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Typeof Involvement ParposelGa ; Help all families establish home environment Parenting to support childran as students Desig effective foms of schoolto-homs and Communicating | home-to- school commmications aboutschoal programs andtheir children’ sprosrass Voluntezring Recruit and organize parent help andsuppot Provide information and ideas to familias about Learning at Home howto help studants at home with homework: . and other euiriculum-telatedactivitiss, deci- sions, and yey. | Include parents inschool decisions, developing Decision Making patent leader and representatives Identify and integrate resoumes and services Collsborating with | from the community to stransthen school Community programs, familypractices, and student learn- inzand development Annexure A: Items in the Work-Family Involvement Questionnaire | 1.1 | The most important things to happen to me involve my work. live, eat and breathe my work. am very much personally involved in my work | spend great amounts of time at work. 4.5 | When | am with my family, | am still thinking about my work. A feat satisfaction in my life comes from my role-as a parent 2.2 | Quite often | plan ahead for the next day's family activities, For me, days at home really fly by. lam very much personally involved with my family members’ lives. 25 | | would be a less futfiled person without my role as a parent. 2.6 | The most important things that happen to me are related to my family roles. 27 | Lenjoy talking about my family with other people, My nours of arrival at and departure from work, are dictated by my family schedules. | restructure my hours at work in order fo be at home at certain times. limit the number of evenings per week that I work inthe office | limit my Weekend work at the office. 35 | Ilimit my travel or structure itto sult my family needs. 3.6 | | make special, one-time arrangements at work to attend to a child's activity. 3,7 | My organisation assists me in having a healthy balance between work and family life, through offering the option of restructuring my work to meet my family needs. experience stress because | am required to have higher levels of work involvement due to the current ‘global recession’s effect on the automotive industry. 4.2 | My organisation requires that | spend greater time at work due to the current global recession. 4.3. | The global recession has negatively affected my ability to maintain a healthy balance between my involvement at work and with my family. | 4.4 | Greater organisational demands are being placed on me due to the global recession. experience stress because | am unable fo spend as much time as | would like to with my family, due to the current global recession's effect on the automotive industry. || The current global recession has limited my ability to restructure my work to accommodate family needs, WU PUM OO UO) UAL OH) DIMENSIONS CO Pe Rea ea heed Pr eee oe ke) 1. Luse discussion asa teaching strategy for the subjects that I teach 2. Lencourage independence and creativity from my student 3.1 facilitate and monitor appropriate interaction among students; 4. Asa teacher , 1 support student-centered learning 5.1am flexible in dealing with students’ needs (due dates, absences, make-up exams)? 6. Critical thinking and problem solving are important skills for el & g E z 5 8 4 i 7 & g z 5 a E active learning. interaction, participation and collaboration among students Always Very often ‘Sometimes Rarely Never Allow students to freely express their opinions. Use embarrassment to correct students, Friendly and respectful to students. Show enthusiasm for the subject. Establish clear rules from the beginning of the course, Display a strict altitude towards classroom control Arrive on time for class. Start class on time, End class early Spend time taking attendance Use group work in the classroom. Allow students to eat or drink in class, Strictly enforce attendance policies Remove students who are causing problems in the classroom. Use eye contact ax a classroom management method. Use 11 in the classroom, Allow students to enter class late, Allow students to leave class to answer a phone call. ‘Monitor students’ class work by walking around thei seats ‘Vary activities in your practicum lessons, Have to stop your lessons to address students’ misbehavior, Encourage students to work on the assigned in- or out-of class tasks. -ourage students to self-evaluate their behavior. ‘Welcome students’ suggestions for managing your classroom (Adapted from Fowler & Sarapli, 2010) Table 41. Factor Loading Obtained via Principal Component Analysis with Varimax Roution Tem {ITEMS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE Ne 19, encourage student to solve their probleia between each other independently when doing group work. IS, Loften use graup works since they are necessary for stunts social ‘and cognive development, 6. encourage students to propose and negotiate new clasroom mules if the ‘carrent ones ate not working 11, In order wo foster sense of responsibility iis important w give Suen chance w decide on and agree with eres, 13, Ifastudent is ofFtas, [ry to understand the reason oft | Tftneton ikea learner and a companion forthe students in the classroom, {think studens should evaluate thee works by thetselves 4. Taskstudentsto come up withthe suggestions forthe class rules ‘during the Fist weeks oF te class 17. 