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Member buckling data

This group of parameters specifies where the member data relating to buckling are taken from.


Specifies the name of the data.

Member material

Informs about the material for which the data are being defined.

Buckling ky, kz coefficient or

buckling lengths

Selects from where the buckling data are taken (see below the table).

All other and LTB coefficients

Selects from where the other buckling data and LTB data are taken (see below the table).

The data can be read from three different sources. Let us describe shortly all of them here.
From standard analysis
The coefficients are determined on the basis of the standard analysis. The program generates fictive load cases and uses the results to
calculate (estimate) the buckling coefficients. These calculated coefficients should not be treated as a dogma, but the user should evaluate them
and decide whether the numbers are relevant o the conditions in question.
From stability analysis
The coefficients are determined on the basis of the stability analysis that must have been already performed.
Default from LIB manager
The data are read from the Buckling data library manager.
Each beam (made of any material) has a set of properties that can be displayed in the property window when the beam is selected. One the
properties is Buckling and relative lengths. There, you can assign the required buckling data set from the Buckling data library manager.
User input
The user inputs manually all the required coefficients.
User input of ky, kz coefficients and buckling lengths
Buckling systems relation


Buckling system for buckling around the zz-axis is identical to the system for buckling around the yy-axis.
There is a separate buckling system for buckling around the zz-axis.


Buckling system for torsional buckling (zy-direction) is identical to the system for buckling around the yy-axis.
Buckling system for torsional buckling (zy-direction) is identical to the system for buckling around the zz-axis.
There is a separate buckling system for torsional buckling (yz-direction).


ky factor

ky factor will be calculated by the program.

The user will input the factor manually.
The user will define the buckling length directly.
kz factor




sway yy

According to Steel>Beams>Setup



sway zz

According to Steel>Beams>Setup



User input of other buckling parameters and LTB coefficients

Buckling systems relation






Influence of load position

This field is relevant for lateral-torsional buckling check. It provides for consideration of destabilising loads
in moment factors for LTB.
Destabilising loads are loads that act above the level of the beams shear centre and are free to move
sideways with the beam as it buckles (and produce a disturbing effect)



User input

Bow imperfection
The following code-based options are available:
eo dy
z bow imperfection according to code elastic (the bow imperfection is calculated according to the

code specifications),

z bow imperfection according to code plastic (the bow imperfection is calculated according to the

code specifications),
z bow imperfection according to code - elastic - only if required (the bow imperfection is calculated

according to the code specifications, if required by the normal force condition),

z bow imperfection according to code - plastic - only if required (the bow imperfection is calculated

according to the code specifications, if required by the normal force condition),

z no bow imperfection,

z manual input of bow imperfection.

eo dz

See above.

Buckling system
The following code-based options are available:
Buckling system
z standard method,
z crossing diagonals (to DIN),
z leg with symmetrical bracing,
z leg with intermediate transverse support,
z leg with staggered bracing,
z single bracing with SBS,
z cross bracing,
z K bracing,
z horizontal bracing,
z discontinuous cross bracing with horizontal member.

The individual options are explained in the theoretical background for Steel Code Check. See the chapters:
(i) Calculation of buckling ratio > calculation of buckling ratio - general formula;
(ii) Calculation of buckling ratio > calculation of buckling ratio for crossing diagonals;
(iii) Calculation of buckling ratio > calculation of buckling ratio for lattice tower members.
X diagonals

If the X diagonal check box is checked, the buckling factor is calculated according to DIN18800 Teil 2,
Table15 (see Steel Code Check Theoretical Background, Calculation of buckling ratio) on condition that
member satisfies the specifications given in the chapter.
Warning: When activating this option, LTB restraints defined on the members within this buckling system are
not taken into account.


Warping check

(informative, can be changed only in the Buckling lengths manager)

If this option is ON, a warping check is performed on the member. The end conditions for warping (free,
fixed) can be set separately for both ends of member. The implementation of the warping check is described
in Steel Code Check Theoretical Background, Warping check.

The procedure to adjust the member buckling data


Open service Steel:


either using tree menu function Steel,


or using menu function Tree > Steel.


Select function Beams > Stability Check Data > Member buckling data and open it.


Type required values and select appropriate options.


Confirm with [OK].


Select the member where the data are to be defined.


End the function.

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