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1. A 50 year old man is planning a travel to India for 3 weeks. He has taken HAV/HBV and ADT vaccines. He
comes to you for travel advice. He is also on some anti-hypertensives. What advice will you give him?

2. 38 yrs male returning from Thailand with fever and malaise (chlamydia STi)

3. a 4 yo female present with harsh cough using accessory muscle ,mod cyanosed.dd? immediateinv? your
immediate mx?

4. 4yrs old child with SOB and Cyanosis , manage, DDX

5. Child with respiratory distress and harsh cough ( Dx: severe croup)
6. mother brings 2yrs old child ,another gp diagnosed bronchiolitis.Mother insisting you for antibiotics.Child goes
to child care

7. 6 yrs old Anna with mother complaining of swollen lips and shortness of breath after eating peanut butter.
nebulisation 5 ml of 1 in k
a. IM adult 0.5-1 ml of 1 in k
b. ml/kg of 1 in 10k
c. 5mg salbutamol nebulisation every 15 min
d. promethazine 10 mg iv in severe reaction
e. glucagon 1 mg iv
f. discharge the patient on diphenhydramine or promethazine + prednisolone
g. Hydroortisone iv 500 mg

8. 13 yrs child come with grandma with SOB and wheezing.H/O having vanilla icecream half an hour
before.Known allergy to you will manage the case?

9. 7 years old boy with sever asthma

( MOA of steriod in sever asthma, finding of severe n critically severe asthma)
10. A 3 yr old girl Riya is brought to you by her mother Belinda with breathing difficulty at night. You have made a
diagnosis of croup. Your task is to discuss the diagnosis with the mother. Then discuss the treatment options
with her. Clarify her queries and misconcepts regarding immunization

11. 18 month old with fever for 3 days + cough, poor feeding, from NL delivery, updated Immunisation, NL
development, what more you ask about history? DDx? Mx
Hx: no stridor, no recurrent infection
Examinaton: miserable & flushed, Fontanell not buldged
No Wheeze & Stridor
Crepitation right lower lobe, air entry,
Most likely Dx: Pneumonia

12. A child of 10 who is a known epileptic has been convulsing for 15 minutes. The patient is still convulsing, he
is clearly cyanosed.Immediate management? Investigations required in the next week? MAIDS

13. 18mnth old child fever for 3 days not coming down with paracetamol parents worried. On examn child has
mild dehydration. How u will approach the case.

14. 4 yrs old boy with fever and rash

15. An 8-year-old girl presented with fever, numerous bruises over the entire body, and pain in both legs. Physical
examination reveals pallor and ecchymoses and petechiae on the face, trunk and extremities. Findings on
complete blood count includes a hemoglobin of 6.3 g/dl, white cell count of 2800/mm3 and platelet count of
29,000/mm3. What would be the MOST appropriate diagnostic test and how do you proceed from here?

16. A 6-year-old girl presented with low grade fever and arthralgia for 5 days. She had difficulty in swallowing


associated with fever 3 weeks prior to presentation. Physical examination revealed a heart rate of 150/min and
pansystolic murmur at the apex. There was no gallop and liver was 1 cm below costal margin. The MOST
likely diagnosis is and ur management
4 yrs old boy with rash following sore throat

18. 7yrs old boy with hip pain (perthhes disease, position of limb)

19. 7yrs old boy with knee pain

20. A 6 year old boy with knee pain, history, examination , dd, management
21. 7 year old boy with pus ear with mother- culture, interpreter, abo health worker, h/o urti, culture, pseudomonas
ciplox ear drops but no oral, ent referral, surgery, hygiene-ear dry, dont visit local doctor, closing the gap,
siblings, growth chart, audiometry before and after surgery

22. 6yrs aboriginal boy with bug in ear

23. Aboriginal grandmother with 7 yrs old boy with learning difficulties and impaired hearing

24. 8 yrs old girl with secondary enuresis

25. 7 yrs old boy with bilat ankle swelling
26. 7 yrs old aboriginal boy with grandmother complaining poor school performance
27. Aboriginal lady coming with kids all are scratching

28. 3 yrs old Child with fracture humerus

29. You are the solo GP in a small town ,recently came there have noticed that all well except the Smith family
where the father drinks too much. You have sutured her mothers lacerations several times in the local hospital.
This time she comes with her 6 yr old daughter who looksor her age and the mum says that she always c/o abd
pain & bloating. Shes dressed in crumpled stale summer suit, she scratches down her legs(groin area) So
what are the issues u would consider in this scenario?(I said child abuse.) What u look for in the examination?
? Apart from child abuse simple things you look at in her in examination ?
o She was in 60th centile when she was born bur now her Ht and Wt has come down to 5 th centile
while her head circumference to 20th centile, how to proceed? Any simple ex in relation to her
itchiness . (look for worms inf) She has whip worms around her anus what u do?
o How to find out any peadiatric problems in her (as she is below the centiles) apart from doing
growth hormone levels? What Ixs?

30. 6month old comes to your practice with father, had been immunized yesterday has been irritable since morning
and fell down one hour before reaching practice. : case of Child abuse

31. 9 w old baby cannot move left leg with a fall history. Come with mum. ? Child abuse suspected.
32. Child 6 months old with fall and inguinal hernia

33. 15 yrs old girl coming with boyfriend and having lower abd pain (sexual abuse by family member)
34. 30 weeks preg lady with lower abdominal pain (abruption placenta) dt assault.
35. 17F recurrent abdominal pain came from South Africa 2 months before. She has bf. But father doesnt want
her to meet bf. d/d- dysmennorhea, pid, uti, mittleshmerz, ectopic, sexual abuse. Pap smear from 18 years,

privacy, confidentiality, 5ps, amenorrhea of 8 weeks, examine abdomen pelvic examinspeculu m inv- fbe,
esr, urine routine, culture, upt at 8 weeks? Swabs for pidserial beta hcg, refer to specialist
how to disclose? Afraid of meeting
father kill her-authorities for safety

36. Young woman on COC presenting for contraceptive advice following broken condom during sex last night.
She also has forgotten to take the pill last week.

