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2011 CHINA Major Manufacturers 11" Edition BIA, Inc, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The information in this business cirectory may not be sold or provided to any third party. This publication may not bo reproduced, or stored in a retrieval systom, or trancmitted in wholo or in part or in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Such use is wrongtul, illegal, ang a violation of federal copyright laws. © Business Information Agency 2000-2011. Allrights reserved. DISCLAIMER, This business directory is an objective source of information. Although every care has been taken during tho preparation of this publication, it is possibla that omissions or orrors have ‘occured. Human or mechanical errors are also possible in processing information. The publisher does not accept responsibilty for any errors or omissions in this business directory. In furnishing this analytical yearbook, BIA, Inc. cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the data contained in this business directory or the correctnass of information on which itis based. We do not accept responsibilty for errors or omissions or any consequences arising from those errors. In no way can we assume any part of the business risk of the user and are not liable for any loss oF injury resulting from conditions beyond its control or from negligence. Any errors, after they have been detected, will be corrected in future edtions. Oleg Yuterey, Ph.D... Founder, CEO Violetta Golovina, Ph.D., Vice-President Ecitorial Director: Alphonse-Louis Vinh, M.S Project Editor: Nadezhda Sokolinskaya, PhD. Product Development Spociaiist: Anton Golovin Production Specialisis: Elena Grishina, Larsa Shikinova Printer: Biznes-Karte Publishing House, Moscow, Russia Deere 1 ISBN 978-1-4187-8531-4 I oMardiblzess: Copyright © 2011 Exclusive right of BIA, Ine. for manufacture and distribution in Nerth America, Table of Contents Ix Table of Contents CHINA Major Manufacturers MANUFACTURING. Food and Kindred Products «. Tobacco Products .. Textile Products... Apparel and Footwear... Lumber and Wood Products. Furniture and Fixtures.iscsneoe Paper and Allied Products. Printing and Publishing Chemicals and Chemical Produ Petroleum Refinin: Rubber and Plastic Products... Leather and Leather Products Stone, Clay, Glass and Concrete Product Primary Metal Products. Fabricated Metal Products. Industrial Machinery and Computer Equipment. Electronies and Electri -al Equipment. ‘Transportation Equipment... a ‘Measuring, Analyzing, and Controlling Instruments: Photographic, Medical and Optical Goods, Watches and Clocks.. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Statistical Summaries Included Companies by SIC Code sence 289 Indexes Industrial Activity Index ... SIC Reference Guide. Alphabetical Index Number of Employees Statistics per SIC aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA Major Manufseturers Food and Kindred Products |. BASHANDAYANGCHA FOREST FARM nanan Jn 71325 Cina Kay Peso Pore hat, rtert No.ofzmploestea st0.s08 Prooucrs: 709 fond Parte $20 ec ote Sees 2. BAYANNUR POWERND. CORP. tine ner Henge D120 Chr seen gy, et No ofsroioes(ee 0-990 2. BEUING AReTIC FOOD CO 22 Ane onaingreneaiChrgwon ‘eamaBang 10078 chee. (Pn 5721, 2 No ofemploes(ee =o. 000 YeorotFoueonen 1938 709 Sige nd repre Met Rect 24 Geo and ne bert 4 BEVING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EX: ay Pesonnd Log, Pes Prana W611 107 205 157180828 Tees . Novoremiyeat roe 180 YeorotFouneston” 198% 2810s ore Ces 213 hua aes 5. BEUING DAOXANGCUN FOOD GROUP to 1 Caryn rue Sena organ BingBang 10007 Cre fe Pn 8 5 Ts Fae "wou? No ofemploes( re 100 YeoroiFauneston 1988 705 ge nd Pept Met Roc Ft tes nd abe Pos 2s tacutesedGnars MANUFACTURING 6. BELING FENGTAI WANQUANSIAGR. ‘CULTURAL INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL ‘assoc 60 ‘519 Xiaoanan 255 Wings Fen ‘ey Pesca eh Meat Gane Far 182259. Fac ese Ne. otemptocstes more C00 09nd partons pene Govt ot tne Coen 2105p out Sas Stotterornd emer snc Phwet Ssizeengrice {24 Si are nn en (St Re Eat Apts ot Mayers ‘ob Amoeret Pe 7. BELING HUADU MEAT PRODUCTS CO ‘ng epg 000 Prone hie 2 ge 8 Int Pron 36 023 22,0842 1508 Me cewpente 20406 Soret Feuntaon 1988 zo aia pects 53 Sueog nd Prepared strode ‘Sin ies 11200 ci Prone oe 2 I npr hoe 20 ‘eave Fautton 0 id haope nd ee Met Pode 9, BEWING SHUNY1 FOOD Co, MEAT PRO- ‘CESSING FACTORY ‘Shay Eng IS na Prone hae 3 Ine Prong 3 246 Fa esc ws Ne. temptonsten mare 00 Yeoret Fountain 1976 Cena pees 23a nd Peer sto 40. BeNGAU MEAT PROCESSING ASSOC. FACTORY 23Feraone Dor eng Ar bs Cone ey Pomona: YE Pret Fac Baa m soe Inc Foe 629024, 8290 317 eG Empteeste nore 000 ‘ort Founda 108 ze hvi petes Sot Reet nPop Prot 11. BUIE MEAT PROCESSING FACTORY 222 Sanaa rere ‘fe Gunes 85100 Ce Prom sree Nod Empiyeestea 0450 Nort unto 197 205 eiegs ndPrepand es! Pos 20 ames rats ven, Pee am, ‘sie entree specie 42, CHANGCHUN NOODLE FACTORY rn 0s chi Prom T2221), 1 2021, 129 8, Pron 1858 20 01,4998 17.48 an 12073 neo Empress 00-958 208 Sscps nd Prep es Pos oun ng samenceco seeuegenseco Sa en "77347 8) ° eeetmee, on a, Seema Sosa wat 14, CHENGDU EASTERW-TECH INDUS- [Hr anger Ferogn Tate 8s 210 myuorae ‘hergau Suan 310015 Chins Pr a 9a 2 Wotton besrge as cm Nod Emaentet sb Solos Usst0ouMezs O18 364 Bec Lamp Bub Te, zt eesig at Coring Bees Sse eatetan nes ‘scene ae aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA 5 Major Manufseturers 200 ford Parte 206 Fens peers hi os 6a. JINHUA MEAT PROCESSING ASSOC ‘Key Pesonnel HU Ingen Presont Prana st <1 4 ‘No. of Employees) more 1010 YeorotFaunston 1989 (C2 ma eines 253 sop na repre tet Mocs 208 fod Parte 6. aIN2HOU CANNED F000 PRO- CESSNG FacToRY Sonar Suerte ‘rete Ubon 12003 Cine Prope 6141 SDSS 820, ne Phe 620 ee, 6 255,418 seo. soa Novofemplowestea ore 100 209 copes nd Pep Met oducts Sah eee etn: rare, 200 ote, sen So nk Cred ars ee Te ae Ee Fern etn her eden Mots Sra ice peace iae See ou Si mre et SES A == Se ea tn 54. LANZHOU MEAT PROCESSING. Assos. FacToR® CO UTD onan Prone 882511 Pane 63 ox te0 243510 No cteninee e100 709 nce nd Pept et ec ss.cayecamenroo0ene sasorren oes Int Prone 86 5145 214,854 4062 Ie. otempbesses mer C00 Soret Fountain 1956 73S nd Pepa Met Prods oscmed ras, veel, Poser ms, ‘eee (8. LAOCHENG JIANG IND, COLTD Yen ey Panag Pract Prone S642 19% 7203) Ine Phone seb 1a, 47200) Farr sara, meu aes Ne tempt mre an Prosuers: C2 ina pees 01S nd Pop Meat Produc Hotorae oyonats,mga t 205 camoc rus Vegetales, Poses ams, {54 vrs Conta Basa (7. UsZHOU MEAT PROCESSING FAC: ‘ory ‘ey scene or 09 Pest Io cteptyeott 20400 ‘eatronenspecitie otmamences Pepontons 23 edo Ghnea og Stel Pts ‘SHAREHOLDING CO LTD Shay 20 ere ‘Cojo heten 47607 na ey saa. ic Peet Ine oe 6930 1146 Procuers: 209 Susp and Prepare st Prods 20 Sofns Can of ne Crone Goyeg Horan 700 ‘oy Parsons. Gael Pest 1. ofmaoenstes mare C00 ‘Asse. FACTORY encarta S00 na Pil Tarbes 9 Far 7106252 No. Empyoestet nore 100 Zoe tsnyes nd Pepe Me Pat Fenner for mae Fone reatonasaet ‘sos eerie me imi ‘No.of Empboyoes(est); 200498 ere SI one 72. NNGRD CANNED FOOD PROCESSING FacToRY ing anja 312010 cn Int Pro: STE Fan. Saas No. EmptyeestE nar 1000 Zoe tuys nd Pep ea Pots iar eis, Rese, ms, 73, NNGBD NATIVE PRODUCE & ANIMAL [By-PRODUCTS mkP. 8 EXP. CORP. EIT Wainy Big. TO Lnga oN ‘oy Porsomset Can Farge Presdet Wang Sor 2a he Prom sa, Tar SH ‘arate ‘Srarasa, STaTae ‘a SUS Tan, TET Ine cree Ss a enprowse_00-198 “orate 18 Caen poste: 25k Grn rata Vt, sen, J, cle rection con cam Sic ed Secreto ton ieee poet Peer peictory eee Sites i a ‘CESSING FACTORY COLTD ‘Gepita Shuang 25602 re ey Persona ay Oxon, rs ror Sc) 0 si be, S10 7208 Int Pron 868238 0, S200, aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA “9 Major Manufseturers 208 tse nd Pepa et Recs 119. TANAIN TONGTALFOOD CO LTD Nansovetoe Yor Bacbon Tannin 0082 Cara Phone: 2260 6 22 6 64% 220600838 woul oe 2090 No.of pleat 0400 Prooucrs: 2019 Stopes nd Pep touts £2 et and nce 208 Feats, gets, Ses, ed See oe PROCESSING FACTORY 1 Nuroico on Tenn 30022 Cia Koy Pesonmd Use Psat (Phe 65202501504 trae 022042672 No ofmploest 0490 23 cog nd Pept Met Rec 1 Boneh Werpgraeen ‘angen 138289 cha, ep Penney Yn Pest Fore <1 fo.ofenploees(ee ore 100 YrarotFomtatn 08? A Cet So ke Cate or od Vn Mes 4 ec noise. at ect sss 225 ord Dn Pig ia ‘cr meant bog openers {nent ne Ps 524 Comet, rae 122, MUHALELECTRUG POWER ADU MucTausNEss co Koy Pesan eben Pe No ofEmotyeesed 10-188 YeortPautan 100 iba Pepce s Sara nee Prot 3231 once Pree {on foray ee, {ion reno Pts ‘ame teny eave Beeab bate SshAgemranetee eee etn Ine Phone 8 2578 5 9721817 era arscopes on ae 124, aMen cauNeDFO0D PRO- CesanG FACTORY Sumer Pup 201004 re Key Pus a a, Peet neh searbwe setae i. otempteeestes mer 000 Procuers. BIS asp nd eae Met Roduce ‘odcoeethomsfepuoien, Pee 08 tee ‘Biatane atee Key Pact. Sane Pest Prone 028649 28 252 0965 6 ‘ea tee: Mb imesecon Ne. otempoyenstes S396 20 enn gers fo An nd Fons $e amensin Peon 126. YANGZHOU.INGJANG FOREIGN “TRADE FROZEN F008 PROCESSNG FACTORY Bonen Sng Sajng Sarge 24800 Sng Sey tera ig Bn da Prone sis 9 Int Pron 268248 as ord foto 1077 2013 Seg rd Prepared sto Eotrecerteontor % Sse Ting Sie ono Wiebate: imma yegieetcon SESE ho Sectors Eicon zo Bo crease Scns SE eaten = Reson atoms 128. YONGIAN FORESTRY JOINT. STOCK cour 12 Vian Dora ‘ange jr 00 Ca ‘ey Psa: ar ag, Pst as Fa 50989815, Ine ac a6 302816 Webster Yew eFowtaton 8 Ze Ble, Cone Se eink Cannsee eee Sect rots Some 2s red ee ane Pee Biotono Fotos 129, YUEYANG OISTILERY ‘opr rane a0 erPoramet band Pest ne noverenonyeestes 0000 tne Banda Bony Ss atteonee 120, UEYANG EAT PROCESSING assoc. racTORY Sern epsom tes Frere Tabb 9, OS Ine Pon 8745100, 86 928 No.enonreentes). 000 Year Futator 108 area Specstn Sots tomnps Pont Ma Pode CHEMICAL CO LTD. ey ema yon Pott Dog ee ‘Pome 7a 913, 080 eee Int roa: 1867980 9, 788 0 Yeort aioe 180 oe fodreprions Settee 21. es feria rene rice 568 Gene na Meio Espen 132. YUHUAN LONGSHENG AQUATIC PRODUCTS COLTD ‘ann ting 317602 Tey Ponape Pron st 25% ste 20,755.28) ee i Noo Ematyeetet 100-490 7215 Sans ndPesard eal Pes £1 Comes, Crt i Sab tres cities ae anti ares ey Poona any Pesto Prom Se ft TT 00, SERN 1128 Ine oe ss 1588 No. a Empoestest_ 100498 crv pein trae repens aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -1B- Major Manufseturers ne Fox stone 48 fo ofemploes(es 0.908 Propucrs: "21 tes re Fi ls, Mama Frat 5062 tapped Pes Pte Ses 180. FUSHUN POLYESTER PLANT oy Pesonmd ioTVEN este, i Pe “Set T72 050 217216 Fae HEAT No ofenpioeste 0.000 YeorotFouneanen 1978 Prooucrs: 22} wren Fi ls, Mame Fer ot Si 181, FUZHOU FUMUA TEXTILE & Sesrannen Prone saree sh 2 Fon I 8 o.ofBmploes(ee 0.000 [Zl sare Fv il, Mame Fr st a 221 tear Fa ts, tn 182. FUZHOU STORAGE & SHIPPING CO, 4 Gena an Koy Posomd Wowtbon Pestot Int Phone: +86 9137 104 No.of Emploes(ea 20490 "20 Teco 183, COLD-UON APPAREL BLEATHER. ProDucTsco LID NOB le Zope Bing Dato Jagan Nezne uaoaeng sur? Ce, oy Povo ane. Mesto Ine Prone 752280554 19260875 Fan mis be Foe T3920 0528 tvcteranenes 0-09 Prooucrs: Eutacoreertae ‘Nanning Gunga 630003 Ch Prine Treo maee No ofEmpeyentE 0.89, Propucrs, Is usb ad Pepe tet Poi {ste oct ‘ede Chess a ol Pris ‘TRESSES FURNTURECOLID ‘Stan Grouy 17 Yrfang ‘Soacon Guana S01 China ‘ey Ps! bea Pee Ine Foc 8205308973 Nowra tundion toot anton tate 406, HANDAN NO. corToNcO LTO Prone 390098 3100 Ine Foe 630305575 No. otemptocses) more C00 721 Bad wren bic ls, Mime ert Bai sat wren a oto se. avoun vane mens EE ren Bree ean Sst Lae reser Senn se mapommewatcooie sapere reace 2329 Men's and Bow Clothing . Seton Seo om Sosere Seater, Sooo SSoe scrum Suan pea Sect roe Siocon rw nnn ta 55 eaekin Maney 5 Mace Tn Me Cats Te 189. HANGZHOU XINHUA SILK MIL, {Line Dereon ‘nar Znejong 1106 Cha mt rong: +697 8 217, S76 one ar 51002873 No. Emptyoeste nee 1000 ProoueTs 2x Bn i Wi Meer acto none Earcopen sod ering 1507 Ca ‘aT ~ Na craoenea o-4m Propuers oe eos 222i een i, ome Ft ‘2, Muar HoNeLieRoUP CO atin sags 23007 Cina Ine pe asst 28.21 fe denoinenet an08 Bronwen Faves chewing 192, HUARI NATURAL FIBRE PRODUCTS. ‘Sumo Gunnery S29 China ey Pesoma ny ing, Pesdot Prone Int Pron 8615 29568 Ne Empieete 00-450 Seah USS ASL ProoUeTS: ot ere ote score oa Te Perso sn ge 199, NNER MONGOLIA NO2 ELECTRIC. IY CONSTRUCTION CO, ‘MULT. BUSINESS co Xeetorg Prom Tes oa Emotes 00900 ProoueTs 7 pa Bete ‘ot faneee Yee Pate Scotland ‘Azle, Ssh ns, Ti 591 Comer tach an Espn {athe corsncon corron mitt ota ne Menta 0010 chine Pore anes ee Ire Prone a6 813958 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA te, tempat mre 00 "1 teas wre Fs, os os hats rte eae 220 thon an thoi Pep tons {2O6 roma ase erotics 5315 to werowng onde al ahs ‘Hz, hy, Soa Res ae CHEMICAL FABRCS MLL ‘none eee 968209 Cine ‘eyoernn stg Ps tn Foe 605501718 ‘taratRowcaton ee" Prooucrs: "Zl bos oF, Manas Fern EE cape tae 241, CDIANFINE COTTON MLL Dian onan €7520 Cra oy Pesonmet tga Pesce Prone 2 8 9 Fons eme mae ae No, of Employees Et) 0-409 Yearo/Founton 1988 renga Bung Wena Terenow Stra Fy S0 Gane ona Be 2c 8 262, S28 “wae ne 95208310 tr roc se08 209108 fo. ofemploesft roe 100 Propucrs: eter etn, rae mm 209 fond Pests $e Sag foes Mas nde 207 ha ot Marne ft oO soy oa Bea Sots 207 nn tt aes, eget $91 mar Hanaage om Dre 2g 2 far of otas 25S ames on ars us, Sk nots 2220's Boye Coby Esrieat oper nd apart Cont Cormac rig Sossamon 5518 eral embrace, 381 hg rpg Ee 53525 tie od Ese S28 aoa es snes ‘Son er ny oy $300 Greaney a aden -11- 32 inoa Macy navn Owen! rang Cans Hts ard oe rat Spon 243, RHONE-POULENC COLTO {iceman Ctra ty? eh oor 105 cn Fane 6516228 a tenor re 10 Prosuers: 00 Fw Peartone or eascondFatres {armenia Pepanons x70 min nd aaa Cmies ‘Zest rae Cis 120g rsa roma Soros at Src se grein Bs [7 1reese Wty Conan Shang 27 10 crea ‘ey Peano insin Pret No. ofmpteestEst mor 1000 Sart Fudan ie Hadhon st Sea oi 245, SHANGHA AIAN PAPER.MAKING Machneny cOUrD Bisnis ‘Sng Sarha200053 Ch Key Peso i Gosia eae Prone BOW BOB ESOT 8 swrets zaaHs pane 26088 Inv Fac. e216 209466 0 ete Sots Shaper bas ate ‘ong Sarghi3002 Cis Key Prsors ay dueg Peet Prone Phe 1 28H OT Int Prone 36 216 165, 210700777 Fa 26281. 1. ofempoeosest 0486 247, SHANGHAI CHEMCAL FIBRE.CO oo eyo ten Pee, Temee, Int Prone 85 2128020, 2162009716 216 Major Manufseturers mere se 21620860 Ematoete nee 1000 290 ene ote Fa eke is 248. SHANGHAI CHENHANG GINNERY Ehemmangten Ogee ig Sgr ci Prom eae 97 Int Pron: 8621 888972 1.0 Empyeesis 10-00 eters, Ho Se Dis 249, SHANGHAI FENGYING INTERNA. M0123 Zheashan Bo ey Peso. Sn oe Prescot Int Foe 52162930 esate yearn can Neo Emabyosstes 3090 Ssiem User ox. om S17 Wamp Paws 14 Foner, ep ar aston ist Lathe Gov nts SN, aps, ney Eerwoenrnonge 257 Ucn Pp nd Mtl ast Fexwe cou ‘igen 319 sn ne ene RT 20 Far 2680388 Ne Empeeste 00-450 PRooUeTs oe Yen oot, £1 Bader a ts, We mamas ‘nirTe0 ones COLT ey Poa! fa Gone race rom ee 10h lea te Int Prone: #8621400 10, 284636 8 brea 21800284 Me temayes 00-88 Prooucs eet ‘zsketgs ‘Barone an hr St, its, Cos 252. SHANGHAINO.1 KNITTING MILL ‘Ssnging Sangh 20700 China Poe tems tins aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -21- Major Manufseturers Grour ercegchon Shibuy2hang 92025 Cina ay Peso Shey Maa, Peso Ine Prone SSS 60 15 TSH 46, ae 55828, Ine Foe =BST5 4088 fo.ofempyeste ore 180 zt tes wren Fi hs, Mma Frat iit tessvre Fe tl, ater Thon wn aber DYEING & PRINTING COLTD ‘han Zong 311234 Cina ‘rans ogtn def 2991 ‘7990, 97 ge freroessT1 289148 No ofempbyee(l me 110 Proouers: = 221 bese oven Fi is, atin $00, Z24€JUNG SAIL! SLX GROUP CORE. Xecrng Zion 312500 a ‘ay reson goer Pest Uso rome Stason saa, e572 Ine Prne erat 1521, 8 ‘ase bre FoesT5 60 261 SewrotPencason ters Propucts, "il bon oe Fa Ms, Mama Fern Sabet apron 580 Se wary thoy 101. ZHE.IANG SANHUAN SILK CO Koy Posond os Dog Pst ee an 32187 No.of empeyeeses) mor 1010 YeorotFauneston” 198 {2p Ban a ts Moma rt 12. ZHE.NANG YONGU INDUSTRIAL, RoUur co Yaroandoten Koy Poona Beoh Pest Tebow ine Pn 151, 5 185818, 6 cae, TSWb365e o.ofemploes( rove 100 ProDucrs: 221 tos wren Fv is, Mamas Frat ST eye an tes cour Zan xrgsrengie Seng Defy 2120 oe Ine Plone 86 57047258 Ine sso 7250 fo tempter 20400 221 e's iB se shee Overea ie Factors Bots, Woes Ps Nowocowos cout a ae No.ctemplooeseat nove 100 rowers Sonn Sz Omura ares ote Bape doy Sts ses sentra crour soamauamests sae Reames nai re en tam et Tare perigee, Seite te ‘Apparel and Footwear Fae 9825 2558 [No ofEmploeesEst) more 1000 3171 amon Hanon Pr £8 Lene ad Sop re ting 'HUABEIFUR CLOTHING COLTD. ey Puna. Sa est Int Fae 656421108 oof mene) more 00 Soret Futon 105 31 Leste Tian ii 2's Bop Cg ‘BeoLene on Sen Going 2's By Under wes cone rere onchange ‘Tsong lS ce Poe aor te Ine Pron 8688811147 Por 01 28 bere 88551102 Ne Empat re 100 ProoucTs Sine nee des ‘aie Tomesene 2308, BELING CHEMICAL INO. GROUP MP. {5 bongeouon Nanyang Shanaing Sete btn 120822 cr ey Pence erin Pest Prom e221 ETT ak Ne. mptyoestet 100-108 3st eter os nen 24m na Peat Serr Tee mde tee itis nonone Gem acu snd noes 28 oraei Pers gt ei oant Ce, ome, ye, ‘Sern ri hn Steyr on tit se St Sein er nee Gat Soe Stem nod asc S014 Tren PLasnie pRooucTs FACTORY ey Persona. Yn Present From is 34 teste Int Prone: 86 16877936, 18ST 7 No. Emeieetet 00 950 ‘ort Funder 108 2 basen eb is, Meader a ot Amati Taming ol Fea, Re inate "othe nwa! ets {495 Metin Eaupment 2311. SELING LEATHER GOODS FACTORY 20 aqanbols Macon Bes Boag T0088 Crna ey Perot Sm er, Pr ‘mc Poone #86 20 78,15 2007878, 18 Far 8297892 Ine oe 8 0.017581 No. Ematyoeste) 00-400 {Yt Wane hate Paes 2 enue oR {ent Fees ing pg Toor ns ey Pcomat ERs Poset aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -25- Major Manufseturers oy Persona Tan mm, Past ine Phone 8.983002 fo.ofempjested) 0400 270 mma pecans £596 on She ie ng 256, INZHGU SHUNCHANG LEATHER & FUR GARMENTS COLTD. Suna unng 12014 lint Phone: 8 41534 265, 46517 895 16.cemaonea 0800 "N11 Ln Tang on hing 517 Mame Hance on Pos 310 fontwey, et ae Ezitapesin oe £06 antes Shep ees Coting 457. LANZHOU PLASTICS PLANT ‘raLoroeneng cine’ nv ann N80 Chea oy Pesonmd. Wu San Peso be Phe: -26 50291980 err) A crempioeotes 510.000 YeorotFaueston 1988 285 slept Outre Phot Fare Si fore ter Prat 5053 Lanta Pass Pa, See, on tie S80 thoes, Prt ad Sec 358, IAONNG BOHAI SHIPYARD FAC ‘hao son 04 ci Key Pond ng es Prone 8 99900. 