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1 Intro

Welcome Letter from Lucasfilm

2 Games
Short Games

Droid Deactivation Tag

Droid Disasters
Jedi Communicator
Droid Armies Attack
Jedi Stealth

Long Games

Bounty Hunter Round-Up

Jedi Trials
Planetary Olympics
Escape the Death Star
Find Obi-Wan Kenobis Home

3 Trivia
4 Arts & Crafts

Build Your Own Lightsaber

Star Wars Marble Magnets
Star Wars Diorama
Star Wars Rock Buddies
Ewok Garden
Medal of Yavin
Various Puppets from the Star Wars Universe
Cantina Character Finger Puppets
Yoda Finger Puppet
Admiral Sackbar Puppet

5 Character &
Planet Cards
Also Included: Information about the 501st
& Character Appearances

Hi and thank you for your interest

in the Star Wars Camp Toolkit!
Some who are reading this can tell me who Watto is or what famous bar houses thieves,
bandits and bounty hunters from around the galaxy, but for those that cannot, do not
fear. This toolkit is for fans of all types and maybe some that dont know they are fans
yet. Star Wars is more than just a movie which is why you can see it referenced in our
everyday lives. It is something that brings families together, creates friendships, inspires
kids and adults to dream and takes people to a world outside their own imagination.
This toolkit was created to bring camps an opportunity to converge universes in the
name of fun, with a bit of learning mixed in too. The four core values of the YMCA
caring, respect, honesty and responsibility sound like modern day Jedi teachings and
through games, crafts and other tools Lucasfilm hopes to build upon those teachings.
With games like Escape the Death Star, campers will use teamwork to infiltrate the
Empires massive vattle station and track down vital data while avoiding Imperial
attention, or in craft-like games like Yoda Finger Puppet, campers get a chance to use
their crafting skills and then show off their work and imagination. Whether your camp is
a day or week long, our hope is that through the Star Wars characters and environments,
kids will get a chance to grow and learn and have a great time doing it!
I hope this is the toolkit you were seeking. Have a blast this summer!
Your Friends at Lucasfilm

short Games

Two droids need to make
it all the way to the reactor
chamber without being
deactivated (frozen) by
a Jedi. The Jedi keep the
galaxy safe by deactivating
as many dangerous droids
as they can by tagging their
power boxes.

Designate and mark off
a reactor chamber area
Pick two kids to start off
as the Jedi team
Instruct the rest of the
kids to play as droids

Game Play
At the start of the game, challenge the droids to walk
like robots while working together to get two of their
team members inside the reactor chamber. Once a
droid is deactivated (frozen) they are unable to move
until two droids reach the reactor chamber. The Jedi
try to thwart the droid plan by running around and
deactivating (tagging) as many droids as possible. Once
two droids make it safely into the reactor chamber, all
the deactivated droids are powered up and can move
again. The two droids that succeeded become the Jedi
team and the game can be played again.

short Games

Droid Disasters
(For 3-5 year olds)

R2-D2 and C-3PO have gotten themselves
into danger again and your campers are
their only hope!
Dig them out of the sand and
help them find a way home with
these games.

Droid Sand Dig

There was a terrible sandstorm on Tatooine and now R2-D2
and C-3PO have been lost in the sand! Will you help find them?
In a large shallow container filled with sand, hide R2 D2 and C-3PO pictures pasted on
Popsicle sticks, tennis balls or balloons.
Using a large spoon or plastic tools, have campers dig
through the sand to find the droids.
Toothbrushes can be used to clean the sand off of the
droids once found.

Help R2 Home
R2-D2 was on his way back to the Jedi
Temple, using directions he got from
C-3PO. Unfortunately, the directions
led him astray and now he is lost!
Help him find his way home.

Predetermine a path in the grass with tape

or spray paint; make multiple courses.
Put campers in pairs and have them try to
roll a beach ball down the path without
straying from the line.
See which team can guide R2 home first
without rolling off course.

short Games

Jedi Communicator
The lead counselor has received a very
important transmission from the Jedi
Temple and the Padawans mission
is to pass along the message to their
other Padawan team members without
distorting the signal. Each Padawan can
only say the message once.

Have all kids sit side by side to form a circle.

Game Play
The game begins when the lead counselor whispers a Jedi cookie to the
first Padawan in the group. That Padawan turns to the Padawan to their right
and whispers the transmission in their ear and so on. The final Padawan to
receive the transmission has to stand up and say the transmission out loud.
The goal is for the final transmission to be the same as the original Jedi cookie
as transmitted from the Jedi Temple.

Directors notes:
This game can also be used as a competition split up into teams and the team that gets the most right wins.
Also, extra points or tie breaker can be given to a team that remembers one of the previous transmissions.

Jedi Cookies
A lesson learned is a lesson earned
Overconfidence is the most dangerous form of carelessness
The first step to correcting a mistake is patience
A true heart should never be doubted
Believe in yourself or no one else will
No gift is more precious than trust
Sometimes accepting help is harder
than offering it
It is the quest for honor that makes one
Easy isnt always simple
Searching for the truth is easy.
Accepting the truth is hard
A wise leader knows when
to follow
Courage makes heroes, but
trust builds friendships

short Games

Droid Armies Attack

To defeat the opposing droid
army. Your mission is to secure
the opposing teams general by
taking their power source and
capturing them.


Socks act as power source and are tucked

in the back of players shorts.
Separate players into teams and have the
counselors as the droid army generals and
senate representatives. (Different color
yarn works great to distinguish teams)

Rules of Engagement

If a generals sock is pulled from their waist, they must be taken to their prison.


Your identification color on your wrist must be visible at all times.


You cannot be taken prisoner in your own territory.

(Only a general may run from base if chased but must stay in territory).


Prison breaks only happen when a friendly team player runs into the prison untouched.


A fallen general means that a bell rings and all

armies return to their home base.


If a general is defeated then their army changes

colors and joins the conquering army.
You will receive your new color when you
report after the bell rings.


Senate representatives are untouchable at

all times and decide conflicts.


Boundaries are marked with lines and

hunting tape around trees.


Non-vanquished generals must stay in

original areas.

10. Generals must stay in original sector.


Jailers must be hit by water balloons or

tagged by an opposing soldier to initiate
a jailbreak.

12. Power card option:

Select Power cards are issued to each team representative of their group.
Used one time each to avoid capture.

1. Rebel Mind trick

2. Empire Force grip
3. Ewok Camouflage
4. Bounty hunter Traps

short Games

Jedi Stealth
To recover the Jedi holocron and/or be
the last Jedi caught.

Set up:

Define a perimeter prior to beginning the game. At least one

acre of land is recommended to play the game; the more
wooded the better.
All campers, or Jedi, are arranged in equal size groups. You
can have as many groups as needed but we recommend a
minimum of ten Jedi per group. Counselors, playing the roles
of Imperial troopers, are opposing the groups and serve as
defenders of the holocron but not in the area of holocron
itself. Their goal is to tag all Jedi.
A holocron (can be any type of small object, preferably cubeshaped) is hidden in a wide open, accessible space. The
holocron is not guarded by Imperial players, although they
are prowling the area of play.
Those captured are sent back to their teams pre-determined
starting point (base) until the round is complete.
Points are awarded to teams.

Teams are awarded points for:

Holocron Recovery: 150 points
Last five Jedi caught:
Fifth: 15 points
Fourth: 20 points
Third: 25 points
Second: 30 points
Last Jedi caught: 75 points


Team of Jedi with the most points wins the round.

