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Critical evaluation of organizational performance

through the use of different technologies: A case of

Tesco Plc


Introduction................................................................................................................ 2
Aim of Study............................................................................................................ 3
Research Objectives................................................................................................ 3
Research Questions................................................................................................. 3
Significance of Study............................................................................................... 4
Literature Review....................................................................................................... 4
Research Methodology............................................................................................... 8
Research Philosophy................................................................................................ 8
Research Design...................................................................................................... 9
Research Methods................................................................................................. 10
Types of Data......................................................................................................... 11
Data Collection Tools............................................................................................. 11
Sampling Techniques............................................................................................. 12
Data Analysis Methods.......................................................................................... 13
Ethical Considerations........................................................................................... 13
Timeline of Study...................................................................................................... 14
References................................................................................................................ 15

New technologies have been spreading rapidly across the world and have also become
the necessity for organizational effectiveness. In order to enhance competitiveness in
the market, leverage position in the global market and also to exploit resources across
the geographical markets, organizations need to utilize multiple technologies in an
effective manner. Technologies such as computers, software and mobile tools facilitate
organizations to introduce flexible workplace, demonstrate long working hours and
maintain work-life balance. In this respect, it has been expected that utilization of








Generally, organizations need to embrace multiple communication technologies such as
e-mail as the primary method for communication that ultimately makes them to reap
multiple benefits of technology in the current world. Previous studies have demonstrated
that organizations need to embrace new technologies for facilitating quick and reliable
modes of communication that ultimately results in better management of employees and
other resources (Jean et al, 2008). Although some studies have been conducted to
explore the benefits of technology (Sooknanan and Chee, 2014), organizational
effectiveness and also to identify the factors considered in implementation of technology
(Sooknanan and Chee, 2014), the case of impact of technology on organizational
performance has not been largely explored. This raises need of more research in this
topic area.

As technology can assist an economy to gain competitive advantage

through development of new products and services and also through effective
processes (Jean et al., 2008) or by creating new businesses, both practitioners and
academic researchers have been paying their attention to explore the benefits of
technology for organizational success.
The proposed case study is going to explore the adoption and implementation of
specific technologies in the organizations for assessing management effectiveness.
Specifically, the proposed case study has aimed to analyse specific factors that facilitate
and hinder the chosen organization for implementation of technologies to gain
competitive position in the market. In the current globalized world, organizations require

use of multiple technologies for negotiating and communicating with suppliers, partners,
customers and also with other external partners. Previous studies have noted that
organizations need to adopt and implement technologies locally as well as across the
borders to be competitive in the market (Jean et al, 2008). This can be more relevant in
case of multinational organizations that have been operating across the globe.
Therefore, the adoption and implementation of relevant technologies is the paramount
to success for organizations (Sooknanan and Chee, 2014). The proposed study will
consider the implementation of different models such as the Diffusion of Innovation
model (Rogers, 1995) and the Technology Adoption model (Davis, 1989; Kelleher, 2006)
for exploring the extent to which the case study has adopted and implemented new
technologies for enhancing organizational performance and competiveness in the
market. For this purpose, Tesco has been selected as proposed case study to analyse
the organizational success in Tesco through implementation of technologies.

Aim of Study
The aim of the proposed study is to conduct critical evaluation of impact of technology
on organizational performance in Tesco, UK.

Research Objectives
The objectives of the proposed study will be as below:

To analyses the theoretical basis of the technology adoption and implementation

in organizations for enhancing their performance

To analyse the extent to which Tesco, UK has implemented different technologies

in management operations
To examine the impact of implementation of different technologies on

performance and management effectiveness of Tesco, UK

To analyse the limitations of Tesco for implementation of different technologies
To proposed recommendations to management of Tesco for enhancing its
performance through implementation of different technologies

Research Questions
The proposed study will address the following questions:

To what extent Tesco, UK has implemented different technologies across

different fields?
How implementation of different technologies has has influenced performance of

Tesco, UK?
What are limitations faced by Tesco, UK for implementation of different

How can Tesco, UK improve its performance and management effectiveness
through adoption of different technologies?

