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MYP Standards

International Baccalaureate - Middle Year Programme

Std A: The schools educational beliefs and values reflect the IB philosophy


To create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect, the International
Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people (mission statement). In order to
achieve this, by developing

challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment, the

organization works with schools, governments and international organizations, by encouraging the students across the
world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences,
can also be right. Retrieved from ((IBO, 2014). As the IBs mission in action, the learner profile briefly describes the
aims of a global community that shares the values underlying the IBs educational philosophy (written, taught and
assessed curriculum). The IB learner profile describes the attributes and outcomes of education for internationalmindedness.
In order to create a better place by educating youth IB holds a concept through the attributes of IB learner profile and
the IB programmes describe the way. The IB philosophy mostly talks about international mindedness.(Davy,2011)
To implement any IB programme in schools, standards are essential. Schools have to practice those standards. Each
programme has its own requirements (programme- specific). To be successful in implementation of the relevant IB
programme it is necessary to follow the requirements along with the common standards and practices
Implementation of an IB programme is an expedition for any school which has to meet the standards and practice to
varying degree over the course. so IB expects schools to take liability towards meeting all the standards, practices and
programme requirements which is the foundation document for schools and the IB make sure the quality and the
accuracy in the implementation of its programmes.

The schools which want to be the part of IB, their beliefs and values should match with the IB viewpoint. All
the stake holders should be clear with the understanding of IB philosophy and commitment to the programme.
The school core classes should integrate with IB philosophy. The key features of IB is Approach to teaching

and learning.
The human values are acknowledged as international mindedness. The purpose of the IB is to teach its beliefs
and values in order to build international mindedness among children through the attributes of learner

profile. In some schools the teachers use a checklist to look for specific traits. There is a new Learner's Profile
trait each month. Students are recognized for demonstrating these traits.For some activities parents are

encouraged to help their wards.

The action in MYP is initiated from PYP and carried by DP. So the students experience a continuous growth in
their "awareness of own strength". MYP helps students to grow their understanding, perception and

responsibility in their community.

The collaboration with individual or group in the community maximizes the potential benefits including
learning opportunities for students. Students are encouraged to learn more than one language as well as their
mother tongue. The ability to communicate in numerous ways is an important concept in International
education, which offers the students a linguistic and academic challenge. A six phase of teaching and learning
has been structured in Language acquisition. But it is not relate to any age group, based on their previous

knowledge and students can begin and exit from any phases.
The personal project encourages students to practice and strengthen their ATL skills, to consolidate prior and
subject-specific learning, and to develop an area of personal interest. The personal project provides an
excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to
demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP. Each student develops a personal project

The service activities should be developed for a common good in a shared commitment with others,

understanding of key issues like poverty, literacy, pollution etc.

Since the schools have prolonged relationship with community, students should understand the need for these
type of relationships, verify and plan their actions to benefit the most. So that they can change the previous

plans to meet the current needs and combine their abilities and improve their knowledge.
Students are able to build a comprehensive strategy between what they learn in the classroom and encounter in
the community. The service experience provides chances to employ "concept, skills and knowledge in

classroom learning and implement them in community projects.

The service learning process also provides structured time for both formal and informal reflection on the
service experience. By reflecting on their service experience, students may gain a greater awareness of the
community and world they live in, and their role and responsibility in improving the lives of themselves and


I am greatly inspired by the ten attributes of learner profile special reference to reflective attribute, the
integrated teaching, community and personal projects and extended essay from International Baccalaureate
education. The international school which I worked previously follows most of the attributes of the IB learner
profile. Writing own reflection was lately introduced and teachers were not sure about what was expected. But
now I got clear view about the reflective attributes from the IB learner profile. So that I will make students to
understand what they learnt and applied, through critical thinking and inquiry about themselves, likely to try to

make them understand their area of strength and weakness in order to encourage the teaching learning process

and also their self-development.

In my previous school students were taken for a field trip and after vacation they were asked to share their
experiences in the form of writing as well as presentation. Of course this will improve their communication
skill both written and spoken. And other students get some knowledge from it but the community project
which IB follows has given an in depth knowledge, confident and improve their responsibilities. So I would
like to implement this to my class but if the school is not encouraging this then to my level I will encourage
my students to help their lower class students during break time or even they can do some service (which is
relevant to the current needs of the community) during their long holidays and they have to share it in the
class. And I will guide them to write an extended essay about that which will go into their portfolio.

Standard B1
The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB Programme
The support and practical involvement of the school's Leadership including governing body, pedagogical leaders and
administrators are required for the successful implementation of the MYP programme especially in setting up an
organizational infrastructure. The MYP educational approach is broad and it increases access and engaged by all
learners. It gives a framework which holds ample of teaching strategies and style which leads to a clear sense of
purpose and grantee the student inquiry. Since MYP approach is broad it requires change not only in classroom but
also the entire school.The changing process is likely to be slow and challenging as it involves people to examine and
modify the practice and thinking. But it will have a beneficial impact for the whole school. Also for teaching practice
it will requires considerable changes from teachers and administrators. Depends on the local requirement and the
context the school leadership structure differs. The school leadership structure plays an important role in the effective
implementation of the programme. It is the school leaders responsibilities to inform and secure ongoing support from
their educational authority. Every five years the programme evaluation is carried out, which includes a self-study
carried out by all stake holders and its structured according to the programme standards and practices.