37. 15 boy consumed ecstasy and alcohol having delusion of samao monster chasing him- calm down, look into
eyes of patient, ur safety, others and his safety, pulse 160 rr- 28. Limbs are cold and clammy, bp-100/80,
temp 35 degrees, iv-20ml/kg, warming, whom to call cat, parents-take history from them, immunization
status, doctor on fone talk to him-, after 2 weeks ask history esp psychosocial

38. 16 year girl comes to your General Practice with history of missed period for 2 months. Her parents are well
known to you. She is in relationship with his boy friend of 17 years. Discuss your approach to the patient.

39. 14 Yr old with Acne(latest)

40. 18 years old boy found masterbating in his balcony in public his neighbours brought him to ur surgery in a
disoriented state how will u manage
41. a 23y/o aboriginal woman 33week pregnant with abdominal pain and bad smelling down there

42. 19 years old lady with came to your clinic with history of 34 weeks pregnancy, abdominal pain with slight P/V
bleeding. How to manage this case?

43. a 10 week pregnant female , comes with bleeding , has 3 children, had one abortion before
44. 18 yrs old girl with LIF pain (Ectopic )
45. 28 weeks lady with headache and vomiting
46. 25 yrs old, 6 wk pregnant women with excessive vomiting( H.Gravidarum) (LATEST)
47. 27 yr guy and 24 yrs lady (sub fertile couple) councel them

48. 48 yrs old lady having menopause who had her pap smear 4 yrs ago
49. 36yrs old lady,BMI 32 come for COC, pap smear done 4 years before(regular pt of your collegue).what you
will do

50. 42 yrs old lady collapsed in waiting area OF YOUR practice read unconscious patient
51. 40 yr old Philipine lady recently married a retired 67 yr old Ausfarmer.She comes to you to discuss whether to
have a baby, and she had never had a child before. What issue u would discuss in ur GP clinic? Any advices
to her husband or any Ixs? What other tests for her to undergo before pregnancy?Any other advices to her
apart from stopping alcoho, smoking , healthy diet and exercise?

52. 47 yr old lady with missed period for a few months, lives with husband, has 3 children with NL Delivery. (
Pap smear updated, NL physical examination), what more you ask about history? DDx? Mx, What antenatal
tests? I said I will check pregnancy in office by Urine They said it is positive
25 year old female with flu-like symptoms. GB syndrome

54. 47yr old with Secondary amenorrhea
55. a 18 year girl ,delayed puberty.all causes and investigation
56. Breast lump in a 38yr old female- how u will approach the case.
57. 32 yrs old lady complaing abnormal pap smear report not given to her for 1 year
58. 48yo woman with night sweats and hot flushes, ddx and management : pre-menopausal
59. 70 year old woman with painless lump in her left groin and she has nausea and bloated in her tummy and she
had lab showed LDH and ALT increase and CA 125 324

60. young women with acute lif pain. ? Ddx n mx .

61. a lady came with vaginal discharge and itch,theyaskked me for the management,first history taking
,examination,dd, I said vaginosis,candidiasis,trichomoniasis,alergic reaction to chemicals,and also said it is
always wise to think about cervical Ca as it may cause sometimes vaginal discharge ,they aked me for the
management I said wiff test koh and microscopy alythough I do not know they have the fascilty there I will ask
the supervisor,and the asked in case of candidiasis what you expect for the discharge i answered white itchy
thick discharge,and the treatment,azoles ,for 7days ways of application,partner.
62. 67 yrs old diagnosed case of prostate cancer came to u for mercy killing and his family is living abroad.

63. 65 yrs old male with prostate cancer complaining of tiredness and low mood
64. .an old man living alone,with end stage ca ,palliative care askink for mediication to kill himself
65. 62 y old man w hx of dribbling
66. You new to the practice and the rotary club invites you to give a small lecture about men's health .do you
accept the invitation and wgat will you ask the organisation if you accept the invitation .what topics will be
included in your talk?

67. A 57 year old man comes to you saying he feels increasingly breathless on walking, says he cannot even walk
25 steps. He was recently diagnosed to have COPD. He says he is unable to work efficiently and he feels sad
and depressed about it. He comes to you for advice. How will you manage him?

68. A man of 40 presents with shortness of breath at 4 AM. He is cyanosed, using accessory muscles of
respiration, is reluctant to lie down. Differential diagnosis? Examination and expected findings? Immediate
investigations? Your management in the first hour.? BLOCC CRAINN

69. just the last one wastaright forward : tiredness in 60 years old man.renalcarcinaoma
70. 65M sob, fursemide 40 mg intermittently, diclofenac for osteoarthritis,

d/d-heart failure
drug reaction b/ fursemide n diclofenac
ecg, echo done, best drug-ace inhibitors, hypo kalemia, stop furse n start pot sparing diuretic or give
pot supplements??
Smoking alcohol
Osteoarthritis is active glucosamine, swimming not affecting joints,

71. A 65 year old obese man comes to you saying he is not feeling good since few months. He feels lethargic and
depressed, says his wife sleeps in another room. How will you manage him? This was a role play. Probably
Obstructive sleep apnoea

