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Slip Test
should be
written in


* ]ll l

]l$VS 12-7-2016

Cr* l$

f$ylZ "h]l Bl a Cltr*s Pl

ylgz'Z.. gBG (Bl), ylDK $tMS$: O 19
l G{M>tMS $sylZ yl]l* Cf $tMS$:
O 14 ]l$_ 16 ]lMS$
#l$^laZ lMSt MS{sZ a r.. {gMSt sMS$l,
yls G{s Br, $ a Z (l&l$ylMS)
$tMS$: O 18, 19.

4. Slip Test
It is similar to Summative Assessment, but it is done in a limited
time (in a Period of 40 Minutes).
This should cover the four academic standards.
No need of having a printed
question paper.
There should be passages for
reading comprehension.
There should be one discourse.
There is no need of prior notice
for conducting it.
Teacher awards marks based on
the indicators that are given in the
academic standards under written
Grammar and vocabulary items
should not be tested in isolation.
These items are to be tested
contextually Allotment of marks.
a) Reading Comprehension (Seen
Passages in two F.As and
Unseen Passages in other two
- 5 Marks
b) Vocabulary
- 5 Marks
c) Grammar
- 5 Marks
d) Creative Writing
- 5 Marks
(Discourses) One out of two
Total - 20 marks
Slip Test should be written in

Question Paper pattern for

Formative Assessment I & III
I. Reading Comprehension
- 5 Marks
1) A Comprehension Passage
from A reading with three
Comprehension Questions
- 3 Marks
2) A Comprehension Passage
from B or C reading with
two Comprehension
- 2 Marks
II. Vocabulary
- 5 Marks
Testing items for 5 Marks should
be taken from the following.
a) Synonyms
- 2 Marks
b) Antonyms
- 2 Marks
c) Right form of words- 2 Marks
d) Spelling (Three types)
- 3 Marks
e) Classification of Vocabulary
- 2 Marks
f) Expressions in Sentences of
- 2Marks
g) One word Substitutions
- 2 Marks
III. Grammar
- 5 Marks
Testing items for 5 marks
should be taken from the following.
a) A Passage for editing (unseen)
- 2 Marks
b) Cloze test (unseen)- 2 Marks
c) Combining Sentences Who,
Which, That
- 1 Mark
d) Changing Voice
- 1 Mark
e) Reported Speech
- 1 Mark

f) Combining sentences using

- 1 Mark
g) Fill in the blanks with suitable
- 1Mark
h) Fill in the blank with suitable
form of verbs
- 1 Mark
i) Giving advice
- 1 Mark
j) Polite request
- 1 Mark
k) Identifying Right Phrase
- 1 Mark
l) Identifying Right expression
- 1 Mark
IV. Creative writing
- 5 Marks
Any two discourses can be asked
among these. There is internal choice.
a) Conversation
Based on
b) Description
the 3
c) Diary Entry
d) Script for Speech texts
Question Paper Pattern
for F.A II&IV
There is a Change in Conducting
F.A. II & IV since we should focus
on unseen Passages. We see change
in two academic standards i.e. (1)
Reading Comprehension and 2)
Creative Writing
I. Reading Comprehension
- 5 Marks
Instead of Textual Comprehension
Passages we take up unseen passages.

sl CW & "l$s
Al$s' s lZ..

Q.P. Pattern.
1) Reading data in a tabular
form, a Pie chart, a bar Chart
or a tree diagram with five
comprehension questions.
- 5 Marks
2) Reading an Unseen Passage
with five comprehension
- 5 Marks
3) Reading a story and arranging
the jumbled sentences in a meaningful order.
- 5 Marks
IV. Creative Writing
The Prescribed discourses are
a) Writing a letter
b) Writing a News Report
C) A Biographical Sketch
d) Story with hints
These changes are to be taken
care of.
Each F.A carries 50 Marks.
The evidences for awarding
these marks are Notebook-1 and
Notebook-2. After Covering the
syllabus F.A. will be conducted.
While Carrying out the Project Work
student should not download the
required material from net. Data
Should be collected with in the local
C. Bhagya Sekhar

Voice yl$ M>$. 1) Active
Voice 2) Passive Voice
Voice l$aMs ]ll$

]l$]lMS$ MS, MS, {MS$ As

H$sZ l*.
"MS' As ^lyl$. CWZ
Doer As$.
"MS' As l
A]l$^lyl$. CWZ Receiver
"{MS$' As Action Verb. As

Eg: go, come, eat, select....