Directors notes:
Stealth can be used as a standalone evening game by adding multiple rounds, as
time filler or as a part of the Planetary Olympics.

long Games

Bounty Hunter
This is a Star Wars-based counselor hunt
game where campers play bounty hunters
attempting to round up all counselors
who are dressed as characters from the
Star Wars universe. The tournament
is sponsored by Jabba the Hutt. Han
Solo is the highest prize.

Each cabin group shall
play bounty hunters on
a mission to capture as
many wanted personnel as
possible. The group with
the most captures wins.
* Explaining the
game and basic rules
ahead of time is

Game Set-up:
1. Provide each cabin with a list of Wanted for
them to search for.
List the names and brief descriptions of the
wanted on the check list
Note: If possible, take pictures of staff in their
costumes and print in wanted posters to add to
the effect.

2. Game twist: See to it that a few counselors

(or campers, if there are not enough counselors)

are assigned Imperial guards or stormtroopers
for taking bounty hunters into custody. Create
a memory maze, give Star Wars trivia quiz
or create different time-delays for captured
bounty hunters to escape.

3. Have locals offer clues of the location of high-value bounties. These locals would be two or three

stationary characters.

4. Have some locals offer a side job for bounty hunters of causing breakouts of the captured wanted.
A breakout is caused by running into the holding area and tagging a held prisoner. It can only be
done by free players not captured.

5. Prisoners are brought to the jail where the wanted list is signed and payment is given to the bounty

hunter team

6. Boundaries of area are determined for camp play. Mark your boundaries with spray paint, ribbons,

maps, and/or counselors staged on the perimeter, then explain boundaries and staying together as a
cabin group rules to the campers.

7. Need a base/prison to return captives to and to give cabin groups credit for capture

(i.e. Basketball court).

8. You could change the game by creating a flip time where counselors are allowed to chase and round

up campers in an area. They could place campers in a memory maze to escape first before returning
to play.

Bounty hunter round-up Letter

Attention bounty hunters:

The Empire and the rebels are paying high prices for individuals
of interest. And who better to collect than our brethren in the
bounty hunter line of work?
Included is a list of wanted individuals. Payment differs for
each. Make a capture and return them to the processing station
holding cell for payment.
Some locals may help you locate the wanted or may even
provide some side opportunities.
BEWARE! The Empire has some local patrols out,
so keep your head down and avoid capture.
Good luck and keep track of who you turn in
because you cant capture the same person twice.
To make things more interesting the bounty
hunter group with the most captured will be
named Bounty Hunter
Team of the Galaxy.
By the way Jabba the Hutt is backing the round-up
and is providing a huge payment for bringing in the
smuggler, Han Solo.
Give him a rough time

Long Games


The campers will compete in various

competitions as a planet (cabin group).
The overall best time completion can win
the Olympics or individual performance/
teamwork awards can be given at the
closing ceremonies. (Refer to craft project
Medal of Yavin)

Estimated PlayING Time:

2 hours

Send letters to campers the day or night
before informing them of the Star Wars
Galaxy Olympics.
After being assigned a planet to
represent, campers must decorate and
prepare to represent their planet.
(see Planet cards)
Note: Can create camp opening and closing
ceremonies for campers to show their planet
representation and for awarding.


Materials to set up the challenges

(can also use the stations from the
Jedi Trials game)
Planet Bio sheet

Game Play

Campers will play as a planet (cabin or group) and

must complete each challenge.

Twist for longer game

play or all day theme

activities for
Olympics are:

During lunch or a break from Planetary

Olympic perform a Jeopardy-style trivia
game (see Trivia section)where each table
works together to answer questions OR
have counselors act out a scene from one
of the movies and have the crowd guess
the character or scene for points.

Jedi Trials timed game:

Blindfold Memory Maze, Jedi Wisdom Challenge,
Lightsaber Challenge and Naboo Water Challenge

Arts and Crafts race:

Must decorate and ride your planetary float in a designated
circle one time to complete

Star Wars paper airplane challenge:

Cabin group must make and decorate a Star Wars spaceship and fly
their ship into a designated spot on the ground

Tug of War:

Opposing sides, ie: Jedi and Sith, Clones and Bounty Hunters can compete

Long Games

Escape the
Death Star
Each cabin group shall travel as a Rebel
strike team on the Death Star mission.
Campers will be instructed to disguise
themselves as Imperial personnel or
stormtroopers. In some cases calling
campers before attending camp to
inform them of this will add to

Give each cabin the letter at the meal

or night before so that the cabin can
discuss the goals and rules with their
counselor. Stress that the campers
need to be disguised as Imperial
stormtroopers or Imperial fleet
personnel. (It would be helpful in
getting this information to campers
prior to camp arrival)

Infiltrate the Death Star and retrieve the
confirmation file and data disk, disarm the
tractor beam and escape the station.

Environment set-up

Computer Room: Will require the decoration of or use of a real computer

for campers to find the confirmation file from R2-D2.


Trash compactor room: Suggest the shallow end of a pool

decorated with floating debris and the sunken data disk.


Tractor Beam Room: Create a tractor beam decoration and

provide the ability to pull down a lever to symbolize powering
down of the beam.


Hangar room: a place for campers to end the adventure by

boarding their ship.


Prison Cell: For captured campers, provide escape, maybe memory maze.

Wandering characters: Bothans to help (code: SW7713), trooper to try

and capture campers.


Letter packets for campers: include file identification code, hangar number,
prison cell number, Bothan spy ID badge identifier.


Map: Take a facility map and create a layover Death Star map with multiple
locations on it. Have pieces of the map found through different spies on the
Death Star. This will create the sense of being lost on the Death Star and needing
to get out.


ID Badges on staff with different codes and numbers.

Campers will be directed from game

explanation to a disembarkation area.
Using maps positioned around camp and talking to wandering characters,
they need to locate the listed areas.
1. Find spies who will give map pieces to help
them find their way to the areas needed to
complete mission
2. Prison cell/ trash compactor room
3. Hangar and computer room
4. Tractor beam room
* Decorative signage should be used to direct campers to locations. Wandering
character spies will provide maps pieces to certain locations. Create a sense
of being lost.
* Use ID code TK-421 as identifier when questioned by guards

Escape the Death Star: Camper Letter with rules

Dear Cabin _______________

We are preparing to launch an attack on the Death Star, but we still need to confirm some
information obtained through transmissions to Princess Leia. Recently, Princess Leia was returned
to us by an impressive escape. We are asking you to now return to the Death Star.
We cant ask our onboard spies to get the files we need. But you may find some help on the
Death Star from some of our agents. They will have a special code on their badges for you to
recognize. We will provide you with the last four digits to identify our agents. They should have a
way to help guide you around the Death Star! Find them and get their help.
Princess Leias droid (R2-D2) left a coded file in the mainframe computer (the identifying file label
will be provided) and she left a data disk in the trash compactor in which she and her comrades
were briefly trapped. We need both.
We have captured an Imperial shuttle craft and your team will use it to enter the Death Star
impersonating an equipment relief crew. ID number: TK-421.
Once on the station you need to locate a computer terminal next to hangar bay and download the
file left by the Princesss droid, R2D2.
Locate the trash compactor room and search for the data disk and retrieve it.
Then you will have to get to the tractor beam room and disengage the tractor beam, and lastly
you will have to avoid capture, and if captured, escape. You should be able to blend in. But
Imperial personnel are suspicious and on high alert after the Princesss escape. Avoid Lord Vader
at all costs!
Your file will confirm the plans we are using to stage the attack on the Death Star. The Empire
would never expect us to return to the station after the Princesss spectacular escape.
You have two lunar cycles to complete your mission before we launch the attack with or without
Good luck and May the Force be with you.

