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Define Print Control

In this section, you set the configuration data for print control.
Using the print control function, for example, you can define

Which documents (that is, for transfer orders) are to be printed for goods movements.

How these documents are to be printed (that is, which forms are to be used, how many
copies are to be printed).

On which printer a document is to be printed automatically.

Using the print control functions, you have flexible control of the printing activities in your warehouse.
This flexibility, however, means that setting the parameters is a complex task. For this reason, we
recommend that you take a look at the entire print control functions first, and then analyze the "print
situation" in your warehouse.
The number and type of settings you need for your print control depends on whether you are using
the Storage Unit Management component. If you are not using this component, you only need to set
the "standard" print control functions. However, if you are using Storage Unit Management, you need
to set both the "standard" print control functions as well as the functions for storage units.
In this section, we describe the "standard" print control functions. These control the printing of transfer
order slips.
The print control for printing specific slips for storage units is described in the chapter Define print
control for warehouses with Storage Unit Management.
You need the following settings for the "standard" print control function:

Spool Indicator
Slips are always printed within the SAP system using the Spool function. For each printout,
certain data needs to be passed on to the Spool file. Typical examples of such data are:

o Number of copies to be printed

o Dataset name of the printout within the Spool system
o "Print immediately"
o "Delete after print"
Using the Spool indicator, you define the most appropriate combinations of the individual
parameters you want to use.

In the following settings (for example, the settings for the print code), you do not need to
specify these parameters each time. You only enter the spool indicator as a type of

Printer Pool / Labels

In the printer pool for labels, you can define a dependent label printer for each printer. In this
way, for example, labels can be printed in parallel on special paper while transfer order
documents are being printed.

Sort Profile / Multiple Processing

The sort profile sets the sequence of the transfer order items for printing. As of Release 4.1A,
this only applies to printing in multiple processing, since during "standard" TO processing the
sorting is set already when the TO is created. Furthermore, you can decide during multiple
processing printing whether there should be a control break, that is, whether printing should
continue on a new page if the field content changes.

Print code
The print code defines the following information for printing transfer orders:

o Form that is used for printing

o Sort sequence (via sort pool) in which the individual items of a transfer order are to be
printed. The sort pool is now called up through the multiple processing run.

o Spool indicator (see above)

o Reading shipping data. With this function you can have additional information for
picking orders called up, for example, the address of the ship-to party or serial
numbers already assigned to the delivery items.

o Reading production data. Here reservations for staging materials for production are
read. (Both switches for reading data should be inactivated for time-critical printing.)

o Label form, label spool indicator, and the definition as to how the number of labels is
to be determined for each TO item.
The following text explains how you can assign a print code to each movement type in the
Warehouse Management system. A transfer order is always assigned to a movement type. In
this way, the print code determines the general print parameters for the transfer order.

Assignment of Print Code / Movement Type

You can define different printers and spool codes for various goods movements (source
storage type - destination storage type). Also, you can suppress the printing of transfer
orders, if required.
There are also parameters (print code, form) that you can define both in the configuration
"Printer-Movement" as well as in the print code settings.
During the automatic determination of the print parameters, the system proceeds as follows: If
an item of a transfer order is to be printed automatically, the system determines the general
print parameters through the print code assigned to the movement type. Afterwards, it checks
the movement-specific print parameters. If one of these parameters (for example, for the
form) is also defined in the print code, the system will use the movement-specific parameter.

It is possible to override the definitions for label printing in the print code, depending on the
warehouse movement.
You can also store an additional form for a combined picking list with the spool code and the
printer in order to print a combined document in parallel to single printing for each TO item.
This is only possible as an accompaniment to non-combined-printouts (indicator for combined
printing in the print code) and is otherwise ignored.

Assignment Printer - Picking Area

It can be useful to select a printer near the picking area for printing picking orders.
Again you are faced with the question: How does the system proceed with automatic printer
determination, since it is possible to define a standard printer both in the configuration for
"Printer-Movement" as well as in the configurations "Printer - Storage Type", "Printer - Picking
Area", and in the user master of each user?
First the system checks whether a printer is set in the configuration "Printer-Movement". If so,
the printer determination is complete at this point.
If not, the system uses the parameter "PriSrcTyp" defined in the configuration "PrinterMovement" to decide how it will proceed.
If the parameter is set here, the system checks if a printer is defined in the setting "Printer
Picking Area" and then proposes this printer.
If the system finds no printer, it searches in the setting "Printer - Storage Type" and uses this,
if a printer is set.
If the system cannot find a printer using the methods described above, it selects the printer
defined in the user master of the user currently logged on.
If no printer is defined here, the system automatically proposes LP01. This writes the data to
the spool file.

Assignment Printer - Storage Type

Here you can store one printer per storage type, in accordance with the printer determination
logic described above.

Assignment Print Code - Movement Type

A print code is assigned to each movement type. As described above, the general print
information is determined by this assignment.

Assignment Print Program - Warehouse Number

You must assign a print program to each warehouse number. The name of the standard
program is RLVSDR40.

Print Control Multiple Processing

A print report is assigned to each warehouse
combined transfer order. You can also configure the following:




o the print code

o the printer
o the print time

The print layout is set using forms.

Standard settings
All relevant print control tables are defined in warehouse number 001.
The following print programs are available:

RLVSDR40 (general print program)

RLKOMM40 (multiple processing)

Only use your own print programs if your print requirements are not met by the user exits in the
standard system. If you wish to extend the functionality of the program RLVSDR40, use the user exit
MWMD0001 to develop them. If you wish to extend the functionality of the program RLKOMM40, use
the user exit MWMD0002. For further information on enhancements through the user exit, refer to the
chapter Develop extensions.
Information on how to adapt forms in Warehouse Management is provided in the chapter Develop
Further Recommendations
1. Before you begin with table maintenance, you should first look at all tables carefully and determine
which ones you need.
2. Then maintain the tables in the prescribed sequence.

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