as to the Internet. Students will be using cell phones or other hand-held devices to
participate in questionnaires, class polls, and other formative assessments to check student
progress and understanding. Students will also be required to have access to the Internet, in order
to complete a variety of projects, and access to a computer they can use to type papers and
essays. If you have any concerns regarding these requirements, please contact me. I will be
available after school and during lunch for students who require use of school computers.
In order to maintain the utmost academic integrity, students must agree to certain ethical
considerations. Students will be participating in online discussion forums and will be required to
conduct their online behavior cooperatively, considerately, and appropriately. There is a zerotolerance policy for plagiarism or harassment. We will discuss these ethical considerations
further in class.
Students will take part in many diverse projects and activities throughout the course of the year.
These include book talks, in which students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
their reading; group projects, which will use Google Docs; various essays and research papers,
which will require Internet access for research; and a social media project, in which students will
use a social media platform to gain a deeper understanding of their reading. Additionally,
students will need personal email accounts, and will often be required to come to class having
prepared ahead of time as discussed, by watching specified videos or reading online articles.
I am confident that this will be another excellent year, and Im excited to help your student
flourish and grow. In order to demonstrate consent to these policies, please sign and return the
attached slip. Please feel welcome to contact me at any time regarding these policies or any other
questions you may have.
Ms. Grissom
Technology Policy Agreement
Please sign to acknowledge that you have read and agree to these policies.
Student Signature: __________________________________

Date: __________________

Parent/ Guardian Signature: _______________________________Date: __________________

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