72. a 46 y/o man with a history of 6 month fatigue

73. 54 yrs old butcher moved from england to aus 20 yrs back comes with tiredness for 3 weeks-VSD CHIME
74. 60 yrs man with tiredness (depression screening questionaires) SADEST, SADPERSON, K10
75. 64 yrs old man with polyuria and tiredness, inv show bl sugar 11.5, LFT deranged, problem with vision and
ECG with conduction defects. (Haemchro)

76. 68 yrs old lady came with history of fainting attack. How to manage?
77. 46 yrs old obese male with palpitations & shortness of breath. They showed me EKG which was Atrial
Fibrillation. they gave me an ecg of Afib, and asked me my next line of action

78. 80 yrs old lady with chest pain radiating to back, chr alcoholic(ac Panc)
79. 80yr old Irish woman lived in Zimbabwe for many years, complaining of chest pain, drinks a bottle of wine
daily and smokes 30 cigarettes a day. DD and manage
In the third case, I gave a DD of Aortic dissection, ACS (including MI), Pancreatitis, Musculoskeletal pains.
In my management, I also did an ecg and the gave me an ecg of Inferior MI, and asked my next line of
action(alcoholic, pancreatitis)

80. A 56 yr old man comes to you. He is sweating and pale. He developed chest pain while playing Golf. What

would be your approach to this patient ? Physical findings revealed on request were BP 146/86, Pulse 76/mt,
BMI 32. An ECG was provided on request.
Woman with Shortness of Breath on GTN, CCB and Statin., give DDX, Management of this pt
a man with chest pain ,had surgery in some weeks before,they asked me for the management,I told them first
to stabilise the patient DRSABCD they told they asked me about the airway management they meant O2,how
to administer o2 and how much ,what other management.callin 000 ,taking a history,adminestering pain
killler,I said morphine,the dosage of morphine,they gave me an ECG for PE.

83. 62 year old lady with chest was pneumothorax Not tension pneumothorax.
84. .A middle aged man having shortness of breath with history of smoking
85. 64 yrs old man with unilateral headache(temporal arteritis)
86. An adult man come with severe headache,different dx &Mx .(cluster headache)
87. 64 yrs old lady with petichealhaemorrhage on legs and haemangioma on tongue( not a usual case was asked
only once)

88. Aboriginal with diabetes and deranged lfts

89. Aboriginal lady with NIDDM and hy taking medicine mostly and having body pain on and off , day and night,
has 5 kids(non compliance with financial probs, chronic disease management plan, can be using statin :s/e

90. Lady with anemia.takingasprin for joint pain.

91. elderly with confusion

92. 74 yrs old lady with recurrent falls

93. 80 yrs old lady with polypharmacy
94. 74 yr old man comes to your clinic requesting a repeat prescription for drugs. He hands over to you a bag


containing a lot of medicines. The medicines were Metformine, Verapamil, Atenolol, Furosemide,
combination of Hydrochloro thiazide and amiloride, Digoxine, Aspirine, and Prohlorperazine. How would you
respond to his request?
76 yr old man, problem with memory loss recently. Living alone, with a long list of medications:
Amiloride, Amlodipine, Digoxin, Furosemide, Warfarin, Panadole/ codein, Tramadol, Prednisolone,
OmeperazoleMedical Hx:Atrial Flutter, Atrial Fibrilation, Vertebra Fx, Coronary Artery Disease, Reflux & ...
Do you think there should be medication interaction problem?
Can you tell us about the medications, which group they are in?
It is a case of Poly pharmacy.
About some drugs that I did not have any idea about I said I will check with MIMS for drug information and
interactions to omit unnecessary medications and I will check with my supervisor as well.
Then They asked me if your supervisor is busy with other pt what do you do?
Then told me now your supervisor comes and says these are too much medications so let pharmacist deal with
it. Then what you do?


96. 28 yrs old man with history of pain in his wrist

97. 55 yrold farmer working in yard plucking oranges comes to your rural practice with shoulder injury and some
test results. He complains of shoulder joint pain of R side elicited when he tried to pluck oranges. You have
seen him previously and requested xray and USS of right shoulder.
Xray of R shoulder enlocated,has early signs of osteoarthritis including loss of joint space. No erosive
changes.AC joint is normal
USS evidence of partial thickness tear of supraspinatus muscle with thickening& swelling of long
biceps tendon and sub acromian bursitis.
How to explain the test results to the patient? What is the Mx? Any advices regarding the prognosis of
his condition? Will he be able to earn a living?

98. 18 years old boy with injury to lower leg. There is weakness n numbness in 2 toes. My Ddx- fibular # with
common peroneal nerve injury or compartment $)

99. pt fell on outstretched hand 5 days ago : Scaphoid fracture, examination, invxn, management including cast

100. Backache with pagets disease(latest)

101. x ray of FB,interpret and say what can you see position
102. Pt 54 yrs old with upper abd pain ....discussed every thing and then gave me picture of peri umbilical stain(
Cullen Sign) ...explain and what this indicate

103. a 56 y/o who came to your surgery with BP- 75/ 60 mmHg, PR- 120,with chief complains of epigastric pain
and hematemesis...what are your diff. diagnoses, what are ur managements, how muc Iv will u give, who will
u call first..

