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Proposal No.

Topic: Waste Management at Good Earth Packaging Corporation
Rationale: Packaging is an important part of any industry that produces goods. The
common purposes of packaging are information transmission, marketing, convenience, security
(from tampering) and physical protection (Boundless, 2016). However, being the physical
protection of the goods, most of the time packaging are not easily degradable especially
packaging of goods with long shelf-life. Thus, packaging also contributes to the majority of
waste produced by these products. However, manufacturing industries have no control regarding
the disposal of these packaging materials because it is already the responsibility of the
consumers. In order to address this problem, there is a need to determine the life cycle of
packaging materials, to get an overview of the responsibility of both manufacturer and the
consumer in the disposal packaging wastes. This study will look into the Good Earth Packaging
Corporation which produces cartons and packaging materials for other companies.
Objective: To define and discuss the importance of waste management in agro-industries.

Waste Management is an essential part of running an agro-industrial company.

A Failure of proper waste management incurs a threat in the future in the form of
resources needlessly lost and an adverse impact on the environment and on health

and safety (Topic B UNEP - Waste Management for Developing States).

Current waste management methods, like emissions from landfill, account for
almost five per cent of total global greenhouse gas emissions and 12 per cent of
the worlds emissions of methane (CO4), a greenhouse gas with an impact more
than 20 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2) which poses a threat to the society
especially if improper management is followed (Solid Waste Management and
Climate Change: Be Waste Wise, 2013).

Objective: To incorporate waste management system concepts in a corrugated box


Good Earth Packaging Corporation is a company that provides customers with a

customized solution for their unique packaging, shipping and production needs.

A Good Earth Packaging Corporation manufactures cartons that are needed in

packaging goods for other companies.
B From manufacturing of cartons down to printing labels of the cartons, Good Earth
believes that tailoring the pricing and the products to ones specific needs is an
important part6 of how their business works.
Objective: To analyze current waste management system of Good Earth Packaging


Good Earth practices waste management in their offices as well as in the production
A Good Earth generates two kinds of wastes, carton wastes from over production and
defects and expired ink from printing.
B Currently Good Earth practices segregation in their offices and manages the carton
waste through other companies by pickups.
C Its current waste management system lacks proper implementation and technology.
a Laws and regulations that must be followed when handling/using chemicals.
i P.D. 856 Sanitation Code of the Philippines
ii P.D. 984 Pollution Control Decree of 1976
iii P.D. 1151 Philippine Environmental Policy
iv P.D. 1152 Philippine Environmental Code (Chan Robles Virtual Law
Library, 2009)
v DENRAO 2005-05 (Caluba,, n.d.)
vi R.A. 9275 Philippine Clean Water Act
vii R.A. 6969 Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste
Control Act of 1990
Objective: To propose alternatives to come up with a new waste management system that
can be adapted by Good Earth Packaging Corporation.


Since Good Earth, by far, doesnt deal with the expired ink wastes, a proposal on how
to manage this kind of waste should be implemented.
A Good Earth can either choose between alternatives on managing the waste on their
own or relying on companies who deals with wastes.
a Adapt current (patented) waste management systems applied to similar
i Methods of Recycling Lithographic Ink (Prasil, 1997)

ii Process of Recycling Liquid Waste (Lorraine, , 2000)

iii Waste Ink Management (Askren, et. al, 2002)
B The alternatives for the proposed waste management for Good Earth will be evaluated

using Cost-Benefit Analysis.

Life cycle analysis of corrugated box products.

Topic B UNEP - Waste Management for Developing States. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14,
2016, from
Solid Waste Management and Climate Change: Be Waste Wise. (2013). Retrieved May
14, 2016, from
Lorraine and Long.2000 December 19.Process of Recycling a Liquid Waste.United State Patent.
Patent No. 6,162,164
PD 1152 Philippine Environmental Code Chan Robles Virtual Law Library. 5 May 2009.
Retrieved last May 19, 2016 from
Prasil. 1997 May 13. Method for Recycling Lithographic Ink.United State Patent. Patent No.
RA 6969. Retrieved last May 19, 2016 from
RA 9275. Retrieved last May 19, 2016 from
Culaba, Reyes, Caridad, Garanadillos. n.d. Inkjet Cartridge. The Ecolabelling Program of the
Askren, Borsuk, Bryant, Droege, Garcia, Kiely, and Strean. 2002 March 19. Waste Ink
Management.United State Patent. Patent No. 6,357,853
Boundless. The Purposes of Packaging. Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 20 May. 2016.
Retrieved 22 May. 2016

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