Vampire Academy - Fan-Fic.

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Chapter one- again?!

O, he didn’t!
With a murderous glance I turned to Thom.
“What did you say?!”
The cocky smile on his face faltered the slightest bit.
“Want me to repeat?!” he asked and I could hear there was a lot less bravado in his
voice this time.
“I’d love to…” I said threateningly and I heard how the rest of the class held their
I felt how the water in the room began to change, how my natural reaction when I
was pissed started to kick in.
I bared my fangs and stared him down.
“I …I …I… ”
“Tell. Me. What. You. Said!”
“That w…we…were better off without...”
“Without who?!” I asked though I knew the answer.
Pain washed over me at the memories.
Seeing that Thom thought he might be able to rescue his honor.
“That creepy little sister of yours!” he said while he rose to his feet.
My head shot up and the earlier pain got replaced by a red blazing hate.
Along with my hate shooting up suddenly two huge fountains of water shot up out
of nowhere.
They hit Thom so hard he flew across the room into a wall, but I didn’t stop.
The water kept coming down on him like some sort of endless waterfall.
He was trying to breath, to get some air in his lungs without drowning.
He didn’t succeed.
I let my rage go lose on him and never broke away my stare from Thom.
Suddenly, someone ripped me away at my shoulders and started dragging me out
of the classroom.
I knew who it was and I didn’t struggle because I knew it wouldn’t help anyway.
Alexander pushed me against a wall and closed the door behind him so I couldn’t
see what was going on in the class.
“Alisa,” he said with a heavy Russian accent “calm down. Now!”
I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself and concentrate on something else
than that stupid, little, pathetic, lifeless…
“Alisa!” Alexander noticed I was getting myself all worked up again.
I breathed slowly, lightly and noticed how Alexander finally seemed to relax a
teensy bit again.
“That’s better. Now tell me what happened. WITHOUT having to run back into that
room again to err…. Finish the job.”
“He was talking shit about…about…” I couldn’t finish but Alexander already got it.
He nodded his head once.
“You calmed down?” he asked concerned.
I scanned how I felt.
“A bit. It’s alright, I guess. But not good enough to go in again…” I knew myself and
if I was within 20 feet radius and able to see him I probably lunged again at Thom.
My teacher from that hour, Mr.……., came out.
“Miss Demidova! How dare you attack Mr. Gonzalez?!”
I was about to give him an answer and tell him exactly what I thought of that piece
of crap that some people called royal! But Alexander nudged me in the side as a
I sighed. I heard this story over and over and over again.
It’s not allowed to use magic like that, magic is meant for good, I, especially, should
be grateful to be gifted like this and all that other shit they threw at our heads
during theory classes, already.
And of course he ended with the well known: “Now, go and report at the principals’
office! Mr. Fedorov, I have faith in it that you will lead miss Demidova there! ”
I turned and rolled my eyes.
Man, they could overreact here!
Alexander walked behind me in silence as we made our way to the office.
In my head I went through all possible scenarios of what could happen.
I knew I probably would be in really big problems, considering that Thom was the
son of our principal (yeah, if you didn’t notice it yet, I have some sort of talent to
get in trouble with people who can get me into even bigger trouble).
When we reached the office, Alexander shot forward to first knock on the door and
then, once I heard the principals voice say that we could come in, to open the it for
I barely entered when he began his preach.
He started of whit all the crap I already heard but what came after that was
surprised me, and angered me…
“Now, to make even the slightest bit up for your behavior, I want that you make a
public apology to my son!”
I stared at him with an open mouth.
He couldn’t possibly be serious about that, could he?!
My eyes grew big as I stared in his eyes and I had my answer.
Yes, he was!
That realization did it.
I snapped and even Alexander couldn’t stop me now.
“I will never in my whole life apologize that that son of fucking to low sunken bitch!
Yeah you heard me right! He talked shit bout my family and I defended our honor!
And you know what?! I wish I would’ve drowned him! Would’ve served him just
right!” then Alexander’s hand covered my mouth, voorkomend that I went on with
the cuss-out.
The principals’ head turned red. Then it turned purple.
Finally, he burst.
“You! You ungrateful, respect less… ”
Then Alexander, my hero, jumped in.
“Mr. Gonzalez, I have to point out it’s not appropriate that you talk in that way to
someone of Miss Demidovas rang!”he said sternly.
He went to stand between Mr. Gonzalez and me and squared his shoulders.
Mr. Gonzalez immediately backed away which I understood.
With his 6 foot 7, Alexander was pretty impressive…
I couldn’t help but feel the stab of irritation when he pointed out my title.
Yep, I am princess Alisandra Demidova.
Yip di fucking doo!
And then besides my title, I somehow have a huge ability over water, more than
they think any Moroi ever had…
I know, when you look at it like that, it sounds pretty cool but believe me, I’d rather
be a guardian.
At least they get to do something with what power is given them!
At least they have a goal in their lives other than just looking down on other people
as much as possible!
Alexander’s hair was cut in a way so you could just barely see his molnija marks
and they reminded me of my own that he insisted of me getting after… that day.
At last, gonzi calmed down a bit though I’d happily would’ve taken on a fight with
“Listen, Miss Demidova! It’s on your call! Either apologize…”
“Never!” I practically hissed at him.
“Or…” a smug smile spread in his face, “Or getting expelled!”

There, I have to admit, he got me.

I couldn’t move, speak or do anything else for that matter.
Finally, some of my feelings seemed to return and warm up my frozen body.
The little warm stream grew hotter and hotter and at some point I finally recognized
the heath as anger.
Red hot blazing, life dangerous anger.
I knew I had to make a choice though in some way I didn’t because I already knew
what I was going to answer.
Alexander, who knew me only too well, tried to nudge me silent, convince me to
chose otherwise, but I already made my decision.
“Well,” I said in a cool, dangerous voice while getting up “Then I’d better start
packing. I’ll be gone tomorrow by noon.” With those words I turned, walked out of
the office with my chin held high and left both Mr. Gonzalez as Alexander behind
with their mouths hanging open in astonishment.

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