104. 64 yrs man with snake bite on foot

105. A man of 65 is bought to the casualty department with a history that he had been walking in a paddock when
he felt a minor scratch on his left calf. Several minutes later he believed that he saw a snake in the paddock and
shortly afterwards began to feel nauseous and fatigued. Examination shows two pinpoint puncture wounds on
the lower left calf.
Q1. Differential diagnosis?
Q3. Immediate investigations?
Q2. Examination recommended?
Q4. Your management of snake bite?
106. 45 yrs old lady with SOB and palpitations (anxiety)( screening tools for anxiety)

107. Sudanese family migrated to aus with PTSD, her daughter was far qway from them..they wanted certificate
not to attand to english course

108. 65 years old lady presented to your office thae=t recently moved to nursery house. She has been living alone
for 6 years since her husband died. In the last 6 months she has become increasingly disabled because of
suffering of congestive heart failure and osteoarthritis. She was moved to the nursing home 3 months back. 4
weeks ago she started to have, weight loss of around 3.6Kg, has not eaten, lost of interests of all social
activities & has been crying all the time. Her mood is worse in the morning & (especially during the attacks of
low mood) she has impaired short term memory How do you manage this pt?

109. A 29 year-old teacher consulted you regarding what he describes an intensive fear before giving class in

the secondary school. He tells you that is only matter of time before he makes a real major mistake. What is
the most likely diagnosis in this patient and his management ?D/D?

110. A 20 yr old girl comes to you with h/o not able to focus on her studies and she is crying. She is having her
university examination in a couple of days. Her brother committed suicide 6 mo back. Discuss how would you
manage her?
111. Man with drug abuse, malingering to get morphine.

112. 34 yr old lady new pt from interstate, complains of Migraine headach, ask for PethidineHow to manage?She
insists on getting Pethidine ?

113. ROLE PLAY 64 Yr old man, DM uncontrolled, comes for the lab results after 3 reminder has been sent.
HbA1C:9, TG:3, CHol:5, Mx? How you increase his compliance?
114. 55yrs olsRenni,anobiriginal man come for prescription ofdrug.He has h/o CVA 3 weeks back.He is a bus
driver,insisted to go back are in a Monday very busy schedule.
115. sterilization request from mum for 14yr old mentally disable daughter.
Recent Exam: May, JUNE 2014:
116. 15 yrs old aboriginal boy who is accompained by mother with complaints that child is not being himself lately.
He is being rude and different.
117. 17 yrs old female presented with mother, migrated from sudan3 wks ago with lower abdominal pain(unplanned
teenage pregnancy)

118. 42 yrs old man with severe chest pain at 4 am , took aspirin and Mylanta. You are home visiting doctor at 7 am
.ecg which shows st depression in 2,3,avf, other tests including cardiaz enzymes are normal, how will you proceed
further ? How will you manage this patient whose pain is subsided now.?
119. 22yrs old female 6 yrs after marriage presented with 6 wksoggeastation. How will you manage?
120. 7 yrs old boy with hip pain
121. 51 yr old postmenopausal symptoms with depressed mood( right breast mass)
122. 50 yrs old male with asthma with bad cough taking salbutamol puffer.
123. 65 Yrs male with end stage disease asking for mercy killing
124. 35 yrs old female with chest pain for 2 months duration
125. 2 month old child with fever with rash
126. 38 yrs old female with 11 wks pregnancy with bleeding per vaginum.
127. 17 yrs old female with amenorrhea caught vomiting by mother(bulimia nervosa)
128. 47 yrs old male with SOB and palpitation last evening while watching TV(AF)
129. 18 yrs old female patient with P/H of 5 yrs of headache associated with photophobia, phonophobia, and nausea
and vomiting
130. Child with previous h/o anaphylaxis, presented to practice after eating nuts.
131. 7 yrs old male child with knee pain(Asked about rheumatic fever)
132. 18 yrs old female with amenorrhea for past 3 months (Anorexia nervosa)
133. 45 yrs old male past h/o SURGERY OF SPINE C/O Sob, and chest pain , severe 9/10(?Pulmonary Emboli)
134. 85 yrs old elderly terminall ill patient asking for euthanisa.
.47 yr old man comes to see you with complaints of difficulty breathing and speech after cleaning his house
with chlorine. It was a role play.
. 28 yr old woman with a day hx of vaginal bleeding and lower abd.pain
.47 yr abo male comes to see you to discuss his LFT and hepatitis B profiles resultHep b surface antigen +ve ,
Coreantigen positive, Anti core antigen antibody ve, He has a agirl friend, Interpret result to the patient and

.68 Yo man with headache on and off, had been hit by a metal piece 10 days ago

.58yo lady with chest pain on exertion. She had a breast lump on examination, had been taking HRT for 5yrs.
Was asked breaking bad news, effect of HRT on chest pain and management.
. 4yo boy with mother, fell in bathroom had abdominal pain, ddx, on examination many bruises, child abuse
case, management
. 28yo lady with pv bleeding, it was either threatened / ectopic
. 65 yo female with back pain, with h/o breast cancer...secondary metastasis, asked investigation, ddx,
. cut in the wrist (same question from clinical handbook)
.28 YO with pv bleeding
.18years old with severe headache on and off for last 5 years with vomiting
i ruled out resp infections, trauma, tumour was fronto parietal...on either side, abt half getting
severe i managed as migraine, they asked red flags for migraine and the differential diagnosis they asked
about acute and chronic management of migraine

42 yrs old working in day care and has left lower chest was herpes Zoster eruption . I was asked
differential diagnosis, management and causes of this apart from day care...immunosuppression, chemotherapy,
steroids etc
. 28yrs old lady married for 6 years unable to conceive....the issue was male factor...abnormal sperm
morphology and the management
. 4yo child with fever of 40 and sorethroat, difficulty in swallowing....was asked not to take history, only do
examination, and management
. 45 YRS Old aboriginal female with DM and HT with 3 months h/o bloody diarrhea with abdominal pain
. 64 Yrs old with lower abdominal pain and urinary frequency at night.
.69 yrs old femal with deformity of right wrist joint.
.young child after playing football presented with leg pain. Pins and needle sensation in two fingers.(?
compartment syndrome)
Questions from drchinedu:
. 7 yr old aboriginal boy with discharge ear
. 19 yr old boy with pain, redness in eye r/o foreign body
28 yr old with 10 was amenorrhea threatened abortion
. 26 yr old with htn 150/102 lifestyle related
Dr. Parastoo
- A 35yo male with back pain in the L side and L abdominal pain , radiating to L testicleDDX? And Hx and
- A 4yo boy with abdominal pain due to fall in the bathroom (child abuse)
- A 30 yowoman ,married for 6y, c/o infertility
- A 55yo woman c/o bilateral shoulder pain and hip pain and stiffness in the morningDDX? Management?