8 290 97021 Ine Phone 6899209, HD, Propucrs: ST howls 5c Seca Net {U8 ate Tompson fo 358. WAOMNG HUAYUE ENTERPRSE rot cone, Isang Moomeg Gero 200 cna Prana 621964 8 0 Foe wom te Foe sat 20942 No.of emplyeat rere 100 310 Fonte, nce Rabie 2 hao aes 27308 theme an hoi Papers 2360, MLISSA LEATHER CO LTD ‘Weratau Zang 28011 Ching Phare SiTas2e SOs SHB Im. Prone se reese Sr, ‘sro Fa S28 No. fempyeestes 20406 Procucrs: 31 ent Ting an hing S17 emer Haag a Ps 5190 nbe oes Strona, pt ate Brenpongin Heal Fon apa 0090 Ca ‘ay Pecan ap, Piet Phin srs 0 2580151 8, nt Pron: +35 8 8014515980123, 1 Int Fae 659 50.0105 Io. tempoeestes mar 600 0 gpa ad Aer Suen Neier uence Arora Sta ne macnn 380 Spang oa tnt Gone 1 on ora aencerAroY ISERIES ee en ieepemcen eo rests TEE eran sisenrmses 325 sume for Meatring and Testing Elect az Feet 363. NOR, GUIVANG FREIGHT CAR Dulyra ian ‘Giana Gus 40017 Chana ‘ey Poco a nn est Prone, srr O48 1, ofempbeoestEs mar C00 Soret Funtoon 1 21 Fonwe, cpt Rate Sreanarontigipre 53860 Gora nti Machinery ind Egmont 2hiay ac sneequomnt 24, moziua nousrnYcO1.79 rg Drag 311208 Cina Prone soe Soave 7 Ine Pone ee ee 70077 Ne cfempioeentet nore 1 Yara Fatt 0 2) ert nd er i St, Cn ‘Bian dbo! Coting alwers nb Se 305. NANHALTANNERY COLTD Naan Cuargong 520225 Cha serine: ent hi caer ror tare Ser aan Tae cece SCE ae st sae aoe ton co Eee EES oe va so sen ne Set moan at 367. NAMING WANOUNG LEATHER PRODUCTS FACTORY zo xiang Baia ent Sarge 200n2 cing ey Peso Ga scot InsP a tau 9 20 Nod mpyecset: 00-490 S17 Wane Matos Pes sermon sroncou ations See eee rh Sa cee eae 2p ane See in recat uote zenro se swowo ae moore sitions tence Shamita wn Bet ream eneoe ‘anata saat er Seco, vom eae ee em a Sees Bikaner te Sece Sem =a Sante aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -29- Major Manufseturers oy Peapr: Eag, Pt ‘iets ‘a ea ne ‘erates 129 rt nace asta newer 2574 rt per a ae 413, 20AMEN WANL! INDUSTRY & TRAONG CD LTO. 2 stan Bain Cy oy Posmay ope Pest age moa ton senien Ha Bre 65238 O18 6 W3.2 ran 82661027 9062677 Ne crenineetes 20490 Propucrs: 7302 iis stevens sees Fae, pees tennis SSSA one eee Fee Sita oem iesen ES am ioc SiScreesan te wean SSnuiycon 415. 22NGHE ROBOT TECHNOLOGY DE- ArotBoony ay Penna Laces Pesto Prone 16 e046 8.102 18 fre Prana 840 28 16101857 Fan wanes No ofemplestee 0190 6's a Boye Wor lsig 59h Src Moa i outrnsestien motes Shavers ae Sen (27a aiken £6 Shep Ue Cotng aN front {47 eNUUANG YL LLQUN LEATHER ag err 350 hi Prine aoteun ete Foe ssees07211 1 tempo mor 1000 Yeoret Foundaton 1908 C2 pees Stone onion ih 51Fonwer, cp ar 6a Sp Le Coin Ease 418, XUZHOU GLOBE-EAGLE LEATHER core. zou lange 21007 Cone ‘Prom Stra Ine Fac 651878768 Ie tempat me 20 Cz inapecanes S17 Women Haas 8 Pes $1aFontwnr, pe ase ‘Yrcvang Bae ey Prorat: Duan eset Prone sre Int Prone "2681765764 Ne. opens mor 000 C279 ma pees S11 Cn ion hig 10Fonwar, pt ae 420, YWANTANNERY ‘YAN Sian 628900 Cina ey Pesca. et ea, Pest Prone esi a Int Prone 8648 222125 zona pees Fonte cep ater 51 Laer nc tne 421, YANCHENGNO.ZARTS.8 CRAFTS {ema ‘ante lin 2400 China ‘ey Pir ar ars Pst rane sas or Centaten 1078 Bit cavern ae oon $Bt2tooe acne Fm pts sz. wromwenouenc0 Tei owe cue aa ree ilenn rea a Satay Sew “ring aja 83500 Cina Tey Psa Mtn Pst Prom ses 1276 Fan Sasi Int Foe 0085 1765 NG Emptjeetes 00-450 canna actos hmange atlas on Sep Ln ohn nite ose FACTORY Youn jana S164 China ‘ey Poeona nanan Pes Hho From stan 38 We Emponetee 100-908 Searst Founder 108 Teron, xp Raber Blosteed rea ‘STORE. 1 Younnennin eo Intex 58012854 No.of Empbyoestet 100-108 Bit ese Teg an ang 22 tcncn Mi mate arcane an ge Ste en Rss ne Pee Got Sts EXP, CORP {2 Dongenn Bol engin Zany 31001 Cora ey Posora tg Oe Pesto Int ne STEN Nef Emooentt 00-450 31ers, xp Raber ii barcron i, Catn Borromeo: arson aa oe 51 Fy nig Sore st Lanter Go none sh, Cgn, na iery ‘Soe Manan nse acter ape eaten ett Sve 584 anex Trend Ce’ etic Stoves negra 427, 2HESANG SENKEN INDUSTRIAL ‘stock co.LTo {west ol Stung rs of Werzho ‘ssn nail one Barger Cy ‘so on aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -33- Major Manufseturers Koy Persone Wu Garin reste JoFennan Prone sara anes suze aa tne Pane 85422 4%, 20616 8k ron ON fo. ofsmploes(ee) 0.000 "25 kraoed Yon nd ywone 2571 Pckgo Paper Pte Fn, Cotbed ad Fe a utzon Cen Yncrna Dons danas 2217 Ca ey Peso Wen es No ofempiest 10.090 "5 fron Ve sed yw 1S Danane Dire Kay Poona PO Peet Fon ce a fron seeasea m2) No.of mploes(E ore 100 Prooucrs: 2 pi Mott Soe 245 tron on sn Phone «79. UNHUA FUBUN WOOD CO LTD nome SE one Eerie hee buen ene Tel eaters Laem Tete 480, BUNHUA TONGBAO WOODEN CO to. nm in '397 16m Koy Pest tana Pesce Morokiea Prone 6221 9.122 tne Phone 65 9552215, 8182217 Fae 85218 ine Foe = 3 8287 No. afenpioested 0498 YeororFomtaon 1088 2120 ect ote Sos $6 tron Den Pt Ms A rg Guang 20 cine rine mame "TS rod Ven dye ‘EcORATION co LTD 20ene Nay Dang Fouts Guargiore S000 Chine (ee rres ao eve aah vrint 72 a2 " ae 11 22100% Int Foc 815720 0928 "9 Sct ons ener out Fntee 453, FUUIAN DAZHOU MBER OEFOT ‘oo Pn atch Pine” inet oar a Fac Suicost Ie tor swame6 51 I cmpyen oe 120 ‘eave Ratan sh snare wots ont’ reac Sedna! pet 144, FUAIAN QUANZHOU ARTS & CRAFTS (C0, ENGRAVING FACTORY {kunecneg Hoecang ‘Quanto Flan S200 Chine ey Peco s S Prone S478 97, 5.2801 No etenotyeet re 0 525 thm Kon ee ‘BOARDS FacroRY Chonan argent ene ‘Sangha ue 84200 ey Poa asp. ese Int Pron ee 82268 25 rend omer ne Phwccd 200 aed Pot 496, FUSHUN COAL MING ADH. 2Beungyary Oot Foshan hou 1008 cine Prone aSsowemaserar a Ine Prone: aba 259380, «182525727 Fae siaszer Ine Foe ass 292267 1. tmpoenatet mer 600 {31 Ce felon sn or ae 1 Spec roms Some S24 Coney se Steere oer 52a chi od Eder. 35530 Gu Fi Moore Eawont ‘0 Repar hope we fee Seis {at treserten tones ‘Sasgecetrey ot oye ‘Bosdaanen Sec 487. FUZHOU ARTIFICAL BOARDFAC: Trang mt fron: +86 6 205, 5:205 1 8 ‘ene, a 5198209559135 404 No.of Ematyestet 00990 trod Veer an Pwo 498, GANSU BALONGWIANG FORESTRY ‘ADMIN, BUREAU ey osome x oran,Piet No. oemptyoestes ner 1000 20 pel rot Sms othr oer sn Pec 499, GAN2HOU No.2 TIMBER MILL ‘Shuang xasnons ‘Grane Jang 31000 Cra Prom ra ee a Empesstet 00-998 Year Funder 1977 0 Spel rot Snes ‘ehrom Woeon Pywo ‘toto Fuster 490, GAN2HOU TIMBER MILL {Gareu Jang 34100009 ey Persona aches Pose Fy Ta Foe 6172S 18 Io engine rr 100 PRooUCTS: Stems een yes ANCES FacroRY ‘Guanperang dang! 3480 Crna ey Peco, Beg Vir, razon Ned Emptyeeniah 0000 Yorn 106 ‘ssatenetachiey 492. GUANGDONG FORESTPRODUCTS Gtamgann gion 10173 ey Persona. Oa Shay, ee srg Prom ae 72 20% 61 8100, 280598 Int Prone 86122, 106 8 28 Inte 5208 093408 Io Enger re 100 ProoucTs Ered een Pees oscar Juba ‘GnojuonGuonaeng 31525 Cina ey Prom eDieset aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -31- Major Manufseturers 249 rt oe Menor ss romuonamoo mie a8 SERS muonronenre See NAIR, ee Me tenon S00 ‘45, WIAUIMEDIUM DENSITY FIBRE- Foerster Pos Zhang Kay Pesan ag Neon rat Prone 225 Fon S238 No.of emploestee 0499 Prooucrs: "15 fron enn hwoce Sora Dees oneness ‘Rtg a hn tne Phe 8 8562 TEHDT te Foe SRB 1198 YeorotFentabon 1986. Propucrs: "Ss tact nse Poe Ine Prone 454222210) Fan St285 8 No ofemplowes(t rere 100 1221 Bani Ca 269 Sec ose 2485 trond on ae Phone ‘48. HUBEIFUHAN WOOD INDUSTRIAL ‘pee ss Pe Fae Tange fo oferplopes(ea ore 100 Sabs(es_ USS OMMe.OuM "25 fron Ven an yee ‘49, HUBEIFUYUTIMBER COLTD ‘iayu Rito 87200 china enema, pom resua TEESE mt Scena 550, HUNAN ARTIFICIAL BOARD FAC- Shang ian 10008 Crna ‘ey Precrat stag Pet Prone 7302 0 a 2,7 08 ‘eon fe ofempet more 0 ot roe emer nd Pye “meen prooucr coL7O So an 4800 cr ‘ine Troe ae Ine Pon 5 1S Ne olenpoenet:00936 aspect Sth Sect wore maroc ‘oben roace 1552, MUNAN LINLI ARTIFICIAL BOARD FACTORY. ey Psa Shem, Preset Prone, T5297 No. oempoeentes) 0486 rosuers Aeron eer sed Pye 1553, HUNAN SHUANGFENG PRESSED ‘Shumttra Honan 80 Prine sa tara T8780 an od os reas Sratnek nibs ‘554, HUNAN XIANGZHONG EANBOO TiN ‘ue Haran c ac Ce nk Pron: 367312819, 75702087, 17 Fa TTL TANS Ine Fac 57 ESE TT Ne. empoosfes) 486 "ostroned ener ne Pw leer ars i 2 menovaou onron Serene Ine Pron 866070219 Ne mateesten nae 1000 ‘eof Founda 198 0 Spel rot Sls Estero ce sn Myon otheeod Denn Fong Ws '56,INNER MONGOLIA GANHE FOR- ESTRY INDUSTRY COLTO Gavesien roger OF Prom aes 81 To Empress nor 000 Sort Fanta 10s zt Band and Ban Ss ot Brn, oe Sof nt ed Cian Speci rot Snee eshtramed eee sn Phen ‘GROUP RUDUER FORESTRY CO LTD ‘Yak ter Marga 02268 China ey Pocona eae Pe Prem tT Int Prone 86472900 No Eman nor 900 ‘orotate 105 0% Spc rot Se 248 roma Woe are Pwo 158. JADNG BUILOING ENGINEERING 210 Gita daraznon Seg Shoo 1800 Cina ey Persone: Warn Pes Prom 289087 No matyeestes ner 1000 Haroon oi ‘athaonae pa Spe s2ehemn conection {Torreon Seve [NEERING CO, NO.208 ENGINEERNG Bros Juan Sf Sonus 201807 Cina ey Persona Tan eg Pesto Prom 2888 No. Empeesteat 0-450 Bot ond resus toto rte “ater corscon ‘500. JAMUSI THBER PROCESSOR Somatic 154002 na ey Forse gD, Pee, Protege dF eG TT ASU 260 ae, 04:2 Ine ene abate 952 No.cEmpbeestea ere 100 ProoUeTs ety roa So Boise woken aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA ee ae Tecnico hate 515. NOF, LUOYANG MAN-MADE ‘BOARDS FACTORY song Keng overs arn 70 cha ‘ey Poona ey, Pent Prana 19081 pe Phong 69900751 Fae "are tne Fox 8679387811 "219 Sec ote Soe Shroom Phone 516. WOR, CHENGDU WOOD PRE- SERVING AGENTS FACTORY Koy Poona Dg, Peed: Mom eases ace BARS eee Novofemploes(ea x08 Prooucrs: 210 Sec Moet Some 2438 trond on se Phone 209 Stn one eno 54 al rr, yr, ng oe 1 taveocEaipon ston cuncou ogo eames ees “cua ee a micon onion io meer ae Seat Tent Seeman Soar enon aie mt say 6518. NoR. wuHax WOOD PRESERVING AGENTS FACTORY ‘runny en ay PeconndTrhny, sce Ao. of plete 0.908 2129 ec rote Se sre toneodtaipeet {519, MUDARJIANG FIBRE BOARD FAC: ToRY oy Peron ig Ps Prana or 20 10 tne Pre 85 45959191, 2 59196 o.ofempjeatee 0.900 "205 torso Yon nd voce ~41- ‘xe800. ML ‘tae Netongang 17008 China ey core. Gdn, Pesiot Int Prone eb 88 068 Int Fac 64560 064 No. otEmpoesstéat nor 000 Sart Fontan 1038 rocucrs: "29S ote Sos 25 ade Pt ‘ronan cd Pin is (21, NULING FORESTRY ADH. Stine Mig etogan 157513 cone Prone ia Tate "Aah de Phot sires wosters Imo. COUT Nani lang 2908 Conn ey Prous: 32588 Pest Prone OR 718) 55218 551627715 ese ‘ri tonsa) Ne otenaoreetEat: 0 S56 Sort Funder 109" rocucts: Sse ener ne Phos 623, WANING WOODEN PRODUCTS Punt | Masa ca eri er 2109 Om Prone, al 17, Se Oe I AO 8 anaes 245 roe omer ne Pwo ‘iofoto Fnte £51 be lldpand ested eae 624, INGEO TINGER MIL, ‘ran 99620 Int Plone 86 76755513 STE Ne. ofempoees(es 0-490 Nore Fourtaon 1956 ‘strane emer snot Tor NongaW sr 0am cha ey Psa. ur at, Peso Prone a8 Ne. otempoyeestes) 0-436 "Oso emer sn Pye Major Manufseturers ‘Sangean 87282 Coma ey moma dons Pret Prom S08 BRITS, SRST. Int Prone: 80 a0, conten, ‘soins Wc empentes) 20509 28 Sc Prot See 248 romed oe ane Pwo Siitimnod fester vers amp Guargsngstta00 Cora From tea be ets to Int oe 288 18%, Year einai 1005 espe oat Sy ‘Seheromes ee on Pees 628, PINGSHAN TAIHANG HARDWARE Hesse Chaaiananen inn Hn Stoo Cina Wy Porat. neg Pe Prom a1 5 Int Pron 86 312942552 Fan SH 24382 Ne. meee) 00 50 Sse hers ber Pcs os Pare Peace Sathoome 629, 100NG DAXINGHIANG IND.cO Dereon erg Sargs 25282 Ora ey Persona ry, Pest Int Pron: #8681 2677 epost rr ProoUeTs een ote erreur si na ios a favo war sono Sere Biooee teen Sema eenrn, iormecren stat SENN SOC ne mate aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -45- Major Manufseturers ne Fox stone 072 A cfenpientee. 0480 2129 el rote Sos three ens Phe oucreo I Bennamerucory Hone ani a 0 Gis Sree aeenraeerios No oftmploecstea 0490 YeorotFamtabon 1056 "209 sei rote Soe 245 trond onan Phone to eof tte ey Pesan Gorton Pot (re Pana 822180 14 2211 te No af rploes(ee) 0400 YeoroiFauneatan 198 "8 fron ino ed Pt 86, TAN LONGING GROUP CO 2 Comgionees honk Koy Peso YUPatan es ptr m2 tne Prone 25227080 8, 2288 No of spelt) ree 180 YesrotFoueaton 1957 "9 fron Ven sn yon 20howatad Fare a7. TANI MASTER HOME FURNTURE ‘oni on 00 Cis oyna Wlebory hee Pine masa wo Fae ase No cfempbyee(e 20-490 rooucrs: 728 pc Moti St 88, TANUN MATCH FACTORY Taj nin 00021 Ona Fon ree tre Foe sap22 720217 "2O0 Wood Pacts 2150 Commeri tg 689, TANUIN NO. TIMBER CO Tn nin 0022 Cia Ine Phe 25 2810 725 2812275 fo. ofemploestes) 0.908 "205 torso Yon nd voce ‘onset ous Meir otieed Pease (690, TANI NO3 FURNITURE FACTORY Mone see Ine rac ems ea808 Io ofemaowentt 9596 et pc Poti St ‘ithe rnere 222 sng Cong Sater Renin S000 Ci No orempoess(es) D386 ‘ore Fountoon 1956 ProwueTs: 2h erode sed Pvc “ej 30010 Cina Taare Prone 2085 00 226 8, 2206 923 ‘wae Seat Fontan 1983 Haron Veer sn Pht 693. TANGAOLING FORESTRY ADNAN. Tanajo Bal Tanotnezen ‘Wonoig sn 15z04 Chae ey Psenst Carus Int Pron e641 468 Ine Foe O54 002607 Ne. temaoyoestEt more 000 21 rend omer nhc 604, TONGBEI FORESTRY BUREAU Bera Hotngans 10" Chins Prone, ea 20 Int Pron 368678 2408 No, ofempooestEs are C00 2420p rot Sas ‘snes omer ne Pywoce “Tonge ie 3100 Cra ey Pron. Tam Pant Int Pron a6 8246702 Fare 20610 Ine Foe 658072 Ne. oempeyensten) 0436 79S oat Manor ‘BOARDS MLL {henge Gucsngarn Tengu an Sea (Sem eae See eee tT ‘No. Empbyeastat: 200-498, Sort Funtor 108 ProDucTs oe Hroe ee a Pod ‘a0 neta ey Pecomar Orage, Peet Prom eras ‘No. o Empbyessst) oon shred enn Pcs sSiectal ons ater itHoawol Foster 698, WANGOING FORESTRY BUREAU Terni a en ot Ine Foe BRE Ne.ctenpivoeetee rere 100 Sear Fmt “107 arb Cone So tn xt Wen "Stirs vee ae ees espe oat Swe ‘esha Onna Pgs ‘szPetaeeons tg nd pens a1 ve Sn rc item nate (699, WEIFANG BOARD FACTORY ‘Una Sanong 22600 cin ey rome ag at, Pest Prom sea mt No. Empyentet 00 50 ‘rst Founder 1952 OS Herod Veer an Pw 700. WEIMAI MINGQIU WOOLLEN TexILES coro. 2 Ondeozherau Hes Ney Pesmet bu ae eset Prom ets 14) Fax, 61 5 27 Int Fe AS65277 06 1. Emptoestes nore 1000 2 Bode fe i, ato Parton te 2otveed eas Sssctenteshey 701.WWEN'AN CABLE BRIDGE FRAME ‘evn Hee 06800 ina aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -49- Major Manufseturers ne Prone: 93202657 No. ofempiojestes: 0408 YeorotFawaton 1858 175), BENING CHANGCHENG FURNTURE 18 Soman ersramerl Fos Koy PosonnaTrgyin, estes Prone Wg) 18 8 96 Ine Prana 95 87 18 161212 Fae 08153107, fe oenpeete e099 ProDucrs: 2531 ae align ested ane Sot preg an tee ne, Sat aon Sa Esme In Fon 08 292104, 1871818 heer ‘sore Puasmic ProoucTs FACTORY te Praes-2 18577 3 16562578 It Fox 261085712579 Seorerrantaon: test Proouers: Zl bond oe FM, Mama Fern on 239 ote Tings, Aaa Fin. Re ies ose 25 homta Fare 20 font areal Prete ‘HD stg Epon 754, BLING GOLF GROUP CO ‘oy Posomd Dag choo, Peet tne Pane 63412, TEED No.of plete 0.908 ProDucrs: "brane on sn ye 5 eras Fos {508 pani ie ose ToRY BesingBog 10884 Cia ‘oy Persona Urge Pott Ne otemoeoestest_mor 1000 Sear Fountaon 1968 0 ate neces 25am eas a Tes ets spe S31 Sri an ea sro nae 1756, BLING INLAID GOLD LACQUER FACTORY’ {0 Hoxggowsin Xnohongraneang ovens Set Brg Toor cara ay Pwo yan Peet Ine Pon 56 2, 158 eras wire 26 No clemson. S056 mowers 2231p fe ae, rs 1757. BELING JINGTONGGANG FURN- Isavetanele Torazou Being 101100 China ey Poa a eet ‘Prone THIS 5 6 4 Fare 6568 Ne. ofemporess(es) 10-86 2 Wood ose arte Ut 758. BELING LACQUERWARE FACTORY Set ir 12008 ey Pro ag Pest Ine Prone 26 6056110 Necro tot 28 trond Duson nc rie Me 5961 Gone wey oti 759, BLING LIGHT NOUSTRIAL GROUP co. 25 8etpnphuengu Han ey Poona i, eset age Prone 14) 297 6 M2 Fare neaceses Ne. ofempess(ést S156 Siebrand Posts Son concen tata 1760, BLING LONGSHUNCHENG ‘CHINESE STYLEFURNTURE FACTORY {4 Yorargranaa Daje Cronpron ng Bory tou" ere ey sonst oa, Petit Int Pron 36108722504, 1672 S08 Int ac a5 572 1465 Ne. ofempeyeete) 0456 prosuers: 21S Paring is, eer Saas seepatps eee Ee on eee a je seme, nos mrooucre I Soe 762. SELING QANGL! FURNITURE MANU FACTURER ‘on eg 01701 ch Pane ees et 2 508 Int Fe 5 050527805 06082172 No.of mates 00-100 Yeorst Funder 108 ish Fase tower own Fert, pe ye seu ouuroomune rar ieomunecuremern ago Teg wine aoe UPACTURER 94 Xncharaehseg Arran Bonen Besa Beg 00013 Cons Prom ie) 2631, a8 9), OT 1 Prt vee. eB Far 8 seman vr ProoueTs rohan Fste 2531 Peal an te on 24191675 054 8a 765, SELING TINGERFACTORY ‘as gt000TS Cs is. Int Prone 88187250819 Int eo He S20 ProoueTs tard Yee Pwo iotinnnod Fonte EQUPMENT FTW, TOOTH EQUIPMENT Fr. ‘Sryantarg chapjarg xin Baa TE cn, Noa Empeete 00950 PRooUETS ‘ot anton nates Seer pe aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -53- Major Manufseturers SMa otis me ngs 010351 Ching ey Poona Out essen ey Sty Prone 781 ek o.of splot 0-908 YesrotFaunton 19854 "220 ec ott Sovee ‘estrone ene sn voce 209 Stan one Men 119, HIDONG SHIP ACCESSORIES FAC: ToRY 500 Denna ‘tanga hn 20128 chs Koy Pusomd Wu ue Preset tne Pne 216846 10,1811 1,2 ovef explo sane 10 YeorotFauneaton 1979 S71 Sp Bsn a Repsing ‘2, HuzHOU MACHINE TOOK PARTS. Sh ‘thor Guten 160 Chine Koy Pesca akg reset Prong 12081 2200 12 bre Prne ss ge N21, 8 Yeorotrentaion tsar Bid hah Fre 560 Gnra ral oer a Eavment [S80 See nein tory ‘cana ian £9700 Cina ‘ine Ter a heer bro sar 1208 No ofEnpiyeetee. 