The school principal and the programme coordinator both exhibit pedagogical leadership associated with
international mindedness.

For the development of the MYP the coordinators play a vital role. Each school needs to appoint a coordinator
for the implementation of the programme. And the coordinator should be skillful in one of the IB working

languages. Depends upon the school type, students, staffs and management structure the responsibilities of the
coordinator may differ. But the coordinator must have a job description, time of discharge, "resources to carry
out the responsibilities of the position and must be the part of the school pedagogical leadership team". (IBO.
2014, p.30)Also the coordinator is responsible for monitoring the effective implementation of both key and
related concept and global context in the curriculum. In order to monitor implement the curriculum frame

work the coordinator and the individual teachers can use numerous tools.
In every school life the implementation and development of the MYP can be supported and put into practice
through discussion, adoption and approval of appropriate school policies. Generally the policy documents will
be developed collaboratively. Usually the school leadership develop and propose policies to the board for
adoption and approval in many schools. If group of schools are part of a district or foundation, policies may be

created at district or foundation level.

The bodies making policies in schools which offer MYP should be aware of the effects that the policies may
have for the programme. The school leadership must make sure that the governing body understands the
principles of the programme. The school leadership should think about the facilities of in school training for

school boards and should invite board members to special events.

As the policies are approved, its leaders responsibility to endorse it. Its better to include teachers while
making decision because they will be in a position to advice the administrators about the upcoming problems
and the solutions. During and after the implementation of MYP the policies are regularly reviewed and the

necessary agreements that support the principles of the programme should be used to develop the procedures.
Once the policy has been made and it has to be make sure that it should be a working document with the
regular updates of the strength of students needs according to local and national legislation in order to meet the

students learning needs.

The timing and the responsibilities of the review process should be specified in policy with the new ideas and
the research results. It also include the evaluation roles and responsibilities. The policy should clearly linked to
the other working documents. The policy process should be clearly explained to all stake holders with

reference roles and responsibilities for the new teachers.

A frame work given by the IB language policy confirms the values and the aims which are mirrored in the
organization's activities. Through different language, the policy explains and gives guideline to understand

how IB gives support to the schools and teachers for the implementation of the programme.
If the school language of instruction is not any one of IB working language then the pedagogical leadership
team must develop plan to the coherent implementation for the programme development. The MYP
coordinator and at least one subject group teacher should be a bilingual in order to attend the training and to
access the IB documentation. Regardless of the language profile all teachers are given opportunity to
understand the IB philosophy and the implementation of the programme through five levels of support in
working or access language. The IB aims to give a high quality materials and service in the supported
language and it is reviewed on a regular basis and altered accordingly.

To encourage and develop interpersonal communicative skills the school language policy gives effective
framework which maximize the literacy to achieve academic language proficiency and confident identities.

Also it consider the students need in language and literature and acquisition.
The policy includes support for: the mother tongues, students who are not proficient in the language of

instruction and the learning of language and culture of the host country.
In agreement with local legislation and the school's admission policy, the school must develop and implement

a special educational needs policy to meet with the IB expectations.

There are some steps which is used to develop inclusive and SEN policy and procedures.
It involves positive response to individual students learning profile with diverse learning needs. Instead of
taking responsible by a specialist teacher for special educational need students, all teachers collaboratively

plan for the students education along the learning continuum.

The MYP is planned to be an inclusive programme which tailored the needs of each students especially
through Approaches to learning which is more flexible to meet the individual needs of the students. So IB

strongly encourages schools to give MYP inclusively.

With the coherence from the particular school and the IB assessment philosophy and principles, an assessment
policy is obtained. To achieve educational goals in relation to all sides of assessment it enact a statement of
intent and action which describes the principles and practice as it is built around education and pedagogical

To meet IB assessment expectations and to develop school's unique circumstance, the construction and
implementation of assessment policy is helpful and meaningful. Effective assessment policies also consider
assessment timelines and the demands they place on students and teachers, including workloads and personal
well-being, plans for sharing information about MYP assessment with school staff and the broader school
community, a process for gathering feedback, and a system to review the policy on a regular basis. All the
stake holders who are concerned with assessment should have a clear understanding about the purpose and its

practical application in the programme.

It is a mandatory that all MYP schools should have an academic honesty policy. It is a principle as stated in the
learner profile attributes. It promotes integrity for group work and personal and also give respect for others
through teaching, learning and assessment. It helps to give equal chance to all students to get the knowledge

and skills during their studies.

According to IB learner profile all stake holders "of the IB community must strive to be principled, acting
with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and
rights of people everywhere. IBO (2014, p.g 38). In order avoid any form of academic misconduct, the MYP
students must exhibit academic honesty. They will learn this in ATL. The coordinator and the teachers are
responsible to give advice and guidance with age appropriate. Depends on each school's decision the students

has to sign an" honor code" for implementing the policy.