Included Material:
1. Princess Leia was located on Level 5, detention block: AA-23 Cell: 2187
2. ID Badge of Spy who may help: SW7713
3. Locate trash compactor 3263827 find the data disk
4. File number: # 613R2D21977 for confirmation


*Once map is created and directions secure have these

stations ready
I. Quest: Prison Cell: 2187/ Trash compactor:
a. Wandering Characters direct to cell and next to it will
be a cut-out opening into the trash compactor.
b. **Suggest a pool location and have a cardboard cut out for campers to pass under into the shallow end of
a pool to recreate wet trash room. Float many objects
and hid the real disk among them.
c. **Suggest making two or three false cell rooms to trap
campers. Need to get the whole numbers correct
level 5 Block AA-23 Cell: 2187
II. Hangar and computer room:
a. Create or use a room in your facility where you can
create a file room, or actually use a real computer.
Code is: 612R2D21977
i. 612 (June 2013) R2D2 (of course) 1977
(Year of Star Wars: Episode IVs release)
ii. Have campers collect or download the file.
iii. **Create false computer room or stations
where file is not located.
III. Tractor beam room:
a. Create three levers to be powered down to simulate
tractor beam disengage.
IV. Holding Cell:
a. Troopers will detain suspicious campers to check
their identity.
i. Escape through memory maze, or have ID
code TK-421.

Wandering Characters:
1. Stormtroopers:
a. Their job is to detain suspicious campers and take them to a holding area to check out their story.
b. Capture campers.
2. Technical staff (Bothan spy is one of them):
a. Non-spy technical staff will call for troopers to question and or capture campers.
b. Spy will give information to assist to the campers. They will supply Map pieces to use as an overlay.

Escape the Death Star:

Counselor Signup Sheets

Wandering Characters:

Darth Vader:

(Imperial Personnel and Stormtroopers)

1. Staff: ______________________________________

Staff: ________________________________________

2. Staff: ______________________________________


3. Staff: ______________________________________

Dressed as Imperial personnel with id badge

1. Staff: ______________________________________

4. Staff: ______________________________________
5. Staff: ______________________________________
6. Staff: ______________________________________
7. Staff: ______________________________________
8. Staff: ______________________________________

2. Staff: ______________________________________
3. Staff: ______________________________________
4. * Map pieces of Death Star overlay or facility map
for overlay.

I. Quest: Prison Cell: 2187/ Trash compactor:

III. Tractor beam room

a. Staff: ___________________________ (life guard)

a. Staff: ___________________________________

b. Staff: ___________________________ (life guard)

b. Staff: ___________________________________

c. **Suggest a pool location and have a card board

cut out for campers to pass under into the shallow
end of a pool to recreate wet trash room. Float
many objects and hid the real disk among them.

c. Staff: ___________________________________

II. Hangar and computer room:

a. Staff: ___________________________________

e. Create three levers to be powered down to simulate

tractor beam disengage.

b. Staff: ___________________________________

IV. Ho lding Cell:

c. Create or use a room in your facility where you can

create a file room, or actually use a real computer.
Code is: 612R2D21977
i. 612 (June 2013) R2D2 (of course) 1977
(Year of Star Wars: Episode IVs release)
ii. Have campers collect or download the file.

a. Staff: ___________________________________

d. *On guard. Campers must sneak around to

tractor beam. (Have guards use line:
Whats going on? Probably another drill

b. Staff: ___________________________________
c. Staff: ___________________________________
d. Troopers will detain suspicious campers
to check their identity.
i. Escape through memory maze, or have id
code TK-421.

Long Games

Find Obi-Wan
Kenobis Home
On the planet of Tatooine, locate General
Obi Wan Kenobis home and retrieve Jedi
holocrons. Secondly, arrange for your own
transport off Tatooine and avoid capture.
**Provide a Cabin Letter during the meal or
night before so that the cabin can discuss
the goals and rules with their counselor.
Stress that the campers need to stay
together and use the wandering characters
to find the location of Kenobis home.

Each cabin group shall travel as a Rebel
strike team on Tatooine. This can
be played as a two-part game or be
shortened by removing extra morning
stations and combining them with map
pieces distributed at the market place.

Environment set up
I. Map:
Take a map of your facility and divide it up into three or four pieces.
Places pieces at stations. When campers assemble entire map, have it
designate a location (either Obi-Wans home or the place they will find out
where his home is).
II. Beggars Canyon:
Locals hang out here to fly the canyon and practice sharpshooting.
A surfer-type group. For campers to speak with locals,
they have to complete a sharpshooter challenge.
Locals will give campers a map piece of the Dune Sea (Facility map)
III. Tosche Station:
A gas station-like outpost in the town of Anchorhead, on Tatooine.
Power converters and tech equipment can be traded here.
Wandering characters will give a map piece of Dune Sea. (Facility Map)
IV. Moisture farm:
a. Here are farmers who will create a challenge for a map piece of the Dune Sea.
i. Complete challenge and gain map piece of Dune Sea (Facility Map)

Obi-Wans home:
a. Create a mess of objects and a chest that holds Jedi holocrons.
(Take at least two cube-shaped holocrons)
**Consider making this location remote. Ben was known as a hermit.

VI. Imperial holding Cell:

For campers caught by Stormtroopers, create a prison or memory maze holding area.
Stage Two: Get to Mos Eisley and arrange transport off-planet
VII. Mos Eisley:
a. Create a Mos Eisley Marketplace
i. Campers work with market people to trade , buy and sell to increase
money to purchase transport off-planet. Have some wandering
characters give credits for interaction with campers.
b. Mos Eisley Cantina:
i. Meet with captains to arrange transport. Set a price that campers
need to raise for transport.
c. Mos Eisley docking bay: Final location: get to flag pole after paying
captain to finish.
d. Mos Eisley Imperial outpost holding area: Camper prison. Create a
prison or memory maze time delay that campers need to escape from.

find OBI-WAN kenobis home: letter

Dear Cabin,
Word has reached us that General Obi-Wan Kenobi, the famous Jedi from the Clone Wars, was killed on the
Death Star by Lord Vader. It is believed he lived in hiding on the planet Tatooine all these years somewhere
near the Dune Sea.
Princess Leia has requested that your team go back to Tatooine and track down General Kenobis home. In it
is a chest of holocrons containing Jedi history and knowledge. If the Jedi are ever to return to their place as
guardians of peace and justice as they were in the Old Republic, that information will be essential.
The Empire is on high alert and it will not be easy to navigate Tatooine. Dont forget that it is also a hotspot
for pirates and crime lords. You will have Imperial troopers, sand people and outlaws to avoid as you search
the local population for clues as to where Kenobi resided.
Afterwards you will have to find your own transportation off-planet. Security is too tight to drop you off and
re-land to pick you up. Acquire transport to sector Ds45g in the Tatooine system and we will meet you there.
Good luck. Be resourceful to earn the funds you need for transport after you complete your mission.
1. Find General Kenobis home and retrieve the holocrons,
2. Make your way to the space port and negotiate a transport off-planet.
3. You may have to use your wits and trade for credits and or earn credits from the
locals. We will provide you with some tech items you can trade, or sell for
credits to buy passage. Remember to trade and barter. Trade up for higher value and
earn credits.
4. Avoid capture and escape if captured. Do not fail to return the holocrons to the
Rebel fleet.
Good luck!

Find Obi-WaN Kenobis Home Star Wars Game Day Characters:

Counselor Sign Up Sheet

Imperial Stormtroopers:
1. Staff: ______________________________________
2. Staff: ______________________________________
3. Staff: ______________________________________
4. Staff: ______________________________________
5. Staff: ______________________________________
Chase campers and place them in holding
cells (Memory Maze)

Sand People:
1. Staff: ______________________________________

Create a mess of objects and a chest of that holds Jedi holocrons.