7Yr old aboriginal boy with ear discharge

Chest pain with h/o spinal surgery
10 yr old boy with seizure, on further quest , rash present
Stroke with facial nerve pals

june 2014


old guy from qld visiting his son in syd c/o sob from few months,nowinc so came for checkup.past history of
CABG it was case of heart failure n ECG was of atrial fib wich examiner showed m on iPad ..askedm to tell
rate was diff for m as ECG was on plain paper so I told him I mnt much familiar to read ECG on
monitor so he asked m hw to do on ECG strip..n rest was fine.
was role play of perimenop women with hot flushes n then discussion went on to HRT..thy Asked me dds as
again role play..Case of zoonosis A farmhand young pt presented not feeling himself from few daz..I rule out
all dds of tiredness n nothing so thgt related to occup..saidnt sure but will discuss wit supervisor then ex asked
wat u thinkin I said zoonosis..he said hwll u proceed..I said inves n discuss witsupervisor..again asked wich
zoonosis named few but no specific..

October 2014
The first case was a 45 yrs old guy coming to your practice with chest pain shortness of breathe>> it was a
case of STEMI , anterior MI.
The second one which I didnt answer well was a n 80 yrs old lady wuth DM , HTN,OA ,obesity on many
medications( nifedipine, atenolol, ramipril , glibenclimide, metformine, ibuprofen, hydrochloritiazide, amiloride) u
were asked to go and visit her at her place because she think she has flu . 3 doctors has prescribed the meds for her and

she hasnt been seen by any dr in the past 9 months. >> was a complicated one ! Cause Ididnt actually know wht they
want from me
Third case: a lady pregnant at 36 wks, known case of placenta previa . Advices in general , blood tests at this
wk (hemoglobin sooo important to them) and wht u will tell the pt about her problem
the last case was a child I think 6 yrs old with history of asthma ,brought to practice by his mom with an
acute attack ,asking about what you look in physical exam ,management and if your supervisor wasnt available what
would you do?
November 2014
172. 2 month old child with fever & severe dehydration.
173. 18 yrs old girl with 3 months amenorrhea & BMI 16.
174. 20 yrs old with 12 weeks gestation & itchy vulva, whitish discharge.mi
175. 60 yrs old male, acute abdominal pain radiating to back.
December 2014
66 year old man with acute left leg pain since morning=>ischemic pain
8 year old boy swallowed a coin with abdominal pain=>appendicitis
24 year old lady 6 week post partum with pinkish discharge from episiotomy scar and patient is feeling
agitated since few days
88 year old man with SOB worse in one month=>heart failure
32 year old lady has fallen on out stretched hand and is complaining of pain at the base of the thumb x5 days
15 year old male with alc n ecstasy consumption having delusion of Samoan Monster in your practice his
pulse rate is 160, respiration rate is 28 n his limps are clammy n sweaty temp is 35 C. Has been already taken to
treatment room already by the heavily pregnant nurse? (how will you manage , what will his ecg show, what danger he
is in?)
22 yrs old 28 weeks pregnant lady presents with bad smelling discharge per vagina, with itching? What if the
discharge is white what will you do?The swabs you took came out inappropriate from pathology, will you prescribe
the lady?At this time (28 wks) what else would you do, while she is here?How will you examine this pregnant lady?
Show us, what will you check!! Would you do a pap smear on her if she is due
A 2 months old baby has presented with high grade fever 39 not coming down with intra rectal Panadol. The
babys 5, 7, 9 year old siblings are all having high grade fever with flu symptoms. How will you manage this baby?
How will you lower the temperature in this baby, How will you check how much dehydrated the baby is? If not taking
breast how will you provide fluid ( and which One) to this baby ( Mother doesnt have breast pump at present to pump
milk and feed the baby with a syringe)?What if the fontanella are bulging?Whom will you ring if you want to transfer
this baby to hospital. Where the baby needs to go in the tertiary hospital.
184. 4yr old female presented with SOB at 2am. they asked all the differentials first. I started with DRABC approach.
And then they asked salient features of each of the differentials and their management.
185. 52 yrs old male presented with lower back ache after lifting heavy weight. Again their pattern was same
differentials, salient features, management.
186. ROLE PLAY: 62 yrs male presented with pain in the shoulders and neck. C/O tiredness. has tried everything like
panadol, panadolosteo no relief. led me to polymyalgia rheumatica on top apart from other differentials. Side effects of
187. 19 yrs female seeking oral contraceptives. will give. STD screening. side effects
At the beginning the panel assures you it is not about being right or wrong but about safe practice. Be very wary of
4Rs ,review, referral, red flags and reading material. I think these Rs are the key to pass this interview. If you are not
sure you can add things like ( as there is nothing like going blank in Pesci. You can get away without knowing but

- I will ask my supervisor

- Check the guidelines
- Consult the specialist
I could not give them the side effects of azithromycin so I told a few and said I will look it up on the internet.

