Managment Plan

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Turn off cell phones & electronic devices

Electronic devices (CD players, Ipods, handheld games, mini-TVs or personal DVD players, cell phones, pagers, etc.) are NOT permitted in my
classroom. Cell Phones should be turned off and invisible during the class period. If I see or hear your phone it will be taken away and given to an
administrator, according to cell phone policy outlined in the EHS handbook. Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior.
2. No food or drink, except water
You may drink bottled of water in the classroom. If a spill occurs, please clean it up immediately and inform the teacher.
No other food or beverage is permitted without a doctors note.
3. Arrive to class on time & ready to learn
When the bell rings, you need to be sitting in your assigned seat. You should immediately begin on the warm up activity or journal entry. Be physically and
mentally present in the classroom
4. Wait to be dismissed
Please remain in your seat until I have dismissed you. Never line up at the door before dismissal. Remember, I dismiss you, not the bell.
5. Use polite and appropriate language
Offensive, derogatory, and profane terms are not tolerated. In order to have a safe classroom environment where all students feel comfortable, no put
downs, swear words, or slang words with demeaning connotations will be accepted. Remember, if you dont have something nice to say, dont say it at all!


1st Offense Verbal Warning

2nd Offense Parent Call/Email
3rd Offense Teacher Detention
4th Offense Referral to AP

Extra Points on Exam of

your choice
Positive Call/ Email Home
End of 9 weeks Party



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