Significance of Study
The proposed study will be conducted to evaluate the influence of technology on
management effectiveness and performance of Tesco, UK. Although several previous
studies have been conducted in multiple fields such as marketing, supply chain and
finance in the context of technology implementation, the evidence from previous studies
regarding influence of technology on organizational performance is rare. In this way, the
proposed study will be significant for overcoming the literature gap. The findings of the
proposed study will be significant to study the extent to which management function can
be enhanced and improved through implementation of technology. In addition to this,
the findings of proposed study will also be important for the management of Tesco, UK
to identify limitations in technology implementation. In this way, management of Tesco,
UK can take corrective measures for improving its performance through implementation
of technology.

Literature Review
With the advancement of technology and its influence on creation of competitive
advantage, academic researchers and practitioners have been making efforts to study
this research area. In this respect, the previous research can be categorized into two
main categories. The first stream of literature has focused on the description of external
factors for implementation of technology and organizational success, innovation, and
collaboration of external factors and technology for innovation (Rogerio et al., 2007). On
the other hand, the other stream of literature is mainly focused on the analysis of

internal factors such as business strategy, technological capability and corporate culture
and collaboration of employees for implementation of technology (Cooper, 1997).
The process of adopting and implementing new technologies and innovations has been
studies over the last 30 years and it has resulted in the development of specific models.
Among these models, the Diffusion of Innovations has been the critical model for
analyzing the implementation of technology for bringing innovations. From a broad level,
several researchers have used this model to analyze the research problem from
multiple perspectives (Sherry and Gibson, 2002). They have also mentioned that
Diffusion of Innovation has been studied from political, communication, history, public
health, political science, and education disciplines.
Rogers (2003) theory of innovation has been the most appropriate theory for analyzing
the adoption of technology in business and management. In reality, most of the
research on diffusion has aimed at the technological innovations. For Rogers (2003),
technology and innovation are often used as synonyms. He was of the view that
technology is specifically an instrumental design and action that aims at reduction of
uncertainty in the desired outcomes. Furthermore, he classified the technology into two
main parts i.e. hardware and software. The hardware is the component of technology
that embodies at the physical object or material whereas the software is aimed at the
information base for the hardware. Rogers (2003) has also noted that the software is
technological innovation, so its rate of adoption is comparatively slow as compared to
the hardware. Contrary to this, the diffusion of technology is the process through which
innovation is communicated across different channels across a social system (Rogers,
2003; Sooknanan and Chee, 2014). This suggests that the innovation, social system,
time and communication are critical components for organizations to decide the
adoption of technology in an organization. This implies that researchers need to identify
and analyse the factors that influence implementation of technology within an
The globalization process has forced the organizations to change the traditional ways of
doing business. The trend of outsourcing and focus on core capabilities of organizations

has been spreading day by day (Mol et al., 2005; and Espino-Rodriguez and PadronRobaina, 2006). Previous studies have noted that incorporation of technology plays a
critical role in building successful relationships among different business partners (Wang
et al., 2006; and Tompkins et al., 2006). For instance, a large steam of literature has









organizations supply chain management and operations (Sooknanan and Chee, 2014).
These studies have noted that implementation of new technologies have provided
opportunity to organizations to make their processes efficient, thus resulting in higher
organizational performance. However, the existing literature gap is that most of previous
studies have not analyzed overall organizational performance through implementation
of technology rather only evaluated the supply chain performance.
Within literature, several theoretical approaches have been used for analyzing the value
creation in organizations through technology mediation. For instance, several previous
studies have used the resource based view (RBV) to examine the relationship between
business value and technology implementation (Kim et al., 2006; Rai et al., 2006; and
Wu et al., 2006). Most of studies have applied the transaction cost theory to evaluate
that how advancement and implementation of technology transforms the governance
and management structures and results in management effectiveness. In one of the old
studies, Malone et al. (1987) have examined the impact of information technology on
searching and communicating with the business partners. This suggests that the use of
relevant technologies results in low cost and efficient management processes. In the
same line of thought, others have also suggested that technology implementation has
reduced transaction cost and contractual hazards in management (Gurbaxani and
Whang, 1991 and Clemons et al. 1993). Hence, when efficient processes are run with
low cost, organizational performance enhances. On the other hand, other researchers
have suggested that investment made on new technologies paves road for
organizations to gain competitive advantage (Subramani, 2004). This is further in line
with the findings of Rindfleisch and Heide (1997) who suggest that the limited research
on the transaction cost economics (TCE) has made it difficult to assess the empirical
validity and theoretical value of the topic. However, the Resource Based View has
rooted the management strategy for implementation of technology in businesses.