January 2015:
188. 30w pregnant with PROM
189. A 60 year man with tiredness >role play Dx:sleep apnea
190. A 40 y lady with acute palpitation ECG>PSVT
191. 8 y girl with abdominal pain, mother concerns she swallowed coin. Turn out to be UTI
82 years old lady comes presented to your surgery with complaints of cough and has a history of DM, HTN,
OA, and taking 10 medications atenolol, amlodepine, enalpril, hydrochorothizides and amilioride, met formine ,
glybencamide , sleeping medication , pain killer ,Q 1 role play ... What will see in physical examination in OA, he
said Sugar 11.1 , urine test shows pus cells and rbc , bp 160/100 , pr 80 . What will u do as gp for diabetes and other
complaints . He asked about medications which one u want to remove or decrease doses ? She asked how to do chest
and cardiac examination .
post menopausal lady asking for hrt? Role play .Hx On p/e .. She asked do thyroid examination ,on pelvic
examination : she said atrophic vaginitis is there .
child 2 years with sob how will u manage ? He asked how to differentiate asthma? Asked croup features ,
anaphylaxis features ,how to measure bp and doses of salbutamol in 2 years old child

acute psychosis case ? During consultation GP went outside from room .How will u manage ? Role play

February 2015

pain in abdomen women PID

198. child widabd pain and vomiting Otitis media

199. Tremors
200. 45 year old with fatigue
201. 54 yr old amenorrhoea for 4 years nw developed hot flushes
202. one 6 month old with high grade fever n dyspnoea
March 2015
10yr old boy, known case of epilepsy, starts seizing in the waiting room, how will you manage. (remember to
talk about follow up)
- what will you do if on follow the drug levels are negative (assess non compliance)
- how will you assess non compliance
chest pain in a 55 yr old lady since 2 months .. (case leading to pulmonary edema)
55yr old male with dribbling, urgency, frequency .. (case led to prostate cancer)
- what examinations and investigation will you do
- what are treatment options
- what are the complications of Rx/surgery
-what do you need to tell the patient
45 yr old main with central abdominal pain (case leading to acute pancreatitis)Cullen sign positive on exam
lady coming for HRT
child with asthma
confused elderly man
aboriginal an with poorly controlled DM
55 year old women went for blood donation and blood bank said that you seem to be anemic
so go to your gp ? How will you manage this case ?
45 year old aboriginal lady presented with Tummy pain and is taking metformine and beta
blocker ?On examinationbp- 70/30 , tummy pain worsen on breathing .
45 year old man waiting in treatment room p/w shortness of breath . Has a history of spine
surgery 10 days back ? How will you manage ?
6 month old child brought by parents with a history of unwitnessed fall from bed . ? How will
manage ?
215. If mother of 18mnth child decides for immunisation now ,which vaccine will u start with and
which website
u will tell her to search to read about immunization

216. Patient with severe URTI blocked ear and has a flight back to Melbourne long will u advice her to avoid air
217. 36 year old lady, bmi 30, came to see for repeat of OCP? Last Pap smear 4 years ago by your colleague who had
not followed her up. How would you approach?
218. If a girl has been diagnosed with enuresis due to psychological stress at school we address the enuresis first or
the stress first? how to manage?
219. A child of 10 who is a known epileptic has been convulsing for 15 minutes. The patient is still convulsing, he is
clearly cyanosed.Immediate management? Investigations required in
the next week? MAIDS
April 2015
6 week baby check , mother with post partum blues
221. 7 year old boy with khakky ear turned out to be recurrent otitis media
222. Chronic alcoholic with tiredness. He had hepatomegaly and macrocytosiz
223. Wife brought 50 yr old husband who was found unconscious on floor
224. 3 month old baby with vomiting- on examination mass case leading to intussusseption
225. 50 yr old truck driver asking for weight loosing meds
226. 40yr old woman 7 weeks pregnant asking about risks of downs syndrome
227. 51 yr old Businessman came for health check up as requested by company. Works 60 hours per week. No known
comorbidities not on any meds in hx said he's a homo, BMI 32, with preference for warm weather and raised BP
228. 12 yr old aboriginal boy. Swollen painful feet. Came with Aunt. Child is very timid.
229. 37yr old woman G5P2 33weeks pregnant. sudden gush of fluid
230. 7 year old boy with khakky ear, stuff is spewing on to the pillow.
231. 8yr old boy with sore knee( eventually diagnosis was Perthes disease)- role play
232. 45 years old aboriginal man for health check- role play
233. 28 years old lady with Lower abdominal pain and PV bleeding, 9/52 amenorrhoa ( diagnosis was abortion)- how
wld you approach
234. A 65yr old man with metastatic cancer of the prostate asking you to help end is life- role play
235. Discussion about botulism, presentation, ddx, management
236. 6yr old child, comes with mother, she is sad as child is having behavior issues, mother is asking for
methylphenidate (one of the ddx was abuse .. so dicussed about abuse, its finding etc another ddx was autism so
panel went into discussion about autism and its DSM criteria )
237. Mother brings a 7yr old child who has been diagnosed with aspergers syndrome and she has come to you for
2ndopinion ..explore ideas, concerns, expectations .. what do you , what are the findings, DSM criteria, difference
between aspergers and ADHD, what will you tell mother
238. Husband brings her 67 yr old wife, husband says she cleared all red meat from the fridge and threw it away ..wife
says she was only clearing up old meat to buy new .. all exams normal, mmse 30/30 mental state perfect .. happily
married, no domestic issues .. examiner asked would you refer? In the end they said they were just old couple
came to discuss as they were bored!! Weird case
239. a 60 year old lady was walking her dog and developed chest pain and shortness of breath shes a known case of RA
and stop meds 3 weeks ago ( recall)
May 2015
240. 19yr old uni student comes for contraceptive advice
241. Father calls from home, child is having fever 38.9
242. Taxi driver came with increasing tiredness for 6months. Obese BMI 32
243. 62 yr old lady with RA, left treatment since several weeks now comes with chest pain while walking
244. rash on extensor surfaces of a 30yr old male role play
245. child abuse role play
246. episodic rif pain in 17yr old girls role play
247. travel to india role play
248. child with known asthma, mother has brought because of increased cough
249. elderly lady with RA, now presents with Chest pain (severity 3-4) wasnt taking RA meds for some weeks

