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Feedback for LTM 635 Integrated Learning Segment

Melissa Kinkade
Integration: I CAN integrate by intentionally making
connections in my unit. Since this class focuses on
integrating science and social studies, your learning
segment should demonstrate integration that includes
science or social studies or BOTH if it is a natural fit.


Professionalism: I CAN be professional by utilizing spell

check and proofreading my work. This assignment is an
opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned from the
myriad of resources, topics, and insights gained from this
class. It would be a shame if you communicated something
incorrectly by not checking your work for spelling, correct
word usage, or did not follow directions to the best of your


Passion: I CAN demonstrate passion by creating a

philosophy statement that I believe in. Passion will thrust
your beliefs forward. I also think you will be more excited
about completing the task which makes it more meaningful
and enjoyable.


Overall comments: This learning segment is a great example of integration

between science, social studies, math, and language arts. You effectively use the
UbD format. This structure helped you organize the content that is being instructed.
It helped to provide structure to you as the facilitator of learning and understanding
for the learners in your classroom. Much of your learning segment promotes
learning through engaging activities. This engagement can drive your passion for
teaching and learning for your students. Learning in such an environment increases
students abilities to learn more deeply. I like how you addressed this in your wellwritten Summary/Context portion of the learning segment. You did a spot-on job of
adding a well-thought-out hook by picking such an intriguing book to read, White
Seneca. How can you go wrong with a tag that reads, He has to choose between
his love for the Senecas and his loyalty to his own people. Powerful stuff!
I would like to add that your passion for this grade level and subject content is very
evident in the creation of this learning segment. You show evidence of a reflective
practitioner. Personal, professional reflection exemplifies passion because it does
help you be the best teacher that you can be. Creating a learning segment that you
find fascinating and that is rich with interesting information also drives passion
forward for teachers and students alike. Your interest and passion for this learning
segment is evident in the planning and presentation of your learning segment.
Because of your interest in the topic, you completed more extensive research on

resources and activities to use in your planning (like the White Seneca book.) You
put yourself in the mindset of an eighth grader in order to come up with activities
that would be enjoyable, yet meaningful for them. You should be excited about this
learning segment and I hope you are able to use it in your own classroom someday
as a middle school social studies teacher.
You successfully displayed professionalism in addressing all of the project criteria in
all three main areas. By using the Understanding by Design Template, selecting
standards from the Common Core as well as the Next Generation Science Standards
you demonstrated professionalism. You designed your learning segment with
students in mind by providing choices for both learning and assessment. You
incorporated diverse materials so all students could access learning and learn about
cultural change in multiple contexts. I would also like to add that spelling and
mechanics are clean and crisp and reflect proofreading and editing on your part.
Your layout of the unit itself is very reader friendly. Your voice is evident in this unit,
Melissa! It is evident to me that you love anthropology and this energy will pass to
your students. This is who you are! And that is a large part of demonstrating
professionalism, as well. Loving what you do has a huge impact on how/why you do
Melissa, this nicely done! You should be proud. You strengthened our learning
community by your participation and willingness to listen to others views. I think
your kind, calm nature will be a real asset in any classroom. You consistently
demonstrated a positive outlook to teaching/learning, a commitment to academic
excellence through course participation/reflection, and a desire to make a difference
in the classroom. Your students will know that their opinions matter through a
classroom environment that is warm and inviting. I feel confident that Howard
Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences will be prominent in your future classroom
and you will continually strive to promote a progressive/constructivist teaching
approach that will afford choice for students as they actively participate as great
thinkers! Good luck to you in your future endeavors. It has been a TRUE honor to
learn with you TWICE! I will email you when I find your fifth grade picture (as
promised!) Say HI to Theresa Farr for me and I WILL be visiting you at the OC
Library sometime soon.
Take real good care. ---Jackie

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