1do tot inerfre withthe elas-discussons in onder tha they can ‘progress in the contol of students, 21, think that stuleats should have the chance of pursuing their wm interests 27, do mi int the ime of activites sive the ude pass frown one learting activity to another in diftereat tines according to theie ow rae. 2. provide opportunity for students to solve the problems between cach others by themselves, 28, the students are tll wandering around when Lente the class, this is not a problem for me 26, Evaliion should be made by achers since the Wiwents cannot ‘enw wat is nessary for them, 22, Students ate not mature enoughto choose the Leaning pies ‘according to their interests 20, Linmediaiely tell students the corect answers when they canot Figure them out by themselves. 16, Leertainly dict the student triton Harn one Lseting activity to “another. fL m 78 ro 0 -218 on 058 037 rn ons us 026 ous on 167 256 81 143 059 “137 Scale Description Sample Item Student Talent te waich students ow, help and are peoctive of one aacther, 1 Twork well with otter ola member RSLS AIRBIRAT. Teacher Sappat avelvemeat Watent te waich the teacher helos. befriends, trusts and is interested in students. Extent te waich students have attentive interest, participate in d:ecussions, do additional work anc eajcy the clas. The Chines language teacher considers my feelings, Tdecuse ideas in Chires? Inaguage clase. Task Unieataticn Eatent te wach B= Thncwthe goals LEE important to compicts for this Chinese (S1=1ARe activities planned and to laaguage class: stay on the vubject matter speration Bient te which students [learn trom ERIE cooperate rather than otner emmdente SEGRE EID compete with one another inthis Chinese sy, on learning teste language clase Baily Extent to which students _[yetthe same RES MERMT aretreated squally hy the oppottunityte = AB RAAEE— teacher, answer He. questions as otaer students. oan (CUASSROCM MANAGEMENT STYLES OF PRMIARY SCHOOL TEACHERS Gone ame 6. Whatls Your Class:oom Management Profle? [Answer these 12 questions and team moe abou yourclassraom manayement profie. Te steps ae simple: Read each statement cart Raopond to each statement basad upon ithe’ actual or imagined classroom experience. Than. flow the scoring wstnictions batow It coud’ be easio# Mark only one oval por row 5= Stongly Agee lta stucont is disnuptive during dass, lassign 5 CD OO > rimmerto detention OO OC OC without futher discussion, Idorit want toimpose ary Oooo < rules on my students. ‘The classrcom must be ‘Quiet in order fr students \o kam am concerned about bah ‘what my students leam ang row they eam fa stunt tums in alate romewen aesigament, is (>) o2o0o0 oO fot ny probien {dort wont te epimenda sludontbecaisetmant SS > «£ hur hiner eings ‘Class proparaton sat oO OOO oO vert tre tot > OOO © [always ty to explain the reasons benind my rues ic ‘and dedsions| Twill no! aosopt exeuses ‘toma student wh is c tardy ‘The amational wal-being of imy students is more CO DDO Oo imparant than classroom ) i OC ) ‘cont Ny students understand that they can interupt my lecture they have a relent question Ha student requests a hall fas, | alvays honor tho request Thanks for answering all the questions/statements given !! From Nurshehe Bint Mohd Haden Master Education UTM pes gem acon MOFCSRUNS?, ONGC OAH EAFVIMLit BON impeine766 SX (Oe 2H al Pr APPENDIX CLASSROOM MANACEMENT. QUESTIONNAIRE ‘Never | Rarely | Sonetines [Often [Always 1 The teacher eats othe talons T ZF 7 5 Gadhia 2 Tie tee We w lane eS T =F 7 ‘the eens in erder io callther wth he 1 The teacher is aware ofthe dificil 7 3 5 te sadents may face while fearing nla ael accepts the 2 nutbeticdl 4 The teacher tt the stoenie 7 ZF 7 5 sndestancngly anc patenty sho have dficalty earning English, Thc each comes tothe clas pep T =F 7 5 forthe lesan | Wionihe tachoris teed csr T =F a = this othe class 7 The teacher Keeps his wilingies to T zs a 5 teach ihmugiou the sessions The teacher fas asmling face T zs 7 5 ‘peas Esl sales do nt ve dey indetanine 10. The teacher djs the wanstons T zt 7 5 tetwean exercises tht the stants do have diiculy flowing them, TT The fncher ie various eee T 7 7 tcchrigues nando in atm he sides 0 the lesen, 12. Wher pspaag e eas POT T ZF 7 5 guy work athe es tet lie TH, When the weds we dared Ue T zr + z teacher rks changes nth lesen lw Uther is any gama rote 7725 7 reat othe subj: beng ste the teacher wie it ley on th bad 1S. The ther avesclar and T 2 Us 7 5 sndestandae instostons for he ‘senives tbe dane 16. During te ess he tus car 7 2 7 5 hear clearly what the teacher is saying [17h ences gveseach sco equal Cn 7 x -ppotnly 0 arcipaeiieclse “KT eachor ds with erin sis sro dosh. 1D The teacher eps to wetome oor is 7 5 ‘mcity while we ate tying speak Engl 7. The teacher ies to have the talons T zr 7 5 ‘in he confdeace tht they can leam English very well uw Key: 1= (any sgntcant ned for 2eton) Z= Mostly Agree (moomterimprovemart/ some 2ctionneesad B= Strongly Agree (oreal oom for improvements Ue tur r ma eC) 1 An