0-0 YeoroiFauneonon 1973 "2ST ae align eed ate 251 Ppt te erent Papen Maal ge 22, Wi2HoU HONGTUMACHINERY CO tro. aan Bajng 31900 Cina Koy Poon Wo, eo tne Phne 265722002, 2D, oe Novel énplewea(ee 0490 YeorotFaueaton 1988 "0 frm nates 552 fr ce and Ener 5559 Caner nol Macey se Ement 33S sate Ges (23, JADING NO? BUILOINGENG! BRIGADE Soa Shoah 201807 Chr ‘ere hey Peet Ne tempoeesest: 0450 ‘odieed Peds 5271 Con a Bk ‘eedneoy oston Seren 2604 ‘ey Porson. Prcet rie agree aarcezam ars ‘No. ofEnploeesEst: 00490 220 pel ote Sas £825, JANGSU CHANGJANG ELECTRIC [APPLIANCES GROUP CORP. Staton Yang Srgn2121 Cen Prone sian 2m sta Int Fac 68186 482 1. opens) mor 000 no Fare 426, JANGSU HONGDDU CORP. angie ‘Wa Jorge 214199 Cora oj Per este ee aa Ine Prone 265137 ‘ore Fourteen 1983 aah of eee 20 eth Goose 25420 mS Fes {conan Coenen er ner 50 Sving cer Ps Gos Se, Stray sing Sr 8p an ate ods res 8 coarcton tra saratorsnre 507 Wee ena ns ost Equpren an Soe Ses Seca opr tEaupmet 88 Trt Eamets [7 Suns Contin Ses 427, JANGSU HUAPENG IND, GROUP Cone. oP i Pat Ine ac ase 1156 No, oempbroestés_mor 100 e79Gecvoe Compre Secure ope ey Den S84 on coer arin ng ves Forest Farin Lennar Ny Pant sh Pest ‘No. EmpbyeesCat: 500-998 ‘ora entari08 Promuers: sivtonaudronnce £29,.1ANEX! LVBAO BAMBOO & WOOD Fenguanginou Cenate: rome, 35 02, 793806021 No Cempinentt"rore 100 ProoueTs oo tyei rat Swe ‘astoromed veers Pywee ‘asin Denn eng 25th foe FACTORY Fe nanios oyinoy ancang ngs 000) China ey Pecos oy Yn, Peet Int Prone 26785148 No. of Emotyeen. 200408 ProoUeTS 56 Sg on Meas toe Lantos espe iy Maca £831. JILINBAIYUN MACHINERY FACTORY Dongen sn oest3 Cha ey Posana a rh rect From trai ct pom ner 200 Sart Funder 100 Bitton sete, eyo, sa Pat sss agua rons sa Feng 194505 Cin ee ee ete ae rag aia oe teste fem ron Treen cee ‘ToRY " hae a aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -57- Major Manufseturers 2531 fe Bain nd ete Fane BUILEING CORP. Sunpng Quon Stang Shag 20117 Ge tne Phone 257181092047 No.of mlested more 100 YeororFomtaton 1050 "29 Sec rote Ste 28h Fare Er fone Botan 7 rapetton seve {S28 her estucon FURNTURE CO LTD. Seronnnt Stefan ‘oy Pera Du Peder tian See a5 1h eerste 0-08 ‘Rar Poa 83. SIANGHAI MUNIGPAL CEMENT Stara Shenae 200072 Cine oy Posomd Dor Oxy Peet Foe Tses38 2 fo. of mples(ee 0400 Prooucrs: "200 for nes FACTORY oy Pesonnd Det uo ee, Ao-afmplete 10100 YeorotFounceton 1988 si susounos once ne Ped See Pee oie see 86. SHANGHAI REVOLVING CHAIR FAC- ToRY Bete ange Stara raga 20008 Che “eso No ofEmploet 10.190 Sma ‘ey Peover ag Wu Peat Prone, 26H 10m 21668 No. ofempoentét ab 86 Prosuers: oo Fate 17a he ‘Sagan Guang S020 Cina ey Poca in het Prone. 1197548 81550507 Ine Prone 2618 817 47, HOO Fan, ran i templet “O46 £89, SHAOXING MEDICAL APPARATUS Tey Psat Sate, Pret Prone’ si 198 STS 40 S75 063864 Im Pron 3651200 12685500301 578 weet Ine Fae SSB 1254 No olEmaoeestét 2450 00 arte nites Sg andes herent an opr: ogee hanna ‘Sonya uring 1004 Chins ey Parent ihanga Pest urghag Prine sean aaa RE toe auaowe ae 20 15 9 20 606 2865141. Int Fac 206.058 286860 ET No cero nore 0 ooo Farts ‘rondo, Ue le ir an os a1 Gat Si ana tone Route ‘toners Cage ‘Hoehne abe ee rate S5t3Satnnr ne uae gprin. 573 Sp Bas ne Reparia 38505pecltiey Macon rita Pe a rates 552 Far chi ad Eder. ‘sero Peehacnrey S59dees nat Maer Eagent ‘ete Pa Masry nearest {8 0ve Taleg Canes, tsa Won ‘atone es thtahigWahny 5c tan eh orn [tine Coming Secs 20simou eos ‘Shenyang crn 10002 Chies Key Ponamat an es Prom ctr et oa Empbyeeset 00950 Prooucs thon Fee 92, SHENZHEN ANHUA INDUSTRIAL CO Bic iN Gara stem ce Prom Tas ToS Ine Pron 1867305, TENS Ne otemasyosses 0498 ert Funder 108 chante nates VELOPMENT CO" Shoe Cnn 39031 ne ‘a ea gpa Prom az, Ss, SEEN po Int Foe 9004 Ne engine 0000 251 Pte ae ate oi 494. SHENZHENEVERBRIGHT TINBER Stour rg Seine Ine Prone 861509 99,7589 90 Far 7509513. No. Emptyoeste neve 1000 ProoueTs 0p roa Sms shred ee an Phe tte ani My ee ‘abeConmri kt an ag esr 495, SHENZHENRICISMAN NDUSTRIAL co. Sioinaj shane rasta Zane ‘Sonten Guangaon 55058 Che 1 Prone 86TO080240, THEN “tenon ent No Emaoyestet 045 Sort Fado 198 251 Peale an te one emoos oan Fe pes co. ‘Shonten Cusngaong 5083 Cone ‘ey Porennat amas Pet aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -61- Major Manufseturers ron: same 7 No ofEmploes(E: exe 100 251 Re ling nd ated Fane sa ora none runTRE Ae Brora omer Sowats eon cn Ne clenpemented 00% "Biot Fare 2312 Meos Men Fre Uae 49, NHUIFURNTURE FACTORY Xi Gusgtong 23700 ina rine heszaor ene aa fo ofrploestes 0490 Proouers: IB haa Fre 950, XUANHUA MINERAL MACHINERY Koy Peon Goa rey, Pte Prone 31082075 No.of emploes(ea 0400 Prooucrs: fut Fare 573 ety, yee, se Pos O51. YANCHENG NO.2 ARTS & CRAFTS. FACTORY ‘ancora Jeng 24001 he Nectryeen 99 221 tease fe an 22 Moee Moto Fete pao ss. acinar oA He eeeeeceeioe Re Wea Phe enon Eo oe ree a Tie atte 953. CHANG PLANO CO.LTD Prone ire tne Phong 2671759 1082 Pon Ses te cfenpeyenea oot ofan Fate ‘Tenarje songz Node ‘eu eng 19100 Chine ey sonst Om er Preset No ofemoeessest: 0450 NeoretFuntaon 1950 955, YONGAN FORESTRY JOWNT-STOCK 12 Varina ora ‘ey Psa arp Ag Pet tins Prone SHO 3 81'S Ine Pron 39 9108, 8961475 Fa 50959815 Webste we ones 206 ote Coe ons Crone 229i rot Sols bso omer ane Pw steed pea 958, YONGCHUNDAYANG CERAMICS CO vain Tschensshen eran ‘ey PwsonatSa St, Pest Int Prone 25 88 382180 Ne. fempeesés SID S8E Prosuers. {2651 vvws Gna Pb Fates spheres $21 Gat Sa Sone Rots (967, YUCI DOMESTIC FURNTURE FAC- ‘Tory Arig le "Yo Shan 03000 Cring Prone sx2.0"9 No. otempoeestés): 0-80 958, YUNFU YUEYUN MEW STONE MATE. {08 xg Donal Yemitingrgaaescnw Prone 78221 166227 Fare foae8 1 Inv Poe 5768088 19 No. ofempees(es) 0-486 procucts: sion Fnte Hat ase Pedals PRODUCTS CO, Pers gg Pe Ine Pron: 868155052 Ineo sbiesc20t No. Empiyestet 00 88 28sec rot Svs Etro css Mya ithosead Foster 960, YUNNAN LUIANG WoO PRO- ‘CESSING MILL. {ifang Yanan 674109 Cana Prom ees 627 ST 7, SISOS, ‘nwo asta shred Yee an Pwo 200 Seta on eta Bittounod reste Speen 071 ne rome eng 0sta eae a5 azz ‘nor ada aa Web emo Noval Emabyecsea). ner 000 trond Vos an Pwo ‘range en 90008 Ca Prone een ses Ine Pho 86 98 00095, 0 98 Far 6227 Ireror, 5B 227% No.cempbyeeses 00008 ‘oerunte ae $512 Wot tl Fr, paws [Sir set torn Ter St pra oat Cos 63, 2HEJANG XNCHANG FURNTURE {27 enna Cheap achat Se Pe ssa I coyote 100-408 ‘CeSsING MIL ey osama. Cah ee, rome tre 4 45 es He 1287 IPhone #8688 40816, 6514003983 6 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA {253 vere 5 Lnter ve one 20a, Gn, nc iney ‘Zstowte acs 287 Papen Mial Bint CHEMCAL PLANT Fonmenng ‘Shang hana 200082 Cw Koy Peon WeDo Pes sno "San aoa ie Foe 95216257 420620477 48 No ofemplyestea” 040 Prooucrs: 31 Late Tong sn Fig at Pps oy Poona Cain, Pas Fon SHES bern sae 1853 No.of nploes(e 0.908 Soom 257 Facog Paper Pats Fn, Cond a 50st rue Cheles $47 teeropatng, nga, ances ‘49a an Eig 1008. SHENYANG CHEMICAL oy Poona Lire th Preset Prana 2982055 2122 795, 22275 sone " No. afemplyea(i race 180 YeorotFouneston 1998 27 aon Pp Pi Fe Cd wed 212 at nd Oto ‘ie breatg ose ans SisGencus sa itegPoaas 1010, sMUNOE DONGTOU METAL SEC- Capoten Stunde Guaréong 2601 ne soy Pes ty esa ag Fre 8:36 65, 78670 ‘ste YeorotRoraton 18 “oe ro Vn none ise pid Cat {oot tocar Fon -65- ‘BOARD PLANT | 117 Began ngiey Deeterect Ze Gtanguan Sunn 98038 Chet Port as Pt Ine Prone 86 3322208 Fare 87108. Ine ac ts 329706 Ne atempyeeie: D456 24rd ono néPhwocs Eder Some at Pps 1012. SICHUAN XICHANG DAILY USED Scene Prone suet Ne. ofempoeestes 0-06 Prosuers 3063 Lamia Ptes Pte, Se, ante ony 25 Package Pap Pts Fn, Coed a mee e2ahae nd Oe ‘BOUR SUPPLY CO. " ‘iain Tans 300880 China Fron “ease aa een, a2 a1 Far 2298297 Inv Fac 522907207 Ne. tempoeestes) mere 1.00 sent aps 257 Dcgeg Pap Pate Fn, Coad a 1014. MANN No 5 PLASTIC PRODUCTS ey Psa es Pes Prone 201302 2630.72 6S) In Prone "3626 22703078, ey No ofEmaoeetét D550 Sort Furtaon 105 Soo Sree Po Ane an ned ne srs mutase werner cree Pete aoe Th Phone 1252920 8128728 Int Prone 259022 26,0028 726 No ofEmeoentEs 0-186 Sears Funtaon 1950 Prosuers eaowad an Laat Paper cape ne Major Manufseturers Senge tenor Wang sin 13200 Cine ey omar Wing ear Peso Prom 68907 No. Eman nor 1000 ‘ort Funder 1987 ‘Han Con sein ne aon 1017 WuHU PAPER 8 GAUZE MILL ‘aw areas rl at ts ta Ine Phone: 86 5552010, 51500 198 Int Foe B60 110) Ne. Empress) 00-08 ProoueTs 267 Package Pape Pate Fi, Coed at eis: abcd We Prete ios ates tal Prot Set beg na ee ents 165 brag Main Xam Fan 35022 Chow Ker Pesomet Osa, Peet Prone See 928 2 415, S607 8 Int Pron: #8682 49,5607 818 ‘oar aeons pan Sart Seorof undo 10 Zac Paper Pat Fi, Cond at rma si ven saoccutners seat ee rcs tees tr re mditaatiean eee ea mete 257 Uae Pp et tal aps 1020 XINJANG SHIHEZI PAPER MILL ‘Se xrang #2008 china ey Pocoma Un Pett Int Pron 36 321661 ‘No. Empbyoosst nore 1000 Zesty, att, Ret Pat ‘hates Coo aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA {Deng ra Gang mern One ‘eye is ret tm Prone A232 tr roe 06085162 th, fenpn ore 00 Prooucrs: 20 nua Orne Cais 52mg Hany sn aot GEUTEAL SHAREHOLDING COLT Scum crarang cima oe euro Crs Png rer e007 830, HED, bate nso Nove Emgeest ree 1010 YeorarRoueano 128 Proouers "Se ammeter 1065. AELING JNGHALGROUP CO BrsingBog 1008 Cia ‘ey PusonnaY tae Psi hn 85 168615856, 106181384, 106 fo.of pies re 100 Prooucrs: [et beret ann aes 53523 eso od Contong Devoe $i othe tem tre 066. BEUING NO2 CHEMICAL COLTD Dajan Svar Chasers Beg Bay 100% cre ‘orem: ai Pt SS te Phna 1057725187134 tere “O06 7253 0877458 Me tenpleestea roe 1 at ton wre Fc Mi, Mae Frnt oe 582 tne isis ote Ses $3 Late Paes Pi, Seon Pte Bevo nd Cn cou Binge 10048 Cra oy Persone Yn bye, Pest ron D665, E2540) No ofenploes(es ore 100 Prooucrs: 1270 hma genes opto sn thea Popes 14 Pomoc Prepare -69- sore Csraotaner Sen usu 17H Cog Key Poco eran Pst Prone 4389347 63902 .oempyoestes more 000 Prosuers: 2218s rnc Coils binned ere, 236s rg Coles 1068, 6OHAI CHEMICAL GROUP cO LT, TIANA DAGU CHEMICAL PLANT “npg 2008 Fey Pes om tue eee Prone 20, 25 ot Fae aso a2 26 2 898 ge DEO Uk DSB ATT ZI el recs ere sieaeearteaat ce EE npn Sistema 4070, 80441 CHEMICAL GROUP, TANIN. CHEMICAL PLANT Tine 30 eps Bay, Pest Front tise Io hemp roe 120 Yara Faun 8 tina ‘Banhart Papo {Seavonere Fora 1071.BOHAI CHEMICAL GROUP, TANIIN ‘oy Paso as, Pest 1. fmpoeeses) mor 000 sinus brane Clee ‘2s nd ee, 2508 Chenta andChonalPrapraton: 4072, CANGZHOU CHEMICAL INDUS- Tenauan ong hanes ao 3,27 0475 4, ress wea sions No Sempotn re 0 0 ava ne miele snl ric Coles Sarr satya ests ‘ostrpettoe Sones Major Manufseturers Sennen nstTore SCronangad Hh Choyng ay Porat De ne Fax 5 106.81 228 I Emperor 100 ern Oi es Sb1eSea vo ba Fee ‘oe Nene rtrd Stila tome Seetbecre pbs Tee Set rong on Rng Ese 2Sithran Go Creo $7 ouona Boonen enmet 5M cero pupa Seer eos a eho Sat contactor mache ad tsp rez Nero oat Sec soc cnmcnn ave not Tie Stns TSbaceett to ine a SSNS ear sms cumecuncivaans tae an oe Seas 4076 CHANGZHOU CHEMICAL PLANT {13 orginal arog 21804 chia Prom sige ut sist 3 Int Foe 6519820786 oo empbyesstes ner 100 “ort Funder 1058 ‘wisn mene Dee ont Chana Proiatins sinus ans 407 CHANGZHOU DYE CHEMICAL hazhou anges 21303 China Key Pecan: Be aan, Pose ‘rome ste) 1a sen 5 Neal Empieeste nar 000 PRooUeTS: st Gom nt Woo Chol eseyen rane Can, meme, De, irene aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA 225 eu Fomies hon aie ong 5515 Ro wer on Ste al adhe 1128, HANGZHOU LONGSHAN CHEMICAL Lirgeenga hatin eos ay Pesonnd Pe Past Fran S86 STII Fon spice Ire Foe -OSTRSoBOt No.ofemploestee. reve 100 Prooucrs: 220 havi ere Ce 220 thon an then Prep tons 1 mvcorovuna aus nse acer Sooo cae Seta ‘ser DEVELOPNENT cO LTD Hangaou Zveng 110022 Chea Prana sTtern o Ao. af mplyeat ree 180 YeorofFouneston 1983 "20 Ph fetes {IT Wane an ors as, Skt an ots £20 he's Boye Cbg 22 ee ep Cg ‘oda One ese teaton ane oie {515 oa Weerwng ante apes 1298 etree et Prats, SSIS pe and ute 381 Serge Bates S50 Sale ne aes {0d nd tas Gnesi 5560 Coane! Masnay n Eent 13508! Tarn Ges, Nota Mot fatten {Sor ens, acts Tats Stowe Sto nattoig tna 384 Mac To Me Cate ype 1191, HARBIN JIANER PHARWACEUTE CAL PLANT an, 140318 teresa 409184 No.of mploes( ore 100 Prooucrs: 8 fend Peperstne 2 parce Prepare -2B- 103 Heaon Xfong Herein Hoterajan 20009 Che [ey Parson Sg Pete Prone, tS) 510142. 45 0 4% ate Ne oleae more 0 ld Umppe atce Moe pee 2810 rome Come. nual are 1199, HARE PETROCHEMEAL NOUS TRY CORP areca 15000 Ch ‘eyo an ox revert Prone sre 8 NOS 81729864 “eo Ieteoe se a0 16 ‘or Fertaton 1000 st ne oar ov se Saienncs mgm mene 1134, HARBIN PHARMACEUTICAL, (GROUP, NO PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT ‘Sostwnjargie st anion S070 Cin “suit ar Stee TORS CAL Ne. otmpbyeestés_mee C00 ey Pana. os ha Pest Prone S209 322000 Far 3220985. Watts: imrbcaea conn ed Lamia Plats Pte, Ste, an Pte So Soars Po rein nr Chie 8 zumgrus bald engin He 05000 Cine fy Prert ae Peet Int Prone 86312125952 Ine e531 20048 Ne. temaoyoestéa more 1000 procucts: sia rane Ceiels 22s nd ne ‘anol cane Major Manufseturers MOLYBDENUM WATERIALS FACTORY Tachuanearg Yjatxang eri 100 Cho iy Pr, Pe Ine oe 31635 1988 oo Emons nar 000 Tt Cen Chana Preis S90 ime Mateos ‘Hot nanos ated We rts 198 HEBEL TABIANG ENTERPRISE ana eb 0800 Nefrevmar Be Bo Pet No. Enpbenste nr 10 218i Monae emia 161 Gone, Hae 1138 HEGANG COAL MINING ADMIN. BU. ‘ey Poona eke Preset Int Pron 86a 3291, 112282 Ineo be 718 No EmptoestEt nar 1000 Bentbgbses 524 Cone, te {$31 ao O one ss “Me Noone Maa area "1 ot, Sey, oe ta er 1140 HEONGAANG HEIMUA xanga Oop amacraag6e cone Int Pro: 86 268117, A268 71 Farr Sh 789 520 88 Int Foe A526 190, 2G 8 eo empyosstes) nar 100 1221 mens Ca 41141 HEILONIANG WANLIWOOD DUSTRIAL CO LTD. 12 Segin Yortong ‘eran eon 102 Cina ‘ey Peso tn Ped in us Int Pron: "e649, ea Int Foe AS18013 Gl Emptyeesteo ner 000 es Heramed Veer an Pwo ‘at beswes on Seats aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -7- Major Manufseturers Propucrs: rar T0MnI8 Pron restate 725 88 ‘Eloi 1, ompoyoeses_mer 000 Fan aaa Tee 1191, KAIFENG ZINC SHELTERY oy Persome Rogan Peatot Io orampested rave 100 YearoiFaunston 1978 29a rine Cees 5509 Pmt Pose 1192, KUNIANG PHARWACEUTICAL Sra Tecra! oe key Pesan as Peseta ron S241 S290 1,0718829 eh Tn Hah on 7083008 7150173), en S772 seg bn soe 19 807 bate: eng on ‘ovorempyeote mo 180 Year otPonttan 1984 ‘th hen thence Pri 1199, KUNSHAN CHEMICAL FERTIUSER Pua Shasaapans ‘oy Pesan tn Danes Pest Fromm S850 Pe SETS Ne of Emptor 1010 720 Chencs nthe Precantons soca neuen wo co i eee eee ree 195, KUNS#AN DOUBLE CRANE FHAR- ‘natn Janay S16 Cn ‘yarn ty eo set Ya ore Sembee strane (rc Pere aso STEN ox ss scar anata STS to eters e100 Proouers ‘Soest PHATE FERTILISER PLANT Shee Toei Prosuers: 41197 LENGSHUUIANG ALKALI PLANT psn Muna 37505 Con ey sera owen Pesan Prone, HSER Tbe TES Int Prone 136 72516 20, T2815 615, 8 Int ae 67850 2991 Io. ofempnenten mor 600 YeoretFuntaon 1967 Chemin nd chr Propatont ‘et Sorgen, {grag aga 22123 China ey Parsonage Pet Wa ‘Prone’ sae 8 Stat ee Ine Prone 2681541 31, 5185432 Ine ac. a8 0728 Ne temo ne 0 7 Cent anche Prprato Siine 4199, IANTUNGANG JINPING CHEMICAL Ulbrraan danga 22123 Cha ‘ey Pent, Pe Prone s83e 198, S850 7 Yard Rowan 1080 9 nasa nrane Cees sn home sa ara a Serums Toad Se see at octet Soo Sec 4201. LINYICHEMICAL PLANT Zhangvongean Cuongzaanpran Lszhurg ny anaag 2" Cons rane 008217 880585 08, 0485 029 a 592119 Intro tapes 1812 No. ompooestes mor 1000 1202, L1UZHOU LONGCHENG CHEMICAL ‘ze Gung 00% ci ey Porson Pat No. mpoastes nore 1000 cAlsie and ore, 20 Parmenten Propeatone ‘ehargoac Pers saanesperhtvon TE Tae as SES ‘No. Employees): nore 1000 Tree Secs =o “204 LUZHAI CHEMICAL FERTILZER CO ih one 4 on er rsa: Pet ‘Prone Se ee ae, ee 92 IrePooa a5 eth 02 E88 a TE Ieee Treen 20 PRooUCTS: ‘itil nonene Oama S12 Shel Wana, St overs Stoo yin. Set Siete emu sme ee ae eee eins es a Bee neers {208 LUZHOU CHEMICAL PLANT ‘ap Sten sn Prone moet me 5, 738 ‘wae Fae 80713020 7085100200114 coal Ne Een rer 100 leita ona emia 2598 Coentat an Choneal Praraone ‘iboewee 1207, MACMING HUAYUE ENTERPRISE GRouP CORP. ‘eYaenge Mooring Guang £2500 Cin (ey Psconar ag Pee rome eee Wt te 39 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA ne Foe st1878 1877 Ne Genineste e100 30 aviator Ces £0 hema an shoe Pepenone 1 Cgc ‘rope Sangh 20700 Chine Ine Prone 2570788, S46, 218, ran, Tt 36 Ine rae 6150758 fo.ofenpioweate roe 100 YeorotFaueston 1980. 