250. old man calls at practice and says that his wife is acting weird, she has thrown away all meat because she had
botulism when she was young
251. mother brings child, says that child has behavior issues, asks for medicine for ADHD
June 2015
4 yr old boy, complaining of tummy pains, came with father, hx of falling in bathroom. Father became
furious on mention of child abuse. On further hx bruises present. Panel wanted to know what finding will be present
on abdominal exam, why will you send to hospital role play
48 yr old lady with hot flushes, LMP 6months ago, smokes 10 cigs/day .. mother diagnosed with breast ca at
70 yrs role play
84 year old lady with hx of multiple falls, brought by daughter, lives in nursing home, no known health
issues, taps some heart rhythm on table, irregular rhythm on ecg roleplay
10yr old boy having seizure, no rash, no fever, no signs of meningitis. Regains consciousness after 2 doses of
midazolam. On further probing panel tells he is on some epileptic meds (phenobarb I think) father says no issues with
compliance, visited neurologist just 2 days back. Panel wants to know why sending to hospital role play
256. A middle aged man came with tiredness for 6 months(Role Play)
My case led to Depression(DDX ; Dep, CFS, Hypothyrodism, Bipolar and I also mentioned I will check ESR &
CRP as the patient had weight loss.This question was asked from my previous applicant and led to SLEEP
257. A 33 year old woman came due to not feeling well (Role Play)
This case was about Domestic Violence and he Child abuse because all mother and the children were in danger
due to the father's behavior. At the end I should have managed the mother's sleep problem.
258. A 37 year old woman with indigenous background came for being checked up ( She had HTN, Carrier of HBV
and her mother had DM)
259. A 7 year old child with asthma attack
Chest pain
Asthma attack
July 2015

Patient with back pain and after history and physical examination patient is drug seeker asked
about how to manage the case thats it
Female patient case of domestic voilance
Child case 18m intussusception
male patient 30s complaining of arthralgia Case of rose river virus
26 yr old male with SOB and flank pain?? xray shows canon ball appearance- diagnosis-seminoma
sudani refugee with low mood and doesn know English . Came with husband .How will you
5 yr old with battery ingestion . How to manage ?
16 yr old with no periods . History and manage . Diagnosis - constitutional delay
amphetamine withdrawal( discussion ) >>> ( pt has come for a job fitness certificate ,,, by history I was informed that she had been sharing amphe. with her HB,but could not get for the last 7 days due
to overseas stayed of her HB.
40 yrs + wanted to know about Downs screening.(discussion ) >>> by Hx - 12 wks of preg,, ,,did not
want to have any invasive test >Mx
65 yrs lady has come with a 4 month h/o gradually developed SOB( role play up to history), >> by
Hx>> previous h/o COPD , smoker>> I excluded - HF, COPD, ,, referred her for further evolution , was
suspected for lung cancer.

August 2015

Knee pain in old woman with DM, HF, GFR29, 4 medication, high BP now
Shoulder pain in 44 y/o man that started at work, all the lab test normal, what do u do, what pain killer? The
patient comes 2 weeks later complaining of pain, management? examination of shoulder
Bed wetting in 5 y/o boy with all the things normal
33 y/o woman with sleep problem, wanting sleeping tablet

279. 37 yo male C/O sudden onset of pain in left lower back which radiates to left groin and
280. 75 yo male comes to the surgery with unshaved, untidy appearance for script. His wife
passed away 6 months ago. During the consultation, his son who lives interstate rang to the
clinic to ask about his father's condition. How would you manage and how would you response
to his son.
281. A 32 yo female came to your surgery due to unable to conceive after 6 years of marriage.
She used pills for initial 4 years but she stopped for the last 2 years.
282. A mother comes with her 3 yo daughter as she thought that her daughter was stung by a
bee. The girl has swollen lips with noisy breathing.
A 34 year old farmer came with a pain in his R foot
8 rear old girl with bed wetting...Was dry since 4 years
35 year old women morbidly obese, irregular periods for 6 months back and no periods for last 3
talk about aboriginal health
50 yr old man had blackouts and chest pain while watching a footy match 3 hours back..Had 3
backouts after that .had 2 cups of coffee today and 8 pots of beer Came to your clinic. He has
chest pain still..but looks well..andecg is normal

288. 35 year old man with loin to groin pain , nausea , role played by the examiner , running a temp-erature of 38c all
other vitals normal .pain not responding to oral analgescis.
289. Low

mood, lack of energy and loss of interest in a seniour citizen for the past 6 months since
the death of his wife.
290. 25 years old female with POA of 10n weeks and vaginal bleeding ,previous miscarriage at
POA of 12 weeks .managed as an ectopic ,but turned out that USS has a visible intrauterine
291. Anaphylaxis in 3 year old chile following a bee sting .very straight forward case
292. A boy who presented to your locum 3 days back with sore throat now coming with the
complaints of rash ,sore throat and fever ,differntial and final dioagnosis it was ca cse of
infectious mononucleosis and was prescribede amoxicillin by locum
293. 12 years child presented with his father the c/o og headche from last 2-3 months demanding
medical certificate to abstain from footy match after 3 days .it was role play with father
speaking most of the times and did not allowed me to interview or examinae his son alone\
It was a case of epidural hematoma and buyying in the school.
294.another role play .27 year girl with bmi 29 presents for prescription of weight reducing pills
as her marriage is 6 weeks from now .she wants to look beautiful and slim and she had cut down
high calorie products and reguarly exercising for last three months.your approach