For analyzing the implementation of technologies, most of RBV studies have suggested
that there is need to conduct further research on impacts of technology on
organizational performance (Wade and Hulland, 2004). There is need to explore the
technology related capabilities and evaluate their influence on the organizational
performance. In this regard, Bharadwaj (2000) has defined the technological capability
as the ability of organizations to deploy and implement the technology resources.
Specifically, there are three types of IT related capabilities (Bharadwaj, 2000): a) human
resource, b) infrastructure and c) IT related intangible resources. However, despite of
the conceptual linkage between organizational resources and competitive advantage,
there is still ambiguity and confusion in the application of RBV to analyse business
value through technology. For instance, the conceptualization of information technology
resources is inconclusive that has influenced researchers to conceptualize the
implementation of different technologies for creation of competitive advantage.
Furthermore, researchers also need to discuss how different technologies interact with
the business processes for creating high value (Sooknanan and Chee, 2014). In the
recent past, several studies have been conducted for analyzing the impact of
technology on organizational performance (Jean et al., 2008). This issue has been
discussed in perspective of multiple fields such as supply chain (Sanders, 2005),
marketing (Kim et al., 2005), strategy (Kim and Mahoney, 2006) and information
systems (Rai et al., 2006). However, it is also important to note that there is lack of
empirical evidence about implementation of technology on organizational performance
and this is still fragmented on the comprehensive frameworks.
In the current business environment, organizations have been implemented multiple
technologies for enhancing organizational performance and efficiency. For instance,
adequate literature stream has explained the influence of implantation of Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) for mediating the transactions between buyers and sellers
(Vijayasarathy and Robey, 1997; Chatfield and Yetton, 2000). The

Electronic Data

Interchange has been suggested to create economic value through low inventory
carrying cost, transaction cost and obsolescence and also through timely exchange of
information across different partners (Mukhopadhyay and Kekre, 2002; Jean et al ,
2008).However, others have suggested that the implementation of EDI is not always

related with the creation of high value in the organizations (Naude et al., 2000), and
specifically this technology is difficult to be implemented in complex systems (Zhu et al.,
2006). Other researchers have suggested that many organizations have been
implementing internet related technologies for making their supply chains efficient and
effective that will ultimately enhance the organizational performance (Lancioni et al.,
2000). The main reason behind this can be the flexible process and low transaction and
management cost in operations (Zhu et al., 2006). This implies that organizations have
gone beyond the implementation of traditional technologies to the deployment of
resources for using internet related technologies. Previous researchers have further
noted that the implementation of internet related technologies enhance the relationship
between different partners and networks and ultimately deliver sustainable outcomes
(Devaraj et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2006).
On the whole, the literature on the stated topic has largely focused on the RBV for
analyzing the technology implementation in organizations. However, there is need to
conduct further research for getting empirical evidence on the relationship between
technology and organizational performance. The proposed study will be conducted to fill
this literature gap and examine the extent to which performance of Tesco has been
enhanced through implementation of different technologies.

Research Methodology
This section of proposal has been aimed at development of relevant methodology for
studying the impact of technology on organizational performance in Tesco, UK. The
main contents of this section include research philosophy, research design, research
methods, and types of data, and data collection tools to be used in the proposed study.
In addition, this section also provides description of sampling techniques and data
analysis methods that will be used in the proposed study for analyzing the impact of
technology on organizational performance in Tesco, UK.