(Take at least two cube-shaped holocrons). Consider making this
location remote. Ben was known as a hermit.

Imperial Holding Cell:

1. Staff: ______________________________________
2. Staff: ______________________________________
For campers caught by Imperial troops,
create a prison or memory maze holding area.
Stage two: Get to Mos Eisley and arrange
transport off of Planet

2. Staff: ______________________________________

Mos Eisley Market place

3. Staff: ______________________________________

1. Staff: ______________________________________

4. Staff: ______________________________________

2. Staff: ______________________________________

5. Staff: ______________________________________

3. Staff: ______________________________________

Chase Campers and place in holding cell

or memory maze.

4. Staff: ______________________________________

Beggars Canyon:

6. Staff: ______________________________________

1. Staff: ______________________________________
2. Staff: ______________________________________
Locals hang out here to fly the canyon and practice
sharpshooting. A surfer-type group. For campers to speak
with locals, they have to complete a sharpshooter challenge.
Will give a map piece of Dune Sea (Facility map)

5. Staff: ______________________________________
Campers work with market people to trade, buy and sell to
increase money to purchase transport off-planet. Have some
wandering characters give credits for interaction with campers.

Mos Eisley Cantina:

1. Staff: ______________________________________
2. Staff: ______________________________________

Tosche Station:

3. Staff: ______________________________________

1. Staff: ______________________________________

4. Staff: ______________________________________

2. Staff: ______________________________________

Meet with captains to arrange transport. Set a price that

campers need to raise for transport.

A gas station-like outpost in the town of Anchorhead, on

Tatooine. Power converters and tech equipment can be
traded here. Wandering characters will give a map piece of
Dune Sea. (Facility Map)

Moisture Farm:
1. Staff: ______________________________________
2. Staff: ______________________________________
Here are Farmers farmers who will create a challenge for a
map piece for of the Dune Sea. Complete challenge and gain
map piece of Dune Sea (Facility Map)

Mos Eisley Imperial Holding Cell

1. Staff: ______________________________________
2. Staff: ______________________________________
3. Staff: ______________________________________
Outpost holding area:
Camper prison. Create a prison or memory maze time delay
that campers need to escape from.

Long Games

Jedi Trials

The path to becoming a Jedi is tough but one that every

Padawan must complete. Padawan groups must use the
Force and work together to complete each Jedi trial to
learn Master Yodas location.
NOTE: Starting with the build your own lightsaber craft
is a great way to begin this game giving campers a chance
to get into character.

Estimated Playing Time: 1-2 hours


For overnight camps, send letters to campers the

day or night before informing them that they
will represent Padawans divided into three basic
color teams. Each Padawan group is trying to
locate and compete in the Jedi trials. Each group
will be scored in order of completion. The overall
winner of the Jedi Trials is the team whose
group/cabin has the fastest total completion time
when checking in with Master Yoda.


A Star Wars Map cut into pieces (overlay

your camp map onto the Star Wars Map
and color code with three different
starting locations for the three different
Padawan groups)
Various materials to create the Jedi
Trail stations
Station sheets for the counselors with the
color coded appropriate next trial location


Each cabin/ group will first be required to

acquire a galaxy map in pieces by
questioning wandering characters (Star Wars
characters played by staff). After questioning
and performing required tasks or requests
(use trivia or Sith, Jedi, droid game), the
wandering characters will present them with
a map piece.

Create three maps (notated by color)

versions with different start stations to
stagger the Padawan groups.
Once the galaxy map is competed the
Padawan group must complete each station
of the Jedi Trials as a team, helping
each other.
After a Padawan group has completed all
the Jedi Trial stations they will go as a group
to check in with Master Yoda (at a central
camp location). Yoda will log the time of
arrival for each Padawan group to determine
the fastest Padawan team. All the Padawan
 groups will be winners as they have worked
together to complete the Jedi Trials.

Jedi Trial Stations

Use the Force:
Blindfolded Memory Maze
The winding path to peace is always a worthy one,
regardless of how many turns it takes.
Pre-create on the ground with spray paint a
checkerboard of squares that will make up the maze
the cabin group must travel through.
Blindfold the person entering the maze (only one
cabin mate may enter the maze at a time and they
must be blindfolded).
Cabin mates outside of the maze must guide each
campers steps with verbal directions to guide them
through the maze from start to finish.
If a camper steps into the wrong square they must
leave the maze and pass their blindfold to the next
Upon completion of the station the campers will
receive the location of next trial.

Jedi Wisdom Challenge

The first step to correcting a mistake is patience.
Create a large octagon area where each point of
the octagon has a Star Wars characters picture on
a stake.
Groups must work together to answer trivia about
the Star Wars characters.
Campers will tie a rope to each stake that refers to
the answer.

Once the counselor supervising the station verifies

that all the trivia questions have been answered
correctly they will give the Padawan group the
location of the next trial.

Lightsaber Challenge:
Trust in your friends and they will have reason to
trust in you

Make a large circle (10-20 feet circumference) on

the ground and supply each cabin group with a
jumbo wiffle ball bat and small balls (racquetball,
tennis ball or wiffle ball).

One cabin mate will stand blindfolded in the

middle of the circle at a time. Using the bat, each
cabin mate must hit three balls out of the circle.
Cabin mates will call out at they toss the ball
towards their member in the circle. (circle size and
goal can be adjusted for ages and difficulty).

Upon completing the station, the campers will

receive the location of the next trial.

Naboo Water Challenge:

Ignore your instincts at your peril

Mark a few tennis balls with special markings and

drop several into the pool. Groups will have to jump
in the pool and help each other find the special
marked ball.
Once the group has found the special marked ball
then they will have completed the station and receive
the next location clue.

The final clue sends the groups to find and

check in with Master Yoda for their trial
completion. Order of completion is recorded.
Overall groups to complete the Jedi Trials
the fastest is called out, but all groups are
winners for working together.

General Camper Safety:

Cabin groups must travel together or they are out of the game.
Wandering characters (counselors) are spread out for
supervision coverage.
Clearly marked boundaries and some staff assigned at borders.
Younger cabins assigned a CIT or Junior counselor.


Star Wars Trivia

In this packet you will find trivia questions
from the Star Wars Saga. Each question has been
hand selected to showcase a variety of skill levels from
Padawan to Jedi Master.

Trivia questions can be used in a variety of ways to

enhance your Star Wars Camp experience. Below are a
few ideas to test your campers Star Wars knowledge:
Play Star Wars Jeopardy where each film is its own category
Surprise your campers with a Star Wars pop quiz during lunch
Have a Trivia leg in the Planetary Olympics
Test your campers after a Star Wars Movie Night
These are only a few ways to get your camp excited about learning
Star Wars Trivia. Make your questions multiple choice, true or false
its up to you! Come up with your own ideas to help your young
Padawans expand their minds with the knowledge of the Force.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Q: Who represented the planet Naboo in the

Q: Whose lightsaber skills were second to none

Senate during Queen Amidalas rule?

on the Jedi Council?


Senator Palpatine



Q: What kind of hyperdrive generator did Qui-Gon

need to repair the queens ship?

A: A T-14 hyperdrive generator

Q: Who was Anakin Skywalkers father?
A: He didnt have a father
Q: What was Queen Amidalas birth name?
A: Padm Naberrie
Q: According to Obi-Wan, how high was

Anakin Skywalkers midi-chlorian count?

A: Off the chart (over 20,000)

Q: What did Queen Amidala do as a security

measure whenever she was in public?

