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IFL/M 2.

7 Study Club

Classification Essay
What is a classification essay?
A classification essay is one whose purpose is to describe the logical division of a topic/subject and explain each
What is it meant by classify?
To arrange sth in groups/categories according to features that they have in common.
How can you classify a topic/subject?
By a classification principle/method.
How many principles/methods can you classify a single topic/subject?
Not many. But, there are more than one principle/method to divide sth into several categories.
e.g. You might classify clothes into three groups: formal clothes, semiformal clothes, and casual clothes. Or, you
might clothes into two groups: indoor wear and outdoor wear. Transportation can be classified into several ways:
(1) local, national, international, (2) private, public, (3) land, air, water.
How do you know which way you want to classify?
It depends on your own purpose!!!
Note: the important thing to remember when you classify is that the categories must be mutually exclusive.
In other words, the categories cannot overlap. For example, you cannot classify clothes into formal clothes,
summer clothes, and casual clothes because the categories overlap. Some summer clothes are formal and others
are casual.
Practice 1:
How many ways can you think of to classify the students in your school? Make a list. Identify your method of
classification and the groups you can divide a student into.

1. Method: level of English proficiency



2. Method:

3. Method:

4. Method:

Thesis statement
The following sentence patterns are useful in writing thesis statements for classification essays.
two types
three kinds
four classes
several sorts
e.g. There are three kinds of energy: nuclear, hydraulic, and solar.
1. There are

into three/two groups
e.g. We can divide the students in my class into three groups: Asian, European, and South American.
2. We can


By ROS Vutha

can be classified

into three/two groups

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IFL/M 2.7 Study Club

e.g. News article can be divided into three categories: local, regional, and international.
Note: You can state the classification method in your thesis statement as well. Moreover, there are many
way to write thesis statements as long as they show the division of a topic.
e.g. Based on social status, people can be grouped into three classes: upper, middle, and lower.
e.g. Formal clothes, semiformal clothes, and casual clothes are the three groups of clothing divided
according to the degree of formality.
e.g. The jogger, the runner, and the marathoner can be easily distinguished by the clothing that each wears.
Practice 2:
Based on your list in practice 1, write a thesis statement of classification..
1. The students in my school can be divided into three levels according to their level of English proficiency:
beginning, intermediate, and advanced.
For each of the following topics, write a thesis statement of classification.
1. Pollution
2. Farming
3. Natural resources
4. Settlement
5. Landscape
Developing the body
In such an essay, the order of the division is not a problem because each division has equal value. What is important
is the accurate description/explanation. As a result, it is necessary to provide at least one example for each group.
You can introduce examples in your paragraphs by using one of the following phrases.
For example,
For instance,
To illustrate (the point),
For example and for instance are interchangeable and can come at the beginning, in the middle, or at
the end of a sentence. Notice the commas in these examples.

For example, teenagers today have to study harder at school.

Teenagers today, for example, have to study harder at school.
Teenagers today have to study harder at school, for instance.
You can also use these structures with examples.
An additional
example of
(noun phrase) is (noun phrase)
A/the first/second/third
The primary
A more important
(noun phrase)
such as

By ROS Vutha

is an example of

(noun phrase or clause)

(noun phrase)

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