79 a are Cees 21s aes {i Cam Woche Puan ‘Spanatal Shanghal 2088) China Key Pusond. Ou ik radon 1 af imploeet men 1080 YeoratFoman 1048 759 a erin Cees 2 thems an thei Peps 2s tyne ope ent mera Oe, incPoents {hava re Cele 1256, SHANGHAI YUELONG. NON #eRROUs METAL CO LTD Stanneaedn Lina Bacsen Koy Person. ng rue Peco, bre Prone 8 2158716 1817 071,208 No of mploeett ore 180 ‘Hed toners Fras Cat co tro. Sr Chang Xa Baaran Shang hana 20081 Cine oy Pesonnd ania, Post ran T6e037 bre rox sagen 027 No ofemploes(t re 100 739 havtit orn Ces [0 thon an choi epestone 23a aes ve cone uno. Saree, Se waurseet wees The soicer eee No ofEmploecstes me 100 Prosuers: "2 Stes Cot {Stanging Stans 07500 Cina ey Paso gy Peso Ho Int Pron 26 58 240, 22802201, 282 ar 3200851 Ine Foe 838809531 teen Se Benes ‘Shion Fnsios 1260 SHAOYANG CHEMICAL PLANT ‘Shonen Finan 42001 Choa Pree Se 20 RTA O91, ar 8 olen ore 0 etna! oes Genes ‘SHAREHOLDING CO LID ‘Stonang Uaong! Wrst Chins Roc seats eaaneTsn aa a in Berg 28,8, Ne. otempeoestes mor 000 Yeoret Fountain 10% 2 eto Poo Pes Ce tena nd Oi ‘eis On Gees ‘rameter sqrt Stem adhe Peace 1262. SHENYANG GAS CROP. Senn pe ey Pos Ye Prescoe Int Prone 86 28 361, 263062705 Ine Foe 223 0860 Ne. ofemaooesest more C00 225 Gam dae Chol 1263. SHENZHEN FANGDA INDUSTRIAL ‘SHAREHOLDING CO LTD. Shen Cagis a Prom TE ST Wetste: mtagscon Major Manufseturers Year foueaioe 100 Prooucrs: ee sal re hme ‘Mat tnetecs Sacra etek ts Wt boston Pena Tn Step nacy macy Sota Mote a Pane 1264 SHENZHEN ZHONGHAO Bronfan ting St Fan oy Pnuoat Woon ean et Pron 2 864 85262532 Ine Phone 261 25068, 15208252 Far 7520272 to Engen "rr 100 2st, Cm So en Conse iter 1 Foster, np Raber kero, Cons Tle Preains 531 Deparment Sores. TR tate Mapes SERRE on ‘Key Personnt. Gs zn, Prescnt am 21 Pac mati, pete esis 1206 SHLNAZHUANG JIAZHENG IND.CO oo Emproestes_ nar 1000 Yorst Founder 197 PHOROUS PLANT ‘Shrug tbe 08031 Cha ey Persona: ovat Ps Int Pron: e631 054560 Inte san 952144 Ie cement re 10 ProoueTs aes ne tral emis {268 SHUICHENG IRON & STEELCO ‘ercuten renesn ‘Ema Gls bom cing Pile ete son eta Ine Pom 86 085508, 22271 Worst 19 2th Chota Porn, ‘son ened wal aceon Eset aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA a asue Soap pnczone treme teeicee fro =H 120 88981000 eee ae Soccse Soon 1219. RIMUIANG CAUSTIC SODA FAC- ToRY Feriany Koy Pucoma Dam Dice, Pett Prone re tne Prone sab 750 temper 00 1320, JANG UTHIUM SALT PLANT Beco Koy Poo Sng Pre pana a sno E28 te Prone 565 08, 1 5036207 tra 068 Teorot Pentair 1950 Propucrs: ie Mae md Oi Sed hora Foss se, anu eccens aoe See nenawe en Zinta 0 ere SS Shine xnjang 532009 Che Koy Poona Umm Pestoe Prana #8861 No ofemplowes(e roe 100 YesroiFaunston 1989 2278 atone, Tees, on Rete Pos Sa jan 80 chine ‘ey Pema YU ah Psi Evid een sr son -85- scene, ome rea cra tn ST ae = Shore Berean ae ps ee CCHINERY PLANT onset Zoneuin Hora hog Horan 4002 Crna ‘gy Porat iar Yr, Pst Prone 303052951 No.of monte mere 1000 Proauers: 3d Lani Pits Pt, Ste, an rte Boe 25 ackogea Pap Pte Fn, Cond ae rate iret Peace {ihn rome fees Sse ng tre an, gy ras Shi re ‘Stuttg Pr Cig ene Set na rs uc Oe {Sen ews tea ie ne ert $523Fam chy od ape Senate ater oe COKNG PLANT ey Pon Oe sen Sort Funan 18 286 Gum dao Chol ence means Sepel e maaan ame 1327. XU2HOU DONGFANG CHEMICAL 2 ha 2007 ey Pesos rng ent Prone Stor 16 17977 S16 7678S vee No ofEmpieestEore 100 ‘on ato chem eps 4328, YANGUOXIA CHEMICAL PLANT Yn Gh reo Ove Ine Prone 3680 892572 Major Manufseturers PPE — Piero ao +1329_YANSZHOU PESTICIDE PLANT ‘engine fngsu22s00t Chine ey Pesan Pee le Scenes Stone, S170 256 a SATE 4008 Inv ene aps 82908 No.of Empbyoestes) nore 1000 230s nonane Omi sina aes eves negara ees, ‘gan YANGZHOU SYITHETE CHEM. ‘angie tngeu228009 Chine ‘ey ena Trt, Pest Prom sere 0% ster a118 Int Pron: 8687282, 51 729213 oo Empower 000 307 Unapore MastesPoieiapee ‘Stang ge 200 Ch Prom Bets nest a0 Far Soave Ine eve 2637 064 Ie mpbosstes). are 1000 Sela ea Pert Conte Pe anys Prats 25s Popm nd Pron odes 2Hapora ey Pomona Yolo, eaten ‘rare S00 SSE 0, 5651698 Int Foe 515690661 No.of Empbyeestes nor 1000 Serf Far 108 Zt ata rae ei, ‘sinus Gane sin re Chile sara renossco sume Scere Felis No.of Empat nar 1000 2551 Gom Woo Chon aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA -89- Major Manufseturers 2002 ueatg Oss Gases one T0811 279,707 aH — SR Fea Me Pome IPhone ee Ta oat ET, TT Solel eBoy 1981. JIANGKIZHANGSHU TIMBER YARD A 21 Moe and Goats eee ra te a a 8 ‘Set Goes noi eae Eee ranges Sang 1208 na Int Fac TAB TTD {e7eBecrne Conpones| op Poroes Obs, srt 1. ote mpoente Soe Serebectue ose hone 2881 Year Punta 18 8 coat Cong ing Dees (he Pana 25 78792951 No.of pleated rove 100 Prooucrs: "29 Sec rote Soe 2 hronond enn hwnee 2 aoe Pce 2002 ubeatg Olen Gnsee 1302, UIUANG ASPHALT FELTS FAC ne Rea arial o.afsmpioes(ea 0.000 "ty, Ce nd aarti ‘oa rath ot eseon eat 1383, UQUAN IRON & STEEL CO LTO Soyugean Gos F700 ea Prine aoe Se 7211 wi on wra2s8 7 tre 2872 Seororreutanon 1950 82 brea Ose nase {2s Seat font ez on ne 5515 a Warn on Ste laps 1384, LONGYAN SANYOU CHEMICAL CO hom gen Fj 38021 Che Koy Poona Dam Gaze Pesce Dg oe tae 11 om ne Prong” 1 251718, 597 pare) me TESTO A Sfenpeentet 0380 221 Paces ates, Sete Re { ubeang Gs Gres SHINUA SHAREHOLDING COLTD oomse Gann 52500 ne Koy Pesan atone, Past Prone 271 et be Phe 26022 6%, 28404 (ron RR 1968 Propucrs: "2 Unapprte Pts Pte Spee 202 Lubeang Olsen Gnses SE comet rae $30 oes al rots 53558 Coral Maier Emon 1386, NUCLEAR ND. HUNAN ‘yng 900 ci ian estes Nannie Mrs NONWEAVEN PLANT otae Dora Henan ‘Yoong Henn 4186008 ‘rere Ta vee Soo Ts Oe ae 7 1422 et Ne. Clempoeete) 0 356 Yeore Fenton 17 {dies of Pacman Ct 1308. INGHIANG RUBBER PLANT Ga Heagong at Jaron Sosy Sage azz exe Mey Porson ue, Pret Int Prone 26813968199 No teeter 0 Prosucrs: afer an tes ae od tg 1280, SHANDONG BINZHOU CHEMICAL ‘GROUP core. LTD Key Psu. Dan Dango est dn re 59 US, ena St Fan 5038088 1. ofempooeses mor 000 ‘inurl Care 12208 doenit andChonal Papa: cour [TP vana9g aa, 9 Pasar Paden Xing ‘Stang Stara 202 Chee ey Pomona arog estar hs ea Ine Prong: 8 2120021, 215081 784,215 rar 2580 1098 Ine Fae 8715801938 etre wr Ne ofempbyoestes 90 Prowuers: "S99, Cane sd Recta Miners taco od Sep re iting Son Tes au ner 30s Lanna Pls Pd, Ste, ante = Sree ee cinpren secon marta sacs ‘4Catonand pie rat Ss Treats Gove at 351 Pps nt Pong Ee Pawt ‘Shana Strahl 200072 chica Ine Pon 382848 8,25 6888 hero e2is012 Me tmpayenEt 20-400 ‘ear Famer 102 etn ogee Owes ‘Bizthlsnt roe ‘Sorta Chel Pregerstns Seitntedl Mn od ‘referer hrc ames +1292 SHANGHAI WATERPROOF ‘BUILDING MATERIALS GROUP, Stent Slang 20233 Prom 2a 77, 26857, 21688288 Far 2659387 2064928214022 No. a Empoentt 00 000 Yeorst Funan 198 Bes Pare Bots 305 Gas, acing 2 eno Deve tin! ria Cals puawr Ezra Shane’ argh 200082 Oba oye aa, Pest Ine Pron: 26218281 408 Inte 252756 No. Empiyecstet 00450 sia nanan emia ‘oe Cherat an Choneal repro: starry Oe an noe 41304 SHAMAN FOREST PRODUCTS ‘Shavan Fujan 38650 Cra ‘ey esona_ onup Peie Pron S82 204 e223 55602858 Incr 92 00 No dempienet 009 Zot Pane Mae, pete eae 2892 iing Osan ves aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. CHINA MENT AUTOCONTROL SYSTEM ENGI- uence wearer eet once er wae eae rss emer Biers a cna 01 Secrets ia seanee co eee am Se i hieein Sr Becoptig, tg Pale, nds 1442. DAILNG FORESTRY ADMIN.EX- PERWENT CO. ‘ontetoajang 5510 Chine ep resonar Wena suet Cet ty rene et 23 Ao ofEmploest exe 100 YearofFounston” 1988 "5 tronon Yen sed woe 1443, DALIANG NO. PLASTIC PROD- UoTsinbusTRIAL CO. Shane among 2630 Cina fopnowonna Wo iginn Prost Prone 2221 Ine Pha 8782222168 Fox itt fie ronseTes 2811 Yeorotreuntanon 1060 S88 ks Pts {253i Espn 51 Hoch Cote Eaten ‘manana Key Pesoma uy Cush Pest Prone 50208 (re Prone 12050 No. ofemploeste 0.908 38 tnt Pte ote Ses ‘445, FOSHAN NO.2 PLASTICS PLANT CO. -93- ey Psa: ar aan Paseo. Prone’ tae 99 5 ta 8 SS Fae IT No. olempeyee(e) 056 Prosuers. 311 esta Tino hig Set ahaa Pr Paes Fin, Coed ‘446, FUSHUN PAN & PVC FIRES MILL Fa nig 1122 ‘ey Pscnat.suntry Peseoe Prone, 0TH 50% 4 No, ofempbyeesfet 0386 ‘a7. FUZHOU GLASSFIGRE REIN. Tey Pon: Ot ben Pret Prone 8178227 385 4 No. ofempoees(es) 0896 ‘StH Eniport RoaucTs pRocESGNG CO Fuchs oj 30002 Cha Ine Prone 2688 371,528 0090, Ine rac avs 20 068 od Parr Pesate 364 Bee Lamp Bs an Tes 1449, GUANGOONG NO. RUBBER PROD- Stoner Caanoton 010 ‘ey Pomona: Bl ado ‘Prone hi 19108 9,208 8 943 Int Fae 628 109920 No. ofEmpveetet S56 Sear Prteon 105 Ss eran Pte ae a Bete to {7B Rem ters Oarege Yess Gangzou Guana S019 Sina ‘ne ates nso as 2 08382 Ie Pre a5 3, we BE we eae Yeoreoton 1780 Major Manufseturers 388 ate, Pacig Sea Dens ‘vwcaon Conca re mosis crs Factory ‘Gtongns Guengtong 51220 China ey Peco oan, Pes Ine oe 5208 1966 I eempyonet 20-409 Noort Patter et Upon race rote pen ‘Eric eran ied 1452 GUIYANG HONGBAO NOUSTRIAL GROUP Co, Screg oun seo len ew oe AT Ine Prone a6 18 nae I ‘wesbee Ne Gemyeeet Sc000 Sooemosia peach GROUP CORE coin fang 3105 Cia Key ocoma a he, reo rem sn a Ine Pron 186 Se STROTIA Inc rer opis stern Ne emanate 100 st Dupre Muses Poe tapes ithausalnonone Gomes 1454 HARBIN NO2 CHEMICAL PLANT oro Micnang F508 Obra Tey Persea rg Poste Eri pan t800401 Int Foe 45190340 302 Upon Mase Potle apes ethan honone Gomes ese and roe, {485 HARBIN PETROSHEMCAL NOUS- Sana Cot Han Hetenayang $0010 Chen ‘ey Pomona ay Oi, rent ror re) Ok 5120 Boe, 4512729554 No.of Empat nar 1000 et an Panes ea Bot St Unpores Paes Pro Sper Major Manufacturers -94- CHINA 28 tat nan chet ‘ust, HUNANANSUPLASTICSPROD. PRODUCTS: ‘zt snd ers eRour {Det Unapporad Plates Pte Spe ‘nny a oO Fre Phone 859125098 1208687 Fan SO ate‘ wbastus concn PRODUCTS: tana Mss Pat, hn nd Pre See at Paes Poe er rcp oper Plant Fn etd nie 2B nt ean Chote Fe Aka nd, MST. HENGYANG No.2 PLASTICS PLANT {Sate charatergan roy Parr eet Fie ane Yee 931 nas 1 Pn aude tees eof eroeyecxes zx0sH0 Sew Fangs it Senta er, td Pre Soo 1438, HENGYANG XNHUA CHEMICAL or Psp on inn ce ‘Prana ta BS eA 08, "5 8,744 TE ete cazr2cen Io of sooe(e) mere 1000 "Sz Unsere Masts ote Ses £298 Cheats Chm! owns eu msmacecca Poe 28 aan omens, eer cua Shanna Shang 20033 China oy PorcrnelSeb Pest For Zia No ofenioyoestes) 50-08 Proouers: 19 Mites Nannie ere {eas Per Soe ‘354 Gosuts, Peg, Seg Does 283 tral Ope nies 5 Dal eset Slnn “40, HUAYI PHARMACEUTICAL PLAS- ‘Tes Couto, ‘Shuang Derg ungyar oy Porcamel ba oa, Peso No of EroloyesEt, 200489 ‘on Paes Preece ingen ess Pangea Wngche tan 5005 China ey Posoma HE Sun, Pose Me feng rr 1000 31 ene Ting Fic {tz Unuppres Psst apes Soe : PaconeaPaps , Pry Tra wT eT TA Ne ofEmploorf@ 200490 SZ Bt, ty, Se, she {258 Goss ng Seng os ‘S10 ena Comer nse 1550S uy hoy ‘ToRY 7 -Dingans ‘ey Persona: ag nan Pee Geng mee ° ine 17 2 03,110. Fee TEEN ie fEmperentE"09%0 {BEE Raber on Pes Hosa Biting [Bid Toe one Bowe 1559 Sea ey Nacho {464 HUNAN XIANGXI PLASTICS PLANT Prana 1H 1 B29, 20 52 iniPogs arnceana2 nse2 Bt Md oe 12808 Ne ofEmpeEt mr 1000 31 ester Ting a Fig {Su Unupprea Pass Pe Sunes Boe " {Be nal gan heats {471 Besoin, Pg Pass ad eng {465, HNAN YUEYANG NO.1 PLASTICS. ‘oy Poca tn, Pst Im Pho 86790809910 20806831738 08 In Fox: 88 730892 825 a cfenpeeeEa 20480 {Dat Late Pts ate Sheet rd Pete See PETROCHEMICAL CO LTD. othe ner Neng 010070 China ‘oy Poroma ba Zones, Restos G20 Ba Foe ane Moret tenton 1908 {20 cn Fats, Fr ces, pees £28 sal oye Obi Got on SeatregOirna Sone {598 Genta an Games reprtons £24 Gomes Eas Se rane ena et Fos S16 Coote Bet Sy Bon Semana a0 Tey Ponca Sse Peet Pm re 1 iemoe sets 7 te cero 106108 rooucrs 1468, JANGSU DAYA NEW PACKING WA TERIALS COLTD. "ay Pomnna Onigra Pest Ine Prove: 51 88566, 1 6822481 pon, SOON S188 Ire Foe “851169830, 1605 Weoate_ hp nt Grentz n oof Epler 1008 221 Bond wn ai Ml Mande ar and i 1821 Pe ts 5738 Comer Ping {Dat Petes eats {Sot oro sg (0, JNGYIN PESTICIDE PLANT Ssrapndinng 21401 Cha ey Penanne Ma Dera, tet ‘one ie) 2 5106 968,100 1273, to ofempnesiest:_ moe 100 Sarat fauton 1978 PRODUCTS: 1809 Came ag Chmcal pastone {B78 Pete on el ers Ud Pais Ma Bung sd Comore CHINA to 2 Hunceng Xi ‘area su 24001 ins ‘ey Ponta hig et ig (iron sesiseat 74 ‘eben Novarenpieste nore 100 YesroiFaunaton 1988 ‘Si neal Cosbetan pres Store sive asec ae 9st te Prana 5109 198 1196 197 Ine Fax R881) S318 18 "ot trove Dino Pin 00 Parr Presue 172, 1ANCSU NORTHCHLORALKALL ens Bug Xen S07 che erboasta on osy Peet Boo Sener sm oe Fax: ‘16 1767151 . 16 Singomt oe 00 1473. JIN CHEMICAL NDUSTRY CO, SUZHOU ANLI CHEMICAL PLANT Sonar Noy Poa Fry Peet Prone Sz. Foe sara Ine Fo ostr@nt2 No.of employes 0000 2 Unpte Pies Pte Sues 1476 JINANFANGXIN GROUP non Sena 0022 Cine fe ctenpleete re 100 ‘etn {bat pote Pata Pte Sp Setar Pm ate Se Fares 2571 Pc Pap Pate Fn, Cotbed ad 525 Conra neal Maney se Egument 1475, UNMING SHENGLI FURNITURE. -95- ey Pen: i, Ine Fae 667555058 I ottmpnentet 20406 arses ge oat Fe £41 Sv an aig, ea) od arr Peoste et arr Puno awe sgeramovionuanseor ise Gees ae ig oa eee rss Seine ox EE anne oe sear hn Fox, S028 Sins "aooe a Sutmroase Sbcerhas rary Soon S22 Othne, Pata ad Sel 1478, LENGSHUUIANG RUBBER PLANT ey Prooret:Pc Pert Prone, T8225 In Prone see 21501 \eorertuntacn Nara {201 ene Sens {361 meson ig set Sons sy Eqbmet ses uroanarustes rant Se ice mee en ae ‘No. ofmploees(s) 590-800 rica Se ea bn tte = Braet 1480, L1BA001 CORP. ‘Changzhou ngs 23001 Chins ‘oy Peano. Su ester Major Manufseturers Ne Enon sre 100 ProoucTs {sehen reas et thoig ot otsting Des SHINUA SHARENOLDNG CO LTD Mooi ings 825009 Chis ey Persona ng Pet Ine Pron 868 2 6 1,0 228.4 Farr ob 188 Inte Se 1965 Neal Empyeetes) 00580 PRooUeTS {ot UuperetesProieopee a7 abering Os sn nee S24 Cone, tne 5355 Conera nasi Mariner ad Ease +1482 MCI PINGKIANG COAL MING AD- Sutton Key Pose eg Whe Pest Prone T#6 324 16 80 Fax, sea 8 Ne. EmpoestE nar 000 21 uma Ca Bar cont sn ne Bovouol Foes Sessa ber Pets Sar cone, ye thot rests Besrhon sty ‘ezhon ad Strings ‘Hazel or Say, ma, dg, To 51: Becreetiegel Pea ‘Hat Sag Bato Set Conant Ener ‘s2 Torey zing Mahe sn Eqspcnt {652 Smerge Sens {Aen Conlin ees “1483 Moc, BELING FUBBER INCUSTRY RESEARCH 8 DESIGN INSTITUTE Binbean 990, ey Pereoma Ufo, Pret Prom esa es Int Pron 163187129 Fan, me a8 128. of Empoete nae 1000 ProoucTs nt Tee nnn Tene Sat natal vee 55Coneancarid Minoan Eien “484 NANCHANG HUAHONG THERMAL INSULATION MATERIAL PLANT. Singnea Deepa Zine Ben Don ‘mt Prone +86 588 1586, 1 9018139, Me tnmnt ae ProoUCTS St Lane Pes Pt, ht ac rote Jost nade ot hie oa Seats Major Manufacturers 96 - CHINA SB Noma ines Petes eof rploertEat_ 100108 Paooucrs: Sl Gioaoact,tisestrecd Gass Year Faun 500 "oor Raid Rate Pets ‘on Fbeate el Pouce ProDUETS: {052 Read Pts Hos stig 145, NANHUICHEMICAL® LIGHT NDUS- 121-83 KagshenZrew.2nen oy Post a. est inl one ease R828 No of erates 50-08 [m2 Unger Pate Sees £298 Chests in Chia Pons ‘St Chonan tea Peace “486, NNGXIA FENGYOU CHEMICALCO un Yeahuon ings P2021 Ca Fone sansa ae be Fa 695 22154 No of Exotyeen mene 000 Soret Fandom 188 251 Pts, Voues, acer, ed nae {4s7. OK LEAD AUTO PARTS ENTER ALI NOS tows By Lane 208086, Seg tong ‘targa shar 200195 Chew Fic ie boa, Pao wa Ae Fre axe 8261 00), 40805022 No of Erotyeexes) 200409 "at Pare Pat ees ‘362 Bt ts, Sc, ts ae hrs {X51 Costs, ecg Sec Dee ‘on reel oat 3 Spe etre Sst Mabry, joe Part ‘uaa, paNvU CUTLERY GENERAL FAC. Fray aroong S170 Crna Pee semen can” fu OED fo aes re 000 Proouers ‘4, PIGGOINGSHAN HIGH-GRADE FACTORY dose Dongaian ‘igen eran 467021 Coa Pie. i game ma at {271 Comte ack Bek 42 Mea Brom ah Pam Meng, nT waste ‘hoster Hebe 040) Chiro ene Shoe Sivan eee t oe seem SHEE 1191, PLANo3822 FACTORY “enji Tanin 30100 Cina Fan Baro it eof empoon(es) mer 1000 Year ot Pundson 138 1131 Bo nd Seat tack ings {Bes Fasano tan, Nodes, Ps 222i Howe Pie eva ou ae se in Pham Stee 0 S45 wae Ine Foe 885205 778 Ne often) mere 1000 Bot eet aber Pocus {Str Lmupprea Pane ote Sues ‘BYE At neta 1483. NGDAO HONGDA PLASTICS CO 1S Gnaurauston, Goes Shar 3082 cnn ‘ane ah at 2202110, pe ‘eine mms fan SSR Ne ofEmpeyee(es) mer 000 Stowe ‘De or ‘842 est Ono, Sah Fans, Mg, nT {¥04, ONGIANG RUBBER PLANT ‘avin nga 22002 Ov ey Pesnna te Peet Prone si e8 Ire Pons 817258198 MG, 20 ‘erageo Boting Waning Teh ‘Simos Fo Sect Soe ‘oe Sea sb rae ea foe 57008 I Fon 8 5280100 a ofEmpeyee(et move 1000 Tm Gone Ful ets, Pere, an, Bid Pepa {26 Stan ean Se S57 hl om Pan {Dak rs Bany aS ‘Bar cert ute eons $71 Wier snot roses, £2 Poort nbn £55 Worst sr Ss, Si, Cats ‘Ez wes on oy Cm 1575 Decat riper Preorder {317 Sot pr nd Toe {299 EreialMaciy, Eonar nd Sst ‘Sor Contato comet $575 Ercan Copco £7 or nile Pte mcs $510 a emo noes £551 ng re Pomp spe {523 Fem cnr id Espen $824 Lonton Ayes armen {558 ca ry Haohnry 208 Cnr hae cry ot Egger {592 Mans Mio aa rape 1595 Oren Teen Cram ss nd ono ‘se ‘Semin Fu 26501 Sey Pesana Oh Poe Pete Fron” i) 6458 6488298 We Pg EH SO Mo ofemones(es 00190 PRODUCTS: VT Ltr ing nd Fneig £85 vero Ome {Bet Unpponee Paes Pte Sopes {W07. 4aNDONG sNBA0 GROUP CO, ‘Retna Senora 261051 china Pine Seaton Foc Seen ast Ie rar te On0'84 a ofemporeefet: 200980 Propusts: ‘Sint Farts 21 feo Yes CHINA ‘ea ta as, Sah Fs Tn Siz Na iptv oe apy Sithenrvnce ant nceonee 358 Ren Pig Ese Sst cad ro epee 25a hat, acter, 350 Sec dy Machine isavco uo fey Peso totes Pa Prine Bea (iron ee {6 Sananate 049s Proouers ‘Erte Sout ont nes Pa, St, ne Shang Sheng 200078 chew Kay Peon Soa Pst Shean tne Prne 8 26862572, 216180114, 218 No-ofbmpioecstes ‘0490 ‘Bes ents tpe Bist tp Ppt Cott SHAREHOLDING COLTO. Piles 20Re aR ase et tn Phone a 8H 121, 2819120) Foc some) No efemptyeeste mee 1010 edhe frogs Sst neta rn Sto on cet ‘al ete 1501. SHANSHAIOONGYU MATERIALS. STP Yara i. 49 Pane Peng Kings ‘Stang Shah 20012 Chew ey Pond Tana esto Zs ateg Prana 21900812158 T6215 283 bear SSIS 1998 eben Novarempectes 388 "HSC, rami, Reta wr anther on She Le Ctane Sa ern a anor 2291 hana oe Sete siete 2208 omc hm Popes £2 ening lances £8 oni lr acs ‘ion rare es peace 251 aaron eto nd Ors 1502. SHANGHAIFENGYING INTERNA. finn 2t mre doh ey Pena Sen Pe saws Irerae saais203708 Wat erga Novetenpyentea 995 Sevens ams Proauers ‘Moros ey Pose utente Battonen 2258 ae ie 28 Ce tiny it rod ape nd tal os SourPorsa rat ‘1903, SHANGHAIKANGDA CHEMCIAL hoor Shang S07 Ch eyecare ir Ps Far 268982 No. oempoeestet 5.90 ProsueTs: ‘TURAL MEANS OF PRODUCTS CO ‘Shang Sarghal2o020 China ey Proce a Us Pest are 267418 No otemayeesies. 