Students will get a clear knowledge about the exact citation and referencing in various disciplines by including
all subject groups in the policy. The subject teachers must make sure that the students should get a clear idea
about various discipline. The policy should be used in a positive way with the help of teachers, the school

librarian, parents and legal guardians to gain academic integrity. There is no specific style prescribed by IB for
MYP but it should include name of the author, date of publication, title of source, and page numbers, as

applicable. .
For curriculum development in each subject group a leadership team will be added in the school
organizational structure. Each subject leader will give a strong basis for the growth of written curriculum. And

they are the members of the MYP educational team.

In the final year of MYP students must complete personal project and in year 3,4 of the MYP the students
complete community project for which according to IB, there is no need of a special coordinator. But the
school must have to support for the implementation and a proper qualified supervisor should be appointed to
work with each students. It is not necessary for the supervisor to be a specialist in the specific field.

Through the Middle Years Programme (MYP) projects, students experience the responsibility of completing a
significant piece of work over an extended period of time. MYP projects encourage students to reflect on their
learning and the outcomes of their work key skills that prepare them for success in further study, the
workplace and the community. Students who complete the MYP in Year 3 or Year 4 complete the community
project. All students who complete the MYP in Year 5 complete the personal project. The community project
provides an important opportunity for students ages 13-14 to collaborate and pursue service learning. Schools
register all MYP Year 5 students for external moderation of the personal project, promoting a global standard
of quality.

MYP projects are student-centred and age-appropriate, and they enable students to engage in practical
explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. MYP projects help students to develop the
attributes of the IB learner profile; provide students with an essential opportunity to demonstrate ATL skills

developed through the MYP; and foster the development of independent, lifelong learners.
For the ongoing development of the programme in IB schools all teachers and students should be dedicated to
learning. . In order to achieve this they must be persuaded to find the problem and get the solutions in the

search of continuous improvement towards common goals.

The three main strands are
MYP unit planning process: All teachers use unit planning process that focus on Inquiry, conceptual

understanding and global context for learning.

Collabrative planning: both within and across subject groups ensures common understandings and common
approaches to teaching and learning in the school, leading to a consistent learning experience for students. It
also helps to improve interdisciplinary learning ideas, indicating the needs to use concepts, knowledge and
skills from different disciplines in order to solve the problem.

MYP Assessment: It is directly linked to the aims and objectives of the subject groups which is based in

The school involves all the stake holders to engage in evaluating the programme in order to develop the
ongoing process.

In my previous school where I worked principal / vice principal played an important role. The vice principal is
responsible for all the academic activities. There is a separate SEN coordinator who take care of the SEN children and
the policy. The SEN coordinator almost visits all the classes where the SEN children are placed and collaborating with
the concern subject teachers the teaching and learning takes place. Also she used to do the follow up visit. My
previous school also has the same academic honesty policy where equal chances given for all students to get the
knowledge and skills. Since my school follows National curriculum of England the major general policy is made from
UK, and it will adapt to the host countrys requirements. Regarding language policy unlike IB, here the medium of
instruction is only English and Arabic is mandatory. The teacher who does not know English has no room in the
school. There is no space for mother tongue but the school insist for third language aqucision which is the mother
tongue for majority of the students.
Regarding the leadership team each subject group has a head of the department and each year has a coordinator. There
is a special team for other extra-curricular activities like physical education and art. The coordinator is responsible for
the overall year group activities and the head of the department is responsible for the academic purpose. In both
teachers has to work collaboratively. The head of the department will guide the teachers with their lesson plan and
fortnight plan which will be submitted personally by teachers to the vice principal on her approval the teachers should
start their classes depends upon the reflections the teachers do the necessary improvement. Like IB learners profile
attributes here in my previous school inquiry is given important. The teachers prompt the children to make the
learning takes place. There is no personal or community project or an extended essay like IB in my previous school.
Only the community project is there in their year 11 and 12. Which I like to implement in my future teaching.
Standard B2: Resources and support
The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme
There are various resources available in school in spite of allocated annual budget which support and influence the
facilities for the implementation of the programme like- qualified teachers, professional development for
authorization and evaluation, timing for collaborative planning, the facilities to meet the MYP subject group aims and
objectives in physical Education, science, arts and design, etc. Access to the library, resources for languages, global
issues, diverse perspectives and personal/ community projects.

Based on the local requirements and context the leadership structure would exist in different ways and in
addition to the budget allocation for annual program fees, for successful implementation of the program
requires support from the governing body or educational authority for development of leadership and
structures that support teaching and learning.

To support teaching and learning its not only the budget allocation for annual program fees but also support
and encouragements is needed from the educational authority.

The schools provide the most qualified teachers in order to teach the subjects. The implementation of the
program will be influenced by the facilities which are provided. Also the schools make sure that the teachers
and administrators have IB recognized professional development.

It is very important for the schools to have their teachers and administrators the professional development
requirements for the MYP. For the implementation of the program it should have the IB- recognized professional

development with proper authorization and evaluation.

