Identifying Efficiency Degrading Faults in Split Air Conditioning Systems

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Identifying Efficiency Degrading Faults in Split Air Conditioning

Trevor J. Terrill*, Mathew L. Brown*, Robert W. Cheyne Jr.*, Andrew J. Cousins*, Brandon P. Daniels^,
Kira L. Erb*, Pablo A. Garcia*, Maximilian J. Leutermann*, Andre J. Nel*, Casey L. Robert*, Sarah B.
Widger*, Austin G. Williams*, Bryan P. Rasmussen*, Ph.D., P.E.

Attach all sensors noninvasively, cutting no deeper

than insulation when required.

Collect and analyze data in less than one hour.

Keep the footprint of the system small enough that it

may be easily transported and installed by one

AbstractStudies estimate that as much as 50% of packaged

air conditioning systems operate in faulty conditions that
degrade system efficiency. Common faults include: under- and
over-charged systems (too much or too little refrigerant), faulty
expansions valves (stuck valves, valve hunting, poorly tuned
valve controllers), and fouled evaporators and condensers.
Furthermore, air conditioning systems can often be adjusted to
improve efficiency while continuing to meet cooling loads
(adjusting system pressures, decreasing superheat setpoints).
This study presents the design of a low cost device that can noninvasively measure system operating conditions, diagnose
faults, estimate potential energy savings, and provide
recommendations on how the system should be adjusted or
repaired. Using eight external temperature measurements, the
device potentially can detect and diagnose up to ten faults
commonly found in HVAC systems. Steady state temperatures
are compared to threshold values obtained from literature and
HVAC manufacturers to detect and determine the severity of
faults and subsequent reductions in coefficient of performance.
Preliminary tests reveal the potential for the device to detect
and diagnose common efficiency-degrading faults in HVAC

Currently, there are a limited number of commercial

systems for AC fault detection and diagnosis. One such
system is the ClimaCheck Performance Analyser (4). This
system uses seven temperature, two pressure, and four
electrical measurements to detect and diagnose faults. The
output results include heating and cooling capacity, electrical
power input, coefficient of performance, and compressor
efficiency. Due to the strict time constraints on IAC
personnel during an energy assessment, as well as the
devices reliance on the presence of pressure taps, this device
has limited practicality during energy assessments. The
purpose of this paper is to present the results of a device that
can effectively detect and diagnose common faults in A/C
systems while meeting all the constraints of the TAMU IAC.


Overview of Air-conditioning systems


An air-conditioning system operates on a thermodynamic

vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, consisting of four
basic processes for the working fluid: compression in a
compressor, heat rejection in a condenser, throttling in an
expansion device, and heat absorption in an evaporator (2).
Figure 1 represents the cycle in its simplest form. The
components of a typical air conditioner are described below:

In 2010, building energy use made up about 40% of total

energy use in America (19). Studies estimate that as much as
50% of packaged air conditioning systems operate
inefficiently, costing the building owner money and
consequently the United States in energy and carbon
emissions (5). Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) perform
free energy audits to determine ways an industrial facility can
reduce its energy usage, producing cost and energy savings
(20). Currently, the IAC at Texas A&M University (TAMU
IAC) does not perform analysis on air-conditioning (A/C)
systems. Therefore, to increase the scope of these energy
assessments, the purpose of this design project is to produce a
device that is capable of detecting and diagnosing common
faults found in A/C systems, subject to the following

Operate without extensive training or expensive


Focus on small to medium-sized split and packaged

A/C systems.

Compressor Increases the pressure and temperature

of the refrigerant vapor and consumes the majority of
the power in an A/C unit.
Condenser - Transfers heat from the refrigerant to the
ambient air, cooling the superheated refrigerant to a
saturated liquid.
Expansion Valve - Lowers the pressure of the liquid
refrigerant, allowing it to expanding into a liquid-vapor
mixture at a low temperature.
Evaporator - Transfers heat from the indoor air to the
refrigerant, heating the refrigerant from a liquid-vapor
mixture to a saturated vapor.

*Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University

^Department of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University
Proceedings of the Thrity-Fifth Industrial Energy Technology Conference New Orleans, LA. May 21-24, 2013


through the system. Refrigerant under-charge usually occurs

from either technician error when charging the system or
refrigerant leakage.
Non-condensable gas (3): This fault occurs when a noncondensable gas, such as atmospheric air, is entrained in the
system with the refrigerant. These gases decrease the
compressibility of the refrigerant, thereby limiting heat
transfer to the environment.
Fault Detection and Diagnostic Method
Figure 1. Basic elements of a vapor-compression refrigeration cycle.

Common faults in A/C systems

The most common faults which reduce the efficiency of
A/C units are given below, sorted by malfunctioning
Valve leakage (3): This fault occurs when refrigerant
vapor leaks between the valves within the compressor. This is
usually caused by general usage wear on the compressor.
Valve leakage leads to a reduced amount of refrigerant
compression, decreasing the amount of superheat in the vapor
and thus reducing the available heat for heat transfer to the
Fouling (3): Fouling on the condenser unit is
characterized by anything that reduces air flow across the
condenser coils, inhibiting heat transfer.

Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) has been used in

aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, and other industries
for several decades, but it has only recently been pursued in
the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
industry within the past twenty years, making it relatively
new in HVAC (6). There are several common branches
pursued in FDD as summarized below in Figure 2. For the
given constraints and requirements, a rule based qualitative
diagnostics method was selected for this project. The rule
based method contains models consisting of qualitative
relationships derived from knowledge of underlying physics
(6). The advantages of the rule based method include using
expert knowledge to create if-then-else rules to draw
conclusions, suitability for data-rich environments, and
simplicity in application. Also, since the method relies on
cause-effect relationships, it helps provide explanations for
the suggested diagnoses (6).

Expansion valve
Thermal expansion valve (TXV) setting too high (13):
This fault typically occurs when an A/C technician errors in
setting up the unit. This fault reduces the amount of
refrigerant allowed into the evaporator coils, increasing the
temperatures of the superheat above the recommended level.
TXV hunting (13): When a TXV is oversized for an A/C
unit, the valve alternates between allowing too much and too
little refrigerant into the evaporator coils.
Liquid line restriction (3): The restrictions in the line are
typically caused by a dirty filter or drier in the line. This fault
causes a pressure drop in the refrigerant line between the
condenser outlet and the expansion valve inlet.
Fouling (3): Very similar to condenser fouling, this fault
occurs when air flow across the evaporator coils is restricted.
Evaporator fouling hinders heat transfer from the air to the
System-wide faults
Refrigerant over-charge (10): This fault typically is
caused by technician error when the system is initially
charged. Refrigerant over-charge leads to decreased energy
transfer at the condenser and evaporator.

Figure 2: This is a chart of available diagnostic methods. The chosen

method (Rule Based) is highlighted (6).

The rule based method for detecting and diagnosing faults

depends on steady state temperature and pressure values of
the refrigerant and air at various points throughout the
system. As data are collected, a moving window average
algorithm is used to determine steady state of the A/C unit.
Once steady state is reached, the system analyzes
temperature readings, pressure values, and temperature
differences at different points of the system. These values
are used in if-then-else rules to determine the presence and
severity of faults in A/C systems. Once the severity of the
faults is classified, the resulting efficiency loss and potential
energy and cost savings are calculated. This process is
summarized in Figure 3.

Refrigerant under-charge (10): The opposite problem

from refrigerant over-charge; this fault reduces flow speed
Proceedings of the Thrity-Fifth Industrial Energy Technology Conference New Orleans, LA. May 21-24, 2013


System Setup and Data Acquisition

To diagnose the most common faults found in A/C
systems, the fault detection and diagnostic device must take
temperature data at 8 different points in the system and
pressure readings at 2 points in the system. In order to
analyze both split and packaged A/C systems, the design
setup includes several wireless sensors. The base station is
located outdoors near the condenser and compressor, and all
wired sensors feed into that station. All sensors located at the
evaporator communicate data wirelessly to the base station.
A summary of the type and location of sensors used in the
device is found in Table 2.

