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About the author

Efrn M. Benavides is a Professor at the Escuela de Ingeniera Aeronutica

y del Espacio (EIAE), the largest School of Aeronautical and Space
Engineering in Spain. He currently works in the Propulsion and Fluid
Mechanics Department, which belongs to the Polytechnic University of
Madrid (UPM). He teaches courses in Turbocharging of Reciprocating
Engines (final-year project), Mechanical Design (fifth year),
Reciprocating Engines (fourth and fifth years), Propulsion Systems
(second year) for undergraduate Aeronautical Engineering students and
Introduction to Propulsion with Piston Engines for Masters students in
Test Flight and Aircraft Certification. He is responsible for the Sustainable
Design Theories course for Masters students in Environmental Sciences,
and was in charge of the Postgraduate course Mechanical Design with
Total Quality; Design of Experiments for Ph.D. students.
His academic background includes a six-year degree in Aeronautical
Engineering (1994, Polytechnic University of Madrid), a Ph.D. in HighPressure Fuel Flow Simulation (1999) and a five-year degree in Physics
(2005, Complutense University of Madrid). Following an initial period
of collaboration with Spains National Institute for Aerospace Technology
(INTA) in the design, manufacture and testing of aluminum high-pressure
fuel pumps, he began his career as a researcher. As a result, Efrn is the
author of several JCR scientific articles covering different aspects of
Engineering: thermoacoustic engines; non-stationary heat transfer;
stability of axial-flow compressors; and reliability of devices subjected to
variable stresses. He is also the author of two book chapters on heat
transfer and diesel engines (Heat Transfer Enhancement for Weakly
Oscillating Flows in Heat Transfer Theoretical analysis, experimental
investigations and industrial systems and Numerical Simulation of
the Injection Process in a Two-Stroke Diesel Engine in SAE 2000
Transactions: Journal of Engines), as well as a philosophical essay (the
book tica Borrosa, published in Spanish). In addition, he has combined
research with industry by collaborating with a major consulting firm,
ALTRAN Technologies, to develop a methodology that implements
Axiomatic Design as a part of its consulting strategy.

Advanced engineering design

The author may be contacted at:

Propulsion and Fluid Mechanics Department
ETSI Aeronuticos UPM
Pza. Cardenal Cisneros, 3
28040 Madrid


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