0-86 Yor Fountson 1970 30S neds Pte, Ste, ante Soe Pests neha Cis 5168 chem ane ose 1505. SHANGHAIRUBBER & HARDWARE ‘Stones Seg 20001 Chi ey Praca Don, Pret Prone, 24 Int Prone aba 2204 No. femaoeestés) 0496 Major Manufseturers Siseetoen hes Sat Cotong nd War Hsing aa 1506 SHANGHAI WATERPROOF [BUILDING MATERIALS GRUP, ‘or eran ey Pomona an on, reset Int Prone 86264877, 26403 7,28 icp BG EH NANT, HR Ned Empress 00-00 ProoueTs es Pas Batis Ss Gaew, acig 2 Sena eves eet Pars Poses etn Orie Cis 1507, SHANGHAI WEKING NOUSTRIAL LEATHER PRODUCT FACTORY ‘Shana! argh 21008 Cha rom 2% Ost Me Gemma n= envi pees 517 Wane Han Pe ‘oblast Goa 2 pr Bets Sct toon Pass owt Boy MENT CABINET CO LTD. ‘Shon! Sarge 0000 Cha oP Pagsee Ine Pron: 26150880829 Ine oe 8715602704 bate. pi ngrncon Nova Emabyoctet 00500 aetna: Sacto! Matec 62 Sten on oprve Punt 26SSChanpara Sree con coee Ine Prone 862880 49,2058 0,28 sane me. cenmyoenea 1001 “erst oun 1958 Soornodir act 281 ses Seats oni rn nie cour, Warcgacxinan tong {Chrgng rang 202165 Chi Pore eno set ant Major Manufacturers See nn = $555 fot Pets matiry Sie Bexcino.coLTD ‘ShanghatSrana 2009 Cana Int Phone: 9852184728817 be Fawr 884720760 to ete 00180 "TT Ware's Hoop at Pes [00 Lanter Costs. ‘Sat Logan a eat Got Ste 1512, SHANTOU PLASTICS INDUSTRY CO ‘i ungsng sa cine bre ane se 180 fo of erotyjesxes £00909 est Be Pca apr Fy nt nd 22th art Opa Doles, {271 Beet eng aga Aang ‘509 Cogan ron Sethe Boras ree ete Rl aw petreees ot ict Sato Sxcmnnationata i 15:4. SHENZHEN MUALE ELECTRONICS Soyrwaje Spean Zags ‘Steamer Guomoog 1803! ins Pilee wie, Sess for'@asen feof rote 20080 cau cour " Senuanngiion Bai ‘Sharan Guspdon $8029 Cine Pilea eed -98- Ne of Employees 200400 {De Lankeaminr ae Seen rte set Siete oe Som Pen Post ‘416, SHENZHEN YARNAN ADHESIVE CO Severe ener SEE aTELT oo irs Tag SEAT Sia ce iow imme ge ei our Secs ‘618, SICHUAN XICHANG DAILY USED ‘CHEMICALS PLANT Xtong Shun 618000 Che Prone 6322051 I Pana 884 522031 Ne ofBmpeyeetes. 00180 {288 Lanated ste ate, Sheet nd rio Soon 2571 Page Paper Pts Fin, Cots nd rt Fron Saat ose, soassru, ‘ise bre Fan os smstn9 eof Empyorfes 10108 ean ore ot Se ger Se et {Sor Meta Powe Tin pet [BUILDING MATERIALS CO LTO ‘rama un ‘egos ts sa Prone SSR Ie Pho e539 6968 [eof Empoer(e) ee 1000 CHINA PRODUCTS: {oat Pte Foe 42 Wa Dos, Sm Fans, Mog, nT 1521-TANJIN BOKAI CHEMICAL NDUS- Sea bc oyna tong Reset rome ae 308 sesh fre Fox 88203195107 1 Gena row 100 5 ied ty, eat, Se, eS {ba spore aes Pl ps Ses {298 Hance nares 1808 Cheick oa Choma Poparitens {Bat hormonal Prsatane [879 Pest on bet Chena {508 Gra hata Mra Ener 1522, TANI CHEMICAL & LIGHT MATE- Joy Poranmat eon, hese Prone LM MI IPhone 2 234291 Foe a Mo ofelones(ee, £030 {Dat Frets ab Podets 1819 algae Chol meena Sieruare Fan, 12 98 NAN cece oof Erlonesiest 200400 Pt Wananga $00 Later Gone {O00 Petes Resets saan vosnrusreonancr soe Seer. See nnn Seemed Se SS ana 1525. TANIIN NOS PLASTIC PRODUCTS Sr rato Nara ‘op Perma Fang hone Pesce Prone 22S H2 822 7 22TH CHINA ron: maT No ofénploes(e} 0.908 Stone 251 Psa Pape Paes Fn, Cond ad 2508 oor on 1526, TANJN PLEX! GLASS PRODUCTS 1 arino Heng Poor Lng eg Peet Prone 221281222271 18022728501 to oferplet 0.190 YearetFauneaton 1988 "2 tote Cee 50 Parker rest ‘32 tropes, Pest od Sei eh S35 aot Patone Novoay cout Tj ani 00884 Cia rane” 2071 8 207 8th 287 14 npg aan 8.28 \Webete wnrermeh aan No afEmplenatea) 0190 {Rod ores Rater Prot ‘os Parr Peau, tsa $382 Tal i tr Gown eos S58 eee med Go cig ae Scr Ea 1528, TONGUNG CHEMICAL NO. CO Koy Pome, 2 ea, eet Prone st 832k ET 2874 in Braabeah Sr e,2 fo. ofemplesfee ore 100 RODUCTS, {oI Ore se umappetes sc ot ps Soot rts Pesce Sodterenan ti 1520, WANMIANG GROUP CORP. ‘osan eng 21213 Key Poona Ga it WO Int Phong: “8 571283 2900 fo ofémploes( ore 1080 ar ia pci, 2 fash 5352 fo andor ening 350 cear ml Matin Eqvment ‘et Nach Poe uti ent 5059 acy dene ec ‘800 Becied Macher, upme,aa Bles -99- 271 ee ars od ass Tote matte tae races (1A Eat it at Maas 1590. WEIFANG TAXING CHEMICAL IN. S30 gina Kainen ‘Weta Shai 281081 Chin ey Paso nn, dt ‘Prone Sis 9, 6s 3507595 29784 aia ar S687 96 0087 Ine Fac, S06b e871 SEEDTT Ne. tempeyeeseat mare 00 721 Bead wre Fic Ms, Mme etd 5062 Unappres Paes Rote Spee 2812Ahan nd ne 1591, WUHAN GEHUA INDUSTRY GROUP COR? LTD. aicran Slces Tier inns [No ofEmplooestst) moro 1000, meters TE meat siomegeeean! 1532. WUHAN ZHENCHANG PLASTIC. PRODUCTS FACTORY ‘leo Horgan ‘ey Psa: Ou ach este a tempore 5.99 31 ent Toning on Pig eat farrier 12 Xing Dong Kinch Shere rte oe “is ueaeangesss> se sent ese macesPee ‘oaraoered ea! Prose S31 Sea Peanuts. 5551 Gomectn tan an xdpmet Seb ec oa Gs Weng and Str Songun Fl Hourehen Jt ‘ne Phone: 265615 (63, 28150562 ‘No.of molgeos(st more 100 Procucts: od faorens Rather Prec {812Poe Dette, psy Tre 27S decroe xpos Major Manufseturers 825 nents Meas ad Tosti = tsa Bee nara opti 1598 XIANGTAN ORGANIC CHEMICAL Butoorg andor tage 411132 cina ey Perma Du bp, eaten Pre Ta r, T ES 178 Yeort inate 18 ProoucTs Sostbente Pas, St Pre ee 221 Pts Maia, pte ee Sp nd Ot tno sep xm aus onernne co aie is, raphe ie ia win te Cement ene Site Sanca tit ery SHINee Re ouvenns nebo tee 384 Gone Ty dCs ce 1537 XIWAAIANG SWITCHFACTORY {Seng aerasnon ands Slong 9600 Cia Io oEvotyenet 0-0 ‘ot Bec Maher Equant on Sipe 41538 XINJANG CAUSTIC SODA FAC- ‘Gra nian 008 cin ey esama eg Dow Pest Pram sre te 1. Emaoestes nore 1000 387 Una Mes Pole pes 28 Parte Pepeaons 1538. XIANG TIANYE SHAREHOLOING ‘She yang 000 china oy Pena Wendt Prom” srt) 6254 51 1, 2065154 ‘rng sew mT 8 a 0 29 5502545 15, 90285 15 se Neva Empiyeaste) nar 000 ProoUCTS 3087 Upon Maes Protease Soe Major Manufacturers ret rate Pee 2 Psion oper Pts Fi, ote ed Ste Evatt hepa chem {tthe and 1510 XNOGANG PETROCHEMICAL MA- eter Zronguen Foon Ximaang Horan #50002 ron a 83081 Ire Phone 83793082951 No of Bote) mre 1000 Soret amdeon 19 eat, 2 Pa ner Pes in, nent Sb Fol Pat Main as asia opie ess ‘2 Wt Spr ar, Dm, Kiso Pata 52 igs Mews sn Cum Ovens ‘Serna crn mace ade {588 Gonral al Mca Eman ‘S23 fam arya Eee 1541 YALIN METALA PLASTICLTO. Tartan Gorgrinaten S10 AN Sheraton [BarAN Giang 31106 Ch er Posema Caton Pesca Fre Pana T8578, MEET 78 fe elon er 100 {38 Noss hto seVe Exon ‘53a 1 Bretcsng Gout Ses enone CALS PLANT Pras ‘Yonzmes Jang 2803 Chin oy Porsannt on son Ponte Int Phone: *B5514 72540 2,514 72821 (tent on ‘2 Unsere Pats Pte Ses 1513, YINGGANGLING COAL MINING ‘Rey Pecema "Garey, Past fo of royex more 000 Proouers: 121 BimensCos ‘ian Pao Prats 20 tal eg Chots Eat tpene 1 Cone, ase 1844, YHOU CEMENT GROUP.CO LTO Fuhananen nenng ini hardng T0018 = 100- Ne of Emploor(Es, 200908 Proouers: {R41 Conn rae ‘CASTING INSTRUMENTS FACTORY ‘Gayong Guanes S508 ne Ker Pomannt 2 Pet Prana” 5 8 11 S60 75, 115961528 In hom a1 2 S001 Nemo) 090 {998 Menfoctegares ‘Bet Noveron De catnge ‘B60 Spring ne ce Gos CHINES FACTORY ‘Sng Nargaon “es hr S258 Cpa Prone sir s1 Ire Pons 037775198 Mecrerpuentes, ao "pat Paes Puts {899 Beri vaciney,Easnen nd Sates {Sos Conmcson Crpmet GheINICAL 60 LTO. oes Foe Favs 24 00 S102 Ne ofemployrfee) 500000 Proouers: "200 Fu Prepwaone ‘Buz Umoypres Panes ote Suee {Das Paste Paes {Bot anal gether 569 Cora natal Mocha Eonar Puastics PLANT Sono zhantan ie Secor 2000 Chi iret tg ig Pte bre Phorm 809 290081 Meret Pandan 1800 ‘549, 2HANGHIAKOU NO2 PLASTIC PLANT 20. (Chadaogae Sgt Ranks Qos ‘Zargiaou ean orso0o cana ‘ey Pome 1 ag Preset wen sar 85 178 Ire Fox 695306178 Me crenptete 0 CHINA Dal Lanai Paes Pat Shen and Pre See 1550. 2HEJANG ARTS BCRAFTS MP. & Senge Deny 30008 ‘ey Permamnat Mang ng, Preset Fone sen Fox sea feces a0 Tl ear, ge £21 Bone were Coton ‘tthe hog Enormesann Si roves matin £353 Caney $2 Mngt £5 abe 2 St Pc Soils $34 umes ade Yee $3170 Noa. eae Shas up. Yerzos 2g 308 Cora ‘on Seek Sire, T7087, east ‘asa stot se sat8t0 Meda pecan ‘SHAREHOLDING CO LTD {nt ztejarg321t00 chine "ey Penna ang is Pa Das ata Prone sive ta bron sso a8N072 1 ofeaonat nom 08 oes Pts Ets 1841 Sap ste ater {ut Petes Goel ee Pepa (631 Rats geo nd Mage 1552, ZHEJIANG INGSHENG NDUSTRY ComiERCE CO. {eat Stag 108 Shon hs ‘Sapa zejang 32000 Cia ‘ay Potnna ang a est Prone ISS e0 2615 16.575 20% Pho: 95 2, T3854 1,57 ee S501 eran “6058018 Macrenenee, Snes CHINA = 101 - Major Manufseturers Propucrs: Ie Prong “861588522, 78865 208 73840 eg, Reade an Pe Gost Sons 208s, andy and Bray Ste seer Storcnenta ane elec $365 Fckogeg Maciary Far 700029 foe oes sod ioe Snvotoneted reer sal rwpereone Proms Fa -T3920 7958 rates Conan eves $00 Parra, No. ofempoesstes 0586 ‘anna ot arcana Cot Prowucts: ENTERPRISES COLD, 288 hogone Pome $e0Lamirond Paes Pt, Sho, andre Ge war Faso Hal nae tin Soe Boi opg TOON Cha S275 pum Poaecs S60 onera nti Maney ind Egmont oy Perso fa Ge, Peet 1884, 2HE.IANG ZHENGYI ENTERPRISE ‘wena zea 3027 con oy Pusan theta, ests Foe sista fre rae vesereage Se teplonestE re 110 31st, ce Rabo $352 arn ir eating ot avai votes 1555, 2HENIIANG TITANIUM WHITE CO tro. Prenngiangs peter oireettey tne Phone 251527 11, 18527110 Fon SHED IS S20128 No ofemploes(ee mere 100 25 hargen 1886, HONGSHAN LONGCHENG HOUSE- HoLD Goons coLTD Donapaa Daseactong Dowshergnon ‘Brengeton Gionoeng 521814 ina Teg Prone 0 251% tne Prone 85 1022281 No ofemploestea rove 100 "Bit ear Fare ti, tn intowsae re Sts tsp ses Pte Sunes ‘Soe te Sued Toye £84 tone Sores 1557. HUJANG PLASTICS PLANT ama ining 9000 cna Kay Pesan uo, Preset Shona rat Ine Phone 9150 4173 No ofgrpioweste 0490 YearoiFoueston 1982 "dL Patc Pe, See, an Pte Stone Sac racte ee Ss Rare Soe ‘a2ton ane oot 1558, 2HUZHOU PLASTICS PLANT nies 41290 he rons Toe 2 72 Se Sane me hema pees Leather and Leather Products ‘ean exmerorow come ee voumone cece +00, ANHUL HUABE! GROUP, ANHUI -HUABEI FUR CLOTHING COLTD. ‘gor 00 Oe ‘ey Pron in Sus Pest Prone seas sie Ire Pa 5259, se 008 31 ena Tin on hing izes Boy Cetg Lane oa Sep ed ating ‘tiers Botner a wea ‘GROUP coRP. Zena Tosneramnen ‘Tancarg hon 2511 na ey Prccna. e094 Pet Int Pron "368881147 No. olempteestés) more 000 Yeoret Funfair 1972 Si ners Rang a Pass ater ape 1562. BELING CHEMICAL IND, GROUP. Ekoveprton ocr Shing ey Pears a rn este. o tempimmtt, 20-16 Prosuers Sabor tbr Prec aur rane Comes ‘aLerecing Or on Gnoses 2G Pers sale pane cee ered, yes, inaPone ‘onus ric Coss 559g oa tence Int Prone: 86 385.2, 10898 729,18 a 6 3108 0:83.89 Inte 5 105136, 690 708 oe mptoestes) 00. ST Lesh Titan inhi 3851 Pr Mechanics ard Parts Bet Bo 0069 Chins Phone E78 OST ‘aire ° ae 18207592 No.mpbyeeses. 00498 erent Fee Sein Bp 07 ctw Fare 6398 Ine Foe 5 0803791 Canin Species S171 Wane Ra Pes ean Goa 1am, ep Raber Soe eye ee ones Mey Porson Sin, ot Prom ese or Fan, 99 22 oat Emayosste 00-950 ProoueTs {TT Wanes hang Pes 1867 BELING NO. LEATHER PRODUCTS: {Neg Yeronga Feng ea Sowa Tuo crow Prom era Fox era sree Ie empyoett20459 Sesh Tengo sig Siriomersnanbagy es ioscan Major Manufacturers = 102 - CHINA * 2A Goat ae ie Phone tN ek NBN {si cvencou staTionERY Malone ETS Cpu Pes a evn ceoem a ‘el Faraone Seer offends 856 ‘She Stnt O10094 Chine er Poser eae Pes rina 2340 eee 8, 28 001 PePnone oes 04 9 #5 209 ‘oer No of rojo 10008 "HT Lar Tsing on Fig sees aaeee Ser TaneStar woman capes TE eee 1870, DCNGGUAN DONGCUI PLASTIC & {2 bong ate Gincheng ovgpuor Guargdeng 1700 Cine roy rset cong Peer Fro: 22 eB 7 1926 046 Eats ar 12520 freon st) 482147 No otzroteees) 200408 roouers: 9 kn pees S171 Wore’ Hoop od Pres £285 atrpon Our 1511, FOSHAN NO.2PLASTICS PLANT CO. {2 Faryag Bot er Pose ha nan Pot ‘Prana 5 263808 72106, 28508 Ihe Pona e828, 5 21478, brea 8 81 709 No ot rote 500.90 1 Lesher Ting Fig [1 Lina MtesPat, han, nd Pre Boe 21 Pci oper at, etd Cie 1572. GANSU METALS & MINERALS me. {20 ong ‘Piles bf a sao ha Fr Phone seh ete 3 Bt crn 1 tenant 088 Prepuers itn Notts 2 uns ane nee Sho owes uegrhacer 28 Gran hen Peprtons {Rea hwo ct Forge S515 Sel eon Ss Nason Ses $816 Co eS Set, So, ers ‘Bor Noveran oor ates oo, Sakon, Meng. Tm 1973, GANZHOU LEATHER INDUSTRUAL, iu inthou song 941050 Cia ‘ey Poa Ws Pet Prone RTH Bra 7 2 Veet Pandan 158 PRODUCTS, cry wa Spee S71 Moers oa nd aes Safe Seep 1276, GOLD.UON APPAREL & LEATHER NOB nd Zone Bing Dosco Jargon Mano cuanseng sit cna ‘ey Pesaro Pesto tr Phone 89 2508 159250575 Ne tempos) 200499 Proouers: 295 Leer hoy Une ‘svien onan e sos eumcaone praca, Ssanicserete Sc Saree cea waar ore oe oe era ee SS xn 2 a anaes sr euecnouwrna sures nese Spon KeiReswSaamwen Saat aa goa Seemeee mous iciemeren a 1577 GUIYANG HAGUANG LEATHER ‘SHOES FACTORY 2AGanynarg Lasko THT Wome Megs ade 500 Later Gone. et Rear Eph SSeowtinansrs ‘re sone cts, mas co Fon ROOT ORE Ivcteraonenest. e4 FropUers, er in Sees 5 aware Re 5350 eel sno 1570, HEBEIXUANGING FUR 8 LEATHER: cour ‘SDanpetngno Bineran Xurtun Zongiaon Noy Perma Ua toong Pesce Fone 3810 Ire Pro 58190 911 Foe s330187 ‘o,f Enpoyees(Est: 5099 PRoDucTS: 1 Ltr ing nd ig {et Remon cep abr Boengara Boab ‘dong Henge 151100 Coa frPoame! Ban argu Pee eon 881771028 ebemne om Teta: gig {B50 he, Ca no ‘581, HONGYU TUCUO WEAVING FAB Res coro. Fe Phove i SiSC8 68 Bh S86, eotemeyent 0008 PRoDUCTS: PT Wane Hew odes ers okous onocerapien gs Joy ort Fe Su est {8 cemopest, now 08 1 ter ong ot Sina pone ner rte Spe CHINA - 103 - Major Manufseturers $28 Lana Pass Po, Seon tle Sime 251 Pc Pap Pats Fn, Cond ad Ucrsracrorr Tot Xecenals Daingznen noun Hn 00 Ca Koy Personne Yn Seg, Pet (Pane 8522604 terertyaes 2 Propucrs, 1 mens Hangs Pres 31 Fonte ce aoe 1994, HUNAN XIANGXI PLASTICS PLANT ey Personne Mat, Pest, Por e2 0 1 2 28 18 82215 re phnms TN, HOME IG ran, 3H te Fee st 3808 No. ofemploes( ore 100 Prooucrs: 311 Lao Tang hing Se tmp Panes Pot ee 508 Late Paes Pa, Se, no Pte Soe 20 avi rae Cheles {471 Beers, sg Pals, on ncng ae fe oepente 20509 eas 1270 tna ects 31 Fonte ne Rate 1506 HANNAN ZIRMERMANN MOULD Teheran heansnsnen Sangin et Cane ne, 2s See S085 ines: sosioea 014 s0s2229.50 eat soa ts we Ceneyenne Sosa YeorFatan 12 Suhre vnc ao econ Sua ht Pater 28 Toray Now oy Perorma foe Pes Prone i800 tne Prae55509.054 Fon see A Sfenpometee 0980 ProDucrs, 270 ma pons ST Late onan ishing S71 ame Hag Pe 31 ont ep aa 71M le art a esos or ‘Stang San 3401 Cina Pore Tosa Toker 2 T0210 Int Fac 257526 804 Ne. otempoen(e 0556 ‘ort Foundation 168 eae Goo 499 Fares Meal Prodits | 1580.JINZHOU SHUNCHANG LEATHER FUR GARMENTS.CO LTD (i naangi Shas ioning 12108 Cn ey Peco Mags Pesca Prone CHs14325 46ST "No. fempoensies) 0356 31 asthe Tin an hig S17 emer Haag Ps 1dFontwa pt ate e27acope on ae 26 ono od Sopra Ging 1590. KUNSHAN XIANGFENG PLASTIC PRooueTs co LTD. ‘ra Quoyare inst Sagas 218900 Cina ey Psat ago eset Prone. S735 $2905), 520 22% Int Prone #85 58170571, 55 70572 20 ar SOLES {Tt amen hang 8 Pre comers 1501. WILISSA LEATHER COLT NO Kaequ once Bee ‘Wena Zang 011 Cha ey Pscnat Langone Prone STWSKE, TOES STORE Int ac STS 8 No olemptyeeat 0400 Sine Tomy on rng S17 emer Hang Pe 1 ontwr, cg Raber 1882, MOZHIMUAINDUSTRY CO LTD nears hg Eejang 311205 cana ey som, Pret Int Prone 86875700252, 505700077 Int Fac 6519500122 SES O1 8 Ne. ofemaoyoestéa more 100 St Wane Haag od Pes 220 mers an ners Sus Sits Co ates a bop cote £21 e's doe She ey yaman yarra0 LexTWERENTER. asin Popr 90209 Cina ey Perse, Sra, Pe Ine Pon 898812, 878128 In roe sess 160 No.of Empress 00-900 SH ames aos Pass PARTS FACTORY er Year anon Sng 20009 China ey esa U Baan, Pest Noo Emenee 00 008 Toe esther Got S71 Mate, Beye, a Pt 1505 NANGAI TANNERY CO LTD. Nana Gunde 52826 Cra Mey eecma es Pst Prom ere 908 Int Prone: 36 75 684 8 Noe Empoentes0008 C2 ni posts eax Got Sonar, np Raber "sen sd Sep Lea Caio Tey Peeoma Stag Pet Prom Wi ORTH EHN 8. 