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Bulacan State University

College of Engineering
City of Malolos, Bulacan

Automobile Casting/Assembling

Group 7
Bernardo, Kristine DR.
Mangahas, Yonice Regine DL.
Maningas, Princess Jeillyne
Manzano, Edrei Reeve

Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering involves discussions and

applications of different materials. One example of this application is casting or assembling
an automobile with any material we can use that is enough to make it durable.
List of Materials

Definition of Terms and Explanation of Materials

Olayon, Jess Ryan D.

March 27, 2015

Metal Sheet (yero)

Aerosol paint (spray paint)
Electric motor
Tamiya chassis
Crepe papers

Metal Sheet a metal formed by an industrial process and can be cut and bent into
a variety of shapes. We used this as the body of our car.
Wire a single, flexible strand of metal we used to connect the metal sheets
because of its pliability.
Acetate a polymer specifically a cellulose acetate; sometimes used as a film
based on photography, frame material for sunglasses, and as a synthetic fiber.
Purposely used as windows because of its transparency and more durable than
plastic cover.
Aerosol paint a paint that comes in a sealed pressurized container and leaves a
smooth, evenly coated surface than rolled/brushed paints.
Shear a scissor that has a large handle and can cut a metal.
Plier a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, useful for bending and compressing
a wide range of materials.
Hammer a tool that delivers blow/impact to an object, used to fit parts and forge
metals. We used this together with nails to bore hole in the metal sheet, enough to
fit the wires.

Electric motor an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into

mechanical energy.
Tamiya chassis an internal framework that supports a man-made object;
underpart of a Tamiyas motor vehicle. This served as the base of our car.
Paperboard a thick paper-based material; can be easily cut and formed, is
lightweight. We used this in the activity as plaster on the sides/edges of the car
because its harder than any paper.
Battery a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert
stored chemical energy into electrical energy.
Crepe papers a tissue paper that has been coated and then creped; produced from
paper pulp; has various colors, applicably used as design for the interior of our car.
Nails a pin-shaped object of metal which we used to bore a hole in the metal
sheet using a hammer.


Scope and Limitation

Hammer, pliers, pencil, and
Aerosol paint

Since we used metal sheet as body of our car and wires to connect it to each other,
it can be assured that its tougher than plastic and can carry a load of weight not heavier
than its body. Its body weighs just fine for the gear/chassis to carry it.
We used a new motor and battery for the car, thus it can last until its battery drains.
The battery drains fast when we tried to collide it with wall.

Shock proof
We have tried to drop the car, and the body is still intact together with the chassis
of the car. Another test we have done is to collide it in wall. The car is still intact and the
motor is still operating, but not as before, after we collide it in wall.

Paperboard and crepe papers


Electric motor




Car's interior

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