{ {MS$ 5 *Z Er$.

Eg: go, went, gone, going, goes

go - V1, went - V2, gone - V3,
going-Ving, goes-Vs

Grammatical terminologyZ..
V1 Infinitive form A, V2
Past form A, V3 Past
Participle form A, Ving
Present Participle form A, Vs
Third Person Singular form

A $ $.
]l$ Active Voice and Passive
Voice Gl$MS$?
JMS {MS$/MS _ ]l$]l
M$ MSMS {]l C_a
]l*syl. ]l$M $ MSMS
{]l C.
Active Voice (A.V): JMS
SentenceZ ]l$]l MS/DoerMS
{]l (Importance) C_a
]l*syll Active VoiceZ
Passive Voice (P.V): JMS

English Faculty, ZPHS,

A. Rangampeta, Chittoor.

$s Zz

ss, -$ -t, ]lP A-ts,

sMS--$l, --r A-ts
R$: 40. l-R-$MS$ _]l l: BVS$t 8

-l$->Y-N sZ 40 $t-$

--ZPZ {MS*-s -l$s

l$>Y-N--Z l-]l Cl-tr*s B sM>-i (s).. -V>Z

$t MS l-R-$$
B--. $t: *-s-ylVS Cf-, {- Os--MS/ sMSMS B-, A-ts h{t, Os--MS/
sMS-MS B-, *--s-yls, AM-

l-]l A$-$-$
MS $-syl (ZP).. l -V>Z
$t M -VS$
(-l l ylg-s )
]l$_ l-R-$$ B-.
$t: --r A-ts {VSyl& III, -

$ AM-s s {VSyl & II, A-ts {VSyl-&--r sMS--$l {VSyl &II, {yl,
]l {VSyl-&-II. R$: 11. l-R-$MS$ _]l
l: BVS$t 6.

Gl- G{s Pl$ 41]l

M$-&-H-{ 20-17
Cyl-$l B.. t
MS$-l VSZ Gl-
G{s Pl$ 41]l M$&
H{ 20-1-7Z {l->-MS$ ,
#$-$ ]l$_ l-R-$$ B--.

M$: Gl- G{s Pl$ 41]l

M$-&-H-{ 20-17
R$: 55. Al: HOl yl{X/ll-]l*]l
M$Z MS 50 ->l ]l*$P$ ^. Gl--Z "' t--MSs Ey.
(l ]l$-$Z {]l*--MS VS$O]l B
-MS ^l]l MS$r$ $-MS$ "'
t--MSs A]l- l$)
]l*---$: f]l- l] 1, 20-17 sMS 19
]l$_ 25 H ]l$l Ey.
Bl-Ol l-R$ {: O 21
Bl-Ol l-R-$MS$ _]l l: BVS$t 18

s lZ..
Sentence Making

{ l gq]l

ls lZ..

G Ay M>t$:
GG iG Os&I
GV>jl $-- & 2016 l*yl


]l$]l MS/ReceiverMS
{]l C_a ]l*syll
Passive Voice Z ^l.
Ex: 1) Ravi ]l Dress select
& A.V
2) Ravi ]l select A*yl$
& P.V
]l: O ]l E]l 1, 2 SentencesZ
Ravi Al Subject VS$_ ]l*sy.
A yl* Past Simple TenseMS
_]ll. M> A yl$ l$
VoiceZ E.

Sentence&1Z Ravi Alyl$

^lyl$. M>st Ravi MS. CMSPyl
MSMS {]l C_a ]l*sy.
M>st C Active Voice.
EnglishZ Sub+V2Z ^l.

Ravi selected a dress yesterday.

Sentence&2Z Ravi Alyl$
l A]l$^lyl$. M>st Ravi

MS. CMSPyl MSMS {]l C_a

]l*sy. M>st C Passive
Voice. EnglishZ
Sub+was/were+V3Z ^l.
Ravi was selected yesterday.
Note: Active VoiceZ Subject

MS Er$.
Passive VoiceZ Subject MS


>l$ Vy,
CW M>s,
{s {Os]l

$ -$, l-$
-]l D&l$:

"Og$ l' {VSl ^ll?