2501 0, 256871 2569 ‘aaa. nea Empsjeetet: 00-450 ProoueTs S171 Wane Matos Pes ‘otlenne eer ine ng RogueTS FACTORY Nani orga 02 Ching ey Posoma. Go. Pesto In Prone 62840057 286093 220 No. EmpooesEt_ 100498 Proouers: 71 Wane hang Pes ‘ates on Sop ne ang to Nirah 2heang 319803 chine ey Persone Ue Pease Pr Sanaz Ta Sez aca ‘rae, saz a SBD TaN Inte sb Srazie S620 No. mpieestes nee 000 Sauyeay, Usstoomezseant Major Manufacturers "TP! Wana nto ag Pes 28 Wate Ontercr £20anap ot Yorgagranl oy Peseret Dae ace, Pre EST I, Fr T0281 No of rates more 1000 RoDUerS: 21 rein ae ‘578 os ans Pea {551 Pv, Poa an Pats {S80 Sprtng at Ate Gonts 1600. No4380 FACTORY, AXING ‘brance {Monga Jaina Zo} 31400 Choe ‘er Pesena Den rg, estat No of Erato) 200408 Proouers: a err Gods Set Fone, cept oe {51 Nowa ao Mes Equant 1601. PNGLIANG JAYUNLEATHER ‘cla aa 4400 Ci roy Potona eg, Reet Pre. 25058 No oferobeetes: 200400, 5 Won foo nd aan 310 foo, ep aber £86 aero Sep LedCoting 1692, QNGDAO D.LLEATHER COLT Prone SAO SOO Fan Ste 20, No of rote) £00908 1 Ware's Moto at Pes 100s. GHA LEATHER PRODUCTS rey Borst Ps No ofEnotyeees) 500909 YoretFaundton 180 Prooucrs: 70 anal pees ST Wovens Roo ae Pes 500 enter Gots Sit Foe, gt Ne 25 Lenr ot hep ned ing -104- ire ‘ey Penna Lng Pret Sr nha Inc Pann = 85 28 231 628.22 ror 2080108 bre Fae 885 789108 eof mpoyos(es) mor 1000 [But Paracel Ppsaine {268 anal gan hemes ‘42 Mea Oso, Ss Fans, Meg, Tm {592 Bete aciey, Eugen nd Ses {See Comatose 1875 Berens {Pier eel Pare ces $518 ena Comes es $581 Pps on Poni Ese Factory Sten Sch tn Porm 487631 6 6302510 3 Lente Ting Fring S171 Wane’ Hoops aes SSANMING FUCHANG PLESTICS CO orange ‘ey Posome Ou Doogie Pett Pron ab 4 ea 8 ncPhon Sa siseaehss bese 8 bron ses cu or ese 68 oranda 00 Proouers: ers cou ‘Stanaha Sharal 200127 chins ‘ey Pecoma Du Den, Prete CHINA Ire roe. 267708 Ievofemonast 030 {311 Who Hoste FRL701218 dhonsan Bel ‘Shona Sora a9 ne Fine 25a HEH BOE HE S ‘esters far 202078 iter Senos tetanic to oremponestet a9 Stone Us canton 7 Wren ne Ha romen cep he $2 tls ote nha ‘Bsa Oe $350 Cg dine ‘ans 5574 ete opr Maa Bo 1800, SHANGHAI GREAT WAL FINE CHEMICAL PLANT ‘hang Sor 20062 Pen fms Bo NENT HEARN, Prove 852820 29% 216.0629, 216 To ofeploes(es O08 TTT Ltr Teng ding 182 ras 1610, SHANGHAI HUAHE LEATHER PRO- engn Sora 20 say Ponca tan Beng Pec Prone ae reo sae nee Foc tore to chemone(t, 200400 Soenen USS OMNI Fropucts, SVT Later eng hing $17 Wer skein aes st ucrsoaneun ite eet Sena ee Saws eememen, oe ican CHINA = 105 ~ Major Manufseturers co Samm Perce Thee ohiaiaa Sones em moors Tae Fel mn Eat Factory Shang Sng 200072 cre ‘ey Renon cpa eat ine Prag 86.215382 572 Fon Sera No.of émploes(e 10.908 31 tt Ting on oh Sime Menage Bes ‘614, SHANGHAI WEDING IROUSTRIAL LEATHER PRODUCT FACTORY Shargha henna z008¢ ne oy Peon Da io, et Fe 625208 81825768 frre, sa6 216 74828 No. ofempljestee 0490 ProDucrs: 27 ns eines S171 Women Hangs on Pes ariel 552 tern Piss Ha Betng Kay Poona Gu en Pat Fon Nowoat No ofemploees(e) 0-108 "0 ae aos 5351 Lente ree ane Le tuscuaimonme sonst = oe cees ema TE tater a coum acura Zone Dyanna Sharm Guaigcory S168 Cre ra 0387098 No, ompoeesés)_mor 1000 ites Yoon Fishing 517 mer ang Ps S578 Caclin at ein eons ‘618. Hand LINGaIU FUR FACTORY Ura has O30 Onna ey sore oa, or Sort Funan 108 S11 Lesa Ting on hing 81am, pt ae works Hosen renramen ‘Shooern Zang 2060 Cia ‘ey Ptr Butts Peet Ine Prone 26875184190 Irena STs \eoreaiion toe ie ay seg 1620. SHENYANG CHEMICAL {tt Shon Shonana se ‘Sherjng uring! tat Chins ey Panna hat, Prt Prone 25208 6 2092 1) 2082 752 Far 2050733 Ine ec 520507120 Ne. tempoeestes mere 000 Procuers: Serco Pain Fn, nd BAe od One ean Goer ‘suzinne Ot an Gees 57ers nigel Cie 249 Xonar Shove ‘Sromang ning 12011 Chins Keyser ean Pec Prone 3281 00% i tEreoeett) S206 “art Foundston 1956 ‘31 eT an hing 1822. SHENYANG IMITATION FURFAC- 25mm Share ey Psa th Prsee Prone, 2b 200% 20 8 No. ofempoeestes 0-496 Procuers: 311 onto Ting on hing S17 mon Ramage a Ps Sepnors ito eon ‘stds a Sued To crs Factory 25 QWER a Ts Shona crng 12006 Chis Int Phone 86 22582207, 225020 No eempyoenet s0559 Ceranma specs S17 Wane Hees Pes 1624 SHENYANG NO’ LEATHERSHOES feeeR 90 Tos Shonara Leong 10 Cra Prime asa tT aeee TS Io. Enonyeeset rr 100 een, Ep at cour ‘Sr up 50 nga ina Zone Bagong Bujson Prone et Ose a 58,5820. InP 8 To, EE fan TED Wess: yoo an Nea Emaewstt 00-80 Sort Feuntotor 10a vt ame haa Paes uo "tang ig 2 Shenton Unverety ‘Shonthen cungaon 55060 Che ey Posoma e2 Pae Prom een 85 86277 Int Pro: 26 75668 128,795 6950877 Int Foe ib 155 262725 Prooucrs: envi pees SV Leste Tg an ing 4627 SHENZHEN TENGFEI LEATHER CO Srenencargang a4 a Prom TEE TS) TO 5, 182200423 I Pro: 86 TSS HEE a ProoUCTS: enim pecs SV Lethe Tt an inhi 1628 SHIVAN LEATHER INDUSTRIAL CO Sie acs cn Prom eet Foe Taba we ineme “67087 28 Veort tater 186 Major Manufacturers "Wane Mato ad Pes 319 Foe, opt aoe a Front 1629, TANAINDENGFENG TOURIST Maoaanaang hots Zoe ee Ti 100 On Prana 23902 2224 076 brea ota ts, ze C68 No of rote) 200409 [11 Wana’ ato sa Pres ‘an Paes Pets so unuasiarion noe ieee son ene Be Bate ee ea re Fisbant Se See Bid SR mn 4631. TANJINNO 20 PLASTIC PRODUCTS Factory Dinar ana ‘ova 0 ena ere! Sg esa fre Phne 2220084 Far 22103234 2278528 No oftnlyeees 2008 Soha Tit ion Space S81 Mabry, los, at Parts seam ae Rectan ec ecins = 1623, WUHAN IMITATION LEATHER FAC- oR Sees eta eer meets =. Fa ame 1634, WUHAN INOUSTRIAL LEATHER (G0008 FACTORY Sout No ont nan ine #00%4 Cora = 106 - \oratRaloon 9 i rer ots ‘PRODUSTS FACTORY ‘Key Personal Ou Kn, Pesce Ine Phorm 47870 6 2760 St o8 Me crenata) 08 30T Lee Ting Fy {ts Pes tee eos. WXIMSA SAFTY EQUIPMENT CO to ‘Wa sag 24008 ePorme! Yr Poe og censor) 088 Stora 88 St Liter Ser ahs Sip ra eat tget $55 Spl ty tony 107. wiZHOU LEATHER PRODUCTS ‘oranges Washo Beng 43003 Ona oy PemmeU hots Pee Prana Ted 8 ee sT6 4 27E Ine Foe sO TH 20 Ne ofEmplyor(es) 200400 1 Ler Tein Fig ST Wane’ Hobos Paes ed Frcs Sept ae 48, XIMEN SMARTEX GARWENTS & BAGS CO LTO ‘oy Poca YE nang res ‘aga pgror maa 07 ra St 9 [Ne of EmpoyeesEs) £00000 Proouers: {71 Won’ Hsp Pass {574 Unetea rapr on tl Bags son amon nro co 3 eect foreseen erat Tee teen ged inane CHINA 210 ter Teng ing IT Money aes 57a’ Jnr Sut, Sts, anos "Bet irs an oye Cty PRODUCTS FACTORY. “eng yang 699000 china ‘ay Poa gains rane ew avaemenstt re Ire Fae 5051271 Mrotfendaon ie00 ro ent cer 21 et ing dig 1306 Lather and Shope Clting ‘Br rr ood cone. “ ine orem In Phone SETHI Fe 878818 No ofEmpoyeetest. mov 000 278 na pce TT one's andes 1149 Rear Ep Raber i a a aan Pe Sra ERP aD Tien a "Tt Win Mong on ees 142, XUZHOU HUAHAITARNERY zn ange 2007 Chine fey Pent es Pre Ire Prove: ab51 67 Foe Se TER Ie No of Eploesiet: roe 1000 (70 ht pectin 5 ing 1644, NUZHOU SANL! LEATHER COLTO ‘Shogun he ‘Sing args: 21200 Chia Prone S862 59 5.51588 56e9 Ire Foe 51609052 Mo ofenpoyestest 00198 1 ater Ting ed Fig 571 Women aus 1545. WAN TANNERY ‘SE Otingang ton ‘Yean Soar 2800 Cis CHINA i Pone e asc a2s Nocera e190 rt int pects $d Wonce an Sars esd Sts 1646, ANGHIANG NUOXTERCO "angle Gxargsong 52050 Cora Koy Pesorna to een Pest Prone 1 te Prana S622 68 A otenooen 0480 Propucrs: 11 mens Mang on Pres tent od Sep ee tng it has yee ‘647. IL YWANG FURINDUSTRY CO seve SoyAocowe! wan Pen Rone mee a fo mest cee "Tepe pcines Soe Ine Phe: 8 0651145 nome Te nea Perce 221s copesse oe owe ree 5 Sing econ, Phe God Soret tro ojo ng 31540 Choa Koy Peonma Han scr, ptr tea an st 2 022 tne Prone -26 57425 «5 S408 2 (eran sete 6 A oferooe0-80 Prooucrs: 1 La Tang Fishing 8171 Womens Hangs on Pres 1850. 21ANGUIAGANG DONGYAO Drantsary Sng 21527 Resa pe Pee -107- ne Fotos 80 1806 Ne. Otempoente) 0-86 Yor Fountain 1986 31a i a ing exe cone. sng epong31090 Ca Mey Pea Ore Pesto Ine Pon 557970888 Fon see No. oteplnestet 0499 Sharer, ug ater II bosd we bi Coton atone tee Eracopen ne hap Sete oe tos Senna eater Zeneca Ste Sommer ast 5S8tdnes To Chee’ ces {27am tye ope Stnovena dies Pea se revere soonmen Be ie ost Coe an eaten poe iota Eos St 1689, HEJANG ZHENGY! ENTERPRISE “ENcan Ga ichng ey Poo So hog, Pest No. fmpeesstest more C00 Prowuers: Sener Stefano, op Rae tsa haber an Pines oe antag ‘Stone, Clay, Glass and Concrete Products 41654, ANHUI ANQING YUESHAN COPPER ‘ey Preonat.ulinPe Yeoreumtton 1865 Major Manufseturers Caney 3015S Medrano tetas ar Soe Sosrmey netroots ‘Méthon at Sora 41655 ANHUI CONCH GROUP CO.LTD Int Pron 8685 368 26,5 509937 Inte SB sSa0 6115 fo oengientt sre 100 Prooucrs: 24 Cone, hana Sittin a aig on Componente 551 Comtietn Macey an Eau 1656 ANGNG GLASS FACTORY {Bthrang Yea ‘ey Poeonat Gere, Pst Ie Empat rare 0 384 Bec Lan Tt Seti met ‘TON MATERIALS IND CORP. ‘ran ining 114022 ing Prom ee Tet 45, 012602798 8 Ine Foe 61281 1073 Ie oenoieatt re 100 ProoueTs tls onan Comes oe Conta an Cheneal reprabors EerGomaas rome shot rts 41658 BAOTOU ALUMNIUM CO LTO ‘Mecca Oosgno ‘Bact tans OOS Cina My Pconat Margy Pet eae Int Pron’ 18657241490, 414018, ‘aria este ge Nf Eman nae 00 Seorotounator 195 ‘GROUP CORP, ‘ronan Sant ns ong 0000 Cina Prom Wea No. Empoyonett nar 1000 Yeorst Funder 198) $1 Fate Schl Meta Major Manufacturers 1650, BELING BUILOING MATERIALS Factory’ Gani Chasyangnen ‘ja ng Hees ona ey Persona ag Gam Pest a OSES 76807 fe awe se hse eu, 785627 No cf erodes mere 1000 ProoucrS: St Pat Vash, a, ne ai Nonta hres Prose £271 Cone Back nt Bk EA Cone rae ‘48 Presb eta Bal anCompenents sa ssmonaone arene Peel See eee ae Ser cigar math a feehemmees pe osu SS oer hc 10a, BEING FENGTA aNaUANS!AG- IcUcTURAG NOUSTRIAG & COMMER Sa. assoc so Si Steen 2s renner Sere toe ors ce eRe Sieg sit es Pe eotwne Phen seas fe Erpayote er 100 ‘aerRenle ate it Ome mre Pits Souter SoA as Eee a on cates fee 20 et rat Sete 2 Satay Tat et ad rc 384 Porelan Becta Suppies Soiree pe pati Seniaceee Siti ohare CoD os haath ope estoang Cape Ses had a pent See tamg race cr ameccniialna tose (651 Re st gets nd Mars FORCED PLASTIC PRODUCTS FACTORY ‘Being apg 1004 Gna ‘er Pore Peart Prone 57338 WoT Te Ine Pana e657 373 E2576 = 108 - Meret andion fst 22 Bn wen Fates Ml, Me Fa & Eee hmmm han pent {bis Pree Pas {2a omer tres oss ‘HS Hoig Ean se na cuenta no ster reser Sea erect aeons OES Tone St ree ‘TON ENGINEERING COTO - Bejing ng 100008 Crna "ey Peseta tn, Peso. Ine Pron 2053601055021 ron ese Morr Randaion tot PropUcTs, £281 Catone nd Se Poet 166. BeLING JUNCTIONS FACTORY erasoizoYa/Agrewa Fonca pg Bong soon Ce ‘ey Pesoma bn a, Pst hreFane “182810 Mor andaion 13 SeRbeey airy 10209 ch ‘ey Pome Sn, se freon sn igre 4 Moret Fandsion 58 proouers: {288 Pte Puts 168. BELING NO.1 RADIO COMPONENTS FACTORY 1 acs Hong Datong Xeteng Saji ueog oot cme ‘eo forme! Ge soot Inc Pore 6 20 184 1001687 ror 12 108 bron 8 N68 ror antaion 198 CHINA "290 Nema Mines Prot {525 sre fo enue an est er {$20 si and Cote Des 1569, BLING NO.2 TRANSFORMER FAC: Tongere Being 101101 Cina ‘oy Poona Lang, ea ‘Fron 125887 68 642 Foe ase! oof Epoesfest: 200009 PRoDUcTS: 812 Power, Debt, 2a 6a Tan {Sta ete and ar pean {98 Briel Maciy, Epa nS 170, BELING NO.s05 FACTORY agers Chyna ‘Bj Bog f00zz Chine ‘oy Poona Soe Peso Ire Pro 510877152, 611402, 108 Ie Fae. 26 1670S No ofeploectes 00998 ‘tarot faundion 1980 2a0 Nema Mines Prot {574 Semcon Rolie Doces. £559 Sci ir Hach 4671, BLING POLYMETHYL METHACRYLATE PRODUCTS FACTORY ‘Seamp coy toooseenee ay Penna Yann, Prose ‘ee anatgawe ene ae ‘eens oes iceman Sonne Saeco Bree a aren ‘Sarcoma 1672 BELING POWER FLY ASH INDUS- ‘Prone Ws 3473 68 22 58H ‘esse Fe Foe 8 0545202, 56269 fe ofempent 06108 ‘Ben nsalOgan chem ear hey {249 Rood eum $558 Sc ty Racy $388 Grr aa Mra Ener (G51 Rasta gen nd Mage CHINA = 109 - Major Manufseturers FABRATION FACTORY 108 Bestuar Dong Caoyng Smjngbanne 1009 Cnet ey Peon Pest No.of émploes(Ea ore 100 {24s Scud Meta Sn pi ney tinny 52 Changoing Donia Nrkauren argon aia azo ch rare 67 (he Phane 2 0837198 No ofemploea( re 180 "fat SEO ramets aes 1675, BELING STONE MATERIALS CEN. TRECOLTD. Dazraingrsngeunen Dasing pg 10260 ron 31 108847 Fax: T6003 54 Ine Foes 0852154 No.of empleste 0100 19) etiam ts {21 Gt Stead one Pacts 1676, ELING TIANHALELECTRONC SC ENCE@ TECHNOLOGYCO Tor vendo, Bete mst Ce | Fora We eae Fon "Sota be Fe 061046 No.of emplyes(ee 5-50 YearoiFaunston 988 325 foraan ects Supes Sot sue evo, Gus tonic 1677, BELING TIME APPARATUS CORP. gy Pesonnd Dy Shan Pesca tne Pa 8 1621371, 1621796 tron st06 2095 i of mpioet 120.000 "tren bi at 2240 hein Sct Mota Ss iy et Pes 221 caer spansaresgener Sore. Int Fax: = 906 62 21 4 106 0291 45 Ferien Seer wee sie oe GLASS ENGINEERING CO. Seine Bary Toor Cons oy Pentti Pre Int Fae 5 854550 No. ofempbreastest $0 Sear undone 2 ls Poets cet Pcs Gant ‘taal ore San roe Mog et se sen tau consucron scence Inc Phone 089187, 1820383 emer omer Zoe ea Soci strpos Sees ‘SEARCH INSTITUTE SGnpanga Hepeat Coreg Boing Boprg T0001 Ca ey Prana: eset Int Pron 362 2214 Fane a7 234 Int ac 20204 No tempat 100 Procucts: ‘ot nal rpc Ceness S515 vrs, Bat ars itomeate ura Psa Se gh xan S24 Becta tu ae Tate, St vows arg ese ‘Seah anda Gaps S7fcompan Pogo ope Sing Mach arent 3560 Goes nti Maher Egmont 5591 comarton thn an apa {742 Marogme Coat Sevece 1862. CHANGCHUN CONSTRUCTION MA: 25s Can tason hangchan tat oe Prine Greta Gites No ohempyenea20.838 Proouers 2% Spc rot Snes 51 Ga Sow ae one osc 12 Cone, Harte ‘Change erg 35:21 Chine MyPal, Pratt Prom S207 930 Far Sig v27 Int oe S207 227 1. Empbyoeste5) nore 1000 "2 bamcas Cat ‘Noone era ets {604 CHANGSHA ELECTRONIC MATE- RIALS FACTORY Sitar Bn cregganen vingng ‘Wpeteng har 050 na Vey Posomat Wena, Psst t Ehne, eC THRE ‘ne Ne maya noses PRooUeTS 51 Gore Lamps ne Tas Gargana uan 10014 cine ‘ey Ronan: Osang Yen eset Phorm Treat, 38 258 No.of Empbyeesest) 700-409 Sages). USS rom 384 Bec Lamp Bub Tbe +1686 CHAOZHOU ARTS PORCELAIN ‘Ghar Cuonosona 518648 Cina ey Pesoe: Suen, Peet Prom eee 20 No. Empeet et 00950 PRooUeTs ith Fste ase Eth Keon Ales a1 Gat Se ae Stree ‘1687. CHAGZHOU HAWIANS PORCELAIN ‘nos Fengucen Chae cua 518648 Cina serena Pst te Gemma, ot vrs cum Png anes het rots Major Manufacturers ‘82 von St Ferns ‘628, cHAQZHOU OVERSEAS PORCE- Ua Puan ‘Ghnan cuangtng sso Chine ‘ay Penuinat tego Poss tm Phone ai 2021 inerar sth 2022 ‘eorotFangan is6 Propuers SSivonsaocoaageeact 1619. CHAOZHOU THREECIRCLE CO LTO ‘Ghat Guongiong seeteChine ‘er Porm ag Vn Pact Ine Phones 27H8 6897, 1665028 Sony Pres at Porali actis Sipe Ment co LTD. Pragarbonn Pg Arcane ens ‘Chngae ove 367201 Cana er Poe se Pet Prone stesabees et 250 2 an, Ss SOB 2 No of erodes mere 1000 {E41 Cono, rade {500 Pinar Prone 1001, CHENXING RADIO EQUIPMENT 2ounando Chaoyang Sala Being e016 ens er Poa Oe, Meset Un Prana 0683808 Far 06 16 No of oysters 1000 roouers: 281 knew Poa ‘999 Becta Machine, Equant, Supe ‘rebate comport 523 Masi Cong ovens 4692, HA BUILONG MATERIALS ‘Bein Bing 0834 rina ‘er Pore fon rec Prine 068350, eB NEB ano " " freon ere 61 No of rote 200400 pRopuCTS, 223 Stl rt Some {281 Con, ace S58 Coe te Set, iy nt are -10- Punt 1 thasan Onggoizbon (Ghar 99200 Cor ‘ey Poronne goss >t Ineo “e855 77, Ne ofEmporos(es) 0.0 Proouers: We octn Sond Go senate cou Seieumecon Seer The aan RESET om roo SS ae oe 22 bev Ft Ma Frad 2 ong te £82 Pr ii £21 Gus Paasche Oe Sarin £213 i Whetriogan Set a an See [Hott eal Poe 508 snes tree Pts 52 Gr {Ses evn, Nese, nce fot Sues £285 al tes £0 fom an ren chi nd Earen Stetreae ese (14 Pecan et tins 15. CONSTRUCT MATERALS. (range ‘Menayn Senora 27200 Ching ey Pome gin, Poa Prine S282 Foc shasetar ‘Ne cfEmaorntEs), 500000 {215 Jona tr diy {Bat case and te Pot Saal a age Toe 196, 6880, JANG CHAOYANG MA PO Bor erg Jag 38272 Ci ‘ey Pose Mat Pret Irene 06 1250607 eof Empyev(es) 500000 Propuers: {251 vinous Oi Pnting tres ‘ez eat Ooo Sek Fon, sing. T 581d Secnusand utcnore apraar ‘197, DALIANGLASS FACTORY CHINA ‘r se Prove 85414993, 11490989411 Parr a ofploes(st: rom 100 ‘tarot faundton 828 PRODUCTS: "S10 ol ste £241 Coon, ee 4998, ANDONG ELECTRODES & WARE ODS FACTORY. Bando Corina 1002 nw ‘Re awoomecaen ne Pho 11868762, 1586 170 ree as61602 No cfEmporee(Et, 500920 ‘oor offend eee $515 Soweto Seat as an Sen 1609, DASHIOIAO REFRACTORY MATE- Desiring 1510 ching Foe ssn a4 a Sah No of mplyeetet: moe 100 PRODUCTS: 4 Meares meta Mines srnecoy Fangenang Hoan 478200 China ey Perna Uy Passe fre Phove: 8377713971, 37 737 "EE Contracton Sins et 1251 ars, Veisben nar an rae, £281 GaSe nd Soe Pots £261 Conn ae ‘701, FENGZHEN POWER STATION LA- thr ne tr 012100 chm Mo of Employee 0009 1702, FULIAN HUAGIANG FIREPROOF PAINT FACTORY Siang Fuien 82214 Chine oy Pesona Wnt Pst WY ea Prone ie 1 51 S890 1578 Ire Pre 35598 15, 6 997875 Ie Foe -255:00 177 ecrenyent oe CHINA se Major Manufseturers Propucrs: 1226 seecaarhases a Stone 1712 ARAM HAFEI NOUSTRY CO Tt Be tom ‘Sain Sree Tata ning 220 taro ai Ct, Wat ia rb etengyang T3000 Chee ‘soning ‘ey Powe ta st et & epost. ne (TORGANGUMETALSAMMERALS mr, ere ineerese Sr 20 nen xg I Pron: 88 501600 $4 Cos ates Pas 4251 ra, ort, aco, Ent Sonne ers Pas S60 eter roc Sanrhoncer 14703. FUJIAN LERLE STONE MATERIALS coun ‘Key Posonel Dain sco Prone sere ke 10 fo. ofmplowes(e 0108 1704, FUJIAN QUANZHOU ARTS & CRAFTS CO, ENGRAVING FACTORY aman Fin 82009 Oona rane 8 697 8 (re Prone 55285, 52861 4 525 fie Earn Kon ee TinraPapo 2600 ie Prone ae aa sh 8 (he Phne 8 7 29, 81320 Ne clrjeed i050 324 Cont ya ‘incangebr Goon Seng Scan tina Prone 8 No.of plese ore 100 Prooucrs: 1221 Bes Ca 524 Comet yr {1707 FUSHUN COAL MNING ADMEN. Fours 12008 China ey Peon Wg Dane, Pst tne Phone 152525805, 022577 braces 2267 1, tempest 00 {511 Gar rola atat s 210 fet omer. 524 Cone rate He2ton aa te ins $0 Fri ad Eee, 3553 nl Ga il oer Een ‘8 tapat Spe eo Bes {70 apts vc oy Paneth Pet Mowe Far D168 feiras smatren No etenpeses 00-86 irl anors ag oe 3149, og Rae Sancho athe opto 5Bantomesti ws Pose Set Some rae ‘Satter ‘tetra ed ons {Biase tes haha Spe Sbtscna eis Se St, Se ae ‘onan ot ete 4709, GANSU YAOUIE COALMINING BU Pee sn os ey asa. Pest a 30 1241010, 31 602164 Soret Fourdoor 1956 1710.GUANGX! GAOFENG FOREST FARM Nea Gung 59001 china ey sons: iy eke Peet Ine Prone 861732 121, 7H a@6702 Ne. otempeeses mare 00 eh pen Ste 222 Paces, pete este 28Laresing Os ae Groves aspen ‘Senn Oman 97108 ey Posona aan Reset Fare Tee 2108 Ietraese5 02105 Ne, otempeestéa) mere 00 rowucts: 22 comes ase iss ronate Fan Brea Ine Foe 5) 60183 No. Empboestes nee 1000 321 ls Moue, Mac Prsateest ‘htc ore ay Pome aay Ti ete Pr ese 38am chin and Ee 41712 HARGIN NeW BUILOING MATE- ttn nota e000 Chas Ter Pesca a opm Peer iain sero Nee Empresa 1200 Yost Foun 195 Spel rot Svs ‘ot Seta Wind Meer Bosteed reac {shane Mw ets ‘Mazi or fos, ames, Wig, i 41714 HARQIN NEW CONSTRUCTION mA- TERALS ND. CO 2h auennge Dor Faro eteajag 16008 Cha Ter Pena oma Pet Prom ris 3 Far Sia No emperor ab Sect rot Sms Errconnte Pouce Ecos Bok Bi Has Gene, tyne sven ciencos nox sees Soe See eee Eriete (eZee en = pur ‘Ghengse Hebe 067201 Cuma ey Peso. Do Xr Pesitet Int Pron: 263819170 Int oe, “a9 002 Ne oempient re 100 Prooucs {825 Set oun {717 HEBEI LUANXIAN QUARRY Not Emenee nar 1000 Major Manufacturers Proouers: 1 Dimon oe at Nona bres Pea 1718, HEBEL TANANG ENTERPRISE entree roy Poca ng eet frances 76 oof ooo e000 Sewot Fagan 10 iat 5h an, re 1719, HeBI BULDING ENGINEERING CO, COMPONENTS FACTORY ‘GhinatoNanaine snrenon ew nan 468508 Che Prana eas) 2 Fe Pane 82 2, 214 No oferotyestes) 5088 2) Stl roc Somie 51 Cone Bak Bk Plea raw m orelnes brea 88 a8 204 No of rote more 000 {28 Vins Coa Porting ete 181 Noses Cntn gn S38 Shwe, ated ae, ales So 1721, HEGANG COAL MING AOMIN. BU {erin anayang sano ofan 14300 Cina ‘ey Porscnalihei,Peat Prana SAI25T 1 640215 2 Fe Phone saee e571 8002522 Fan ee No of robes mere 1000 121 BimecasCo zat epomes {541 Con, ase {381 ny Ot moo Me 11 mrt inre Seas 198 Ron, Sis, She ta ak 1722. HELONG.IANG NANCHA TIMBER eye Boe et oy ‘Phara.874, 6589412998. 