Figure 3. Programming flow chart for detecting and diagnosing faults in A/C

In determining rules for detection of faults, literature

sources were the primary resource to determine relationships
between a fault and the corresponding temperature
difference. Once the underlying relationships were
established, specific threshold values were researched to
establish an initial correlation between a given temperature
difference and a fault. When threshold values couldnt be
obtained from literature, HVAC manufacturers were
contacted to find general rule-of-thumb relations. The results
for these initial threshold values are given in Table 1. The
values for the tables were obtained from references (1), (3),
(7-10), and (12-18).




Temperature 1

Temperature 2




Inside Air

< 31 F



Outside Air

> 21 F

TXV Setting
Too High



> 12 F

TXV Hunting




Liquid Line


TXV Inlet

> 3 F



Inside Air

> 34 F



Based on (10)



< 12 F



> 15 F



Type of

Type of Sensor

Location of Sensor


Compressor Outlet


Condenser Coil



Expansion Valve



Evaporator Inlet



Evaporator Coil



Evaporator Outlet



Indoor Wet Bulb



Outdoor Ambient Air



Compressor Suction Line



Compressor Discharge Line


In order to forgo the need for pressure taps, pressure

measurements can be derived from available temperature
data. Li has performed work on using virtual sensors to
derive pressure information from temperature readings (11).
A saturated liquid-vapor mixture at a specified temperature
will have a fixed pressure. Knowledge of the temperatures
during evaporation and condensation in the evaporator and
condenser, respectively, will reveal the pressures of the
refrigerant at these points in the system. With known
relations for the pressure drop between these components
and the compressor, the compressor suction and discharge
pressure can be determined. Lis work has shown that this
method is effective in determining accurate values for the
pressure in the system at a given time, eliminating the need
to install pressure taps to obtain necessary pressure readings
(11). Pressure sensors will be used for the prototype to
verify this relationship, but the final design will not include
pressure sensors.

Proceedings of the Thrity-Fifth Industrial Energy Technology Conference New Orleans, LA. May 21-24, 2013


Economic analysis and cost savings estimates

In the rule based method, the amount which a reading
exceeds the specified threshold indicates the degree which a
fault is present. Based on the work of Chen (3), the severity
of each fault can be related to a change in coefficient of
performance (COP) for the system. From the change in COP
for each identified fault, it is simple to calculate the overall
efficiency of the system by multiplying the fault efficiencies
together. After estimating the COP reduction due to each
fault present in the system, coupled with knowledge of the
cost of electricity, the cost savings of repairing the unit can
be estimated with the following equation.


where COPR is the reduction in COP of the unit, P n is the

nominal power of the unit in kW, Celec is the cost of
electrical power in $/kW-hr, and Hop is the operating hours
of the unit
For example, if a liquid line restriction is responsible for a
15% decrease in COP, then the overall efficiency of the
system due to this fault is 85 %. Based on this calculation,
the system can be said to use 1/85%=118% of the power
required by a fault-free system. The excess 18% power
consumption can be eliminated by fixing the liquid line
restriction fault. Chen has determined COP reductions in
efficiency for several different faults at different levels of
severity (3). Linear interpolation between these severities
gives a method for estimating COP loss for each of these

Figure 4: Setup of the laboratory split system to artificially induce faults in

the system.

Temperatures of Refrigerant Throughout the Cycle


Temperature of Refrigerant (C)

= (
) (Pn ) (Celec )(Hop )

Condenser In
Condenser Out
Evaporator In
Evaporator Out




Time (s)




Figure 5: Temperature data of refrigerant during a test when a fault is

artificially induced in the system.

Establishing a baseline system
One of the principal difficulties in development of the fault
detection and diagnostic device lies in validation of the
device for different faults. In order to validate the device, a
laboratory split system has been set up with variable speed
fans, compressor, and a controllable TXV valve to
artificially simulate faults in the system. Figure 4 displays
the laboratory setup of the split system. By installing
multiple pressure transducers, thermocouples, and current
clamps throughout the system, data have been collected for
simulated faults of valve blockage, compressor leakage,
evaporator fouling, and condenser fouling. In simulating a
fault, the system was initially operated normally. After
steady state was reached, the fault was artificially introduced
into the system. Figure 5 shows refrigerant temperature
measurements at various points in the system for one of
these induced faults. As can be seen in the figure, the
temperatures of the refrigerant change when the fault is
introduced around 200 seconds.