A: She disguised herself as one of her handmaidens

Q: What was so special about the fact that Anakin
participated in Podraces?

Q: How many Jedi sit on the Jedi Council?

A: Twelve
Q: What was Jabbas species?
A: Hutt
Q: What was Sebulbas species?
A: Dug
Q: What was Jar Jar Binks species?
A: Gungan
Q: What was Wattos species?
A: Toydarian
Q: How many horns does Darth Maul have?
A: Ten

A: He was the only human who could do it

Q: How many towers does the Jedi Temple have?

A: Five

Q: Anakin Skywalker had a special ability that

Q: Who was the Podracer pilot who just couldnt get

made him a very important worker in Wattos

shop. What was it?

A: He was mechanically inclined

Q: What was Anakin Skywalker building to

help his mother?

A: A protocol droid (C-3PO)

Q: What was Wattos favorite pastime?
A: Gambling
Q: Who declared, At last we will have revenge?
A: Darth Maul

his engines to start?

A: Ben Quadinaros
Q: What color was Qui-Gon Jinns lightsaber blade?
A: Green
Q: What color was Obi-Wans lightsaber blade?
A: Blue
Q: How many Sith did Jedi Master Yoda say were

always present?

A: Two


Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Q: What did Anakin Skywalker often have

nightmares about?

A: His mother
Q: Who did Obi-Wan Kenobi check with to find out

information about an assassins dart?


Dex (Dexter Jettster)

Q: Who accompanied Anakin Skywalker to Tatooine to

look for his mother?
A: Senator Amidala
Q: Who was Count Dookus former Padawan?
A: Qui-Gon Jinn
Q: According to Lama Su, how many clone units were
ready when Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Kamino?
A: 200,000
Q: Who told Obi-Wan Kenobi that, if the prophecy was

true, Anakin Skywalker was the only one who could

bring balance to the Force?

A: Mace Windu

Q: Why did the planet Kamino not appear in

the Jedi Archives?

A: Because someone erased it from the archive


Q: According to the Kaminoans, who ordered the

clone army?
A: Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas
Q: According to Lama Su, what makes clones

preferable to droids?

A: They could think creatively

Q: What surprised Obi-Wan Kenobi when he was
greeted by Taun We on Kamino?
A: He was expected
Q: How far away from Tatooine was Geonosis?
A: Less than one parsec away
Q: What was Anakins first assignment on his own?
A: To escort Senator Amidala to Naboo
Q: Who did Senator Amidala think was behind the

Q: Where was the first battle of the Clone Wars?

A: Geonosis

Q: Who acquired the plating that made

Q: Who killed Jango Fett?

A: Mace Windu

C-3PO complete?

A: Shim Skywalker

attempt on her life?

A: Count Dooku

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Q: What were Padm last words?
A: I know there is still good in him.
Q: What name did Darth Sidious give

his new apprentice?

A: Darth Vader
Q: What did General Grievous collect?
A: Lightsabers
Q: What mechanical threat nearly destroyed

Obi-Wans Jedi starfighter?

A: Buzz droids
Q: Who killed Count Dooku?
A: Anakin Skywalker
Q: Who was Darth Sidious Sith Master?
A: Darth Plagueis
Q: What planet to Wookiees come from?
A: Kashyyyk

Q: Which Jedi said he didnt trust Anakin Skywalker?

A: Mace Windu

Q: Who adopted baby Leia?

A: Senator and Queen Organa of Alderaan

Q: Where was Darth Vader sent on his first mission?

A: The Jedi Temple

Q: What sinister order did Chancellor Palpatine

give Commander Cody?

A: Order 66
Q: How did Obi-Wan Kenobi defeate General Grievous?
A: With a blaster

Q: What planet did Obi-Wan track General Grievous to?

A: Utapau

reorganize the Republic?

Q: What planet did Darth Vader track the Separatist

A: The first Galactic Empire

Council to?

A: Mustafar
Q: What species does Yoda say he has a good

relationship with?

A: Wookiees

Q: Into what organization did Chancellor Palpatine

arts & Crafts

Build Your Own

This is a great way to start
your camp since all Padawans in
the Star Wars galaxy must first learn the
power of wielding a lightsaber and then
in a very ceremonious event, must seek
out the crystal that is meant to be theirs
and build their lightsaber using great
care and the Force.

What you need:

Pool noodles in assorted colors
Serrated knife to cut pool noodles
Gray duct tape
Black electrical tape

About the lightsaber

The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, an elegant weapon
of a more civilized age. In comparison, blasters are crude,
inaccurate and loud affairs. To carry a lightsaber is an
example of incredible skill and confidence, dexterity
and attunement to the Force. In the hands of a Jedi, a
lightsaber is almost unstoppable. It can be used to cut
through blast doors or enemies alike. Using the Force, a
Jedi can predict and deflect incoming blaster bolts, and
reflect them back at the firer.
Although use of the lightsaber is the mark of a Jedi the
only ones capable of handling the difficult weapon it is
also used by their sworn enemies, the Sith.

For regular

Mark the center of the pool noodle, and

cut in half with a serrated knife. Each pool
noodle will make two lightsabers.

Cover the cut end of the pool noodle with

two short strips of duct tape. Once the end
is covered, form the hilt of the lightsaber by
wrapping approximately 6-8 of the pool
noodle with duct tape.

Use the black electrical tape and additional

gray duct tape to create custom designs on the
lightsaber hilt. Each lightsaber can be different.
Use your imagination and have fun!

For double bladed

Darth Maul-style:


Use one red pool noodle for each double

bladed lightsaber. Mark the center of the pool
noodle and wrap approximate 8 in the middle
with duct table.

Use black electrical tape and additional gray

duct tape to customize the lightsaber.

arts & Crafts

Star Wars
Marble Magnets
What you need:
Small Star Wars images
Craft glue that dries clear
(silicone-based is best)
White paper

Glue the images that you wish to use for

your magnet to white paper. This will
prevent the black magnet from being seen
through your image. After it dries, cut your
image out a second time now that it has a
white paper backing. You will want it to be a
circle about half an inch wide.

Scissors or scrapbooking
hole puncher
Craft stick
round (strong) magnets
Clear, flat marbles
(usually found in the fake-flower area
of the craft store)
Clear nail polish

TIP: If you dont want to use

scissors, get a special craft
hole puncher that punches
half-inch holes (found in the
scrapbook section of the craft
store). Hole punchers make it
easier for you to make a bunch
of magnets at a time, but
either method will work.

After you cut the image you want into a halfinch circle, set it aside. Next, put a small bead
of glue on the craft stick. Then take one of
the round magnets and carefully dab the glue
onto one side with the craft stick, then place
your cut-out image on top of the glue. You
want your image to be facing up.

Let dry. Paint the back of the magnet

with clear fingernail polish so you wont
leave any black marks from the magnets
on the fridge or your locker.

Now put a small amount of glue on the

stick. This time, dab the glue in the middle
of the flat side of a marble. Then place the
glue-sided marble on top of your image on
the magnet. Gently press down so that any
air bubbles disappear.

arts & Crafts

Star Wars

The planets that make up the Star
Wars universe have a wide variety of
environments. The planet of Hoth is
covered in ice, Naboo has whole cities
underwater, Tatooine is a desert,
Mustafar is made up of molten lava
just to name a few.

In this craft you will create

a diorama to look like the
Star Wars planet of your

What you need:

Shoebox (you can also use a cereal box
for a more shallow diorama)
Construction paper

The forest moon of Endor

Naboo (underwater)

The rest of the materials are nice to have,

but are not necessary. The more of different
types of materials you have, the more
variety you can add to your diorama.
Magazines for cutting out pictures
Popsicle sticks
Any other craft supplies you have on hand, including
yarn, scraps of fabric, cotton balls, etc.
You can even incorporate things from nature like
sand, rocks, leaves, etc.