As teachers plan collaboratively to integrate global contexts and key concepts with their subject content, two
or more subjects can work together to inform the inquiry. As teachers identify complementary content, skills

and concepts, they can plan MYP units that address common real-world issues
Time should be dedicated for collaborative planning which must involves all teachers. Across and between
year levels and subject groups the vertical and horizontal articulation of the curriculum should be developed.
Writing unit plans in teams should be a good practice.

IB programmes emphasize learning how to learn, helping students interact effectively with the learning
environments they encounter, and encouraging them to value learning as an essential and integral part of their
everyday lives. Education for international-mindedness relies on the development of learning environments
that value the world as the broadest context for learning.

Instructional materials and classroom technologies

a. Textbooks and other written and visual texts
b. Teaching materials developed by businesses and not-for-profit organizations
c. Educational games and simulations
d. Teaching aids and manipulative
e. Learning environments beyond the classroom
f. Students diverse languages and cultures
g. Families, experts and other primary sources in the school and the community
h. School, university and community libraries
i. Digital resources, including the internet.

IB programmes make the students independent by giving them freedom to learn the things by their own. This
way the education will be valued more in all terms. There are so many things which helps in becoming
independent learners like: classroom technologies and instructional materials, teaching aids, learning
environment which is beyond their classroom learning, the culture and language of the students who are from
diverse groups, internet facility to explore and learn many new things.

The school library and resources should be easily accessed by the students because it plays a vital role in the
implementation of the programme and also in improving its resources in language, global context and diverse

perspectives. It helps students to develop their skills, which is helpful for teachers to set a meaningful and
challenging tasks. Also the library should be frequently updated with the current resources and the librarian
plays an important role in carrying out the responsibilities.

All the schools which are offering MYP should make sure that they provide internet facility to the students in
the library at school. The library should also provide the resources in all the languages that are offered by the
school. Librarians play a crucial rule in collaborating and developing the curriculum.

The students should be able to have good knowledge about global issues and diverse perspectives and for this
purpose the MYP librarians play an important role in literacy development, providing resources and
supporting planning etc.,

The schools should work to identify and plan for access to resources that support the variety of student
learning styles and interests, as well as language profiles of the student body. Librarians can help to select
resources that support student learning and allow students to move quickly through the locating phase into
working with information and gaining deeper understanding. By developing an assessment policy, a language
policy, inclusion/special educational needs policy, an academic honesty policy which support for both teachers
and the students.

The counselors of MYP dedicate their time to the students in supporting them through both emotional and
social learning. In simple words the counselors act like a bridge between families, schools, curricular and noncurricular aspects of the program by taking care of the students needs. Also they give counseling for school
related stress to the students.

The MYP holistic philosophy of education gives basis for a broad and balanced education which consist of
eight subject groups. It is designed to develop disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding for students

through concurrently taught courses in each subject group in every year.

For each subject group it needs minimum of 50 hours of teaching time every year. For IB MYP in the last
final years 4 and 5 it needs minimum of 70 hours of teaching time which helps to meet the aims and

objectives of the each subject group and concurrent teaching that enables interdisciplinary study.
IN MYP year 1- 3 all subject groups must have at least 50 hours of teaching time, except for language which
should be carried on by throughout the year, with proper teachers collaborative time given if it is not taught
independently. Also this can be either semester or trimester pattern. The subject group teachers who are non-

specialist should have recognized professional development by IB.

The disciplinary and interdisciplinary summative task should be completed by the students in order to get a

highest achievement, which will be assessed by specific subject criteria.

IN MYP year 4 and 5 students are provided with the flexible opportunities to study eight subject group or six
subject group independently. They can choose different subject group in year 4 and 5. They are assessed
against the required subject-specific criteria. If the students appearing for IB validated grades then they need
to have 70 teaching hours for every subject group in the final year. Also their subject choices should reflect
according to DP or IBCC.


The school in which I previously worked has also resources like library, technologies and support structures
for the implementation. The librarian plays the major role in each students life. According to the unit planner
with careful collaboration she used to guide students during the library period and ensure that students learnt
something out of box, related to the topic of the subject group. The students has internet access and they used
to explore a deeper knowledge with the help of the computer teachers. Other than that the students have
language lab and science labs according to the age appropriate.

Section C: Curriculum
Standard C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programme
It is so evident that collaborative planning addresses the requirements of the program in which the school has an MYPs
coherent curriculum comprising of three interrelated components, each having equal value. It indicates developing,
implementing and monitoring the schools written, assessed and taught curriculums in an integrated process. This will
involve all the MYP teachers, for each age group what to teach in each subject will be formally written in the written
curriculum. So the MYP encourage schools with a frame work to develop their own written curriculum. The students
gain world knowledge through their experiences and previous knowledge which are revisited and revised in the light of
new experience for a wider learning through series of test, confirm and construct their personal values in order to get a
purposeful learning.
In MYP teaching each subject should always consider students previous knowledge and make them to experience
through curriculum which allow them to test and revise to make connection between their prior and current knowledge
and help them to develop their own meaning through structured inquiry which involves collaboration and communication
either with partners or large groups also within or beyond the classroom. Also it encourages conceptual development.
Through integrated curriculum a reliable and valid information on students can be get for the MYP assessment to both
teachers and students, which is a school based process. But the personal project is validated by external moderation. Also
its optional for students to take MYP eAssessment for IB validation.
Based on learning there are variety of authentic and targeted strategies and tools for teachers which are communicated
through subject group guides, teachers support materials and workshop materials which brings balance and integrity to
the curriculum.