Research Philosophy
The first important consideration in the research methodology is the decision of relevant
philosophy. William (2005) has defined the research philosophy as the authors opinions

and assumptions that are further used for development of research strategy and
collection of relevant data. In this particular study, the researcher has taken
consideration of appropriate philosophy so that justified conclusion of impact of
technology on organizational performance of Tesco can be derived.
The proposed study will be conducted through positivism philosophy to analyse the
extent to which technology influences organizational success in Tesco, UK. Positivism
philosophy basically belongs to epistemology that is further described as a philosophy
of knowing something (Monette et al., 2005). The positivism philosophy adheres to the
facts that are gained through observation (William, 2005). It only focuses on trustworthy
facts and data. The researcher will use the positivism philosophy to get reliable facts
regarding technology adoption and implementation in Tesco and also to analyze its
impacts on the organizational success. Through positivism philosophy, the researcher
will get quantified information regarding adoption and implementation of technology in
Tesco and this will further be utilized for getting statistical or mathematical interpretation
of the results. In this way, the aim of proposed will be attained through quantified
interpretation of facts.

Research Design
Research design has been defined as the overall strategy that is used for integration of
different components of study in a logical and coherent manner for ensuring attainment
of aims and objectives of study in an effective manner (Vander and Johnson, 2010).
Alternatively, it can be said as the blueprint of data collection tools, measurement
techniques and analysis of the results. In the proposed study, appropriate research
design will be chosen for getting logical interpretation of impact of technology on
organizational performance of Tesco.
For the proposed study, conclusive research design will be used. Nargundkar (2008)
suggests that conclusive research design is based on use of advanced analytical
techniques, statistical tools, and larger sample size for analysis of research problem. In
the proposed study, the researcher will implement the conclusive research design to get
quantitative evaluation of the impact of technology on organizational performance of
Tesco, UK. Within this research deign, the researcher will implement the descriptive

techniques to generate relevant data and explain the characteristics of the targeted
population. Through descriptive design, the researcher will analyse the extent to which
employees and managers of Tesco adopt and implement the technology for improving
organizational performance. This research design will be aligned with the positivism
philosophy for evaluating the research aims and objectives.

Research Methods
The research methods represent the specific techniques through which data is collected
and analyzed. There are two categories of research methods i.e. qualitative and
quantitative (Monette et al., 2005). The quantitative research methods involve the
collection of data in forms of charts, numbers and graphs whereas qualitative research
methods involve collection of data in the form of words and texts (Denscombe, 2004). In
the proposed study, the researcher will implement the combination of qualitative and
quantitative methods for evaluating the impact of technology on organizational
performance of Tesco, UK in a justifiable manner.
Vander and Johnson (2010) have defined quantitative methods as techniques for
collection of numerical data that exhibit the association between facts and theory. In the
proposed study, the researcher will implement the quantitative methods for collecting
facts and real data regarding implementation of different technologies in Tesco. These
methods will be appropriate for analyzing the extent to which Tesco implements different
technologies and also for analyzing how these technologies influence the performance
of Tesco, UK.
The proposed study will also involve the qualitative methods that aim at getting in depth
and detailed understanding of research aims and objectives (Denscombe, 2004). The
qualitative methods are appropriate for understanding a problem through words and
detailed data rather than through numerical information. In the proposed study, the
researcher will implement the qualitative methods to get detailed data from managers of
Tesco regarding use of different technologies and their influence on the organizational

The results of qualitative and quantitative data will be integrated and compared to get in
depth understanding of impact of technology on performance of Tesco, UK. In this way,
numerical data and textual data will be compared to get justified interpretation of the

Types of Data
Data is the critical component of a study because conclusion of the research is based
on the type of data. There are two categories of data i.e. primary and secondary
(William, 2005). The primary data is the type of information that is collected for the first
time (Denscombe, 2004). This data is not available in any prior resource. The collection
of primary data is a difficult process because it involves efforts and time of the
researcher. Another important characteristic of primary data is high originality because it
is not processed. On the other hand, the secondary data is the form of data that is
available in previous records and sources (William, 2005). This data is already
processed and analyzed; hence its originality is low. However, the secondary data is
important for studying the previous literature streams regarding the research aims and
In the proposed study, the use of primary data will be important for analyzing the extent
to which Tesco has implemented different technologies and also to find the impact of
technology implementation on organizational performance of Tesco, UK. On the other
hand, the use of secondary data will be important for studying previous models and
theories regarding implantation of technology. Through secondary data, the researcher
will identify the gaps in previous literature. In the next section, data collections tools
used in the proposed study have been described in detail.

