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Doretta Hughson, Clerk of the Board of Education

Dr. Thomas Flanders, school board president

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--clerk of the board of education
Delhi Central School District
2 Sheldon Drive
Delhi, NY 13753

We did not have that on the agnada. Tha’ts exatly ture.

The clerk of the board should have…I asked the clerk of the board to contact that dancye
and to ask them to meet with the superintend…to dicsus the term reasonableness. We’re
not runnig from anytihgn…however, to take up a lot of vluable meeting time for one
person’s question about reasonsaboles….and reaonsbled is usch a vague term .If I asked
you to define reaosnables, what would you say?”

Rather than take up eveyurobyd’s time with a ducsisino on reasonbaleness…and in the

court of law…the policy…reasonableness would have to be interpreted. You and I and
the daceys and the superintender…we can call agree or adisagree on what reaosnble
means. As president ofht edelare academy borad of education. I set the agenda.
Cedrtnaly, there is no intent….to hide any issues…because the way the board of
education works is….and all boards of education in new yuork state…we are a meeting
hled in open seeion…but it is not an open meeting…

They cannot….We do not have a dialogue…and with the audience. Now…back on

whatever meeting it was…I suspdeded that rule temporarily…to allow…because t’s such
an important item for amny people that ngiht…so we wented to have an interaction to
show people that we ineeded are their reprsentives…

However, we suspend the rules…the ruels for school boards are, we’re a meeting held in
the opn, but we’re not an open meeting. That’s why all school boards are instructed to
have a comment section int eh beginni…and we have the same thing at the end. Public

We have nothignt to hide…and we’re not hiding from anything….and we cannot,

however, discuss penrsonlle issuesin public by NYS law. We cannot respond to people
who want to bring up those issues. IT cannot be done…and as frustrating as it is for
What we urge all parnest:” if you have an issue…they need to really work with the
superrintendnt…to see if they can’t resovle the issues.

Sue Temple—District Secretary]

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Mr. Michael Dacey requested that he would like to be placed on the Board Agenda for the March Board of
Education Meeting to discuss the term “reasonableness.” He requested clarification of this term. Mr.
Dacey asked if there was training or any sort of set criteria for using “reasonableness” as he feels the
district has come very close to violating civil rights. He wants a definition of the word reasonableness.

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