Decide which planet you would like to make.

What does that planets environment look
like? Is it a desert? Is it tropical or cold?

Use construction paper or paint to

decorate the inside walls of the box you
are using for your diorama. The inside of
the box is your environment, so you can
give it a sky, land, water, or whatever else
belongs on your planet.

Once you have decorated the walls of

your box, think about what you want to
have inside your environment. People and
creatures can be drawn on construction
paper or cut out of magazines. Make them
stand up with creating a tab at the bottom
and gluing the tab to the diorama.

Arrange all the items inside the diorama

and make sure you are happy with the
way they look. Create the look of depth
by placing some items in the front of the
diorama and some in the back.

When you are happy with your

arrangement, glue everything in place.




Some ideas to create the

environment you want:
Use white paint and cotton balls to create the
snowy environment of Hoth.
Use red, yellow, and orange tissue paper to create
the look of lava on Mustafar


Paint the inside of your box blue and create

some weird looking fish to create the undersea
environment of Naboo.

arts & Crafts

Star Wars
Rock Buddies
What you need:
Smooth stones
Plastic tablecloth or newspaper

Pick out and clean the stone youd like to paint.

Use elongated stones for the heads of battle
droids, heart shaped stones for Yoda, and wide
ovals for astromechs.

Acrylic paints
Clear nail polish

Place newspaper or a plastic tablecloth

down on your work surface before you
start painting.

Paint your rock the color of your character of

choice yellow for C-3PO, white for R2-D2,
green for Yoda, and so on.

Lightly draw the design of the faces and

other details of the character youre
painting onto the rock.

Paint in the details with

the acrylics. Let dry.

Coat the painted rock with

clear nail polish on one side.
Allow it to dry, then coat the
other side.

The painted rock

buddies make excellent
planter decorations or
even paperweights for
your desk.

arts & Crafts


What you need:

Paper egg cartons
Potting soil
Vegetable or herb seeds
Non toxic paint

Ewoks live in the forests of Endor, where

they grown their own vegetables.


You can start your own

garden with this easy method.



Before starting, you may want to decorate

your egg carton. Draw on them with crayons
or paint your favorite scene.

Fill each cup in egg carton of the way

with potting soil.

Place one or more seeds on top of the

soil in each cup. Check the directions
on each package of seeds, as some
more space than others.

Add more soil to cover the seeds. Each cup

should be full of soil.

Add enough water to each cup so that soil is

damp, and place in a warm, sunny spot. Add
water every day, to keep the soil moist.

Once the seedlings have started to grow,

you can plant them in the ground. Use
scissors to cut apart each cup and plant
cups directly in the ground. The paper
carton is biodegradable, but you may wish
to poke a hole in the bottom of each cup to
the let the roots grown through.

arts & Crafts

of Yavin
Make your own version
of the Medal of Yavin
to celebrate your

What you need:

Cardboard, for base of medal
Poster board, cardboard, or cardstock,
for decoration on medal
Gold spray paint, or gold craft paint

For each medal, cut a 3 circle out of

heavy cardboard. This will be the base of
the medal.

Cut out decorative shapes from the

thinner cardboard. You can follow the
design of the Medal of Yavin, or make
your own design. Glue the cutouts to
one side of the medal base.

Paint the medals gold using spray paint or

craft paint and a paintbrush. Paint one side
and let it dry, then paint the other side.

Cut ribbon to 24 long, or long enough to go

around your neck and hang down a bit.

Medal of Yavin

Glue the cut sides of the ribbon to the back

of the medal and let dry

arts & Crafts


When Luke Skywalker first walked into the

Mos Eisley cantina with Ben Kenobi, he saw
many unusual and shifty-looking characters
lurking around the place. Of course,

these make perfect subjects

for finger puppets.

What you need:

Basic finger puppet pattern (see appendix)
Pen and paper
Fake fur in white, brown, and beige
Chenille stems/pipe cleaners
Colored felt squares (brown, beige, black,
red, green, gray, tan, orange, white)
Sewing needle
Brown, black, gray, white thread
Straight pins
Pillow stuffing
Small googly eyes
Black and brown yarn
Black beads
Star Wars books and magazines for reference

Trace the basic finger puppet pattern

using scrap paper and a dark pen. Cut
out the pattern and set aside. Youll be
using this pattern for the basic body to
all your puppets.

Cut out bodies from the tan, green, and

white felt for your finger puppets. Sew the
bodies together so that you have basic
finger puppet bodies to work with.

Stick pipe cleaners inside the puppet arms to

make them bendy. Cut out hands from scrap
felt and sew onto the ends of the arms. You
can stitch in fingers for more detail.

If you are making a furry character, such as

Muftak, cut the fake fur to cover the basic
body pattern you have sewn. Cover the body,
front and back, with the fake fur and glue it to
the basic body. You can sew the sides for extra
durability. Now cut out more fur to cover the
head, allowing it to overlap the body fur a
little bit to add some extra dimension. Glue
the fur to the basic bodys head and sew the
sides if you wish.


cantina character finger puppets

Youll be using felt for the head of your puppet. Be sure to

match up the color of your felt with the skin color of your
alien. Greedo is green and Bith are off-white. Now look at the
head shape of the Cantina alien you wish to make. Bith band
members have oval heads. Greedos head almost looks like
the letter Q! Cut out these shapes from various colored pieces
of felt depending on their skin color. Match them up with the
basic bodies youve already sewn together. Glue the head
shapes to the front and back of the puppets to give them
more of a 3-D look. Sew the sides if you wish. Add stuffing to
the head of the basic body as well.

Look closely at the costumes each of the

Cantina characters is wearing. Cut out the
fronts and backs of the clothes you wish to
place on your puppets from the felt. Make
basic T-shirt, robe, and jacket shapes.
You can either glue or sew the costumes
on the fronts and backs of your puppets.
Always be sure to not sew your puppet
shut; you want to be still be able to get
your fingers in the opening.

Time to give your puppets faces. This is where

you give your puppets their expressions and
other details that bring them to life. Glue on
googly eyes and tiny felt triangles for mouths.
Other puppets will require more specific
details. Make Bith eyes from medium-sized
black felt circles. Cut out a small square, fold
it in half, and attach to Greedos face for his
nose. His antennai can be made by making
two small cones from felt, and his ears are
simply cut from felt and attached. Use black
beads for Greedos eyes! Glue four googly
eyes to Muftaks head and give him a long
white felt nose.

Once you have everything glued down,

you can act out your own favorite
moments from the Cantina.

cantina character finger puppets

You can create

a whole world
cast of Star Wars
characters to
add to your finger
puppet collection.

Design tip:
Lightsabers To make a lightsaber start by cutting the blade from blue, green, red, yellow, or purple
pipe cleaners. For the hilt, roll and glue together a strip of gray, black, or brown felt at the end of the pipe
cleaner. Glue onto the puppets hand or use nylon adhesive tabs such as Velcro.

Basic Finger puppet Pattern

Uth laynuma. Chespo

kutata kreesta
krenko, nyakoska!

arts & Crafts

Well you find the little Jedi Master right here, at
the tip of your finger. Follow these steps to create
a handy Yoda puppet that will always be there to
guide you in the ways of the Force.

What you need:

Yoda body, robe front, and
robe back patterns
Green, brown, red, and gray felt squares
Straight pins
Sewing needles
Brown and green thread
Pillow stuffing
Pipe cleaner/chenille stem
Googly eyes

Copy and cut out

the Yoda body
and robe patterns.
Secure the Yoda
body pattern to two
pieces of green felt
and the front and
back robe patterns
to the brown felt
with straight pins.
Then cut the felt.