Preliminary fault detection

In initially testing the programming logic and threshold
values for the fault detection and diagnostic device, the
artificially simulated fault data were used to determine if the
device can detect the presence of a known fault. These
preliminary tests show the potential of the device to detect
faults. Results from testing the program with an artificial
fault of compressor leakage are shown in Figure 6. As can
be seen in the figure, the program correctly predicted the
presence of this fault using established threshold values.
Correlation of the severity of the fault and subsequent
reduction in COP is currently under progress. Additional
calibration of threshold values is also being performed due
to the presence of some false positives when testing the
simulated fault data for other faults.

Proceedings of the Thrity-Fifth Industrial Energy Technology Conference New Orleans, LA. May 21-24, 2013


The system has successfully been installed and data have

been collected for several split A/C systems within the
required constraints of the TAMU IAC. Additionally,
determination of steady state from raw sensor data using the
moving window average filter has been demonstrated. An
example of data collection and the steady state filter of an
actual field test are displayed in Figure 8.

Figure 6: Results of testing the fault detection threshold values for an

artificially induced fault of compressor leakage.

Initial field tests

In addition to testing the threshold values on simulated
faults, initial field tests have been performed to demonstrate
the effectiveness of the device in setup and collection of
data. In order to accurately detect and diagnose faults, steady
state must be reached and detected by the system. A moving
window average filter has been developed to determine
steady state. Moving window average filters require an error
cutoff value and a slope cutoff value. The moving window
average has been used in precedent with Kims work with
refrigerant charges (10). An example of a moving window
average is given in Figure 7. This figure contains four ranges
of data that consider an equal number of data points. The
minimum and maximum values in each range are
determined to calculate the spread of the temperature data,
and this difference is compared to the prescribed cutoff
value. A linear interpolation is also performed on the data in
the time range, and the slope is compared to a second cutoff
value. If the data in this range pass both criteria, the data are
considered steady state and are passed to the fault diagnostic
functions. If the data are not in steady state, the earliest data
point is discarded and the next data point is added for

Figure 7. Example of moving window average filter

Figure 8: Data collection from a field test along with the working moving
window average filter.


The fault detection and diagnostic device currently is
capable of meeting all of the TAMU IAC constraints in
setup and data collection on split and packaged A/C units.
Additionally, the obtained threshold values for the rule based
method in determining faults have shown preliminary
success in detecting simulated faults in a laboratory A/C
Further validation and refinement of threshold values is
necessary to eliminate false positives and missed faults in
tested artificial simulated faults. This refinement will be
assisted with additional simulated faults in the laboratory
system. Additionally, the laboratory system will be run at
different operating conditions, e.g. different outside air
temperatures, to give robustness in the refined threshold
In addition to refinement of threshold values, the power
usage of the compressor will be monitored to further validate
detected faults. The rated load amperage (RLA) of a
compressor represents the manufacturers anticipated current
draw when the system is running normally (8). The RLA for
the compressor is an important figure because it identifies the
expected current draw by the compressor during fault-free
operation. When certain faults are present, the compressor
must draw a higher current in order to operate. The difference
between RLA and steady state compressor current draw is
representative of the amount of extra energy consumed by the
system. Measuring the power draw of the compressor will aid
in determining the severity of known faults as well as
validate the existence of faults in a system.

Proceedings of the Thrity-Fifth Industrial Energy Technology Conference New Orleans, LA. May 21-24, 2013


Additional methods of fault detection will also be

researched to further improve fault detection and diagnosis.
Other methods proposed by Katipamula as well as analysis
of transients in the A/C units will be explored (6).

The opinions expressed within this paper are of the
authors and do not reflect the opinions of the Industrial
Assessment Center, Texas A&M University, or the AggiEChallenge program.
The authors would like to acknowledge the AggiEChallenge program, the Industrial Assessment Center, and
the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M
University for funding the research and proving the
necessary resources. They would also like to thank Dr.
Andrew Duggleby for his supervision and assistance in the
preparation of the professional aspects of the project.

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Proceedings of the Thrity-Fifth Industrial Energy Technology Conference New Orleans, LA. May 21-24, 2013

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