68.41 2981 Ine Prone eh 45 31 08 No of Eros} more 1000 YooretFaundeton 193 -12- 1723, HNANBENYUE GROUPCO Jinan Hina 454650 Sine Wo reset anton, Pest Fa reo 088 bre Fox 6388 958 Ie afempyer(en mare 1000 1726. HENANMUANGHE XUANFENGCO up ergata iso ‘an ae he na Mee mesie0 breFon e462 eh HEE Viste: yates Me tEmpoyent ma 00) DIS Jnl ng on bt an py ter {Eat Ane Potts 1725. HENAN NO.7 CONSTRUCTION ENGI- [NEERING CO PROCESSNG FACTORY ‘rg em ibs Se Prone sr Freon 7250 WT Ie orenployen(en) 0040 [272 Come tics {515 Set rein nd SN nd oes S12 Mea Shp are, Dm, ay Pal 1 wunnuczan none natant Sethe oe Poe eaten Re teey aaa a Sis So, SENT ergy Mua «2102 Crna ‘oy Porat Ue, Retin Prone e383, 7K0097 17 bre Fone on ee 88 chen re 1020 eet Conn Hye ‘Haz wad Sa Foie {B15 Coole Ses St. Si, et are {318 Sel rong Salon es {34 Scan Stings ft Noone (91 st Agent nd Magers CHINA Se ngran Fash ares estan Guang 546808 Crna ‘ay Poona Can oe Peat Prone THE 7 No ofEmopesfest: moe 1000 {261 Coen, de ‘Settles anon a rape onhot re Nengols 010051 China ae ore era No ofEnpbyeetet._mo 000 PRODUCTS, A Comet is geo rane ‘zc rt Fo (71 Eger Sees 1790, KONGXING RADIOAPPARATUS. Factory Basher op Penna Yo Kran Pes Dag ‘Prone. 5153 194,81 54454, 881351 6178 Bn eS 9a TB poe S038 08 No ofenpyesfest moe 100 aed Pectin Bia Supe {98 Breet Macy, Epa 6 Ses {579 Bren Comps 171, ARE! STOVE MATERIALS CO ‘aan Shora0s708 Crive Pore sbazaasassean ss Ie Foe se 826207) Yo ofEponestest. 200400 ‘tarot faudaton 98 Sire cng ring 1732. HUAI! COAL MINING BUREAU ‘ot ol 28206 ‘yrs Best mess Fra 921 so Na tenet row 100 Snort ent 1880 Tat Boma Bt Conn as 1733, RUANGSHI CONSTRUCTION CHEM capunt arg Oxon ‘gant et cine ay Pomme Dogtra I Pon 402978 ‘area 86 CHINA Fes ong Prana 5530795 07960 Fae Sra tne roe e568 No.of pleat 0100 Prooucrs: H90 linwossaontie ns {281 GatSareaaSone Pets 1736, HUBE FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT FacToRY ‘MoMmngatan xian Onsite Hanyang ‘inane asst Cra ‘sists za 1 Serge oe 110 ProDucrs, "Eo tometer Poe Sarton Stanton nis eine {as nanate Rep Soe {3551 Fons Pang Eee. 1736, UBE| HUAGUANG OPTICAL MATE: Poses Ro Retr: Dunes Pee I Phone: “8871038 5118 Fon No.of employes ore 100 "21 Ges Pts ce of Prcaea ast STE mets ae ADM Hoang Patel 45000 china ey Poneto roa e201 I et Emploeet ren 180 YeorotFoueston 108 21 Buea Ca S24 Comet ye 1738, HUNAN BULDING CERAMICS CO ‘Xangion Huran 411103 Cina Koy Persona 2m an este nora Ree 8 (he Phe 230194 HES (eran sree 122 1 tera 0.880 Prooucrs: at Bins Stam £231 Ga Sure ae Sone Posts SE emer my ater 359 Sei nny Macy 1738. HUNAN LIANSHAO COAL MIKING 2113 - me Pons: 5 ra, 7881381 Io etempeyentet noe 10 Years 8 {22 Snes Co tne re Nstvoonemetress toca ‘TRISER PLANT luyamly Chenaoianchan ‘Shimer nn 6900 Ca Fey Penna. om Ooga, eset ar 6309107 Ine Fac. 879650167 No. tempteoestes) mor C00 209 Chet ndChonal Papa: {rane Pr anal ric Coles {24 Cone Has Flee toa 0u ae No olErpteetes) 00198. 1742, NNER MONGOLA DAGINGSHAN ‘ey PsnntBatogPede bc Bena, Prone at ord ferten 108 ‘Borvoncrsan ners Ss Sts dCs ‘Baars sn bot Cig Etaoin sort SossAecterPrecas otmarmneuies Pepto, ‘Ss2carenng Ob ong ees {nrc of Pre Cat eeanra ope Comes ‘9 Sects stoma epatos Sisco rans ‘Seton Stes rs S160‘ eS, S an rs MON 8 TRANSFORMING EO ey Pomona, et Prine es I etmoentt 086 Seare Fuon98 Sata tne ne Pat Set encanto ‘el eo Fre ig Tm Major Manufseturers 7o4oton 11 ting Or ar ea {Sz Sev Pt, Comment co 210 cise tienen Sieg Stange 2600 Cina oo Emin nar 100 PRooucTs sonate pa ops {ees eo Cohcton ‘orate Sonne 4745 JIADING NO2 AUILONG ENGI. [NEERING CO, NO:208ENGINEERNG BRIGADE, rage Jaousion SToag Smo 21907 cna ‘ey Persona. Trg ig Pesto Int Pron: 862182843558 Nea meee 00450 otMeed red S27 Come Blo ‘Gat heo Soeieton Stange Puan 35100 Crna ‘Ben savas sneia on fost Ine Pron 8688 212291 282° 08 ‘ene Me Semper 008 {at Damion Ste {747 JIANGSU ELECTROANALYTICALIN- ey Pocana Ur Pesoe Po kr te 1514S 8, par 50.0 182 Int Foe. 7182, No. Empdjeeste) 00900 osha nwt eat at intenents er snr Teng tsa eter a Cttig Dect Ss Libor layes eens uo ‘Zranagag Saas 28600 Cina ‘ey Peco. ay Wn, Pett Dou Gan ‘rom Stain, Ses No Emaoeastt nor 000 “ort Factor 1089 a Cas ye 2 eta Spi Bare, Orin, a nat Major Manufacturers 210 a il cn od Eat 555s Oven! Hreog ans oat an ae ‘alpen 1709, JUNGXIFENY! ENGINEERING MA Prine 0H No ofErotyeees) 10008 roDuCrS: "Zan Noma nara Peet ‘2 Fond St ergs 559 Sly Wen 1750 JUUNGKILICHUAN HUASHAN POR. Fa TT 938 No o rote 500909 ‘rot Faundton 190 {Cogan Sheng Jong Shandong272'5 Chins ‘er Pesune fag a Post Pra S720, 2172, 21278 bre an 05521194 8 21241 No of erases more 1000, 28 nua bagi Chari {Biz Sao, isthonaces 2231 na Pot, o Paced Gist 1752 sin2HOU NO.A85 FACTORY Jno Lig 12108 chs Snort Faundaton 68 “32 LabratrAopraus ang Fare ‘lr Opciones ee Punt {set na Fane Chine ‘er Poss ot San Peet Priest eset eo 2 Frc Pane 817849 772 84 2 lat ego Chel ‘Eat Noma ners Peat 1734, LANYUNGANG HONGO! CHEWCAL Koy Post Bo Tegan, Pee WO Keh Prana se) HST 8 ‘of Enlooes(e mere 000 -14- Proouers: 299 Chmiclon Chal Reparations Tory waTeRALs co chen oon 16200 China ‘ay Perenet Money Peet Rone Wotan rete me 2018 In Porm 412 52451 812220845 2 Irae sats 8 Nef Empoon(es) mor 1000 Yorof Fanta 880 {Si hay Pat vs onan sree wos soreness spepeeieee eee oe Tle ton we ee ee Soom Son vernon ie pe eecenes Se nesahan Pog ite ao Voor Panaason tse Ee so a works Lug Hanan 300 Cane ‘ey Poneto, Pre Pe aon Prone Tatas 8 ote, EE Inchon 28 2 618926 6278 ree TN eof Emploon(es) more 1000 {272 Comet tit ‘Sot rocoun ce sips {B12 Powe, Deut, md ge Tane femre {505th Egpmen nd Ses 225 est hr a Tao ey Pere Soa on, tet Prone 24:20 2022, 12852 98 Ne-ofEmploers(es), £00008 £281 Cao and Sine Peat CHINA ters cour aghlan 0" Ona oy Penna Und este Ir Phone E87, S878 Irae soe 677 008 Soret rend ioe £251 Ca Sone and Soe Poste {800 Manta nae ss. creat een co a ee otic eee Tas anhiaa ua We Se fe ery ap Simoes foo Smee ‘SHAREHOLDING COLTO ‘ean es 2009 hey rears hres ‘re’ a Ss ah tlt pomp Nocera roe 10 ‘zeker He eo ea igs Siscuanantec toes, mean itteanaee Smstsaontacest Paton) morons manatee Tine siesta nino Tenet uo er melociggnareioe Sei SR, atom 1764, NCl, PNGXIANG COAL. MINING AD- Sac agua Jans 37203 ina ‘oy Poona Dag eg reset Frome 193124796 CO Fon mea Oe oof plete 100 PRODUCTS: 122 Bama Cos {28 Bote Far ea aa CHINA, - 115 - Major Manufacturers seme ern me mma mon Soc rua PEE RETaon 2 eens eaters faerie a Ree «=| umes Shean en ae ace mie res Sheen Se eaten Saran ee ene niet Serene ‘S18 Be i 3362 Bal ant Rote Bearings pe ow sioeaegta tm quemensuarnment Sa py Sooceet Sere war See Bee, Roenenen = cose 1795, MEDIAN DONGFENG ENTERPRISE onaio Giuang Ving eam Gumgseng 510" Cra Prone D6 75123208 Ine Phe 85 7522455 19202079 tre Foe R82 S24 Cont, rade S27 Cont Bk an 1768. WOR, 24UZHOU BRIDGE FACTORY res Han 412905 China oy Pononoa Pre Suede Prana 0, 29 TB, ‘em mae Mo ofemploes(t oe 1000 Prooucrs: 2 Frese Sra eta rea tatendtncpent 3812S Anion, Guero > {1767. NANCHANG HUAHONG THERMAL Sngdaag Deon Zar og Dom Prone bres eat wit Ine Phra 15 1919018738 fo.ofemploestes) 348, YesroiFauneaton 1978 Some Serta recs 1201 kann ents OpMent co LTO. Naw ajar 62300 Chia ‘ey Pesan a as Pee a hey bre roe casts en 2728 1h. ofempoen 0-90 Prooucrs: {201 Cat Sead Sone Pets 79. ance ony sr econ is See 1770. NINGAIA 2HONGWE! SAILIN ‘BUILDING MATERIAL CO LTD, BULDING anciong rae rng Nga 751700 China ‘ey Pesca a, Petit No. ofempoens(es) 0586 270s Peat {eam Oe ad sin CONCRETE PREFABREATIONS FAC! Tremp Pong ‘Shang sharhar2I0137 Choa ‘Rey Pecra Uva, aca Prone 23805 Fare 26608 Ne. lempyentet 0456 Year Fourteen 1956 1772, 0WENS-CORNING GLASS FERES ayuraeie ‘Stamos Gnnging 0720 ha Prone 2h) 9, 2050 2 No. ofempoees(es) 0-496 351 Glas Pues Mace t Pras ast ‘ey Poca aats Peat 1. ofempooestes) mar 000 rRODUTS: 1221 meses Cad {Seb Speed ages, Sree S560 achat Poe Tumi oe 1774 PINGOINGSHAN HIGHGRADE PLASTIC & STEEL WIDOWS & DOORS FACTORY ‘anette Dogon ‘rpargata Neen 407% sa ey Poa een, Pst Int Pron 8638601601. 5 67 9 18 Int oe 7581914 Ne Empoeste) mare 000 {eens nal Clos ‘2 Cones, tyne 4176 PINGKIANG STEEL & RON FAC- ‘TORY, BULDING MATERIALS CO ecerkeu Kengo ‘ey Perce Deng wagon asco 1. Emons nor 1000 Tat Con, Hye S015 Wredrag ot tl als ar Ss {47 PLANO.7tI9 FACTORY %igeneng soning 25100 Cres ‘oy Pocaoa aust Preset rome bes 10s a8 1013 Ine Pron 86 08108, 50 10 Wed Empeeten. nar 1200 Serf Fountain 10 Woe Miceloeue Nant Mes {257 onc S61 Se ean Tes 1778 PUYANG LNZHOU IRON & STEEL couro niu Beran tts Ov se ‘srioad essa Int Foe 7268 195 YeoraPomtator 19 224 Cone, Hye 256i eerie S17 See Pe am Tne ema ros stot Tieraasy rua ee Sem Major Manufacturers ‘Sierznaiie i Sharon 2870 Chins Ce Fee sesh en 200 No of rote) £00909 prooucrs: 2, arate nearer $e ae ee Sears oe Re wan Te Finbantt twon Sitclerahae nn 2a natal Ope eos 208 Chenea na Chonal Posratans {an Foetathomnre ebro ‘205 Misuse aster race 503 Ste resign ta aun pe ‘362 ot, is, Se, Ro, a ahr 1722, QNHUANGDAD LIUHIANG COAL ‘Shrveeabe fing ‘Geruangio Foe: 00508 ia er Pesce tag Saja Pest Fan tw heron se ta8 070 No oases ore 1000 ‘rot Fasten 188. 121 Sime {41 Cone, ste ‘909 Beatie Nacho, Equant Supe 1783, QUANZHOU MINGLE! SLABSTONE cour ‘aan ier Sci Prices ae ra oe BO 7 95768008 “ss 3005 “ ° bre Fae 585 7505 8882008 No of eratjeees 10099 1734, SANMING NO2 RAGIO FACTORY 1 Yrstenu Cneraguan Senjan oj Prsiel ag, reste org rina 54512 57216, Tk Iman ene eT .8 rar SDT VawotFoba 1078 512 how eons py Tra omer ‘500 Comat ical Nc a Een -116- “ras. SANSHu GINGA GYPSUM MINE ‘Peon a er eset Fae 1781318, Ne ofEmploerfes) 200400 ‘ToRY ‘Sry Han €72022crna Fe Phorm RAIN SEDGE Mcrenperentea 0180 19 Males Nome are {2am Pes £231 GaSe and Se Powel Seay amg naan Ieper Soo ts ec" wens se I Fon: 8 15 298 99,53 298 WT Ie ctempoyen(es)mor 000 eA coon eae Sioa ret 1796. SHANDONG FANGZI COAL MINE | GoranaraioFange Wotan Stang 200 Cana ‘ey Posnoa Say Cush Pree Ine Pron 598705 1861 Ine Fox 88 895 785.045 Ne ofEmpyevfes) more 1000 ProDuers: {Btn Bote, Cn Dns maton {RAT Conn, ate [FERTILISER PLANT Yeyncert| Urge Sandon 26265 Cnn ‘ey Penang oan Pest Prone Som Te Ire Pana 8350018 {R41 Conn, rae $225 Sel Fee ‘9, SHANDONG LUBEICHEMISTRY Prone soes wi so wets. CHINA 4, toes 08 sRoDUCTS: tale Chel £241 Coen a {791 SHANOONG LUBE! ENTERPRISE ‘os Srancony 25007 Ca Fone soe For Sa 968 terroe sabe Me otept(st moe 1000 Fropusts: ‘Stress aye Sia ae = Eleven oot tne ne one ames” eons ‘Siena ee meio 1793, SHANGHAI AUTONATICINSTRU- MENTS & METERS SHAREHOLDING CO to Foe" mw a 7820 07871019 Ine Fe 852625258, 6206026278 ate tim seshon Noval pleat rain 108 ‘tarot auton 988 {898 Beta Machiy, Eugen nd Ses ‘Sou Sac ny Woo GNEERING BRIGADE ‘aan Shara 2008 Cina ‘oy Poiana fs Pee rane ae Ire Poe" 2142163 PRODUCTS: ‘Sat hte snd ores. £27 Grr Bk Bt ‘23 hay Ctacn EXPORT COLTD Ire Phe 82162550, 21627978 eran aeaez 80 Mo ofits 020 Steied! Usoaaizom PRODUCTS: {Bet slogan chon ‘S16 Ca ole Stet Shee, St, sn Bore CHINA 217 - Major Manufseturers 50x ds Maser se752ecvoe cacors 21 parase Peses Hema Pae tthe re ingen, SMa tl Contig Des 1796, HANGHAIUILOING COMPONENT oy Poon hn fatey Pest sone Int Fox 0621658) 187 1. temples) or 00 ProDucrs: 524 Comet yale $3 Seal winning ania apie 1628 ho Cabucon 1797, SHANGHAIBUILOING ENG- NEERING CORP.,CHENHANG CO Chertngeten ory Shah 2114 China Ao ofBmploestee)” 0490 1798, SHANGHAI BUILDING FABRICA TioNs PRODUCTS CO, GANGKOU ‘RANCH Shang Shana 20022 he Nop Poem hay Yn Peet Prone aeaudeer 2 aba, M6004 ‘meee sac eh ane ae an T6eDO No ofemples(ee 0490 ProDucrs: "281 Gat Sead Sone Pets isle S275 pum Prods 315 Hern on Sn ae sae sm guscnnconer arenas ate Ft sentria soptomn sane core mien at, os ne chess Soeame sa fois Sr oe wets ac Sakon 2h enc en Papons Earueangonecenre ‘Babar Oe ones Seat anon Ge os ‘an renee ease 252 er ete Sin tenes nyo det 2 bcos 5361 Ponsa Paring Ere. $2 on Eo ‘at ators deal estos $451 Fay ots Sore Stonchonr anda ross 251 aero ot nd ees FACTORY. {0060 Nore Hanan ‘Shona 2085 Chin ey Peon ash, rst Int Pron 862142521508 iota Fate Sai Aa 4801, SHANGHAI IAGUANG-SMICK OF. ‘Sangha Soraalzi03s Chine Key Precast No ofEnpens(e 0456 325 Gs Pues Made t Pca Gass Opciones ea cour 15 Teen ‘Stang Shanghizi009 Che ‘ey Poona cn Pct Ine Prone: 262164945814, 21667 2028. Farr DEUS IES Intact sateen 2600 8128 Io otemplestat a8 prowuers: SE Come ase Eertconres Poac SS Se Por an iba Ss30mimay Sot an eno Neerous {Ss 3Seeroneahugea Posts 051 earns rd er 1803. SHANGHAILIANHE CEMENT CO oD Longin a ‘Shane Shara 202% Cha ey Precno’ arg ors est Ine Fae 5206403828 To. ofempoeostes) 20-496 Seoret Fountain 1 41004, SHANGHAI MARBLE WORKS Destine Sta Soar znz2 che ‘eres ar, 26508908 No ofempeyesstes 0496 {Rat Cat Sinead tone Route +10 SHANGHAI MINGHANG MAGIAO UILDING CORE. ‘Shag Sangh 201111 Chea Prom Bee 7 Int Pron 862149247 Ne. emptyeestes) ere 1000 8 el Prot Se lofi Ft E27 Goel ik ‘75st Severe {beso concen Key Pesca’ Oe Guo ested nt Prone; +86 2156528932, 215 6529499 Ie eenpiyent 04on ProoucTs EariGonras Ponce 1807. SHANGHAI TUNGHSING LIGHT NO. Girge feu Bagge Senglang Sura Stet Chia Pine senses as Fan Bers 51 Ine oe 218 Wo. cemobyeestet 30-88 251 a bali nt ted er ‘onto nner SettGoaree roach, Sz Ger os oe Bek Si fare Soca Setstnacgen we ecoou peas Sama SSsetpec nary Heceery 5548 ene vari atid Esme DEVICE SHAREHOLDNG COLTD. Besni o enanpna tn ‘Shoat Sarg 20000 hrs Pre reas tae nom en cise ‘nome TENG HAT, oes ate rece a +109 SHANGHAI WATTMETER FACTORY. ‘Shang Sangh 200082 Chea Prom Been Major Manufacturers 25 atest for vend Tsing het cau ‘98 Corat etl Moin an Ener [rz connate Senge Dosae 1810, SHANGHAI XIMHU GLASS FACTORY Tatviarceng ‘atin Shanghe 20100 Cis Phare HS a2 29,5 82 605 as m rar 2129102182760 Wiebate: putas emit Novorewatyseea mre 000 Soret Fandom 196 {221 abso Apa nd rte $521 Ope tame es at Nomen hres ea Prooucts FACTORY frcuagiong ‘Shanghai shang 20002 C8 Fran ieee a8 oT 2022320, "eine eae 2650 38 20517158 Fre anes 180 213817140 No orate) 200409. THB na Pots, te of Pacha es {24 Labor te emer ‘Sergeant. 20089 ona Ine Phone’ 21654975, 218 5180800 For 2580 ferac annem No of Erotyees) 200408 "285 Horton ner Phy {Ean ot rts SE Colao Set, ere 1812, SHANI YANGQUAN BAUKITE MINE Prine S082 No ofzrotoyeees, move 1000 Prooucrs: ‘ST Noncey er Posse Uae Pee Xa rina 0 80 OE BH SEED ‘eo, 206 09 6068 Ferg os abe, aaa ce, 28681 ue "218 Howl tue ‘ia Bonk Lor ot rr at Doers [ESI Garson Sore Proce Settee en S30 ewpranentonee [310 Tek ons Bose {523 Fr scr od Eman {Sot Ford Preetatinny {368 Cora asta on ad Epa {S51 and Ga Fil ctype $598 Oven eo ran, Hos nd Hone ‘Syme anche Maio {542 Mas ta Mt Farming Tyee {S78 ote Mvoies {548 Baines ami eens {815 SHENYANG COAL MINE BURERU ey Pomona Foes Peat Im Pho 3628 2558 Ne of Erpnjena mer 000 21 meas Cox {241 Cone, ae ‘616. SHENYANG MSULATIONMATE- 4 Donpig Xt Dadony Porn a og Pst Ir Pon 422 5 1 268 700528 heron 628001000 ‘Me ofenpoon(es) er 1000 250 Konig ts £231 Gas Peas, tase Pacha Gas tHe: one nm MATERALS FACTORY S8coratoje Ba ‘Stanyra rng 12044 Csr Prana 2082 7, 2 Ie Porm 22202680827 80 eof Emloer(es) 200498 1298 Nooo mera Pc otroceue cre supe {570 BexoneConprns| ‘18, SHENZHEN DATONG INGUSTRY eaters Done indy Zone ‘Shenae Gurgdong 8053 Ci "ey Poona Lng Kann edt Prone SSSI Ie Pon SHO Ne of Emploon(s_ mor 1000 roouers: 25 se Ft, Veale Ss. £254 Pocoin Bec Sips acon {575 Betoiecopatonn 353 Honey Eton ‘aa Desa a Aop CHINA PRODUCTS 60 LID | Bs Begin nat Zane Sroranin Gamgsng 0089 Chea oy Poona Dg aa ese "ete rem oe oof Epopestest. 200400 {231Gb Foes, tas Perches 2 Ma Dos, Ss Fae, Meg, nT onto ind Bi 2 anes Stk ‘Seen Gini ni en ‘rome 785498717586 5716 a ofmiones(esi 1030 PRODUCTS: {260 Petey Puts an nmi Pot Soo rinay nett ‘SHAREHOLDING CO LTD Sa gests Een ‘Stensen Gumgdon 296020 Ces ‘oy Penannat Ban ongoe, Poset eran ne asta eft 08 PRODUCTS: 2521 rd Constr as manne fr ang od ning Beet ‘ass {on Tewpruton Enon {Se aa ree: Fore nd Ove 1558 cal uty Wachory {Ses Pex sary 122, SLIAZHUANG BOYA FNE ART pRODICTS CO LTD ‘Sich Fabel 0051 Cine ‘ay Pemona Lng dog Pest Frome 31 56808 Fa Sh ese ‘of EployeostEst: 200-409 ‘tarot faudton 1978 00s Pets £251 Ga sone and Sone Pot $96 Cate ey an oie ‘582 Led Pn, Cree, srs Mare 1123, SICHUAN EWEISHAN ‘SHAREHOLDING CO LTD (eran Sem 61830 Cina Foe eos ee * re Fee ESR cent roe 180 CHINA 2119 - Major Manufseturers "i? tale Cine rp EXP. CORP. 12800 tnomcs an shone Pepaaons {lwuShandng 27199 china 210 Heb eng Enna ee ey Prono arg Shao ret ‘ea nj 3000 Cine 23 race eon Prone, CHEN 78M SST TS, GTI A:0, Key Porama: Daa pre esc 522 Mg Maney are quot ne ona: M6 81 TREN TORI Pe a8 228 18 ZEST 1824, SICHUAN ERMEIGHAN SALT 8 an Sz 425 pa 20597028 Hewat mousTRY co L1D Ine Foe toc 73 Int oe 2201 7801 Seon Virenggo0, eon Seman 6500 Ca Prana 595227, 95 25) Fan BOSE foe rae sO 188 fo of plese rere 100 524 Comet race 1825. SICHUAN YI'SHAN CHEMICAL hang Sean 64201 na Koy Psond Un res Pd 2S 221 2,262 1 ete wn enon No.ofenpioes(e rove 10 2810 vst orn Cs £0 thenude and shoe Pepenone 524 Cont, tyre {Sd Nora Fer 1826. SONGZAO MINING BUREAU Shera Coneg 44S ne No. ofemploees(ea ore 100 Prooucrs: 1221 Bins C8 326 Comat ye PRoDueTS CO LTD ‘ac angie 819 Cha oy Personen, Peet Prana ST tne Phone STEN fo. oferploestes 0408 "Baton Poets 2H font tyre 561 Rona Paring Eade. 1828. TAICANG CHEMICAL CONSTRUC TION MATERIALS FACTORY Prone 20 290 Pan eoaen aT be Foe 2051247 No.of mplyes(ee £0000 Propucrs: 524 Cone, ade 327 Cont chan Ne. tempteeste) mere C00 324 Cone Mya cou S2honra Zrraie ‘ayn Sot 0S Cina ey Pore: Carga, Pot Ine Prone 605 87 AT Ine ra 8 4B HCA NovetEmpeyatet roe 120 "21 ans Cok Sst bao et 1891, ANGSHAN BOHAI CEMENT PLANT ‘ey eect BU en ese neers : ‘tei a ar a ‘o.otenpoenstest S386 ProwueTs: 1442 marta Gro 24 Cone Hye 2 TANOSNAN RON 8 STEEL COP. ‘nga cm oboe mg mane oe ee tea mares fe terete no tn re Fa Sree a mee Sisson te na hoon ea Prine sa sur re Fon Beas Irae soe 2163 Ne. ctEnplgeeses) nore 100 te Genpact noms "221 Bo wre a ls, emer amon ates £1 Pat Yarn Levu nd Eels 52a thn Keon Wes 172M, oss Came erat Devens ‘Soe anasoes opar nd caeoy Sre S57, oy, oe Sone ope 1035 TIANJN JNYAN WELDING WATE: ‘nt Ta SDS Chi ey Posen est Irena ab cee a demabertto-1 oe ena nt ods a4 Conca pe ee Sie ecrentalepel roe 1896 TIANIINVUSWAN RUILOING MATE. RALS ET, ‘tary S00 Cone ey Pesomet Wun Pesto Nod Empiyecstet 00980 “rst unr 190) cone, nye SB a Medea hl ar 1837, TONGHUA CARBORUNDUMFAC- Tore {ong in 1380 Cnr ‘ey Poona Tate Pn Int Pron: 8683812308 Far, eon 285, Ne. Empeefe 00450 {29iNoontae lara eset 1838 UNIVERSAL DEVELOPMENT "Tose Stutdrg Dengan ‘tog Canyon ey Persea Oa vom, Pesnn Prom e292 0 No. Empentet 00 980 ProoueTs erotics Szsrnonahy atl sd Sergi Major Manufacturers siesaeaaane ee {2 Me Sper Bare Ors asa Paks 513 Beernetnged Peds S17 Sea Pp a Te se nce con on iw Roonaan sete teen eee Somat 1810. WANGING FORESTRY BUREAU it dongaert taser erie 0 Sa Fax. SSR OAT freon 82676 {8 Bote, Came Se rns and Gon {2G tartan ner Pye 25 Stl rt Some 2h rn ea dR Mi 22 Promote en Balt on Compre 251 Powirts Ea Catan Sor Prods 1 Conor FacroRY Tey Persona. a tn Peet Prana 68588 bre Pron 8318500188 For sez" 1 of Eetoee(e 200400 roouers: "225 rend esi 2 oan Ms Ean Nomsacbaere Pes {Last Aoao andPrtve 1 own su nz xu ec sac cir eS ree rer tee eee b Ete an SiC nae = 120- {55 py ecclbe as ‘852 Led Pens, Crayons, an Maes ‘243, WHALELECTRIC POWER ADIN, ‘Wan me Moga 16008 Ohne ‘er Pomona Se ton Pot Prone ee Ie ofempyertes) 10108 ‘ear ofaundson 190. 