effective policy exists to promote positive behaviour 2 (have a clear understanding of the school's Code of Behaviour 3 Rules are communicated frequently and effectively to students 4 Staff (including non-teaching staff) are fully aware of and adopt, ‘the school rules 5 Students as far as they are able, know the reasons for each school rule 6 Rules are communicated effectively to parents/guardians: 7 Parents/quardians are routinely told of students’ positi mea eee ae ()12)(3) ‘8 Parents/quardians are routinely told of students’ wy , ‘unacceptable behaviour Q@2)3) 9 Ihave a clear ides of rewards that can be used for a positive behaviour 1) (2) (3) 10 | have a clear idea of the range of sanctions that can be eas used for unacceptable behaviour U)12)(3) 11 | am aware of the variety of strategies that can be used in this rei ‘school to address behaviour which impedes teaching and learning (1) (2) (3) 42 There is a consistent approach to managing behavioural issues in me) this school i2)(3) oe) 3) 13. The Code of Behaviour is understood and has been adopted by staff (3) = $4 A sysiom én piace to monitor and review the Cade of Bahraviour ragularty (1) (2) (3) 15 There is an effective health and safety policy in the school 2)(3) Kaunas Trade and Business School DISCIPLINE Please mark action during last three lessons Question T Ware gout? 2-Didyou have allthe means forthe Did you distusb the others? Did others dicta yaw? ‘Were you chatting Did you ues amots Did you asite let vou out? Wer 3 2 . é "FWare you chewing the gon? = 8, 0 Did you fulfil all ome the given take? gen size PARTD: THE MOTIVATION TO OVERCOME OF SCHOOL DISCIPLINE, Score: | Stongly Disagree Disagree 3Satisfactory 4 Agree ‘Ths dudents need a counseling session 5 Strongly Agree. “Apply the discipline conducts in teaching and learning sessions ‘Concer about parent's wariness of school discipline problem ‘Discipline teacher should jrovide motivation camp to students ‘Parents should advise their children o be a good children a>) ‘Aware that teacher need to cooperate to salve the diseiplinaay problem ‘The teachers al the school never gave encouragement to the students, “Teachers need lo cmale awareness among Studenis of social problems will affect their future ‘Awareness campaign not discipline problems in sehools ean Be done to sensitize students ‘Teacher need more taining in addressing the student discipline PART B : THE FACTORS OF THE SCHOOL DISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS, Instruction: Pease inate how srong you ae age or disagree withthe statements Scere: [Strongly Disspree 2Disugiee 3Suisfctory 4 Agree SStongly Agree. ‘Discipline problems in schoo! due wo health protien. ‘Discipline problem in school due w family problem ‘Discipline problem in-school de wo financial problem Discipline protien at school because of te por seronndag ‘Diasplie problem ut school due to the lacks of tention 65 the parents Discipline problem in school due to the licks of religious upbringing 7 Discipline problem in Shoo! us he mas mea | Teaching method are borin 9 X “Teachers donot care about estos “Teachers do not coopenate each ober in Unilin the dens PART C: THE WAYS 10 IMPROVE OF SCHOOL DISCIPLINE, ‘Scese:1Stngy Dinigiee 2Dikipte — ISinectiry 4 Age 5 Strongly Agios Establish a meri-dement stem Perts needto spend more time for ds ‘Engagement to the sutrounded community to evewone outside schol dixiplinay miecndvet ‘ennent of school Spree ‘Schioolsrules able to contolled problematic stulens ‘Teachersapply the disciplinary condvcts in the das sessions Sluis are avare of the punishment regardng to the res hobedience “How teachers fahave will fase he seni’ bohavior ‘Teachers should no give alot of homework QUESTIONNAIRE Researcher-Made Questionnaire On Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of Laboratory High School Students at Laguna State Polytechnic University A.Y. 2009-2010 NAME: _ sag = (optional) 1 Student-related Factors Direction: Please check (\) and rate yourself honestly based on what you actually 6o given the siatements using the folowing scales 5 - always 4-often 3-—sometimes 2-rarely 1-never A. Interest [s [4 [3 [2 |1 | 1._Imake myself prepared for the math subject 2. llisten attentively to the lecture of my math teacher. T 3. actively paficipate in the discussion, answering exercises andior clarfying things | did not understand. @ [want to get good grades on tests, quizzes, assignments and projects. 5. | get frustrated when the discussion is intertupted or the teacher is absent - Study Habits Tdo my assignments regular Texert more effort when | do difficult assignments. spend my vacant time in doing assignmonts or studying my lessons. /~ 4. Tstudy the lessons | missed if | was absent from the cass ._| study and prepared for quizzes and tests. Tstudy harder to improve my performance whan | get low grades. 7. [spend less time with my friends during school days to concentrate more on my studies. 8. [prefer finishing my studying and my assignments first before watching any television program. 9. Isee to it that extracurricular activities do not hamper 70.( have a spec place of study at home which 1Keep | clean and orderly

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