Sew the two pieces of green felt together,

but dont sew the bottomthats where
your finger will go for the puppeting action.
Use a chopstick to push the pillow stuffing
into the head and top half
of the body. Cut two
small pieces of pipe
clear and stick
each piece into
the arms to make
them bendy.

Next, sew the

robe onto Yodas
body but dont
sew the bottom.
Dont forget to
put the small gray
felt square inside
the robe.

Glue on a small green

square for the nose, a small
red triangle for the mouth,
and googly eyes!

Turn the page

for patterns,
you must.

Design Tip:
Stick puppet For young crafters,
instead of sewing, you can glue all
the finger puppet pieces of Yoda to
a wooden craft stick or chopstick to
make a fun and easy stick puppet.

Yoda Finger puppet

Yoda BOdy Pattern

Yodas robe Pattern



arts & Crafts

its not a trap!

I n fact, youll be recycling while making

a cool puppet. Transform boringpaper
bags into a sassy puppet of Mon Calamari
military hero Admiral Ackbar.

What you need:

Lay one of the paper bags down with

the folded end of the bag face up on
your work surface. Cut the bottom half
of the other brown bag off and tape
to the bottom of the bag to make an
extra long bag puppet head. Be sure to
crumple up the other bag scraps and
stuff into the elongated head to give it
some shape.

Glue the large googly eyes on the

far sides of the head. Or cut out two
medium-sized beige felt circles, then
two slightly smaller yellow felt circles,
and even smaller black felt circles.
Glue the black circles onto the yellow
circles, and then onto the beige circles
to make a pair of eyes. Glue on either
side of the bag heads.

2 small brown paper bags

Craft glue
Large googly eyes (optional)
Black, white,
yellow, and beige
felt squares

Cut two small black ovals and glue them right

above the bag fold for Ackbars nostirils.

Cut out thin strips of beige felt and glue underneath the fold.
These will be the fleshy bits that hang from Ackbars mouth.

Cut a thick strip of black felt and

glue inside the bag bottoms fold to
make his mouth.

Trace the outline of the bag on the white

felt. Cut out two pieces and glue them
on the front and back of the bag as
Ackbars tunic. Cut and glue a thin strip
of white felt to the top of the front and
back of the tunic to make his collar.

To make Ackbars arms, roll a long tube of white

felt and glue the edges together. Let dry. Then cut
in half making two arms. Make hands from the
beige felt and glue them inside one end of each
roll. Glue the arms to the side of Ackbars body.

y t ith u
M ew

Dont forget to cut out small squares of gray

and black felt to make Ackbars command
insignia badges and glue them to his uniform.

Character Cards

Members of the Jedi Order study, serve

and use the mystical energies of the Force.
The Jedi fight for peace and justice in the
Galactic Republic, defending against their
mortal enemies, the Sith, masters of the
dark side of the Force.

Luke Skywalker
Lightsaber color: Blue then green
after contructing his own.

Master Yoda

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Lightsaber color: Green

Known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the
Force and skills with a lightsaber.

Lightsaber color: Blue

The mentor of both Anakin and Luke Skywalker,
training both in the ways of the Force.

Anakin Skywalker

Aayla Secura

Lightsaber color: Blue but eventually red

when he joins the dark side

Lightsaber color: Blue

A Jedi Knight of the Republic who served
as a General during the Clone Wars.

Mace Windu

Qui-Gon Jinn

Lightsaber color: Purple

Jedi Master of legendary status

Lightsaber color: Green

He was once Padawan to Count Dooku, and mentor
to Obi-Wan Kenobi and briefly, Anakin Skywalker.


Character Cards

The sworn enemies of the Jedi Knights, the

Sith once ruled the galaxy before they were
defeated over a thousand years ago. After
that time, they only existed in the shadows,
two at a time: a Master and an apprentice.
The Sith secretly toppled the Republic and
destroyed the Jedi so that a Sith Lord could
create the Galactic Empire.

Darth Sidious

Darth Tyranus

Also known as Palpatine, a seemingly friendly

politician from Naboo, Darth Sidious was the
mastermind of the Republics downfall. He set
into motion a series of eventsincluding the
Clone Warswhich ultimately destroyed the Jedi
Knights and the Republic, allowing him to usher in
the evil Galactic Empire.

A former Jedi Knight, Darth Tyranus was the secret

Sith identity of Count Dooku. Dooku left the Jedi
Order because he felt it had lost its way serving
a corrupt Republic. He became the leader of the
Separatist Alliance that threatened the Republic
in the Clone Wars, secretly serving his Sith Master
who had engineered the conflict.

Studied Under: Darth Plagueis

Studied Under: Darth Sidious

Darth Maul
Formerly a Nightbrother from Dathomir, Darth
Maul was trained from a young age to become
a fierce Sith warrior. He carried a double-bladed
lightsaber. After being defeated by Obi-Wan
Kenobi, Mauls devotion to the dark side kept him
alive long enough to be recreated by Nightsister
magic and transformed into a menace during the
Clone Wars.
Studied Under: Darth Sidious

Darth Vader
Once a Jedi hero of the Clone Wars, Darth Vader
emerged as the Sith apprentice responsible for
carrying out the will of the Emperor. Severe
injuries suffered in a lightsaber duel on Mustafar
required Vader to wear an ominous life-sustaining
suit of dark armor.
Studied Under: Darth Sidious

There are 20 different planets and moons

shown in the six films. Each one is very
different from the next as are their
inhabitants as well.

Planet Cards
A desert planet with
two suns. Home planet
for Luke Skywalker and
Anakin Skywalker.

Moon of Endor
Home of Ewoks, Endor is a
forested moon covered by giant
trees and is sometimes called
the forest moon of Endor

The whole planet is
blanketed with snow and
ice. Its native creatures
include the wampa and
the tauntaun.

Known for its dense swamps,
rolling grass plains, and verdant
hills. Home planet of Padm
Amidala and Jar Jar Binks.

A city-covered planet, it is the
capital of the Republic and
Empire it is the navigational
center of the galaxy.

Extras: 501st/ Character Appearances

Guidelines For Working with the

Star Wars Costumed Fan Groups
The 501st and Rebel Legions are fan-based Star Wars Costuming groups.
Their members are worldwide and all over the United States.
You can contact the 501st (the bad guys like stormtroopers, Darth Vader, and clone troopers)
for an appearance at your Star Wars camp through their website at
You can contact the Rebel Legion (the good guys like Jedi and X-wing pilots) through their
website at www.

What is the relationship of the

Fan Groups with Lucasfilm?
There are no official costumed Star Wars fan clubs with
Lucasfilm. The groups are run entirely on their own. We
do, however, have a great deal of experience working
with the 501st and Rebel Legions. Their costumes are
outstanding and they do a huge amount of work, of
their own accord, with their communities.

Logistics On Site
Characters need breaks. Depending on the
costume, they will need breaks anywhere
from every 20 to every 45 minutes. They
need a place to unmask where kids cant
see them.
There must be a secure break room for the
costumers to change and store their gear.
Keep in mind that many costumes are
packed in large totes, so allow plenty of
room per character for storage.
Water, beverages, snacks, and/or lunch
should be provided as appropriate for
the time.
Many costumers, especially the armored
characters, cannot sit down, and have
limited range of motion. Keep this in mind
when planning their participation.
Many of the helmeted characters also
have limited visibility.