2 a Cos 222 Saas rr tt Pts {272 Comet tit {0st Ferealoyoee 12 Hom oat Wine nc 01 Ire Pons 218201290, Ne ofEmloon(es) 0 Yar ofxndean 88 {31 tcog nant ‘045, WUXI LITTLE SWAN AIR COND. ‘TONING MACHINES CO LTD soo : in Pa 0c 48 sa cb Ws: jl n eof Enloontt 200490 ‘tarot Pundion 188 a8 Pte Puts {501 Hoses Endpent 53631 None Eqn Srey ‘Prone: 510375308 31037091 14, 1037040 08 ‘WoW ‘wa ° ‘eof Empyonfes) moe 1000 se ae rorean 0100 Sennen Pee Someta rats hog ita iv eee route ea Sica CHINA up ‘pin, a coryecn amen ungiong 8008 Cha ‘rane 0 a 16S SSS eB sana 818.8 Fe 75208968 75 5 1.15.67 98 rs Voce Fama ia76 FRopucTs, eee rey Poucts 42 ta Drs, Sm, Fons, Mein, nT Se oy 1251 sol Coo Eament {55 al ae Ages sn apes Puan Xanga Hunan 411304 nba Paes EDSON RHT eres Leora TB 2 poe Tee HO) No ofexploes(et: 200499 Yearotfaundton 1988 ProDusts: "2a8 Nema Mine Prot 1850, icHou CORUNDUM PLANT oy Porat Ua eps, Pest Fone iva Je otemaeyent 0600 1851, INGUANG GROUP CORP. ‘29h Boat Yancy aroe 21002 Cana Prone S889 1917 Mo of elena 100 ‘tarot euntton 1979 a5 ed Vere ad Pht Set coma rama au inn 41780 oy Ponce tn On, heat Ie erty ne eet Petey Pues S2Gargheis “ering Gran 000" Chine ‘ey Parana Taro Peso CHINA ne Foe sto 217071 No-ofemples(e 0409 YearofFauneaton” 1988 SHAREHOLDING CO LID. Te Kaev Dona rane gang 90013 ina ay Peso Day Yogi, Peet the Prone 26025936 16 Semone oe 190 0 foe Fuaer, 1855. UANWE! BAFANG ELECTRICITY KEHUAN DEV. COLTD. Sr Yuan 00 Coa Prana STO eT be Foe se 72532 No.ofemplyeste 0400 Proouers: “Ear tonal 4 eal ers, eh anes, tng To 1896. ANCHENG GRINOINGWHEEL exon Ogi ‘Key Peconne! Yang Pert Tan St Fae sowozsr be Fae sBS15 08257 No.of mpested 0400 Prooucrs: ah ection annie ts ‘ad tad at ap ae si ana oeconar cok Poses oR oe Serene el an inne Soma, 1958, YANTAL BELIKING CLOCKS & 10 Barats 2 Koy Perna an oot Post Prone 5238 Sse 57 862 10 tre Prone Sus, SRST, tre ron set8 $08 Prooucrs: {St tse Pues Mace Pease Gast {Set oe ap i an Tes {SET Vices, hs, Cocek OptecDoves 2121 Xrjanuang.atsn Yon ‘Munir Starorg 84101 ey Pusomet onesie Peso Prone S851 20'6 1. fempteestes more C00 324 Cone Haste uo Rear i01 Owe Viorel fentaten 1378 LYEGANG GROUP CORP. sang ne 40901 Cone ‘rae i482 14829 980, 71482031 1 ‘ert = ‘ pa 76667 17482 000 No tempest mare 00 aoc S516 le Sta Sot, tig ans {815i Warning ae Stet al Soke, Si Sansone ne clan fee resca SE ae mec, Ea se. vo coven ore 10 seumotsmoe Pa eg St eee eat {864 YiZHOU FERRO-ALLOYS PLANT Creve ‘Yano Ong 54300 Cina Prone" 23 88 Ire Pn a8 0 2, HI Fae Taseiai Yeoretatton 1870 Major Manufseturers Ses dw’ ang rb et Lagrary we 1865 YONGCHUN DAYANG CERAMICS cour seyret ng Pot Na Emote 00.988 PRooUCTS tvs chm Punting aes {eet rons 41968 YONGRONG MING EUREAU Rongstengchonna #25 Cina Pore “neon aoa oe Ne. cenetymentet ere 10 ore Fentator 9 ProoucTs 51 Gomme re 1907, YUNFU YUEVUN NEW STONE MA. 108 hrgjun ona ey Persona Zoo Pet Tong Prom Tt 991 62 274 Fare 602 8. Ne. Emptjowstet 00450 ProoueTs Tet Oman Stow None eset $21 Ct Som ae noc, HtAire rea 188 YUNNAN AEROSPACE INDUSTRY co. Kenming Yon 25 Cnna Tey Pomona anos Ptr Prom eas 7 25897172042, mre . Taoeeth tases Ine eve aT 14 Ne denpiyeat ore 100 ProoueTs: Taste Rp Sore {esta Rogers ondone nd Fam 1860 YUNNAN FOUNDRY Zoom Goad ey Pesan inn, este Frame ats Int Prone 368799922 Ne dpe re 100 E2rcons Ponce ‘MAzNet! orsSsh es, eig. Ti 170 YUNVAN NALONG CHEMICAL IND. {EBUILDING MATERIAL COLTD. freon Major Manufacturers ‘itt be Ine Pn 6587480015174 008, 64 fo of roe mere 000 ‘eof Fandom 187 28 at epi Chait 5281 Cone, hese Punt enmng Yaar 50479 i Te Poramat nrg, tet i 09a Ine none oS 5180 7 ae 6.7 ‘sor sr es a7 8 sear S098 87198808 0 No of robes more 000 Prooucrs: "2 rl eran Che E81 Conon ace Co le Fan 708 390, No of rote 200400 Soret Faundston 10 "25 Haron rer Phys 5281 Con, nace an Prey roe ‘tr vont Ee Pere onan Goo ‘er Perse: See Per. ihe Ponasa13207 1.319364 890 No ofErotyee) 500908 ‘rot Faundston 1970 28 tt gn Chel ‘Zon Choa chen Pepeaone mle ri maaanca aiaae Seavnomnes, eaters, om =o 1815, 2HEAIANG JINGSHENG INOUSTRY {0 tna Busing 18 tong 30 ‘Sung cron S00 Ca oy Persrnt gunn, Pott ni Phone oS5T9 51020, 15101855 “HR seeren sean 1 of Elooes(es £0008 -122- Proouers: 208 Wes, By, a ry Sos 1676, 2HE.IANG TASHUN JINLEI STONE MATERALS CO LTD ‘Sura spsenee Tashan tery 325508 Oona ‘ey Para! Gn Pent Prt Me of Emperor) 50-0 “tarot aumdeion 198 US ay, Core od ety Mats ‘Bos fotdPepaione ‘Baz tone tcige at Nerood moon Pn Mite £251 GaSe and Se Peace {200 lectin nr 1077, 2HEAIANG XINCHANG NO CON- ‘STRUCTION ENGINEERING CO ‘GkonalsChempuoeran ‘ey Persona bs Du so IncPhona se STS6 21 a6? Tae sefenpermea 20486 £281 Case and Se Poets {283 Ptey Pacts, 178, ZHENGZHOU ABRASIVES & ABRA- Sirenuigdong Snenerongu Beonganes Haran 8005 Ch ‘oy Banna Yagi, Dg tg Prone S78 88 Fae aa 28 tt: no aaon Meret andaion 978 £251 Kine Poa 179, 2HeNGzHOUZHONGYUAN GRINDING WHEELS FACTORY Bongyun Xtuan Donan Berane 07 Ce Prone aT Ne of Emploertea 200490 Propuers: 19 Males Nome Mere £261 vies Cine Poti tes cour ‘eaargten Rnzts ein Darts 212113 eee rere trae CHINA Lome ir oncunesnamon "oe ming teen Ri ite wn Btsaus aa SieesSlomes Ey PRODUCTS: a0 cl duet ae G5 Maron Vee oa Pcs Primary Metal Products ‘mm ro comana seed some ge aise Lone Se 1224, ANGANG AFFLIATED EXTERPRIZE CORP, MEDUM STEEL STRIPMILL ora ong 18021 es aos Seem aes 26 280 Gtipnne swsigb2sist e621 A one foe 2208 Ie chersomeset row 10 {B15 Sb Wei nd Set an See 195, ANHUIANGING YUESHAN COPPER “ieharzen aoc Ara ‘Frome $565 190 66a 062.8608 1679 Prove 808 109 8-8 08 No of pientsts rom 100 ‘earot auton 908 PRODUCTS: et Coen, {515 St ero nS Nas an pes ‘Ez nal el Fogo CHINA 2123 - Major Manufseturers sat SEEN oe areata! Tig Suntec aetene pa em PLIANCE FACTORY Key some Pa Sie Pc, tne Pra -S6535227 98 trae see 92 $5 SEO fh. fempen me 00 {80st Regs a ome a ae 1288, ANU LANGYASHAN COPPER. 1S Sawing oy Pond 2 Og Pst Prone 500229 Se 18 Fan some No.ofempioes(ee rove 100 Prooucrs: 5500 Pinay Mot ees 1889. ANU TONSDU COPPER SHAREMOLOINGCO LID henna Xi ang ne 24408 be oy Poona Me Yor, Poste roma s62 02 260 8 been gst Noval Enpicet re 100 YearotFauesten 1998 DIUM PLATES FACTORY . Ahan Uacring 114021 na Ea Reber ae ‘eos Ea ee nt DIUM STEEL ROWINGPLANT oy Posonma GenPeaot Frome testa Ire roesai2er 3744 Ne. otemooeestest_ mor 1000 Noort unten 198 procucts: Tol de She Set, hi an rs {17S Pp anus Ast aeang 031 Cea Prone wom 18 zeta Ine Prone 86308119, 412602175, Int ae a6 2178 No. tempbyenstes mor 600 TBCol Ae a Set, Stig an es ‘tenn mang 012 ‘ey Pose Wa Pet Prone e250 AEN Sa Fon tates NovctEnplopese) ne 100 Proauers IEC ed She St Sta an Bs SSitSelPoe nt Tibes ——. Tee a tho Seasame oo ToT eoegt te Sismech n Shee ‘Rowe sree rut Zenon ‘Ghar ans: 2103 Cha ‘rine “sto att 19812 ‘none eS 2, SHR ar 3.812052 Ne. tempest more 00 ey Psa. Keres Pastor Prone sis 9 1758835, 917:95:971 No. ompeoesesmor 000 S81 Col ie ht Sot, tin an rs (CESSING FACTORY. Poser 0 Shan 72444 ha ey Persone. On Yorn, rst Int 81728290) Ne. o Empress nore 1000 et Nowtro Fades SormimeyeetPreasts ‘zh pp Bares, Orns, ep od as 355 Conesnasrid Meier and Ease Eicer Uap rorsre Dri Pse, ae ‘Shore: Sangh 20012 obra ‘ey Pesca en Nest Ine Prone #8623815 (00,2588). 2 ‘ont Fa 260082 Ine Fe 8218808832 Weep maxilcon ea Ematyeeste nee 000 S516 fn Set Set, Sh, an tors S05 a er ae nd ee +900 BAOTOU ALUMNIUM CO LTD ‘tots on Manga 0046 Cina ‘ey Peco Meng Piet Prom eet AEC 16 A747 14, Nea emptyeestea nae 1000 Serf Fun 108 "othe Maw ets Sots ne targa 0010 Cina ey Pescador Pee Prom ACE 1 422183109 Ine Pron 86722180 16,472 210363 Far a2 585408. af Emote nee 000 SBC le Se St, Si, Major Manufacturers = 124 - CHINA 4802, BA0TOU RON & STEEL {812 Eateg Pes Pgooucrs: RAREEARTHCORT. SEAMLESS STEEL ti GoeriCaacon sae apne "EUS Sedan Sea ne ts ant (Sito Ag one ‘Sie tsiocos fvenee wee Poca ea pemeeaes ne resis Lae sata 1903, BAOTOU NZ THERNOELECTIIC Sen 403 Chie Prone oH bre Poe -88729991135 fo ofeowyeextes mere 000 {1 Frsoy ove {517 Samo Te £513 te wero Stet an pes Sa toernustanres Stara now booras ‘20 heny coumctoe ‘ae imatnerPas GROUP CORP, rosnan Se Mot 40% Che No of rays) more 000 2a acta Schon Met {ot canes abet ee Pre ‘398 Beara tachi, Equipe Spes Se become comps {44 Noncoren-Coryoa Wa Deve {2 Wan Sor, Doane, Communtatne snd Poe i Cone 15, BELINGFENGTAI WANQUANS!AG- ‘ICULTURAL, NDUSTRIAL & COMMER. ‘ip ort 255 esos Feng etn as tors one [ey Porsne! Zora Pate Oo ca Pron. thst eoeRantanor te Ce Omar Rese stro Pos Sti foot Peper {m0 bt, Gove St Di noes Scare Shore SS ELE nn a cy ice came See et aes ntein sistas rete Sects So See ‘pat Amvenen Pre 106, BELING HOIST MACHINES FAC: oR’. 1 Guarggumena Ose Crayne ‘Bajng apg 0022s ‘ey resonate aver, reso Prone wernt Fan 77 Me WT 028 Freon 6 N67 8K HET N29 Ne ofEmpoor(e5) tae 1000 {264 Nove iecaigs {S51 Rg nt ony Esme 5598 Oven eee ran, Hos nd None vaso a a ie Cont ‘trom SS inom Beets Sea ea Seem Fo ‘ Tet tS ian a, vs {253 Nero Fone [Rot lances atc Pts £290 Manag ais ‘ey Pose Pests Ine Pho 81820 4486 Inc Fox =86 5205978, 1520 019 Me tempest 00 Proouers: "es Noe Forge {Son Pn hs Press 1810, BEUING SHOUGANG-GITANE ALLOY MATERIALS CO LTO Sr zara Ganon Fo Bejing ang 10037 Cs Prone Ween Tt Ine Prog 861081177 Fan meee Me cfemptete rr 10 ‘BEIGANG GROUP MP, 8 EXP.CO ar sarang 16105 Ching ‘oy Perna Gio un Pecan Mo ofEnplonesfst. rae 1000 ‘arot oun 988 PRODUCTS: ee rd et ros Ste count Sct Si, a 1312 Berratona sree con® Bir song 117022 Cra ‘asus een re a feng 08 propucrs: 32s Sol Foie sy Perl yn fe oc cena uss Me ctempoyeo(eet mo 1000 Sort ant ae? "Sires Sed She Si, a 'S1 Sou Porn ne 1916, BENXISEILONG IRON-SMELTNG oy Pomona Ue, eae ‘ror te 2 986420241 No of Emplyealts mae 1000 32s Sol Foie 1915. BENXIRON & STEEL COLTO 25 Taye Remmi Pegeren Eemtbong oot Gace ‘ay Penna anaes edot ida 4 daz it Pon 4227 Wat, 44 eink siarzas ua Foe 442003 No ofempoyeafest: roe 100 1225 Sol fone Sts Coan Se Set Si, a ‘TNUOUS ROLLING MILL ‘ant song 117021 Crna ‘oy Penna hn Pes CHINA epeemmee,ge me eos rr Pua Koy Pusonmd Uae esc No-af plot ore 100 "Bos a Femi Sir see nye antes oyu ttrgean San Using 117022 nea Prone aaa 1 Sera oe 10 Propucrs: "Bos tok Foor ‘a0 fest rots ‘es omer rors Sezremaune oy Pasonnd Dy car, Pesto Pron 4995 6c Dee 48028 Brg sesian ose 16 Spo oe 10 eC ae es See, and Be {SIT Se pean utes ‘Ho od eee 1920, 804A! CHEMICAL GROUP, TANIN CHEMICAL PLANT ri 900 Cine Kop Reson Dam ares Pesiot tne Prone 0 2250655, 22 508 ak Fon abe 3 e.ofemplowes(t oe 100 Propucrs: "10 au ern Cis 21s wo oer 1259 thomas an theme Pepanons Sangin Bolten oy Peso Sino, Pratt Prana a5) 219115762 188 98521721 were 40 rem 00 Propucrs: "B28 Boa Fie SeaRcH MSTITUTE FConarge engl Oaoyg Seiegace i's een 2125 iene mere 100 Year Roeaon tst Prowuers. thn ri thn {Sia Se tba wee ‘eet Germ bom hn {5st oping Rey Ep SSatrands Cree SSricoape roel pa, Seto chy ange 25th oy a sien amet 2551 omanton ahi n no ‘etn ot son ‘Ghanntn 13082 Owe ey Psat U race Peso. ‘Prone 191257 0 287157. 1 86 864 Int Pron 8683284898, 1200797, e.ctmpmnetEn mor 600 25S Fans ‘Haakon st erin, Soto Sot, ti an Bs 4924, CHANGUIANG ELECTROMECHANE FACTORY. ‘St oma Dacey Nana ‘Chong Cronang 40001 Cina Prone 2420236 24, 206553801 Far, 262062106 i, otmpoeeses)_ mare 000 S58 tapes, gh Sone Desa oo S57 See andres inl on Comme Fas nd Bowes 1925, CHANGSHA INTERNAL COMBUS- 121 Shot 2h ‘Shen ne 10007 in sean, ar 71859408 Yoret Fountain 1953 {IT Se Pe an ies thu Comren nee 4926, CHANGSHA STEEL & RON CORP. {Ghagan an 819001 na Far Tai Ne ofempeyoestest mee 000 Yor Foundation 1956 3515Ste Medrano Stet al a Spies ‘hel nr a rene eg {S7See Pp anit. Major Manufseturers Sct soar SRE auc oberemneerast oes ns ere! reese Tom ate Gunn ‘ey Pomona” Deg Scr es ‘Pron tts 28 8656 98 Fan Soe 08 a matyeeste nee 1000 S816 fle est Set, San ars {eS wrearamng a ee or Spm 18a Pea Tite. ae ie ee ert ae 4930 CHENGDEIRON & STEEL CORP, up ‘lannaner Surah Shomer we 002 Cana ‘ey Pomona teas Pest Int roa: ‘8634 925,37 423 Noo empnrmtEo nar 100 Sorat Founda 19 S516 fe Set Set, ty and tars So Se Mean Tne Srehacarstaas ed ee eee wie ahnawe nee Robes oi eee Ee Serine 1932 CHENGDU CHEMICAL CARBON {enpnanfoa Lonquar {Ghomay San 0100 Cina ‘Prorat 205 286130 20808 168 ‘png ve O88 ek ee No. Empsonetet nar 000 Major Manufacturers ‘24 Cann an ephe Probets 550 Becrmetpe Pos at ‘ey Pome ag Prone oe 8 Be A0T Fc Phone 828516957 35801 Swot Fenta 80 508 Se Wein Sod aa pes 1934. cHENGOU HONGB NDUSTRAL coure Emer Dre Rent gn Fron Bs SB I 8 imiProne a5 971.9489. 083 oman ttre 9 Si alc Se ht, ip, at ars $20 horeron or 1s feel Pac ‘es stoma ated We Pos Sehnone as cour Sehr Dorion Chg San 610051 Chine er Poa: Ps Prana 80 TH 38 TH BEE “S306, 283001 ror 200. No of Erenyeenes mere 000 TENE Col Rta Se St, rip 3 NotesForm $221 Not ne ie Te 1906. CHENGDU IRON & STEEL PLANT Serena znong supra ng Sonar 05 Cho ‘no oftooe€s) more 1000 ‘07. HENGoU LIAN NOUSTRY ‘SHAREHOLDING COLTO. Dorgeersohen Shaan Cong ‘Suimpiedcnn ototoe crn Fer Perma Han, Pet Dou Gorn Ine Pe 2088 70,2688 2 46,28 ar Bas freon seaman a2 No of Eaters 000 Serot Fandom 1988 "22 Fond Sl Fars {515 Sto escnig nt Sts Naan Spt 2 Mesias Sr wo 5331 Sp ua aa Fp. ‘Hon ats Taner Serves ‘8 Bane Severs = 126- [SHAREHOLDNG COLTO, Dergthegeer Stange Cena ‘Siotng Seman oles cone Pine oer aera masts fn om aon 527 350 ‘Neof Emploors(es_ more 1000 Provuers: ‘Het rn St Fog {215 tl tenrigd alae an pe SH0 Means Sc tame £31 Si buhay od epg ‘in Mowe raron oes Chere 610069 Ch ey Pose gin Pie, Prana 80653812 8 os 6,8 A832 ‘eae a 2S 1295 St 9 Frcrax aba 5 1120 Me crenpoene a er 00 {S17 Sel pad Tits 55H Eatomor heron Shar 1200 na ‘Pena Seon Meet Fa ser 28 bre Foxe 0367 260 “tarot Faundaon 197 1825 Sel fomarer GOLD WINE EUREAU nan Hanging 15400 Cina ‘ey Perna Kan Pee ‘rea rl 40012) Inc Pona ot 81, 5G De et ‘Ne ofEnpoos(Est)_ more 1000 1842. CHINA NUCLEAR INDUSTRY CO, 1N0.202°LANT Pobocts6 Sto a angeta 14035 Chine ‘ey Pasa. ag, Pst Prone ea eeOe bre Prom starz 59202 Fan eae ‘eof Empoon(@) oe 1000 {Ba Mantes Puan 2Mecnngboie ‘png Sour Con Fone Sans snes CHINA ete 08 PRODUCTS: "Bet nstOganc chen [S10 Becomdaege Pots 194, CHONGQING ALUMINIUM CO LTO Sieg cane oh ce Bone teen Ire roe se 266 1 Mo ofEyeloesfest. roe 1000 ‘tarot faunton 1988 PRoDucTS: ‘Betton De ge Hos Maclin area Wee eda 1945, CHONGGING CHANGLIANG STEEL Pant ‘renga Cg 40082 Cha Fine hes on east No of Epsyesfst re 1001 PRODUCTS: zn et Fos NOS PLANT . orga Ce 40020 ha ‘ay Pomona in Yih Peet Me creates raf Sear otfaundston 808 Fropucrs: {SHS Cou Set Si, Ban S317 Supe aa Tes sn amano ec Soee te tameen age eet Lee Se ccancans 4948, cHONGaING IRON & STEEL ara Chongingac268 china ‘ay Penna Hin Pest Prone” 26H 045,238 10 708 106 a ofits: mo 100 PRODUCTS: {B12 Sol os, iat Frases ‘Carag Oneging 40020 Chira ‘oy Pomanoa is ging Pet Prone 2728 Ie Phone a8 72000 CHINA 2127- Major Manufseturers peers, Temata ce Peeters SESE neeremteee = 1950, CHONGAING SMELTER CORP. LTO Sanargthen jan Chrming pangs nt Com Person tun Prt tne Fe sR 608 No ofemploeate reve 180 23 toter Frge. S500 ima et ese se nenoana rect se 0 Ra ‘Bango oe Sesmmnecr 2 Sowa suse Sect ion ies Tee eaten SESSIIES mete Sheeseeenatta an Lee srrure opr Hen aie a Prine swash ace rae sare 802 fo otEmoomeste re 10 723 as aie, ane, anes 530 Goa me ier 25a ote arin ‘oy Persone: Yon Pret No.of mpigeestee rere 100 Prooucrs: "nay Satin se ent Mente 1954, DACHUAN RON & STEEL PLANT ras Speers Sa ata nan em own = FETE moat Ment FACTORY Data iseng 11602 Cina ey Psat ta, est Jay Shoes Pon 11 3645 24198 6,416.25 Sse aaa No oftmeoyenset mare 100 Nort Furtaon 1963 rowers {ITS Pe andes ‘Sioa Combeton ges elaborate up Datentinonng 116038 Cha ee ura fan aan e380) pa 1096008 Ne. temptoestes) mere 000 olde hs Set, Sti ands 551i Hearing oe Set ls Soe 4967. DALIAN JINHUA SPECAL STEEL GROUP co.

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