VS$]l$yl #l
jMS$t #$$, Ol>.

M>ssl OVSyll

f$]lVS M>Z l

{VS* & 1, 2 & t



1. A]l$-* {M>-MS
2. A-->-]l$-*
3. Og$ $
4. >- ]l*l-$
5. Xl ]l*-l-]l-l--MS$yl$ ]l*l--$-l-$-^l]l ]lyl$ El -]l-^l ]l*l-]l1. l MS
2. O-]l*$ l-ll-MS1. MS *-l$
2. l-VS-V>-l
]l$l$> f-$A-]l-N->~l--l$-M>P- -^l---$-]l$---]l---M> --$>-]l$--{----$-l-$l
>]l*-$--$--^--l-l }-MS-~-l-]l->-$- 1. g-]l -$
2. l-]ll* {$
3. ]l$- ^l{l
4. B]lMS]l*l>-]l$-$-]l${ -l$---y l]l->-$-$- 1. ]l
2. ]l$--rMS $-
3. >]l*-$ ^lN M>]l-




---, $MSP->-$$


-y - >$$

A^l$l >$$

-y - >$$


MS-1]l >f-l
y >f-l


-A-^l$l >]l*-$-l-$1. V> Oll
2. s -^l-{l
3. M>-Qyl 4. ]l$ Qyl
5. --
6. ]l$$-l->s ^l-{l--MS ]l$MSP${ MS--]l$-Myl- ]l-->-$ -{MS-y-->-]l$f-MSP-]l--{MS-]l*P ^l-{l---]l${
1. Og$ l]l----{l$yl$
2.V> >MS$-l-
]l$-l$--l--l #>-MS$-]l*----MS-]lyl -l^-]l$--$-{-$- -VS- -^l-]l$-MS*--f-$--
A-]l-]l*-^---MS--]l$ /l MS-l-$S-{l-$-]l-]l -V- -$#--l---$--MS--]l-$A-$-l]l$
l-MS--l-MS}-l-- l-]l#-yl$-Ol--]l$-l-*-S -yl-s
-^l-]l--]l #>---MS ~---l -$]l$-WY$]l$VSY-l-]l--lMS {$f-MSP--^--]l*--yl$ --]l G-$,1. ]l> #>-VSr $-]l2. {Zl ^l{-l$




--$]l ]l-
-y l]l->-$$



f-$-]l-VS M>Z ]l_a]l l *{MS$$

-l-- -B--]l-/-M>--l--$-g-]l A>$

C-- -r*-s-


M yl M>s-


A$ g-M-




y$-V ---


-* {f-]l*-g-




--$]l ]l-
-l-ls l]l->-$$
$]l ]l-

-y l]l->-$$

--$]l ]l-

-y l]l->-$$

- - -$
--->-$-$-l-ls l]l->-$-$- 1. f-$-]l-VS Ol]l
y l]l->-$-$- 2. ---VS-]l$]l A]l$Z E
3. l >k--l-Z f-$-]l-VS
-MS$$ V-$, MS-]l$-l$$
4. -$ Kyl$ l.
-y l]l->-$-$ 1. f-$-]l-VS->MS 300
2. l]l* -- ]l
3. {-^lZ H ]lVS
f-$-]l-VS->-MS s->l$.
M>-MSs ]lQ Kyl-]l#.
4. l ]l$_ ]l*$ ^l]l ]l$
SMS r$ i-MS --l$.
-l-ls l]l->-$-$- --*g r$ Cyl* {VSl.
f-$- ]l-VS& ^l{l
-}-MS-~-l-]l->-$-$- 1. }MS-~-l-]l->-$ *
2. f-$-]l-VS Al$l rt--]l$,
]l{g-MS$ { A P-yl$.
3. f-$-]l-VS-> l$ ayl$.
4. l]l- ]l]l VS$_ lyl$.
-}-MS-~-l-]l->-$-$- - }-MS-~-l-]l->-$ ^l{l
-}-MS-~-l-]l->-$-$-}-MS-~-l-]l->-$ ^l{l
A^l$-l->-$-$1. f-$-]l-VS -MS$$ M>MS--
E-VS$$ A ^lyl$.
2. B-# A-r$
-f$-]l-VS, >g ^l{l

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