As teachers plan collaboratively to integrate global contexts and key concepts with their subject content, two
or more subjects can work together to inform the inquiry. As teachers identify complementary content, skills
and concepts, they can plan MYP units that address common real-world issues.

An interpretation of MYP in action should reflect in all teaching and learning for which the schools are
responsible. Regarding the functioning of the school community the MYP should have an explicit impact.

And they should make sure that MYP students should have coherence in their learning.
Curriculum planning have both vertical and horizontal components which help teachers to create subject
based interdisciplinary units within whole school frame work for the successful implementation of the
programme. The school identity is reflected in written curriculum with the holistic view of school values and

mission though it is not the part of the programme model.

Time should be dedicated for collaborative planning which must involves all teachers. Across and between
year levels and subject groups the vertical and horizontal articulation of the curriculum should be developed.

Writing unit plans in teams should be a good practice.

Between different subject groups and discipline within a subject group the interdisciplinary learning can take
place. This kind of learning assists broader perspectives on complex issues, and encourages deeper levels of
analysis and synthesis" and its meaningful. So the MYP teachers are responsible for nurturing the

interdisciplinary understanding.
To create a new understanding, two or more subject group or disciplines integrate through thinking and
knowledge by the students is a interdisciplinary learning. In MYP students are encouraged to take at least one

interdisciplinary unit each year.

Contrast to single disciplinary the interdisciplinary understanding helps students to "concepts, methods or
forms of communication from two or more disciplines or established areas of expertise to explain a
phenomenon, solve a problem, create a product or raise a new question".(IBO, 2011, pg 56) The three
qualities purposeful, integrative and grounded in discipline are followed from the interdisciplinary

understanding which helps to design interdisciplinary teaching and students assessment.

This interdisciplinary understanding helps students to address biases, encourage personal interest, consider
interpretation and point of view, increase motivation, awareness, develop critical and conceptual thinking,
considering potential consequences and drawing conclusions, take responsible actions considering the local,

national and global communities.

For the successful implementation of the programme, planning the curriculum is considered to have vertical
and horizontal components. As a result of vertical and horizontal planning, teachers will be in a position to

develop subject-based and interdisciplinary MYP units within a whole-school curriculum framework.
To make sure the continuity and ongoing development of year 1 to 5 of the programme and beyond the goal

of the vertical planning is a sequence learning.

This help the teachers to communicate matters based on content and pedagogy. The teachers of the same year

group within subject group plan all the possibility for learning when they pal horizontally.
Subject teachers develop unit plans and subject group overviews even though the vertical planning of

approach to learning is above the individual school level.

Collaborative planning of co-curricular elements can help schools develop a curriculum that reflects and
supports the schools identity, including elements such as education for citizenship, outdoor adventure,

experiential education and service within the community.

Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their
teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there
Teachers should ensure that a range of learning experiences and teaching strategies is- based on the differing

needs of all students, including those who are learning a language other than their mother tongue, and
students with learning support requirements are to be fulfilled by the collaborative planning.

The school which I worked earlier encourage collaborative teaching but its more towards developing English
language. Here in IB the interdisciplinary teaching takes place in a natural way. In ordered to perform better
in the world they are offered to make a meaningful connection across the subjects. Which I like to implement
in my teaching because I was handling English, history, geography and PSHE. So in future if I get same
subjects then I can use this interdisciplinary theme in my teaching.

Standard C2: Written curriculum

The schools written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.

For each age group what to teach in each subject will be formally written in the written curriculum. So the
MYP encourage schools with a frame work to develop their own written curriculum. So the learner profile
attributes, conceptual understanding, incorporation of global contexts and approaches to learning (ATL) skills
is a school-based process. Through the subject group overview the vertical and horizontal unit planner will be
developed. MYP teachers can plan for service activities arising from inquiry that will be engaging and

relevant to students.
In order to model inquiry and reflect to their students, teachers should take the ownership of the written
curriculum. So without teachers involvement the planning and developing units of work, the teaching will
lose its depth of conceptual understanding.


It is a complete and repeated process using series of consistent documents at correct level for a school while
progressing the written curriculum. The documents are presented one above the other and related to each
other. The working documents are revised regularly. The different concepts are identified by the teachers to
explore approach to learning skills which help students to learn and practice.

Every year the curriculum likely to meet the aims and objectives of each subject group as well the personal
and community projects in year 3 and 4.

At different stages of the programme, the teacher develop an improvement in teaching ATL skills and
assessed using the ATL skills frame work.

