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All public money, except money generated by school activities, and

classified "school activity fund (internal) accounts, " must be deposited with
the Falls Church City Treasurer, who shall be in charge of the receipts,
custody and disbursement of School Board funds. Checks must be drawn on
the School Board account by the Falls Church City Treasurer, Falls Church,
Virginia. Petty cash procedures are covered in Policy 4.19.

Payment Procedures

The School Board may adopt a resolution appointing an agent, and a deputy
agent to act for the agent in his/her absence or inability to perform this
duty, to examine and approve such claims and, when approved by him/her
or his/her deputy, to order or authorize payment. A record of such approval
and order or authorization shall be made and kept with the records of the
School Board. Any such agent or deputy agent must furnish a corporate
surety bond, the premium of which shall be paid out of funds made available
to the School Board.

A. Warrants

Any payment warrants authorized by the School Board's agent or deputy

agent must be countersigned by the clerk or deputy clerk of the School
Board, except in the following situations: (1) Where the agent is the
Division Superintendent, who also occupies the position of School Board
clerk, a countersignature from the chairman or vice-chairman is required,
(2) Where the deputy agent and the deputy clerk is one and the same
person, the warrant must be countersigned by either the clerk or the agent
of the School Board.

Any payment warrant may be converted into a negotiable check when the
name of the bank upon which the funds stated in the warrant are drawn or

Adopted: 3/8/00 Revised: 3/13/02

Falls Church City Public Schools

by which the check is to be paid is designed upon its face and is signed by
the Falls Church City Treasurer.

B. Checks

Authorized signatures for all checks shall be those of the Chairman or Vice-
Chairman of the School Board, the Superintendent, Clerk or Deputy Clerk
and the Falls Church City Treasurer. If the School Board has appointed an
agent or deputy for approval of payments, the agent or deputy is also
authorized to sign all checks. Checks shall be signed by the agent or his/her
deputy and countersigned by the clerk or deputy clerk and the Falls Church
City Treasurer. However, for check-signing purposes, the agent or deputy
agent shall not be the same person as the clerk or deputy clerk.

Legal References: The Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 22.1-


Adopted: 3/8/00 Revised: 3/13/02

Falls Church City Public Schools

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