295.65 years male for prescription of sildenafil .he is facing problem with his new 35 years wife
married 18 months back and having sex problem since then .they are goping on beach holidya
tomorrow for amonth and instructed by wife not to come home if cant get a pill.HE IS on atorvas
,envas and antedeppressant .
296.18 months boy with abdominal pain thatsettles a little and he starts crying and pulling his limb
up.all histroy and examination was negative except for the pain and pink slimy thing in the
297.chest pain and when u ask for the ECG it was inf wall infarction what is your immediate
managemnt ?.call the wife and answer her question ?.it was about life style modification later on
and when he can drive his car again.
298.chest pain and it turned out to be shingles .the atient was a day care worker so needs to stay
away from kids .
299.a lady who resisted the vaccination for child .
300.38 years old aborignal lady has come to your clinic for her annual health check .first time to
my clinic this time .
301.27 yrs old man from sydney visiting darwin has come with severe renal colic pain.
302.26 yrs aborignal lady has come with her 7 years old nephew who has severe ear discharge.
303.19 yrs old man uni student has come with acute painful red right eye.
304.65 years old lady with knee pain.\
305.6 months old baby with loose motion.
306.aborignal pregnant lady with vaginal discharge.
307.young patient with hell pain
308.indigenous person aged 36 years with severe headche history for past 1 day .
309.4 yrs child with vomiting , diarrhea,child is lethargic and drowsy.
310.28 yrs old female who is working in a childcareand is taking too mandy leaves and her
supervisior asked her to contact gp.
311.62 years old male his wife has sent him to gp with c/o OF Tiredness for last 2-3 months .his
stools are smelly. conference 1>55 years old went for donate blood found anemic now at your practise
how will yu manage? of 6 years old boy says she is fed with his unruly behaviour ADHD
314.68 years old man with terminal cancer and secondaries request euthanasia.
415.19 yrs old girl comes for contraceptive advice.\
416.18 yrs female with migrane taking ocp for 1 yr adopted child.
417.27 yrs old aborignal male feeling flat and tired wants centrelink certificate.

418.a mother came with 10 months old infant with sob,cough,fever,runnynose.

419.18 yrs old female with 8 weeks pregnacy constatly vomiting for 2 weeks .
420.46 yrs female c/o of generalised body aches specially over her shoulder feeling unwell and
tired .possible d/d fibromyalgia,drugslike statin, alchohol,polymyalgia rheumatica ,chronic
fatigue syndrome., conference .a woman who wants to stop breast feeding for her infant 2 months o;ld
.she already has one child 4 yrs old.\
422.pap smear advice and explanation of LSIL to patient.\
423.difficult child with suspected ADHD
424.a patient aged 75 years with metastatic cancer wants euthanasia and his pain is not managed
well .how to manage the pain ? internaction of diffreerent pain management drugs.
425.a child with 4 yrs rash develped over body <meninigiococcemia>
426.a man aged 55 years has funny face with problem in eyes and drooling of saliva and tear flow.\
427.breast lump in a woman which was finally diagnosed to be fibrocystic disease what blood test
is done in addition to triple test for detection of cancer.
428.33 yrs old lady presenting with breast lump how will you manage ?pt is worried
429.12 months old child has fever at 10 pm in night.\
430.47 yrs old man who is tired and fatigued
431.41 yrs old lady presenting with pain in the metatarsalpahalageal joint and proxinmal
interphalageal joint she patient of your fellow gwho is not here.
432.chest pain in women with rheumatioid arthritis suddenly when she was walking had a history
of gastritis ecg and physical examination is normal.
433.asthma in a adult well controlled follow up.
434.child with mother requesting pill for ADHD,d/d and managemnet.
435.old lady with dementia and confusion d/d and physical examination.
436.35 yrs old child care worker single mother got separated from partener 6 months back is
always seeking medical certificate to be absent from work.her employer asked her to discuss his
issue with GP( depression)
437.45 years old women working in public depratment says she is fed up with her life husbund
who is also working is not cooperative and her children also not good in studies .her work
performance is affected and her employer is also not happy with her .she has difficulty in sleep
alos finally panel turned out to be OSA ..obstructive sleep apnea.
438.55 yrs truck driver came for repeat prescription of duromine and insisting that is helps him
during his job to keep fit.he is on this drug for last 3 years off and on .
439.3 months old infant who is vomiting which is projectile and has past episode of it also.his
parents called you at 6pm on phone and felt sorry for disturbing and asked for your opininon,his

temperature is 39 degree celcius he is feeling less than used to and wetting 2 nappies only in 24
hours and is not active .
440.riniging in the ears in 70 years old man ( finally it concluded on the discussion of vascular
disorder/ cva.
441.migrane in woman 20 yrs old for the past 18 months .
442.2 years old child with vomiting dehydration and fever for past 2 days .
443.47 yrs man who is alchoholic and has tiredness for past 6 months .he started alchohol 6
months ago lft high .
444.25 yrs old woman visited clinic inducing vomiting by herself .she has hypokalemia (potassium
is blow 2 mmol, she is accompanied by her relatives and not listening and answering (bulimia
nervosa )

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