How should your camp

compensate the Fan Groups
for appearing?
Costumed Star Wars fans are not available for hire, in
the sense that they cannot charge, in most instances,
to perform in costume. However, they do need to be
taken care of.
It will be up to you and your local costumers to
determine how to thank them for their appearance, but
please keep in mind that they will likely be taking time
off work, and spending money out of their own pockets
for gas and transportation. Most often the fan groups
have a chosen charity that they like to support. We
suggest that you offer at minimum $150 per character
per day donation to the one charity that the entire group
chooses. This is just our suggestion, but again, please
take good care of them.

If you have specific questions about Star Wars

fan costume appearances, please contact Mary
Franklin at Lucasfilm: mary.franklin@lucasfilm.


Lucasfilm Ltd. (Lucasfilm) is pleased to provide you and
your camp (collectively, the Camp) with a camp tool kit
consisting of Star Wars-themed games, crafts and other
activities (collectively, the Tool Kit), solely for use as part of
the Camps non-profit camp program during 2013 (the Camp
Program). In consideration of the use of the Tool Kit and other
good and valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Camp and Lucasfilm agree as follows:
This authorization is strictly limited to the use of the Tool Kit as
part of the Camp Program activities during 2013. The Tool Kit
and/or any elements thereof (e.g. images, trademarks, logos,
trade names, etc.) may not be used, copied, duplicated, or
reproduced for any other purpose whatsoever. Neither the use
of the Tool Kit, Camp Program, or any activities in connection
therewith shall be derogatory to or critical of Lucasfilm or its
productions. Lucasfilms prior written permission is required for
any use of the Tool Kit not specifically outlined herein. Lucasfilm
shall have the right to terminate the Camps use of the Tool Kit
at any time without notice and for any reason whatsoever as
determined by Lucasfilm in its sole discretion, and upon such
termination the Camp shall immediately cease use of the Tool Kit
and return the Tool Kit to Lucasfilm.
The Camp will be solely responsible for, and hereby discharges and
releases Lucasfilm and its subsidiary, affiliated or related entities
and divisions and their respective officers, employees, directors,
shareholders, successors, licensees, agents or assigns (the LFL
Related Entities), from and against, any and all claims, liability,
damages, cost and expense (including attorneys fees and costs)
arising out of or related to any illness, injury, death, cost, damage,
loss, expense or aggravation which may occur as a result of or in
connection with the Camp Program and/or of any use of the Tool
Kit including without limitation any production or performance
of, or participation in, any of the activities of the Camp Program
and/or the Tool Kit; and the Camp will not make any claim against
or assert any rights against Lucasfilm and LFL Related Entities,
for any injury, loss, expense or damage in connection with the
Camp Program and/or any use of the Tool Kit including without
limitation any production or performance of, or participation in,
any of the activities of the Camp Program and/or the Tool Kit.
The Camp shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lucasfilm
and LFL Related Entities against all costs, expenses (including
attorneys fees and costs, whether or not in connection with
litigation), claims, damages, liabilities or losses of whatever kind
arising from or relating to, without limitation, the use, design,
production, performance or participation in, any of the activities
of the Camp Program and/or the Tool Kit or any breach or alleged
breach by the Camp of any of the Camps representations, or
warranties or agreements made or assumed herein. The Camp

acknowledges that Lucasfilm is not in the business of operating

or sponsoring summer camps or any other type of camp, has no
expertise or knowledge relating to summer camp operations or
activities, and is not in any way endorsing or representing the
safety or integrity of the activities of the Camp Program and/or
the Tool Kit. Lucasfilm is relying entirely on the Camps ability to
operate a summer camp and the Camp Program in accordance
with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and consistent with
the highest standards of the summer camp industry. The Camp
acknowledges and agrees that the Camp has all the necessary
and useful knowledge and experience regarding summer camp
operations and activities and the Camp Program. The Camp
agrees to be solely responsible for all costs, expenses and other
charges in connection with the Camp Program and use of the Tool
Kit and any production and performance of, and participation in,
any activities of the Tool Kit and the Camp Program.
The Camp shall be solely responsible for obtaining at the Camps
expense all insurance policies, licenses and permits usual,
necessary or required for summer camp operations and activities
and the Camp Program and Tool Kit. Such insurance policies shall
include and provide coverage for any and all claims, demands
and actions, suits or other proceedings for bodily injury, personal
injury and/or property damage arising out of or purporting to
arise out of the Camps summer camp operation and activities and
the Camp Program and Tool Kit.
The Tool Kit shall be used solely as part of the Camps Camp
Program and shall not be used in any manner to suggest
sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of the Camp and/or the
Camp Program by Lucasfilm.
The Camp represents and warrants that the Camp will obtain all
required individual releases and consents as may be necessary
with respect to the participation of campers and staff members
and any other participants in activities associated with the Tool
Kit and the Camp Program. If a camper or staff member or any
other participant is under 18 years of age the above referenced
individual releases and consents sufficient under the laws of the
Camps state must be signed by both parents or legal guardians,
if parents have joint custody, or by the parent with sole custody.
Each such release and/or consent shall discharge and release
Lucasfilm Ltd. and LFL Related Entities from and against, any
and all claims, liability, damages, cost and expense (including
attorneys fees and costs) arising out of or related to any illness,
injury, death, cost, damage, loss, expense, claim or other liability
which may occur as a result of such campers or staff members
or other participants participation in connection with any Camp
Program and/or Tool Kit activities, and neither such campers or
staff members or other participants assignees, heirs, guardians
or legal representatives will make any claim against or assert
any rights against Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or LFL Related Entities for
any liabilities resulting from participation in connection with any
Camp Program and/or Tool Kit activities. In the event the Camp
already requires parents/guardians to sign a general release, you
acknowledge that such release shall encompass any and all Camp

Program activities and authorized uses of the Tool Kit, and that
the Camp will indemnify all Lucasfilm and LFL Related Entities
for any deficiencies which could give rise to a later claim by any
participants of the Camp Program and users of the Tool Kit.
The Tool Kit is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
Lucasfilm further disclaims any implied warranties, including
without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The entire
risk arising out of the use or performance of the Tool Kit remains
with the Camp.
The Camp acknowledges that a breach by the Camp of any of the
Camps representations, warranties, agreements or undertakings
hereunder will cause Lucasfilm irreparable damage that cannot
be readily remedied in damages in any action at law and may,
in addition thereto, constitute an infringement of Lucasfilm
copyright, thereby entitling Lucasfilm and/or the LFL Related
Entities to injunctive and other equitable relief and remedies,
costs and reasonable attorneys fees.
This agreement and all matters or issues material thereto shall
be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of
California applicable to contracts performed entirely therein and
without reference to conflict of laws principles. Any litigation or
other dispute with respect to this agreement will take place in
San Francisco County, California. The parties consent to personal
jurisdiction of and venue in the state and federal courts within or
having jurisdiction over such county.
The Camp warrants and represents that it has the authority
to enter into this agreement. The Camp may not assign this
agreement in whole or in part, including without limitation any
of its obligations and any attempt to do so shall be null and
void without Lucasfilms prior written permission. Lucasfilm
shall have the unfettered right to assign, license or dispose of
this agreement or any of its rights hereunder to any party. This
agreement shall bind the parties, their respective successors
and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the other party, its
successors and assigns. Nothing contained in this agreement
shall be deemed or construed as a joint venture or partnership
between the parties hereto. Neither of the parties hereto is by
virtue of this agreement is authorized as an agent, employee or
legal representative of the other party hereto. At all times the
relationship of the parties hereto shall be independent contractors
with respect to each other. This agreement contains the entire
understanding of the parties hereto relating to the subject matter
herein contained.

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