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Contents or VoLuME 1 1925 f ee oo Page Fro by Gilbert: Stuart ne om & Por List of Officers, 1925-26 Iv Announcement . ov How the Schism Came, William Wallace Fenn..... 8 Notes on Cotton and Increase Mather, Kenneth B. Murdock ......:0..c0cseseseeteseeeeeeees 22 Records of the Annual Meeting, 1925 45 Historical Exhibit, Centenary of the American Unitarian Association a7 52 List of Addresses delivered betoge the Society. ‘EpirormaL Commirren Henry Wilder Foote Julius H. Tuttle Charles E. Park Communications to the Editors should be addressed to Reverenp Henry Witper Foore 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Subscriptions should be addressed to Tur Beacon Pruss 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. = 7 LIST OF ANNUAL ADDRESSES DELIVERED BEFORE THE UNITARIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1901—1925 The earliest meetings of the Society were held in Channing Hall in the building of the American Unitarian Associa- tion, 25 Beacon Street, Boston, and were informal in char- acter. Since 1904 the Annual Meeting has been regularly held in King’s Chapel, Boston, except in 1923, when it was held in King’s Chapel Parish House. The list of speakers and their subjects is as follows: May 23, 1901 Brief addresses on Ruv. SamMuzn Warp, D. D., Rev. Cyrus Bar. tot, D. D., and Rev. ALEXANDER Youne, D. D., by Rev. C. E. Parx, Rav. Grorce W. Soutry, Rey. E. E. Harz, Rev. S. B. Stewart, and Rzv. Ep- warp J. YOuNG. May 29, 1902 Pror. T. G. Masaryk, Prague, Bohemia. “The Los von Rom Movement in Austria.” May 21, 1903 Rey, Aurrep Atruerr, Basle, Switzerland. “The Origin and Growth of the Liberal Church in Switzerland.” May 26, 1904 Epwin D. Mxap, Esq., Boston. “The Relation of the Unitarian Fathers to the Peace Movement in America.” | Rev. C. W. Wenpre, Boston. “Laelius and Faustus Socinus.” May 25, 1905 Rey. Epwarp Evererr Hatz, Boston. “The Fort Palmer Episode and other Uni- tarian Memoirs.” May 24, 1906 Rev. Jonn Carrott Perkins, Portland, Me. “The Part of the Pioneers.” May 23, 1907 Rev. C. E. Park, Boston. “Tablets and Memorials in our Churches.” 52 May 28, 1908 Rev. James De Normanpim, Roxbury. “Some Eminent Unitarians.” : May 27, 1909 Rev. Brapuey Gruman, Canton. “Holmes as a Religious Teacher.” May 26, 1910 Ruy. H. G. Spauupine, Boston. “Harvard College Forty Years Ago, and the Old Harvard Divinity School.” May 25, 1911 Rev. C. E. Park, Boston. “History of Ordination and Installation Practices.” May 28, 1912 Rev. Henry Witper Foors, Cambridge. “The Harvard School of Hymnody.” See TRANSACTIONS oF THE UNITARIAN Historica, Society or Great Britain, Vol. III, Part 2, Oct: 1924. | May 22, 1913 Rev. Jamzs Dz Normanpim, Roxbury, “History of the Harvard Church in Char- lestown. May 28, 1914 Rev. Jamzs DeNormanpie, Roxbury, “The Brattle Street Church, Boston.” See Procrepines or THE MassacHUsETtTs 1 Historica Soctery, Vol. 47, pp 223 to 231, entitled “Taz Maniresto Cuurcu.” May 27, 1915 Rev. Cuarues Graves, Albany, N. Y. “An Early Unitarian Outpost.” Sez Tue Curistian Register June 24, 1915, pp. 584-586 AND Juxy 1, pp. 608-611, atso Reprint By Geo. H. Exuis Co. 1915. May 28, 1916 Hon. Winstow Warren, Dedham, “The Value of Contemporary Opinion.” See Procrepines or Tan MassacHusErTs S Historicau Socrnry. Vol. 49, pp 349-356. J May 25, 1917 Rev. C. E. Park, Boston. “Possibilities of Beauty in the Congre- gational Order.” See American Journat or TuEoLoey, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, Jan. 1919. 53 May 28, 1918 May 22, 1919 May 27, 1920 May 26, 1921 May 25, 1922 May 24, 1928 May 22, 1924 March 19, 1925 May 12, 1925 Rev. G. L. Canny, Salem. “The Hollis Street Church, Boston.” See Toe Curistian Ruaistur, Nov. 28, 1918, p. 1134; Dec. 5, pp. 1166-7; Dec. 12, pp. 1191-2; Dec. 12, pp. 1215-6. Rey. Cuarzzs H. Lyrtix, Brooklyn, N. Y. “The Pentecost of Unitarianism” (A study of Channing’s Baltimore Sermon of 1819.) (Published for the Unrrarian His- ToRIcAL Society by THz Bracon ‘Press, Boston, 1920.) Proressor W. W. Fenn, Cambridge. “The Farewell Address of John Robinson.” Prornssor Eppraim EmMErton, Cambridge. “The Unitarian Debt_to 01 Rev. W. G. Exior, 2np, Portland, Ore. “The Early Days of Unitarianism on the Pacific Coast.” Proressor Watpo S. Prart, Hartford, Conn. “The Earliest New England Music.” Dr. Kenneta B. Murpocx, Cambridge. “Notes on Increase and Cotton Mather.” See Proceepines or THE UNITARIAN Historrcau Society, Vol. I, 1925. (Special Meeting) Rev. R. Nicou Cross, Hampstead, London. “Historical Sketch of British Unitarianism.” Proressor W. W. Fenn, Cambridge. “How the Schism Came.” See Proceepinecs or THE UNITARIAN Hisroricat Socrery, Vol. I, 1925. 