The MYP unit-planning process helps teachers move collaboratively towards a fully developed written, taught
and assessed curriculum.

The evidence of vertical and horizontal planning is given by the subject group over view and each year the
written curriculum is documented. Subject-group overviews allow teachers and school leaders to reflect on
the vertical articulation of the written curriculum. Over the years of the programme through collaborative

planning the curriculum has added all required key concepts, addressed all related concepts, explored the
MYP global context, appropriately developed ATL skills and provides opportunity to students to meet the

subject group objectives in balanced way.

Based on the required components and planning process the teachers create the MYP unit plans. But the
lesson plans are not made by the teachers. For each subject group the teacher support materials gives samples
developed in collaboration with the IB world schools. This kind of reflections helps to change the units and
the ATL planning. The horizontal planning also given by the subject over view. Among the subject groups
based on the common concepts and contexts gives the basis for the interdisciplinary learning in each year.
Depends on the local or national requirement the subject overview can be adjusted. Also it gives a record of

the school which organize the subject group in many subjects and discipline.
The teachers begin with the reflection on previous unit of work when they plan for the MYP unit, which
involve content, a successful teaching strategy, an effective summative assessment and ALT. Through which
the teacher can use the unit planner and extend critical thinking about how to improve students skills,
understanding and to meet the aim and objectives of the subject group. So the MYP unit planning help
teachers to work collaboratively with all three written, taught and assessed curriculum which promotes

effective teaching and learning.

Periodical review of the written curriculum should be made through reflection by subject group in the system
by the schools which includes individual units of work and planning of ATL. Teachers should be aware of the
revised MYP subject group guides published by the IB and if there is any changes in the content the school

can associate with MYP.

The written curriculum is a formal, comprehensive, school-wide set of documents written by the school that
describes what will be taught in each subject to each age group. The MYP presents schools with a framework
within which schools are expected to develop their own written curriculum.

The development of learner profile attributes, conceptual understanding, incorporation of global contexts and
approaches to learning (ATL) skills is a school-based process. Curriculum development centres on four major

-Key and related concepts

-Global contexts

-ATL skills

-Subject-group objectives

-In the written curriculum, MYP teachers can plan for service activities arising from inquiry that will be

engaging and relevant to students.

Collaborative planning of co-curricular elements can help schools develop a curriculum that reflects and
supports the schools identity, including elements such as education for citizenship, outdoor adventure,

experiential education and service within the community.

The identity of a school is reflected in its written curriculum. A written curriculum that includes co-curricular
activities will better reflect a holistic view of school values and mission

The teachers take one key concept from her own subject group and another key concepts from other subject

group to plan disciplinary and interdisciplinary units.

The written curriculum encourages the attributes of learner profile.

The MYP unit planning helps teachers to conduct teaching learning in an effective way. And its very useful and
meaningful. In my previous school we teachers have to prepare the lesson plans only. So the planning for MYP unit plan
sounds new and interesting for me which I can adopt in my future career growth.
Standard C3: Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.

Through their experiences and previous knowledge which are revisited and revised in the light of new
experience for a wider learning through series of test, confirm and construct their personal values in order to

get a purposeful learning.

In MYP teaching each subject should always consider students previous knowledge and make them to
experience through curriculum which allow them to test and revise to make connection between their prior
and current knowledge and help them to develop their own meaning through structured inquiry which
involves collaboration and communication either with partners or large groups also within or beyond the

classroom. Also it encourages conceptual development.

The purpose is to make sure it reflects MYP philosophy and its requirement is identified in the inquiry section

of the MYP unit planner.


Understanding the concepts in context is the main idea in MYP teaching and learning. For more stable
perspective of teaching and learning, the global context gives a common language. For powerful contextual
learning, identifying specific settings, events or circumstances which leads to a inquiry based teaching learning
like what it means to be internationally minded, framing a curriculum that promotes multilingualism, inter
cultural understanding and global engagement, which involves the prior knowledge from PYP creating relevance
for adolescent learners.

The MYP curriculum framework establishes structures and pedagogical approaches that identify and rigorously
assess the level to which students achieve aims and objectives.

In the MYP, essential aspects of the curriculum framework include conceptual understanding, global contexts,
approaches to teaching and approaches to learning, and significant content across a broad and balanced range of

Approaches to teaching-emphasizing MYP pedagogy, including collaborative learning through inquiry.

A concept-based model is used in the MYP which encourages students to create personal relevance, as students
relate new knowledge to prior knowledge, and promote understanding of cultures and environments across
global contexts through the transfer of knowledge Contexts for learning in the MYP are chosen from global
contexts to encourage international-mindedness and global engagement within the programme.

Learning in global contexts enables learners to directly link concepts with their own lives and put knowledge
into action.

An IB education creates teaching and learning communities and opportunities that help students increase their
understanding of language and culture, and become more globally engaged.