Data Collection Tools

Primary data can be collected through different tools such as surveys, interviews and
observations. However, all these tools will not be implemented in the proposed study. In
order to analyse the impact of different technologies on organizational performance of
Tesco, UK, survey and interview tools will be used.

The survey tool will be implemented for collecting data about technology implementation
in Tesco. The survey is appropriate for collecting numerical data from a large population
in shirt duration by using a single questionnaire (William, 2005).

A standardized

questionnaire can be used for collecting data from managers and employees of Tesco,
UK. Because of following benefits, survey tool will be used in the proposed study: a) it
does not take more time and to collect data from a large population through survey, b)
the cost of data collection through survey is not high because a single questionnaire is
adequate for collection of information from targeted population, and c) survey is
appropriate for collecting multiple forms of data from targeted population. Although
survey is appropriate for collecting relevant data, but it also involves some limitations.
For instance, a poorly constructed questionnaire can be ineffective for collection of
relevant data from the target population (William, 2005). Survey can generate vague
responses from participants if they do not understand the purpose of questions.


colleting the relevant data through survey, the researcher will develop an appropriate
questionnaire. This questionnaire will be clear and aligned so that employees
understand the purpose of questions regarding impact of technology on organizational
performance of Tesco, UK.
For analyzing the aims and objectives of the proposed study, the researcher will design
a close ended questionnaire. The close ended questionnaire will be developed around
the Likert Scale. The close ended questionnaire will be appropriate for collecting
numerical data from employees and managers of Tesco, UK regarding implementation
and influence of technologies. This questionnaire will have two main parts. In the first
part, important questions regarding age, gender and duration of service in Tesco will be
included. On the other hand, the second part of questionnaire will include important
questions regarding implementation and influence of technology on Tesco, UK.
The proposed study will also involve interview tool for collection of qualitative data that
is in the form of words and text. For getting detailed data from managers of Tesco, UK,
the researcher will implement structured interviews. Through structured interviews, the
researcher will get detailed data regarding technology implementation in Tesco and also

for analyzing the impact of technology on the performance of organization. This data will
be in words and will appropriately demonstrate the purpose of research.

Sampling Techniques
Sample refers to the representative component of the targeted population (William,
2005). The target population of the proposed study will involve the employees and
managers of Tesco, UK. From this population, a sample of 100 staff members of Tesco,
UK will be chosen through convenience sampling technique. This sample will be
selected for conduction of survey. By applying the same technique, another sample of 5
management staff of Tesco, UK will be chosen for conduction of interviews.


convenience sampling is appropriate for the selection of relevant components of target

population in short duration. This technique will be appropriate for sample selection in
short duration. Only those components will be chosen who will be easily accessible. In
this way, the sample selection process will be completed in short duration without any

Data Analysis Methods

The data collected through survey and interviews will be analyzed through descriptive
and simple statistical tools. The data will be tabulated on MS Excel and relevant
techniques will be applied for driving graphs and percentages. This data will be further
discussed in detail to evaluate the impact of different technologies on organizational
performance of Tesco, UK. Furthermore, the results of primary data will be discussed in
detailed with use of relevant theoretical models. In this way, the process of data analysis
will be aligned with the descriptive research design and positivism philosophy.
Moreover, this data analysis method will also satisfy the purpose of the study to analyse
the impact of different technologies on organizational performance of Tesco, UK.

Ethical Considerations
In the proposed study, the researcher will consider the relevant ethical issues. Ethics
refer to the moral values that define what is right and what is wrong. In the same
manner, the researcher will also consider important ethical issues to accomplish the
proposed study in a right way.

First of all, the researcher will get permission from management of Tesco, UK for
collection of relevant data. After getting permission from management of Tesco, UK, the
researcher will select the sample subjects and demonstrate them about the aims and
objectives of study. No pressure or influence will be made on research participants for
collection of data. The collected data will be kept safe and will not be leaked to any third
The data will be analyzed fairly without any ambiguity and biased opinion. In addition to
this, appropriate evidence of results will also be provided to support the findings of the
study. Besides this, the researcher will also cite all important secondary data sources
throughout the study.

Timeline of Study
Following timeline will be used for accomplishing the proposed study:


Research proposal




















literature review
Deciding research







through survey and


Analysis of data




Final submission


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