54 The Proceedings OF THE Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME I PART II 1928 THE BEACON PRESS, Inc. 25 Bacon STREET Boston, Mass. CONTENTS List of Officers, 1927-28...........4+ The Unitarian Churches of Boston in 1860........... Edwin J. Lewis, Jr. The Earliest New England Music. .. . Waldo S. Pratt Records of the Annual Meeting, 1926 Records of the Annual Meeting, 1927 28 49 | 61 | the Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME II PART I 1931 THE BEACON PRESS, Inc. 25 Beacon Srreet Boston, Massacuusetrs CONTENTS List of Officers, 1980-31 The First Four Churches of Massachusetts Bay Charles Edwards Park Thomas Goss vs. Inhabitants of Bolton.............. Joseph Nelson Pardee An Early Unitarian Society in Portland, Maine....... Vincent Brown Silliman A Note on the Prayer Book of King’s Chapel, Boston. . Records of the Annual Meeting, 1928 Records of the Annual Meeting, 1929 List of Annual Addresses 81 The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME IL PART II CONTENTS 1932 List of Officers The Development of Liberal Religion in Iceland 1 Récnvatpur Perursson, D. D. The Rise and Progress of Icelandic Churches in the United States and Canada . .i4 Gerorce F. Parrsrson, D, D. Kristofer Janson: as Man, Poet and Religious Reformer ees e cece ee eaeneeeeeteneeee 21 Amanvus Norman, D. D. Records of Annual Meeting, 1980 ........... 41 Records of Annual Meeting, 1981 ........... 44 List of Annual Addresses .................. AT Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME Ii PART I CONTENTS 1988 List of Officers Liberty and Liberals Four Hundred Years Ago 1 Grorce Lincotn Burr Socinian Propaganda in Germany Three Hun- dred Years Ago Crypto-Socinianism at Altdorf Eart M. Witsur Records of Annual Meeting, 1988 ............ 42 List of Annual Addresses . Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. A" The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME III PART II CONTENTS List of Officers . . Joseph Priestley ........- 0s sees cree eee eeee 1 Freperick R. GrirFIN Theodore Clapp .......0-seeeeeereeeeeeeee 13 Henry Wiper Foore Records of Annual Meeting, 1933 ..........- 39 List of Annual Addresses ......-..--..+++5+ 43 Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME IV PART I ~ eaten CONTENTS 1985 Joseph Tuckerman ...............cee ee eeee CuristopHer R. Exior William Greenleaf Eliot .. Grorcz Reeves THRoop Records of Annual Meeting, 1984 List of Annual Addresses Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. A. | | | | The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME IV PART II CONTENTS 1936 List of Officers . IV Ebenezer Gay, D. D., and his Influence as a pioneer in Liberal Religion Freverick Lewis Weis The Grave and Monument of Faustus Socinus 25 Eart Morse WiLBur Records of Annual Meeting, 1935 List of Annual Addresses Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society 2 VOLUME V PART I CONTENTS 1936 List of Officers . seaseee IV Some Distinguished Laymen in King’s Chapel ..............0ec cece 1 Jon Carroit Perkins Two Concord Laymen: John and Samuel Hoar ................... 19 ALLEN FRENCH Records of Annual Meeting, 1986............ 39 The English Unitarian Historical Society .... 0... cee cee ce cc eeceee eevee 40 Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society VOLUME V PART II 1937 List of Officers .............., fieaen ee oe IV 4 Cradle of Liberty — Being the Story of the West Church, Boston ............., 1 Samuet A. Extor The Early History of Arlington Street Church ................, 15 Harmer E, Jonson Records of Annual Meeting, 1987 ........... 38 A List or tHe Wrrtryes or Wintiam Wattace FENN Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Single copies one dollar. The Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society = VOLUME VI PART I ANDOVER-HARVARD THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY CAMBRIDGE, MASs. CONTENTS 1938 List of Officers ....... rele statsle oe Charles A. Farley, Messenger of Liberalism... 1 Wattace W. Rossins Sylvester Judd; The Birthright Church ...... 13 Wituram Wattace Fenn Descriptive Catalogue of American Unitarian Hymn-Books .. Heney Wiper Foore Records of Annual Meeting, 1988 ........... 50 Editorial Notes Communications should be addressed to The Unitarian Historical Society 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass, Single copies one dollar.

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