Effective teaching and learning in context helps students and teachers to:-plan concrete, memorable
engagements that can be tailored to individual students and their learning styles, diverse backgrounds and
cultures, illustrate and provide concrete examples of conceptual and theoretical ideas.
-inspire critical and creative thinking as students encounter multiple, and sometimes conflicting, value systems
and cultural perspectives, including concepts that are open to different interpretations such as citizenship,
identity and globalization, provide lenses through which to compare various conceptions (and misconceptions)
of reality and become more autonomous, strategic and self-motivated

The students should be able to learn, understand, gain new information and experience the things which they
gain through inquiry. The curriculum acts as the bridge between what they learn and things which they are going
to learn and how it helps them in achieving their aims and objectives.

Academic honesty is the responsibility of all schools, teachers and students in IB programmes and must be
developed across the curriculum as part of a schools approaches to learning. Academic honesty must be seen as
a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment

Students are actively engaged in planning and assessing their own learning. MYP classrooms are dynamic
learning environments, with students moving from group work to individual work in response to their needs and
the needs of their inquiries. The ongoing process of ATL is most effective when focused to disciplinary and
interdisciplinary teaching and learning. The effective learning strategies for the teachers are the key, related
concepts and the global context. ATL is also a powerful tool for studying a particular content. These two helps
students to get deep understanding transfer of skills and academic success. The ATL enable effective and
efficient learning with ample of practice to the students. With regular feedback from the teachers the students
can develop the AT skills through engagement and formative assessment.

Scaffold(ing): A strategy in which teachers develop and employ a sequence of steps or stages marked by a
gradual decrease of support and a corresponding increase in students responsibility for their own learning.

Teaching and learning in the IB grows from an understanding of education that celebrates the many ways people
work together to construct meaning and make sense of the world. It helps explore the many ways the application
of concepts can vary among human cultures, and draw attention to our common humanityincluding the search
for universal cultural understanding.

MYP students will be able to make valid linguistic choices that consider purpose and audience within the full
range of sociocultural and academic contexts they will encounter, they have to be empowered with proficiencies
across various language domains, including those that require academic language proficiency.

Teachers need to develop awareness of approaches to learning (ATL) materials and teaching practices that take
account of diversity in cultural and language backgrounds across the curriculum.

Teachers should purposefully choose strategies and learning experiences that are aligned with the units
statement of inquiry; help students meet subject-group objectives; support the development of effective ATL

Differentiated teaching practices can build opportunities in which each student can develop, pursue and achieve
appropriate individual learning goals. This may involve utilizing collaborative and cooperative learning, a
variety of learning practices, creative approaches to teaching and learning, differing formats and modes of
exploring and presenting knowledge and understanding being made available to the students.

Teachers need to investigate available resources and consider what additional resources might be necessary for the unit.
Important resources to focus on are

-instructional materials and classroom technologies

-textbooks and other written and visual texts

-teaching materials developed by businesses and not-for-profit organizations

-educational games and simulations

-learning environments beyond the classroom

-students diverse languages and cultures

-families, experts and other primary sources in the school and the community

-school, university and community libraries

-digital resources, including the internet.

An MYP classroom is also a balanced classroom, in the sense that teachers balance the pursuit of understanding
and the construction of meaning with the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. To do this, teachers use a
range of teaching and assessment strategies and resources to meet the needs of each student. In this setting,
students are actively engaged in planning and assessing their own learning. MYP classrooms are dynamic
learning environments, with students moving from group work to individual work in response to their needs and
the needs of their inquiries.

The goal of teaching and learning in the MYP is the active construction of meaning in which students build
connections between their prior understanding and new information and experience that they gain through
inquiry. The MYP promotes balance and a meaningful choice in teaching strategies that can include lectures,
demonstrations, memorization and individual practice.

The teacher must be familiar with, and responsive to, the needs and interests of individual students, and must be

aware of the cultural and social contexts in which they live and learn. In the learning environment, the role of the
teacher is to facilitate connections between the students prior knowledge and the knowledge available through
new experiences.

The teacher facilitates student learning by creating opportunities for, and supporting, student inquiries; by asking
carefully thought-out, open-ended questions; and by encouraging students to ask questions of each other as well
as of the teacher

Through education a student should become independent, confident and self-managed lifelong learners and all
the ATL skills focuses on these.


In IB schools the taught curriculum where the previous experience and the knowledge is revised and revisited
every time in the light of the new experience while learning. In my previous teaching also I do the same but not
specifically. Now I understood the importance and will try to implement in every class. The formative
assessment in both the curriculum is same and the teachers understand how well the students learnt and what
measures needed to improve. Teaching and learning concept through context and the interdisciplinary units are
new to me which I liked to implement in my future teaching. By combing the key concept, one more related
concept and global context by the teacher in each subject group help student to think better and improve their
cognitive development which I like to implement in my future teaching. Using variety of teaching strategies in
teaching and learning is highly expected in all International schools. IB approach to learning skills provide
students ample of chances to practice. Start with free style in citation help students to do better in their higher
grades which is very new idea and I would like to implement in my future teaching and learning. The structured
inquiry help students to learn better. The mode of presentation for differentiation like oral presentation, writing,
or a practical method such as leading a peer-to-peer workshop(IBO,2011,p.g 78) strategies employed by IB
teachers, my previous school encourage this partially which I would like to implement in my future teaching
and learning.

Standard C4: Assessment

Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

Through integrated curriculum a reliable and valid information on students can be get for the MYP
assessment to both teachers and students, which is a school based process. But the personal project is

validated by external moderation. Also its optional for students to take MYP eAssessment for IB validation.
Based on learning there are variety of authentic and targeted strategies and tools for teachers which are
communicated through subject group guides, teachers support materials and workshop materials which brings
balance and integrity to the curriculum.


Every year using assessment criteria in each subject group the MYP assessment need teachers to assess the
recommended subject group objectives. Various assessment strategies are carefully used by the MYP teachers

in order to help students to achieve the highest level.

Using a separate subject group assessment criteria the schools should frequently acknowledge the students
progress based on the MYP objectives. It represents the use of knowledge, understanding and skills which
must be taught. They encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and Meta cognitive dimensions of
knowledge. Assessment criteria for years 1, 3 and 5 of the programme are provided in MYP subject-group

guides, and their use is mandatory Retrieved from (IBO.2014. pg 90)

In practice, schools often introduce objectives and criteria for MYP years 3 and 5 in the previous year so that
students in MYP years 2 and 4 become familiar with, and begin working towards, stated requirements,
adapting and interpreting them in ways that are developmentally appropriate." Retrieved from

All MYP subject groups have four assessment criteria divided into four bands, each of which represents two
achievement levels. MYP criteria are equally weighted

The level descriptors for each band describe a range of student performance in the various strands of each
objective. At the lowest levels, student achievement in each of the strands will be minimal. As the numerical

levels increase, the level descriptors describe greater achievement levels in each of the strands.
Explicit assessment criteria is mandated. A detailed description regarding the students achievement is
provided from various assessment task. Each students achievement is holistically measured through a

collaborative work of the teacher using" best fit approach" Retrieved from (IBO,2014,p.g 88)
The philosophy of assessment is neither norm reference nor criterion referenced. MYP assessment plays a
significant role in the development of ATL skills, especially skills that are closely related to subject-group

MYP internal assessment includes tasks, strategies and tools that are designed, developed and applied by

teachers working with students in their schools.

Through effective formative assessment, teachers gather, analysis, interpret and use a variety of evidence to

improve student learning and to help students to achieve their potential.

Summative assessments are designed to provide evidence for evaluating student achievement Retrieved from

(IBO,2014,p.g 89)
Effective assessment policies also consider assessment timelines and the demands they place on students and
teachers, including workloads and personal well-being, plans for sharing information about MYP assessment
with school staff and the broader school community, a process for gathering feedback, and a system to review
the policy on a regular basis. The MYP places an emphasis on assessment processes that involve the gathering
and analysis of information about student performance and that provide timely feedback to students on their
performance. All units include summative tasks that are assessed according to one or more MYP criteria to

ensure continuous assessment.

school to support students involvement in service and its qualitative monitoring. Curriculum planning to
include opportunities for service. Service activities should be adapted to local circumstances, and to take into

account students development, aptitudes and preferences.

Final year students to develop the scope and nature of service activities and have responsible roles in
planning, organizing and implementing service activities to reflect their growing maturity and autonomy.

Teachers must document assessment data using appropriate technology to support the determination of an
achievement level.

Teachers will need to take all the data into account when determining a summative achievement level for a
student in each criterion. The following tools can be used to collect evidence of student achievement in each
unit. They can be used to document learning, they are Anecdotal records, Continuums, Examples and

The MYP offers students opportunities to develop their potential, to explore their own learning preferences, to
take appropriate risks, and to reflect on, and develop, a strong sense of personal identity.

Regular recorded reflections by the students about key issues or important activities can lead to enhanced
understanding of the concepts. For example, process journals can allow students to detail their service and
action, and to reflect on the impact of these.

All MYP students in schools with the fifth year of the programme demonstrate consolidation of their learning
through completion of a personal project. If the programme ends in MYP year 3 or year 4, students in the last
year of the programme at the school must demonstrate consolidation of their learning through the community

Schools are required to register all MYP year 5 students for personal project moderation. Students who
complete MYP year 5 are eligible to receive IB MYP course results that report their achievements in the
programme, including successful completion of the personal project and the schools expectations for
community service.

Students whose IB MYP course results meet certain conditions are also eligible to receive the IB MYP
certificate. This award requires participation in the final year of the programme, with recommended
participation for two years, and successful results from:

five on-screen examinations (one from each of four required subject groups, plus an interdisciplinary assessment)

one e Portfolio from a course of study in language acquisition

One e Portfolio from a course in physical and health education, arts or design the personal project.

The school which I worked previously has follows formative and summative assessments. Students are assessed on
regular basis and the data is stored. The assessment criteria is descriptive and age appropriate. The assessment is carried
on using various strategies like IB. My old school also has portfolio assessment same like IB but the process journal is
something different. In my old school students are asked to write their reflection but there is no process Journal like IB
which something I like to implement in my future teaching.

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